good clinical practice certification canada

Agreements should also outline the conditions of record retention, such as the location of records, as well as the procedure to be followed to ensure record retention within the 25-year period in the event that a company ceases to exist or, Prior to the commencement of the clinical trial, the delegated tasks should be documented, signed and dated by the. They consist of any piece of information that is created, modified, retrieved, and/or transmitted during the conduct of a clinical trial. Health Canada expects these components to be clearly documented in risk-based monitoring plans. The sponsor did not record, handle and store all information for a clinical trial to ensure the data transcribed from the original documents to case reports was accurate and complete. Section 5.20 of ICH E6 states that noncompliance with the protocol, SOPs, GCP, and/or applicable regulatory requirement(s) by a QI/institution, or by member(s) of the sponsor's staff should lead to prompt action by the sponsor to secure compliance. (1) The Minister shall require a sponsor to submit, within two days after receipt of the request, information concerning the drug or the clinical trial, or samples of the drug, if the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe that. It is recommended that a site have a system in place to ensure control over the re-consenting process, including documenting and tracking all versions of the ICF, approvals by Health Canada and the REB and clinical trial subject re-consent. Health Canada is committed to eliminating such discrepancies through the implementation of a phased-in work plan that will examine the impact associated with the implementation of ICH guidances. At all times, where the Regulations exceed the guidance set out in this document or those in ICH E6, the Regulations take precedence. A package includes anything in which any food, drug, cosmetic or device is wholly or partly contained, placed or packed. (iv) the medicinal ingredients of the drug. represents "Example"). Therefore, clinical trial records created and/or used during the conduct of a statistically negative trial must be retained according to the regulatory requirements as outlined in this document and in the Regulations. There are many benefits of ICH GCP certification, including: CROs or Sponsors that employ staff with ICH GCP certification have access to a wide range of benefits including cost savings, fewer errors in clinical trials, better patient care, improved regulatory compliance, and increased clinical trial performance. Modules to choose from, flexible delivery options, access to checklists and applications learn at your own pace! The 12 modules included in the course are based on ICH GCP Principles and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for clinical research trials in the U.S. For additional guidance on risk-based quality management in clinical trials, the sponsor may consult other international guidelines (See Appendix B - References, Other Guidances and Policies). Sale or importation of a drug for the purposes of a Phase I-III clinical trial is contingent on the following: Reasons why sponsor may get a Not Satisfactory Notice (NSN) could include: A sponsor does not have to submit a CTA for authorization to sell or import a drug used in a Phase IV clinical trial. Comparator (Product): An investigational or marketed product (active control), or placebo, used as a reference in a clinical trial (ICH E6, 1.14). Features should include the following, but not be limited to: The destruction of original paper records following their transfer to a secondary medium may be acceptable with the principles described in this section in place. For more information with regards to the transfer of essential records to a secondary medium, refer to the CGSB standard Electronic Records as Documentary Evidence, CAN/CGSB-72.34-2017. introduction to ich gcp . This would include ensuring that all of the sponsor's obligations under Part C, Division 5 of the Regulations are met at each site, and that each site follows GCP. If a sponsor discontinues the drug development (that is, for any or all indications, routes of administration, or dosage forms), the sponsor must maintain all sponsor-specific essential documents in conformance with the applicable regulatory requirement(s) (ICH E6, 5.5.8). To become ICH GCP certified, you must pass an examination that tests your knowledge of the global standards for the ethical conduct of clinical trials. stability, dissolution rate, bioavailability) needed to assess whether these changes would significantly alter the pharmacokinetic profile of the product should be available prior to the use of the new formulation in clinical trials". Sections C.01.016 and C.01.017 of the Regulations (listed below), which also refer to prohibition and serious ADR reporting, do not apply to drugs used for the purpose of a clinical trial, except clinical trial drugs used in Phase IV trials. (h) the proposed date for the commencement of the clinical trial at each clinical trial site, if known at the time of submitting the application. (ii) the information referred to in subparagraph C.05.005(c)(ix), if any of that information has changed since it was submitted; (e) before the sale or importation of the drug in accordance with the amended authorization, the sponsor ceases to sell or import the drug in accordance with the existing authorization; and. (2) The Minister shall suspend the authorization by sending to the sponsor a written notice of suspension of the authorization that indicates the effective date of the suspension, whether the authorization is suspended in its entirety or at a clinical trial site and the reason for the suspension. The sponsor did not keep complete and accurate records for the use of the drug in a clinical trial, as required by the Regulations. commercial vs. non-commercial), purpose of the clinical trial (e.g. Adverse drug reaction (ADR): means any noxious and unintended response to a drug that is caused by the administration of any dose of the drug. These records should include, but are not limited to: Essential to this process is adequate labelling in accordance with section C.05.011 of the Regulations (see section 5.11 of this document). A QI is responsible for the proper conduct of the clinical trial at his/her site. The collection and maintenance of clinical trial records, including the retention of records, is a critical component of any clinical trial. Current and continuing certification in Good Clinical Practice (GCP) with Health Canada is an asset. The Regulations do not differentiate between a commercial and a non-commercial sponsor (e.g. The Regulations do not cover biological study samples and do not specify how long they should be kept. The monitor should submit a written report to the sponsor after each trial-site visit or trial-related communication. Additional Resources: Supplemental materials/activities. If the information