importance of taxation essay

The concerned organ has no information about its activities and transactions. Taxes pay for many of the things that are fundamental to functioning societies around the world, such as health care, schools, and social services. Although taxing more on rich seems unfair for the rich, it is necessary that rich people should pay more tax and the amount they pay are based on their incomes. By clicking Send, you agree to our In this paper I will be discussing the questions raised about taxation., First of all, taxes are necessary in order to strongly manage and reserve different governmental organizations. Call us: +18883996271 Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. The cash raised from tax collection bolsters the legislature and permits it to support police and courts, have a military, form and look after streets, alongside numerous different administrations. There are various social media sites, and they take many different forms and contain different features. Besides, the digital world has become one of the challenges of taxation and tax law administration. production, subsidies and income supports disbursement. There are many YouTube channels, telegram channels and bloggers based in Ethiopia, but their tax issues seem unregulated. Moreover, taxation has got a central role in the development of LDCs and developing states after the adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They connected these people together in three ways: plundering and taking tribute from neighbouring communities; colonising; and trading. A critical view of the tax reveals that its intention was not to boost health outcomes for the citizens of Cook County, but to help the administration in raising about $1.8 billion annually to increase its budget3. Importance of Taxes in Society Without taxes, governments would be unable to meet the demands of their societies. In 1861, Congress reacted by implementing taxes on individuals. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you Collected for the provision of social & merit goods., The government enforces taxes on goods and services, in order to create benefits for the economy. Moreover, any deductions are applicable to the income derived from those business activities. Taxing such amounts is to tax income when taxpayers have the greatest wherewithal to pay. Ethiopia has got its latest Income Tax Proclamation in 2016 with some amendment and modification from the previous tax proclamation No. The act of taxing helps determine where people put their money. Moreover, S Corporation is a small business that cannot be global. In other words, the income from tax should be capable of increasing or decreasing according to the requirement of the country. Explain how you would bring about a better tax system, particular with reference to personal taxation, if you were given such an opportunity.. Taxes are categorized according to their sources and their contrib. Because tax was collected at ports though, it was simply evaded. Retrieved from Taxation forms a basis in which governments can raise funds, estimate incomes and project expenditures for any given budget period. The taxing process from distribution to collecting them has people on the fence with different point of views. essay writers. There are many different ways for a government to tax its citizens in order to raise revenues, ranging from taxes on income, wealth, and property, to taxes on goods and services. Taxing was apportioned due to the size of each state; bigger states would rebel because they were paying much more taxes than a smaller state (doc. Lo1-2.3 13 Tax is very pivotal in attaining growth and development in any known human society in that help provide basic infrastructures and social amenities for the people. On the other hand, most people think that rich should pay more tax because they get more from the government. Self-Centered Inequity Aversion and the Mass Politics of Taxation. Comparative Political Studies 49, no. Taxes are the essential part of the government financing: Unlike proc No. Therefore, there is a mismatching of revenue Get Access It is an economic verity that governments need revenue in order to finance their activities and their spending programs for the society and the country itself. But there three major problems related to income from social media and blogging businesses. The Articles of Confederation were a wartime attempt to bring the states together under federal authority. empirical effective federal personal income tax functions for the years 1979-1987. Our government implements local, state, and federal taxes. Taxation also. The British taxed us so they could get money for weapons soldiers etc. Federal and state government budgets significantly rely on taxation as a source of revenues. There are several key elements that were missing from the Articles of Confederation, which led to the need for the Constitutional Convention in 1787. This part examines a few approaches to enhance charges, including making an esteem included duty, expanding natural taxes, improving the corporate expense, treating low-and center pay workers evenhandedly and productively, and guaranteeing suitable tax collection of high-wage family units. Too high taxes or wrong system of taxes may harm the economy. These laws were taxes, like the stamp act which taxed everybody. Summary of Recommendation 14 It can be characterized as the utilization of social media channels to promote an organization and its products. The colonists wanted representation when it came down to being taxed, but the British government would not allow it. Taxes are meant to generate revenue or to regulate the behavior of different entities; hence, the actual purpose of a new tax should be communicated to the public. As there is no one perfect solution for every problem, supplementary/alternative models (APT and three factor model) will be discussed in this essay. For instance, most governments depend on their people for taxes in order to run themselves and provide services to their people. By 1763, taxes were increasing and being used to help with the dept of the French and Indian war (George). Do you ever think of why should