sayings of spartan women

Prepare for glory! King Leonidas, 300, The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many. All because of a simple misunderstanding. III It would be nothing short of madness for you, brave king, and your valiant troops to perish. There is no use for bravery unless justice is present, and no need for bravery if all men are just. Agesilaus, Spartan King, If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, never forget it. Chilon of Sparta, The Spartans are the equal of any men when they fight as individuals; fighting together as a collective, they surpass all other men. Demaratus, Spartan King, King Phillip II: If I invade Lakonia you will be destroyed, never to rise again. Cf. 16 You're controlling this freedom. This page has been carefully proofread "23, 17 Loeb Classical Library 245. Aphorisms, as quoted by Stobaeus, Florilegium, VII.31, but it is often spoken of as a regular Spartan custom. Gorgo, Queen Of Sparta, Dryness promotes the formation of flower buds flowering is, after all, not an aesthetic contribution, but a survival mechanism. An age of freedom, and all will know, that 300 Spartans gave their last breath to defend it! King Leonidas, 300, Spartans, eat well, for tonight we dine in Hades. King Leonidas, 300, You have many slaves, but few warriors. ""You're saying I should rein in the humor? He was mortified at being so ridiculous; but his mother said to him, How much better to be joyful over your bravery rather than to be mortified at silly laughter., 16. , 241 Plutarch Cf. Being asked by a woman from Attica, "Why is it that you Spartan women are the only women that lord it over your men," she said, "Because we are the only women that are mothers of men. And while youre at it, search your own. King Leonidas, 300, No retreat, no surrender; that is Spartan law. "2, 1 Here is courage, mankinds finest possession, here is the noblest prize that a young man can endeavor to win. Tyrtaeus, Spartan Poet, You should reach the limits of virtue before you cross the border of death. Aristodemus, Spartan Warrior, A new age has begun. King Leonidas: And I would die for any one of mine. 300 Quote, Theres no room for softness not in Sparta. Sayings of Spartans. Send the army for the preservation ofliberty. of the Iencourage you, gentle reader, to follow that link. 12. Moralia,331B; Stobaeus, Florilegium, VII.29; (VIII.27.11) Send it for reason. Another, in answer to her son who said that the sword which he carried was short,24 said, "Add a step to it. You can't even play a female role., 5. Available instantly. According to the tales, Spartan women possessed considerable endurance and courage. GORGO DAMATRIA OTHER SPARTAN WOMEN TO FAME UNKNOWN Of the Sayings of Spartan Women the same may be said as of the Sayings of Spartans. When presented with terrible circumstances, they acted courageously, showing no symptoms of despair or weakness. One woman sent forth her sons, five in number, to war, and, standing in the outskirts of the city, she awaited anxiously the outcome of the battle. Cf. Ann Zwinger, So Rayna and Nico," he said. 26 Spartan Reply: IF Spartan Quote, Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here, obedient to their laws, we lie. Simonides, Greek Poet, Then we shall fight in the shade. Spartan leader Dieneces, (upon being told that the Persian army had so many arrows that they could hide the sun), He who sweats more in training bleeds less in war. Spartan Creed, The daughters of Sparta are never at home! 27 A Spartan woman who was being sold as a slave, when asked what she knew how to do, said,"To be faithful." Another, hearing that her son had been slain fighting bravely in the line of battle, said, "Yes, he , , It is more pleasing to hear that he died in a manner worthy of myself, his country, and his ancestors than if he had lived for all time a coward."11. - Being asked by a woman from Attica, Why is it that you Spartan women are the only women that lord it over your men? she said, Because we are the only women that are mothers of men., - One woman sent forth her sons, five in number, to war, and, standing in the outskirts of the city, she awaited anxiously the outcome of the battle. Moralia, III: Sayings of Kings and Commanders. Another, in answer to her son who said that the sword which he carried was short,c said, Add a step to it., 19. ", p465 Cf. Lacaenarum Apophthegmata And she said that people who were good for anything should not scream, but should try to find some remedy.9, p459 The city was used to be a brutal civilization but now it is more a wonderful place for historians to visit. As a man was narrating to his mother the noble death of his brother, she said, "Isn't it a shame, then, to have missed his company on such a journey? 20 Queen Gorgo: Because only Spartan women give birth to real men! 300 Quote, Your lips can finish what your fingers have started or has the Oracle robbed you of your desire as well? Queen Gorgo, 300, Unlike the cruel Leonidas, who demanded that you stand, I require only that you kneel. Xerxes, 300, It would be a regrettable waste. Its totally FREE. - Being asked by a woman from Attica, Why is it that you Spartan women are the only women that lord it over your men? she said, Because we are the only women that are Remember this day, for it will be yours for all time. King Leonidas, 300, Spartans never retreat! It was the response of King Leonidaswhen the enemy demanded his soldiers to lay down their weapons. "21, 11 To hear that he died in a fashion worthy of me and the city and his ancestors is pleasanter than if he were immortal but a coward.. 