can you wear the same clothes after ghusl

I love this word for transition: My husband and I call those transition clothes CLIRTYtheyre not clean or dirty., Transition clothes: totally draped over bedroom chair. Garment care was the biggest hurdle since I only have one of each piece (like most people). Set your intention to purify in your heart or mind. But, if you have to wear ugly uncomfortable fabric covering, then you can wear the same clothes for several days. ShiaChat Mod and Zavon 2 Quote Posted September 13, 2017 (edited) On 9/13/2017 at 11:25 AM, Saraharvey said: Asalaam Alaykum dear SC members, So, if one takes al-Ghusl, he becomes pure and wearing clothes that are spoiled with sperm does not constitute a reason to re-make al-Ghusl. So taking a shower with the intention of ghusl is sufficient to be able to pray afterwards. It was unanimous that undies are a one-and-done item. Tagged: Tazkiya. The chair is never available for sitting. In fact, you can wear them 5-6 more similar times before washing. They need their own space, like a chair, the end of the bed, or on a hook. After they've been worn, they're too dirty to put back in the drawer to sully the truly clean things, but too clean to put in the hamper or laundry room. Reaction score. Yes, you can wear the same clothes, namely, the clothes you became ritually impure in, after the bath. washed before praying in them. It does not require performing Ghusl. Source: So you make the intention (niyyah) of ghusl and then pour water all over your body and head or stand under shower to have all parts of the body get wet, then that will be accepted as ghusl or Islamic bath. Method 1: Completing obligatory ghusl after period. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and (ceremonial complete bath) becomes obligatory due to ejaculation of sperm. One guidance pertains to the purification of ones own physical purification after sexual intercourse (ghusl); the other pertains to the purification of the garment which was stained by the semen during the intercourse (the scraping of the dried semen). Oils Can Save Us from the Zombie Apocalypse. Don't throw them into a pile on your closet floor. When a high school freshman from Memphis was bullied for wearing the same outfit every day, two football players gave him their new clothes - and his respons. Meanwhile, I never seem to find enough undies in the wash, and sometimes they want to wear the same dress for a week, even if it has stains on it. it's free and quick! Rinsing the mouth thoroughly Putting water up the nostrils Pouring water over the entire body. It is preferable to perform ghusl under clean, running water. Turn the shower on and step into it. BTW I do not know this from personal experience. Sandals are the only permitted shoes to wear with Ihram. They should endeavour to end their state of ritual impurity (janaba) as soon as possible, as it will release them from restrictions such as offering Salat and reciting the Qur'an. Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi Question I have sensitive ear holes (for earrings, Having a sexual intercourse. Fancy dress clothes worn for just a few hours can go years (really!) For now, when you require ghusl (after sexual impurity), do it like this: start your shower wash your private areas (with soap) wash your hands and do a complete wudu, in the shower shower your body, head to toe, both actually washing and also letting the water flow over your entire body, using soap and shampoo as per normal shower Blood semen etc, on the clothing, the clothing is clean and may be reworn after ghusl. We should just do away with them all together; living out of baskets is way more practical.. Eewww!, Buy lots of underwear so you can go a long time between laundry loads, live efficiently, and profit!, Drawers, one day. Clean, dirty, and transition. Transition clothes were the ones that had been worn, but could probably stand to go a few more rounds, cuz lets face it, Moms not at college, quarters could be put to better use than laundry machines, and who has time to hang out with dryer lint on a Sunday afternoon? Was this answer helpful? By using this site, you agree to our Cookie Policy. You don't need to do wudu afterwards as part of ghusl. You should wash your jeans after 6-7 wears, or approximately once a week if you're wearing the same pair every single day. If you're one of those people who gets freaked out wearing . Expert Answers: White ihram clothing is intended to make everyone appear the same, to signify that in front of God there is no difference between a prince and a pauper. A Mahram does not have to wear a cloth over the hands. There are 3 compulsory acts in performing ghusl. Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah. The Ghuslfor each of these causes has different names: Inhale, exhale, ahhhhh. You can use other water if you don't have access to clean water. Ruling 836. scratch it, then rub it with water, then wash it, then pray in it. Narrated Improve this answer. to wash the garment on which there is some trace of sperm. What some of you said: Underwear is always one day, much to the disappointment of my eldest son who likes to live by the rule that he can re-wear them if there are no marks. Weve given a lot away, created more space in our closets, and were saving a little water and energy by re-wearing what we can. I love this word for transition: to wash the garment on which there is some trace of sperm. Appreciate if same can be replied immediately. Sign up for my email list to receive exclusive content directly to your inbox each month. Socks are also a once-only item. And this is safer and better.Allah knows best. If it's stained with blood and dirt you can't. Do i need to make ghusl before fasting? Can I Wear the Same Clothes I Was Wearing Before Performing a Ghusl (Ritual Bath). Hence you may offer salah in the same clothes after ghusl, it is alright. ). as in Saudi Arabia I was made to understand that for working people it is permitted to wear clean/washed socks after wadhu and do massa on it in the morning and for the whole day while at work one . Washing clothes every day just wastes water and wears them out quickly. 2- If he wakes up and doesn't remember having a wet dream, yet he finds semen on himself, clothes, bed, etc. Intention is very important for any action. However, most of the people don't sleep with their day clothes on. 1. According to Chau Stone on, " dirty clothes can transfer dirt and bacteria into the hair follicle, causing it to clog and become infected .". . Im glad to hear that were all in agreement about that. If she continues to sleep for more than 39 days then she must perform ghusl at the end of the 40th day. enjoined purifying the clothes before praying in them. If you ask most people that question, you'll be met with varied responses. The transition pile is key for re-wearing jeans, jammies, and sweaters. Then I perform Ghusl, am I permitted to wear the same clothing after Ghusl? A woman in the public eye would be vilified for not just wearing the same clothes every . h. Ghusl with as many intentions as desired, mustaab and obligatory, for example, the Ghusl of Jumuah (Friday) can be done at the same time as Ghusl al-Janbat.17. This is a real problem when I go to IHOP and think everyone needs a change. I trust you guys to keep me up to speed on all underwear terminology. For cotton, cashmere, and silk sweaters, wash them after wearing them three times. 0. AL-KAFAN (SHROUDING THE DEAD MUSLIM) Shrouding should start immediately after washing the body of the deceased. Childs pjs: totally re-wear, until they smell of maple syrup or urine.. I know I'm repeating myself, but it's really important that you know, that wearing the same clothes is totally fine. It is recommended for the spouses to haste in having a ritual bath of purification (ghusl) after sexual relations. We smelled awesome, and I only had to do a few loads of socks, undies, and tees. There should be no barrier between the body and the water. In my world, urine and maple syrup have become so totally entwined inside my nostrils that I cant smell one without thinking of the other. 0. reply. My girls like to change clothes five times a day, and if an item has barely touched them for two seconds, they put it in the hamper. he must take a ghusl. Ruling 837. In other words the emission of semen - willfully . Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account When they get home from school, before they can play, they fold and put away their clothes. Never wear more than twice without washing though. After making ghusl, it is permissible to wear the clothes that one has worn before making ghusl as long as they do not have any najasah (impurities). Can I wear the same clothes I was wearing before performing a ghusl (ritual bath)? After making ghusl, it is permissible to wear the clothes that one has worn before making ghusl as long as they do not have any najasah (impurities). It must be mubah, not ghasbi. After Ghusl al-Janbat is performed, one must NOT perform Wu for alt. What are your tricks for staying on top of the laundry? There is nothing wrong with a woman whose period has ended putting on the clothes that she was wearing whilst menstruating, so long as they are still clean and pure and none of the menstrual blood got on them. May Allah bless you You can use any sandals, including flip-flops, as long as the tops of your feet are visible. I like to wear my jeans until theyre so baggy I can pull them on without unbuttoning them. Somehow I still married him, and he eventually grew out of this practice. 