or shouldnt the rich people pay more tax than others? The Importance of Tax in Our Life. CMA(Certified Management Accountant) is a professional certification credential in the management accounting and financial management fields.The certification signifies that the person possesses knowledge in the areas of financial Planning,analysis,control,decision,support and professional ethics. "The Importance of Tax in Our Life." Examining how Dunnings eclectic, the motivations to internalize transactions and the evolutionary theory can help us understand why multinational corporations have evolved. October 31, 2020. Tax prevents deficits which will lead to good control over both expenditure and revenue sides of government. For example, if income from savings are not taxed, then more people will save their money, more saving schemes will come into existence, and less money will exist in the consumer marketplace, which will help lower or stabilize inflation. In fact, there is a way to get an original essay! The taxation of unhealthy diet should increase to limit their intake to reduce cases of obesity and other related diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. To conclude this taxation essay, ccording to the Digital in 2018 Report released recently, there are 16.4 million Internet users in the country with Internet penetration at 15 percent. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. It listed foreign goods to be taxed comprised of sugar, certain wines and coffee, pimento. Taxes are levied in almost every country of the world, primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures, although they serve other purposes as well. Taxes can have positive and negative features in a monetary structure. Additionally, employees in the private and public sector will experience the impact of increased taxes through reduced net salaries; this may attract a negative reaction from the. Sofia, 6. 2. The first constitution of the United States was actually The Articles of Confederation, which were ratified on March 1, 1781. The Cook County administration demonstrated that it is always necessary for the authorities to look into introducing legitimate taxes. The impact of double taxation of C corporations has been substantially reduced by the . They pay more than 70% of federal income taxes. On one hand, some experts think rich shouldnt be taxed more because somehow the money was earned. The revenues generates from taxes are utilized for bidding on resources i.e. Get Help With Your Essay Of late, debt has been a prominent part of government financing, with the federal operating deficit close to forty percent of expenditures. Price of time being, the reward for postponing spending, have ethics got to do with accounting? The government and other policy makers have the responsibility of ensuring that the system takes into account the needs of the citizens. Samplius is for students who want to get an idea for their own paper. The income of the government through all sources is called public income. Karen Kaplan, a science and medicine editor at the Los Angeles Times agrees with the taxation on fast foods and soft drinks. School: Colbourne College The wealthy should pay higher taxes because they have the resources, they benefit more from the government, and they can help reduce deficits. Saad, Natrah. Introduction of CAPM It lowered the tax on molasses. One of the models of Digital Marketing platform is Social Media Business which addresses planning and the most important tools used to maximize communication through social media. A tax can be defined as a payment to support the cost of government (Jones, 2014). Pages Numbers Deficit Spending Taxes pay for public, Taxes - compulsory, unrequited payments to general government. The monetary or budgetary operations of the country have various belongings on the economy. The Sugar act got created in 1764. There isshow more content This is the importance of taxation essay where the topic is discussed; attention is drawn to the problem of taxation in Ethiopia. The revenue collected by the government through taxation and the spreading of public expenditures can have noteworthy effect on the consumption, production and distribution of the national income of the country. Importance of Taxation Essay: Issue in Ethiopia. Using tax avoidance is a simple way for big companies to increase their profits. send you account related emails. The bottom line is that taxation should foster equal . When we think about economic inequality, most economists generally think about three main distinct features which are income, wealth and consumption and income inequality is the most obvious one to measure (The Economist, many different forms and sizes. High level of economic inequality is huge impact on our society including political, economic, politic and environmental sectors and widening gap between rich and poor is largely expressed by the global leaders (World Economic Forum 2013, cited in Hmbelin, O & Farys, R 2016, p. 136). Additionally, in limited liability companies if I lose they cant take my properties. The increase in taxes will have a negative implication in the society; for instance, the prices of basic commodities will increase making life difficult, especially to the low social class individuals. "the Molasses Act colonial merchants (people who traded and owned shops in the colonies) were required to pay a tax of six-pence per gallon on the importation of foreign molasses.". Taxation was introduced in the 19th century and exists to this very day. The government in this regard might consider increasing the taxes in order to meet the cost of healthcare. Ethiopias new tax proclamation addressed various gaps of the amended income tax proclamation to enhance the revenue of the country. 