how to pronounce epigone

I wonder why China and Korea havent learned anything., Mr. Nishio, who wrote a chapter in the comic book about South Korea, said Japan should try to cut itself off from China and South Korea, as Fukuzawa advocated. The chinese were seen as colonizer and imperialist, not any founder. Like the war in Europe, it will take a 2nd session to bring it to conclusion. These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Thanks, LOL, or Troll with the selected comment. Who knows whats going on? Welcome to Post-America: In Majority Non-White Philadelphia, Business Owner Hires Heavily Armed Guards to Protect Customer Have the Woke Jumped the Shark? acetone.abalone acetone alsoone amarone amidone anemone beshone calzone canzone cassone chalone chelone chinone compone condone cyclone dapsone diphone dispone doggone dracone duotone ecotone epigone estrone flavone fordone forgone hambone hemione hipbone histone hormone hypnone isogone isotone jambone jawbone lactone ladrone madrone Synonyms for leader include chief, head, principal, boss, commander, captain, figurehead, controller, superior and kingpin. Heres just one example of the Oirish in UK society: An Oirishman in a position of influence with UK intelligence involved himself in an illegal escapade to destroy a bridge on Russian territory this act was recent and intended to aid Ukraine in its current war with Russia. Stop it. There is some truth in your statement and it only confirms what many believe, which is that the Japanese only respect BRUTE FORCE. We have to go back to perhaps 2200 years to justify that Vietnam is different from Southern China. Cao Cao is very famous in Japan as well, as much as Zhuge Liang, hes more of main character in Musou games than Liu Bei because the japanese thinks hes their Nobunaga. As to Vietnam. The USA could try to revive the Spratly Islands dispute which Duterte shelved in favor of closer economic relations between China and the Philippines. Another tries to compare PRC territory with Xia over 3000 years ago to prove that China was expansionist, while ignoring all the historical context and tiny events in the intervening period. I am preparing a post to cover the whole, but must sleeping and working tomorrow, saved as a text file, think I posted a scrap of it. By the end of July, the Chinese had concentrated sufficient troops in the area for an attack, but the Japanese, the bulk of whom had cleared the area moving north, relinquished the city. Sharin Yamano, the young cartoonist behind Hating the Korean Wave, began his strip on his own Web site then. He seems to think their only hope is Russia, China, BRICS+/BRI, but they wont likely realize it until its too late and they see their comprador elites clinging to the wheels of the last plane out of Frankfurt/Kabul. Go visit Xian, the capital city of the Han and Tang Dynasties and see the architecture there. And that is not going to make us happy. They were pogromed from Indonesia in the 1960s, and when the Viet Cong were victorious in Viet Nam they forced them into boats at gun point. As far as I am concerned, Ashkenazi Jews are as White as any other Europeans. They were pogromed from Indonesia in the 1960s. Across Southeast Asia the Chinese diaspora has been informally referred to for decades as the bamboo internet. The same metaphor would apply to China-Southeast Asia diplomacy: Gotta go the bamboo way. Because this narrative strengthens his point about the Irish, it doesnt detract it. Nobody cares theyre white too, its allowing foreigners to settle on your land because its politically expedient. Awesome! they regard as inferior races. He joins the criminal underclass, where all the Chinese pretended to be brothers with each other but in the end all backstabbed each other and died like sewer rats. By contrast, the Chinese both Nationalists and Communists fought far more battles while the Soviet Red Army fought the biggest battles against the IJA which lost the war by attrition over eight long years. This peaceful modernisation with Chinese characteristics is imperialism or neo imperialism all over again. Synonyms for associate include fraternise, fraternize, hobnob, mingle, socialise, socialize, consort, mix, hang and accompany. Could China Survive the Sanctions Against Russia? Turkey big winner. All that changed after WWII, in which Germany was not only soundly defeated but did so by its main victim The USSR. But if you look historically for the last 1000 years, when China was BY FAR the largest and most prosperous country in the region, it did not invade or colonise. Where is the new Sovereign Nations (versus Jewnighted aka United) Office & Assembly going to be? Synonyms for lover include beau, beloved, boyfriend, sweetheart, mistress, paramour, swain, darling, girlfriend and inamorata. 'White is the name we now give to anything and everything we hate.' . As for Africa, the Politicians and population is waking up to the new colonialists, arrogant and full of themselves. OBRs brain is starting to seize up ignore her. It seems very far off, but in the mind of God, the time is very near. Words do not convince. The revised plan, renamed CARBONADO, called for a rapid advance to the coast in August to seize Fort Bayard on the Liuchow Peninsula, about 250 miles southwest of Canton. On a technical level, if being Han is being one of the many ethnic groups that were united under the Han dynasty, then yes, the Vietnamese can be considered Han. Its a moment that may be set to last a century and beyond. Corrupt to the core. Ireland will be Ireland when Englands buggered up !! That secret deal clinched Hirohitos surrender and instantly turned him into a Cold War Ally of the USA. The high IQ Chinese own and operate Singapore but whos to say the low IQ Malays might one day get greedy and push them out? 9th in uranium reserves. Why American 'Conservatives', So Craven and Cowardly Before the Tridolatry of Jewish-Black-Homo Power, Have Opted for Yell Kanye, Nick Fuentes, and the Jews, or the Most Crucial Crossroads in the Destiny of the Clown World West. That last chapter would finally close the book on WWII. 6th in gold reserves. Thats not BS history. If you look from afar and with an open mind at something complex, it becomes simple. