You can set a LaunchConfiguration before including another launch file, but an argument is better if you want it to be reused. but when I call it from an xml launch file, It errors out saying that the launch configuration 'global_ns' does not exist. ros2 design - 01 - laun file example ros2 design - 02 - from a launch file, ros2 wiki substitutioncondition substitutionDeclareLaunchArgument, node_name: _ _ ros_parameters: ( 2 4 ) node_name , ros2 rclcpp::Node, rclcpp::LifeCycleNode node_name yaml . . After a bit of struggle, the OpaqueFunction worked better than expected. I have been trying to use launch.substitutions.LaunchConfiguration to access my arguments but it does not return a string. I don't think it is necessary to use an event and we can simply return the load node action. The best answer I have seen yet is by @djchopp. privacy statement. actions import Node def generate_launch_description (): ld = LaunchDescription talker_node = Node (package = "demo_nodes_cpp", executable = "talker",) ld. robot_state_publisher_noderobot_descriptionjoint_statestf. ROS2 launch package definitely needs some documentation. : Hi William, is this feature (launch.substitution.LaunchConfiguration(name) -> string) still supported in the current dashing version? This is an old question that is still being asked due to lack of examples in the ROS2 tutorial. I think since the load of the composable nodes is done asynchronously (with an event handler) the group has already ended and undone the scope: launch_ros/launch_ros/launch_ros/actions/ . I found a way to do it :D Here is an example: from launch import LaunchDescription, LaunchContext from launch.actions import OpaqueFunction from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration from launch_ros.actions import Node def example_func(context: LaunchContext, arg1: LaunchConfiguration): value = context.perform_substitution(namespace) value +="/miracle/" # you can use it as a python . to your account, [ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): launch configuration 'bar_arg' does not exist LaunchDescription 1 from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros. I need to look in more detail at why you are using the group, but I guess the scope option needs to be flipped or the scope mechanism has a bug in it or something. joint_state_publisher_gui joint_states. I was able to evaluate launch arguments in a custom function outside of the LaunchDescription by using the OpaqueFunction launch action feature, see this link: I had the same issue of evaluating launch arguments. LaunchConfiguration is local to the launch file and scoped. do not use an event), store the launch config state and make sure it is used for the evaluation in the event handler (sort of like lambda capture or something). . I'm not sure how to fix this, a few options: Also experiencing the same issue with ComposableNodeContainer where my python launch file looks like this, It runs fine when I call it from the command line Any ideas on that? If you want to do something conditionally based on this, I'd recommend using a launch.Condition which may be passed to any launch.Action, e.g. [DEBUG] [launch]: processing event: '
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