5). The tax on sweetened fizzy drinks was banned because its legitimacy was questionable. The majority of government expenditures go to entitlements, i.e. Out of those 3.6 million are active social media users. However, the tax was not effective in attaining the intended health promotion objective because consumers could easily drive to the nearby towns outside the county and shop for the drinks. By introducing the tax, the government intended to raise more money to boost its budget, rather than promote health outcomes as the leaders claimed. Firstly, I realized the importance of taxes in enhancing the situation of poor people and standard of living to them and helping the government in developing infrastructure or other essential projects. Just like any major corporation, the government is constantly looking to raise revenue. Request writing assistance from a top writer in the field! This project helped me to calculating the taxes associated with each entity and analyzing the best model to be chosen between two entities. As per the law of the U.S, working as a YouTuber makes a person self-employed. American Military University IvyPanda. These acts taxed all papers, pamphlets, newspapers, and cards. Turn to our writers and order a The colonists were expected to pay these taxes. And its mainly because of the factors including illicit financial flows, tax exemptions, informal sector and other tax evasions in addition to poor tax administration and revenue collection system in the country. Taxes are levied in almost every country of the world, primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures, although they serve other purposes as well., The United States economy, as known by all, is not in its best shape. (Salanie, 2011) 3. professional specifically for you? Order custom paper and save your time for priority classes! 14 (2016): 1965-1997. CAPM identifies main two aspects for which the investor should be compensated for; price of time (or time value of money; TVM) and risk premium. Deficit spending is based off the Keynesian ideology of macroeconomics which, in part, believes the government can be used to stimulate the economy. Lo1-2.2 12 Vol. However, the government is always limited by various policies when it comes to the introduction of taxes6. We will write a custom Critical Writing on The Importance of Tax in Our Life specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. We will occasionally The importance of taxation in the process of development is unquestionable. And its considered as a company or sole proprietorship business. 2 (2016): 126-141. However, Ethiopias tax gap has been widening compared to other Sub-Saharan African countries. Economic efficiency Taxation plays a vital role of bringing efficient economic resources to the economic grid; taxation can also impose real economic costs. Digital marketing has a dynamic and changing characteristic which demands dynamic and up to date tax laws and tax administration to achieve the public needs by increasing the revenue of the country. As such, one purpose of taxation is to increase in effectiveness and productivity of the nation as government is able to implement various socio-economic development projects such as the construction of roads and bridges, schools, health facilities and provision of social services. essay and paper samples. Fairness concerns Just send us a Write my paper request. Taxation systems are usually modeled in such a way that they take into consideration the social welfare of the citizens. Taxation should in no way impede the economic development or have a negative effect on it. Handbook of Public Economics. Tax assessment is the cost of being a resident . Secondly, there are many types of taxes such as income taxes, wealth taxes, consumption Read More Skype Business Model 1581 Words | 7 Pages One way in which the government gains money is by imposing taxes on people. Feel free to use our This article is concerned with taxation in general, its principles, its objectives, and its effects; specifically, the article discusses the nature and . Web. This critical writing on The Importance of Tax in Our Life was written and submitted by your fellow However, how the people will be taxed is always an issue., Taxation, imposition of compulsory levies on individuals or entities by governments. Of course, this includes individuals, private and government organizations that actively engaged in entertainment and broadcasting media. It is a compulsory amount of money that collected from individual and business based on their income and returns, to attain government goals such as building parks, hospitals , supporting and funding some services such as military, education and other public utility. The Townshend Acts of 1767 were also a large part of taxation. Most members of the United States of America pay taxes every year. If there is reduction in resources then, it will automatically affect the spending. Taxes help to reserve lots of programs and creation of certain developments in America, but taxes also have an affect on certain aspects of America's economy. Therefore, for citizens who want to minimise the tax that they have to pay and maximise their own savings, avoiding tax within the rules set out in law is acceptable and is a rational behaviour. But still, there are many issues unsolved or needs to be updated to the addressee the contemporary tax issues of digital marketing; specifically, income from social media channels and blogs. Whether the businesses are run by sole proprietors or entities organized mainly as companies, schedule C serves as the basic source of rules for taxation. Methodology 9 This shows how its timely to think for the effective regulation of social media and blogging businesses to enhance the revenue of the country. It will also help minimize "deadweight losses". A tax is an important financial source for the country. IvyPanda. Moreover, any YouTuber can also form either LLC or Limited Liability Company but is considered as a sole proprietor.On the other han d, Indian tax law categorized any income from the social media business, blogging or website as an income from business or profession for income tax. Tax assessment is the act of gathering cash from residents dependent on their income and property. It does not reflect the quality of papers completed by our expert The government has been facing challenges in raising the required funds for the budget, and it is apparent that the only option it has is the development of new taxes that help in raising the deficit. Lawton, Amy. We cant stay away from taxes however such a significant number