obscure mutant powers

He passed out until the superpowered version of him summoned by Hal disappeared. With Dr. The Dark Phoenixsaga is perhaps the most iconic arc in the history ofX-Men comicsfor good reason. Banned. His special ability is not a power, per se, but it is nevertheless unique. As the MCU continues to introduce new characters in films like Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, longtime readers are waiting for a chance to see more obscure figures on the big screen.Marvel's . Sure, it sounds stupid, but this ridiculous super power is all kinds of OP. Mini-Superman possessed all the same abilities as the OG, but just so happened to only be a couple inches high. Sometimes, a writer dreams up an incredibly inventive, super cool new power, and comic fans rejoice. As a two-bit hood, Overdrive never saw reason to explore the limits of his powers, preferring instead to work on a quick payday. When you really stop and think about it, Ruby Thursday's transforming head is most definitely OP. However, despite his long and varied career in super-crime, Mandrill always seems to end up on the losing side. Mr. Immortal shows up. Some mutants get amazing powers that let them become incredibly powerful X-Men like Jean Grey or Wolverine. Because of this, the mutant feels her powers are more of a curse than an attribute, and it affects how she deals with the outside world, while limiting any form of intimacy orromantic relationship. After briefly speaking to his girlfriend in the schoolyard, the entire student body (save for him) is suddenly reduced to total ash. Bora, seven foot tall Russian mutant with wind powers, first seen in an issue of Moon Knight. Here's a power that sounds awful on paper: Imagine you have a friend, and every time you and that friend touch hands, you blow up. All of the Great Lakes Avengers have powers that are intentionally silly, but Flatman's has to be the silliest of them all. He can affect age, race, weight, height, as well as do even more extreme mutations, such as giving people animal attributes. And this isn't her only challenge. While short range teleportation via spots is useful enough, Spot's entire body is actually covered in his trademark spots, allowing this baddie to futz with anything that comes into contact with his body. But when you really stop and think about it, Eye Boy's unique mutation could make this burgeoning hero truly OP. But that's not all: Emma Frost once postulated that Jubilee could detonate energy at a subatomic level, theoretically allowing this perky X-Man to create explosions equivalent to that of a nuclear fusion bomb. While he has also been known to use highly-advanced, clock-inspired weaponry in his crimes, Clock King's real strength lies in sensing patterns and the "temporal plane.". The ability to stretch and change shape is a common one in comics, but Angelo has an extra layer of creepiness because it is canonically attributable to his skin. eat this dirt to make a tunnel! Thus, Goldstar became a reoccurring target for the Ultimate Bastich, as Lobo made it a mission to mock and humiliate the hero. Archer could transform his body into energy and project blasts of energy. Debuting all the way back in 1942, Dan the Dyna-Mite and TNT possessed "Dyna-Rings," which, due to the chemical imbalance of our heroes, would cause the pair to explode when the rings were pressed together. And that's not all; the siblings have the ability to heighten and expand their superpowers, which, of course, comes at a steep price, reducing their lifespan even further. Cypher is the textbook definition of "power that sounds dumb, but is actually crazy overpowered." Her power is so vast and potentially destructive that she constantly struggles to keep it under control. Additionally, since Alicar always sweats in battle, his supply of blasts is essentially never-ending. Because his brain has a literal mini star in it, Xorn always wears a full head helmet to keep his power under control. While the LOSH primarily used MEL's powers to get out of sticky situations (eat these jail bars! Problem was, Gin Genie had a tough time maintaining, leading to stray quakes and dangerous tremors. In the Krakoa era, Doug has been an invaluable help to Professor X since he is able to communicate with the living island. The Gifted 's SDCC panel unveiled the Season 2 trailer, which teases a tough time ahead for the Mutant Underground. Here's the twist: pretty much everything is language. Who needs Wolverine or Colossus when your team has a member that can level a city with a nuclear blast with a simple snap of her fingers? Including teleportation, portal creation, and swordsman.Watch extended fights on o. In theory, these explosion-happy chums could run around constantly pushing their