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media, Bamboo Diplomacy: The China-SE Asia Romance, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will head Beijings delegation in Cambodia for regional meetings. From intellectual ability to chauvinistic attitude. and when the Viet Cong were victorious in Viet Nam they forced them into boats at gun point. But that was exactly their quid-pro-quo which the Japanese had sought before agreeing to surrender. And yesterday Kishida just shakes hands with Xi. How noble of them (sarcastic eye roll). Two weeks later, Truman dropped the two atomic bombs as a stark warning to Stalin not to invade Japan. 8) Ah wantz respeck. The U.S. Tenth Air Force from India joined the Fourteenth Air Force on 23 July to form the Army Air Forces, China theater, under the command of Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer. Next week will be Bali for the Group of Twenty, followed by Bangkok for the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit. At a gut level, many Hongkongers believe they are fundamentally superior to mainlanders, so there is something deeply wrong about being ruled by barbarians. China built the Great Wall for pure defensive purpose. Did the Attorney General Deceive Congress? The USA has too much dirt on the kleptocratic Marcos family which is seeking to gain power in order to protect their own private wealth and promote their own personal interests. Chinatowns are mushrooming, if I believe the African news, and one does not see any African face there. Find more similar words at! Synonyms for lover include beau, beloved, boyfriend, sweetheart, mistress, paramour, swain, darling, girlfriend and inamorata. And yes, Chinese officials were sent to Singapore to study public administration there. This is dumb, even for you. At the end of the day, all are cousins. I believe that they refer to the rest of Asia as Asia, as if they dont belong to it. Cheer to the dragon century! Han Chinese got payback on the Mongols in this incident in 1891, but not in battle but by numerically overwhelming the Mongols in colonization and then attacking in a sneaky underhanded way. Find more similar words at! Yes, that is a very prudent view. After all, Xi Jinping launched the Maritime Silk Road concept in Jakarta more than nine years ago. American troops had landed on Iwo Jima and Okinawa, which could provide staging bases for attacks on Japan itself. Why do people forget Vietnam was literally founded by a Chinese general and Vietnamese population has many of the same exact ethnic groups that exist in Southern China??? Delusions of being part of the West by subserviently seeking affirmation while at the same time main income earners by native Filipinos are the maids working in other Southeast Asian countries, Hong Kong, and by the laborers in the Middle East. In my opinion, China can corral all the allies in the region and bark about Asia first. Most non political Jews and Muslims admit their practices are more similar to each other than western Christians (or even Ashkenazi Jews for that matter). Both members and non-members can engage with resources to support the implementation of the Notice and Wonder strategy on this webpage. Real Jews had not say. In truth, despite the last 2 hundred years of Western hegemony, it did not cut much ice with anyone despite the technological advance in propagating information and constant Anglo Saxon cultural propaganda through movies, music and other media. Perhaps another poster here on Unz would do me the kindness of posting this info thereproviding you have also posted there from time to time. After all, Han lost to the mongols while the Viets didnt. The story has been told. All the arrogance will vanish overnight when the rice bowl is empty and the cop sticks stand unused. 7)Doesnt everybody? Both Judaism and Islam are always under siege. But I worry less about China than another young upstart empire. Every dog has his day, no pun intended ! Japan was basically an acolyte of Tang Dynasty China. It retained the Majapahit red and white multiple stripes and added blue stripes to represent Dutch colors. Will Afghanistan Turn Out to be US Imperialisms Last Gleaming? All these woke sh%ts are for the benefits of Western Whites, especially the elites. Duterte had made the right choice by pivoting to China which could have made those badly needed investments in physical infrastructure and manufacturing industries but Marcos Jr has opted to switch back to the USA for the aforementioned reasons. Had Hirohito not surrendered to the Yanks, the Japanese would be speaking Russian today. I have seen too many videos showing protesters and rioters who immediately calmed down, reacted reasonably and/or even backed away when Western-looking people intervened in their actions. On Africa, Beijing hosted Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu. That is, the one with the muscle wants to be The MAN. I can imagine what the US military emissaries said to Imperial Japan while negotiating their