of people attempt to evade taxes. This essay takes a look at why an enterprise would seek to move outside its home country. How the Burden of Government should be financed and fewer burdens. Increasing taxes does have an unswerving consequence towards customers, corporations, and the general economy., At the core, taxes are the mechanism by which a government is funded., IvyPanda. The main purpose of taxation is to raise resources to finance government expenditure in a way that is administratively feasible, equitable and efficient (Burgess and Stern, 1993). If it was not for taxation our roads, public buildings would be a complete mess. Taxes directly involve citizens in contributing to public programs run by the government5. Tax rates started out at 1% and rose to 6% on income over $500,000. Background 7-8 Subsequently, a self-employed YouTuber treated under the status of sole-proprietor and it entitles any deductions related to the youtube business hence it will be subtracted from the annual income of the business. Chicagos Soda Tax Is Repealed. The Economist, 2017. roads, defense. He believes the relationship between the people and the government or legal system is weekend by the foreign aid. Bulgaris Bulgarian reg.number: 206095338 The representatives from smaller states would try and enforce taxes so the larger states would have to pay much, much more; the smaller states wouldn 't have to pay much at all. October 31, 2020. Taxation systems are usually modeled in such a way that they take into consideration the social welfare of the citizens. Poor ethics amongst a business' accountants means that those persons are more willing to break the rules to benefit either themselves or their business illegally. (1) ATI fosters partner countries efforts to increase reliance on domestic revenue to fund their development agenda and meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. A person making $100,000 will pay a higher percentage of his income in taxes than a person making $20,000 for instance. Home / Essay Samples / Government / Taxation / Importance of Taxation Essay: Issue in Ethiopia. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. It plays an important role in case of economical crisis. Tax Synthesis Essay 542 Words | 3 Pages Governments need to tax its citizens in order to protect and serve them. The government of every country of the world had always imposed taxes on individuals or entities to pay for public spending. Rood, Deborah K. The Importance of Tax Quality Control. Journal of Accountancy 219, no. A welfare government is therefore justified in raising large revenue from its people. Want to receive an original paper on this topic? Indirect taxes such as these were also much less clear to the consumer, When it comes to the research the tax has affected the country in a negative way, simply because the war was fought because of taxes that were seen as not needed as well the fact that the country fought the British to oppose taxes, and then Washington turns around and imposes a tax on the people after what they sacrificed to fight for the right to be free of taxes and to be supportive of their new government was tough because people did not have money to pay taxes at. The government can also introduce taxes with the aim of aligning the behavior of various entities with a given policy. Unfortunately, the business types under the central question of this paper are not registered and its difficult to identify them according to the words of the proclamation. Within essay about tax its needed to mention thta social media is growing rapidly and becoming a new trend for businesses to reach targeted costumers easily. Hence, the various tiers of government resort to the use of tax in ensuring they provide their social will to the people they governed. The stamp act placed a tax on all printed paper. After the French and Indian War, the British government needed money to pay for the cost of protecting the colonists from the French and Indians. Taxes are crucial because governments collect this money and use it to finance social projects. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Executive summary 3 Tax is generally an amount of money that is charged by a government on a product, income, or activity so that it can pay for public services. IvyPanda, 31 Oct. 2020, Of course, taxpayers who do not understand the tax laws and procedures cannot comply their tax obligations so they need education and assistance programs to help them better understand their tax obligations and entitlements. Taxes are the governments income, but not its sole source of funding. Taxation can be collected from a number of sources diagrammatically shown in the circular flow of income figure. must. The main resources of taxes which government collected from people are payroll, income from corporate and person, property, sales and excise, tariff, fee, tuition, licenses and so on. Canon of Elasticity According to this canon, every tax imposed by the government should be elastic in nature. The third essay deals with two fundamental questions: Can we find reasonable conditions for existence of an equilibrium Moreover, article 2(2) of the proclamation tries to define business types that fall under the ambit of the proclamation, any industrial, commercial, professional, or vocational activity conducted for profit and whether conducted continuously or short-term but does not include the rendering of services as an employee or the rental of buildings. It suggests that tax avoidance does not against law. According to the Congressional Budget Office, The 10% of households with the highest incomes pay more than half of all federal taxes. Section 1: Introduction First, the administration did not have a solid reason for introducing the tax. Moreover, taxation has got a central role in the development of LDC's and developing states after the adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). "The Importance of Tax in Our Life." The Government needs money for the performance of a variety of functions. taxation, imposition of compulsory levies on individuals or entities by governments. The third section is an overview of economic development in Thailand since the end of the Second World War to the Asian economic crisis. Section 2:Discussion and Analysis of Findings (2020, October 31). Terms of serviceand Governments that get all their money from aid dont have that at all, said Deaton. The French and Indian war caused a huge debt for the British. The government wanted full control over the people, so they made sets of acts and laws that were placed on taxation. What is ethics? That does not add up at all. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. Pensions, Health Care, and Welfare.2, Ben Franklin adequately stated the importance of taxes with his famous quote, but in the world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes. Citizens have vested governments with the power to tax in order to provide services for the common good. Generating Resources The most important purpose of taxation is to raise resources for governments to deliver essential public services. Auerbach, Alan, Raj Chetty, Martin Feldstein, and Emmanuel Saez, eds. Statistics have proven that the rich have paid the majority of U.S. income taxes. (2020, October 31). For instance, carbon taxes are used to compel different entities to reduce the impact of their business processes on the environment1. Thus, leaving unregulated the area of social media and blogging business activities and unable to collect tax from the income they derived goes against the fundamental principles of tax law and makes the country loss possible public revenue. However, a partnership is owned by more than two persons, it is flow through entity which means the money goes throw cooperation to person account. Another objective of my thesis consists of modeling general (non-linear) income tax structures as the outcome of a politico-economic process. With every rule there has to be a foundation or source in order to make the rules stand firm; lets take a look at some of these sources., Taxation has always been a major controversy. Furthermore, country like Ethiopia has a commitment under the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI), a multi-stakeholder partnership aiming at enhancing domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) in partner countries. However, some people think that free market economy has self-regulation by solving these problems and there is not necessary to decline obesity and related diseases through taxation. Funds required to finance its activities are raised from various sources. Taxes are amounts established in a political process of structured laws to determine how the collective cost of government services will be distributed among elements of the market economy. The British government approved several taxes including the Stamp and Tea Acts to help pay for the costs of the war. i. 29 January 2017 Year: 2014 average student. Lawmakers in the county responded to the pressure from citizens and various lobbying groups that had reviewed the nature and effects of the proposed tax. In addition, there are several very common types of taxes: Income Tax (a percentage of individual or corporate earnings filed to the government) Sales Tax (taxes charged on certain goods and services) It is one of crucial projects because I will know how to calculate taxes in future as, The Importance Of Risk Management In Management. Appendices, Thailands successful industrialization, the essay divides into seventh sections. 2. The wealthy make up 1% of the population but have the most capital. This essay also includes an examination of how these theories can be applied in practice, using the Coca-Cola company as an example, establishing the relationship between risk and return. Some businesses direct customers toward their social network pages more than they direct them to their websites. For instance, in Cook County, the local government observes laws that dictate against the development of additional sales taxes on commodities7. Foreign aid and the abundance of natural resources have similar debilitating effects on an economy. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. First, the proclamation has no clear provision that applies to the income derived from social media business and bloggers. Your privacy is extremely important to us. The government of every country of the world had always imposed taxes on individuals or entities to pay for public spending. But tax concerns of digital marketing specifically social media businesses like that of YouTube, Telegram in one hand and Blogging activities on the other may not have the place in the new tax proclamation No. In the late 1800s, the U.S Treasury Department used sales tax and tariffs to fund its federal budget. (8) With the 16th Amendment being passed through the necessary steps before becoming a constitution law, the federal government was allowed to enforce taxes on its citizens and people making money. Taxes are normally applied to finance government projects by raising revenue or regulating certain behaviors on the part of various entities. Within essay about taxes its evident that many countries are facing less revenue, excessive public expenditure and high finical constrain. supplies the country with its demands ( There is, For example, a sole proprietorship is owned by one person and it is taxed on the profit of the businesses and if I lose they can take my money or other things. click here. The advancement of digital marketing strategies offers a lot of potential for brands and organizations. Because of the Civil war, there was a financial burden on the country. References 16 We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. Taxation has been anticipated as a means of reducing the consumption of these beverages and fast foods, thereby lowering health show more content They like to have power to choose what they can eat. Lu, Xiaobo, and Kenneth Scheve. Found a great essay sample but want a unique one? Rational 5 If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. and figure out a title and outline for your paper. Conclusion 15 Specifically, any other income which does not fall under the three schedules or other provisions of the proclamation will be governed by this proclamation. The bottom line is that taxation should foster equal