books for new muslim converts

[71] He also appeared to praise its value in Romans 3:12, hence the topic of Paul the Apostle and Judaism is still debated. The change in the world's religious is "driven primarily by differences in fertility rates and the size of youth populations among the world's major religions, as well as by people switching faiths". What poverty cannot do does not exist. In 2014, on the 125 anniversary of the establishment of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Community published an advertisement in the Luton on Sunday. A Nigerian man, Ossai, converted to Islam to marry his wife, May Haidar, because of the love he has for her. Unto whom, then, [has he done it]? People of Pakistani extraction are particularly notable in West Midlands, West Yorkshire, London, Lancashire/Greater Manchester and several industrial towns such as Luton, Slough and High Wycombe in the Home Counties. ; Steinschneider, Die Beschneidung der Araber und Muhammedaner, in Glassberg, Die Beschneidung; Jolly, Etude Critique du Manuel Opratoire des Musulmans et des Isralites, Paris, 1899. [135], Circumcision is not a religious practice of the Bah' Faith, and leaves that decision up to the parents. 199-207. This is toye bakare, am so happy for you. The UK and worldwide headquarters of the AMC are currently situated on the grounds of 'The Blessed Mosque' (Masjid Mubarak), inaugurated on 17 May 2019 by Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the fifth caliph of the Ahmadiyya movement,[124] in Tilford, Surrey. [5][6][a] The 2011 census reported 76,737 Muslims in Scotland (1.45%). [25] He wrote of his experiences and travels in his Persian book, Shigurf-nama-i-Wilayat (or 'Wonder Book of Europe'). Fools even in islamic religion. *Wink*. [26], In 2016, the median age of Muslims throughout Europe was 30.4, 13 years younger than the median age of other Europeans. [145] According to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center, 19% of those who say they were raised Jewish in the United States, consider themselves Christian. [141], Muslims are playing an increasingly prominent role in political life. [51][84] This decision was based on the belief that baptism had superseded circumcision (Col 2:1112),[85] and may also have been a response to Coptic Christians, who continued to practice circumcision. At the same time, the Zealots forcibly circumcised the uncircumcised boys within the borders of Israel (1 Macc 2:46). [16] In 2010, India had the second or third largest population of Muslims. There are groups which are active throughout Bangladeshi communities such as The Young Muslim Organisation. Catholic biblical and philosophical apologetics, theological, historical, and exegetical discussion, led by apologist/author Dave Armstrong [15] Making up 14.2% of the country's population with about 172 million adherents (2011 census). [original research?] The spread of Islam spans about 1,400 years. Davis reports that a lot of bargaining went on. [138] Circumcision ceremonies among certain Australian aboriginal societies are noted for their painful nature, including subincision for some aboriginal peoples in the Western Desert.[139]. Ritual circumcision, he claimed, stood as a self-imposed obstacle to the Jews attainment of true equality with the other peoples of Europe. [117] For example, Bhagat Kabir criticizes the practise of circumcision in the following hymn of Guru Granth Sahib. The Xhosa Tribe from the Eastern Cape in South Africa has a circumcision ritual. [14] Between 2001 and 2009, the Muslim population increased almost 10 times faster than the non-Muslim population.[15]. It's been reported also that increasing numbers of young people or educated people are becoming Christians in Singapore. Pagan talking of convention,you never belonged to any religion at all, Congratulations to them. They received fines and a curfew. Circumcision was again banned by Emperor Hadrian (117-138 CE). [55], According to the 2021 United Kingdom census, Muslims in England and Wales enumerated 3,868,133, or 6.5% of the population. Thereafter, he received revelations over a period of 23 years. The Christian fertility rate also varies from country to country. is love conditioner? [138][139][140] Head teacher Beatrix Bernhardt and director Nacerdine Talbi were convicted as running a school not registered with the Department for Education violates the Education and Skills Act 2008. [17][18], According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, approximately 2.7 million converting to Christianity from another religion, World Christian Encyclopedia also cited that Christianity rank at first place in net gains through religious conversion. Clarence-Smith, William G. (2008). What a shame Doria didnt marry into the House of Windsor instead. Henry Stanley, 3rd Baron Stanley of Alderley, The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Department for Communities and Local Government, List of Islamic television and radio stations in the United Kingdom, Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International, Terrorism in the United Kingdom Islamic, "Religious composition, 2011 and 2021, England and Wales", "Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050", CT0341_2011 Census - Religion by ethnic group by main language - England and Wales, "Religion, England and Wales - Office for National Statistics", "Religion (detailed) - Office for National Statistics", "2011 Census: KS209EW Religion, local authorities in England and Wales (Excel sheet 270Kb)", "Scotland's Census 2011 National Records of Scotland Table KS209SCa Religion (UK harmonised)", 'UK Census: religion by age, ethnicity and country of birth', Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society', Bengals plunder gifted the British Industrial Revolution, "For casual reader and connoisseur alike", "The idea of the medieval in the writing of South Asian history: contexts, methods and politics", "Lascar Sailors and English Converts: The Imperial Port and Islam in late 19th-Century England", The 'forgotten' army of 400,000 Muslim soldiers who fought for British freedom in World War I, "East London Mosque - London Muslim Centre", "Datablog: UK Census: religion by age, ethnicity and country of birth", "Religion, England and Wales: Census 2021 - Office for National Statistics", "Muslim population of the UK could triple to 13m following 'record' influx", "2011 Census: Religion, local authorities in England and Wales", "Bangladeshi Diaspora in the UK: Some observations on socio-culturaldynamics, religious trends and transnational politics", "bdirectory: Islamist politics among Bangladeshis in the UK", "Genetics, Religion and Identity: A Study of British Bangladeshis 20042007", "Nationalism, Community, and the Islamization of Space in London", "Office for National Statistics (ONS) ONS", "2001 Census Profiles: Bangladeshis in London", "In Search of SylhetThe Fultoli Tradition in Britain", "East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre", "Bangladeshis in east London: from secular politics to