achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms

Also, I am surprised you recommend surgery after a re-rupture during a first round of conservative treatment. I am hoping that these are all good signs and hopefully do not indicate a full tear and it may only be a small partial or even better yet only scar tissue. On Strength and ROM, I think the boat has sailed, and surgery apparently adds nothing (except speed, if you go fast like doug53). I have a similar story. Cope with the problems as well as you can, and dont beat yourself up if you have bad days; that just makes them worse (obviously, when you think about it). I went non-op and I could feel a bit of a lump at the rupture site. I read most of the re-rupture blogs and it appeared that most re-ruptures occured a few weeks to a few months post surgery when the achilles was still very vulnerable. ASK. I was just curious about the chance of re-doing it and youve kind of told me that it probably should be fine. But youll be able to care for yourself better and its so much safer once you get rid of the crutches. Last time felt like getting shot in the back of my leg. Or maybe Im making a distinction where theres none, since theres actually no study proving that surgery works well on re-ruptures, either! For those of you who feel rather weak or clumsy, a great walking stick might just be the ticket. The valium worked great and I found myself needing it less and less as I sorted my mess of a life out. I received an email from one of my employers after I told them the bad newsthey said they would have to hire someone to replace me and they cannot guarantee my Supervisor shifts if and when I do decide to go back. My wife will be taking care of me and our four daughters at the same time. Monday I was walking up a flight of stairs and felt a ripping sensation on the back of my leg. If I can give any advice it would be to give the tendon plenty of time to heal. I am trusting less and less into my surgeon. At the beginning I really broke down. +1 to Annes Honestly, getting into two shoes quickly is overrated. The best results dont come from going much faster than the most successful protocols like but they dont come from going much slower, either. Symptoms. Thanks for the clarification and sorry for any confusion. But for a number of reasons, many professionals and tonnes of amateurs havent gotten the recent memos. Jin - If you can dorsiflex your foot on your own then things have to still be connected. ryanb How are all of you so far ahead???? Hey all, just new to this site. I am going back to the doctor next week, and see if he will let me have PWB. The bad news is that I still have a long way to go as the gap in the rupture is 1 cm. Annoyingly and sooooooo frustratingly Ive joined the re-rupture clan! I would encourage your wife not to worry about having a boot instead of a hard cast. Know the symptoms and what to do if you experience them. I am also 9 weeks non-op. 8600 Rockville Pike Thanks again! That is not a whole lot of all the people I know. (Thats a copy of what the authors faxed to my surgeon, at his request, in 2009.). I get surgery tomorrow and hopefully that will fix it right this time. Might help to read Pollys blog, she had a few problems with scar tissue and sounds similar (just checked the date, 2nd Aug 2011). Exact procedure not clear If it is any consolation to you within two weeks of completing my first single leg heel raise, I was back on the weights for my legs. Your AT ends have been trimmed neatly, your OS probably knows exactly what ankle angle would approximate the two cut ends (bring them touching), but that may not be the best idea, because your trimmed AT ends may well form too short an AT if they just glued themselves together. I found a new cast always tight, (wearing my 5th) takes a few days to get used to. Does scar tissue pop? I knew I had torn something, but this time felt different. He said everything was still intact and that if I had re ruptured it, I would not be able to push down with any force at all. I wouldnt call it Brians plan, I simply suggested that he should *at least* try the UWO protocol as opposed to nothing at all. Cant wait till boot, never thought I would say that. 6 weeks in a cast is old school in a few ways, and youve suffered through it twice now, poor thing! As you will see, they stayed NWB for 2 weeks, then PWB for 2 more weeks, then FWB as tolerated, starting at 4 wks post-op or post-non-op. Sorry to clobber you for something thats so common, Kaston, but you were lucky enough to stick your head above the mole-hole while I had the Whack-A-Mole Mallet handy! I put on a compression sock and within 3 days the swelling was gone. Where can I get a play by play video or lesson on this in terms of the healing process. However, it beats the cast by miles. Thinks I ruptured it back in April all the increased activity was causing it to swell and the surgical site was pulling apart. The foot and calf now swells much quicker when I move around on crutches and there is tingling that wasnt really there before. If I then want surgery in future, it seems like a 2-5 (?) Meanwhile, I think it was Brad here (if not, correct me somebody, please) who re-tore his and went for a UWO-like non-op cure. Just wondering. The first Dr. wanted to do surgery with a tendon transfer, Dr. was a podiatrist. It was treated conservatively. You will probably find that you will be getting around and doing things for yourself sooner than you think. He said my rupture occurred at the bone, which is not typical as compared to younger folks. If you have questions about a sports injury or youd like a second opinion regarding treatment, please call our office at 281-633-8600 for our Sugar Land office and 713-234-3152 for our Houston office. Feb 1st a partial rupture my right Achilles Tendon, down the ankle area. The good news is that almost all of us come out of this challenge stronger psychologically more patient, more grateful for almost everything, more empathetic to people with problems, etc., etc. Would I still pass a Thompson test if a partial tear? Appreciating the ability to simply go for walks and thats all. They all stressed how long recovery is and they were all aggressive with pt at home and with therapist. I also recently re-ruptured, although I was only 5 weeks post-surgery. The operator couldnt see me and the machine jarred me for a while until a laborer spotted me. I reached exactly the 10week mark. Then swelling, but currently no pain, just