and documents submitted in respect of an application under section C.05.005 or an application for amendment under section C.05.008 are insufficient to enable the Minister to determine whether any of the reasons referred to in paragraph C.05.006(1)(b) or C.05.008(1)(b) exist, the Minister may require the sponsor to submit, within two days after receipt of the request, samples of the drug or additional information relevant to the drug or the clinical trial that are necessary to make the determination. It is suitable for anyone carrying out, or involved in, clinical research and clinical trials. Section 6 of ICH E6 describes the information found in a protocol. The subject or the subject's legally acceptable representative should be informed about the trial as soon as possible and consent to continue and other consent as appropriate (see ICH E6, 4.8.10) should be requested. Further guidance respecting information and records can be found in this document under section 5.12 Records (C.05.012). It should be noted that it is not a requirement for a party to retain multiple and identical copies of an original document. These requirements include, but are not limited to the following: The process for obtaining informed consent using an electronic form should also be well detailed in an SOP, including how the form will be explained and discussed with the clinical trial subject (will the subject have the option to sign a paper copy, bring a copy home or have access to an electronic signed copy, etc.). (i) the requirements respecting information and records set out in section C.05.012 are met; and. Informed consent is defined as a process by which a subject voluntarily confirms his or her willingness to participate in a particular trial, after having been informed of all aspects of the trial that are relevant to the subject's decision to participate (ICH E6, 1.28). (h) written informed consent, given in accordance with the applicable laws governing consent, is obtained from every person before that person participates in the clinical trial but only after that person has been informed of. The regulatory obligations to obtain the REB approval are the responsibility of the sponsor. The original, and all amended ICFs and any other written information to be provided to subjects, must be approved by an REB prior to being presented to trial participants (ICH E6, 4.8.1). In accordance with subsection C.05.002(2), the sponsor of a Phase IV clinical trial does not have to file a clinical trial application (CTA) for importation and/or sale of the study drug. The inspection of clinical trials will be initiated in close collaboration with the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD) and the Biologic and Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Directorate (BRDD). In addition, documentation must be available to justify this practice, and should include the reason for the decision as well as a risk assessment to ensure any risks to the subject are mitigated. A sponsor may transfer any or all of the sponsor's trial-related duties and functions to a CRO, but the ultimate responsibility for the quality and integrity of the trial data always resides with the sponsor, as per the Regulations. Since the sponsor of a clinical trial is responsible for maintaining all records, the QI should consult the sponsor to confirm record retention requirements prior to destroying any records. However, if any changes are made to the CTSI forms (e.g. This would include for example certificates, calibration data, and records of faults, breakdowns and misuse of the equipment. The sponsor must also ensure that individuals remain qualified throughout all stages of the trial process, from trial design, to conduct of a trial at sites, through to the analysis of data and the preparation of final clinical trial reports (ICH E6, 5.4.1). (ii) the name, address and telephone number and, if applicable, the facsimile number and electronic mail address of any research ethics board that has previously refused to approve any amendment to the protocol, its reasons for doing so and the date on which the refusal was given; (d) before the sale or importation of the drug, the sponsor maintains records concerning, (i) the information referred to in paragraph C.05.005(h), and. As per section C.05.012 of the Regulations, records of the clinical trial drug's delivery to the trial site, the inventory at the site, the use by each subject, and the return to the sponsor or alternative disposition of unused clinical trial drugs, should be available in order to demonstrate traceability. use of validated shipping containers). Download the alternative format Potential participants in a clinical trial have the right to know the foreseeable risks or inconveniences and expected benefits that are part of the study they are thinking about joining [ICH E6, 4.8.10 (g) and (h)]. The Regulations apply to the sale and importation of drugs to be used in clinical trials involving humans that are conducted in Canada. Before suspending under C.05.016, Health Canada will send the sponsor a written notice of the intention to suspend the authorization that indicates whether the authorization is to be suspended in its entirety or at a clinical trial site, and the reason for the intended suspension. hardcopies) should be kept for as long as they are needed. As part of the validation process for electronic systems, documentation of the system design specifications and a validation plan based on those should be developed. All clinical trial information should be recorded, handled and stored in a way that allows its accurate reporting, interpretation and verification. Identifiers other than a "lot" or "(L)" number (e.g. It is important to note that local regulations in ICH regions can exceed the requirements of ICH E6. (viii) if the drug is a radiopharmaceutical as defined in section C.03.201, information regarding directions for preparing the radiopharmaceutical, the radiation dosimetry in respect of the prepared radiopharmaceutical and a statement of the storage requirements for the prepared radiopharmaceutical; (f) if the drug contains a human-sourced excipient, including any used in the placebo, (i) information that indicates the human-sourced excipient has been assigned a drug identification number under subsection C.01.014.2(1) or, in the case of a new drug, issued a notice of compliance under subsection C.08.004(1), as the case may be, or. This practice would allow the subject to consent and start the trial at the same time. The QI must have a documented SOP in place for obtaining informed consent. The sponsor did not implement systems and procedures to ensure equipment was maintained and calibrated. In situations where original source documents cannot be retained for the 25-year record retention period due to their deterioration in uncontrolled environment conditions (e.g. When prior consent of the subject is not possible, and the subject's legally acceptable representative is not