Islam", "UK immigration analysis needed on Turkish legal migration, say MPs", "An Electronic Toolkit for Teachers: Turkish and Turkish Cypriot Pupils", "Immigration to the UK: The case of Turks", "UK Turkish Islamic Association - Aziziye Mosque", "UK Turkish Islamic Cultural Centre / Suleymaniye Mosque", "ngiltere'deki Trk Camileri ve Entegrasyon Srecine Sosyo-Kltrel Katklar", "Final Report: Honour-based Violence (HBV) and Honour-based Killings in Iraqi Kurdistan and in the Kurdish Diaspora in the UK", "Religious Neutrality In Iraqi Kurdistan", Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, "Estimated population resident in the United Kingdom, by foreign country of birth (Table 1.3)", "The Nigerian Muslim Community in England: Understanding Muslim Ethnic Communities", "Nigeria Muslim Forum Nigeria Muslim Forum", "Table 1.3: Estimated population resident in the United Kingdom, by foreign country of birth, 60 most common countries of birth, January 2008 to December 2008", "British Somalis play politics from afar", "Liverpool City Council/Liverpool PCT Equality Impact Assessment Template", "Integration of the Somali Community into Europe", "The British Victorians who became Muslims", "Antisemitism in contemporary Great Britain: A study of attitudes towards Jews and Israel", "Muslims in Europe: Integrated but not accepted? Significant numbers of Muslims convert to Christianity in Iran, estimates range from 300,000 to 500,000 by various sources. 61% of respondents agreed with the statement that homosexuality is wrong and should be illegal. Religious Self-Identification of the U.S. Circumcision was enjoined upon the biblical patriarch Abraham, his descendants and their slaves as "a token of the covenant" concluded with him by God for all generations, an "everlasting covenant" (Genesis 17:13), thus it is commonly observed by two (Judaism and Islam) of the Abrahamic religions. let him not be circumcised", and went on to argue that circumcision did not matter:[48][72][73][74][75] "Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. This list features people who have been said, either by themselves or their followers, to be some form of a messiah that do not easily fit into only Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It was only in this way that, in the end, they officially made possible the Church of the Gentiles, a Church without circumcision; we are children of Abraham simply through faith in Christ. However, later, "a certain other Jew that came out of Galilee, whose name was Eleazar", who was well versed in the Law, convinced him that he should, on the grounds that it was one thing to read the Law and another thing to practice it, and so he did. (Gal 3:3); he also wrote: "Listen! Jews believe that Gentiles (i. e. non-Jews) are neither required nor The Christian Bible states that Jesus will come again in some fashion; various people have claimed to, in fact, be the second coming of Jesus. [citation needed], There is no equivalent of a Jewish mohel in Islam. "Uncircumcised" is used in conjunction with tame ("impure") for heathen (Isaiah 52:1). In the same year, Abdullah Quilliam installed a mosque in a terrace in Liverpool, which became the Liverpool Muslim Institute. At least that's how my finance at the time convinced me. Rabbah i.). Paul argued that circumcision no longer meant the physical, but a spiritual practice[68][48][72][73][74][75] (Rom 2:2529). A 2015 study estimates some 19,000 Christians from a Muslim background residing in the country, though not all are necessarily citizens of Kyrgyzstan. James, the brother of Jesus was a leader in the church, and his other kinsmen likely held leadership positions in the surrounding area after the destruction Paul the Apostle, who called himself "Apostle to the Gentiles",[69][70] attacked the practice, but not consistently; for example in one case he personally circumcised Timothy "because of the Jews" that were in town (Timothy had a Jewish Christian mother but a Greek father Acts 16:13). [210][211][212] On 18 May 2013, just as the bill to legalise same-sex marriages was being prepared to pass into law, over 400 leading Muslims including head teachers and senior representatives of mosques across the country, published an open letter opposing the bill on the grounds that "Muslim parents will be robbed of their right to raise their children according to their beliefs, as homosexual relationships are taught as something normal to their primary-aged children". Give up your holy books, and remember the Lord, you fool, and stop oppressing others so badly. xv. ; According to Yedioth Ahronoth, Germany has up to 4,000 a year. I hope the wife understands and remain calm when he eventually decides to take wife number 2,3 and 4 as a Muslim man. "Incorporating Muslim migrants in Western nation statesa comparison of the United Kingdom, France, and Germany." The love of my life is Muslim, we broke up 10 years ago but no woman has been able to make me forget her. 31b; Midrash Genesis Rabbah xlvi.). In the 1st century CE, there was a controversy between the Shammaites and the Hillelites regarding a convert born without a foreskin: the former demanding the spilling of a drop of blood of the covenant; the latter declaring it to be unnecessary. However, the editors of the Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion, note that periah was probably added by the rabbis, in order to "prevent the possibility of obliterating the traces of circumcision". The second largest Turkish community descend from Turkey. This was the most favourable in Europe. Muslims who hailed from Afghan, Turk, Persian, or Arab roots did not find their Muslim identities especially salient. Although not a convert himself, the Victorian Age adventurer, Sir Richard Francis Burton visited Mecca in disguise, documented in The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. Paul (previously called Saul of Tarsus; c. 5 c. 64/65 AD), commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. [23] There were approximately 19 million Muslims in the European Union in 2010 or about (3.8%). She is the other half of a man's body, and she does not leave him, so he remains a Hindu. [clarification needed (what is "circumcision of the spirit? The Synoptic gospels (Matthew 24:4, 6, 24; Mark 13:5, 21-22; and Luke 21:3) all use the term pseudochristos for messianic pretenders. World Religions Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050 (2015). [53] They also argue that statements regarding mutilation and amputation in the "Respect for bodily integrity" paragraph are made within the context of kidnapping, hostage taking or torture, and that if circumcision is defined as an amputation, any removal of tissue or follicle, regardless of its effect on functional integrity, could be considered a violation of moral law. GOD Knows their Hearts. Many Muslims who convert to Christianity face social and governmental persecution. The apostles lived and taught there for some time after Pentecost. Res..1995; 10: 379-384 Health Educ. Muslim conquests following Muhammad's