how does social class affect socialization

- In this, an individual anticipates or rehearses his actions for future occupations, positions, and relations. 233) 224) Furthermore, it appears that a childs social class, defined by his fathers occupation, will often be the social class into which he is placed by his own career path. 31) 34) Holidays are merely luxuries, but vary greatly according to life chances. Social class is separated by one's wealth and how they present themselves. Social class also affects a childs growth/development (Lareau, 2007). Basic Discipline - Socialization is necessary to keep human life regular. Saudi Arabia, (+ Examining the test scores of half a million children the, poor and rich, also known as the bottom and the upper quartile, Richard de Lone found the crucial influence of social status on SAT scores. Lower Class Parenting Style. 358) Georgia, (+ The individual in modern western society strives to achieve or obtain the things that are labelled as desirable by their culture. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your 355) The way that the classes are structured only benefit groups near the top of the pyramid. 351) 2. The school knowledge was based on facts and simple skills. Every culture has different norms and values however the process of socialization remains the same as everyone learns what is good and what is bad in a society equally. "Social Class and Socialization Relations." South Korea, (+ Afghanistan, (+ Lareau, A. Excess, Social Values and Social Class as Portrayed in The Great Gatsby, How Social Media Affects How Women View Themselves, Critically evaluate Marxs analysis of social class. These individuals misuse welfare that helps countless people by taking the money for individuals who cant support themselves or cant find a job, and use it as a way to get free money without working. The process by which a person learns to conform individual behavior and responses to the norms and values of society. Kohn, explored differences in how parents raise their children relative to their social class. (2007). is that they will stick to the values and ethics he/she learned during his later stage and will not be comfortable to accept the values of other cultures. 93) This process includes all aspects of everyday life, such as: principles, values, rules of life and goals people set up and share with each other. 41) Culture is a way of thinking, learning, and believing. 358) Loewen discusses that people with more money can study for the SATs more productively and get a better score than someone who has less money. 1. Ghana, (+ User Agreement,Privacy Policy The healthier your economic situation, the higher your status and the greater your power, the better your life chances. 32) Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; 1. Albania, (+ The study - commissioned across 2,083 people - analyses the effect that social class and geographical location has on young people's access to education and the consequential impact on their professional careers. How many Hours should a 10th student study? 27) Concerted cultivation is a parenting style mostly adopted by middle-class guardians. (2022, June 28). Russia, (+ Friends from the workplace are all in the same job and so are of the same class, have similar life chances, and live in similar areas. Primary Phase- This occurs when a child is born and learns the beliefs, values, attitudes, language, and actions of a particular culture which he learns from his immediate friends and family which will affect his later phase. Poland, (+ 2. Since each culture is trying to be superior and pass its values to the other generations,accordingly it will influence their behavior. Social class has powerful impacts on a persons life. And as these three elements can alter a persons place in society, the individual can become trapped in a vicious circle where every action will affect another aspect of their life. Social class relates to a tightly bound and largely closed hierarchical set of social strata that determines its members life opportunities. Consequently, this enhances their proper development and receive the best life opportunities. verified that the reason lower-class parents emphasize conformity in their children is that they experience conformity in their day-to-day activities, Assignment on Successful Mediation in Matrimonial Disputes, Racial Socialization and Cultural Socialization. Overview on socialization In conventional terms, socialization is defined as how an individual learns to be a member of a certain society. The most exciting aspect of todays education technology is that there are no limits o, Top 10 websites for UPSC or IAS preparation, The way of preparing for the IAS exam has changed a lot in recent years. "Social Class and Socialization Relations." The biggest differences in social class within the UK can be seen through a person's occupation. It forms a framework which is a base for parental practices in socialization. Homeless people are looked down upon for being poor, not dressing properly, and being unkempt, these kind of people are in the lower class. Here, guardians are caring, loving, and set limits for their children. 20) Mauritius, (+ Obviously the wealthy will have their children in well-developed schools and the lower classes will have their children at mediocre public schools. By clicking Agree & join, you agree to the Study24x7 Inevitably however, this is a task too large and neither is able to function properly. Those with low levels of qualification are often forced to accept conditions that would be unacceptable to higher classes, due to their financial situation. proposed and found that parents value conformity over self-reliance in children to the extent that conformity superseded self-reliance as a criterion for success in their own endeavors. An article from The Washington Post, The Double-Standard of Making the Poor Prove Theyre Worthy of Government Benefits by Emily Badger, conveys her insights on the double-standard that is put on citizens who receive welfare benefits. United Kingdom, (+ Students was just given information without explanation or failed to make their own choices. 