how to fix chronic ankle instability

Overall assessment of their patients Youll loop a resistance band (light, medium or heavy resistance) around the ball of foot, holding the ends in your hands. How can a pulled hamstring, Any pain can be frustrating, but theres something extra annoying about plantar fasciitis. Physical therapy involves various treatments and exercises to strengthen the ankle, improve balance and range of motion, and retrain your muscles. Physical therapy is a common nonsurgical treatment approach to help manage an unstable ankle. The lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle are often damaged in ankle inversion injuries. Standing in front of that sturdy surface again, place your feet side by side a little smaller than hip width apart. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! While this is actually a normal position to pass through while walking, A pulled hamstring can be frustrating. According to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, the damaged ligaments may be shortened or tightened. 1 How do you fix chronic ankle instability? Flat Feet Vs High Arches: What Do They Mean? Our physicians are nationally recognized experts in the treatment of chronic ankle instability and are often called upon to train other surgeons on this state-of-the-art procedure. Make sure to stand far enough away from the surface so that you have enough room to move into the pose. Its important to make sure you dont force this motion, as you dont want to cause further pain or a muscle strain. Mr Jordi Sanchez-Ballester is a leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon based in St Helens, Merseyside. In the following post, I will spill all you need to know about this surgery . Our registered physical therapist Giri talks about \"How to fix chronic ankle instability?\". 8600 Rockville Pike As the term implies, ligamentous laxity creates weakness and instability in the ankle. osteoarthritis. Utilize an ankle brace or ankle taping as needed in order to control pain and promote functional mobility. You may need to move your feet further apart or together, depending on where you began. Most ankle sprains will heal with standard RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression and elevation) within two to 12 weeks. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. A common symptom of ankle instability is the feeling of the ankle ready to give way. If your natural foot shape makes you prone to extra stress on the ankle ligaments, then you may be advised to insert a special, moulded insole into your shoe to reduce these stresses. Try to hold and balance on your supportive leg for 2 seconds, then return to your starting position. But for the patients with sprains that do not heal over time with standard therapy, both the cause and next steps for treatment can be unclear. The following video will demonstrate the right and wrong way to perform a single leg calf raise for clarification. Chronic ankle instability can be a very challenging condition to deal with if youre not sure what to do. Anatomical repair of the outside (lateral) ankle ligaments is one common means of surgically stabilizing the ankle operatively. Fujii T, Kitaoka HB, Watanabe K, Luo ZP, An KN. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Can I get a massage for chronic ankle instability? 110 (-8 %), Video conference: Non-surgical treatment may include: Physical therapy. He specialises in lower limb foot and ankle treatment, as well as knee surgery, trauma surgery and osteoarthritis. The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. It may be recommended for you to wear an ankle brace when out and about, especially when on uneven surfaces. This is a progression from the last exercise. We find the best specialist for your medical problem 150. The .gov means its official. The site is secure. Full recovery can take anywhere from several weeks to several months, depending on your exact surgical procedure. Material and method: A retrospective observational study was conducted on 21 patients surgically treated for chronic ankle instability by means of an arthroscopic anatomical repair, between May 2012 and January 2013. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Keep an ankle ice wrap on for 20 minute intervals. Please choose an alternative time. He was awarded fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1998 and of Englands Ro An ankle inversion injury is the most common type of ankle sprain to occur. The mean follow-up was 29 months (range 25-33). 8 What to do about swollen feet and ankles? Alongside his surgical and clinical commitments, Mr Sanchez-Ballester holds a number of senior positions in medical education, including as a member of the examiners panel of the intercollegiate speciality examination in trauma and orthopaedics and as an honorary senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool. PMC Sprains vary in severity and can be graded as follows: Grade I (Mild) - Slight stretching of the ligament. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Therefore, the first treatment is a physiotherapy programme to re-train these nerves through various exercises and activities to respond properly to the movements of the ankle. Hold your gaze steady on a set object in front of you to help you balance. Three ligaments in the outer side of the ankle often get damaged: Usually, patients describe that their ankle gives way while walking or doing other activities, however, it can also happen when youre just standing. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Taking a history and physical examination are useful tools to identify areas of pain and for comparative analysis of mobility and laxity (ligament testing, anterior draw and inversion tests). Ankle inversion may also cause injury to other structures located around the ankle or further away, such as the common fibular nerve. not wanting to move or use the injured area. In most cases, this type of injury only develops when the affected individual has previously suffered from multiple ankle sprains. There was a significantly increased number of osteophytes in the treated ankle joint. First visit: Treatment for your sprained ankle may depend on the severity of the sprain. Surgical planning will vary from one patient to another depending on specific foot type and the extent of injury. Discover how it works. One of the main reasons is that youre reminded of your pain. These can occur both independently from each other, or in . government site. Natural wear and tear in the joint, or ankle arthritis, can also affect ankle stability and lead to chronic ankle pain. chondral or osteochondral injury. Again, stand in front of a sturdy surface in case you need some assistance balancing. Before 190 (-5 %), Follow-up: However, most ankle sprains are fairly minor injuries that get better with simple self-care treatment (RICE). If torn ligaments are present, the surgeon may attempt surgical repair. For example, a hindfoot varus or pes cavus (a.k.a. The front foot should be flat, but the back heel should be lifted off the floor. Be sure to consult your childs physician for a diagnosis. The instability may also be accompanied by pain on the outside of the ankle. The signs and symptoms of sprains in young children include: pain; swelling around the joint; inability to walk, bear weight, or use the joint. All these function to allow a multitude of movements within the ankle joint. Free download: Top 10 Natural & Easy Remedies for Joint Pain from Home. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". All in all, over an extended period of time, if you are continuing to experience recurrent ankle sprains or have never fully recovered from a previous ankle sprain, then you are at a higher risk to develop chronic ankle instability. High impact activities, such as running, arent the best with chronic ankle instability due to your higher chances of spraining the ankle. Bookshelf deformity (unusual shape) of the injured area. Physical therapy. Superior results are seen with physical therapy and exercise. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. There is also the possibility of a tendon allograft and use it to replace the damaged ligament. Functional ankle instability is typically caused by one or more of the following: One or more of the above issues can contribute to a lack of support around the ankle joint and make you more susceptible to experience ankle sprains and ankle instability. heel inversion and a high arch in the foot) can increase your chances of foot inversion, and therefore, a sprained ankle via an inversion injury. Without complete rehabilitation, the ligaments and surrounding tissue will remain weak. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Reconstruction of the lateral ankle ligaments using the anterior half of peroneus longus tendon graft. You can perform this seated in a chair with the affected leg extended in front of you or seated on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you. What are annual and biennial types of plants? As a result, you may experience additional injuries. While foot inversion is the most common direction to suffer an ankle sprain, an eversion injury is also possible. Practice balancing for up to 30 seconds, rest, then repeat again. You must call this clinic to make an appointment, Subscribe to our Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news, TOP DOCTORS | 85 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T 4TQ, dynamic images to confirm and quantify laxity, pain in the ankle, either because of damage at the time of the original injury or because the ankle is now tighter than before, numbness or tingling down the side of the foot due to stretching one of the nerves at the time of the original injury or during the operation. Manual therapy is effective in promoting soft tissue repair. 120, First visit: A physical therapist may perform ankle taping to help support the ankle while youre re-learning and re-training the ankle to try and support itself. If you do choose to run, it would be recommended to wear and ankle brace and avoid uneven surfaces. Normally with ankle sprain rehab, especially initially in your earlier rehab process, you'd be concerned with restoring mobility, particularly restoring end ranges of motion. Do you want to book the appointment in any case? 200, Follow-up: More than every 10th patient who is showing up in the emergency room is coming to the clinic because of the ankle sprain. Chronic ankle instability is a condition wherein the outer portion of the ankle "gives out" on a repeated basis, which can cause you to lose your balance. We treated 19 patients for chronic ankle instability with a modified Evans procedure. Its important to keep the ankle as strong and stable as possible, even with a history of recurrent ankle sprains. Usually, those patients have some substantial pain relief within four to six hours after the injury, especially if they do elevate the foot, if you do the cooling of the injured ankle. Is it common for kids to sprain their ankle? What does chronic ankle instability feel like? Have you heard of the phrase going weak in the knees? Well, you can go weak in the ankles too! Orthopaedic surgery. Recurrent ankle instability is a condition in which the ankle repeatedly gives way - most commonly occurring to the outer (lateral) side of the ankle. About 20 -25% of people will undergo a surgical procedure to repair ligaments. Make sure the front knee remains in line with the ankle. The medical professional will perform a physical exam to assess lower extremity range of motion and strength. Abstract. Anatomic repair (also known as the Brstrom procedure) is the current golden standard for surgical treatment of chronic ankle instability. Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a common clinical condition characterized by the tendency of the ankle to . 