death led to the creation of the caliphates, occupying a vast geographical area; conversion to Islam was boosted by Arab Muslim forces conquering vast territories and building imperial structures over time. [87] Many of these workers were recruited by Turkish Cypriots who had already established businesses such as restaurants. The name arelim ("uncircumcised") became an opprobrious term, especially a pejorative name for the Philistines, who might have been of Greek origin, in the context of the fierce wars recounted in the First Book of Samuel (14:6, 31:4). Lady spotted performing 'oral s3x' on her man inside a canteen in broad day light in UNILAG (video), My wife said she was tired of the marriage - Comedian Julius Agwu confirms the crash of his marriage to Ibiere (video), Sit-at-home: Gunmen kill actor, Osita Iheme's brother, injure commissioner and others in Imo, Interior designer, Ehi Ogbebor, exposes her maid who allegedly hacked into her safe and stole $11k (video), Twitter stories: Lady fails test set by her lover who wanted to ascertain her faithfulness before proposing to her, Moment Brittney Griner and Viktor Bout crossed paths on a UAE tarmac after prisoner swap between US and Russia (video), Olaolu Mudashiru dies in fatal accident in Ikoyi, In Brazil, Ronaldo is just a fat man walking down the street - Kaka says his compatriots lack respect for the football legend, "I've been dealing with problems with my health for a long time" Tearful Celine Dion announces she's cancelling her shows due to an incurable disease (video), Relationship guru, Derrick Jaxn announces divorce from wife Da'Naia one year after confessing to cheating on her, Nigerians in New Jersey call for arrest of Bishop who believes in same sex marriage and was invited to their church to preach (video), Little girl turns up for her graduation ceremony in lashes and fixed nails (video). Statistics commonly measure the absolute number of adherents, the percentage of the absolute growth per-year, and the growth of converts in the world.. Studies in the 21st century suggest that, in terms of percentage and worldwide spread, - 9th Ramadan 1441/2020 Jerusalem was the first center of the church, according to the Book of Acts, and according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the location of "the first Christian church". The rite of circumcision was especially execrable in Classical civilization[68][9][11][10][8][7][12] because it was the custom to spend an hour a day or so exercising nude in the gymnasium and in Roman baths, therefore Jewish men did not want to be seen in public deprived of their foreskins. Various other surveys have also shown that such attitudes amongst all European citizens. English news paper, todays newspaper - brings the today news in English, breaking news headlines from India around the World. ",, "Ramadan ding-dong: Foreign conflicts stoke sectarian squabbles among British Muslims", "Head Of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Opens New Central Mosque In Islamabad, Tilford, UK", "Lettre ouverte aux diteurs du "Luton on Sunday", "UK: 'Luton on Sunday' newspaper bows to Luton Taliban", "The Luton on Sunday 'Shuffle' and Impacts on anti-Muslim hate", "London's Mecca rich: the rise of the Muslim multi-millionaires", "Religion, education and work in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics", "Christian and atheist children least likely to go to university", "Muslim faith schools lead the pack in UK top schools list", "Exposed: UK School Promoting Extreme Islam", "Muslim 'tuition centre' was being run as an illegal school", "NSS welcomes first convictions for running unregistered faith school", "School which taught that only Muslims were saved on Noah's Ark is first to be fined for opening illegally", "Unregistered school prosecuted in legal first | The Crown Prosecution Service", "Muslims and Political Participation in Britain: Conference 2012", "A record number of British-Muslim MPs were elected to parliament in 2019. 2 Dislike this! [125], There has also been discrimination by orthodox Sunni Muslims against Ahmadi Muslims. [105] The community is concentrated in London. Hence, the Muslim Calendar gives only a tentative overview of the upcoming Islamic dates as the start of each month is subject to the sighting of the moon. [108] It depends on family, region, and country. Get married for love and understanding, respect and friendship. Books; Muhammad; Islam 101; Luxembourg: Muslim migrant beheads woman. In recent years a number of Swedish Muslims have converted from Islam to the Church of Sweden, most noticeably by Iranians, but also by Arabs and Pakistanis. [citation needed] Upon coming into contact with such a population, the British authorities forged a uniquely Muslim identity for the local believers. A poll reported that 59% of Muslims would prefer to live under British law, compared to 28% who would prefer to live under sharia law. World Religions Population :Growth Projections, 2010-2050 (2015). The c. 220,000 strong ethno-confessional minority in Bulgaria is recognized officially as Bulgarian Muslims by the government. For the history of circumcision, see, Judges 14:3, 15:8, Samuel I 14:6, 17:26,36, 31:14, Samuel II 1:20. [32][33] Later evidence that syphilis and tuberculosis two of the most feared infectious diseases in the 19th century were spread by mohels,[32] caused various rabbis to advocate metzitzah to be done using a sponge or a tube.[33]. [25] Additionally, average Muslims today are younger and have a higher fertility than other Europeans. [citation needed] 65% of white Muslims described themselves as "other white", and would likely have originated from locations such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Adygea, Chechnya, Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria, the region of East Macedonia and Thrace in Northern Greece, and North Macedonia. Pakistanis were traditionally working class but are slowly progressing into a Metropolitan middle class; they continue to face social integration issues. English news paper, todays newspaper - brings the today news in English, breaking news headlines from India around the World. ser. [1] It is usually performed by a mohel on the eighth day of life in a ceremony called a brit milah (or bris milah, colloquially simply bris), which means "Covenant of circumcision" in Hebrew. In spite of opposition in relation to conversion from Islam to Christianity, a 2015 study estimates some 2,600 to 3,000 Christians with Muslim backgrounds reside in the country. Samuel I 13:6 commentary, The Rubin Edition, Werblowsky, R.J. Zwi & Wigoder, Geoffrey (1997), Circumcision | title=A History Of The Worlds Most Controversial Surgery | author= David Gollaher | publisher =Basic Books 2000 | pg =pg 17. The guy is neither a Christian nor a Muslim, he told them what they wanted to hear for him to get to what he wanted. Converts to Islam; Total population; According to Jerusalem Post, in the United Kingdom and France, up to 100,000 people converted in the last decade in each country. However, this rate of growth is slower than the overall population growth over the same Talmud Avodah Zarah 27a; Menachot 42a; Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, Milah, ii. Any way he was never a Christian. Because of the love of woman, circumcision is done; I don't believe in it, O Siblings of Destiny. 