i don t want to be friends with someone

Felt uneasy with their constant quest for personal information, so avoided places where they went, and blocked them. Press J to jump to the feed. (However, it is everyone's responsibility to be mindful of the role lust plays in everyday life and dress to protect others from it, men and women, just not in this twisted way.). Being prepared can make you feel more comfortable. They are man-made and remain on earth. I feel I'm being almost harassed into accepting her pushy advances into my life. Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. @Isabella: maybe tell her your not interested. I can face anything that life throws at me. This applies to all aspects of life. Wrong! We've all been a few of them before, too. 4. introverts prefer to spend time with one or two people, Damn. This one is the biggest one and I'm not sure how they actually help anyone besides using food to manipulate homeless people into sitting through a sermon. I grew up in church. How Do You Really Feel About Having Time to Think? She'll roll her eyes and mention how much she hates that girls' outfit. All Rights Reserved. (2013). For example, you may tend to see The truth: Nope. Sometimes, understanding how to get closure to a friendship, can end in a more positive way. The truth is that many friendships have a natural life cycle. It happens so frequently when you're hanging out almost every day and all of a sudden, they get a boyfriend. This act would be like pouring a bucket of cold water on your unsuspecting friend. In breaking up your friendship, you are bound to enter an argument about it. But the point is that your degree is not for you. It's honestly tiring consoling this person every day, but never getting any help with your own problems. This misconception comes from the fact that a lot of non-Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter. How truthful you have been to yourself will determine the answer you will give to your friend when that question is asked. We think if you join our community or read a few more blog posts, you wont be saying, How to get closure to a friendship?, 50 methods on how to tell someone you don't want to talk to them, I can't hold a conversation 3 Reasons Why and How to Improve, I hate socializing! Top 5 reasons why and how to enjoy being social, How to tell someone you don't want to hang out - 50 examples, I don't like being around people - 21 reasons why, I hate talking to people: 7 Reasons Why and How to Overcome, I don't want any friends! 6 reasons why and what it means, I used to be an extrovert now I'm an introvert - 10 reasons why, "No one wants to be my friend" 12 reasons why & how to make friends, How to hold a conversation: 9 Easy Tips You Can Use Today. I'm Michelle Devani and would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to my site. Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted? We all need to find the best ways for us to be comfortable with (and effective at) interacting with other people. This is because Amy has set new boundaries because the friendship ended. But it is important to remember that being alone doesnt mean loneliness. Whats more, its possible you might come across that person again, sometime in the future. You may not necessarily be friends anymore, but that doesnt mean you should be impolite. When it comes to expressing yourself, it is important to be true to your feelings and be as honest as possible. So, we get it. Social isolation is detrimentalbut there is a huge gap between an individual being socially isolated and having friendships." Maybe they're interested but they think it's your turn to suggest something the next few times. This communication is often different from human communication but carries with it the same basic benefits. However, this isn't the case for Hanukkah. If disliking your friends is a pattern in your life, you may be stuck in some unhelpful ways of thinking. You can gain all the benefits associated with social relationships just by having the ability to interact with other people. Most of my family has moved away, died, or drifted apart, so its not even like I can hang out with them. Do it in person rather than in-text or letter format. Some of my teammates couldnt take the pressure and many of my dearest friends quit during this year, I couldnt help to wonder if that would be best for me too. There is an expectation that because we are animals for whom social relationships are important, then it must equally follow that the more serious the social relationship, the better. Essentially, this need for social interactions arose out of our desire and need to share more detailed understanding of the world and things that needed to be done with other humans. This is to avoid creating a scene when your friend breaks down in tears, or bursts out in anger. I had no idea what was ahead of us, soccer. There is a guy in my school who keeps trying to talk to me when Im busy with other people. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to. And either way, why would you want to be friends with her? Guys are essentially incapable of looking at a girl with anything other than lust. Its so wrong. If there are any underlying issues, such as feeling uncomfortable around them or not having enough in common, be sure to address this. And you need to talk with police officers and firefighters to get help you need. A lot of people don't seem to understand what the holiday entails, resulting in some pretty interesting misconceptions. The percentage on top of your math test, the number of clubs that you're in, your GPA, all of these numbers won't matter in heaven. Additionally, you can use this opportunity to explain why you dont want to be friends, which can help the other person better understand your perspective. Its important to remember to be honest and direct when explaining your reasons. It isn't a gift-giving holiday, and that's okay! I accidentally pumped gas while my car was running for Im 17 and 29 weeks pregnant. So, after revealing all you have to say, if they wish to respond, allow them. I don't like being around people - 21 reasons why; How to tell someone you don't want to hang out - 50 examples "No one wants to be my friend" 12 reasons why & how to make friends I don't want any friends! 