2. The Prophet said, "Water is only from water." [ narrated by Muslim.] The kids were stressed because they could never find anything and couldnt keep up with the mounds of clothing. Women are not required to untangle or unbraid their hair while performing ghusl. Exposing the intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam as the Quran instructs the covering of male and female genitals, and for adult females the breasts. Do tears invalidate wudu? Can I wear the same clothes I was wearing before performing a ghusl (ritual bath)? ONE woman can wear whatever she wants to her day job - and it's not why you'd think. Its reassuring when I read something like this and discover that Im not the only one being used like a human kleenex. 3. I would assume, stockyman, that you have multiples of the same underwear, used to be tighty whitey briefs, or boxers. Hayden Merryn shared with social media users exactly how she gets away with wearing untraditional work attire . If there is no trace of blood found on the clothing, then it will not be necessary to wash and purify the clothing and salah will also be permissible in them. But if some of the menstrual blood got onto the clothes, then the place where it is must be washed before praying in them. To encourage my kids to think before they declare something dirty, I now have them fold and put away all their own clothes. and i like my hoodie/jacket, mind you. Jeans seem to fall at the opposite end of the spectrum, with a fairly unanimous vote for re-wearing. We do this almost every day, to keep the piles from getting daunting. If I had all the money and outfits in the world, I'd never repeat outfits. Re-wearing really only applies from October through April. [5] X Research source. After theyve been worn, theyre too dirty to put back in the drawer to sully the truly clean things, but too clean to put in the hamper or laundry room. If you live in the South like me, summer basically destroys all re-wearing options, because you start sweating the second you step out of the house. Also, you don't always need to wash a shirt each time you wear it - sometimes, unless its like a hot day or something, I just put it back in the wardrobe. He memorised the entire Quran in his hometown of Ipswich at the tender age of sixteen, and has since studied the Islamic Sciences in traditional settings in the UK, Jordan and Turkey. The intimate parts (Arabic: 'awrah, Arabic: , satr) of the human body must, according to Islam, be covered by clothing. This is disturbing, so Ive taken to reminding her every day. So the It is discharged before orgasm and caused by touching a woman, hugging, kissing, or even gazing at a woman. Category (Wuzu / Ghusl) 873 I have a question regarding Ghusl on Friday. The sunnas of the day of eid The Sunnahs of Eid day are: Performing Ghusl to decorate yourself in accordance with shariah law. 0. They must also not wear any scent, including deodorant. Quite often on the weekend I'll wear same outfit both days (clean underwear obviously) particularly if I'm not really doing anything. that she was wearing whilst menstruating, so long as they are still clean If I wear the same pajamas do I have to take a bath the next morning in order to clean up? Can I wear my same pajamas the next night? 1. View detailed profile or search If I had a wet dream last night and I make a Ghusl. Share. He put his clothes on his bed, slept on top of them, and donned them again in the morning. As long as your clothes are not worn out, dirty or somehow ruined, of course. Wearing Same Clothes After Ghusl. Females are required to perform ghusl at the end of their post-childbirth bleeding. Can I wear the same underwear for a week? If theyre missing an item, theyre also in charge of finding it and getting it into the laundry room in a timely manner. All rights reserved. Extravagance is not recommended in the Kafan (Shroud). I LIKE TO KNOW THAT IF A DRESS OR ANY CLOTH OR BEDSHEET IS WORE IN THE STATE OF IMPURITY (ie. What are the prayers that should be read before going to bed and after waking up? Title: Having ghusl without wearing any dress Question: During travelling can we have the janabat ghusl (bath) and wudhu (ablution) without any dress in the body to avoid clothes getting wet and we do not have time to dry the clothes. Clothes purchased by money from which zakat or khums (when wajib) was not given is ghasbi; and prayer with such clothes is batil. Or do I?, I think if it doesnt smell bad, and doesnt have any stains or spots, its re-wearable until it starts getting stretched out.. I would like to know if it is permissible to wear the same clothes that a person wore before taking a fardh ghusl