available, enrolment of the subject should require measures described in the protocol and/or elsewhere, with documented approval by the REB, to protect the rights, safety and well-being of the subject, and to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. Using a risk-based approach, the sponsor should identify critical conditions for storage and transportation taking into consideration the labelling and existing stability data. Drug accountability records are required for: Drug accountability records are not required for: For example, marketed drugs which are commercially available, for which no CTA has been filed (Phase IV), should be managed as commercial drugs and good practice guidelines for pharmacies followed. The alternate approaches to assure GMP compliance would be up to the sponsor to determine and could be considered by Health Canada. Consistent with Section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act, a drug is defined as any substance or mixture of substances used in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, disorder or abnormal physical state, or its symptoms, and in restoring, correcting or modifying organic functions. Please note, if you access BioTalent Canadas training programs through your post-secondary institution or employer, your post-secondary institution or employer may have access to your progress, results, and course-specific information, for the purpose of tracking participation, course completions, and feedback surveys. This could be either the QI, or adequately qualified individual to whom the QI has delegated the activities. It is however the ultimate responsibility of the sponsor to ensure that all parties involved in the conduct of the trial are in compliance with record retention requirements. systems are in place, when appropriate, to monitor the transportation and storage conditions from the foreign source to the various clinical trial sites across Canada; there is documented accountability of the imported drugs used in clinical trials and distributed to various clinical trial sites located in Canada, including the disposition of drugs returned from the clinical trial sites; a written agreement is in place between the sponsor and the qualified investigator (, there is evidence that the drugs used in clinical trials conducted in Canada meet, certificates of manufacture and certificates of analysis (. Good clinical practice (GCP) is an internationally recognized set of ethical and scientific standards designed to protect the rights, safety, and wellbeing of those who participate in research studies. 3. institutional review board/independent ethics committee (irb/iec) 4. investigator . (d) before the sale or importation of the drug at a clinical trial site, the sponsor submits to the Minister the information referred to in subparagraphs C.05.005(c)(ix) and (x) and paragraphs C.05.005(d) and (h), if it was not submitted in respect of that clinical trial site at the time of submitting the application. 5. sponsor . The transfer of essential records from their original medium to a secondary one may be acceptable if the conditions described in this section are fulfilled. Such expedited reports should comply with the applicable regulatory requirement(s) and with the ICH guideline for Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting (ICH E2A) (ICH E6, 5.17.2). It reviews: Defines and puts into practice GCP while demonstrating: This pre-requisite course for the GLP, GMP, QA/QC and GCP courses introduces the various types of report writing required in bio-economy workplaces across Canada. During and following a subject's participation in a trial, the QI should ensure that adequate medical care is provided to a subject for any adverse events (AEs), including clinically significant laboratory values, related to the trial. Written procedures and training of personnel in their implementation should be documented to demonstrate that the maintenance and retention of records was conducted correctly and consistently. If the drug product is stored in a controlled environment at the clinical trial site according to the information on the label, a risk-based approach will be used. (5) A sponsor may not sell or import a drug for the purposes of a clinical trial. These examples are provided for guidance and are not exhaustive. (a) the sponsor has contravened these Regulations or any provisions of the Act relating to the drug; (b) any information submitted in respect of the drug or clinical trial is false or misleading; (c) the sponsor has failed to comply with good clinical practices; or, (i) information or samples of the drug as required under section C.05.009 or C.05.013, or. An REB should pay special attention to trials that may include vulnerable human subjects (elderly, children, mentally ill, prisoners, etc.). (3) The application for amendment referred to in subsection (1) shall contain a reference to the application submitted under section C.05.005 and shall contain the following documents and information: (a) if the application is in respect of an amendment referred to in any of paragraphs (2)(a) to (e), a copy of the amended protocol that indicates the amendment, a copy of the protocol submitted under paragraph C.05.005(a), and the rationale for the amendment; (b) if the application is in respect of an amendment referred to in paragraph (2)(e), a copy of the amended investigator's brochure or an addendum to the investigator's brochure that indicates the new information, including supporting toxicological studies and clinical trial safety data; (c) if the application is in respect of an amendment referred to in any of paragraphs (2)(a) to (f) and, as a result of that amendment, it is necessary to amend the statement referred to in paragraph C.05.005(b), a copy of the amended statement that indicates the new information; and. the objectives of the clinical trial will not be achieved. Any modifications or additions made to the electronic system (e.g. Whatever level of expertise you're looking for, our advanced ICH GCP certification can help take your career to the next level, providing all the confidence and knowledge you need to keep up with industry trends and regulations. These standards provide guidance on all aspects of clinical trial conduct, from study design to data analysis and reporting. Only specific and unique documents that belong solely to the sponsor, the REB, the QI or other entities, must be kept at the conclusion or termination of a trial. This will result in the amendment or, depending on the extent of revisions required, withdrawal of some Health Canada guidances. Having an ICH GCP certified workforce is essential in providing safe and ethical clinical research that meets regulatory requirements. Scientific/technical justification should exist to demonstrate that product quality is not affected. It should be noted that specific timelines for the provision of clinical trial information to Health Canada are outlined in section C.05.013 of the