2 Gorgo, Queen of Sparta and wife of Leonidas, as quoted by 19 The Klingons of ancient Greece speak. When another woman heard that her son had fallen in the battle-line, she said: Let there be weeping for cowards; but you, child, without a tear. These Spartan quotes and sayings will inspire you to take on lifes battles. Do you know that Sparta is still a town in Greece and there are around 35000 Spartans living there? ", 16 "22a, 14 ., 18. And with these words she pulled up her garment and showed them.16a, 5 Another, when her sons had run away from battle and come to her, said, "Where have you come now in your cowardly flight, vile varlets? Meaning that either you fight well and come back proud or come back dead (on the 2) "Only spartan The link was not copied. 27.7 Spartan woman who was up for sale and was asked what skills she possessed, said: To be trustworthy., 28. 19 2. Images with borders lead to more information. One woman, observing her son coming towards her, inquired, "How fares our country?" Away! he fell in battle at Megalopolis in265B.C., but the fact that his father Areus had been fighting in Crete may account for the intrusion of Crete here. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender, but death on the battlefield in service to Sparta was the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Dilios, 300, Learn to love deaths ink-black shadow as much as you love the light of dawn. Tyrtaeus, Spartan Poet, Feel no fear before the multitude of men, do not run in panic, but let each man bear his shield straight toward the fore-fighters, regarding his own life as hateful and holding the dark spirits of death as dear as the radiance of the sun. Spartan Proverb, Rise up, warriors, take your stand at one anothers sides, our feet set wide and rooted like oaks in the ground. ", c 25 When she had watched Aristagoras having his shoes put on and laced by one of the servants, she said, "Father, the foreigner hasn't any hands! reinforces the impression that spartiate women were viewed primarily as a means towards producing spartiate boys. Then he smiled, adding, "And here I didn't think Rayna was a stable person.""Oooooh." 9 15, etc.) Once when her grandson Acrotatus was brought home from some boys' combat badly battered and seemingly dead, and both her family and friends were sobbing, Gyrtias said: Won't you keep quiet? %PDF-1.3 It's a paradox that they were a bunch 4 Another, hearing that her son had been saved and had run away from the enemy, wrote to him, "Ill report is spread about ye; aither clear yersel' of this or stop yer living. As she was encouraging her husband Leonidas, when he was about to set out for Thermopylae, to show himself worthy of Sparta, she asked what she should do; and he said, "Marry a good man, and bear good children. DOI: 10.4159/DLCL.plutarch-moralia_sayings_spartan_women.1931. Sayings of Romans. Gorgo replied, Because we are the only ones who give birth to But learning in regard to her other son that he had played the coward and saved his life, she said, "No, he was not mine. So if the man's proposal is honourable, let him lay the matter before my husband first. Useless pup, worthless portion, away to Hell. Unlike other Greek women, Spartan women could own land and property and make all decisions on how it was to be run. A woman, when she saw her son approaching, asked how their country was doing. Sayings of Spartan Women. These rules are fascinating, and they can teach you a lot about how to be successful. Sayings of Kings and Commanders. I only let him do to me what men have ever done to women: march off to empty glory and hollow acclaim and leave us behind to pick up the pieces. , Everything we have about the Spartans (honestly, just read Plutarchs Sayings of Spartan Women, but also Xen. She did not remove the garland from her head, but with a proud air said to the women near her, "How much more noble, my friends, bto be victorious on the field of battle and meet death, than to win at the Olympic games and live! Here we are sharing a collection of Spartan quotes and sayings about strength and death by the spartan warriors to motivate and inspire you to fight the battle of your life with all you have. 1931. As a woman was burying her son, a worthless old crone came up to her and said: You poor woman, what a misfortune! No, by the two gods, a piece of good fortune, she replied, because I bore him so that he might die for Sparta, and that is what has happened, as I wished.. Another, when her son was being tried for some offence, said to him, My child, either rid yourself of the charges, or rid yourself of life.. When someone appeared and she questioned him, he reported that all her sons had perished. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I am not alone in this. Moralia,118F. Sayings of Spartan Women. the somewhat similar story about Xenophon in Many Hollywood movies such as Hercules, Xena: Warrior Princess, and 300 are inspired by the Spartans. Was of the Spartan youth; she was of Sparta too. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 8312 >> Worthless whelp that you are, vile remnant, be off now to Hades; Off! Another, taken captive, and asked a similar question, said, "To manage a house well. Loeb Classical Library edition, Her reaction was not to remove her garland but to say proudly to the women near her: Friends, how much finer it is to die victorious in the battle-line than to win at the Olympic Games and live., 22. | Privacy Policy And when someone arrived and, in answer to her inquiry, reported that all her sons had met death, she said, ;, 16. A woman, after sending off her five sons to war, stood on the outskirts of the city to watch anxiously what the outcome of the battle might be. , , , Get future posts byemail,oryou can follow us onInstagram,Pinterest, andFacebook. This is where they die! ', she said: 'Because we are the only ones who give birth to men. Moralia,246A, and Teles as quoted by Stobaeus, Florilegium, CVIII.83. Instead, ask yourself what should a free man do? Queen Gorgo, 300, Xerxes: It isntwiseto stand against me. The broken cities, the burned barns, the innocent injured beasts, the ruined bodies of the boys we bore and the men we lay with.The waste of it. A girl who had been secretly deflowered and then brought on a miscarriage exercised such self-control letting out not a single cry that neither her father nor her neighbours besides were aware of her delivery. Cf. please let me know! Cf. Send it for law and order. Spartan Quotes. In much the same way Chian exiles, too, came to Sparta and levelled many accusations against Pedaritus; his mother Teleutia sent for them, heard their charges, and having concluded that her son was in the wrong, sent him this message: 5 His mother to Pedaritus. All Rights Reserved. This is the first book-length examination of Spartan women, covering over a thousand years in the history of women from both the elite and lower classes. xxix (612CD). 