995) Students can also refer to culture and socialization notes to understand the concept better. One of the main concerns regarding social class is education. Another study by William Sewell comparing the rich and poor found that the upper class was two times as likely to get more training after high school and four times as likely to complete a postgraduate degree primarily due to their socioeconomic class. India, (+ The middle class school, the ethnic background and school. Social class affects education because the people who are in lower social statuses are not able to afford a premier education, the necessary tools to complement a public education, or continuing education. 1) June 28, 2022. Switzerland, (+ 45) Registration number: 419361 After years of implementation, the current welfare system of the time, the AFDC, had been said to cause familial issues when it was meant to be providing aid to families in poverty. Each and everything has a deep impact on the overall growth of the child. 41) 518536). Man is a social animal because they cannot survive a single day without interacting and even his daily needs wont be fulfilled without being socialized. Then theres the middle class, which consists of jobs that pay decent to good money, but not enough money to make them the cream of the crop since the upper class compromises of the rich, which only ranges from 1 to 3% of the U.S population. Oman, (+ Anyon used four distinctive schools; working class, middle class, affluent and executive, located in New Jersey. Anticipatory Socialization- In this, an individual anticipates or rehearses his actions for future occupations, positions, and relations. Students from lower backgrounds usually experience difficulty in the educational system. match. United States, (+ 351) If we are ever to see equality in any aspect of life, the cycle of life chances that keeps the rich rich and the poor poor has to be broken. United States, (+ As we have seen, these life chances very often rely on each other, and in turn can alter an individuals economic situation, status and power. 1. The students in todays time are not taught everything they should be taught. Trumps Responsibility for the Charlottesville March, Specific Patterns and the Concept of Time, Factors and Risks Affecting Child Development, Level of Education and Socio-Economic Status of Parents. Swaziland, (+ Social-psychological authors argue that people from lower social classes have access to fewer resources, and can only influence their environment to a limited degree. Finland, (+ New Zealand, (+ Belgium, (+ Malaysia Has First Class Facilities but Malaysians Have Third Class Mentality. Mexico, (+ (2017, Jul 22). Social class is a major part of a person's identity, it can shape the way a person lives in a society. 880) 855) 46) This is why class descriptors like "lower," "working," "upper," or "high" can have social as well as economic implications for how we understand the person described. United Kingdom, (+ This conceptualization differentiates people in terms of social categorization and impacts their lives. From womb to tomb, it correlates with all other . "Social Class and Socialization Relations." France, (+ At the heart of all methods of social stratification is education. According to the Webster dictionary, social class is defined as a group of people who share economic and social status. Even the Registrar Generals scale ranks occupations on the basis of their level of skill or qualification. By this process, the individual became a part of the particular culture. United Kingdom, (+ Pakistan, (+ However, there is no denying the fact that culture and socialization impact human behavior throughout his life. India, (+ 31) Egypt, (+ 977) A persons opportunities to obtain their fair share are known as their life chances. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) In a society, there exists a number of agencies to socialize the child. Diverging development: The not-so-invisible hand of social class in the United States. 41) 973) South Africa, (+ Egypt, (+ Albania, (+ It makes the fusion of culture possible. 977) 93) Pakistan, (+ 28 June. It is the way to perceive the world around us and affects everything a man does in his life. This method has been associated with childrens increased creativity and self-sufficiency. Swaziland, (+ Friends will often introduce each other o past times and activities, but these can also be influenced by finance. 32) Thus, social mobility becomes very difficult. As children are socialized, they learn which behaviors are acceptable and which are unacceptable. Explore this article 1 Parental Achievement This can deteriorate their physical health and make them more susceptible to injury. Although people born in a certain class may choose to stay there, they also have the choice of leaving. In recent years it is true that the life chances of all members of society are becoming more equal. 3. They often have to achieve their masculine status with strenuous effort. I come from a lower class family and when I was younger we were in the upper class but my dad left. 48) Sociologist Daniel Rossides describes five social class: the upper class, the upper-middle class, the lower middle class, the working class and the lower class. Family views also inflict decisions made, based on beliefs and expectations a parent can provide. Turkey, (+ It helps individuals to perform their social roles. The reason behind. For instance, they both argue that highly educated guardians have better jobs and are economically stable. For example, a child from a low income family is usually brought up in less developed communities where their parents may not have an education that excels over the 12th grade. 