php readfile not working large files

We could also want to transform a stream of data without ever really needing access to the data. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Just saw this comment/question. ); Some browsers may work without quotation, but for sure not Firefox and as Mozilla explains, the quotation of the filename in the content-disposition is according to the RFC Given the nature of generators, the most memory well use is that which we need to store the largest text chunk in an iteration. Finally, we are printing the file size and the content present in the input file. This parameter can be NULL only when the lpOverlapped parameter is not NULL. Suppose the file does not exist, using if condition we are throwing an error message. $filename = "file.csv"; $filepath = "/path/to/file/" . We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. How to Remove Special Character from String in PHP ? Errors/Exceptions Upon failure, an E_WARNING is emitted. If thats the area you want to focus on, consider using something like top, on Ubuntu or macOS. Like I said, I am not sure why this worked, however a friend who knows PHP better than I do said that sometimes if the script takes too long to process then the headers won't take. I have a link on my site to a script that outputs an XML file to the browser with the below code: header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename. We set a few headers and open a file handle to the API. !#)s*(S+)s+(?=S)(.+)/",$line,$match)) continue; $tmp = preg_split("/s/",trim($match[2])); foreach($tmp as $type) $types[strtolower($type)] = $match[1]; } fclose ($fp);'. If you are using an Apache, it's quite simple to figure out the correct mime type. bytes delivered like readfile() does. We are stuck with the distinct possibility of half of our visitors seeing either an annoying third blank window being opened or the script writing over their original window, depending on their Reuse Window for Launching Shortcuts setting. Basically, don't go disabling your time limits without putting some real thought into it. fread() reads up to length bytes from the file pointer referenced by stream.Reading stops as soon as one of the following conditions is met: length bytes have been read ; EOF (end of file) is reached a packet becomes available or the socket timeout occurs (for network streams) ; if the stream is read buffered and it does not represent a plain file, at most one read of up to a number of bytes . Use fgets() Function to Read a Large File Line by Line in PHP. // set the download rate limit (=> 20,5 kb/s), // send the current file part to the browser. Do I need Content-Type: application/octet-stream for file download? All my PDFs and DOCs are less than 100k. 100k. #19886 [Opn]: readfile, fread, fpassthru won't work with large files!!! monthtomonth rent increase notice roblox bypass audio bot inhome pet euthanasia brooklyn best lobster roll belfast maine concord blue devils bingo schedule . So perhaps the download is going over an encrypted connection or something. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Lets explore these options. For remote files however use readfile(). I tried replacing just the readfile line and the error still showed up. Reference What does this symbol mean in PHP? The readfile () function has the following parameters: $filename is the path to the file. Wed need to keep at least 10,000 lines in memory, and pass them along to the queued job manager (whatever form that may take). PHP readfile is basically an inbuilt function in the PHP library used for reading a file and then writing it to an output buffer. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! just before the readfile, to disable completely the watchdog if you intend to use the readfile call to tranfer a file to the user. php://memory and php://temp (read-write) are places we can store data temporarily. But once that work is done, we can register our stream wrapper quite easily: Similarly, its also possible to create custom stream filters. Every Frame is PHP-generated. Email me for Full setup// Session marker is also a security/logging option Used in the context of linking:, [Edited by : Added Protection against SQL-Injection]. I noticed you have several Subdomains, and each one is essentially . Not enough chunks in my chunksize - PHP download script result in 20% file size download, Unable to browse the site while downloading a file using php. Big thanks! At least, when I was testing "download" function for my library on 1.5G file with 256M memory limitation that was the case: "fread" I got peak memory usage of ~240M, while with "stream_copy_to_stream" - ~150M. This article mainly introduces the PHP readfile download large file failure solution, involving PHP for large file segmentation and block-by-piece download operation implementation skills, the need for friends can refer to the next Specific as . Write/Read files 3. filesize($filepath)); // Repeat reading until EOF while (!feof($fh)) { echo fread($handle, $chunk); ob_flush(); // flush output flush(); }. This leads me to suspect that when using readfile() the PHP script engine is in use until the file is fully downloaded but I cannot find any references which confirm or deny this theory. Tip: You can use a URL as a filename with this function if the fopen wrappers have been enabled in the php.ini file. downloading files thru php isnt very efficient, using a redirect is the way to go. () header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // some day in the past header("Last-Modified: " . Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. PHP gives you a lot of tools for working with files. Ive already written about the performance boosts of using generators and Nikita Popovs Iterator library, so go check that out if youd like to see more! We could illustrate it with code resembling the following: Imagine an application route brought us to this code. I have since tweaked my set of two files some, but the solution is still two files. Otherwise the $begin would be set to the entire section matched and the $end to what should be the begin. "";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: "[emailprotected]($filename)); set_time_limit(0); @readfile("$fileurl") or die("File not found. fread (), fgets (), feof () and fgetc () functions are used to PHP read file information. Start Your Free Software Development Course, Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others. All works fine, if the Passthrough-File is smaller than approx. We can achieve this by using stream methods. Not the answer you're looking for? by big file do you mean larger than 1 meg. If you use proper MIME types (and inline Content-Disposition), browsers will have better default actions for some of them. This is commonly called piping (presumably because we dont see whats inside a pipe except at each end as long as its opaque, of course!). '); } else { $response->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/octet-stream', true); $response->setBody($bits); } }?>. Calling the passthrough-script directly (w/o frameset) causes no problems. Would salt mines, lakes or flats be reasonably found in high, snowy elevations? Files >100k make the system hang. so you may use this on php5 to get lager files_response;// Disable view and layout rendering $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout();// Process the file $file = ''; $bits = @file_get_contents($file); if(strlen($bits) == 0) { $response->setBody('Sorry, we could not find requested download file. In reply to herbert dot fischer at NOSPAM dot gmail dot com: The streams API in PHP5 tries to make things as efficient as possible; in php-5.1.6 on Linux, fpassthru is faster than 'echo fread($fp, 8192)' in a loop, and readfile is even faster for files on disk. In the C source, this function simply opens the path in read+binary mode, without a lock, and uses fpassthru(). In this example, we are combining the use of multiple file read functions. does not exist! Of course, this is not required if you are using the intelligent versions of readfile in this article. If they have it set a specific way, honor their setting. Refresh page. 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=', 'Content-Type: application/force-download', 'Sorry, we could not find requested download file. There is no difference between using readfile, fpassthru, or . If I comment out the header content type and the header content disposition, then it will read the file into the browser. If unsuccessful, readfile () will return false, and there are quite a few reasons why it may file. In this case, the largest chunk is 101,985 characters. ID: 19886 Comment by: Reported By: Status: Feedback Bug Type: Filesystem function related Operating System: Windows, any Version PHP Version: 4CVS-2002-10-13 New Comment: I'm experiencing something similar on Linux Apache using Version 4.1.2. Now, lets use a generator to read each line: The text file is the same size, but the peak memory usage is 393KB. Something like this: Any guesses how much memory were using now? Eventually figured out the problem was that I had LeechGet installed and it was intercepting the download, which in turn prevented the download from taking place. Available directives have changed since the other note on this and XSendFileAllowAbove was replaced with XSendFilePath to allow more control over access to files outside of webroot. ReadFile sets this value to zero before doing any work or error checking. Open a file (if present) 2. We may substitute file_get_contents for something more elegant (like Guzzle), but under the hood its much the same. c bit l khi bn c vi, ng dng nhn tin Messenger ca facebook trn in thoi hin c thm hiu ng t ng, y l mt tnh nng mi cho php bn ci t nhng cm, Bi vit ny nm trong seri: Bin no trong PHP lu tr thng tin v pha ngi dng c ngay hiu do i ng xy dng website Wiki, Kt lun:Trn y, Ben Computer hng dn cc bn cch ly nhc tiktok lm nhc chung in thoi n gin d hiu trn c Iphone v Android. We can then pipe this compressed data into another file. At least, when I was testing "download" function for my library on 1.5G file with 256M memory limitation that was the case: "fread" I got peak memory usage of ~240M, while with "stream_copy_to_stream" - ~150M. In the second, we dont care what the data is. The readfile is always completed even if it exceed the default 30 seconds limit, then the script is aborted. Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? Using include will just behave as a normal request (no output). Meanwhile "stream_copy_to_stream" seems to utilize the same amount of memory as "readfile". This was the only way I found to both protect and transfer very large files with PHP (gigabytes). Piping this text isnt useful to us, so lets think of other examples which might be. It's a good idea to password-protect the files that may not be downloaded by everyone anyway with an .htaccess file, but perhaps you use a database to detemine access and this is no option. This fixed my problem. Meanwhile "stream_copy_to_stream" seems to utilize the same amount of memory as "readfile". This library allows reading and writing spreadsheet files . 