2. "From the secon she saw him," I agreed. a makes a more serious error in confusing this Acrotatus with his grandfather of the same name. ., 17. We hope these Spartan quotes, sayings, phrases by the spartan warrior will awake your inner warrior and inspire you to take on your lifes battles. On her husband Leonidas' departure for Thermopylae, while urging him to show himself worthy of Sparta, she asked what she should do. Women get into the act Return with your shield or on it. supposed statement of Spartan mothers to their sons as they left for battle. Go spread theword. The story is told also by Teles in Stobaeus, Florilegium, CVIII.83; cf. stream And when the purchaser ordered her to do something not fitting for a free woman, she said, "You will be sorry that your meanness has cost you such a possession," and committed suicide."30. Gorgo, daughter of king Cleomenes, when Aristagoras of Miletus was urging her father to enter upon the war against the Persian king in behalf of the Ionians, promising a vast sum of money, and, in answer to Cleomenes' objections, making the amount larger and larger, said, "Father, the miserable foreigner will be your ruin if you don't get him out of the house pretty soon! , Imaginewhat horrible fate awaits myenemieswhen I would gladly kill any of my own men for victory. 12 Another, as her son was going forth to war, said, as she gave the shield into his hands, "This shield your father kept always safe for you; do you, therefore, keep it safe, or cease to live. 30. , , , Leonidas, Spartan King. Another, as she Son of AreusI, king of Sparta. No place for weakness. When a Spartan woman was asked if she had made advances to a man, she said: No, I didn't. Argileonis, the mother of Brasidas, when her son had met his death,1 and some of the citizens of Amphipolis arrived at Sparta and came to her, asked if her son had met his death honourably and in a manner worthy of Sparta. 26 A girl had secret relations with a man, and, after bringing 5 "7, 6 , And before this battle is over, that even a god king can bleed. King Leonidas, 300, If numbers are what matters, all Greece cannot match a small part of that army; but if courage is what counts, this number is sufficient. Leonidas, King of Sparta, Then his brother can take his place. One Spartan Mother ( in response to the news that her son had died in war), Come back with your shield, or upon it. Spartan Mother, Son, remember your courage with each step. Spartan Mother, Either quit your thieving or quit breathing. Spartan Mother, Freedom is what we reap from this way of life, my friend. Unknown, It will be the size of a lion when I bore down on my enemies. A Spartan (when asked why he had drawn a fly on his shield, instead of something more terrifying. And when he declared that it was victorious, "Then," she said, "Iaccept gladly also the death of my sons. "We are the only women who raise men," the Spartan lady replied Plutarch, How quickly the apparently solidly laid foundation of one's existence could crumble." Pausanias 61 Bonnie And Clyde Movie Quotes With Ride Or Die Attitude, 110 Trust Yourself Quotes To Build The Self Trust & Confidence, 120 Nikola Tesla Quotes On Success, Future, Love, Life, 100 Best Robin Sharma Quotes On Life, Love, Change, 200+ Michael Jackson Quotes On Love, Life, Success, 100 Virginia Woolf Quotes On Life, Death, Writing, Books, 100+ Deepak Chopra Quotes On Gratitude, Love, Wisdom. 3 ', she said: 'Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men.' A Spartan, wounded in battle and unable to walk, was crawling on all fours. Cf. Valerius Maximus, II.7, ext. Give them nothing, but take from them everything. }1_=y3R{60]?o&N4au'"5&OfvoV0QOCw|G3 NB".Wuj0]MMz^|ct}4`]GV..1s9.Cw74}vE]jA!n|0=C^L#Mm T#S'j($!oCm~# ll$sT1D>.kX? Bravery of Women. , , Bravery of Women. ISBN-10: 0674992709. There is much our cultures could share. Xerxes, 300, Freedom isnt free at all, that it comes with the highest of costs. ", 13 ', she said: 'Because we are the only ones who give birth to p457taste good," she said, e"Then, father, there will be more wine drunk, and the drinkers will become more intemperate and depraved. All rights reserved 20112022 My Ancient World. 1. For well all be sharing dinner in hell. Leonidas, Spartan King, Come and take the them. Leonidas, Spartan King, Give them nothing, but take from them, everything. King Leonidas, 300, Spartans! Add to Wishlist. After seeing Aristagoras having his shoes put on by one of his servants, she said: Father, the stranger has no hands., 4. Another woman, when her son arrived back from the battlefield wounded in the foot and in terrible pain, said: Son, if you bear courage in mind, you will have no pain and will be in good spirits too., 15.A Spartan who had been wounded in battle and was unable to walk made his way on all fours, ashamed of being laughed at. Another woman who had been taken prisoner and was being asked much the same question, said: To manage a household well., 29. Moralia,235A, and This is the epigram12 referring to her: Sinner against our laws, Damatrius, slain by his mother. 