distribution of resources. Remember: This essay was written and uploaded by an The United States uses many of these taxes in varying levels to raise the, Taxes are what we pay to live in a civilized society that is democratic, offers opportunity, and has a huge, Taxation is a levy or a charge imposed by a government on its citizens to raise revenue that finances public spending. Taxation is a levy or a charge imposed by a government on its citizens to raise revenue that finances public spending. It is apparent that the tax was meant to reduce the consumption of sweetened soft drinks with the hope that consumers would be discouraged by the increased prices of the products 2. The problem created for the taxpayer is that they are taxed before they incur related expenses. The government and other policy makers have the responsibility of ensuring that the system takes into account the needs of the citizens. "The Importance of Tax in Our Life." The main and fundamental difference between governments provided goods and services and market based goods and annuities is its provision, as first ones are based on taxes which are not precondition and the services are financed by the taxes but, on the other hand, second ones are based on immediate payment but prices are measure. Data on Ethiopia shows that annual growth for Internet users is at 37 percent and the number of active social media users is growing by 20 percent. The system used in Progressive Tax; however, many people believe the system of Flat Tax, or Proportional Tax, should be the system that is used for taxing., Why does a government tax? The policies are meant to ensure that the administration does not introduce laws that exploit the public in an unfair manner. Importance of Taxation in a society. Our free knowledge base makes your Despite its popularity, it is not without limitations. Its quick and easy! The federal tax system is plagued with issues: It doesn 't raise sufficient revenue to back government spending, it is unpredictable, it makes results that are unreasonable, and it impedes monetary productivity. Third, the British state without money the government would not be able to function. Deficit spending occurs when a government spends more money than what it takes in over a fiscal period, creating or increasing a government debt balance. Government levies different types of taxes to generate revenue which financially help to run its machinery. It is important to pay taxes because it brings income to the government, which is then used to build and support socialised services and develop infrastructure for the citizens. Moreover, countries experience shows that there are specific rules and regulations to administer taxation of social media and blogging businesses. Norman Harris Is it ethical and rational to tax more on rich? The Middle Ages is often regarded, Name: Kerrika Sterling Can I hire someone to write essay? IvyPanda. Short Essay On The Importance Of Taxation 100% Success rate Avail our cheap essay writer service in just 4 simple steps To get a writer for me, you just must scroll through these 4 stages: Level: College, University, High School, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate Alexander Freeman #8 in Global Rating Got my paper!!! Rich people worked hard to earn it, and their work should be valued. Additionally, the proclamation does not talk about the status/fate of the persons who employed themselves in such business activities hence it creates a clear legal gap for tax administration. Taxes are chief and vital source of revenue which user are custodies for Government delivered services. It contributes in achieving of social justice by re-distribution of income and in economic stability by reducing the taxes in case of recession. Lo1-2.1 11 (2020) 'The Importance of Tax in Our Life'. The Importance of Tax in Our Life. Introduction The most important source of revenue of the government is tax. Yet, whatever you do or whoever you might be; regardless of your status, you cant maintain a strategic distance from taxes. Taxes are kind of like rules for the financial world that we all participate in even when we think that we are not. Government deficits gets it money through the sale of public securities; an example of public securities are government bonds (Roots, nd). Tax is one of the ways for authorities in the public sector to raise revenue to run their projects. This type of taxation typically results from a C corporation paying tax on its taxable income and shareholders paying income tax on any dividends received from the C Corporation. In corporation, employees receive take free freight benefits as a kind of motivation to employees. Taxes! The importance of taxation in the process of development is unquestionable. 286/2002. Get inspiration for your writing task, explore essay structures, The second section is an explanation of the perspective of labour-intensive industrialization. Objectives 6 The term "double taxation" refers to the taxing of the same income twice. Taxing is huge since it 31 October. In this essay I will prove that the absence of ethics in accountancy not only undermines the very core principles of accounting which is to present fair and, The Vikings, a term used to describe the people from Scandinavia from the late eighth century until the invasion of England in 1066, were particularly influential during this period through their extensive journeys, as they reached areas as far as North America and the Middle East, linking together all the communities in between. The wealthy should pay higher taxes because they are financially stable and they have the resources. Importance Of Taxation In India. Each jurisdiction is subjected to the authority of the government above them., From as long as I could remember Taxes have always been apart of our daily lives. Taxing also often entails involuntary wealth transfers and re-distributes it to others. Taxation is the most effective and important source of revenue., Discuss the features of a good tax system and review the Malaysian income tax system in relation to those relevant features. For example, if the government needs more income at time of crisis, the tax should be capable of yielding . This project covers everything I have taken it during this course. In the modern corporate world, making an efficient capital allocation is one of the most important investment functions as it determines the organizations' growth potential and their ability to achieve their strategic sustainable goals. Why must the rich pay more tax to help the poor? A more relevant question to this essay would be what is poor ethics? 