Regulations (see section 5.13 of this document). Please refer to the Guidance Document for Clinical Trial Sponsors: Clinical Trial Applications for detailed guidance and/or consult the Clinical Trials Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for further details and information on QIU and CTSI forms. These records include, but are not limited to: Drug accountability records should include the following information on the drug, but not limited to: In order to ensure that subjects received the product(s) according to their randomization, QIs should maintain documentation. (2) Subject to subsection (3), a sponsor may sell or import a drug for the purposes of a clinical trial in respect of, (a) a new drug that has been issued a notice of compliance under subsection C.08.004(1), if the clinical trial is in respect of a purpose or condition of use for which the notice of compliance was issued; or. Examples of observations typically cited under this section of the Regulations include: If the sale or importation of a drug is authorized under this Division, the sponsor may make one or more of the following changes if the sponsor notifies the Minister in writing within 15 days after the date of the change: If a sponsor submits a CTA and has received a NOL, the sponsor may make one or more of the following changes, but the sponsor shall notify Health Canada in writing within 15 calendar days after the date of the change: Further to the above, section 5.13.5 of ICH E6 states that: "If significant formulation changes are made in the investigational or comparator product(s) during the course of clinical development, the results of any additional studies of the formulated product(s) (e.g. Serious unexpected adverse drug reaction (SUADR): means a serious adverse drug reaction (SADR) that is not identified in nature, severity or frequency in the risk information set out in the investigator's brochure or on the label of the drug. for blinding purposes), comparator drug, if it has market authorization, but is used off-label (unless it was not considered to be investigational in the context of the particular clinical trial, based on the assessment of the application), drugs listed on section 8 (Brand or Proprietary Name) of, drugs that are the subject of a Phase IV clinical trial, comparator drug, if it has market authorization, is used on-label, and hasn't been altered in any manner, rescue or concomitant medications, authorized for sale in Canada, that may be used on or off-label but are not the subject of the clinical trial (e.g. It is acceptable for essential and/or source records to be transferred to secondary media (see "Transfer of records to secondary medium" section below). Health Canada expects that sponsors take into consideration the following factors as part of the risk assessment of a computerised system and its associated validation, but not limited to: In addition, the sponsor should periodically review the risk control measures identified in their assessment to ascertain whether the implemented systems remain effective and relevant, taking into account experience and emerging knowledge (ICH E6, 5.0.6). Label: includes any legend, word or mark attached to, included in, belonging to or accompanying any food, drug, cosmetic, device or package. Current and continuing certification in Transportation of Dangerous Goods is an asset. As per section 5.1.1 of ICH E6, the sponsor is responsible for implementing and maintaining quality assurance and quality control systems with written SOPs to ensure that trials are conducted and data are generated, documented (recorded), and reported in compliance with the protocol, GCP, and all applicable regulatory requirements. a new drug that has been issued a notice of compliance (, a drug, other than a new drug, that has been assigned a drug identification number (, the person selling and/or importing the trial drug must be authorized under Part C, Division 5 [C.05.003(a)] (refer to next bullet below), the sponsor cannot sell or import a trial drug during a period of suspension or cancellation of the trial [C.05.006(3)], the trial has to be conducted according to, the drug must be labeled according to the Regulations (C.05.011), the sponsor must comply with records requirements referenced in this Division [C.05.012, with the exception of C.05.012(3)(e)], the criteria for submission of information and samples to Health Canada (C.05.013), the criteria for suspension and cancellation of a trial (C.05.016 and C.05.017). In addition to Part C, Division 5 of the Regulations, the following provisions of Division 1 also apply to any drug sold for a clinical trial whether authorized under C.05.006(1) (CTA) or C.05.006(2) (DIN or NOC for Phase IV): The sponsor is the regulated party to whom the authorization to sell and/or import a clinical trial drug is issued. Canadian General Standard Board), the secondary medium allows the successful retrieval and use of the records for the entire 25-year record retention period, design to ensure the tracing of any alterations and updates, if permitted, such as source, date and content (i.e. The definitions for SADR and SUADR are consistent with those found in sections 1.50 and 1.60 of ICH E6. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), amendments are. a re-test date on the label if the sponsor has data to support the extended shelf-life of the drug, and. Site or trial site: The location(s) where trial-related activities are actually conducted (ICH E6, 1.59). Individual investigators at the clinical trial sites in Canada may serve as Canadian Importers (Guidance Document for Clinical Trial Sponsors: Clinical Trial Applications). Note that paragraph C.05.010(e) of the Regulations states that there be no more than one QI at each clinical trial site. For enquiries,contact us. The qualified investigator (QI) is the person who is responsible to the sponsor for the conduct of the trial-related activities at a site (see QI definition in Appendix A). Average Learning Time: ~5 - 7 hours. A CRA is usually required to possess an academic degree in Life Sciences and needs to have a good knowledge of good clinical practice and local regulations. Therefore, adequate documented assessment and approval of changes to hardware or software during the course of the clinical trial are required. The intent of this training program is to define the Minimum Criteria for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training of investigators and site personnel (based upon ICH E6 R2). For further clarifications, contact the appropriate Health Canada Directorate (TPD or BGTD). BioTalent and I.D.E.A.L. In order to sell or import a drug for the purposes of a Phase I-III clinical trial, the sale or importation must be authorized by Health Canada through the submission of a CTA prior to the initiation of the trial or the implementation of the amendment. Adverse event (AE): means any adverse occurrence in the health of a clinical trial subject who is administered