surrender If you surrender to us, we will save you from the Chinese, Koreans and all the others.they sold out their allies in order to position themselves as future world hegemon. HUMANS CAN IN FACT ONLY NOW MAKE SENSE, RELEVANCE, IF WE BRING OUR CULTURAL LIFE, SOCIETY, PHILOSOPHIES/IDEOLOGIES INTO RELEVANCE WITH THE TRUTH OF NATURE, OURSELVES WE HAVE PROVEN, CREATE WAYS OF LIVING THAT ADJUST AS WE ADVANCE IN NATURE, INCREASE OUR KNOWLEDGE ALONG THE WAY. Speaking of Mahathir, in 1987, a 10 year old boy, Darrell Abercrombie, from UK wrote a letter to him, then the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Yes agreed. In parallel, the construction of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway has proceeded with only a few bumps. Jackie Chan made a movie about this in Shinjuku Incident where hes an illegal immigrant to Japan. The Right are still deluded in their long gone glory days and thought the rest of the World are sh8tholes while the Left understood whats at stake and the best way forward is to Kumbaya the whole world and maintain the status quo. I mean thats true Champa had its own development but lets not forget even that which we would call Southern Vietnam the Champa kingdom there broke off from China. In central and south China, more minor fighting occurred, but the Japanese troop movements into northern and central China were largely unopposed, at least initially. Nice rundown of Chinas raw material and agricultural resources. That last sentence is a dead giveaway of your own inferiority complex which Indian elites try to compensate by being neo-imperialist. But it was too little too late as the Chinese Communists had already moved into Soviet-occupied Manchuria and grabbed the weapons left-over by the departing Japanese. In cases where people state they are intelligent or have high IQs, frequently the opposite is the caseregards..Justa Peon. Reality is the rise of China has benefited the Global South not just economically but diplomatically as well. And in social interaction, most East Asians try to be non-confrontational and avoid conflict. What do you mean, we? This is a race and civilizational war as the dying West struggles to maintain its dominance over the lesser breeds. I will explain There were also the Song loyalists who fled to Vietnam and helped fight off the Mongol invasions. That is nonsense, the two atomic bombings had two purposes. The latter seized most of the northernmost islands of the Ryukuu island kingdom, not for a unitary, that didnt exist. No, David Cole, Race Realism Research ContinuesDespite the New Dark Age. At least thats what I understood over the years of reading financial news. Okamura was to be reinforced with newly mobilized units from Japan, bringing his total troop strength by the summer of 1945 to over a million men south of the Great Wall, although the quality was less than before. Read the Jakarta Method for more info on this. Then maybe the Vietnamese would like to be associated with Han., Capitalisms is dcayed into its final stage then it evolves interest of all. protocol showed up, the postings were automatically removed. That General Armageddon really is a patriot. Japanese are practical people with their own destiny and great accomplishments. It was the Labour Party that did the most harm in the UK, and without the thick Oirish vote the Labour Party would have only been in power a tenth of the time that it has been in the post war period. It looks like the Philippines, geographically isolated, also finds itself sidelined from Chinas huge high speed BRI development train diplomatically, politically, economically, culturally, and militarily. You have the northern group, which includes also the Mongols, Manchus, and Turkics, as well as Han north of the Yangtze river. Minority elites have always been limitless capable of any absolute and extreme act in their own interest, seeking to maintain their permanence. Even then Mongol could sweep from one end to the other. Xiamen was the only SEZ in Fujian Province while the other three were in Guangdong Province. Exactly. That movie Hero is basically just style over substance. First stop is Phnom Penh for the 25th China-ASEAN summit, the 25th ASEAN Plus Three (APT) summit, and the 17th East Asia Summit, all the way The less said about the mental midget Smith the better. The most beautiful sight in the world is a nice, white woman in a nice, white town, with three nice white children. It was Trong himself who first came up with the fascinating idea of bamboo diplomacy: soft, clever, persistent and resolute. @Polistra 'Because white isnt just a color, or lack of color. Thats true only for Seoul but not for the rest of Korea which by the way also includes the North. Faced with this mounting threat, Japan was utterly unprepared. Theres a Chinese saying: Killing the Chickens, to Scare the Monkeys. Since 2020, ASEAN has been Chinas largest trading partner. Why do people forget Vietnam was literally founded by a Chinese general and Vietnamese population has many of the same exact ethnic groups that exist in Southern China??? So what is false????? They are highly propagandized by the west. After the Communist Party Congress defined the parameters of peaceful modernization and how Beijing will develop globalization 2.0 with Chinese characteristics, diplomacy was ready to go on the offensive. Arent these exactly the same arguments about muh oppression Indian immigrants to the UK use? I like Dutertes suggestion. The economic systems we have used have expanded us greatly at the sme time they have produces horrific exploitation of each other, and massive, horrific genocides