100k. EDIT The page in which the link to the download script resides is SSL-encrypted. to avoid the risk of choosing themselves which files to download by messing with the request and doing things like inserting "../" into the "filename", simply remember that urls are not file paths, and there's no reason why the mapping between them has to be so literal as "download.php?file=thingy.mpg" resulting in the download of the file "";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: "[emailprotected]($filename)); set_time_limit(0); @readfile("$filename") or die("File not found. The reason this occurs is because some servers are setup by default to enable gzip compression, which sends an additional header for such operations. Piece 1 loads WordPress and performs the logic validation. My script working correctly on IE6 and Firefox 2 with any typ e of files (I hope :)), function DownloadFile($file) { // $file = include path if(file_exists($file)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file)); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . Oh, right! The solution is straight forward. not calling ob_clean_end first). Are there conservative socialists in the US? // return num. "); if ($_GET["hit"]) { mysql_query("UPDATE ibf_movies SET downloads = $donwloaded WHERE id=' $fileid'"); While at it I added into download.php a hit (download) counter. 100k. I think that readfile suffers from the maximum script execution time. At first, data acquisition code was developed to: (a) attach to each workstation via Common Internet File System, (b) open the PACS log file that contains study load information, (c) read through the file and capture daily study load data . // header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); // header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); // header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified'); // header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); "Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=". That class should extend the SimpleXMLElement class. Eg. gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " Gip vi!! The previous output was a simple example without any conditions. When using readfile() -- using PHP on Apache -- is the file immediately read into Apache's output buffer and the PHP script execution completed, or does the PHP script execution wait until the client finishes downloading the file (or the server times out, whichever happens first)? If the user manages to set the target to some kinda config-file (configuration.php in Joomla! The readfile () function reads a file and writes it to the output buffer. fopen and file_get_contents have their own set of default options, but these are completely customizable. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more . Although the same php file was handling a different type of download I was having issues with PNG and ICO, I tried some methods that only displayed the picture but did not prompt for a download box. # Protect Script against SQL-Injections $fileid=intval($_GET[id]); # setup SQL statement $sql = " SELECT id, fileurl, filename, filesize FROM ibf_movies WHERE id=' $fileid' "; # execute SQL statement $res = mysql_query($sql); # display results while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $fileurl = $row['fileurl']; $filename= $row['filename']; $filesize= $row['filesize']; $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename,". Be warned that you can get very odd behaviour not only on large files, but also on small files if the user has a slow connection. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Remember if you make a "force download" script like mentioned below that you SANITIZE YOUR INPUT! Can I tell Apache to do an internal redirect from PHP? Mi bn xem phin bn y ti y Bi 1. I'm sure many of you out there have had similar problem when trying to use readfile to output images with a php file as the "src" of a "img" tag. The API endpoint is secure, but we still need to use the http context property (as is used for http and https). [2005-05-06 21:31 UTC] flobee at gmail dot com hmmm. but Chrome gives you ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and Firefox also fails with "Not found" (strangely Opera seems to work) try adding: Chrome was telling me: "Error 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): The file or directory could not be found." If your files are so large that they take longer than 120 seconds for PHP to read, then you might want to rethink your entire design. header(Content-Transfer-Encoding: utf-8);. If you encounter an out of memory error ensure that output buffering is off with ob_get_level(). It skips the part where the generator yields a value, since we dont need to work with that value. Fonts are already embedded in the file. Add the appropriate configuration directives to your .htaccess or httpd.conf files: # Turn it on XSendFile on # Whitelist a target directory. PHP hangs while outputting large PDF-Files. There are various good and bad reasons to do so, but one side effect is that data is not