a drug, that may or may not be caused by the administration of the drug, and includes an adverse drug reaction. The sponsor should document the rationale for the chosen monitoring strategy (e.g. a change to the chemistry and manufacturing information that does not affect the quality or safety of the drug. It is recognized that the scope and subject matter of current Health Canada guidances may not be entirely consistent with those of the ICH guidances that are being introduced as part of our commitment to international harmonization and the ICH Process. hospital-based systems) not under the responsibility of the sponsor, an alternate method to validation could be considered (e.g. routine X-ray), or as part of care provided on an ad hoc basis (e.g. The sponsor is responsible to ensure that trial information is recorded, handled and stored in a way that allows its accurate reporting, interpretation, and verification (ICH E6, 2.10). The clinical trial was not conducted according to protocol. All of these tools are available online and free, making the process of gaining certification easy to access by anyone interested in taking the first step towards becoming ICH GPC Certified. chart-based, electronic record, a combination). GCP is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. The QI should comply with the applicable regulatory requirement(s) related to the reporting of serious unexpected adverse drug reactions (SUADR, as defined in Appendix A) to the regulatory authority(ies) and the REB. However, you can begin working in the clinical trial industry before you have received your certification, as long as you can prove that you meet the requirements. It should also be performed in accordance with GMP principles and specific SOPs. This could be through initialing each page of the ICF, or a statement included at the end stating that the subject has read and understood all the pages. During this time, its important to keep up with continuing education through CCRPS or CITI GCP Training so that your training remains current. biostatisticians, clinical pharmacologists, physicians, clinical trial coordinators, etc.) (f) amendments to the chemistry and manufacturing information that may affect the safety or quality of the drug. (3) Sections C.01.016 and C.01.017 do not apply to drugs used for the purposes of a clinical trial. The ICH GCP training course is a comprehensive course that covers all aspects of the global standards for the ethical conduct of clinical trials. Direct and immediate access to the records needs to be available for inspectors and provision of passwords or encryption keys to inspectors at the time of inspection. Bioscience Employer are trademarks of BioTalent Canada. Prior to implementation of a CTA-A at a site, a qualified investigator should obtain documented approval from the REB (ICH E6, 4.5.2). Compliance with the Regulations and ICH E6 will further promote the protection of subjects as well as ensure the integrity of the data generated by the trial, whether it is for use in academic publications, or to support new, supplementary or abbreviated drug submissions (NDS, SNDS, ANDS). Where it is not possible to comply with both sets of requirements, the federal Regulations would govern and the records must be maintained for 25 years. GCP training describes the responsibilities of investigators, sponsors, monitors, and IRBs in the conduct of clinical trials. Proper rationale and justification should be used. In addition, the process to describe the destruction of the original paper records should be documented in appropriate procedures. A request for clarification or information may be required if the information and documents submitted in a CTA, or a CTA-A, were insufficient in either of the following ways: Every sponsor shall ensure that a clinical trial is conducted in accordance with good clinical practices and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall ensure that. Good clinical practices (GCP): means generally accepted clinical practices that are designed to ensure the protection of the rights, safety and well-being of clinical trial subjects and other persons, and the good clinical practices referred to in section C.05.010. It is designed to ensure that the objectives of the study can be met. C.03.202 (1) Every package containing a radiopharmaceutical, other than a radionuclide generator, shall carry, (vi) the radiation warning symbol set out in Schedule 3 to the Radiation Protection Regulations and the words "RAYONNEMENT - DANGER - RADIATION". Experience Minimum of one year of experience within the last three years working in a research setting including data entry and laboratory processing is required. change of QI) a revised CTSI form should be submitted to Health Canada. This ICH GCP principle applies to all records referenced in this guidance document, irrespective of the type of media used (ICH E6, 2.10). For additional information on the off-label use of a drug that is authorized for sale in Canada, refer to the Notice to Stakeholders: Statement on the Investigational Use of Marketed Drugs in Clinical Trials. Health Canada expects that sponsors can demonstrate that the subject has read and understood the entire informed consent document(s). to perform critical trial-related procedures and/or to make important trial-related decisions (i.e. These timelines should be taken into consideration when determining the location of the clinical trial records for the retention period. Despite sections C.01.014, C.08.002, C.08.002.02 and C.08.003, no person shall sell or import a drug for the purposes of a clinical trial unless. However, the following does apply: Where a clinical trial is conducted on a marketed drug in order to test the safety and/or efficacy of the product under new conditions of use (that is, outside the conditions for which it has received a DIN or NOC), the sponsor must file a CTA for authorization to conduct the clinical trial in Canada. Note: Part C, Division 5 of the Regulations does not differentiate between a commercial and a non-commercial sponsor. (a) a change to the chemistry and manufacturing information that does not affect the quality or safety of the drug, other than a change for which an amendment is required by section C.05.008; and. This pre-requisite course for the GLP, GMP, QA/QC, and GCP courses introduces the various types of report writing required in bio-economy workplaces across Canada. Stability Testing of New Substances and Products. Sponsors may delegate record retention to third parties (e.g. However, the sponsor must notify Health Canada of the change, and submit a CTA-A within 15 calendar days after the date of implementation of the amendment. The sponsor assigns the responsibility of medical care and medical decisions and day-to-day running of the clinical trial site to the QI. USB keys). Within the log, a QI may designate other physicians or in some instances other appropriate professionals (PhDs, nurses, optometrists, etc.) The