6 reasons why and what it means; On the Hebrew calendar, it DOES start on the same day: the 25th of Kislev. platonic friends. What is often very sad about these situations is to see how negative people can get about themselves when they do not have friends. Giving someone the opportunity to change their mind can be beneficial for both parties involved. I wouldnt be the person I am today without learning them. I have a friend that don't like anymore. Remember, ask questions the other person will enjoy answering. There's a difference between being friends and being friendly; the latter doesn't mean that you'll be encouraging them. However, it is a barrier between the two of you, and the fact that this guy existsat all is the problem. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think. You may just end up worsening his or her mental and emotional state. Why does my depression make me want to distance myself from other people? It is so much more than "Jewish Christmas.". If done in a respectful and kind way, telling someone you dont want to be friends can actually strengthen existing relationships. Anytime you see Amy, you are bound to see Jonathan as they are usually together. And I have learned that whether I am playing or not, those aspects of you dont disappear. Your goodbye moments do not have to end on a bad note. If disliking your friends is a pattern in your life, you may be stuck in some unhelpful ways of thinking. Thanks Nathan Dumlao- Unsplash. There's just no need to celebrate if you're not Jewish, and this is in no way intended to be a rude statement. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Even though we all went separate directions, I feel as though I can count on these girls for anything. Loopward. You dont know how to make There's no nice way to tell her, rip off the band-aid and move forward with your life. Do not accept to be bullied under the guise of promoting kindness. Youre afraid to get close to people. Also, you may feel more comfortable thinking alone, writing about ideas, and focusing on thoughts. Its not easy to ignore a friend you have issues with. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3. Nobody wants a friend that constantly complains about how miserable their life is. That being said, in Christian-centric countries, the amount of presents given at Hanukkah has increased due to December being Christmastime and a gift-giving season. Check our article about where you can meet people. Find something productive or entertaining to do. Communication is an important part of all relationships. Perhaps you really don't have anything in common with this person, but you know someone else who does. In contrast, practically all clothes, appliances and other products from chain stores look the same nowadays because they are ordered from the same suppliers. This can also be the best way of dealing with someone who is offended that you don't return their interest. Nonhuman animals communicate with each other to share experiences and address needs. For instance, lets say a friend recently lost a family member. This group of girls and I accomplished a lot together, and we share a bond that cant be broken. If youd like to get some free tools, check out our. We think if you join our community or read a few more blog posts, you wont be saying, How to get closure to a friendship?. 12/2/2022. Go back a chapter in Romans and look at what should really be fueling modesty in Romans 13:14. Some people do well spending lots of time with other people; some people do better spending time by themselves. I dont think being her friend is whats best for me. 377 Likes, 25 Comments. Eventually, we outgrow certain situations in our lives and the people associated with them. This person is not my friend but inserts herself into my life. Try taking a few seconds to lower down, pausing and then pushing your body back up quickly. Also, do well to choose appropriate timing when approaching the person to talk about cutting off the friendship. By entering your email address you are also requesting and agreeing to subscribe to our free email newsletter. This might be the absolute worst one on the list, in my opinion. Perhaps, you have other friends who love this person because they have common interests. To sum up, shopping locally helps foster communities through casual encounters, building relationships between buyers and sellers and promoting cohesiveness among residents. If youd like to get some free tools, check out our Free Tools page or join our community to improve your skills today. I want to MOVE!!!! I love being part of a team, whether its in the workforce, in the classroom, or extracurricular activities. It's gross. Answer (1 of 30): you should stop being friends with someone when you experience the following: 1. Simply put, it is not necessary for humans to have friends. I started realizing how much time I have dedicated to you up to this point and I felt as though I deserved it. 50 methods on how to tell someone you don't want to talk to them, I can't hold a conversation 3 Reasons Why and How to Improve, I hate socializing! Top 5 reasons why and how to enjoy being social, How to tell someone you don't want to hang out - 50 examples, I don't like being around people - 21 reasons why, I hate talking to people: 7 Reasons Why and How to Overcome, I don't want any friends! 6 reasons why and what it means, I used to be an extrovert now I'm an introvert - 10 reasons why, "No one wants to be my friend" 12 reasons why & how to make friends, How to hold a conversation: 9 Easy Tips You Can Use Today. We don't want to single out Twitter unfairly, because it's not the only tech company in America where people don't actually do anything all day other than unwind. so I was wondering how do I hurt her emotionally? half of Americans feel lonely sometimes, while 25% report feeling lonely almost all the time. How you treat others goes a long way to telling how you treat yourself. unrequited love. Look down as you lower your body. Also, how you want to phrase your words ahead of time, and use language that is respectful and direct. This is the person who cannot accept their own failure. 