of each other, to the point we now have the ability to exterminate oursles as a species with the push of buttonbut at the same time we have developed maximally the very understading I am trying to describe herethat we have the advancement to move forward to what is our clear purose as in life, defined by obvious and simple understanding of nature, what our clear, obvious absolute purpose isand twhat our resultant way of life must be if we are to surviveand that is to ensure our indefinite survival as a species, to live in nature in our our best interest period and tola and to achive that maximally we are required to take care our ourselves and therfre must take care of the planet. It explored the legacy of Qin Shihuang. Shenzhen is next to HK and after the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SEZ) naturally initial investment came from nearby HK. The Jewish attitude is also that the other guy is too dumb to even notice that he is being exploited that attitude always fails, because everyone always eventually figures out whose hand is in their pants pocket. Indonesia retained the Majapahit flag but with just one red stripe and one white stripe. LOL! Taiwan had more of an impact on its cousin across the straits. The ability of the African governments to force the Chinese to obey their civil law will decrease; Chinese may gain something like the extraterritoriality that Europeans enjoyed in China in the 19th Century. They also point to Japans longstanding unease with the rest of Asia and its own sense of identity, which is akin to Britains apartness from the Continent. Second, China invaded annexed all those lands it could hold on; it left only those lands which it could not hold by force; a good example is Vietnam. The Airline industry has had a Free Ride with all this nonsense. Another Bright Idea from the Yankee Capital, The Future Historical Perspective on German National Socialism. Tea- like paper before it was a state secret in China. But even as Vietnam became independent from China a millennium ago, it always remained deeply influenced by Chinese culture. The women of the Yamato-Race are particular weak at their kneels when it comes to African men! Till this day, if you want to see a Tang dynasty (circa 600-900AD) court orchestra, you cannot find it in China. Given the chance, there is a small but vocal subset of Hong Kong people who really want the Brits to recolonise the city or the Americans to take it over. Even their traditional clothes are Han clothes. The rest is lying filth almost beyond comprehension. Im not Irish. A telling comment. . But we know the story to a great extent already. China has been the biggest economy, in PPP terms, since 2014. Cut those off and a lot of Gooks will be Spooks ! Think dazzling largesse. Words that rhyme with on include mourn, worn, scorn, sworn, shorn, spawn, dawn, horn, torn and warn. Synonyms for champion include winner, victor, champ, conqueror, titlist, hero, prizewinner, medalist, nonpareil and overcomer. I have read similar words on the web before. The same applies to solving the seemingly intractable issues of the South China Sea. Certainly Taiwan doesnt want in and Hong Kong would leave in a New York minute. That would explain Hirohitos sanitized image unlike Maos demonization in the West today. Does not want free trade. Even India is now balking at US pressure to isolate Russia while Pakistan has seen a US-instigated regime-change against Imran Khan for his refusal to back US moves against Russia. I further added that Southeast Asia in fact are more Chinese influenced despite Hindu influences earlier on and Western hegemony for 200 years did not cut much ice in the region. Furthermore, the evacuation of the air bases in the Kweilin-Liuchow area, about 270 miles west of Canton, which was expected to occur soon, would help solve the logistical problems of supporting the offensive. Find more similar words at! In a meeting last year, Nury Martinez mocked Indigenous immigrants and the Black child of a fellow council member. It is my personal opinion that we are already at the peak, or near the peak of world population. One thing I find admirable with China is that the cultural confidence is so solid and utterly unshakeable. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is monopolizing the Asian and Global South spotlight for no fewer than 10 days, this week and the next, across a flurry of regional and international summits. Even China wouldnt want to mess with them. But today, lo and behold! Yes they did. After WWI, the German army felt betrayed by their politicians, who surrendered without being militarily defeated. That must have compelled Truman to finally decide to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan to show Americas newfound military might which forced Stalin to cancel the planned invasion of Hokkaido. Yes. The Philippines can serve as an anchor of development security for itself and ASEAN/China from the depredations of the US intruder in Asia. Intel hackers steady on station this evening on the MoA site. Yes, what you say is true. The poorer the natives are, the more socially dysfunctional they are, the better, to perpetuate that victimhood. Where will if recruit cheap nurses and other medical workers from? For Beijing, what matters is that Nguyen Phu Trong came to visit immediately after the Communist Party conference somehow echoing the centuries-old tribute system. Maybe nothing much will change except that many got killed. Humans begin life ignorant of nature from where our insecurity begins. Ditto declaring exclusive economic zone. Well, we all know now that was all