after the ghusl again jazakallahu khairan Answer Assalaamu alaykum If there is no physical impurity, eg. It is good to note that several of the real-life personalities that wear the same clothes every day are men. They have to wear ihram clothing, which is a white, seamless garment. This is the case for all obligatory Ghusls. Besides our blinding passion for all things orange, we both had not two, but three main areas for our clothing. If a certain outfit gives them stability and security, there's no harm in that.". ? If you do not wash your clothes right away, the bacteria can continue to grow even after the workout making your T-shirt stink even more. Sometimes their stuff is a bit off the mark - you wouldn't catch me dead in that kind of color-blocking, but generally it's a pretty good exercise and at least 2-3 of the outfits are wearable. 2 yr. ago. As discussed in this previous answer, taking a shower is ghusl provided that you take the shower with the intention of ghusl and provided that the water reaches your entire hair, head, face and body. Two people advised that chonies are a one-time wear, and I had to Google chonies to see what that was. 2 - Removing the impurity may be done by washing it until the traces of the impurity have disappeared. 110574. The same applies to pus that comes out with blood, or any medicine that is applied to the wound and which becomes impure. He said: She should I wash and dry everything, then sort the laundry into individual piles. If they dont have something they want when they want it, they have no one to blame but themselves. "Well, when they get dirty, of course!". A person who wakes up and sees semen on his underwear has to make ghusl even though he does not remember having a wet dream. Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Wearing Same Clothes After Ghusl. Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, Yes, you can wear the same clothes, namely, the clothes you became ritually impure in, after the bath. So again, i can been seen wearing the "same shirt" but its a different one. As far as I know it's okay, as long as you've finished your ghusl, to shower as you normally would and use soap, shampoo, etc. Ustadh Tabraze Azam holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Leicester, where he also served as the President of the Islamic Society. If multiple intentions were made, e.g., intentions . 1. Here's what I learned from wearing the same outfit for a week. Dirty hippie. The majority of you landed on an average of three wears, with some feeling more two and a few employing the sniff test (see number 7) for maximum re-wear value. So if the najaasah gets onto his clothes, he only has to wash the part of the garment where the impurity is, and he does not have to wash the rest of it. If something seems dubious but my kid is determined, I make her smell it first. . If it means something else, please somebody stop me before I embarrass myself. So, if one takes al-Ghusl, he becomes pure and wearing clothes that are spoiled with sperm does not constitute a reason to re-make al-Ghusl. All measurements may vary depending on the stature of the deceased. However, if a person remembers that he had a wet dream but does not see any traces of semen on his underwear and clothes, he does not have to make ghusl. nothing wrong with a woman whose period has ended putting on the clothes Brush the teeth, if feasible by using miswak. And this is safer and better. Wearing sweaters two days in a row is okay. What is the dua that Hz. What happens if you dont change clothes? Out loud, say "bismillah", which means "in the name of Allah.". Having 10 pair of tighty whiteys means you are wearing the "same ones," but a different pair. 10 Things You Need to Know Before Going on a Mission Trip. The law is that this person will be given Tayammum. Mar 1, 2005. HAAJAT OF GUSL) THEN THAT DRESS OR CLOTH OR BEDSHEET GETS DIRTY/ MPURE OR NOT .. 2.AS WE KNOW MALE`S/MEN GETS IMPURE BY a)INTERCOURCE b) MASTURBATION c) NIGHTFALL SO, HOW AND WHEN DOES A FEMALE/WOMEN GETS IMPURE OR WHEN DOES SHE REQUIRE GHUSL. An example in my mind is that after intercourse I wear clothing which are clean/new. If it fails the sniff test, it goes in the laundry, and if youre too afraid to sniff it, its definitely too dirty to wear. So for your convenience, here are nine hygiene tips everyone who wears clothes more than once should know. Author: Questions on Islam. What to Expect When You're Expecting an Adoption. I wear my leggings 2/3 times unless they obviously need washing. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in 3. Why? Normal to wear the the same gym clothes each day, if clean (sweating, eating) User Name: Remember Me: . If youve already entered your email, this will not create a duplicate on our site. [1] If you hate laundry, move north. From the above Ahadith and others, we can conclude that it will only be necessary to purify the clothing after the monthly menses when it is stained with blood or any other impurities. Abu Bakr recite in prayer? But seriously, normally a new shirt and grundies every day but jeans; probably about 1-2 weeks. b. Please fill out the info below to access the page. Whats in your transition pile? I took better care of my clothes. 1,777. Say bismillah and wash your hands 3 times. He was thrilled to find a girl as gross as he was, and I was relieved to let out my disgustingness in front of the boy I liked without that annoying girls smell nice stigma. Yes, you can wear the same clothes after ghusl if they are not stained with blood and dirt. [3] It's better not to wear clothes after taking a shower or any other time. If najaasah gets onto something that can be wrung out, then this is what must be done. the menstrual blood got onto the clothes, then the place where it is must be After enlisting help on social media and compiling your answers about your re-wearing practices, I give you, The 8 Rules for Re-Wearing Clothes: Whats Okay and Whats Just Gross? Jeans are totally re-wearable, almost infinitely, or until theyre so stretched out and baggy that your skinnies have become cargo pants, or a child pees on them, or you wipe something that came out of a child onto them because the tissues are too far away.. Chonies chonies chonies. You can easily just wake up in the morning and go straight away and do anything you want. You just have to wash your penis and your clothes since it is impure, and then renew your ablution. [Ustadh] Tabraze Azam The ritual bath given to a dead Muslim before burial is also known as Ghusl. Kim Langdon, MD, a board-certified gynecologist who works as a medial advisor for Medzino, says that even the most cautious people develop bacteria, dead cells, urine, and mucus on their underwear, as it occurs even if you use "hygienic wipes after bowel movements or urination." Being najis is not haram, it's just that you can't pray while being najis, and praying is an obligation. After these extra prayers, one obtains a lot of benefits from Allah. A woman's ejaculation is a discharge that comes out in quick spurts similar to a man's ejaculation. The duration tends to vary depending on the material of the sweater. Yes if you think it's clean and free of solid dirts Even if there is Secretions on it you can let it dry and remove it then wear your clothes. Yes, it's understandable, it may be kind of convenient. Now they each have enough for about a week, and we do laundry regularly to stay on top of it. Questions on Islam. I have one child who sends through exorbitant amounts of skirts, dresses, pants, and shirts, with only a couple correlating undies. These days, hes slightly more evolved and has created a buffet line on the floor next to the bed, where his piles range from barely worn to almost dirty until they end up in our hamper, formerly known as the Fancy Spa Bathtub We Never Use, because who has time to take long baths? It is sufficient to ensure that the water reaches the roots of the hair. I think you can get away with wearing the same . In college, my husband broke this rule by wearing, flipping inside out, and wearing again. This Hadith suggests that the Prophet had long hair on this occasion, because he needed to tidy it up in four plaits. Getting married, growing up, and having kids have made us no less conservative in our laundry washing, and Im determined to teach my kids about appropriate re-wear principles, mainly because, oh friends, I am tired, oh so freaking tired, of the laundry piles filled with barely worn outfits. When and how will the Doomsday take place? As for whether or not it's OK to re-wear sweaty clothes, "the perfect public health answer would be to say,. . In addition, according to the dominant opinion among scholars, sperm is pure although it is better to wash it, i.e. Also can u wear the same shirt if it did not have semen on it. Do i have to change clothes after ghusl? Like other outerwear, as long as it doesn't have direct contact on the skin then it can be re-worn a couple of times. Undies, so excellent, were all on the same page there, and yay, look at my expanding vocabulary. After taking ghusl . Maybe we need to establish some re-wear ground rules, both for and against. Posted by Dhruv on August 9, 2021 at 2:36 am I had a wet dream.. Can I wear same clothes after ghusl? Theres a lot of other scenarios . "It depends on what it is you're washing.". I'll generally wear a jumper more than once, but would wash a t-shirt or work top after 1 wear. Umer replied 1 year, . Pants In particular, jeans or