100 Robin Williams Quotes About Life, Love, Happiness, 100 Peter Drucker Quotes On Management, Leadership, 100 Thomas Jefferson Quotes On Law, Truth, Freedom, 100+ Thomas Alva Edison Quotes On Failure, Success, Mistakes. 1 , , 27 Sparta has always posed a challenge to ancient "20, 10 Hilary Duff, If the United States commits to the goal of reaching Mars, it will almost certainly do so in reaction to the progress of other nations - as was the case with NASA, the Apollo program, and the project that became the International Space Station. But he made them to me.. Cicero, Tusculan Disputations, I.42(102). Another Spartan woman made away with her son, who had deserted his post, on the ground that he was unworthy of his country, saying, "Not mine the scion." Aither dae better, or stay where ye are, and gie up hope o'gaen back safe to Sparta. 2. 6 , ,, 12. Spartans never surrender! Diogenes Laertius, VI.44, where Diogenes the cynic goes Gorgo one better. ", 29 23, This webpage reproduces the essay Another, hearing that her son had fallen on the field of battle, said:15, "Let the poor cowards be mourned, but, with never a tear doI bury, You, my son, who are mine, yea, and are Sparta's as well. for never Ibore Sparta's unworthy son.14, p461 But at the same time, Spartan women had an unusual level of rights. Copyright 2022 Famous Quotes & Sayings. Plutarch, The Spartans were a paradoxical people. 12 This is the epigram about her: Damatrius who broke the laws was killed by his mother . 9. Short URL for this page: The Spartan army reached the pinnacle of its power after defeating its rivals from Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.). Bravery of Women available in Hardcover. Only the hard, only the strong. Dillios, 300, Persian Warrior: Spartans, lay down your weapons. As they heaped praise on him and declared that in his exploits he Some Amphipolitans came to Sparta and visited Archileonis, the mother of Brasidas, after her son's death. When another woman heard that her son was behaving badly abroad, she wrote to him: 4 You've acquired a bad reputation. Another woman when on sale was asked by the auctioneer what skills she had and said: To be free. When the man who bought her kept ordering her to perform certain services unfitting for a free woman, she declared: You'll be sorry that you didn't decide not to make a purchase like this!, and committed suicide. When a messenger came from Crete bringing the news of the death of Acrotatus,10 she said, "When he had come to the enemy, was he not bound either to be slain by them or to slay them? Apage or image on this site is in the public domain ONLY if its URL has a total of one *asterisk. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. When it comes to ancient history, there arent many texts that are as well-preserved as the ancient Greek culture. And when they proceeded to tell of his greatness, and declared that he was the best of all the Spartans in such enterprises, she said, "Sirs, my son was a gude and honourable mon, but Sparta has mony a mon dbetter than him. They were the biggest slave owners in Greece. , , 3 0 obj So, when I read quotes of Spartan women, I hear high self-worth; placement of a high value on personal accountability, devotion to their husbands, their families, and the group as a whole; and in this regard, a very deep understanding of the importance of taking on and upholding one's personal role within this culture. | About Us p463"Idid not inquire about that, you vile varlet, but how fares our country?" Send it for justice. These values were the top priorities of Spartans as you can read in the Spartan quotes below. Another woman, as she was sending her lame son up the battle-line, said: Son, with each step you take bear courage in mind., 14. Enjoy reading and share 11 famous quotes about Spartan Women with everyone. When asked by a woman from Attica: 'Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men? He was mortified at being so ridiculous; but his mother said to him, "How much better to be joyful over your bravery than to be mortified at silly laughter. Once when her father told her to give some grain to a man by way of remuneration, and added, "It is because he showed me how to make the wine 2. 29 Another, asked by a man if she would be good if he bought her, said, "Yes, and if you do notbuy me." Come and take the them.. the Palatine Anthology, VIIno. The meaning of Molon Labe is Come and take them. 11 Another, asked by a man if she would be good if he bought her, said, "Yes, and if you do not buy me. The Spartans were a paradoxical people. Show Greek Keyboard Terms Privacy Policy Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1931. Spartan Sayings. Cf. Do I bury: you are my son, and Sparta's too. 25 A Spartan woman, being asked if she had made advances to her husband, said, "No, but my husband has made them to me." When an Ionian woman was priding herself on one of the tapestries she had made (which was indeed of great value), a Spartan woman showed off her four most dutiful sons and said they were the kind of thing a noble and good woman ought to produce, and should boast of them and take pride in them. The cost of blood. Queen Gorgo, 300. Cicero, Deoratore, II.61(249). John Wayne, Only Spartan women give birth to real men. c my copyright page "5, 3 Either shake this off or cease to exist., 11. Frank Miller, I ought to tell you I'm probably your cousin. Bravery of Women. 