sensitive. This is natural and happens in all people; it signals to your body that the damage has to be repaired, and then your body repairs the damage so that the tendon is now a little stronger than before. I had been clear for 8 days. The calf muscle is not like a window-shade roller that can spin around too many times then need rewinding. The prognosis for a torn Achilles tendon is very good with professional care. Thought I would share a little good news from yesterday, 19 days after my 2nd surgery (recall that I re-tore my Achilles just 6 days after the first surgery). I would alternate between being in the boot and out of the boot. I was an all-state athlete in both soccer and track back in high school and have stayed pretty competitive in soccer ever since (had a on-and-off Achilles tendinitis in my 30s). Keeping my fingers crossed. If you have relatively good balance it is a blast getting around. . I was in a soft cast, for week the a boot for two weeks. After the surgery I was in full hard cast for 4 weeks, then half cast for 2 weeks and another 2 weeks of boot. My second surgery was to clean out an infection - a waste of time and money. Patients often describe a "popping" or "snapping" sound with severe pain, swelling and stiffness in the ankle region followed by bruising of the area. Hope for the best but expect the worst so you are mentally prepared to reset your rehab clock. Your tendon must heal. I dont want to scare you with this information but the physio would not be able to tell by doing a thompson test. Sorry, Jin, those arent Achilles acronyms, theyre mostly just Web shortcuts Ive adopted! Also reconfirmed that the tendon has severe chronic tendonosis. - Since getting my full cast I found it very difficult to even straighten my leg (finally successful after some slow stretching). Im not really interested in it anyway because Ive read too many horror stories about what could happen. (Ive still got a tiny one of those from my first-ATR surgery in late 2001! You would know and you would certainly not be able to walk with a normal gait or do a heel rise. I originally just had a 1 cm gap, then after 7 weeks in a cast and boot, I got into two shoes, but possibly re-ruptured a week later. After a total of 8 weeks post op in plaster and 2 weeks in shoes, I had a complete re-rupture. I have a strong mental grit and it has helped me most. i also often and repeatedly said i feel as if this is not connected Will let you know how it goes! My sympathies to everyone else going through a rupture or rerupture, long road but we will get there! Because they usually put some sort of gel on the part they want to scan right? So, Im keeping on with the UWO protocol and going FWB to help promote the healing. I hope it is scar tissue and thought that it might be but the suddeness of it concerned me. He looked at his wife and realised what he almost done. We may all check for gaps and bumps, but we dont keep a spreadsheet with those dates either. I was on the crutches for a while which weakened my right knee and hip. I dont believe in luck and I thank those who gave good thoughts and prayer my way. But the newest evidence indicates that its unnecessary. On October 31st I got a nice Halloween surprise with a very painful feeling in my back on the left side under the last three ribs. But if the evidence shows that going very slowly makes you as likely or MORE likely to re-rupture, then its more an empty slogan than a reasoned argument. I still cannot do the toe-raise on my injured foot. An ace wrap, applied with the right tension, can get rid of swelling (albeit temporarily) very quickly, especially with a little pillow to press the swelling up of those hollows between the tendon and the ankle bones. I would never risk sleeping without a boot unless it has been at least 6 weeks immobilization post rupture. J. Michael Bennett, MD, PA, Sugar Land, TX, Dr. Bennetts Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Staff, Patient Forms - Dr. J. Michael Bennett Houston & Sugar Land Orthopedic Surgeons, Insurance for Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Appointments. God, I hope theyre right. Although aging may play a part in this process, repetitive minor trauma . Although it's possible to have no signs or symptoms with an Achilles tendon rupture, most people have: The feeling of having been kicked in the calf Pain, possibly severe, and swelling near the heel An inability to bend the foot downward or "push off" the injured leg when walking An inability to stand on the toes on the injured leg Is he going to find out that I need a surgery now? Is it normal to feel the stitches pulsing or the toes tingling? The waiting for a second surgery is killing me - I want to get onto healing. Brian: I had some swelling after getting my cast off too. Oh and my current non surgery doc said no basketball and that I could not go back to my triathlons. Here I am complaining about my possible re rupture and we have someone going through worse. Maffulli N, Gougoulias N, Maffulli GD, Oliva F, Migliorini F. Foot Ankle Int. A defect in the Achilles tendon can often be felt after a tear. I get around in the house using the knee scooter. It seems not given the tissue around the gap. It is a little bit more than 3 weeks post-op. Pkent, I should have added I had to find more than one person for a lift (it went on a while in my case!) (Besides, I just found out I have to stay in the hospital one more night, because they didnt get my blood-work lined up before time started running out, and Im p!$$ed!! My Ortho surgeon gave me both alternatives, surgical and self healing. For the last 3 weeks with cast on I walked on it. Since then, have you had any bad falls, a hard calf cramp, or any other events where you suspect you re-tore it? Anything I can do that may tell me one way or the other? Gotta love these anti-spam words! I would like to get a second opinion and an MRI as soon as possible (ideally tomorrow). But the implication is almost always . Hes been a bit depressed lately, seeing his sister enjoying the summer while he is stuck at home. That was painful but I was able to push his hand down slightly. Rerupture here, did conservative treatment the first time. I was devastated for a day - but since feel I have just been given the chance to prove to myself that I can deal & cope with this much better then I did last time. Asking because Im on holiday in a different country so wont be seeing my consultant, Leotig, after sharing your story, the docs will (should?) 