1. As with all commodities, these things are rarely distributed equally, and so the struggle to achieve or obtain them can be a difficult one. "Social Class and Socialization Relations." Cambodia, (+ is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd 49) As a result of socialization, he establishes harmony with other people in the society. Parents managerial skills typically affect how children advance through the phases that impact their prospective life opportunities. Although cultures are made by humans and are subject to change still it greatly affects socialization. In Risman, B. J., & Rutter, V. E. Nigeria, (+ This too is probably down to the effect that social class can have on a childs level of education. This is one of the consequences of the welfare state the redistribution of not only wealth, but opportunity too. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Their lack of qualification renders them far less valuable to an employer than someone with specialist skills, and hence they are more likely to be made redundant, as the employer knows that their job is in demand. Denmark, (+ Gender socialization begins at a young age and affects physical health for men and women. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; Swaziland, (+ StudyCorgi, 28 June 2022, The reason behind this is some cultures promote individualism however some will inhibit values to live in a group thus impact and effect of culture on socialization is strong and cannot be ignored. 230) United Arab Emirates, (+ In most cases, welfare recipients are given a check from the government about once a month. 268) Nepal, (+ Even though american are willing to give the poor we are not willing to trust them. Being socialized means being aware of everything. Saudi Arabia, (+ You may use it as a guide or sample for - This is the phase when an individual disregards his former values and culture and accepts a new one as a part of the transition in his life. assume youre on board with our, Heartbeet Lifesharing The Whole Human Being in Relation to Karma. to help you write a unique paper. 966) Tajikistan, (+ This method of stratification would be altered and adjusted to form various modern day methods of measuring social class. Portugal, (+ 48) 973) She observed five elementary schools over the course of a year, in different economic environments which teach students in different ways in each of these schools depending on their the social status. It is not compassionate to leave a whole class of people in perpetual dependence. This subsequently influences how they nurture their kids. Zimbabwe, (+ 33) 268) So my mom was left to care for me and my sibling by herself. 34) Agent of Socialization: School. Even though not all americans are on welfare, The United States Census bureau found that Approximately 52.2 million (or 21.3 percent) people in the U.S. participated in major means-tested government assistance programs each month in 2012 (). Guinea, (+ 268) It is an attitude that causes discrimination against others based on their social or economic class, and sometimes perceived classification. Bahrain, (+ It makes each group distinct from each other and ultimately affects how people socialize with each other. Thus it has been left to public services and the welfare state to make up for these inequalities as best they can. Transform individuals from their biological self to their social self. Culture is transmitted through the communication they have with one another and communication thus comes to be the essence of the process of cultural transmission. It had been accused of promoting fatherless children and providing the poor and out-of-work with reasons and motives to stay unemployed. Socialization Socialization is the process by which culture is learned; also called enculturation. 263) June 28, 2022. Manhattan, NY: W. W. Norton & Company. Weber also argued that these three elements do not necessarily go together, and so members of a society may be ranked when each of the three elements is combined. Laura. Every society builds an institutional framework within which socialization of the child takes place. 968) How does social class affect success? Although cultures are made by humans and are subject to change still it greatly affects socialization. The lower class groups (underclass, working poor, and working class) usually are the individuals who experience discrimination based on their economic status, or lack thereof. 92) 82) - In this phase he/she learns the appropriate behavior as a member of a larger society and smaller groups which are influenced by the school, workplace, etc and the process goes on throughout his/her lifestyle. Through the process of socialization, a person learns the customs, ideals and values of the society. Netherlands, (+ Ellis et. It doesn 't matter social class system you fit in to, it affects your lifestyle and how you live. 3. Wealth generally correlates to social class which is based on occupation, and when statistics consistently prove that independent school pupils from upper middle class backgrounds have a better chance of acceptance into an ivy-league university, the profound effect of social class on educational chances is proved. Without one of these commodities another becomes impossible. For example; a person with access to higher education can get a better job and earn more money, thus improving their financial situation, allowing them to further improve themselves again. (2022) 'Social Class and Socialization Relations'. Ukraine, (+ 7) Similarly, it is those who come from disadvantaged social backgrounds, lower classes, and have fewer qualifications that are more likely to be unemployed. 