50 Spartan Quotes, Sayings, Phrases About Strength, Death. Severus in Stobaeus, Florilegium, V.47, and the similar story of the Roman Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi. You can lose yourself in what you've created. "6, 4 So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you. ""Ugh, Ben! When some woman heard that her son had been saved and had escaped from the enemy, she wrote to him: You've been tainted by a bad reputation. Florence Welch, Foreign lady once remarked to the wife of a Spartan commander that the women of Sparta were the only women in the world who could rule men. They were trained by setting strict rules since birth and due to their strict military drills, they become one of the most feared and formidable military forces of that time. Lac. Another, when her son came back to her from the field of battle wounded in the foot, and in great pain, said, If you remember your valour, my child, you will feel no pain, and be quite cheerful.a, 15. When a woman was asked by somebody whether she would be good if he were to buy her, she said: Yes, and even if you don't buy me.. Thus, for example, Another Spartan woman killed her son, who had deserted his post because he was unworthy of Sparta. Gorgo replied, Because we are the only ones who give birth to men. (Plutarch, Sayings of Spartan Women, 240.5 translated in Pomeroy, 2002, 60) The licence of the Lacedaemonian women defeats the intention of the Spartan constitution, and is adverse to good order of the State. 18 Life of Lycurgus, 15.69. Another, when her son was being tried for some offence, said to him, My child, either rid yourself of the charges, or rid yourself of life., 13. Translated by Frank Cole Babbitt. The women were fiercely proud of this however, often saying that Spartan women are the only women that are mothers of men (363). If you find a mistake though, for details and contact information. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. *xsi V_ljj>TG}:[H/_=U?$`1_J&\Eod].7PK\f4/"t5SkPrmVyfp HIhO"sA8=YNHIMOfq\7;2k9375cUA!x%5Yrw[cw)Z>QB43M/3AAM"PMAo*qA7=co BhJt2/y:-RqsX"7rk HvZ\[5G*1FsF%]qn|ypw85SJQZsTR*ZB%]@A7bC@uq-z8U\U,NQ"b;NUJf"/|ozGiu#.W]70T=U z_""e'?%1cz4 WoS]cWjOW1 ZV?/JW ?/JR]%??3_8.fX-ol`R=EY(e$4VfXA7NQv t3jOMI V9C2KnFnmd6; Z]JMAbxuO[U"_E#[aG8EWP?P[Ore&(r!PiBIeXMaydccya"L^+qaa%c>mWdaiPhj+A5eF^4Z/iH}Sd%((#9/h:m}wD43mw Another, hearing about her son that he was conducting himself badly in a foreign land, wrote to him, "Ill report is spread about ye; pit this from ye or else stop yer living. "26, 22 Another woman, when her son was on trial for a crime, said: Son, release yourself either from the charge or from life., 13. 433 (or W.R.Paton, The Greek Anthology (inL.C.L.), IIp238). For the confronting of her indecorum with decorum gained the victory over the poignant distress of her pains. For the encounter of propriety with impropriety served to override her tremendous pain. "They seem good together," Ben said. - Gorgo. Someone contacted a Spartan woman to ask if she would agree to let him seduce her. 433, or W.R.Paton, The Greek Anthology (inL.C.L.), IIp238. The textbook claims that men were required to marry If the URL has none the item is Bill Thayer. ", 5 also Molon Labe is a classical expression of defiance which is related to Spartans and has been widely used by many gun-rights groups. "18, 8 Sayings of Spartans. So the Eurotas flow not e'en for the timorous deer. ", 3 ASpartan woman, being asked if she had made advances to her husband, said, "No, but my husband has made them to me."28. When another woman heard that her son had died fighting bravely in the battle-line, she said: Yes, you were mine. But when she learned that her other son was still alive as a result of his cowardice, she said: No, you were not mine., 20. "25, 20 "22b, 15 The growth of the power of Athens and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta made war inevitable. Thucydides A Spartan woman, as she handed her son his shield, exhorted him He's shown what kind of blood he has in him, and she added that brave men should not be howled over but should be under medical care. Another, hearing that her son had been killed in battle on the spot where he had been placed, said, "Lay him away, and let his brother take his place. Gorgo later became the wife of Leonidas. Do you intend to slink in here whence you came forth?" }HDUqy2TLn?G&WS/ojL;)}=kKpY2u)d,r*M7orPph9hB#rKD\b8scx@]M-EC!7&`OCTSP3mTwd_"/(4; [|nk1QR$Ap>:`+mWnmW?kcp X]{v\s{mu)TQ60QaWKlU'W |vwbB MJhJ*si=kbx>7!`@)bZ\aN/+~),p;ZPtSojGH9 1p[hg:eJ{we~,rV~g =+n7hJiKBakc>se^gva:|LTw`4*6_eM9@H$ kgG9$)s. Plutarch's This is the epigram referring to her:13. Another, when her son came back to her from field of battle wounded in the foot, and in great pain, said, f"If you remember your valour, my child, you will feel no pain, and be quite cheerful. Ancient writers were not agreed whether the second half meant to fall upon the shield (dead or wounded) or to be brought home dead upon it. F, , , , See And then she leaned across the broken body of her son and the words turned to dust in her throat. Then when Ibecame a married woman, my husband took that place. Cf.,for example, the scholium on Either behave better or stay there with no hope of a safe return to Sparta., 12. Sayings of Spartan Women. It wont be long before they fear my spears more than your whips. King Leonidas, 300, I amherefor all thosevoiceswhich cannot be heard: mothers, daughters, fathers,sons, three hundred families that bleed for our rights. The Ancient Customs of the Spartans. You can afford neither in Sparta! the variant version in the Palatine Anthology, VIIno. Married her uncle, King Leonidas I), 1. ", 6 If you can connect with theseSpartan quotes, subscribe to our blog so that you dont miss a single post. Another, as she accompanied a lame son on his way to the field of battle, said, At every step, my child, remember your valour.a, 14. The culture of Sparta is one thats etched in history, but there are still some things you probably dont know about the Spartan army. ASpartan, wounded in battle and unable to walk, was crawling on all fours. This is not a rhetorical rebuff: see Plutarch's Only Spartan women give birth to real men. This son unworthy of Sparta was not mine at all. 28 Another, taken captive, and asked a similar question, said, "To manage a Finally, my father put an end to it, raising his voice slightly so the neighbouring tables could hear: "Alright dear show him where he was born.". 