bulldink and jive. It is also true there were scattered peoples living in different kingdoms. But the Americans wanted Hirohito to surrender to them in order to prevent the Soviet Red Army from reaching Japan by promising the Japanese that they would save Emperor Hirohito from war-crime prosecution and preserve his imperial throne in exchange for an unconditional surrender (wink, wink). Recent headline in the news is that more world leaders visit China than the U.S. if one country offers trade while the other only offers contention and weapons sales and wars and forced identity values well who do you think countries will much rather visit??? The primary mission of the Kwantung Army was from the outset to defend Manchuria at all cost. But Marcos Jr has only so much time left before the USA which is already mired in a deep-seated crisis of its own making leaves the scene in Asia which is now fast coalescing around Chinas BRI, BRICS, AIIB and SCO. Despite this success, the Japanese tightened their grip on Shanghai and also south of Foochow, on Canton, by reinforcing the garrisons of the two ports with troops withdrawn from Fukien and by sending additional troops to the Swatow and Amoy coastal areas between the Canton-Hong Kong area and Foochow. It is difficult for the Westerner to understand. In the oil and gas fields, Chinas offshore exploration has mostly been in shallow waters of less than 300m in water depth due to its lack of deepwater technology until recently. The historical revisionism of the right-wing Japanese neo-fascists is just Japanese coping with their military defeat in WWII. It was the Khazars in central Europe who adopted Judaism in the face of growing popularity/pressure of Christianity and Islam. and I called out your BS. Another good movie about Qin Shi Huang is Emperors Shadow: You can watch the movie to see how it plays out. Skip forward to the 1950s and the breeding-rat Oirish had increased in numbers enough to lower the UKs average IQ. Synonyms for company include firm, business, establishment, house, concern, corporation, enterprise, outfit, syndicate and agency. European investors then followed suit, especially German companies. Prior to the Song Dynasty, Chinese rulers were mostly concerned with the overland Silk Road which could explain why China didnt have much cultural impact on SE Asia as did India. You knew that Cao Cao was a ruthless guy, but you didnt that he wantonly massacred hundreds of thousands of civilians after he besieged cities. Take a Bex, or twenty, and have a good lie down. 2nd in corn production. During the 1990s, Deng went out and courted foreign investors from Asia which led to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Singapore. Edgar Cayce most interesting reading . So its no wonder the Chinese find receptivity to their ideas and necessities to an extent thats absolutely out of the question in the West. I agree with that, to a degree, but would cut the not to invade Japan part. The only way for the Yanks to win over the Japanese to their side in their incipient Cold War against the USSR was to strike a secret deal with Hirohito, effectively turning him into a client of the USA after his surrender. Synonyms for friend include companion, intimate, confidante, confidant, familiar, shadow, playmate, playfellow, classmate and schoolmate. Well, in theory at least ! we viets do feel kinship with the Cantonese. How do you feel about classism, hierachalsim, Isntism, Schismism, toxic maleism, Freudism, Fuckyousim? Still, the number of sales, 360,000 so far, surprised the books editors, suggesting that the Hate Korea movement was far larger than they had believed. Not with a parasitic infestation screeching into your ear every waking minute. China-ASEAN investment was more than US$340 billion by last July, according to the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing. There is simply no need, no plan, no viable way and no motivation for that. China began operating its first self-developed deepwater oil rig in the South China Sea only in 2012. Needless to say, your statement above merely admits that, of the War in the Pacific and East Asia, only the part between Japan and the US is settled. Wake up and stop being neo imperialist; rejoin the community of nations. I have said in the last thread that dont mind the chinese nationalists. The damage the Japs did to the Chinese matched those of the Mongols and Manchus. That is one of the reason why I feel China will not invade Taiwan by force because most of the SEA Chinese diaspora are Fujian/Minnan people and Taiwanese are mostly Fujian/Minnan people. But the world cannot learn from China, because of pride, racial animosity, and plain inability to change. I would like to add another Chinese similarity to Prussian militarism/expansion: 9) Gunboat diplomacy/sabre rattling. As said, you need a healthy dose of history book and less internet. Even without the Americans, the entry of the Soviet Red Army alone would have turned the tide against the Japanese because Manchuria served as the industrial base of the Imperial Japanese Army. 