282/2002, the latest income tax proclamation tries to include every income from any transaction to be taxed at the rate of 15 percent. Evolution of Taxation in the Constitution The Articles of Confederation Taxes are mandatory payments to government as they reallocate the resources for ability of individuals to command resources. Additionally, Ethiopians resident bloggers and social media business holders have many more sources of income from the worldwide base. We have helped each other in this project to analyze and calculate the taxes which give us a general idea about the taxes course. Taxes are an amount of money collected from citizens, and they are used to provide public goods and services to benefit our communities. Copyright 2022 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, E-Commerce Taxation and Global Challenges, The Political Stream: New Tax on Sweetened Beverages, Feminist Perspective Influence on Canadian Laws and Lawmakers, Obesity: the Public Health Challenge of Our Time, Leadership Styles of Government Leaders Based on Lawmakers Prepare To Take Budget Debate Late Into Night, Innova Market Insights: Beverage Management, Lobbying in the United States' Political Culture, "Amazon Laws" and Taxation of Internet Sales, Personal Income Tax: Arguments For and Against, Canada Revenue Agency, Its Benefits and Limitations, Section 179 of the International Revenue Code, Amy Lawton, Green Taxation Theory in Practice: The 2012 Reform of the Carbon Reduction Commitment,, Natrah Saad, Tax Knowledge, Tax Complexity and Tax Compliance: Taxpayers View,, Deborah K. Rood, The Importance of Tax Quality Control,, Xiaobo Lu and Kenneth Scheve, Self-Centered Inequity Aversion and the Mass Politics of Taxation,. Tax collection is an administrative appraisal upon property estimation, exchanges, legacy of the perished, licenses conceding a privilege or potentially wage, and obligations on. Taxes can often be a big burden for most, they can also be a help and used for many other functions. Importance of CMA It's important to understand why other people get the CMA certification in . Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have transformed the way some businesses think about advertising. From the fourth to sixth section, the essay will investigate causes of outstanding industrialization, Individual written defense E-mail us: [emailprotected]. 1. For example, the Stamp Acts of 1765. It is apparent that the tax was meant to reduce the consumption of sweetened soft drinks with the hope that consumers would be discouraged by the increased prices of the products2. This requires modernization of tax governance and broadening tax bases. Taxation should help create new jobs, constantly strengthen and expand the country's economy, contributing to income and wealth redistribution. Lawmakers in the county responded to the pressure from citizens and various lobbying groups that had reviewed the nature and effects of the proposed tax. Governments make use of taxation as a tool to generate revenue, discourage undesirable behavior, reduce inequality, distribute resources and to protect local industries. According to Figure 1, fifty-nine percent of federal expenditures are entitlements, i.e. Deficit spending is an intentionally calculated plan included in the yearly fiscal budget of the President and Congress to help stimulate the economy (Amadeo, 2016). In taxation course I have learned many things. 2020. According to Forbes report on 3 Dec 2018, only the top ten YouTubers make an aggregate of 180.5 Million USD by streaming videos through their respective channels. Public administrations are charged with the development of sufficient revenue to finance programs that benefit the society; hence, they have to either raise the money through investments or apply levies on various commodities to generate the funds. The origin of the word "tax" is Latin and, it means "to assess". Secondly, the intentions of the tax were concealed through the claim that the tax was meant to enhance health outcomes for the citizens of Cook County. The first income tax started off by taxing individuals 3% making more than $800, while people who made more than that gave up a larger percentage. Table of Contents From the small importing/exporting company, to giants such as EY and Coca-Cola. Content: Effect of Taxes on Corporate Investment Decisions. Parliament had passed the Sugar Act and Currency Act the foregoing year. Third, those who taking part in social media and blogging businesses are most of the time private individuals who do not have a business license and not registered as per the law of the country. Secondly, there are many types of taxes such as income taxes, wealth taxes, consumption taxes, tariffs and duties taxes. ID number: COL 1283 Teacher: Mrs. Walters 4 (2015): 24. Many politicians vehemently debate which taxation methods the government should or should not utilize. The simple answer to this is as follows: EVERYTHING! Rules are something that we as people live by, rules tell us how to live and give us guidelines in which we must follow. This affects our daily life because we have to pay these taxes at the moment of purchase, which provides the government with more money, Throughout the beginning of time there has always been a need for rules, kings and queens created new ones as there were needed. Top 10 Ethiopian based YouTube channels have got around 1.5 billion views since their establishment. Numerous supporters of taxes propose that taxation is way too punishing in the present day of monetary tendencies that occur in America. Repairs, insurance, depreciation, interest and other expenses are incurred as the income is earned. However, these investment decisions are heavily . The associated lawmakers had to introduce the tax at the point of sale, which was quite a bad choice because it would exempt all consumers using food stamps as stipulated by the law. Secondly, the British made the stamp act. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay Shays Rebellion was also an outcome that the inability to tax led to; farmers and workers were getting too high of a tax, so they rebelled, later causing the government to rethink its. No wonder taxes play a major role in politics. In the case under analysis, authorities in Cook County, Chicago, introduced a controversial tax on sweetened beverages in the soft drink field. Apart from Facebook and Twitter, numerous social media platforms are used by business organizations and individuals to create wealth and profit. IvyPanda. In the English language the word appears as late as the 14th century. Economic principles reveal that whenever an administration is facing deficits in its annual budget, there are some options that it may pursue to raise the required money4. The easiest and fairest way to do this is by taxing the people. Tax Knowledge, Tax Complexity and Tax Compliance: Taxpayers View. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 109, no.1 (2014):1069-1075. Besides, digital marketing has become a new phenomenon that brings together customization and mass distribution to accomplish marketing goals, and, of course, it also becomes a major source of taxation.Marketing on the Internet has pushed the limits towards another idea of digital marketing user-centered, ubiquitous and interactive. Answer: ESSAY ON TAXATION. Taxes are chief and vital source of revenue which user are custodies for Government delivered services. is owned and operated by RATATATA LTD 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, This precisely is the main function of financial literacy and financial education. Firstly, I realized the importance of taxes in enhancing the situation of poor people and standard of living to them and helping the government in developing infrastructure or other essential projects. A government can also issue a public or Treasury bond to the public to finance specific project. Soon, laws were passed that helped regulate taxes, causing tension between officials and colonists because officials clearly wouldn't address these issues. There are many taxes that are placed on different things that everyone needs or already has. The income of a business, professional, vocational, occupational and any activities considered as a trade by the Commercial Code of Ethiopia are charged under schedule C of proclamation No/2016. The purpose of taxes is to fund services, i.e. Deficit Spending One is taxes and the other is death. However, she suggests. 979/2016. "The Importance of Tax in Our Life." Some of these projects include: Health Without taxes, government contributions to the health sector would be impossible. Second, if one argued based on article 63 of the proclamation, there are pieces of evidence that show any person involved in these business activities are not paying taxes. Firstly, I realized the importance of taxes in enhancing the situation of poor people and standard of living to them and helping the government in developing infrastructure or other essential projects. October 31, 2020. Taxes are implemented by our government to raise revenues for specific purposes. plagiarism-free paper. And the act of laying tax is called taxation. 5. Nowadays, people are arguing about the fairness of paying more tax. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. This includes YouTube, Instagram, Telegram and Blogging are the most widely accessed across the world including Ethiopia. Our emergency services such as, law enforcement, EMT, and Fire/rescue thrive off of tax dollars, many of our healthcare offices also use tax payers money to stay open. We utilize security vendors that protect and The United States uses a taxation system which is criticized by many. Privacy statement. This case reveals that while taxes are necessary for boosting the capabilities of the government in meeting its obligations and plans, they have to be introduced in a manner that shows legitimacy and appropriate reasoning on the part of the proponents8. The revenue collected by the government through taxation and the spreading of public expenditures can have noteworthy effect on the consumption, production and distribution of the national income of the country. Mauritius Operates A Global System Of Taxation Essay, Research Paper: Texas And The State Income Tax Essay, Discussion Of The Effectiveness Of Environmental Taxes Essay, Incomes Exempt For Taxation Purpose In Australia Essay, Research Of The Determinants Of Inflation In Education Costs Essay, The Role Of Empathy In Sociological Imagination Essay, The Heavy Weight Of Student Loans: Critical Analysis Of The Article On Forgiving Student Loan Debt Essay, Relation of Globalization in America to Gross Domestic Product Essay. The first one is a description of Thai economy in the Nineteenth century and the early Twentieth century. IvyPanda. There is a saying that there are two things that you cannot avoid in life. A government can also issue a public or Treasury bond to the public to finance specific project. Given that enhancing revenue through taxation serves as a primary means of financing public goods, public infrastructure and maintaining law and order. Green Taxation Theory in Practice: The 2012 Reform of the Carbon Reduction Commitment. Environmental Law Review 18, no. student. writing task easier. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. Secondly, there are many types of taxes such as income taxes, wealth taxes, consumption taxes, tariffs and duties taxes. CAPM Boston: Newnes, 2013. A tax or tariffs are funds that are paid to the government that are added when something is bought that is considered valuable. Need a custom Critical Writing sample written from scratch by Thence, enhancing national development through domestic revenue has a pivotal part in achieving SDG by 2030. These things that are viewed as items that should lead to prosperity actually have the opposite effect. 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importance of taxation essay