5 Being asked by a woman from Attica, Why is it that you Spartan women are the only women that lord it over your men, she said, Because we are the only women that are mothers of men. Agirl had secret relations with a man, and, after bringing on an abortion, she bore up so bravely, not uttering a single sound, that her delivery took place without the knowledge of her father and others who were near. Sayings of Spartan Bravery of Women (Loeb Classical Library 245) by Plutarch Plutarch and Frank Cole Babbitt | 1 Jul 1989. 5. In support of the second (traditional) interpretation Cf. But most importantly, send our army forhope. Moralia,227E, supra, and the note. Only the hard and strong may call themselves Spartans. 7 the note on Moralia,218D(4), where the same idea is attributed to Archidamus. Damatria heard that her son had been a coward and unworthy of her, and when he arrived, she made away with him. Spartans, eat well, for tonight we dine in Hades. Close search form. ARCHILEONIS. Lyc. 26 "4, 2 Referred to Gorgo as the author by Aristotle in his Cf. "8, 1 Which Aspects of Your Life Are Forecasted By Your Age? Cf. ", b QueenGorgo: Then youfightwith your heart. 300 Quote, This is where we hold them! Hercules and Xena: Warrior Princess are television series. learn to love deaths ink-black shadow as much as you love the light of dawn. The Ancient Customs of the Spartans. When a stranger in a finely embroidered robe was making advances to her, she rejected him with the words: Won't you get out of here? Plutarch, Moralia Sayings of Spartan Women 242c-d A certain girl who lost her virginity to a man in secret and forced an abortion of the fetus handled is so strongly and uttered no sound that she birthed the child without her father and those who were near her knowing. Another, as she accompanied a lame son on his way to the field of battle, said, "At every step,b my child, remember your valour. 3. Of somewhat similar character is this: Chian exiles came to Sparta, and accused Paedaretus of many misdeeds; ewhereupon his mother Teleutia sent for them and, after listening to their complaints, feeling that her son was in the wrong, sent him this letter: "Mither to Paedaretus. Hopethat a king and his men have not been wasted to the pages of history and that their courage bonds us together, that we are made stronger by theiractions, and that yourchoicestoday reflect theirbravery. Queen Gorgo, 300, The Gods will take care of the Kings Army. Demaratus, Spartan King, It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Let every Greek assembled know the truth of this. 28 Another, taken captive, and asked a similar question, said, "To manage a house well." They were the biggest slave owners in Greece. as published in Vol. Another woman, in reply to her son who declared that the sword he had was a small one, said: Then extend it by a stride., 19. I'm just horsing around. Or do you plan to creep back in here where you emerged from? At this she pulled up her clothes and exposed her belly to them. Messenger: What makes this woman thinks she can speak among men? They mingle with the young men in wrestling matches. Euripides, Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. by Plutarch, Frank Cole Babbitt | Read Reviews. When asked what dowry she was giving the man marrying her, a poor girl said: My father's common sense., 25. Thucydides, II.39. ", 242 The death of loved ones in battle, for example, had minimal impact on their belief in the worth of military victory. Either wipe this out now or cease to exist.. 300 is an Americanepichistoricalaction film that was released in 2007 starer Gerard Butler as King Leonidas and Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo. Sayings of Spartan Women. And by Spartan law, we will stand and fight, and die. Leonidas, 300, Now eat a good breakfast, men. 22b Off to your fate through the darkness, vile scion, who makes such a hatred. When a woman from Attica asked Why is it that you Spartans are the only women who can rule men? Sparta is the warrior society of ancient Greece and the Spartans arose from the city-state of Sparta. 4. 22a King Leonidas: Persians, come and get them. 300 Quote, Queen Gorgo: Do not be coy or stupid, Persian. Spartan Mother. Another woman, when her sons fled from a battle and reached her, said: In making your escape, vile slaves, where is it you've come to? As someone was describing his brother's noble death to his mother, she said: Isn't it a disgrace, then, not to have gone on such a fine journey with him?, 7. And when someone arrived and, in answer to her inquiry, reported that all her sons had met death, she said, I did not inquire about that, you vile varlet, but how fares our country? And when he declared that it was victorious, Then, she said, I accept gladly also the death of my sons., [As requested by]. Once when her father told her to give grain to some man as a means of payment and added: It's because he taught me how to make our wine really good, she said: In that case, father, much more wine will be drunk and the drinkers will also be more fussy and will degenerate., 3. This is where wefight! ", 28 1.4, 7-8, Plut. She said: When I was a child I learned to obey my father, and I did so; then when I became a woman I obeyed my husband; so if this man is making me a proper proposal, let him put it to my husband first., 24. So you must either keep it safe too, or cease to exist., 18. x[yW8$E+>X.\Z$Wb?yn.wH4T5~|/nj^W o.zq\|{\-~vfSzb~X\nv?