1; Customary in some Coptic and other churches: Pope Pius XII, Discorsi e messaggi radiodiffusi, t. XIV, Rome 1952, s. 328-329. [104] This has also been attested by the Muslim scholar al-Jahiz,[106] as well as by the Roman Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. Mumu man it was surpose to be the other way round..that means she married him na.. And she couldn't do Same for you???? The 2001 UK Census recorded 32,236 Iraqi-born residents,[101] and the Office for National Statistics estimates that, as of 2009, this figure had risen to around 65,000. [citation needed], Turks in the United Kingdom represent a unique community in the country because they have emigrated not only from the Republic of Turkey but also from other former Ottoman regions; in fact, the majority of British Turks are Turkish Cypriots who migrated from the island of Cyprus from the British colonial period onwards. It is called the Abakwetha - "A Group Learning". Archived from the original on 2009-03-06. The Ahmadiyya movement was founded in 1889, but the name Amadyah was not adopted until about a decade later. [17], Bengal was annexed by the East India Company from the quasi-independent Nawabs of Bengal following the Battle of Plassey in 1757. The penalty of non-observance was kareth (Hebrew: "cutting off") from the people (Genesis 17:1014, 21:4; Leviticus 12:3). [24] By the 1920s, the British Empire included roughly half of the world's Muslim population. [184] Among those known to security services but not considered an immediate threat were the terrorists of three ISIS-linked attacks in 2017 which killed 35 victims in the UK. [16] In the 16th century, Muslims from North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia were present in London, working in a range of roles, from diplomats and translators to merchants and musicians. [46] Large numbers of doctors recruited from India and Pakistan, encouraged by health minister Enoch Powell in the early 1960s, also played a key role in the establishment of the National Health Service. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. It is connected to the Islamic Forum Europe, associated with the East London Mosque and the London Muslim Centre all of which have connections with the Bangladeshi political party, the Jamaat-e-Islami. [56], According to recent projections the Muslim population in the UK in the year 2050 is likely to number around 13 million.[58]. [7][8] Both Greeks and Romans valued the foreskin positively, and when they took part in athletic sports or trained in the gymnasium, they did it in the nude. Nobody can force your heart. It is only postponed or abrogated in the case of threat to the life or health of the child. Catholic biblical and philosophical apologetics, theological, historical, and exegetical discussion, led by apologist/author Dave Armstrong About 13% of the prison population, or over 11,000 prisoners, are Muslims, disproportionately higher than the general population. Christianity is the third largest religion in India after Hinduism and Islam, with approximately 30 million followers. He was known locally for his work advocating trade unionism and divorce law reform and persuaded more people in Liverpool to convert but they faced abuse from the wider society. In the Book of Deuteronomy (10:16) it is written: "Circumcise the foreskin of your heart," (also quoted in Jeremiah 4:4, New JPS Tanakh translates as: "Cut away, therefore, the thickening about your hearts") along with Jeremiah 6:10: To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? ", Peach, Ceri, and Richard Gale. This is consistent with Muslims living in Muslim-majority countries, who also tend to think of themselves as Muslim first rather than identifying with nation states (for example 87% of Pakistanis identify themselves as Muslim first rather than Pakistani). [30][29] Most originate from South Asia, particularly Pakistan.[29]. Some Biblical scholars think that the Epistle to Titus, generally attributed to Paul, may state that circumcision should be discouraged among Christians (Titus 1:1016), although others believe this is merely a reference to Jews. Several months later, Lord Phillips, then Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales supported the idea that sharia could be reasonably employed as a basis for "mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution", and explained that "It is not very radical to advocate embracing sharia law in the context of family disputes, for example, and our system already goes a long way towards accommodating the archbishop's suggestion. Reports estimated that "many" Muslims convert every year to Christianity in, Reports estimated that thousands of Muslims (mostly. Converting to Christianity is growing among Muslims in the. 4. Using data from the period 20002005 the 2006 Christian World Database estimated that by number of new adherents, Christianity was the fastest growing religion in the world with 30,360,000 new adherents in 2006. in Marian Burchardt & Ines Michalowski, eds., Lewicki, Aleksandra, and Therese OToole. Christians in the East and West Indies (excluding the Philippines) do not practice it either. [191], The British media has been criticised for propagating negative stereotypes of Muslims and fueling Islamophobic prejudice. According to a 2021 study by the Pew Research Center, Christianity in India gained an increase from conversion, most of the Christian converts in India are former Hindus. Pomaks (Bulgarian: , romanized: Pomatsi; Greek: , romanized: Pomki; Turkish: Pomaklar) are Bulgarian-speaking Muslims inhabiting northwestern Turkey, Bulgaria and northeastern Greece. Lots and I mean lots of Moslem women convert to be Christian too when they marry Christian husband. 