'White is the name we now give to anything and everything we hate.' The West did until about 130 years ago. Then maybe the Vietnamese would like to be associated with Han. ASEAN is liking their position and has told the US no thanks. I would say it is a similar situation with Korea. Thankfully, they are just tragedies of the past and the Negro-Saxon and the entire (((AUKUS))) will drown in a brown tide! Theres a long page here just on the massacres that took place in the Ming-Qing transition. They were absorbed into China without forced integration. Buddhism originated in India but its two branches Mahayana and Vajrayana are centered in China today based on the Chinese and Tibetan canons respectively. The MOST faithful practitioners of that philosophy are the murrikans: Youre either with us or against us, he continued. I think that next spring, things will be obvious which way things are going. I wonder what happened to that Filipino Pride. Aside from China Japan is subservient to the US because they want the Kurils back from Russia. But Flips cant quite do nigger- not to get too academic- either in form or substance. All these things the USA can not provide except maybe call center jobs in the Philippines and nursing jobs in the USA. The Zhang Yimou movie Hero went into a related theme. Was Cayce referring to these Poles or the guys next to Ukraine ? And when we are not happy you do not want to underestimate how nasty we can be. The main exception was Vietnam, occupied by China from 111 BC until AD 963-979. The answer is obvious. Most of the old elite units of the Kwantung Army had already been removed from Manchuria and redeployed elsewhere in the Pacific. Japan was totally defenseless in Manchuria. In late February 1945, Army Headquarters in Tokyo confirmed a marked increase in the shifting of Russian troops on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, including anti-aircraft guns and airplanes. I dazzle you with my size, prosperity, power and culture. Its not the case that theres a line where you cross the Yangtze, and suddenly its night and day difference. Yes though I see antibeast noted correctly that while Singapore after Deng met Lee Kwan Yew served as the model for Shenzen opening up Singapore didnt invest actually they later invested in Suzhou). Ranked 14th in oil reserves. 60% of wth in iron ore reserves. Also, the U.S. army air force would have attacked, and we might have had WWIII back then. Beta ORouke, paedo Joe Biden and his paedo son, and no end of other dumb debauched Oirish in places of influence. Chinas industrial revolution began in 1982, but manufacturing take off didnt begin until just 20 years ago. Everything else is just hot air. ANY GOD THAT MAKES, SHAPES-FORMS-CREATES A LIFE FORM IT WOULD DO SO FORM IT GOD-LIKE, OR IT WOULD BE WASTING ITS TIME. Photo: Creative Commons, Nguyen Phu Trong meets Xi Jinping on an earlier visit. Ireland will be Africa in 30-40 years at the rate its going. The closest the Americans got to Japan was Okinawa where they suffered heavy casualties. Hes compared in statecraft with Shang Yang and Shen Buhai, military strategy with Han Xin and Bai Qi (who like him, buried alive massive numbers of captured soldiers). It comes from being one of the Five Eyes, the gang of Anglo settler, racist, genocidists who ABSOLUTELY believe that they must rule the planet forever. Maybe thats why you dont know whats rubbish and what is not. One claims Chinas aggression will be inevitable because all government is corrupted and it is due to human proclivity (actually, he was projecting his westerners proclivity). I have not met any East Asian who behaved like house-niggers while the only Southeast Asians who who did so were all Filipinos. Even then Mongol could sweep from one end to the other. They acted like tiny niggers with the shoes and hanging, colorful polyester shirts. Heres some negative views from Russia on the whole shambles of the SMO so far:, As the most powerful of the unabsorbed nations by far, China is the ultimate target of this war. First, the capacity for projecting power over long distances, especially through overland routes, was highly limited in the past; journeys took longer time, making logistics difficult for sending conquering armies to the other end of the Eurasian continent. The two comic books, portraying Chinese and Koreans as base peoples and advocating confrontation with them, have become runaway best sellers in Japan in the last four months. They are ONLY available to recent, frequent commenters who have saved their Name+Email using the 'Remember My Information' checkbox, and may also ONLY be used three times during any eight hour period. So its no wonder that Xi Jinping, It was Trong himself who first came up with the fascinating idea of , @China Japan and Korea Bromance of Three Kingdoms,, The Unz Review An Alternative Media Selection, Chinese Vice-Premier Han Zhengs visit to Singapore, The Global South Births a New Game-Changing Payment System, US Paralyzed by Islamic Republic of Iran's Strategic Swing, Operation Claw-Sword: Erdogans Big New Game in Syria, Russia, India, China, Iran: The Quad That Really Matters, Everybody Wants to Hop on the BRICS Express, 'Peaceful Modernization': Chinas Offering to the Global South, Michael Hudson: A Roadmap to Escape the Wests Stranglehold, Russia and China Havent Even Started to Ratchet Up the Pain Dial, Neocons Teach Germany the Real Meaning of "Unconditional Surrender", "Bamboo Diplomacy: The China-SE Asia Romance",,, American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion, American Pravda: The ADL in American Society, American Pravda: Understanding World War II, America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars, To Hell with Iran, China & Hunter: Americans Are Suffering, Buck-Breaking the Black Man: A Jewish Tradition, Jordan Peterson Goes Death Con 3 on Psychopathic Dark Tetrad Anonymous Demon Rats, Jonathan Greenblatt Explains Why "We" Have to "Get Kanye", Malignant Jew Goofball Dennis Prager Says Youre Going to Hell If You Dont Believe His Ridiculous Gas Chamber Hoax, ADL Celebrates Ethnic Mafia Organizing at the White House to Bring Down Ye, Time Magazine Names