3 What does chronic ankle instability feel like? Seeing as chronic ankle instability is commonly accompanied by swelling. . Accessibility All patients were evaluated after an average follow up of 128 months with detailed questionnaire, clinical examination, and stress radiographs. Hold for 2 seconds, then return to your starting position. There are also other tests including: There are suggestions in literature and it is from my experience that a persistent lateral ankle ligament instability (sprain) causes unbalanced loading of the medial joint of the ankle, which could, in turn, lead to the development of osteoarthritis (OA) of the ankle. If you have a serious break, youll need to avoid walking for a few months. This may include the anatomy you were born with, or anatomical changes that occur as a result of degenerative changes or injuries. When you sprain your ankle, the connective tissues (ligaments) are stretched or torn. Just submerge your feet in a bucket of lukewarm water with a cup of white vinegar for 20 minutes. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Most ankle sprains will heal with standard RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression and elevation) within two to 12 weeks. Slowly lift the one heel off the ground, while avoiding rolling the ankle. Always let your massage therapist know about any injuries you have. Recurrent ankle instability often develops after repeated ankle sprains. This may be heightened when walking on uneven ground or when wearing high heels. Lorem Ipsumis simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Most of the time swelling can be relieved by elevating the legs above the heart while lying down and avoiding sitting or standing without moving for prolonged periods of time. The tibia and fibula are intimately joined by the interosseous membranes. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. He sees private patients at the Fairfield Independent Hospital in St Helens. They really get in the way of pretty much any and all standing activities, including the most important one. Seeing as chronic ankle instability is commonly accompanied by swelling, ice would be the best choice to use. 2 Would I be able to walk if my ankle was broken? Try to exercise and stretch the injured ankle as soon as possible after the injury. Epub 2017 Nov 23. The ankle giving out almost always happens when you're . Rest take the weight off the injured joint as much as possible for a day or two. As your ankle gets better, you can slowly return to normal activities. 1 Repetitive sprain can lead to an increased risk of ankle joint osteoarthritis and to a debilitating condition known as chronic ankle instability (CAI). The ankle joint consists of many bones, ligaments and tendons that all play an integral part in maintaining its stability. A full exam will help determine the course of treatment for your chronic ankle instability. Sure! Theres a good chance it could be Achilles, Any and all of the muscles and tendons in the body are susceptible to experiencing a strain injury. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like). Heat therapy can be accomplished with a heating pad or a warm towel. Simple Exercises to Improve Ankle Mobility. Posta -operative outcomes are generally rated as excellent, with 90-95% of patients reporting full return to pre-morbid activity. Your email address will not be published. The main causes of chronic ankle instability that have been found are: decreased proprioceptive abilities because of a loss of mechanoreceptors and decreased muscle strength of invertor and evertor muscles. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Although the subjective results were reported as 8 excellent, 7 good, Chronic ankle instability is a condition when you have a reoccurrence of your ankle giving way. If you have pain and tightness related to your ankle instability, a massage can be very helpful. The exact timeline of officially diagnosing an ankle sprain or ankle instability as chronic may vary. If you have access to gym equipment, you can use a bosu ball, piece of foam or dyna-disc to practice on. If an initial ankle sprain doesnt heal after a certain time frame or a recurrent sprain/sprains occurs within a certain time frame, then youre at high risk of developing chronic ankle instability. You must call this clinic to make an appointment, By using the telephone number provided by TOP DOCTORS, you automatically agree to let us use your phone number for statistical and commercial purposes. This condition usually develops after repeated ankle sprains. Initially, we may recommend rest, ice, compression, and elevation until your pain and swelling subsides. Outcomes and Return to Sports Following the Ankle Lateral Ligament Reconstruction in Professional Athletes: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Mr Sanchez-Ballester trained in medicine at Barcelonas Universidad Autonoma before relocating to the UK to complete his postgraduate studies in London and Manchester. For a severe injury or an initial injury that does not recover normally, it is usually best to see a physiotherapist. Some sources consider an accurate chronic ankle instability diagnosis if a sprained ankle hasnt healed or has recurred again within 6 weeks of the initial injury. Trying to swim? Chronic ankle instability usually develops following an ankle sprain that has not adequately healed or was not rehabilitated completely. Once cleared, your surgeon will likely refer you to physical therapy to begin your rehab journey. Ankle instability is generally diagnosed following repeated ankle sprains where the ankle joint does not recover properly and cannot maintain its strength. Indian J Orthop. Lower down into a lunge by bending the knees as far as you're comfortable with. This can lead to persistent ankle instability in the lateral ankle ligaments. Bracing. Trying to just walk?? When you sprain your ankle, the connective tissues (ligaments) are stretched or torn. Take one big step forward, placing the affected leg forward and the other in the back. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. heel eversion and a flat foot), this can make you more susceptible to an ankle eversion sprain. Would you like email updates of new search results? Doctor of Physical Therapy. If there is a major injury of the anterior talofibular ligament, the forces transfer to the calcaneofibular ligament and the tibiofibular ligaments, which may also be sprained or torn. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. This can help to support the ankle in order to avoid experiencing further ankle sprains. The following video is a demonstration of a simple self-taping technique you can use as needed to help control your chronic instability. In 10-30% of patients with lateral ankle ligament injuries, chronic lateral ankle instability may be present. Ankle surgeons may consider anatomic reconstruction. There were 15 men and 6 women, with a mean age of 30.43 years (range 18-48). Soak and exfoliate your feet once per day. Just like cold therapy, keep the heat on for 20 minutes at a time. Stand on the affected leg and lift the other leg off the floor (make sure to engage your glutes and core to help support you). [Clinical and roentgenologic 5 year follow-up of modified Evans-plasty in chronic lateral instability of the ankle joint]. One is to directly repair the injured ligaments by shortening and tightening the stretched ligaments . The surgeon may also suggest an exploratory operation on your ankle (arthroscopy) to check on the state of the joint in addition to a dynamic test (while under anaesthesia) to assess the stability of the ligaments. 4 How long does chronic ankle instability take to heal? Sprains and strains heal quite quickly in children and teens. Use cold for the first 72 hours after an injury then switch to heat. A common symptom of ankle instability is the feeling of the ankle ready to give way. They will assess any regions that might be tender to touch, such as over the ankle ligaments previously or more recently sprained. Should I use ice or heat with chronic ankle instability? Pain. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Some tend to have flat feet, others tend to have high arches, and the rest, You have this nagging pain on the bottom of the heel that just wont go away It started off barely noticeable, but now it feels, Have you ever had pain in the calf or back of the heel that wont go away? The failure of functional rehabilitation after acute ankle sprain leads to the development of chronic ankle instability. eCollection 2022 Feb. Schmidt R, Benesch S, Friemert B, Herbst A, Claes L, Gerngross H. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. Proper rehabilitation is needed to strengthen the muscles around the ankle and . About 20% of acute ankle sprain patients develop chronic ankle instability. You may be attended by another doctor who is member of the Team. Inversion of the foot and ankle occurs when the ankle rolls towards the outside edge of the foot. An ankle brace may be necessary for a certain time frame as well. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Physical therapy for lateral ankle sprains is effective in preventing ankle instability. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. How do you know if your childs foot is broken? This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Slowly lift the heels off the ground, while avoiding rolling of the ankles. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the This causes the soft tissue between the bones to become over stretched or torn. The different therapeutic and medicosurgical options adapted to this diagnostic approach are identified. This will involve surgical repair or nonsurgical treatment. Few descriptions exist of common fibular nerve injury associated with ankle sprains and chronic ankle . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Heel Spur Vs. Plantar Fasciitis: Whats the Difference? Trying to play golf? Tips on foot care: ankle sprain and bunions, What to do if an ankle sprain isnt healing, How to treat a sports-related ankle sprain, (Let us know you are a Top Doctors patient), (+44) How do you fix chronic ankle instability? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Stand in front of a firm surface (e.g., countertop) in case you need some help to balance. 2006 Jun;38(6):1025-31. doi: 10.1249/01.mss.0000222827.56982.40. The most common ankle injury is a sprain. Chronic ankle instability is a condition that can occur after repetitive ankle sprains. When lateral ankle sprain (LAS) occurs, damage not only occurs to the structural integrity of the ligaments but also to various . Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Why are you allowed to use the coarse adjustment when you focus the low power objective lens? For further information, read our Privacy Policy. We treated 19 patients for chronic ankle instability with a modified Evans procedure. So, we spoke to Mr Jordi Sanchez-Ballester to understand exactly what this injury is, how it can be diagnosed and how it can be treated. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Typically, a minor ankle fracture wont prevent you from walking. How often do I go to the ER for an ankle sprain? Problems that may occur after a ligament reconstruction operation include: Mr Jordi Sanchez-Ballester is a renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon based in St Helens and Warrington. In this episode, he discusses the following, Ankle Anatomy (Bone. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Epub 2004 Nov 18. It can also tear completely. What did Britain do when colonists were taxed? A hamstring strain is one of the, Ankle injuries can be very frustrating! As you step forward, lift your back leg and allow the torso to rock forward until your arms, torso and back leg are parallel to the floor. Ankle sprains involve the tearing or stretching of the ligaments when the ankle is twisted or turned. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Stress radiographs demonstrated significantly improved stability in the operated ankle joint. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham. Of course, you cannot just do in every patient without seeing this patient, just the routine radiograph assessment. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Specialized, Proven Care for Foot and Ankle Conditions To book an appointment with him, visit his Top Doctors profile and check his availability. 2005. 1997 Dec;18(12):765-71. doi: 10.1177/107110079701801202. The exact surgical repair performed will depend on your surgeons specific recommendations based on your individual ankle instability scenario. The timely introduction of physical therapy speeds up the healing process. As this one is a little more challenging, take a look at the following video for a live demonstration showing how to perform it. It also prevents the ankle ligaments from weakening. What does it mean exactly, Everyone is unique in the way their feet are shaped. Alexej, ankle sprains are very common and occur frequently among adolescents and kids who are playing sports. If you have experienced a singular severe ankle sprain or multiple prior ankle sprains, and have then developed chronic ankle instability, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms: A physical exam by an orthopaedic specialist, who specializes in ankle injuries, will help to confirm a clinical diagnosis of chronic ankle instability. Some patients wear an ankle brace to gain support for the ankle and keep the ankle from turning. He specialises in lower limb foot and ankle treatment, as well as knee surgery, trauma surgery and osteoarthritis. This places you at a higher risk for further injury and can make any weight bearing tasks more challenging. After removing your feet from the footbath, pat them dry with a towel, and gently exfoliate them. Mechanical instability looks at how deviations or changes in your ankle anatomy can make you more prone for ankle sprains and ankle instability. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Many people will find their ankle is much more stable and comfortable after approximately three to six months of physiotherapy. Surgery usually involves repair or reconstruction of the damaged ligament(s). The ankle, despite being one of the smaller joints, plays a crucial role as it bears the brunt of a person s weight. While the term chronic does mean its an ongoing issue, there are still ways to effectively manage chronic ankle instability and help you live a normal life. 2021 Oct 5;56(2):208-215. doi: 10.1007/s43465-021-00532-0. Bracing. Other sources indicate that if a severe ankle sprain has not healed or has recurred within a time frame of 6 months, then its considered an unstable ankle. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Additional imaging, such as from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), can help to check the quality of the ankle ligaments and other surround structures, such as the bones, muscles and tendons. PT, DPT, MTC, CLT-LANA Physical therapy will also include ankle stabilization exercises, which are key to helping regain control over the unstable ankle. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. How long does chronic ankle instability take to heal? Chronic ankle instability is a "wobbliness" of the ankle joint that occurs following an ankle sprain that hasn't fully healed (such as when you've returned to a sport or workout routine too soon), or with a sprain that wasn't treated completely. If your ankle is stiff, you will be shown exercises to stretch it. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Make sure the front knee remains in line with the ankle. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ankle impingement syndrome occurs when ankle motion becomes limited and painful. See opinions (19), By Mr Jordi Sanchez-Ballester To best manage your ongoing ankle instability, make sure to keep a consistent home and exercise routine. The most common procedure for this is referred to as a modified-Brostrom . 7 Is it common for kids to sprain their ankle? 6 How long does it take for ankle pain to go away? This reconstruction method apparently did not prevent the development of arthrosis. The front foot should be flat, but the back heel should be lifted off the floor. Chronic ankle instability can be both a cause and a result of an ankle sprain. The ability to balance is often affected. Standing in front of a firm surface, stand on the affected leg. Hold for 2 seconds, then return to your starting position. Mr Sanchez-Ballester is an appointed member of the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society and the British Association for Surgery of the Knee and is additionally a fellow of the British Orthopaedic Association. synovial inflammation and/or ankle impingement. Pain. Can I run with chronic ankle instability? The nerve endings (proprioceptive nerves) of the ankle in most patients suffering from ankle instability are not working properly. Written by Dr. Bob Baravarian, DPM, FACFAS. Tip: To make this more challenging, you can advance to practicing on an uneven surface, such as a folded towel. Normally, a sprained ankle will recover within 6-8 weeks, however, you may still see some swelling for a few weeks longer. Although the subjective results were reported as 8 excellent, 7 good, and 4 fair, residual pain was reported by 11 patients. If you think your child has a fracture, they may have the following symptoms: Dr. Barg: Usually, right after the injury, almost everybody who has ankle sprains cannot bear weight. 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how to fix chronic ankle instability