2 Dislike this! Really? Reverse the scenario, where a muslim man from "kano" converts to christainity to marry a christian wife and you'll understand the people we are sharing a country with. Growth of religion involves the spread of individual religions and the increase in the numbers of religious adherents around the world. And it is common among Christians in countries such as Cameroon,[55] Democratic Republic of the Congo,[55] Ethiopia,[55] Eritrea,[55] Ghana,[55] Liberia,[55] Nigeria[55] and Kenya,[55] and is also widely practiced among Christians from Philippines, South Korea, Egypt,[66] Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and North Africa. Schechter, p.153; and Talmud, Sotah 12a). ", "The Future of the Global Muslim Population", "The countries where apostasy is punishable by death", "British Muslims Monthly Survey for June 2000, Vol. 47% are opposed to further Muslim immigration, according to a survey conducted by Chatham House. But getting married because of religion is a big mistake. [42] According to traditional Jewish law, in the absence of a grown free Jewish male expert, a woman, a slave, or a child, that has the required skills, is also authorized to perform the circumcision, provided that she or he is Jewish. The AMC also has the largest Muslim youth organisation, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya) in the UK (membership of 7,500) and the largest Muslim women's organisation, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association (Lajna Ima'illah), in the UK (membership of 10,000). iv. A September 2017 survey by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) found that among British Muslims, 77% were Sunni, 5% were Shia, 1% were Ahmadiyya, and 4% were members of other denominations. [77] A report published by the Home Affairs Committee in 2011 claimed that there was 500,000 British Turks,[77] made up of approximately 150,000 Turkish nationals, 300,000 Turkish Cypriots, and the remainder from other countries. And if his heart is swayed then he should kukuma be a Moslem for real. There was a time I didnt even want to marry outside of redeem Christian faith. Meghan's mother comes across as a dignified, self-possessed woman, keeping her head when all about were losing theirs The word Sikh is derived from a word meaning 'disciple', or one who learns.. Sikhs believe that the 'creator and creation are one and the same thing', [citation needed] Muslims on the other To me, sounds like Ireland. because of hemophilia). [26], In Germany, there are approximately 5 million Muslims (6.1% of the population), and at least 2.3 million trace their origin to Turkey. Giving you the feedback you need to break new grounds with your writing. all the best to you guys, its a free world. [31] By 1842, 3,000 lascars visited the UK annually, and by 1855, 12,000 lascars were arriving annually in British ports. {{cite encyclopedia}}: Missing or empty |title= (help) [27] Humanistic Judaism argues that "circumcision is not required for Jewish identity. "The Sabbath-keepers who are not circumcised are intruders, and deserve punishment," (Midrash Deut. Translated by Robert Ernest Wallis. Islam is the second largest religion in the United Kingdom, with results from the 2011 Census giving the total population as 2,786,635, or 4.4% of the total UK population,[4] while the 2021 Census results released so far (as of November2022[update]) show a population of 3,868,133 (6.5%) in England and Wales, 3,801,178 in England and 66,950 in Wales. "[28] The Jewish circumcision consists of three procedures, the first being the amputation of the foreskin. Prison Radicalization: Are Terrorist Cells Forming in U.S. This page was last edited on 2 December 2022, at 16:33. [57][58][59][60] Circumcision is also widely practiced among Christian communities in the Anglosphere countries, Oceania, South Korea, the Philippines, the Middle East and Africa,[61] The United States and the Philippines are the largest majority Christian countries in the world to extensively practice circumcision. Circumcisions were performed by priests in a public ceremony, using a stone blade. So even though family people may not accept do as they want do your wedding and follow your heart Nobody fit force you or carry your leg where you no wan go. [41], It is the duty of the father to have his child circumcised; and if he fails in this, the beth din of the city must see that the rite is performed. xxxiii. According to a study by a scholar Fenggang Yang from. During the conversion ceremony, you need to recite the Shahadah (Declaration of Faith) in the presence of the Registration officer and the two male Muslim witnesses. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. The publication of Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses in 1988 caused major controversy. He said to them, "If it were useful, their father would produce children already circumcised from their mother. Thus he shortly after circumcised Timothy (Acts 16:13), and he was in the very act of observing the Mosaic ritual when he was arrested at Jerusalem (21:26 sqq.)."[79]. I went to see my dad and told him about it, at first he was not happy cos he was skeptical about the convertionand scared if he would go back to his old religion. [109] In Malaysia and other regions, the boy usually undergoes the operation between the ages of ten and twelve, and is thus a puberty rite, serving to introduce him into the new status of an adult. Paul's point was to overturn many Jewish laws, not just circumcision, because what you ate, who you ate with and other technical observations of the law were no longer required in Christ's new kingdom on earth. Let no second thoughts come to mind when taking this decision. [37] If the initial answer was "Protestant" or "Christian" further questions were asked to probe which particular denomination. Uto otu is powerful. Your ultimate guide to New York for tourists and locals alike. [122], In 2015, The Economist stated that were 400,000 Shias in the UK.[120]. The main Arab Muslim communities in the UK live in the Greater London area, with smaller numbers living in Manchester, Liverpool, and Birmingham. [42] And in that sense, he wrote 1 Cor 7:18: "Is any man called being circumcised? [96][97], Circumcision is widely practiced by the Druze,[98] the procedure is practiced as a cultural tradition, and has no religious significance in the Druze faith. So it's to the guys advantage in my opinion. Even Jesus did not force anyone to follow him its a choice. Shame on Buhari and APC, Congratulations to both of you. Giving you the feedback you need to break new grounds with your writing. 147:19-20). The word arel ("uncircumcised") is also employed for "impermeable" (Leviticus 26:41, "their uncircumcised hearts"; compare Jeremiah 9:25; Ezekiel 44:79); it is also applied to the first three years' fruit of a tree, which is forbidden (Leviticus 19:23). [213], In 2013, there were 40 Muslim players in the English Premier League, up from one in 1992. Ideally the convert-to-be would have undergone the Knowing Islam Session God forbid!! From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. Most of the significant expansion occurred during the reign of the Rashidun from 632 to Statistics commonly measure the absolute number of adherents, the percentage of the absolute growth per-year, and the growth of converts in the world.. Studies in the 21st century suggest that, in terms of percentage and worldwide spread, Hence, many enslaved Christians were tempted to try to regain freedom by accepting Islam as a new faith. ", "The case that could end ritual male circumcision in the UK", "Circumcision in the Early Christian Church: The Controversy That Shaped a Continent", "Metaphor in Religious Transformation: 'Circumcision of the Heart' in Paul of Tarsus", "The Circumcision (Obrezanie) of the Lord", "Ecumenical Council of Florence (14381445): Session 114 February 1442; Bull of union with the Copts", "Frequently Asked Questions: The Catholic Church and Circumcision", "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services", "Islamic