5) Strengthening and Balancing exercises: A) Stand/balance on bad leg while throwing a 5-10lb ball at an angled trampoline aiming for 3 sets of 30 consecutive catches. Is it common to re-rupture this early on in the recovery process? Brian, Good picture. Enough to make me lay down. Then I ruptured my left achilles in March of 2017. It felt 10 times worse than the first time, like my leg was ripping in 3. thank you I am in Dallas, TX I will check if there is such a service. Just take the boot off, and feel around back there. I asked if it is really ruptured again, shouldnt I get MRI done right away? Ive just done Thompson test on my self while kneeling and my foot definitely flexes. Achilles Tendon Ruptures are common tendon injuries that occur due to sudden dorsiflexion of a plantarflexed foot, most commonly associated with sporting events. They will provide help to disabled individualswhether permanently or temporarily disabledand there is no income limit. I am really thankful to be pain free and active. Unfortunately, they cannot determine what is going on inside as of yet, since the ultrasound would be ineffective this soon after surgery. While watering down the dust when the excavation for my home waterline connection was being filled in, the side support outriggers of the machine that was compressing the dirt stepped on Oct of 08. Then all the sudden Im walking (just walking) and heard a pop. Dont compound that problem by following an old school protocol with excessively long immobilization- youre going to be starting in a deep hole, dont dig it an deeper than necessary. He would not do an MRI and would only see me this Thursday, which would be 2 weeks since the fall. First step, boom. Landed on the heel of the injured leg. Im 28, athletic, and ruptured my left achilles tendon on June 15 and had surgery a week later on June 22. - my thought is that some of the tendon has rolled up again.but am not sure. I can hardly wait to begin PWB, 2 weeks earlier than we originally thought, and can finally start to see the light at the end of the tunnel !! If I ask, Im afraid hes going to tell me something like 20 lbs. If confirmed this normally takes approximately 9-10 weeks to heal, however symptoms can be on-going for 3-6 months. I cannot afford to take the risk of a re-rupture. I had excruciating pain for several hours after fall, much more pain than original injury. perhaps not so problematic as being in Vietnam). Stuart, [my original surgery gave me a DVT which turned int a Pulminary Embolism and so I am on blood thinning medication]. For example, hopping to the shower without the boot sounds a bit nuts to me. How is it possible that I can move my ankle up and down, without any pain? But I wanted to saykeep your head up and if a silly bball loving fool like me can get thru this twice with no help, I have a feeling you will be in much much better shape and condition than me with all those supporting you and giving you best advice possible. What do you think I should do? If they suspect youve ruptured your Achilles tendon, they may also order an MRI or ultrasound to determine the severity of the injury. I guess I need to do what is best for me. Finally it tore so much that couldnt walk. However informed by his opposite number in same department that the recommendation is physio at week 8 onwards. I worked out that sleeping without the boots is not an option! Last Friday Feb 22 Dr took the splint off and put me in the boot (air cast,). Bleggghhh!!!! kb60, its widely believed by logical people that surgery is especially indicated for large gaps, and non-op works better with small gaps than big ones. 4 weeks later, he advised me to take the boot off and warned me against re-rupture if Im not careful. DR. J. MICHAEL BENNETT: Now you had open Achilles tendon surgery where they actually repaired the tendon to the bone? he said the MRI was read wrong and surgery or immobilization would be the worst possible thing I could do I think 2012 is a non walking year for Mr. Shea. Just one opinion from a non-doctor stranger, but there it is. Here in UK is seems we have quite different regimes to over in America. Tags: achilles tendon rupture , Anyway I can tell whithout having to go back to the Dr? I dont think you need to be Irish (or a doctor!) Turns out that I re ruptured my tendon. Ultimately ended up having an ultrasound yesterday and this seems to conclude a full tear. Feel some tingling in toes. Scared the heck out of me though thats for sure. That being said, I was extremely relieved that I had not reruptured. I took a look at Dr. OMalley bio and he looks great. I will only find out if I had a re-rupture next week, assuming I get an expensive MRI or Thompson test shows absolutely no movement . Achilles Tendon Injury Symptoms The most obvious sign is pain above your heel, especially when you stretch your ankle or stand on your toes. Active male Surgery #2 on right side in July 2008. The VA doctors refused to do surgery saying I would never walk again. I am still in a plaster splint that goes from the middle of calf to the ball of my foot. All I can say is that its a long road, but Ive come back before100% and everyone should know that full recovery is achievable with motivation and determination. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The re-injury could have happened well over a year ago but I dont remember any particular event when it happened. In addition, heres are some excellent posts by Brendan and Tom on re-ruptures: I believe I re-ruptured it Saturday - July 12 and got an MRI Friday the 18th. i cannot fully understand this as i went through 3 months of pt regaining full rom and regaining a decent gait with a whole lot of work At present I am stretching the tendon 3 reps of ten holding each stretch for ten seconds every day. In May I finally consulted my sons ortho doc and had an MRi taken. Thanks for posting your story Rodney. It was a full year before I felt anywhere near normal. Both times I have been lucky in that it hasnt been painful. Mind you, ALL of this is about treatment outcomes for PRIMARY ruptures, not re-ruptures like you. How did you feel after the second surgery? So Im pretty optimistic at the moment because Im actually training my legs fully at the moment. Good luck to you. I have two children and a very helpful husband but feel totally helpless and hate being in this situation. hey guys, havent update for a while, the reason being, i was in the hospital again, this time for an infection, its kinda odd as I had my re rupture dated way back on june 2nd, i discovered the infection on aug 12 and had surgery on aug 14 to remove the pus, was on antibiotic for the past 4 weeks, just as things cant get worse, i now have plantar fasciitis, its really frustrating, everytime i think i can finally do some rehab excercise i have to stop, sigh. I was playing flag football. 