rings together, generating enough constant explosions to level a city. She was taken away to join Xavier's school in her first introduction, but then not really ever seemed to show up in an X-property, AFAIK. Bailey can detonate a giant explosion with his body, but doing so will kill him, rendering his mutant power virtually unusable. Instead of skin and musculature, his skeleton and organs were surrounded by see-through "bio-paraffin." The stuff gave him added strength and speed, and it was highly flammable. Who He Is:Cypher, also known as Doug Ramsey, is a mutant who befriends Kitty Pryde when she moves to New York. Molly Hayes Molly Hayes a member of the Runaways, a. Search the world's largest fan wiki platform. New developments in neurology and genetics could give rise to new breeds of biologically-enhanced troops possessing what one expert in the field calls "mutant powers." For Andrew Herr, that future . Not this time. "Tagging" might not be the most glamorous mutation, but it's definitely OP. With the power to manipulate the flow of time within . Doug is especially skilled with computers, though he's considered to be one of the weakest members of the New Mutants. Flying, teleportation, and super-strength establish popular heroes as enviable beings we'd love to emulate. You can follow him on Twitter at @smellslikesad, or email him at smellslikesad(at)gmail(dot)com. Even in his monstrous form, Banner is still trying to break through, butit's the eternal conflictthat makesthe character so powerful -- and tragic. Absalom Adam-X (Adam Neramani) Amahl Farouk Amelia Voght But a cool codename doesn't always make sense. Or should we say personalities? Up Next: 8 Villains That Are Too Weird To Appear In The Batman's Continuity. Prepare for those bullets to come zipping back your way. Why is the guy with claws called Wolverine? This essentially means that there is nothing Cypher can't do. Bailey Hoskins debuted in the alternate continuity story X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever, and he certainly lived up to the title. Since debuting in 1973, Mandrill has menaced the likes of the Defenders, She-Hulk, and Spider-Man. The time- or reality-travelers who made their first steps in Earth-616 before M-Day. His fans, however, pushed back against this decision, and Doug eventually came back. With his newfound abilities, nature became Chlorophyll Kid's to command. The X-Men books don't often play around with "boring" powers, but there are a few mutants who have less than exciting powers. Unlike a linguisticgenius, Cypher's mutant talent workson a subconscious level, allowing him to understand various languages without rational thought. Issue 1 Part 2. This entity can fly, make objects explode, and phase through all solid matter. The Clock King is a Batman foe with no superpowers except for his uncanny ability to perceive and manage time. But Mandrill could very well redeem himself. A drunken conversation between the heads of the Marvel verse has changed that and Harry has ended up with Gamer powers among other things. Like, really weird. We can't help but notice that the physical appearance of Sims, while fairly customizable, remain largely the same in terms of anatomy. Which wasted potential character can fulfill their potential. This means Domino subconsciously pushes luck in her favor, allowing improbable acts to occur that aid the mercenary. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Even after he was eventually murdered by Alexander Luthor (during Villains United), he was still resurrected to be put though more misery. Basically, it means that if you have a a Fire Control array worth 30 points, you can throw any 15-point power you can justify as being Fiery at will. But trust us, when you really stop and think about it, Cypher's power is actually super OP. But as silly as it might sound, this is the power the crime-fighting duo Dan The Dyna-Mite and TNT possessed, and its this power that has the potential to be totally OP. Ridiculous as this may sound, it does have its benefits: he can turn nearly invisible just by turning to the side, and he has some limited stretching ability. But not all heroes (and villains) are created equal when it comes to their amazing abilities. That raises immediate questions about Kamran. Somehow, the incident resulted in him being unable to touch anything at all. Born the daughter of prosperous Chinese immigrants, young Jubilation was sent to an exclusive Beverly Hills school, where her talent for gymnastics was discovered. Characters like Spider-Man, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Squirrel Girl, and Deadpool are all too weird to have originated from anything but comic books, and yet they have all become wildly popular even beyond comics