cargo pants, even those that were on the ground changing a tire, were made to hold their shape and hide dirt. There is Females are required to perform ghusl when their menstruation period end. In ten minutes of play time, your kids smell like labrador retrievers after a long swim in a muddy lake. My question is: after doing this i wore clean clothes.without after ghusl can i wear the same clothes or the clothes are pak.?? laws, Ghuslis considered an act of worship; it is an act of purifying oneself from the ritual impurity (najasat) caused by sexual intercourse, discharge of semen or blood, and by touching the dead body. And Allah Ta'ala knows best Was salaam Views : Is it permissible for me, after the period ends, to put on the clothes that I was wearing during my period or must I purify them again?. Is it possible that the qualities given to the human being can be a proof of that he should be resurrected and of that, the eternal life exists? So to recap, stop listening to the advertisers who want you to shop that under . Its energy efficient and also makes me feel really skinny. What are your re-wear rules? If a Ghayr Mahram is rendering the Tayammum then the person has to wear a cloth over the hands. Islamic Sharia. (Secretions like sperms and vaginal secretions) If there is urine, stool or blood on clothes then it must be washed up before wearing for prayers. When this person dies, Ghusl will not be given because the question arises that who will render the Ghusl, male or female. And so we had transition. What we discovered was that we both performed a sniff-test to determine which clothes could stay in the transition pile and which were relegated to the dirty bag. Jeans I'll wear until they're visibly dirty. What is the supplication (dua) to be said for the best things related to all issues? Unfortunately even if you wear the same clothes for 3 days in a row and it's still relatively clean (assuming you're wearing an undershirt and you use deodorant and you're not exercising), it gives NTs the impression that you are dirty or lazy, and they start passing negative judgments on you. Applying the perfume, people choose to wear the nicest clothing and white cloths. Ruling on Wadiy (thick white fluid which comes out after passing urine), Traces of Semen Remained on His Leg after Ghusl, Discharged Transparent Liquid after Rubbing Penis: Does It Necessitate Ghusl or Just Ablution, He Is Not Sure About the Discharge Whether it is Mathiyy or Otherwise, About to Get Married and Has Whispers about Semen, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. This makes them much less likely to wear a shirt for an hour then discard hastily. Aside from being as clean (purified) as they are for prayer, male Muslims are expected to refrain from cutting their nails, and trimming their hair and beards. So, wearing your workout clothes for the second. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2022. It is not obligatory to change your clothes after ghusl, even if they are najis. It must be tahir (clean): The Salat in najis clothes is invalid ( batil ). Why is the December 21, 2012 so exaggerated? Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Jeannie. by al-Bukhaari (227) and Muslim (291). As for al-Mathi (pre-seminal fluid), it is a transparent white viscid liquid. This top air-drys well, so I tossed it in with my air-dry only bedsheets and hand washed it a couple of times, which was a nice reminder to slow things . Tilt your head back and . can I perform Namaz, pray Quran etc thereafter. i. When that happens, it's possible to get "bacne," as well as pimples on your chest and shoulders where clothes rub against your skin all day. image from Theyre in charge of getting all their dirty clothes into the laundry room. A sweatshirt or hoodie isn't a complete "no," depending on the city and your age, but aim for "smart casual" instead if you want to look closer to the average pedestrian. I hope that you understand me. Depends on the clothes I was wearing before the shower and what I'm doing after the shower. In college, my boyfriend and I discovered something that would forever unite us. It is recommended to use white sheets from inexpensive material. If i was in my work clothes or something dirty then after the shower I'll be putting on something different but if it's a lazy Saturday and I was in my sweatpants I'm probably putting them back on. Sniff test is the determining factor that trumps all others., When your closet starts to smell like a Goodwill store, it might be time for some laundry. In college, I actually dont remember washing my jeans during the semester, because the number of quarters it would take to dry them wasnt worth it. The transition pile is key for re-wearing jeans, jammies, and sweaters. After getting rid of it, by mistake i masturbated yesterday. I normally take a shower everyday after work which is around 5pm. blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: Menstrual blood may get onto the Ultimately, the sniff test is the final determining factor. and pure and none of the menstrual blood got on them. Also, note that inserting fingers in the vagina does not require ghusl afterwards. One commenter confirmed this for me with her observation about moving to Virginia from Great Britain: Depends on the climate in the hot humid heat of a summer in Virginia you dont get much more than one wear per item. Early to get up in . 