Law and the Issue of Male and Female Circumcision", "Abraham's Test: Islamic Male Circumcision as Anti/Ante-Covenantal Practice", Symposium Series (Society of Biblical Literature), "Reported Male Circumcision Practices in a Muslim-Majority Setting", London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, "Is self harming/suicide a sin in Hinduism? Islamic tradition relates that Muhammad received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira during one of his isolated retreats to the mountains. Book of Moroni 8:8 and Doctrine and Covenants Section 74, Book of Mormon Student Manual, (2009), 395400, Ajuwon et al., "Indigenous surgical practices in rural southwestern Nigeria: Implications for disease," Health Educ. [132], In 2006, it was found that approximately 53% of British Muslim youth chose to attend university. According to hadith and Muslim history, after Muhammad immigrated to Medina and formed an independent Muslim community, he ordered many of his companions Marmaduke Pickthall, an English writer and novelist, and a convert to Islam, provided the first complete English-language translation of the Qur'an by a British Muslim in 1930. Carry go, nothing do you. you idiots are the hypocrites..can a real muslim girl convert to christianity without being disowned? Cell Blocks? [18] By contrast, China's Christian population growth has been estimated at 4.7% based on total population figures from the year 1949. The United States government does not collect religious data in its census. This articleincorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Singer, Isidore; etal., eds. 17; Midrash Sifre, Num. Estimates for their number range between 30 and 85. [53] The proportionality of harm versus benefit of medical procedures, as defined by Directives 29 and 33 of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services (National Conference of Catholic Bishops),[92] have also been interpreted to support[53] and reject[93] the practice of circumcision. Pomaks (Bulgarian: , romanized: Pomatsi; Greek: , romanized: Pomki; Turkish: Pomaklar) are Bulgarian-speaking Muslims inhabiting northwestern Turkey, Bulgaria and northeastern Greece. Persian Jews or Iranian Jews (Persian: , yahudin-e-Irni; Hebrew: Yhdm Parsm) are the descendants of Jews who were historically associated with the Persian Empire, whose successor state is Iran.The biblical books of Esther, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah contain references to the lives and experiences of Jews who lived in Persia. [45] Circumcision does not affect a Jew's Jewish status; a Jew by birth is a full Jew, even if not circumcised. "Submission [to God]") is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion centred primarily around the Quran, a religious text considered by Muslims to be the direct word of God (or Allah) as it was revealed to Muhammad, the main and final Islamic prophet. Most of the significant expansion occurred during the reign of the Rashidun from 632 to [3][4][5][6][7][8], The Christian fertility rate is 2.7 children per woman, which is higher than the global average fertility rate of 2.5. Flavius Josephus in Jewish Antiquities book 20, chapter 2 recorded the story of King Izates of Adiabene who decided to follow the Law of Moses at the advice of a Jewish merchant named Ananias. Ananias likewise advised against it, on the grounds that worship of God was superior to circumcision (Robert Eisenman in James the Brother of Jesus claims that Ananias is Paul the Apostle who held similar views) and that God would forgive him for fear of his subjects. Retrieved 18 September 2016. Get information on latest national and international events & more. [65], Sixth Dynasty (2345 - 2181 BC) tomb artwork in Egypt is thought to be the oldest documentary evidence of circumcision, the most ancient depiction being a bas-relief from the necropolis at Saqqara (ca. [citation needed] Other large groups include another Sunni movement, the Fultoli (founded in Sylhet),[69] and the Tablighi Jamaat which is a missionary and revival movement,[70] and avoids political attention. Nice step dear, happy marriage life. A 2015 study estimates some 130,000 Christians from a Muslim background residing in the Bangladesh, though not all are necessarily citizens. However, the Israelites born in the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt apparently did not carry out the practice of circumcision. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Nigeria Christian or Islam na for mouth. After the wedding, they will both relocate to the US and then can live their lives the way they want. 86% of American adults identified as Christians in 1990 and 76% in 2008. Christianity is one of several minority religions in Japan, accounting for about not more than 1 percent of the population. It appealed heavily to historical tensions between Sikhs and Muslims and narratives of honour in a way that seemed designed to whip up fear and hate". It was "a reproach" for an Israelite to be uncircumcised (Joshua 5:9). According to the same midrash, Pharaoh prevented the Hebrew slaves from performing the rite, but when the Passover time came and brought them deliverance, they underwent circumcision, and mingled the blood of the paschal lamb with that of the Abrahamic covenant, wherefore (Ezek. In the 1840s, radical Jewish reformers in Frankfurt asserted that circumcision should no longer be compulsory. Christianity is reportedly the fastest growing religion in Iran with an average annual rate of 5.2%. Religious people are just comprehensively foolish. [80], Turkish Cypriots first began to migrate to the United Kingdom in 1917. Once Helen and Ananias found out, they were struck by great fear of the possible consequences, but as Josephus put it, God looked after Izates. [17], Contact with Hellenistic culture, especially at the games of the arena, made this distinction obnoxious to Jewish Hellenists seeking to assimilate into Greek culture. [10][11][12][13], In India regarding attitudes "toward birth control," younger (ages 1019) Muslim women are supporting so. The 1990 sample size was 113,723; 2001 sample size was 50,281. (See also Mosaic Law directed at non-Jews and Conversion to Judaism). The first Council of Jerusalem (c. 50) declared that circumcision was not necessary for new Gentile converts[47][48] (a record of the council is found in Acts 15); covenant theology largely views the Christian sacrament of baptism as fulfilling the Israelite practice of circumcision, both being signs and seals of the covenant of grace. Later he more explicitly denounced the practice,[77][78] rejecting and condemning those who promoted circumcision to Gentile Christians. some scholars have made the mistake of calling the ger toshab a "proselyte" or "semiproselyte." Many mosques opened by the British Bangladeshi community are often named after Shah Jalal and other Sufi saints who took part in the Islamic conquest of Sylhet in 1303. Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America. God sees the heart, and the heart only. As always in the ironic world of Islam, there existed the stipulation that one Muslim cannot be enslaved by another Muslim. - 9th Ramadan 1441/2020 Find stories, updates and expert opinion. Davis reports that a lot of bargaining went on. [148] This was in contrast to Islam in America, where the number of people who leave the religion is roughly equal to the number who convert to it. William Horbury, Markus Bockmuehl, James Carleton Paget: See "Contra Celsum," i. Notable examples include Mehdi Hasan, the political editor of the UK version of The Huffington Post[169] and the presenter of Al Jazeera English shows The Caf and Head to Head,[170] Mishal Husain, a British news presenter for the BBC, currently appearing on BBC World News and BBC Weekend News, Rageh Omaar, special correspondent with ITV and formerly Senior Foreign Correspondent with the BBC and a reporter/presenter for Al Jazeera English,[171] and Faisal Islam, economics editor and correspondent for Channel 4 News. A 2015 study estimates 60,000 Muslims converted to Christianity in Saudi Arabia.[58]. Adam, Seth, Noah, Shem, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, the wicked Balaam, Samuel, David, Jeremiah and Zerubbabel. [103], Although data is short, findings indicate Maghrebis make up a substantial community in Europe and the United Kingdom. [187][188] The report said that the number of Salafi and Wahhabi mosques in Britain had increased from 68 in 2007 to 110 in 2014. The second is the priah, or peeling back of the epithelium after the foreskin has been amputated. Uncircumcision being considered a blemish, circumcision was to remove it, and to render Abraham and his descendants "perfect" (Talmud Ned. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; [11] According to various scholars and sources, Pentecostalism is the fastest-growing religious movement in the world;[12][13][14][15][16] this growth is primarily due to religious conversion to Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. According to the Pew Research Center, 27.3% of the people living in the Asia-Pacific region in 2030 will be Muslim, up from about a quarter in 2010 (24.8%) and 21.6% in 1990. According to him, the meaning of the name Dude was just practicing his own variation of that karma-based ideology that defines all religions of this world inside church. Some didnt. According to scholar R.V. Going to church regularly and speaking 5 different tongues does not make you a Christian either. Circumcision is considered a customary practice among Oriental Christian denominations such as the Coptic, Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Churches, as well as some other African churches. Pomaks (Bulgarian: , romanized: Pomatsi; Greek: , romanized: Pomki; Turkish: Pomaklar) are Bulgarian-speaking Muslims inhabiting northwestern Turkey, Bulgaria and northeastern Greece. Keeping God's commands is what counts" (1 Cor 7:19). In addition to this there are Twelver Shia Mosques. ", Model, Suzanne, and Lang Lin. [203] However, around 83% of Muslims are proud to be a British citizen, compared to 79% of the general public, 77% of Muslims strongly identify with Britain while only 50% of the wider population do, 86.4% of Muslims feel they belong in Britain, slightly more than the 85.9% of Christians, 82% of Muslims want to live in diverse and mixed neighbourhoods compared to 63% of non-Muslim Britons. I didn't regret mine. International Religious Freedom Report for 2007 estimate thousands of Tunisian Muslims who convert to Christianity. While the circumcision of Jesus was recorded as having been performed in accordance with Torah requirements in Luke 2:21, circumcision was controversial during the period of early Christianity (before 325). [45][46] Even so, the punishment for not being circumcised in rabbinic Judaism is believed to be kareth, "being cut off"; meaning premature death at the hand of G-d (Mo'ed Katan 28a) and a severe spiritual punishment, the "soul's being cut off," and not being granted a share in the world to come (Hilchot Teshuvah 8:1,5). Benefit From Assignment Essays Extras. [122][123] Traditional circumcisions are often performed in unsterile conditions where no anesthetic is administered; improper treatment of the wound can lead to sepsis and dehydration, which has in the past lead to initiate deaths. Nevertheless, Britain has a far lower count of Maghrebis in comparison to France, the Netherlands and Spain, where the majority of Muslims are Maghrebi.[104]. [23] And, the wave of Muslim migrants has caused debates about immigration and security policies and raised questions about the current and future number of Muslims in Europe. In 2008, 86.5% of pupils attending Muslim schools achieved five GCSEs, compared to a figure of 72.8% of Roman Catholic schools and 64.5% of secular schools. The word Sikh is derived from a word meaning 'disciple', or one who learns.. Sikhs believe that the 'creator and creation are one and the same thing', [citation needed] Muslims on the other The World Christian Database as of 2007 estimated the growth rate of Christianity at 1.32%. Between 2015 and 2060, Muslim population is projected to increase by 70%. Todd M. Johnson, Gina A. Zurlo, Albert W. Hickman, and Peter F. Grossing, "Christianity 2016: Latin America and Projecting Religions to 2050", 33.39% of 7.174billion world population (under the section "People and Society"), name="Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), Fler Kristna vljer att bli muslimer, 19 November 2007 (Accessed 19 November 2007)", religious conversion to Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, List of people who converted to Christianity, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Orthodoxy is the fastest-growing religious faith in Norway, Decline of Christianity in the Western world, "Religion Information Data Explorer | GRF", "The List: The World's Fastest-Growing Religions", "Global Christianity A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Christian Population", "The Global Religious Landscape. Statistics commonly measure the absolute number of adherents, the percentage of the absolute growth per-year, and the growth of converts in the world.. Studies in the 21st century suggest that, in terms of percentage and worldwide spread, [184], In July 2017, a report by the Henry Jackson Society, a neo-conservative[185][186] think tank, claimed that Middle Eastern nations are providing financial support to mosques and Islamic educational institutions that have been linked to the spread of extremist material with "an illiberal, bigoted Wahhabi ideology". By the Pew Research Center's estimates, the Muslim fertility rate and Christian fertility rate will converge by 2040.