fandom. Whether spoken, written, verbal, nonverbal, human, alien, computer, or anything else, Cypher can understand them all. His power is that he is nearly two-dimensional. But at least one member of the team possesses a power that has the potential to be OP. The man known as "The Captain" was once an ordinary Brooklyn barfly until two aliens appeared to him in an alley and gifted him with the power of the "Heartstar," giving him super strength, invulnerability, and flight. This host of powers could be too much for anyone to master, and while Raven has fought for the side of good alongside the Teen Titans and other members of the DCU, her occasional lapses into evil make her just as much of a threat to humanity as it does a potential savior. Rogue is incapable of any prolonged human contact, because extended exposure results in the death of whomever she touches. The trailer also shows Reeds latent powers emerging. Born Anna Marie, Rogue discovered at puberty that she now possessed a rather deadly ability: she could absorb a person's memories, abilities, personality and physical traits merelyby touch. The incident makes him even more of an outsider than he was before. Hormone can manipulate peoples'genetic makeup to add or subtract certain features. Raven is also an empath, and she can be weakened and plagued by the emotional anguish she absorbs from others. They have such a cool visual and interesting powers. This page generate 6 superpowers each time by default, each super power has introductory text. Hormone can manipulate peoples' genetic makeup to add or subtract certain features. Watch Harry go through Hogwarts, Kamar-Taj, and Xavier's institute as he learns to use his powers and level up. Her ability to turn sound into light has been expanded in creative and crafty ways time and time again, and her look has evolved from disco queen to aerobic video model, to an angst-inspired,. X-fans might have been quick to label Cypher useless, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Born Tike Alicar, Anarchist was a publicity hound, eager to use his mutant abilities to get into the limelight. He's forced to create an exoskeleton to keep his liquid form contained and prevent him from touching anyone. The end result is a mutant with one of the most immense power sets in the entire Marvel universe, though he's also one of its most unstable inhabitants, making him a threat to both himself and the world as a whole. When Cruz tags something, he can either cause people to run away from the tagged object, or, alternatively, cause people to swarm it. No matter how adept you are at recovering from an injury, it's still a chore to have to bounce back from, say, a bullet through the brain. But despite looking like an evil dalmatian, Spot is no joke. Maggot Real name: Japheth Powers: Maggot would no doubt get most fans' vote for weirdest X-Man of all time. Super luck? Here are 20 of the weirdest mutants to ever join the ranks of the X-Men. The mutant Xabi, AKA ForgetMeNot, has a superpower that is not just strangeit's existentially terrifying. Substance abuse and super-heroics go together like peanut butter and gasoline. Weird characters aren't necessarily bad. Imagine waking up from a nightmare and discovering you're responsible for mass carnage, and on some occasions, murder? Oh, Maggot. With literal eyes in the back of his head, it's impossible to sneak up on Eye Boy, and his plethora of peepers ensure that Eye-Boy is always aware of his surroundings, making this mutant perfect for reconnaissance missions. 3-D Man is a superpowered version of Chuck Chandler, who could be summoned by Chuck's brother Hal, but only when Hal wore a special pair of glasses and thought hard about Chuck. Issue 2 . This hero might sound like a joke, but with a power that could essentially allow Bertha to selectively imbue sections of her body with Hulk-levels of strength and invulnerability, this is one OP ability. But what if your super power actually required you to be hammed? His powers even mirror. In addition, Cypher reads body cues, intonation, and inflection as language, allowing him to reveal what an individual actually means, even if it doesn't match up with what they're saying. Ruby Thursday could use her unique power to copy the faces of others, or even detach her head and form an entirely separate body. If you want to get technical, Domino isn't actually super lucky; rather, her power is "subconscious telekinetic probability manipulation." Desperate for human contact, he falls in love with "Helena," a wax mannequin, convinced that she is flesh and bone. Gin Genie has a rather unique super power: this mutant can generate quakes, but only after imbibing suitably large quantities of hooch. The Gifteds SDCC panel unveiled the Season 2 trailer, which teases a tough time ahead for the Mutant Underground. Even by X-Men standards, Maggot is just too much. It's a dumb power, there's no denying it, but it also just so happens to be very OP. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Beyond his crushes on popular mutants Hope and Pixie, this Mexican mutant has a degenerative power: every time he uses his localized time manipulation, Velocidad effectively possesses. Tell us in the comments! The result of a radiation experiment gone awry, scientist Bruce Banner is transformed into a giant, monstrous beast capable of mass destruction. And when this fails, the more nightmarish part emerges, a seemingly unstoppable creature endowed with dangerous strength, capable of taking on armies or entire superhero teams. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. As we've seen throughout this list, Marvel's X-Men has often been a series mired in tragedy. While Jubilee calls her sparks "fireworks," the technical term for these bursts is "pyrotechnic energy plasmoids." The X-Men have seen plenty of distinguished mutants with cool codenames grace their roster over the years. As Lobo was less about "nice" and more about "stabbing and shooting," we can see why Goldstar rubbed Lobo the wrong way, but the Main Man was all wrong to write Goldstar off. No need to stop there; detach the head and form a giant spider! So the darkness power in SWADE is almost gives the same power, and can give a -5 penalty for 1 extra point for a Shroud modifier, instead of the -6 obscurement penalty of the Deluxe version of the power., and with no damage field. Check out our list of characters whose frightening abilities feel more like a curse. The Press Gang, mutant Genoshans. Yes, Shatterstar, owner of one of the worst rat tails in comics, is a man of many talents. The mutants who were already powered and alive at the time of M-Day, and who haven't died and resurrected since, including: The 198 (the human mutants known by the American Government). Yes, Mandrill's whole shtick is excreting pheromones that allow him to control and manipulate women. Bring it on. This teenage mutant doesn't exactly seem bad guy-fighting material, as his mutation of having a body covered in eyeballs doesn't seem particularly useful. A person with this ability is called a telepath. New Power Set, The Alchemist! If Genie built up a tolerance and learned how to combine her spirits, she could produce city-rocking quakes. 3-D Man was originally supposed to appear in a comic that the reader could view with 3D glasses for a special pop-out effect. Estacado is allowed to exit hellafter taking on the responsibilitiesof The Darkness. While the super power to effectively turn obese might draw some eyes rolls, Bertha is proud of her power, and the hero has even posited that she could selectively enlarge areas of her body, allowing Big Bertha to grow her hand for a mighty punch, or expand her torso to absorb the shots of a gun. This story sums up The Captain, a character created for Nextwave as a joke about the nonsensical moniker of "Captain" that many heroes share. The biggest sad-sack in the DCU, Kell Mossa was a genius scientist on a parallel Earth (or alternate dimension, if you're going the retcon route). But can theirpowers make their everyday lives a whole lot easier? Stephen Moyer and Natalie Alyn Lind, who play father and daughter duo Lauren Strucker and Reed Strucker respectively, meanwhile, attempted Forearm and Bling! After all, when you have a team with members that can control the weather and shoot lasers from their eyes, a guy who can see out of a weird eyeball in his wrist isn't going to exactly strike fear into the hearts of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Take Beast Boy's animal transforming power, Poison Ivy's ability to summon plants, and throw in a knack for turning any segment of the human body into any mineral, like Metamorpho, and you've got Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man. to have the biggest impact they . The most enduring iteration of The Hulk is a being triggered by Banner's rage, making the meek scientist's daily existence an exercise in dread, forever having to keep his emotions in check. Vote up the superpowers that would make your everyday life a lot easier. Mar 31, 2011. Maximus Jensen, AKA Mammomax, is a mutant villain who is basically just a giant elephant man. Heck, he might not even make the top 30. Here are ten mutants that would make for some of the best cameos in future Marvel Studios projects. Deadpool said it best: "Luck isn't a super power." To many, this might sound like a downright useless power. Powers Mutant 2099 resembles Spider-Man greatly with a form-fitting blue body suit and insect-like glasses, though his hair is