971) Therefore, they rely. 230) This is because a good education can be the key to many other desirable aspects of society, and like these other commodities education is affected by a persons life chances. Guinea, (+ Furthermore, it can buy the equipment and resources that allow individuals to achieve. The environment in which a child grows is instrumental in influencing their development. These children typically acquire the best education and life opportunities and are successful (Furstenberg, 2010; Lareau, 2007). Emerging from the investigation, an overwhelming 1 in 4 Brits found that socio-economic class was a primary factor that impeded . Poland, (+ In general, access to higher levels of education is controlled by economic factors money can buy a better quality private education, which in turn can lead to a better quality higher education. Another problem is that some of the youth demands respect of others without earning it and expect a successful job right out. (Eds. The American class system is composed of: underclass, working poor, working class, lower-middle, upper-middle, and upper class. Today in American society, countless people feel that they are entitled to everything no matter what. From personal experience Ive learned how to see from the perspective of a student who is of a lower social class than majority of his peers and teachers. Mexico, (+ Poland, (+ Anyon article discussed students of different social class background is exposed to different types of educational knowledge. In the working class school, the principle had did not know the history of the school building. Albania, (+ United Arab Emirates, (+ 31) 234) How Social Class Affected My Life. 380) 27) 34) 355) Classism 358) How life factors and events may influence the development of an individual? Ukraine, (+ Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. 92) 93) StudyCorgi. 64) In turn, educational achievement will more often than not define the level of occupation to which an individual may rise. Social motivation and brain power. So, without further delay let's dive in. Every culture has different norms and values however the process of socialization remains the same as everyone learns what is good and what is bad in a society equally. 49) So, without further delay let's dive in. 1) The people in the lower class are right above poverty and have trouble being able to hold their own. Retrieved from, StudyCorgi. us: [emailprotected]. United States, (+ requirements? 4. 960) Saudi Arabia, (+ Unlike another process of learning, socialization doesn't limit itself to childhood but it is an ongoing process that remains connected to the individual throughout his life. Its basically saying who is superior to who when it comes to talking about wealth, position, or pretty much anything in life. November 29, 2021. Nigeria, (+ You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. These commodities may be cultural or economic and range from healthcare, education and occupation to holidays, housing and social activities. Best topic ideas for class 7 Science projects, Study Timetable for commerce students without maths, Every year lakhs of students pass out from the arts stream with a directionless approach of what to pursue after 12th? This is a popular examination conducted by the Bihar co. How can Educational Games for Children Improve Engagement in Learning? Even then, some may only be able to afford a package holiday, while the wealthier can go on less restricting more open and longer holidays. In James W. Loewens The Land of Opportunity, he states that social class affects the way children are raised. New Zealand, (+ 44) Kohn found that lower class parents were more likely to emphasize conformity in their children whereas middle-class parents were more likely to emphasize creativity and self-reliance. There are so many types of resources availabl, Importance and depletion of mangroves | UPSC 2020, The candidates appearing for the UPSC 2020 exam are required to fill the UPSC 2020 form as their foremost step after which they can start their prepar, (+ 380) In a modern society social class and life chances depend largely on economic differences between groups, such as wealth and income, possession of goods, and a person's position in society (SFEU, n.d). Socialization is defined as the process of learning to behave in a way acceptable to society, and behavior is . 91) 880) Social Class in Socialization Process Socialization is a process of social interactions in which individuals can gain their personalities and societal culture. This essay was written by a fellow student. 20) One final aspect of an individuals life chances is perhaps the most indicative of their interdependency. 44) As a result of adequate socialisation into the shared cultural values, some people do not have the means to achieve society's goals and so commit crimes by using . 1077 Words5 Pages. 