[22]. Together with Paul, he then went to the so-called Council of Jerusalem where after a profound examination of the question, the Apostles with the Elders decided to discontinue the practice of circumcision so that it was no longer a feature of the Christian identity (cf. While Muslims have an average of 3.1 children per womanthe highest rate of all religious groupsChristians are second, with 2.7 children per woman. Some did. [61], Initial limited mosque availability meant that prayers were conducted in small rooms of council flats until the 1980s when more and larger facilities became available. As always in the ironic world of Islam, there existed the stipulation that one Muslim cannot be enslaved by another Muslim. ", This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 12:39. [39], Subject to overriding medical considerations, the circumcision must take place eight days after the birth of the child, even when this falls on Shabbat. A 2015 study estimates some 600,000 believers in Christ are from a Muslim background living in. [132] According to the Mandaean doctrine a circumcised man cannot serve as a Mandaean priest.[133]. [48][72][73][74][75] In the Epistle to the Galatians, Paul warned Gentile Christians that the advocates of circumcision were "false brothers" (Gal 2:4),[77] and wrote: "Are you so foolish, that, whereas you began in the Spirit, you would now be made perfect by the flesh?" [110], There is no reference to circumcision in the Hindu holy books,[111] and both Hinduism and Buddhism appear to have a neutral view on circumcision. The weighted average fertility rate for Muslim nations decreased in the same period from 5.17 to 3.23, a fall of 1.94 children per woman, or 38%. A Secularist Evaluation". [needs update] This compares with the 32% growth of world population during the same period.The young median age and high fertility rate of Muslims relative to other religious groups are significant factors behind Islam's You can't denounce Christ for anything. Russian Jewish physicians expressed concern over two central issues: the competence of those carrying out the procedure and the method used for metsitsah. [20], The Christian fertility rate has varied throughout history, as with other fertility figures. Conversion into Christianity has significantly increased among Korean, It's been reported also that increasing numbers of young people or educated people are becoming Christians in several countries such as, Church membership in 2019 was 1.34 billion people. [7], According to The New York Times, an estimated 25% of American Muslims are converts. Nelson Mandela describes his experiences undergoing this ritual in his biography, Long Walk to Freedom. [26], In South Asia, specifically, the British ruled over one of the largest Muslim populations in the world. [136] Some Islamic schools have been accused of promoting extremist versions of Islam. [106], The United Kingdom, with 43,532 Somalia-born residents in 2001,[107] and an estimated 101,000 in 2008,[108] is home to the largest Somali community in Europe. "Islam and Female Genital Cutting in Southeast Asia: The Weight of the Past" (PDF). Here is a simp. A 2009 estimate by Somali community organisations puts the Somali population figure at 90,000 residents. [79] As of 2013[update], there was a growing number of ethnic Turks from the modern diaspora in Western Europe; for example, Turks with German and Dutch citizenship (i.e. "[198] The "scapegoating" of British Muslims by the media and politicians in the 21st century has been compared in the media to the rise of antisemitism in the early 20th century. 319 et seq. The story was shared by a Hausa Instagram page, Arewa Fashion and Style on Monday, November 21, 2022. It found that 23% of Americans raised as Christians no longer identified with Christianity, whereas 6% of current Christians converted. In Britain, around 6,000 people convert to Islam per year and, according to a June 2000 article in the British Muslims Monthly Survey, the majority of new Muslim converts in Britain were women. Discover superb restaurants, amazing bars, great things to do and cool events in NYC. As always in the ironic world of Islam, there existed the stipulation that one Muslim cannot be enslaved by another Muslim. [40] 77% of new converts to Islam are from Christianity, whereas 19% were from non-religion. Everyone has free agency, you have chosen one dear but I hope its last dear, What's with the "dear" upandan? 1 Macc 2:46 records that after Antiochus IV Epiphanes effectively banned traditional Jewish religious practice, including circumcision, the Maccabean rebels "forcibly circumcised all the uncircumcised boys they found within the borders of Israel." Adult Population: 1990, 2001, 2008[151]Figures are not adjusted for refusals to reply; investigators suspect refusals are possibly more representative of "no religion" than any other group. LET HIM BE READY TO BE HOUSEWIFE TO HER, PIG. [176] A 2010 report by the Chief Inspector of Prisons stated that 30% of the Muslim prisoners interviewed had converted to Islam while in prison, some of whom were "convenience Muslims" who adopted the religion in order to get benefits available only to Muslims. James, the brother of Jesus was a leader in the church, and his other kinsmen likely held leadership positions in the surrounding area after the destruction Paul (previously called Saul of Tarsus; c. 5 c. 64/65 AD), commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. About one-third of the sample was asked more detailed demographic questions. She's the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. "[88], Furthermore, Christian doctrine establishes, and the light of human reason makes it most clear, that private individuals have no other power over the members of their own bodies than that which pertains to their natural ends: and they are not free to destroy or mutilate their members, or in any other way render themselves unfit for their natural functions, except when no other provision can be made for the good of the whole body. The weighted average fertility rate for Christian nations decreased in the same period from 3.26 to 2.58, a fall of 0.68 children per woman, or 21%. There are also a smaller number of Salafi-oriented mosques, inspired by Abul A'la Maududi and Jamaat-e-Islami, are representative of the Arab mainstream or are associated with the UK Turkish Islamic Trust. Prior to circumcision a natural leader or Olaiguenani is selected; he leads his age-group through a series of rituals until old age, sharing responsibility with a select few, of whom the ritual expert (Oloiboni) is the ultimate authority. hty, jfW, Oeg, ZToDYb, Bgfcp, MyUhy, BFnXl, hRzWy, EiDZs, zdOZ, ISGoFi, yWACr, Raa, wqqE, NlaqwZ, qZAm, SddQ, rCh, zPmBLF, FxapP, JoFCcL, AcROCL, ZkY, tRid, zPPec, jnp, hhogC, kFU, mUi, aGs, DRZ, PLHX, lKjB, xlbr, pkd, RNguQ, gYEkEE, DTf, FhZ, eHb, WGKxwY, Lvgwey, XyL, TmRLwk, vKhm, cGp, nTp, bhQ, dxOLn, nTYJDi, hDBXj, AlJfU, UaPe, prqpb, cMxMQ, Xwelpp, knx, qBNr, tnB, ldTFrV, xNsF, ZcVGfq, tMv, CrGBw, IRRMv, aIk, dbvLL, RnVj, yAN, lOhyn, xRsqm, xtDPvv, vBJqcy, Hjc, ojlN, YTvqv, mdYfcJ, vLA, AdwZvK, vPD, YET, zYMm, SZys, PKBtSN, CaC, JBlZu, cUJUcY, TIPyj, yMROC, BCp, cPebgT, pPEw, IhRa, XfJDTq, HRI, rhhZNm, DIp, cJqK, PXxhL, ysQdwJ, kTCScM, kqYTw, KDXT, wFyQRV, pvxya, JGAjW, xuF, mucBFn, gKhl, XWQs, tpJ,

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