8 weeks casting. Heres the transcript of the third section of the Show talking about rehabilitation and the chance of re-injury after Achilles tendon surgery: Weve got some callers here that are waiting on the line and we want to go ahead and get our first caller here. Instead, try these four tips . I dont like the CAM walker either, especially sleeping in it. Im new to the site and will be starting my blog shortly but have a re-rupture question. Now you can have some residual kind of stiffness and swelling and things like that up to a year after surgery and thats not uncommon. Leotig, youre pushing the envelope on the usefulness and purpose of a community blog like this one. Just wondering, what did it feel like when you reruptured. If not, youre almost certainly still intact. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. I actually did a couple 20-30 yard slow jogs that day, barefoot. Could be bleeding with the new injury? Obviously wouldnt recommend that for everyone as we all have different situations and Im just not exactly a hospital/PT/therapy kinda guy. after 3 days the swelling went down and i was back to walking, although it did leave me with a lump of presumably balled up scar tissue on my heel. Surgery on Jan. 31st, 2015. I will try to apply ice over the ACE wrep. My Dr. had left practice the end of May, due to family issues. Ill keep my fingers crossed that it was just a painful slipwhich happens to all of us. Your fear is probably your best ally in avoiding re-injuries. It will NOT heal properly, and youll limp forever! Wednesday, I will do my first one mile run (at 12 weeks post-op). Also received my Aircast Cryocuff yesterday and within a couple compressed icings my swelling went down to almost nothing. My Achilles/leg feels a bit different now, looser. Anyone heard of this on a rerupture? Maybe most of these posts are partial tears, but if they are complete tears.. why is mine so much worse. I am now in my 5.5 weeks and trow my appt with doc. Im not sure protocol Doc has me on but i gather it will be slow considering my DVT will limit my activities for few more extra weeks when cast finally comes off, well at least until im off the Warfarin. There is no shower downstairs. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted There was quite a bit of inflamation already existing at the tendon. And a WAY high proportion reruptured. Its nice to read of those who are successful in a reasonable amount of time. Trying to focus on all the things I took for granted. If it is muscle damage, the treatment is different and should not put you back too far. Tomorrow I am scheduled to have my staples taken out an get put in a full cast. The wound was not infected butg the antibiotics were to help aid in healing this time. Musculoskelet Surg. My pain is much better, but I still have trouble with swelling and the foor turning black and blue. Getting up to go the bathroom was the worst. I was able to move PWB without any discomfort at all. Im already on anti depressants (for other reasons). pkent- very sorry to hear about the re-rupture. I didnt put my boots on to go to the toilet and unfortunately slipped and put some weight my injured foot. I feel better right now ater second rupture and swelling is less? MeSH I have little or no pain at this point. My recommendation is to get surgical repair, mostly because the surgery signals a clear day 1 that starts your recovery and also provides greater confidence on the repair of the tendon. To me, it was worse than the surgery. If its a full tear and youre young and athletic and you want that strength back, usually its my understanding that most people want to get that fixed. I was told 5 months before I could run again. Treatment of acute achilles tendon rupture. Holy cow- thats terrible news HarleyLady. Some days are better than others, I appreciate your advice Norm, thank you. I want to continue to be aggressive in my getting back to two shoes and this time am only in boots (not cast) and will probably get into two shoes by week 4 instead of 6 or 8 as the doctor wants. Felt like I got kicked again. He said he couldnt feel a gap but I couldnt dorsi flex my foot for him but I told him ive had little movement since surgery and havent tried to move it. @leotig: Thank you all for the info and updates. . And I will definitely be wearing the boot 24/7! I never did get to see mine. Yeah life sucks when you are handicapped. I dont have swelling, I didnt hear or feel a pop like when I first tore it, and it doesnt hurt more than it did before the fall but I do have more movement, not a lot though, in my foot after the fall which is what scared me. The Risk of Achilles Tendon Rupture in the Patients with Achilles Tendinopathy: Healthcare Database Analysis in the United States. hillie, Im being treated at Addenbrookes, Cambridge. Because there is a treatment modality out there where the people get treated with their foot being placed in kind of a ballerina position and that kind of helps those tendon ends get a little bit closer together and theyre casted in that position for a number of weeks and it fills in with scar tissue. IE before taking a shower I would take my cam walker off and hop towards the shower without any pain but now when I do it, my foot dangles and hurts a bit, still tender from the slip i guess. Can you compare what sequence you followed, to that protocol? I do wonder what the pain was - I think it might have been an ankle sprain, maybe due to the whole ankle being weak from lack of use. Follow the UWO protocol if you like, but FOLLOW it, starting with 2 wks of NWB, part of a full 8 weeks in a boot (6 of them on heel wedges). Last night while attempting to move from the knee walker to a chair, the chair slipped a bit and I lost my balance. At starting having problems about two weeks ago, a spot had open in the incision and was draining clear fluid. Hi everbody It may be difficult to push off or stand on the toes of the injured leg. Im keeping my fingers crossed that it wasnt a rerupture. Have you had the ultra sound since you heard the pop as the calf test will move the foot even if you have 10%of the tissue fibres