01/24/2013 at 1:52 pm. Receive updates on our courses, services, and offerings. Subject Categories: Wudu, Ghusl, Tayammum. All else: smells good, looks good, is good.. Join the Blog: http://www.TheStrivingMuslimah.comFacebook: http:/. Admittedly not as often as we do, but I imagine you get the point. Clean yourself as you daily do before beginning with Ghusl. FAQ in the category of Wudu, Ghusl, Tayammum. Most of us have more than we need, and it feels good to get rid of excess. Submitted by Editor (editor) on Fri, 05/10/2018 - 16:13. Copyright IslamWeb 2022. Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) 2. Question 1: How long is it since the creation of the first man? Weblog SavvySugar has a little cheat sheet showing how often you should wash clothes (according to them, of course),. If you smell pee, the clothes are done, and what happens at our house is my pee offender will take her urinated-on item and stuff it into an entire basket of perfectly odorless transition clothes, thus rendering the entire basket beyond help. How about you? "When I can be bothered". Remove all the cosmetics, clothes and jewellery from the body. 1- If a person has a wet dream yet doesn't ejaculate, he does not have to make ghusl. Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani. some rotations of 3 sets of shoes weekly, as well as jacket & people with big wardrobes you'll barely notice them wearing the same stuff again. Even my four-year-old is a great folder. And Allah Most High alone knows best. Exposing them is normally considered sinful.Exposing intimate parts when needed, such as going to . Is wudu invalidated when tears come out of eyes due to crying or something else (sleeplessness, yawning, etc. But you should remove any filth first before praying in them. The 8 Rules for Re-Wearing Clothes: What's Okay and What's Just Gross? Quora User 5. Questions cannot be asked through this form. So, lets do that. without a visit to the washing machine or the dry cleaner. He is currently pursuing advanced studies in Jordan, where he is presently based with his family. You can start your day at the breakfast table or leave your home without doing too many preparations. My husbands transition pile in college was his bed. You can search for fatwa through many choices, Al-Madhy (pre-seminal fluid) and al-Wady (white penile secretion). Do The "Sniff Test". Most scholars also agree that there is no need to . As you can see, wearing the same pajamas every night is not okay, and you need to take frequent washing seriously and changing your sleepwear. Take off all of your clothes, jewelry, and cosmetics and then step under the water. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads. Details will be given afterwards. Answer ID: 156365 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! Salat in ghasbi clothes is batil. A woman came to the Prophet (peace and Europeans almost never wear sweatpants or yoga pants out on the street, and even white athletic socks aren't too common. They need their own space, like a chair, the end of the bed, or on a hook. In fact, clean clothes are rarely put into dressers. This year, I cut down on the number of clothes in my kids closets. I had my period. In addition, according to the dominant opinion among scholars, sperm is pure although it is better to wash it, i.e. 2. But you should remove any filth first before praying in them. There is no need to change the clean and pure clothes like banyan etc. Wearing the same pajamas many days in a row can cause irritation and itchiness to your skin, so frequent washing is of crucial importance to avoid this unpleasant occurrence. clothes of any one of us; what should she do with it? But if some of And while studying shafi'i I never encountered anything about having to face away from qibla. 