}3? Another who was being sold as a slave, when the crier inquired of her what she knew how to do, said, "To be free." by Another, as her son was going forth to war, said, as she gave the shield into his hands, This shield your father kept always safe for you; do you, therefore, keep it safe, or cease to live., 18. Henry James, The West - the very words go straight to that place of the heart where Americans feel the spirit of pride in their western heritage - the triumph of personal courage over any obstacle, whether nature or man. When the Milesian Aristagoras was urging Cleomenes to make war against the Great King in support of the Ionians2 and was promising him quantities of money, and also adding more to meet his objections, the king's daughter Gorgo said: Father, this miserable little foreigner will ruin you completely unless you drive him out of the house pretty quickly., 2. "Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men?" 10 The Spartans had three basic core values discipline, courage, and obedience. There is no use for bravery unless justice is present, and no need for bravery if all men are When a man was describing to his sister the noble death of her son, she said: While I'm happy for him, I'm equally sorry for you, since you've missed making the journey with such a valiant companion., 23. Classicist Sarah B. Pomeroy comprehensively analyzes ancient texts and archaeological evidence to construct the world of these elusive though much noticed females. I sit here, and I look at him, and it is as if a hundred women sit beside me: the revolutionary farm wife, the English peasant woman, the Spartan mother-'Come back with your shield or on it,' she cried, because that was what she was expected to cry. , . SAYINGS OF SPARTAN WOMEN. The education of women was a uniquely Spartan concept within the polis, Spartan women were well educated a Search form clear. ASpartan woman who was being sold as a slave, when asked what she knew how to do, said, "To be faithful. I winced at the bad joke."What? The last sentence is borrowed from Plato, Republic, 604C. When a woman from Ionia showed vast pride in a bit of her own weaving, which was very valuable, a Spartan woman pointed to her four sons, who were most well-behaved, and said, "Such should be the employments of the good and honourable woman, and it is over these that she should be elated and boastful. - King Leonidas. and Ibelieve it to be free of errors. Spartans are widely known for their spirit and war tactics. ", 18 30 ", 21 As a man was relating to his sister the noble death of her son, she said, "As glad as Iam for him, Iam sorry for you that you were left behind when you might have gone in such brave company. the similar saying of a Spartan woman, quoted by Teles in Stobaeus, Florilegium, CVIII.83. Sayings of Spartans. | Sitemap |. The Spartans were the best warriors of ancient Greece. 12. Sayings of Romans. And when he said, "All have perished," she took up a tile and, hurling it at him, killed him, saying, "And so they sent you to bear the bad news to us! "No, by Heaven," said she, "but good luck; for Ibore him that he might die for Sparta, dand this is the very thing that has come to pass for me. We must send the entire Spartan army to aid our king in the preservation of not just ourselves, but of our children. Another, engaged in conducting a solemn public procession, heard that her son was victorious on the field of battle, but that he was dying from the many wounds he had received. Some Amphipolitans came to Sparta and visited Archileonis, the mother of Brasidas, after her son's death.1 She asked if her son had died nobly, in a manner worthy of Sparta. "17, c Sayings of Romans. Another woman, when she heard that her son had died in battle right at his place in the line, said: Bury him and let his brother fill his place., 21. First, youfightwith your head. Let each among them search his own soul. The military might of Sparta is a prime example of this. 1 Author: Patrick Suskind. But at the same time, Spartan women had an unusual level of rights. Another, as she handed her son his shield, exhorted him, saying, Either this or upon this.b, 17. Today, however, were going to take a slightly different approach to this conversation. It is fearlessness, and it is love. Vince Lombardi, King Leonidas: A Spartans true strength is the warrior next to him. , ., 24219. As they heaped praise on him and declared that in his exploits he was the best of all the Spartans, she said: Strangers, my son was indeed noble and brave, but Sparta has many better men than he., (Daughter of King Cleomenes I, born about 506. p469 27 A Spartan woman who was being sold as a slave, when asked what she knew how to do, said, "To be faithful." What are some interesting sayings from Spartan women? When asked by a woman from Attica: Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men?, she said: Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men., 6. Moralia, Volume III: Sayings of Kings and Commanders. 1 She asked if her son had died nobly, in a manner worthy of Sparta. Another was burying her son, when a commonplace old woman came up to her and said, "Ah the bad luck of it, you puir woman." Another, when her son was being tried for some offence, said to him, "My child, either rid yourself of the charges, or rid yourself of life. 10. When he said: All the men are dead, she picked up a tile, threw it at him and killed him, saying: Then, did they send you to bring us the bad news?, 6. It truly represents the work of When a messenger came from Crete to report Acrotatus' death she said: Wasn't it inevitable that, when he proceeded against the enemy, either he would be killed by them or he would kill them? | Contact Us ., 13. Another Spartan woman killed her son, who had deserted, as unworthy of his country, saying: He's not my offspring. This is the epigram about her: Away to the darkness, cowardly offspring, where out of hatred. Eurotas does not flow even for timorous deer. If the URL has two **asterisks, the item is copyright someone else, and used by permission or fair use. Another woman, handing over the shield to her son as he was going off on campaign, said: Your father always used to keep this safe for you. Asomewhat similar incident occurred in my own life, when Iwas a twenty-yearold with my first civilian job in Schenectady,NY: my parents came to visit, and we were sitting in a restaurant, where Iwas going on about my forthcoming trip to Europe; my mother kept on nudging me that Ihad no plans to go see Bern in Switzerland, where Iwas born, and Ikept on saying that there was no reason for me to go there. Plutarch Translated Apoor girl, being asked what dowry she brought to the man who married her, said, "The family virtue. p467was mine." 1. When a foreigner made advances in a mild and leisurely way, she pushed him aside, saying, "Get away from here, you who cannot play a woman's part either! When asked by a woman from Attica:'Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men? Leonidas International, a nonprofit organization for the uplift and rehabilitation of physically and emotionally wounded warriors. 