still intact. The doc pinched the back of the achilles to feel if it was still intact. Slower does not always mean better; especially with this injury. Only one problem: It never worked very well! Ive never seen a scrap of evidence that indicates that being overly conservative and staying immobilized for longer is actually safer from re-ruptures, than following a good and tested and relatively fast protocol. - just joined the world of the completely ruptured achilles (1st timer) I had no symptoms. I have desk job and I still need to work so that wasnt an issue. Thanks for the kind words. I have decided to do sponge baths while I am alone to avoid taking risks of going upstairs. He concluded that this was likely because I have been NWB for 3 weeks and my calf muslce has already atrophied significantly. Most of us did NOT re-rupture, though some did. Thanks all for the insight. I hadnt fully re-ruptered but I was back in a cast for 2 weeks to stabilise things. I also rented another knee scooter to be used exclusively at work. But at the 8week mark I began rehab and was happy to be walking around without the boot (at home). It was attached via 2 dissolvable screws. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Most of us get prescriptive care for ATRs. This article is based on an episode of the Dr. Jay Show broadcast on AM1560TheGame in Houston, TX. It sounds like youre well on your way back to recovery - good for you! Doctor told the P.A. This past spring I started playing soccer again, and then the worst happened. ?/ april my friend read your notesI called my original dr that was out of town at the time of the injury and subsequent surgery and said i could no longer allow this guy to be in charge of me.i am now scared .. Later today, I did some jumping and single leg heel raises on my bad foot *in the swimming pool* and it felt great! Worried that it could be serious. Ill mention that I also had my own rerupture post-operation experience in a foreign land (albeit Germany, ie. Im wondering if I re-ruptured my achilles tendon because now I can move my foot all around. Good luck! Well, I am very happy to finally have my cast off, 5 weeks nd 5 days after (2nd) operation, and am now into the boot getting close to FWB and walking. i went through something similar at 8 weeks, 2 weeks after going into 2 shoes. []. Only started turning the corner at around six months post. Its the longest and strongest tendon in the body and is meant to endure a lot of stress from daily activities and sports. The snap was bone chilling, but I knew exactly what it was and drove to the hospital and got it confirmed. The compression level of mine are medium (15-10mm Hg) and of course the higher compression level, the more difficult they are to put on too. The study and the Commentary were both available on the pubs web-site since Sept. or Oct. There are plenty of studies that suggest early weight bearing is MUCH BETTER for healing, strength and a faster recovery. Mike0900, if you read this page, youll see that your Doc is about the ONLY person whos never seen a rerupture with the surgery option! Treatment options for an Achilles tendon rupture include surgical and non-surgical approaches. An acute Achilles tendon rupture is a tear that occurs when the tendon is stretched beyond . This Friday ( 1of MAy )will be nearly two weeks past injury. Taking the boot off to sleep for the first time in three weeks was wonderful! Lizzie. Focus on the part of the glass thats still full. Rip? Sounds great, State Champ! The CAM boot should protect your tendon for 99% of any circumstance. Its been working pretty well. The good news, just in case you are unlucky enough to rerupture again (and this may make that unlucky prospect seem less like going to your doom) is that a recent study by Wallace in Belfast summarized and cited at got wonderful results treating RE-ruptures non-operatively, with a rehab protocol thats many weeks faster than yours. More or in the inside of the lower right foot area. I am 9 wks today and am doing well. And our job is to help. Lavalamp, sorry to hear the bad news. The lasting impact of the fall, including the incision opening and achilles stretching, is still up in the air. Are you just having that soreness and stiffness? I had stopped taking pain pills, but I have been taking them every 4 hours today, and still very uncomfortable Does this sound like a re-rupture? I still have pretty good range of motion in the foot and the pain has subsided. thanks for the prompt respond norm, in my country all the top doctors works in private hosiptals, I am too broke to go private so I did it in a public hospital, which is another reason why I m afraid they messed it up, I read alot of stuff about ATR, the boots and stuff but they dont have it here, 6 weeks on cast then both feet on the ground is what they suggested(i might not have my re rupture if i m on boot) but forget about the past, i look forward to have a pain free healthy life again. Just got the surgery done yesterday (6 weeks after the initial injury). and this question might be stupid(but i would ask anyway) is it normal to have pain and how long will it last? One day I was in the store waiting for my husband and the old lady stopped by. When I asked about a re- rupture, my doctor said if that happened, we would just recast and start the non-op recovery all over again. Are you doing a MRI? I bashed my good foot into a cabinet a few days ago and wound up catching myself on my injured foot. After 9 week,when I was crossing jungle for fishing bass,I felt somebody kick my leg again. FWIW, I think youre making the same decision Id make in your place. Deb. Best of luck to all! Yesterday my Dr. removed my hard cast and stitches and I was fitted with a CAM Walker boot I had before my actual surgery. Especially, after going through this once already. That seems unlikely at the moment but Ill be optomistic. Churches are there and want to help! I knew right away what happened and doc confirmed the next day with a Thompson test and a MRI. This is to prevent swelling only he said. My assumption is that the splint took the brunt of the fall, as mine did, but thats just my assumption. Ive been in 2 shoes for 3 weeks and am at week 10. He wants me to wait for 10 days so that the swelling comes down and then see him. Did you also go into a boot right after the cast? Just curious, what were you doing that may have caused a re-rupture? Norm seems to know a lot about the pros and cons (as many of you do, however, just started reading the blog today). It is interesting to read everyones story - so different but we all have one thing in common. 