sponsor must provide the information requested, within 2 calendar days of that request, should Health Canada have reasonable grounds to believe that: Furthermore, Health Canada may request that a sponsor submit information or records described in C.05.012, or samples of the drug, within 7 calendar days of the request, in order to assess the safety of the drug or the health of any of the clinical trial subjects or other persons. (b) a change to the protocol that does not alter the risk to the health of a clinical trial subject, other than a change for which an amendment is required by section C.05.008. Beyond these introductory courses, many organizations also offer advanced certifications such as the Certified Professional Investigator credential for those who require more in-depth knowledge. During an inspection, Health Canada may verify that there is a system of traceability in place to ensure patient safety and that the computerized system, if applicable, is fully validated (refer to section 5.12 Records). The control of risks identified for critical equipment (which may include calibration and/or maintenance) should be reviewed, evaluated, and reported in accordance with the quality management system. The clinical trial records had errors and/or missing information that did not allow for complete and accurate reporting, interpretation, and verification. The sponsor did not keep records of all adverse events. Notice - Release of ICH E6 (R2): Good Clinical Practice April 3, 2019 Our file number: 19-105-427-311 Health Canada is pleased to announce the implementation of International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) Guidance E6 (R2): Good Clinical Practice. Section 4.8.2 of ICH E6 states that clinical trial subjects should be made aware of important new information as soon as it becomes available, as it may affect a subject's willingness to participate. Home > Training Programs > GCP Fundamentals. research for publication vs. drug submission for marketing authorization), status of the drug (e.g. Section 3 of ICH E6 describes the responsibilities, composition and operations of REBs. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to implement a system to manage the quality throughout all stages of the trial process and at all sites. Electronic signatures are considered acceptable, again only if the electronic system is fully validated. Although the retention period of records starts on the date the record is created, sponsors may choose to "start the clock" for retention of all study records upon completion or termination of the trial to simplify the process. Good Clinical Practice for Professionals. If a drug or substance is prohibited under the Regulations (refer to section C.05.003), a sponsor may submit a CTA to sell and/or import the drug for use in a clinical trial if the sponsor is able to justify that its use may result in a therapeutic benefit to human subjects. The drug was sold or imported for use in a clinical trial without getting authorization from Health Canada. There must be no more than one (1) QI at each clinical trial site. It is a sponsor's responsibility to keep records of all AEs in respect of the drug used in a clinical trial, whether those events occur inside or outside of Canada, including information that specifies the indication for use and the dosage form of the drug at the time of the AE [C.05.012(3)(c)]. As per subsection C.05.008(4), if a sponsor needs to make an immediate amendment because the clinical trial or use of the drug endangers the trial subjects or other persons, the sponsor may make the amendment without prior review by Health Canada. This and other Guidance documents are available on the ICH Website. Refer to section 8 of ICH E6 for a more detailed list of essential and source documents. The sponsor did not have provisions in place to keep all clinical trial records for a period of 25 years. (ii) in any other case, sufficient information to support the identity, purity, potency, stability and safety of the human-sourced excipient; (g) if the drug has not been assigned a drug identification number under subsection C.01.014.2(1) or, in the case of a new drug, a notice of compliance has not been issued under section C.08.004 or C.08.004.01, the chemistry and manufacturing information in respect of the drug, including its site of manufacture; and. Clinical trial application-Amendments (CTA-As) are applications in which a sponsor submits information to support changes to a previously authorized clinical trial. The risks and inconveniences should not outweigh the anticipated benefits when participating in a trial (ICH E6, 2.2). Paragraph C.05.005(e) of the Regulations describes the content that must be included in an investigator's brochure that is submitted to Health Canada. Equipment or measuring devices used to generate critical data (e.g. The certificate of analysis (CoA) of the investigational drug(s) would be considered an adequate evidence of GMP compliance. This course is recognized by Transcelerate BioPharma Inc. as evidence of Good Clinical Practice training. the sponsor for agreement, and, if required, the regulatory authority (i.e. E-mail: Delegated duties, to be captured in a delegation log, are dependent on the trial and may include, but are not limited to: Locations where ancillary medical procedures (e.g. The definition is broad in scope, and includes dispensing of drugs to subjects by physicians. It is acceptable for a marketed drug used in a clinical trial as comparator (refer to Glossary (terms) for definition of comparator), to be labelled in accordance with its marketing authorization (NOC/DIN), including all relevant sections of the Food and Drugs Act and its associated regulations, provided that the labelling on the marketed drug is appropriate for the trial. The immediate reports should be followed promptly by detailed, written reports. Neither the investigator, nor the trial staff, should, in any way, coerce or influence a subject to participate or to continue to participate in a trial (ICH E6, 4.8.3). The Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course is designed to prepare research staff in the conduct of clinical trials with human participants. The sponsor did not submit a complete report with an assessment of its findings within 8 days of informing Health Canada of a fatal or life threatening serious unexpected adverse drug reaction. All delegated activities must be documented on the delegation log. Investigator's brochure: means, in respect of a drug, a document containing the preclinical and clinical data on the drug that are described in paragraph C.05.005(e). The procedures may be trial- or site-specific and be provided by the sponsor or the third party that was delegated the responsibility. (4) If the sponsor is required to immediately make one or more of the amendments referred to in subsection (2) because the clinical trial or the use of the drug for the purposes of the clinical trial endangers the health