Penis-Piano-Playing Nazi Cokehead "Person of the Year", Mathew Crawford on Grand Unified Theory of FTX, Arnaud Develay on "Donbass: The War on Remembrance", Reed Sainsbury: Ye Is Right, and Then Some, Baddiels Hollow Racism Apology to Jason Lee, Illegals Protected In New York, American Workers Menaced By Congress. Chille, Russia and Peru , all Chinese allies have 80% of the worlds reserves. Find more rhyming words at! We need to wait for at least three or four rulers before drawing some reliable conclusions. They are still very Han culture-like especially the Tang Dynasty style. And not only across Southeast Asia. In contrast, the Chinese who were assimilated into Thai culture gave up Confucianism and ended up adopting Indian court rituals. Cartoon Biden and Blinken can? The world looks so much better without America. Find more similar words at! Beautiful. Amphibious landing craft are for invading . But yeah back to the Bamboo network Im shocked westerners didnt realize how wealthy they were. Im super intelligent and therefore rather sensitive, and even though youll probably be using some type of indecipherable pidgin-English, please be polite and civil. Australia is aligned with the US to protect itself from the US. Sort of a compromise between Malaysia and Indonesia. We must come to our truth and bring human culture into essential with the required collective response essential for human survival in nature or given our stage of advancement we may bring about our own extinction, Peking Pepe shamelessly shilling and wrong as always. That is, the one with the muscle wants to be The MAN. The time is not far off when these newly arrived locusts will be expelled and then we shall see how Xi will feed, house and clothe his 1.4 B people. such as locking up Indigenous kids at age ten in adult gaols, incarcerating Indigenous men, women and children at the worlds highest rates, and locking up refugees for decades in off-shore Hell-holes imposed on our neighbours etc. The Indians (dot type), Pakistanis, Africans, Hispanics, Arabs, etc are far, far more successful than the Chinese are and they are doing so largely peacefully though not always legally! Nusantara would be a nice name, fitting in with the countrys Malay-Polynesian languages. I am talking about way back, like 200bc. Them dishonorable sneaky b*stards. The expanded borders that the PRC occupies today are a legacy of it. It betrays your naivete. It's about Germany, Trump Raid: This is Probably the End, Friends, Germany and EU have been handed over a declaration of war, Steve Bannon Was Right!Millennials "Dont Have A Chance", Review of Unmasking Anne Frank, Her Famous diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud by Ikuo Suzuki. The Soviets took the Kurils from Japan at that time. But the idea of one thousand years of colonization is pretty silly. 3) Muh centuries of foreign domination/interference In addition, we find Mongolians, Manchurians, Tibetans, Asian Turkics (Uighurs), Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese (who are geographically South East Asian). The ASEAN 2022 theme is ASEAN A C T: Addressing Challenges Together. The Indonesians defined the G20 as Recover Together, Recover Stronger. And the Thais defined APEC as Open. By the time, US multinationals started investing in the 2000s, their Asian (eg Japanese) and European (eg German) competitors were already well-established in China. The Chinese armies slowly moved forward into the vacuum left by the retreating Japanese. During WWII, India had fallen to such a diminished state that Indian sepoys were busy fighting and dying as cannon fodder for the British Empire in SE Asia while the Chinese Nationalists were busy fighting the Japanese Imperialists who were dying in Burma. That was the end of 'we.' They call it Kanji. Being tiny, they couldnt slam, jump, defend, out-run. The cultures of all three are vastly different and if China thinks it will ultimately call the shots with both or either of these two, then Xi must have been consuming too many pork dumplings. Christians won their jihad (crusade) 150 years ago coinciding with the Industrial Revolution. That was enough to allow the Chinese Nationalist Army to successfully fight and win all battles and gained back Chinese territories lost to Operationf Ichi-go in the last six months of WWII. When students become active doers of mathematics, the greatest gains of their mathematical thinking can be realized. The new silk road will end in the Ruhr Valley? Soft, clever, persistent and enduring. Its reality. The alliance with Russia is also unnatural, the two cultures being different. Fascinating way of putting it, Anon128. THAT would spell the end of the superiority and purity of the Yamato-Race!. Cambodia never had it so good after China started investing in the country. 