sent until the program says to. You can also have a look at mod_xsendfile (an SO post on such usage, PHP + apache + x-sendfile), so that you simply tell the web server you have done the security check and that now he can deliver the file. Step 1: Comment out header. A combination of all of these are basically used in accessing and performing operations on the input file. I was including a php to a file I had called "tools.php", Its also possible to use custom filters in a php://filter/highligh-names/resource=story.txt string. But, if the setting is unchecked, the output XML file will open up in a new window and there will be another blank window also open that has the address of the script, in addition to our original window. This article was posted in Code, PHP Tutorials, Tips & Tricks. It's also proved to be much faster for basically any file. A missing Content-Length header implies the following: 1) Your browser will not show a progress bar on downloads because it doesn't know their length 2) If you output anything (e.g. Well implement a couple of optimization strategies and measure those too. Handling large file sizes. If it's a big file, it cannot be sent with readfile. How is the merkle root verified if the mempools may be different? Returns the number of bytes read from the file on success, or false on failure, Example #1 Forcing a download using readfile(). We do not currently allow content pasted from ChatGPT on Stack Overflow; read our policy here. In doing more reading it looks like every possible way of reading a file to output with PHP will leave the script running until the download is complete. In my case, trying to send PDF files thru PHP after access-logging, the beginning "/" must be removed in PHP 7.1. This tutorial has hopefully introduced you to a few new ideas (or refreshed your memory about them), so that you can think more about how to read and write large files efficiently. Of course you need to setup the DB, table, and columns. 7 Answers Sorted by: 9 You may still have PHP output buffering active while performing the readfile (). Later SelfMan ----- [2002-10-13 19:06:50] I just fixed (I hope) a socket-shutdown bug (#16114). white space) after the readfile function (by mistake), the browser will add that to the end of the download, resulting in corrupt data. See the Supported Protocols and Wrappers for links to information about what abilities the various wrappers have, notes on their usage, and information on any predefined variables they may provide. This doesnt mean anything until we do something with the data were reading. where file_name is the path to the file to be read. 0 Php: Keep same filename when downloading from server 0 PHP Zip file download issue 0 why is readfile necessary after a flush 0 download docx file from PHP REST API with angularjs Hot Network Questions A protip by mohmedsalem about php, nodejs, reading, large files, reading a 2gb text file, and nodejs vs php. If possible only permit characters a-z, A-Z and 0-9 and make it possible to only download from one "download-folder". 3 Bc n gin gip gi hoa ti lu nht | Alo Hoa Ti. For the purposes of this tutorial, were going to measure memory usage. On the MSDN, the error code 1 is ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION and, in this case, it is in regards to the call to ReadFile . You may still have PHP output buffering active while performing the readfile(). How does legislative oversight work in Switzerland when there is technically no "opposition" in parliament? Test especially for strings like ".." which makes directory traversal possible. Just a note: If you're using bw_mod (current version 0.6) to limit bandwidth in Apache 2, it *will not* limit bandwidth during readfile events. This library allows reading, creating, and writing spreadsheet documents in PHP. Use something like ob_end_flush(). The Frameset consists of three Frames. This avoids exceeding the PHP memory limit for very large files, but the script will still need to be running until the download is complete, and it may be terminated according to time limits external to PHP (e.g. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The only way to be sure were making any improvement to our code is to measure a bad situation and then compare that measurement to another after weve applied our fix. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content, Script performing file transfer results in "bad" file, PHP readfile() on large pdf crashes Google Cloud server, PHP - How to deliver a local file efficiently, How to download image from php file with javascript, PHP script serving files stops after few seconds, startsWith() and endsWith() functions in PHP. Try using stream_copy_to_stream() instead. Another possible solution is setting the maximum execution time of PHP to 0, which disables the limit: Your host may disallow this, though. When we start to use bigger files, no so much. I spent 3h searching why function doesnt work :) tnx! Return Values Returns the number of bytes read from the file on success, or false on failure By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We might use the Zip extension: This is a neat bit of code, but it clocks in at around 10.75MB. Beware - the chunky readfile suggested by Rob Funk can easily exceed you maximum script execution time (30 seconds by default). 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php readfile not working large files