of a clinical trial subject or other person, the sponsor may immediately make the amendment and shall provide the Minister with the information referred to in subsection (3) within 15 days after the date of the amendment. The sponsor did not keep all versions of the Investigator's Brochure, including the rationale for any changes. are qualified by education, training and experience to perform their respective task(s) (see also ICH E6, 2.8). The QI should sign and date the log prior to a task being delegated. The Regulations came into force on September 1, 2001 and set out the federal requirements for the sale and importation of drugs used in human clinical trials in Canada, and include the requirement to comply with good clinical practices (GCP). Applications and Submissions - Drug Products, Guidance Documents Applications and submissions Drug products. In such circumstances, Health Canada would issue a "Notice of Intent to Suspend", along with the Final Inspection Exit Notice (inspection report). The relevant Health Canada Directorate (TPD or BGTD) should be consulted for further clarification. Improve site activation time and reduce training time with mutually-recognized, effective, engaging training. We are the most advanced and comprehensive provider of ICH GCP courses available. Documentation of training should include the content of the training such as the learning objectives, who attended and when the training occurred. There are a number of requirements for obtaining ICH GCP certification, including: If manufacturers cannot provide this stability data, then they must provide adequate rationale for why such testing was not done or arrangements must be made by the sponsor to ensure the drug is not exposed to temperature extremes (e.g. Follow-up reports of fatal or life threatening reactions must include an assessment of the importance of the event and the implication of any findings, including relevant previous experience with the same or similar drugs. Equipment used in the study classified as medical devices must be licensed in Canada for Class II, III and IV or have an Investigational Testing Authorization (ITA) for use in that study and must be in compliance with the Medical Devices Regulations. Average: C$54,074. Australia, Switzerland, Japan, European Union, United States), be used within the marketing authorization, unique code numbers assigned to the drug(s) and trial subjects, nature of the drug products (e.g. The sponsor did not ensure the electronic data system met the requirements for completeness, accuracy, and reliability. As per section C.05.002, no person can sell or import (refer to Glossary (terms) for definitions of sell and import) a drug for the purposes of a clinical trial involving humans unless authorized (refer to section 5.6 Authorization). Why Should You Complete the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) in Australia Course? This would include ensuring that all of the sponsor's obligations under section C.05.010 of Part C, Division 5 are met at all sites at which the trial is being conducted, as well as all other applicable sections of Part C, Division 5. The sponsor did not implement systems and procedures to ensure the quality of the clinical trial. Training should be relevant to the study related duties performed by personnel, and include, at a minimum the relevant sections of trial protocol for which the person is responsible, as well as relevant supporting guidance, including, but not limited to ICH E6. This was a request from ACRP Members and only indicates that two years have passed since the completion of the course. This practice is also recommended by Health Canada, although alternative verification methods, consistent with the principles of ICH E6, may also be acceptable (e.g. This guidance document is intended to fulfill this need, as well as to provide additional guidance where is necessary or when ICH E6 does not apply. As per section C.05.005, this person is the sponsor's senior medical or scientific officer residing in Canada who is responsible for providing an attestation with respect to the CTA/CTA-A at the time of filing. However, a marketed comparator drug used off-label must comply with the requirements of section C.05.011, unless it was not considered to be investigational in the context of the particular clinical trial, based on the assessment of the application. You will not receive a reply. Tasks that are not delegated remain under the direct responsibility of the, If any changes or corrections are made to a, The written procedure should assure that changes or corrections in, investigator's brochure (including records respecting each change), records respecting the enrolment of clinical trial subjects, records respecting the shipment, receipt, disposition, return and destruction of the drug, clinical site and physician office medical charts. A clinical trial subject cannot be involved in any aspect of a clinical trial until he/she has gone through the ICF process, either in person or remotely, with a trial staff member (doctor, study nurse, clinical trial coordinator, etc.) When it is a site's common practice, the site's SOP for obtaining informed consent, must incorporate this process. (v) any results of carcinogenicity studies in any animal species tested in respect of the drug. Fortunately, there are a number of ICH GCP certification courses available that start from as little as a few hundred dollars, ensuring that everyone has access to the training they need. If Health Canada has suspended an authorization, Health Canada shall: Section 4.12 of ICH E6 sets out the responsibilities of a QI/institution in the event of premature termination or suspension of a clinical trial. Records created, maintained and processed by outsourced systems (i.e. Written agreements describing the procedures for records retention in accordance with the Regulations should be in place between all parties concerned. - Global recognition The ICH guidance Integrated Addendum to E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2) provides a unified standard on GCP. (a) the person is authorized under this Division; (b) the person complies with this Division and sections C.01.015, C.01.036, C.01.037 to C.01.040, C.01.040.2, C.01.064 to C.01.067, C.01.070, C.01.131, C.01.133 to C.01.136, and C.01.435; and. After completion, participants receive a GCP training certificate which indicates their awareness and understanding of ICH-GCP requirements. Any trial-related duty and function that is transferred to and assumed by a CRO should be specified in writing. (i) the title of the protocol and the clinical trial number. Section 7 of ICH E6 provides additional guidance on the content of an investigator's brochure. (a) the clinical trial is scientifically sound and clearly described in a protocol; The sponsor must ensure that the clinical trial is scientifically sound and clearly described in a protocol. As such, a validation report, including detailed test results and an