8)Dont we all? We do not start with the overall, limitless existential relevance connection and meaning we have to each others survival, and that ultimately as soon as we become aware of it we must come to work collectively with this as purpose definition of our work, or we will eliminate ourselves as a speciesthat our work would have the opposite effect of survival for ourselves as individuals/collective. into sustained, continuous, functional socialist organizations internally, globally multipolar and cooperative. Northeast of Chungking, the Chinese armies skirmished with the Japanese in June and July and then withdrew to reorganize when it became apparent that the new Japanese defensive line was strongly held. Whether it is done by Jews or not, I dont care, but wish whoever doing it best of luck. I am embarrassed by fools like you who bother to talk to them. In mid-April the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters had more immediate matters to reflect on. Duterte tried this but the Filipino military is firmly in the hands of the US. And thats why the Yanks agreed to protect Hirohito from war times prosecution in exchange for his unconditional surrender to them by the end of August 1945. In geopolitical terms, the 10-headed ASEAN hydra is a unique beast: a living lab of peaceful civilizational co-existence. Koreans are so adamant to shed their history that it is making them into Western dogs. I would rather that everyone were betrayed by me, instead of me being betrayed by everyone. The only attractive thing that China has to offer is Chinese food, said Ko Bunyu, a Taiwan-born writer who provided the script for the comic book. Of course nobody likes to be conquered. And those deemed not palatable will be distributed to the Tribal Chiefs to be slaves. On July 26, Colonel Shiroki Suenari, the new chief of the Russian Section of the Army Headquarters, reported that the Soviets had completed transporting 1.5 million troops, 5,400 airplanes, and 3,000 tanks to the Far East. Pro-US general Suharto was funded heavily by the CIA to topple the Sukarno regime and tried to break the economic hold by the Chinese diaspora under the guise of rooting communism. But wait another 100 years when China returns to its old prosperous and prestigious self. Meanwhile, in Australia, our PM jets off to Cambodia to the sounds of a dutiful media chorus about how Chinas aggression is destabilising the region (while out of the other side of their lying mouths they beat the drums of war to a refrain of bad man Putin and how its in our interests to follow the Americans into Ukraine with soldiers, guns and money). When students become active doers of mathematics, the greatest gains of their mathematical thinking can be realized. Throw in a few token non-Whites in leadership positions for safe measure and all is good. What this all means is that China has barely started exploiting its oil and gas reserves with more to be discovered in the future, opting to import its oil and gas needs from foreign countries instead of tapping its own reserves. Youtube can be helpful here I hope it istook a minit to find and post this up to do a better job trying to a better job with my outlook, approach, what I take to be the human point and purpose. An American that lived in Great Britain for nearly 20 years gave me some very good information about the cause of the destruction of that culture. Just deposed, tried assassinate a popular and efficient PM. Column Has Come to an Adios, Gilad Atzmon on Ukraine, Zelensky and Israel, The West Cant Engage China on the Climate, While Also Demonising Them, Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesels Night, How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putins Leadershipand the System He Created. First stop is Phnom Penh for the 25th China-ASEAN summit, the 25th ASEAN Plus Three (APT) summit, and the 17th East Asia Summit, all the way to Sunday. The Chinese Nationalist Army also defeated the Japanese in Burma which allowed 36 Chinese divisions to be equipped with American weapons supplied via the Ledo Road in Burma. The topic was S E Asia, so I mentioned that even when the S E Asia admired the Chinese empire, it did not adapt the script or culture. At the same time, the so-called Korean Wave television dramas, movies and music from South Korea swept Japan and the rest of Asia, often displacing Japanese pop cultural exports. They wanted to play with Satan so Satan came to play with them. I love whiteness. Too much flowerly fighting and battle, not enough story and context. Hanoi may have no interest whatsoever in being strategically dominated by Beijing. Every other Empire (and even primitive Tribes and criminal gangs ) has followed the same fools course with the same result. Projecting into the future, most Chinese people are confident they will continue, and want to grow, peacefully. Even more, I will give you trading rights at my ports to import highly desirable Chinese goods, and you will make yourself rich. The same thing would have applied to the China Expeditionary Army holed up in Northeast China following the defeat and surrender of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria. So, all the countries Chinese have conquered and held on to became China! The distance from the southernmost of the Kuriles (Etorofu) to Hokkaidou is short, but the U.S.S.R. didnt have the water transport to launch a major invasion. Thus, when the Japanese drive on Chihchiang was blunted and pushed back, reinforcements were not rushed to the area to retrieve the situation, as the local commander demanded. As well, I understood the Uyghurs, the Manchurians and the Mongolians want to secede. Lol. Find more similar words at! While the people slanted toward China talk up its prosperity, that Xi raised millions out of poverty, this bombast withers under scrutiny . It is the Chinese culture not the Chinese empire. They are as Han as any Southern Chinese. Propping up Pakistan? Possibly the world would have been better than now if that had happened, the U.S.A. would have been pushed back, they didnt have any spare atomic bombs, only the two they dropped, so their earlier invasion plans were nonsensical. As a Twitter follower recently observed, the US doesnt have allies, only hostages. [1][2][3] The revolt devastated Mongol communities in the southeastern borderland and forced many Mongols to take refuge in northern banners. 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