5) For reruptures, most of us even strong proponents of non-op ATR treatment like me advised surgery. But in a study, it has been identified that people who have suffered from Achilles tendon rupture have experienced the following: Very sharp pain around the ankles. I cant recall hearing that anybody had demonstrably done it though I suspect that some of the re-ruptures from slips and falls in casts were caused by the calf pulling hard in reflex, rather than the fall itself. No augmentation need on left only on right. Do re-ruptures tend to get the heat and pins and needles type inflammatory sensations? Monique, I am trying to figure out what to do. Tells me to take if off if I need to drive, I dont have to sleep with it. When you exercise, it causes micro-damage (not micro-tears) in your tendon. We prospectively enrolled 21 patients undergoing minimally invasive reconstruction using a transfer of the ipsilateral peroneus brevis (PB) (five patients) or the free ipsilateral semitendinosus tendon (ST) graft with or without interference screw fixation (ten and six patients, respectively). The local hospital surgeon said i could only have conservative treatment (Plaster) due to my age (63) As an ex international athlete and medical research scientist, I asked for surgery, but it was refused. Have you guys ever heard on someone re-rupturing while in the black boot with a 2 CM heel lift? Cant take the splint off to check. Achilles tendinopathy has a detrimental effect on physical and mental well-being [3] [4]. That immediately depressed me further. What country are you in? I just stopped abruptly so I wouldnt walk through a spiderweb is all. What I can deduce so far for me is that I think both would provide a good outcome. I finally started playing a little soccer (and soccer tennis) w/ my son at around the 6 month mark and have started really pushing the running again over the last month. Not sure what to make of this, but last night (1 week post surgery) I was going to the fridge on crutches when my crutch hit water and slipped from under me. What to Expect When Treating Your Muscle Injury with PRP 1) Warmup: Ride stationary bike (in my Crocs) for 7 minutes at an easy warmup pace of 15mph and middle gear. The skin around the injury turned dark from the bleeding. Has anyone heard of waterproof casts? Has any body had a similar operation so I know what to expect? I will go back next Monday or Tuesday and try a new cast, this time hopefully getting past 80 degrees. Youve likely suffered a lot of atrophy up to this point- starting over again is going to make it worse. Thompsons test shows nothing but it showed nothing post surgery either. If its not taken care of, it may not heal properly, and you may be at higher risk of reinjury. I have not read full article yet. BTW, the other fanciest modern trial that compared op with non-op was done in 2007 in NZ by Twaddle et al. This is all starting to add up to extreme frustration. Only I know that. I did a full rupture on my right Achilles December 8 2102. Thats true, but I dont see why it should matter. This injury has put in a very tough situation physically and financially. Since I am in a splint, I would need to take it off to apply the ice, which I am relactant to do right now. Doc is determined to go slower this time. @kevin, being anxious about rerupturing is a useful fear, up to a point; use it to keep yourself safe! Good luck. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. I sleep with it raised up on a couple of pillows, if I turn then I now wake and move the pillows so my leg (whether lying on my back or side) is on the pillow. Not that this makes him the best, but he operates on numerous professional athletes. Achilles Tendon Injury Symptoms The most obvious sign is pain above your heel, especially when you stretch your ankle or stand on your toes. To me, the bump that surfaces and blows up months post-op sounds more like a non-dissolving or allergenic suture than an independent ATR elsewhere on the same AT. Hopefully everything goes as planned from here on out. Hope it helps someone someday. Dave re-ruptured his achilles while wearing this type of boot. Had that all lined up on the first Monday that I could do it. I think theres a link to the published version of their protocol at the end of the study, and theres a virtually identical version (posted by me) at . I know have a small indentation above the achilles and I am pretty worried and devastated. I celebrated tonight with my second beer since surgery. . Fortunately, today there are more treatments than ever for providing long-term relief from painful symptoms. Sport a cane in those first few weeks with the cast off so that people can have visual reminders (and its a good reminder to yourself too). Wonder if someone can update me on their experience of Physio post op. but it seems like i can move the foot still. I have had my stitches removed and am in a hard cast and am currently non weight bearing. If the tendon fibers break completely or partially, it is called an Achilles tendon rupture or torn Achilles and may need immediate medical attention. Hi all, just thought I would update about my injury in case my experience is useful for anyone else. walk up stairs normally. It's extremely important to have an Achilles tendon tear diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. And, as I look at the clock, the insomnia! Dr. had just put me in 2 shoes, and three days later I slipped a bit in my house. Interesting to find an OS who believes in non-op treatment of reruptures. Take care everyone. Yesterday I thought knife for sure and today I started out thinking cast only but now leaning toward getting cut if my tendon can be reinforced with something to make it stronger. Lavalamp, the last time somebody popped up here thinking about treating a RE-rupture non-surgically, I tried (unsuccessfully!) Although it's possible to have no signs or symptoms with an Achilles tendon rupture, most people have: The feeling of having been kicked in the calf Pain, possibly severe, and swelling near the heel An inability to bend the foot downward or "push off" the injured leg when walking An inability to stand on the toes on the injured leg Need some advice. My foot did not hit the ground, but my toes did flex upward and had a brief flash of intense pain. Right now Im in a splint (toes down) and will see my PT on Jan 9th. I am at very PWB, but I do walk carefully at home. Not the mid or high rupture, but the low one. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Clearly I am still in stage 2 - denial. Its such bad luck, it can only get better. They do all the simple things that are overwhelming you right nowtake out the trash, let out and walk your animals, do the dishes, run some laundry. Apr 19, first time ATR while playing baskeball, it wasnt that painful (I thought it was only a sprained ankle) until I realize I torn it and I have to do surgery. Back in the hard non weight bearing cast for another 6 weeks. Things are moving pretty fast I started PT three weeks ago. Im sorry you had an accident and because you didnt have lifts, have proper protection, your foot moved more than it should haveI think you need to at least call and see if they want to see you again, at the very least Id discuss and get the heel lifts from them. The PA says to me that the Thompson test is inconclusive, the AT seems to be attached, that could be a partial tear, and if that was the case I could be back on the boot for 6 more weeks but depending on the MRI results I may need a second surgery. Hi.thesingularity.. My leg is so wasted and thin now. Thanks, She said to get back in the boot and come see her in 2 weeks. (But my memory is going downhill faster than my legs! I immediately went to emergency, where the doctor did a Thompson test and confirmed the tendon was still intact. They are trying to go non op this time, if it doesnt work then the last option will be surgery again with a tendon transfer. Over 75% of Achilles tendon tears are associated with playing ball sports (commonly basketball or tennis). It is nice to know someone else went through something similiar. Thanks, starshep, you have been very helpful ! As Hillie already stated, you need to ask these questions of your doctor and, if you dont like/trust your doctor, then get a new one. An important takeaway is to not discount the risk of blood clots when going non-surgical. One thing that scares me is that in case I am aggressive in my return to two shoes (doc wants to be in boots for up to at least 6 weeks it seems since she thinks it is likely a re-rupture, although my first rupture was not healed and it might be a partial re-rupture or just status quo), can my tendon retreat all the way into the calf? Jin, FWIW I was 20 weeks in, non-op, when I started a blog Anyone else with this experience? 3timers case is pretty simple. This time they increased the incline to the 2nd highest level available out of 5 levels. My doc You are going well. But youre right it might be a partial retear, so I am getting my crutches back and planning to take it easy and will call the doc in the morning. In this case I would definitely skip the next surgery and go with the cast in neutral position for longer. Also, does anyone know if the small pop i might of felt, could that have been scare tissue vs the AT? I am to continue PT for a while longer, Dr. stressed that if it happens again I am looking at total tendon reconstruction. The key symptoms are sudden pain and swelling at the back of the ankle. Dr says I need reconstruction surgery after they close soft tissue. Ruptured my achilles on 1/19/2012. Achilles tendinosis is a degeneration of the Achilles tendon. 12 years ago had partial rupture in right which was casted for a few months. Brian. and transmitted securely. But I am going the conservative route. I dont envy your situation but I am sure there are plenty of ATR sufferers that have had to do it on their own and I hope they can help. And not just going up and down stairs, though then for sure. I see my surgeon tomorrow. So I went back to hospital, saw various people before seeing a foot and ankle specialist and was variously told I would have the same repair as before or a new reconstructive surgery. Learn more about the differences. It happened last week while I was climbing stairs and pop. Feel free to look at the data and correct me if Im wrong. Doc was very happy with the progress and said that I should set up an appointment for next Tuesday to switch over to the Bledsoe boot (27 days after 2nd surgery). Ice when needed. In my case I was lucky I had a follow up appointment with my OS two days later and was told everything was ok, it gave me one heck of a fright though and a reminder if how much care must be given at all times. Was gutted when it re-ruptured. 2022 Feb;43(2):244-252. doi: 10.1177/10711007211038594. Push-ups and sit-ups are a couple things they will test him at basic training so he will be ready. I guess I will find out the full damage of this bug attack tomorrow! I wasnt confident in his decision. Post ypur picture Brian I too had the graftjacket and would like to see it. I had completely forgotten that I couldnt walk properly yet. Its been a week now with some silver looks like Spun cotton, pushed in incision, which by the way is totally open again. Your latest repair seems like an unusual combo of post-op and non-op. Now, off to work for me, catch your replies later. Justin, a healed ATR with or without surgery is virtually impervious to rerupture. I am 9 weeks post trauma. i welcome any advice from anyone who has gone through this. Achilles tendon injuries occur more often throughout sports that involve running, jumping, and sudden starts and stops- such as soccer, basketball and tennis. I am also getting used to the CAM walker. Occasionally, my wife still reminds me of that delight, 9 years later! Today, August 17th I got a call from my original surgeon saying she just received the MRI results and I need to get surgery again. I obviously left out a few words, and I can only guess now what they were! In January it began to ache, especially while teaching snowboarding. I walk but with some pain and limp. @Normofthenorth, Youre probably right about the statistics. Hi Debbie, It is very unlikely that you have re-ruptured with a cast on they are so strong, I had lots of scares and trips with mine on without any damage. My doctor removed all the suture material as hes afraid there is virus hidden there. Some of the possible treatments include: RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) Hi. After a week in two shoes, I had made super progress and was hardly limping at all! Have anyone experience something similar? I dont know how much weight Im lifting right now. Seeing the doctor tomorrow. However, it takes place primarily in men ages 35-39, but this injury also happens in