assessment of the results demonstrating that the system has met the specifications, should be produced for each validation test and allow traceability to the delegated person who conducted the activity. It typically takes a few days to become ICH GCP certified, depending on your level of experience and learning speed. This guidance has been developed by the appropriate ICH Expert Working Group and has been subject to consultation by the regulatory parties, in accordance with the ICH Process. The acceptability of such practice would have to be a decision based on a case-by-case basis as every effort must be made to obtain informed consent when the clinical trial subject is in an appropriate state of mind to make an informed decision with respect to his or her participation in the study. Clinical trial sites with screen failures but no subjects enrolled in a given clinical trial should retain all records, including ones pertaining to screen failures for the entire record retention period as per Part C, Division 5. So whether you're just starting out or have been in the industry for some time now, make sure to invest in proper ICH GCP certification today. Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) Range: C$44k - C$69k. These practices ensure that these products are manufactured to the highest standards, assuring their safety for use in humans and animals. This document does not constitute part of the Food and Drugs Act (the Act) or its regulations and in the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the Act or regulations and this document, the Act or the regulations take precedence. As with any quality system documents, there needs to be a mechanism of approval, revision and communication of new and/or revised documents to those parties responsible for the procedures. update standards regarding electronic records and essential documents intended to increase clinical trial quality and efficiency. market authorized product vs. investigational drug), safety profile / history of use of the drug, calculations for clinical trial drug dispensing, clinical trial drug storage temperature logs, quantity dispensed, on what date and to whom, quantity returned by subjects, on what date, quantity and date of destruction or return to sponsor, drugs that are the subject of the clinical trial, and do not have market authorization, drugs that are the subject of the clinical trial, have market authorization, but are used off-label, comparator drug, if it does not have market authorization, comparator drug, if it has market authorization, but its labelling was changed (e.g. (a) the principal mandate of which is to approve the initiation of, and conduct periodic reviews of, biomedical research involving human subjects in order to ensure the protection of their rights, safety and well-being; and, (b) that has at least five members, that has a majority of members who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents under the. This may include slide decks from presentations, course manuals, training certificates, meeting minutes and attendance logs, or updated staff CVs with supporting documentation. (iii) one member knowledgeable in Canadian laws relevant to the biomedical research to be approved, (iv) one member whose primary experience and expertise are in a non- scientific discipline, and. Trial-specific drug accountability logs are required only for drugs specifically labelled as clinical trial supply (i.e. (b) in the case of an active ingredient, whichever of the following dates is applicable, expressed at minimum as a year and month: (ii) the date after which the manufacturer recommends that the active ingredient not be used. Reporting of centralized monitoring activities should be regular and may be independent from site visits (ICH E6, 5.18.6). Records relevant to a clinical trial that pertain to the roles and responsibilities of the REB should be retained for 25 years in accordance with Part C, Division 5 of the Regulations. is a type of regulatory compliance certificate that is necessary for companies involved in conducting clinical trials. The use of the term "Principal Investigator" is commonly used to refer to an investigator that is leading a team of individuals conducting a trial at a site, and though would have the same meaning as qualified investigator (QI), "Principal Investigator" is not a legally defined term used in Canada. An adverse event (AE) can therefore be any unfavourable and unintended sign (including an abnormal laboratory finding), symptom, or disease temporally associated with the use of a medicinal (investigational) product, whether or not related to the medicinal (investigational) product.". That being said, all requirements stated in this guidance should be met when using any of these storage methods. The sponsor of a clinical trial is ultimately responsible for maintaining all records for the required record retention period. The risk evaluation should be related to the significance of the data in the trial. (b) if it is fatal or life threatening, within seven days after becoming aware of the information. In accordance with paragraph C.05.005(a) of the Regulations, the application by a sponsor to sell or import a drug for the purpose of conducting a clinical trial in Canada must submit a protocol as part of their application. (a) any serious adverse drug reaction that has occurred in Canada with respect to the drug; and. Third parties should consult the sponsor prior to destroying any record. They are required to be submitted when changes are made to the study drug or the protocol that could affect the quality or safety of the study drug, or the risk to clinical trial subjects. body weight scales) does not generate a certificate or a print-out of the calibration data to demonstrate that the calibration was indeed performed and successful. Amendments must be authorized by Health Canada prior to implementing the changes. The retention period for all records created and/or used during the conduct of a clinical trial is 25 years in accordance with subsection C.05.012(4) of the Regulations. the situation giving rise to the intended suspension did not exist, or. inclusion/exclusion criteria) and/or significantly affecting the safety and well-being of the subjects, as well as data quality and integrity should be considered critical equipment. Any member of the Mutual . Example of observation typically cited under this section of the Regulations includes: (g) each individual involved in the conduct of the clinical trial is qualified by education, training and experience to perform his or her respective tasks; The sponsor must ensure that all individuals involved with the clinical trial (e.g. Obtaining ICH-GCP certification is the industry standard and is necessary to prove commitment to compliance and quality assurance such as for those looking to participate in drug development activities or secure funding from research bodies. 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