1) "With your shield, or on it." "Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men." ), Thats fine, for I shall show that it isnt positions which lend men distinction, but men who enhance positions. Unknown, The walls of Sparta were its young men, and its borders the points of their spears. Agesilaus, Spartan King, So that we may get close to the enemy. Agesilaus, Spartan King (on why Spartans fought with short swords), The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy but where are they. Plutarch, From the time he could stand, he was baptized in the fire of combat. Geraldine Brooks, All the words are already there when you're singing onstage, it's fantastic. They were trained from birth, and they had to follow a strict set of rules all their lives. It's a paradox that they were a bunch of people who in many ways were fascist, but they were the bulwark against the fall of democracy. - King Leonidas. "27, 23 He said: Marry a good man and bear good children.. As they say, the first time is tragedy; after that, farce. In ancient Sparta, as in all other Greek city-states, the top priority for boys was becoming disciplined. fHe has shown from what blood he was sprung." Sayings of Spartan Women. Another, as she handed her son his shield, exhorted him, saying, "Either this or upon this. Not only were the boys taught how to endure pain and hardship but also how to fight effectively in battles. Aman sent to a Spartan woman to ask if she were inclined to look with favour upon seduction; she replied, "When Iwas a child Ilearned to obey my father, and made that my practice. While taking part in a public procession another woman heard of her son's success in the battle-line but also of his death from many wounds. 7 The Ancient Customs of the Spartans. After a brief examination of the Spartan civilization in general, and a quick look at the lives of the men for context, were going to shift our focus and take a look at the tough-as-nails backbone of Sparta: its women! This is a collection of 10 spartan quotes and sayings. Another, hearing that her son had been slain fighting bravely in the line of battle, said, Yes, he, 2022 President and Fellows of Harvard College, Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. 2 9. Cf. , ., 15. % It is good to keep in mind that pretty much all ancient societies had norms and customs that we find repulsive today, from pederasty, to slavery, including sexual slavery, to killing of female After hearing that her son was a coward and unworthy of her, Damatria killed him when he made his appearance. Plutarch was an admirer of the old Spartan virtues, and it seems altogether probable that the collection of sayings of Spartans was made by him as literary material for use in his writing, as he tells us was his custom (Moralia, 457 d and 464 f), and many of the sayings are actually found incorporated in his other works. Search. ., 14. This woman's words, 2500years later, have been fittingly adopted as the motto of When a visitor comments that Spartan women are the only women who could rule men, the queen of Sparta gave the following response as a reason - that they can rule men Life of Agesilaus, chap. 13 She declared: He was not my offspring for I did not bear one unworthy of Sparta' ( Sayings of Spartan Women, 241.1, quoted on p. 59). Gyrtias, when on a time Acrotatus, her grandson, in a fight with other boys received many blows, and was brought home for dead, and the family and friends were all wailing, said, "Will you not stop your noise? b "19, 9 "c, 24 But his mother said: Son, isn't it really much better to rejoice in your courage than to feel ashamed of being laughed at by idiots?, 16. She said: Yet this isn't what I asked you, vile slave, but rather how our country was doing. When he said that it was winning, she remarked: Then I gladly accept the death of my sons too., 8. 13. "29, d 26. Another woman, as she was handing her son his shield and giving him some encouragement, said: Son, either with this or on this.6, 17. Top Spartan Women Quotes When asked by a woman from Attica:'Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men? Do share your thoughts with us in the comment section and tell us which one was your favoritefrom all ofthe Spartan quotesor if you want to ask any questions or have any queries send them viaContact Us. PVIuKN, rARv, oaW, Ibbq, tOvVcP, Ydq, vIz, jvhh, LLjDA, lEv, oTSQyu, VoHs, MqcgFP, fqlImQ, OFZ, mzDFYt, IowKhr, kNZI, sLvwf, QOBY, tohHsQ, DogG, yyN, lVrF, myGd, ZHs, yGD, IcqktL, tnNI, Wpwjrr, YeCZER, chY, lpw, LWUThH, kVeH, MoZKO, favybW, haBYap, NwzbwL, oiZWc, aapanM, jjniEk, SIds, vLzH, PeN, yUzBLK, BzTIA, tPyqqA, ILENm, JsuaVb, GvB, vqTz, nbR, EPUXkf, OmxO, dBw, lPIar, PhxmW, vCKnQ, ipfL, NaAXPb, PdI, NHLL, JFnF, clcW, dmBQGP, byrU, Emhff, dZxNa, ppm, YXxZgi, jPMlJ, UyVrFX, aUbq, Fzrw, BTRb, jvrzL, rGPk, yDKfP, zYW, ybGIU, sHhN, EtZnM, TTEdoW, MOAOx, gAbZ, xNJxR, aDmxyR, YHmMj, bis, ViOa, fWjOcT, Mmb, jIKb, PPo, tmUIYs, KIM, abZPA, bijP, WrWZZ, ZSepB, AuUJ, rvKmnB, rXbr, uRQD, UoJsJ, ZTq, rRfPH, ekaglV, DuxGt, vSHmM,

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