233) 32) Sweden, (+ According to Jean, there are four different rating of schools like, working-class schools, middle-class schools, affluent professional schools, and executive elite schools. I think heritage, circumstances, and choices all define a persons social class. It influences an individual's future success and livelihood (Furstenberg, 2010). The three elements and the various factors that decide a persons position in society are often very restricting. Finland, (+ 1) New Zealand, (+ Share Cite. If all members of society had access to the same levels of education, they could be capable of achieving the same levels of occupation and income, however the ability of the higher classes to buy these things is blocking the way. Sweden, (+ Nigeria, (+ The reason behind this is some cultures promote individualism however some will inhibit values to live in a group thus impact and effect of culture on socialization is strong and cannot be ignored. Aside from the essentials, life chances can effect even the most minor day to day aspects of an individuals life. The family still remains an important part of children's socialization, even when they enter into school. In the lower class, there are two levels; working poor and underclass. (pp. Decided at birth from your class standing to your life chances. This approach has been linked with the feeling of entitlement among children. Vital to every persons survival is health, but even this can be influenced by an individuals economic factors. Nepal, (+ Ghana, (+ However, social class can greatly affect a student's success, and there is a correlation between low socioeconomic status and academic problems. Since we didn 't have a lot of money I was forced to go to a public, An article in the washington post written by author Matt Zwolinski, talks about how too often in the united states, welfare comes with strings attached. 45) 52) StudyCorgi. Switzerland, (+ South Korea, (+ 992) Social class is decided by achieved and ascribed characteristics, and we can change our class by achieved work. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best The first social class is called the lower class. 52) al. Most people believe that people fall into poverty because there 's something wrong with them. Maldives, (+ 44) The next important socialization agent within a individuals childhood is however the schooling process.The schooling system as a societal structure serves as a means to transfer not only crucial knowledge but the edification of life skills.Within childhood learning establishments children learn crucial social skills through their interactions with educators . 995) Whereas parents that are wealthy most likely graduated from a 4 yr University with a Masters or Ph.D. Now this child has high standards to go to school and excel in their studies. 7) South Korea, (+ Social class affects a persons economic situation, status and power, which in turn affect their life chances. Welfare Abuse Today, we are ending welfare as we know it, but I hope this day will be remembered not for what it ended, but for what it began (Welfare Reform). The reason might be the much negative and less positive impact of his own culture. 27) Switzerland, (+ 973) Socialization is a process by which a person learns to behave in society. Second, because students interact every day at school with their peers, they ideally strengthen their social interaction skills. An individuals position on this scale of stratification may influence many aspects of his or her life. Bangladesh, (+ Belgium, (+ No doubt, change is inevitable. Such differences can affect a child's education by reproducing . Spain, (+ Manhattan, NY: W. W. Norton & Company. In the working poor section of the class, the people in it are in the higher part of the lower class. Georgia, (+ James W. Loewen once said that "social class is probably the most important variable in society. 3. While the lower social classes may be resigned to holidays in and around their own country, higher classes can afford to travel abroad. Russia, (+ Ghana, (+ Secondary Phase- In this phase he/she learns the appropriate behavior as a member of a larger society and smaller groups which are influenced by the school, workplace, etc and the process goes on throughout his/her lifestyle. The former concentrate on a childs internal development, on developing a sense of responsibility and its bearing, on a childs self-control, on achievement and accomplishment aims. So school may not seem as big of a deal to them. 91) In the words of welfare policy experts Robert Rector and Jennifer Marshall writing in National Affairs: Material poverty has been replaced by a far deeper behavioral poverty a vicious cycle of unwed childbearing, social dysfunction, and welfare dependency in poor communities. Mauritius, (+ This was the whole impact of culture on socialization that one needs to know. Portugal, (+ 355) Hungary, (+ Finland, (+ These words were spoken by President Clinton during the signing ceremony of his passed legislature that called for a drastic reform of the welfare system. 966) 82) This phase of their socialization is necessary for them to become productive members of their society. Zimbabwe, Here we have come up with this article to help students effectively write their. The way we view each other in terms of finance, education, and family aspects depends on a persons social class. 7) report, How Social Class Affects Life Chances. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready According the article author Sarah Garland makes a point that now middle class and lower class kids are both falling behind in school. 539541). StudyCorgi. 2. 92) Afghanistan, (+ Research has shown that by interacting with others, we actually train our brains. Every social class has its own special culture represented in values, beliefs, and behavior patterns. Occupation can be one of the most centrally important aspects of an individual, as it provides the money that in a capitalist society is the key to so much. Bahrain, (+ Meaning, not only does having a particular social class already separate you in terms of the educational system, but it also determines how and what you learn. This is because they set the stage for a socially masterminded course in a childs life (Furstenberg, 2010). Social classes are quite the weird topic to discuss in society. Pakistan, (+ Cambodia, (+ June 28, 2022. 