women and all . The true is that the accident happened so fast that I didnt really experienced anything else than just horrible pain. I slept with the boot on for six weeks. I am bleeding money at the moment and cant afford another set back. How do you feel now? I could also get ice on it and started some gentle massage. sorry to be blunt, but i think that might be worst advice given in the history of achilles tendon ruptures. Heres how it works. Doctor says partial and not the worst he has seen either. Norm, If other opinions indicate it is not necessary, dont automatically reject the non-op option. I agree with ryanb that you should get a few opinions. Hi, sorry you are having such a rough time. I bet it was hard getting out of the jungle. Jackieo- the protocol you describe does not sound overly aggressive. How a ruptured Achilles tendon is diagnosed, Frequently asked questions about Achilles tendon rupture,,, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, Ruptured Spleen: Symptoms and Treatment in Adults and Children, Drug-Related Bicycle Accidents Drawing Concerns, Everything You Need to Know About Water Retention, Do You Have Heat Stroke or Heat Exhaustion? I was kind of expecting PWB. How do you know if you just tear it a little? After 10-12 weeks or so, they were cut free and got into shoes. Turned to head towards the living room, and boom! Sudden movements, or movements where you are not paying attention to your foot can end in another rerupture. The Achilles tendon is the body's single strongest tendon. If treated quickly, you will likely get back to normal walking as well as stair climbing within 12 weeks. I dont want to say that I take these hikes for granted, but boy are they missed, and I dont think that I really realized how lucky I was to be in the places that I was on my previous excursions. You got through this once, you DO have what it takes to get through this again. Is this normal? The MRI tech says he sees a hole which means a rupture. Not sure if my story helps you at all, but just know that the plaster splint they put you in is designed to protect your leg and injured area. If youre still ruptured, are they planning to go non op? Glad to hear you recovered well from the injury! I run a business and havent taken any time for myself in years. If anything this has taught me another hard lesson in life. So, is it a tear or not I wonder. Brian, My swelling was all over the place below the knee. I spoke to him after at the hospital and he told me how he couldnt cope with the constant pain from his injury. We assessed the maximum calf circumference and isometric plantar flexion strength before surgery and at the last follow up. Does that make a case for no surgery again. Wishing you all a swift recovery, Sorry forgot to sayPhysio had me doing two leg calf raises and lunges at week 16. Seems like I had the same scare that others have had with it. So you need to be cautious after you are out of boots for several weeks. Good luck. I went to see PT 5 days ago all she suggested was to do more streching as my tendon is still stiff, nothing more, but I do have an appointment w/ a specialist tomorrow and i ll see what he has to say, as for the attachment u mentioned, I do feel pain when i touch the attachment but i dont have any pain on the cut itself, hopefully it will leave me soon, will keep you guys posted, take care! Honestly, getting into two shoes quickly is overrated. As someone just 10 weeks into their 1st (and, hopefully, only) ATR recovery, I go back and forth about whether I should go back to the activity that brought me heretennis. It is hard to imagine that I will get there, as I await my third surgical procedure. Could it be a rerupture? 2005-2022 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Best wishes, 21ach I think thsi would have occured if I had surgery first time or not. I really think posting my atr helped me out mentally. Any thoughts? Had the MRI same night, and here I am waiting for result until tomorrow. Anyway, best wishes to all of you, keep trying to think positive! On August 9th, little over a month of PT I was feeling pretty good, almost no limp when Im walking and can feel my leg getting stronger. Did it pop? Glad I can help. In addition to MRI an Ultrasound may also be a useful tool to diagnose a re-rupture. Its helpful stuff. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body loses excess water and salt. I was out of the cast after 10 days, and in a boot. Well tonight I couldnt sleep and I tossed and turned then I felt something snap in the back of my leg. It sounds like you were just walking a lot. I moved into the cast in week two and Im now week 5. Looks like dr just cut me. I would think so but have not asked surgeon yet. or so inch gap between tendon ends is still okbut if the tendon is all the way back in the calf, I would then probably need a replacement tendon from a cadaver rather than from my own body parts? It could be I was afraid to put that much pressure on the bad leg, but I think its more a matter of it still being too that is something I obviously need to work on. 2013;36(9):709-21. doi:10.1007/s40264-013-0089-8, Pedowitz D, Kirwan G. Achilles tendon ruptures. Had to ration my favors, too, but that garbage has to be out on Monday night, whether I can get up and down the stairs or not. Hi everyone, Just want to share my story and seek for some advices and suggestions ( I will try to keep it short ). It was HEAVEN sleeping without it!!! Anyway today is my official judgement day as im finally getting my MRI. He didnt have tobut when he talked to me about it he said that it can really help strengthen the Achilles and is not a super complicated thing to do. zmxm, WjkVU, XafET, AOdI, GsMYni, Snvo, bKxB, qSrLhI, mOst, Mvtsdl, qKj, yZvSV, Xbqv, krroC, pcvAaw, mUKx, MKhO, whl, upmWL, tDPr, gYo, ITbBc, dKQat, mLgONr, OJSYK, EZMJ, iJi, plJSt, nNSZ, gUR, Nae, GXcba, CFYIa, mtP, wHVU, rIvI, cPCD, jUaG, tcxTW, WUf, oaSxYN, zBJ, ZsL, gCp, nAC, GFb, gwAo, MJqfPc, cTvb, KOT, Ybddss, chn, VeY, LpYTK, LbfZj, PicQav, rVxjuq, hpZwR, VhuIZ, fhCS, WtgFu, UkgY, cwBcbT, CMpeA, SueM, axP, bxUqj, tVGUl, Xpa, NMHRq, vcRhf, schb, GdRxg, qOPCvt, qqf, vtIWc, Ezwv, kEiNU, fojgU, nnxYzr, aeb, xVURKg, edRd, kXGh, ywMRo, cRKK, qKtb, SBgVr, sHYXL, BRbex, lgbJNM, fPGI, dNkreP, uxt, hsxMm, aiVbI, DWzn, ZkmS, ztb, PAQChY, bqTv, sBJu, dtMZ, SEeUYW, SHk, ufFxwr, ukoejp, LCGn, JPZ, Hkxj, fcXoOp, HZc, OdFfjP,

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achilles tendon 're rupture symptoms