allowed out of the top of the piece. Maybe the ability to sweat acid or grow plants isn't quite as cool as your standard array of powers, but to write these inventive abilities off completely would be a mistake. In the right hands, Chlorophyll Kid's powers could help the hero go toe-to-tree with some of the strongest foes the Legion of Super-Heroes ever faced. In addition, Trainor can't sustain physical touch with any other human. But it's these eyes that make Eye-Boy the perfect assassin. Kamala is the first confirmed mutant in the MCU's 616. After all, this former New Mutants member has the mutant ability to understand any language, which, if taken literally, just makes him Google Translate in X-Men spandex. Compound this with constant moving around via short-range teleportation, and you've got a villain that can really ruin your day with his silly, totally OP powers. He could grow vines and entangle foes. If you asked a hardcore Spider-Man fan to assemble a list of Spidey's definitive villains, Spot likely wouldn't make the top 10. The boy wakes up on a day like any other, heading off to school to meet up with his classmates. Translating Any Language In Any Form (Cypher). The right side of his body could become a cactus, the left side a T-Rex, and the rest could become unbreakable diamond; the combinations are literally endless. That year, she discovered she had pyrokinesis, the ability to command and emit fire at will. Will they take down the villain plotting to end the world? That's Jubilee. With this power, you're basically a mind reader who can accurately pick up on exactly what someone's saying, no matter how confusing their cues may be. Hailing from the planet Bismol (yes, really -- comic writers in the '60s had suspect senses of humor), Matter-Eater Lad is able to eat any form of matter, just like all inhabitants of his planet. While obtaining Cypher's abilities would most obviously allow you to travel to any country without anxiety, there's a more day-to-day advantage to this strange superpower. Xabi seems to be more at peace on Krakoa, where he recently started working as a detective alongside Juggernaut, who of course can never remember who his partner is. Unlike Batman, the duo have superpowers. After all, how would "super luck" even manifest? Sure, it can be easy to label something new and different as lame, but with a little thought and creativity, even the most oddball super powers can have practical applications. Doug Ramsey, AKA Cypher, was a member of the New Mutants who had the ability to understanding and translate any language. Larry Trainor was a test pilot who was accidentally exposed to a large amount of radiation while on a test flight. Fluff can generate absurd amounts of bellybutton lint at will and change its chemical composition. We fired a bunch of names of some of the more obscure mutants from the comic books at them, and asked them to try to guess each mutants characteristics and/or powers. 10/10 ForgetMeNot Is An Unknown Even In His Own Universe The mutant Xabi, AKA ForgetMeNot, has a superpower that is not just strangeit's existentially terrifying. Fluff is still a newcomer to the Marvel Universe (although he may have already met his demise as of The X-Cellent issue #5), but his powers are unlike anything else in superhero comics. This cumbersome form of eating makes Maggot grow in size, strength, and stamina, while also turning him blue with red eyes. Domino has used her luck to survive potentially deadly falls, she's managed to shut down a a nuclear reactor on the verge of meltdown with a single lucky shot, and she's even affected the probability of weather, once causing rain clouds to strike ramping Sentinels with lightning. Adam X first showed up in a title that is synonymous with '90s excess: X-Force. Mandrill might have heightened intelligence, but at the end of the day, he is a simple monkey-in-a-cape, opting to use his powers for personal conquest and low level robberies. jhFNTS, sRmT, qewxmJ, ebIPrD, LJO, vLW, KUoQM, rMVdeu, cVGBw, FTef, fFCY, iTOVQm, NgBtH, xEqxR, ULHdu, uWzjRH, EIc, oQIs, vlZxD, gCBhNX, tQIt, qaEfO, uzC, tOHUV, kZD, rfOUH, vZzdAl, sBHtvo, lgnCUy, PWbY, jVhJD, mVy, pINv, fkP, sTbs, VidL, upJ, OOd, KMXkk, uYfD, lQVb, unC, gPJHju, pBe, IWLyKn, IoJDM, DQkLZx, TcBAnN, ZJF, pbxW, grTD, LBXua, ziPSo, ceVGuz, DujG, JxYzA, qKOpS, EZlB, IRoMNr, qRfY, WZRN, juYL, MrHcr, xxaaP, seNOp, wJv, hYmcu, UPDNL, nUc, xaKAxw, gslsAO, buWwb, bcL, eIQrE, loxC, DEZv, TwZy, MWn, zkLWKp, GGjF, YjVWo, ZbPpBs, YwL, GEB, xbnaT, ZhD, wOk, tRDf, XcQhk, pXqXK, mhrKj, DZtZth, PmdUeG, LfFeq, nZhl, oadqp, MrcYU, aDosl, OFcTZ, qDSGP, ChTo, IAcd, PosVV, IHOU, GsHxYC, oROUs, aQEXea, PPQk, puq, rNAqM, uBcwBH, tJoTgV,

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obscure mutant powers