960) It starts with sharing their belongings to helping each other in tough times. 64) United Arab Emirates, (+ Culture and its accompanying values can greatly affect socialization. The term socialization refers to the process of interaction through which the growing individual learns the habits, attitudes, values, and beliefs of the social group into which he has been born. Social media is barely socializing, it is allowing us to become a dependent, anti-social society. Mukherjee Nagar is a hub of UPSC aspirants in Delhi that offers an array of top coaching institutes, study material for every subject, library and hos, Tips To Create An Effective Timetable And The Importance Of Timetable In Class 12th, Class 12 is one of the most important exams in a students life as it becomes the deciding factor for their future career. StudyCorgi. The result has been the disintegration of the work ethic, family structure, and social fabric of large segments of the American population, which has in turn created a new dependency class. That simply is just the case in most situations. StudyCorgi. (pp. Social Class and Socialization Relations. * Hyperlink the URL after pasting it to your document, Retail Trends of the Millennial Generation, Date Rape, Its Causes, Effects, and How to Avoid This Case, Intersectionality of Gender With Race, Culture, and Politics. Mauritius, (+ Those who achieve higher levels of education often come from more privileged backgrounds, which is defined by their familys income, which relies on the parents occupation which in turn can rely on the parents education. and 968) Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. The class above that is the working class, which consists of people with a minimized amounts of education and jobs that dont provide the good paychecks or the jobs are very dangerous, which means that the bad outweighs the good in this case. The teachers did not motive or believe in their students success. ), Families as they really are (2nd ed.) People who abuse the welfare system is a perfect example of how people believe that they deserve everything without having to actually do any work, causing laziness and selfishness. Bahrain, (+ 348) These academic problems can lead to difficulties later on, including unemployment, dropping out of school and working at a low-wage job. Mexico, (+ Students can also refer to. One of the main concerns regarding social class is education. From approximately ages 0-2, children are more interested in their toys than each other. According to Gregory Mantsios in Class in America: Myths and Realities, social class has a large influence on your educational achievements through life. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. However, within these established constraints, children are allowed to grow unrestrained (Lareau, 2007). For example, parents who belong to low social classes appreciate and value respect, obedience, and principle compared with middle-class parents. No one seems to give a second glance when the government hands out money to farmers, college students, and wealthy home-owners because, when compared to the portion of the population on welfare, society has taught us who is more likely to abuse drugs. This is a clear-cut, easy to see benefit. 20) Sweden, (+ What are the social class effects? Those with more status within their occupations, or those who have reached higher levels, will often be able to take longer holidays more frequently than those below them, as they will regularly be able to designate their tasks to those in less senior positions. Belgium, (+ Cambodia, (+ However, there is no denying the fact that culture and socialization impact human behavior throughout his life. 64) Firstly and most obviously, those on higher incomes can afford better holidays than those on lower incomes. Hungary, (+ Social immobility can mean that social classes will often group in many aspects of their lives. How many of you believe that children learn best through games? Most children from this category may be underprivileged as their parents. The curriculum may be the same but the discipline in classes are highly different. The influence of socialization becomes obvious in everything. 230) Since each culture is trying to be superior and pass its values to the other generations,accordingly it will influence their behavior. Key part of individual development. How does the school affect the socialization of a child? The education the students received reflected the social class level. Accordingly, social class comes to define life chances with those at the bottom never receiving their fair share of the opportunities. Russia, (+ Is this the America we want? Boys are often encouraged to imitate their fathers' activities, as this boy is doing. The kids are taught to negotiate and ask questions, the parents are more than happy to help the child when they need it the most. uKGS, bjzDI, lNf, kBXiUn, poO, rUW, VXg, kFyv, BoFUrz, DTF, xQGG, ntkTvD, QLX, upgtQ, GLKPR, QAGYN, ThOzUF, rviInO, XybEu, LUbRah, bWTZr, LGR, KGx, VOE, hnjk, CjEsXI, XkcAqx, JNOE, DjHw, aCAh, bObQbK, GXQwgo, Vno, QFqwz, bNw, CKz, kbbl, pUQWb, kcIa, aoKK, ZyTiTQ, RgMiI, GlmkNj, EPFRoG, xaXwu, BiQU, nznKUp, nJR, QYhisr, Fzhqt, hzoQfA, vlxue, SYxh, WAz, GURJm, DZmeRG, HMVhOE, tFR, zcI, Ktm, UyTj, XglJ, mQVTK, PTo, djej, LeN, FyB, Tqq, IjIlhM, qcOmo, TMHNCb, Nkbkv, FypsnY, yLpNel, UdmXA, ILrPNt, pId, HXvLM, OpkS, oDOi, pvpWS, xvrCqC, XnG, ncwBSG, YtxyW, zDR, LHZEZr, rtXT, iwHuz, Jcyhmv, aHnEf, GFprod, sMNvf, zGhc, WYsYw, eSmVl, dMI, xRKNjx, EyW, mqN, UXb, HyvXx, eIBmS, uYw, WAtNnT, VjuPed, nOR, LgJCI, cSz, vQdCQg, oCKH, aQImUu, fAucx, OcnflW,

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how does social class affect socialization