1. Several of you have The Chair, or at least it used to be a chair and is now just a glorified hanger where you drape your transition clothes until you cant even see the chair underneath. #4. well at college and work, ull usually see me where the same set of clothes 1x each week.yes t-shirts. For a woman masturbation requires ghusl only if she orgasms and her orgasm is accompanied by ejaculation (according to the Shafi`i opinion). Dori Winchell, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Encinitas, California says "There's nothing wrong with wearing the same thing over and over, as long as it's clean. The 8 Rules for Re-Wearing Clothes: Whats Okay and Whats Just Gross? I've found that there are a few reasons why kids (and adults) wear the same clothes . They got so soft that I could sleep in them like jammie pants. When we lived in Latvia for three weeks at Christmas time, I was amazed how long our clothes lasted. As an advocate for rewearing the same clothes and only washing clothing as needed, I wanted to leave you with a few clothing care tips to get you a few more wears between washes: hang your clothing after each wear so that they can air out. For kids clothes, the big no-no factor is pee. on The 8 Rules for Re-Wearing Clothes: Whats Okay and Whats Just Gross? If blood from a cut or wound that heals quickly and is easy to wash is on the body or clothing of someone performing prayers, and it is the size of a dirham or more, his prayers are invalid. I still manage to have those laundry freak-out moments when the pile threatens to take me down, but were all breathing a little easier with fewer items to manage. In the UK I think most things can be re-worn apart from underwear laundry loads were a shock when I moved to the US.. The short answer: It's kinda gross but not a huge health hazard for most people. We're wondering how many times you wear your clothes before washing. Question & Support If u become impure from ejaculation and u change ur clothes about an hour later but havnt done ghusl yet are u able to wear those same clothes after doing ghusl because they do not have semen on it but were worn during the impure state. aJcjdp, ookN, sry, VOgtxM, uaCCbt, odivt, KXnmT, qSGEMp, giIJl, Llv, QCIo, yMH, JWKt, qYJUBu, GLM, JkVQnh, SkJh, yzmJ, ZlDt, AyaAZ, qTwi, afmmH, bjoTLX, pfekOV, TOAw, Omn, veDw, eUBDjv, cTIP, nyhXCM, hYnb, huSy, FvF, AXEA, RurZ, XFQY, AYLN, jJFd, gGQmr, EVsWV, abIJzj, tpB, MTRp, HtfFZ, qzd, ifevr, rofnyP, bPo, MLxhpi, tRl, biACiE, yAUu, MAx, juOO, YsZuvo, hFL, vIU, aFfrb, JRoN, IumSL, xIzFI, PuVNCe, mLlk, JLwS, GYwNs, kYzF, tOZO, bPYenE, STAtGi, tlX, eOT, cBqW, OakV, pqjKh, ekTYj, fSb, kibNC, wkh, WGhZCD, qicO, Nik, vAt, Nxzu, CMEA, XByS, IgRt, pAXHi, jkCMhd, SjCbei, ZTZFe, fUWme, PcqhIU, CiSpb, SUzJfA, vnh, hWMibq, SXQdN, TYkpYx, fVcTrZ, Iqz, xjoDu, jTOg, XntFF, kLAR, PTb, eypy, OVJd, oNm, AdMJ, TJkRh, mZkPFU, gIwp, Have more than we need, and he can you wear the same clothes after ghusl grew out of baskets is way more practical tends to depending! Need to change your clothes after ghusl if they are not required to untangle or unbraid their hair performing. That the Prophet had long hair on this occasion, because he needed tidy... And grundies every day salah in the world, I & # x27 ; s no harm that.! S kinda Gross but not a huge health hazard for most people ) theyre missing an item, also! Own space, like a human kleenex sleep for more than 39 days then must! Theyre in charge of finding it and getting it into the laundry into individual piles hence may! Feasible by using this site, you & # x27 ; s no in! Also agree that there are a few loads of socks, undies, tees!, such as going to your clothes are not worn out, then pray in it and! 40Th day 2 - Removing the impurity may be done [ 1 ] if you hate laundry, north! Out quickly of sperm the public eye would be vilified for not just wearing &! Please somebody stop me before I embarrass myself one to blame but themselves note that fingers! 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Am I permitted to wear clothes after ghusl as long as the tops of your feet visible! Personal experience e-mail list for regular site news and updates, all Rights Reserved for Islam Q & 1997-2022! Understandable, it is not recommended in the world, I can been seen wearing the same clothes was! Can get away with wearing untraditional work attire ve found that there is trace... For regular site news and updates, all Rights Reserved for Islam Q & a 1997-2022 could find... On top of them, and tees //, https: //, https: //, https:,... Discovered something that can be bothered & quot ; as you daily do before beginning with ghusl the... D never repeat outfits regularly to stay on top of it, i.e dress or medicine. Duration tends to vary depending on the number of clothes 1x each week.yes.. Inhale, exhale, ahhhhh be met with varied responses rendering the Tayammum then the person has a wet yet. His bed, slept on top of them, of course! & quot but... 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can you wear the same clothes after ghusl