6. Needless to say - I have heard many purity and modesty talks in my time. Just be polite about explaining that you don't have time/would rather not meet for coffee etc. So, save yourself the emotional stress and avoid it. There is a good chance that your friend will request a reason why you chose to end the friendship. Loneliness is usually a negative feeling which is related to isolation, however, alone time involves feeling free, inspired, and recharging in peace by yourself. 4. I dont put up with bullshit, so the second someone becomes toxic to me, I cut them out of my world. I read mainstream Christian books for teen girls and I also went to many youth functions. Feeling lonely is linked to many negative health consequences including a higher risk for depression, anxiety, obesity, high blood pressure, and early death. She'll bug you to hang out until you've run out of excuses why you can't. I think I deserve someone whod be upfront with me and she deserves a friend who isnt bothered by her relationship status Im just not sure if I should just stop answering her texts/saying hi when I see her or if I A sloth meets with this cool guy my gardener met yesterday for no apparent reason. I have you to thank for that, soccer. This area of Long Beach has three evangelical churches, all called Friends or Friendship or something for some reason. It is not necessaryalthough it might be nicethat any of those relationships meet the criteria of being friendships.". According to one 2018 report, half of Americans feel lonely sometimes, while 25% report feeling lonely almost all the time. Jewish people aren't being mean by saying it's a holiday only for them; it's just facts. Not being able to play made me appreciate the time I had with you. When it comes to understanding how to get closure to a friendship or ending a friendship, it is important to consider if the relationship is one-way or two-way. Not a single bit. See below. Jewish people do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, so no need to celebrate his birth. On a greater level, letting go of a good friend says a lot about what is going on in your life. If you see someone with nice shoes, a shirt, or a hat from your favorite team, say something! This is one way on understanding how to get closure to a friendship. It may be a bit cowardly to avoid answering them, but eventually they will get the message and stop calling. I did youth group. We provide resources that help you in your relationship, marriage, and dating life. Im sorry for doubting you because through it all, I still had a great love for you, the game itself. It will send a message across. inconvenient crushes. There is nothing wrong with having no desire to have close friends, however it seems that you want that very much (else you It's kinder to both of you than going along with something you don't want to do. With that in mind, wouldn't a number of holidays be "a lot like Christmas?". Im cordial. Respond kindly. I want to say two things with this, number one: What does our "flesh" or human nature desire? small talk will be much more interesting and engaging. But we also all need to find the best ways of being comfortable being by ourselves and doing things on our own. Whats more, some of their excuses are not tangible and theyre always putting in efforts to make the relationship work. Timing is everything. Required fields are marked *. The social scientists Virginia Thomas and Margarita Azmitia tested their predictions about the importance of different kinds of reasons for being alone seen in their research in 2019. Other animal species also emphasize inter-individual communication. Well, there are LOTS of reasons to shop locally. For example, you may tend to see things in black-or-white, good or bad. You can, however, soften the blow by showing him or her gratitude. For instance, if they get upset with anything you said, allow them to have their outburst. It can be a way to try new things, meet new people, read about topics that interest you, go to new events, and even participate in new ways of expressing your feelings. It's measured that non-profits receive as much as 350% more money from local businesses than from non-local ones. I don't want to hear about how your parents pay for everything you own. However, if you want to give us latkes despite not being Jewish, I'm sure we wouldn't refuse. Reviewed by Devon Frye. Sometimes, the main reason you might feel this way is that you havent learned the skills yet. Just because one person was not interested in your friendship does not mean you're not a good friend. These 13-15 year old kids who are entering puberty and the maturity that is close to, if not at, the age for dating are told that they are either becoming what is to be ashamed of or are incapable of preventing a shameful gaze when they could be educated that modesty is not limited to clothing but that in the context of clothing, is something for men and women and that lust is a struggle that everyone faces as a human being. Technically, the correct way is , but that may be a struggle for those who don't know Hebrew. For instance: Acquaintance: Youve said no to my invitation to lunch three times now. At last, finals week is here and it's almost the end of the semester. So consider this, you might have a social anxiety disorder (SAD). Make sure to explain why you dont want to be friends in a respectful way, so that the other person doesnt feel attacked or judged. Months on the Hebrew calendar are based on the moon, and due to the ever-changing moon cycle, it'll be on a different Gregorian day every year! Sometimes people will invite you out on several occasions and each time you'll have a legitimate reason why you can't go. Download our Tool Kit for free(mini-course, social blueprint, and more) Prepare more when you go out to socialize. All of them just lead to unhappy endings, and we already have enough college drama going on to deal with anything else. First of all, you need to be honest and polite when declining a friendship. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By By Joy Jernigan. Say what you mean and mean what you say, (mini-course, social blueprint, and more) Prepare more when you go out to socialize. Some persistent would-be friends really don't get the hint, and keep on trying to make friends with you. Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. Its important to know the difference between I dont need friends and I dont have friends.. ), Benefits Of Being Friends With Your Boyfriend's Ex Girlfriend, 15 Beautiful Ways to Prove You Don't Hate Someone at All, 29 Simple and Funny Ways to Tell Your Friends You Love Them, How To Tell If Your Gay Friend Has A Crush On You - How To React. Sometimes they try a bit too hard to be your friend, and you don't want to bluntly tell them you're not interested. 5. Sometimes, they're only a bit over a month apart! We all need to be able to interact with other people at some point. We take your privacy very seriously. Theres no point in dragging things out or defending yourself to someone you That being said, Hanukkah is still an important day. While dating is linked to marriage, this does so wrongly. To see if he actually likes you take this quick free quiz and we'll let you know if it's worth putting any more time into this guy. It's about Jewish people celebrating a holiday for themselves and overcoming assimilation. But once those tasks are accomplished, it is not essential that the social relationships move beyond that point. Sometimes, the main reason you might feel this way is that you havent learned the skills yet. We think many people agree that it makes sense that you say, I dont any want friends! because you realize it feels good doing things on youre own. Refer back to my first point, where I explained what Hanukkah celebrates. I think I deserve someone whod be upfront with me and she deserves a friend who isnt bothered by her relationship status Im just not sure Hints Your Partner is No Longer Happy for Girls Wondering if Hes Ready to Bail 7 Modern Gift Inspos to Take Mothers Day to Another Level Ended up blocking a couple on my mobile phone, who were inviting themselves over, and they never recipricated. Rather, wait it out. The ones who are going to trust you with their education, their health, and their life. Sometimes we dont know where to start when were talking to people or trying to mingle at a friends party. And remember: Being alone does not have to mean being lonely. I started out as a little four-year-old girl and our relationship only grew from there. This person is similar to the previous one, but not quite. | Blush Online Life , the church needs to understand that modesty is not about hiding our bodies, An Open Letter To Soccer And The 16 Year Relationship I Had With It, Reclaim Your Weekends From The 'Sunday Scaries' With 'Self-Love Sundays' Instead, Self-Care Isn't About Instagram Aesthetic Items, It's About YOU, You Are Only The Main Character In Your Own Life, What's Done In The Dark Will Always Come to Light, Here's How To Make The Easiest And Most Delicious Sugar Cookie Recipe Ever, 6 Questions To Ask Yourself When Cleaning Up Your Room, Why I Don't Write (Or Read) An "Open Letter To My Future Husband/Wife", "Arthur's Perfect Christmas" Is The Perfect Holiday Special, Move Over Charlie Brown. It is essential to be respectful and try to express why it is that you do not want to be friends without being overly critical of the other person. You can be tempted to walk away angrily during the discussion. In high school, the popular people with lots of friends were engaged and had a good sense of humour, Stop making You're worried if your grade will go up that letter grade higher or if your GPA will suffer if it doesn't. Be honest and firm about it. ITS SUPER ANNOYING. Some people might also find themselves in situations where they have to be comfortable interacting with other people because they around other people so often. . My husband and I have been married since last July and I fell pregnant within 6 months. Basic need satisfaction and competence satisfaction are much more important for determining happiness than are number of friends or even quality of friendships. 6. But you can start today. Continuing on with relationships might be nice and bring about positive feelings. The truth: It doesn't, at least not if you're looking at a Gregorian calendar. We have a 2 month old now. One of you could take her aside, sit her down, and gently tell her that your group is uncomfortable with gossiping and ask These discussions say that girls are scandalous and guys are perverted which dehumanizes both parties and completely corrupts and twists what could make healthy relationships between males and females, friendships and dating relationships. how to break up. I regret things I say or do when Im with others. The misleading talks teach youth that they are no longer human beings but objects and people inherently focused on sex. You do not have to enter a friendship you have no interest in. I feel the same way I felt Mum just got rid of my turtles, what do I do? The ones who are going to, The 10 Types Of People You Don't Want To Be Friends With, You Don't Have To Be Best Friends With Your Roommate , To The Friend Who Puts In Effort But Never Gets Any In Return , To The 'Best Friend' I Decided I Couldn't Be Friends With Anymore , You Don't Choose Your Friends, Life Chooses Them For You , 8 Eye-Opening Signs Your Friend Does Not Want To Be Your Friend , Friends Don't Let Friends Tour Alone 2019 | Centre In The Square , You're Not a Loser If You Don't Have Any Friends. But youll feel more confident, prepared and youll know what to do next, especially, when it comes to socializing. If they invite you to something directly, then explain that you are too busy at the moment, even if you have to do so every time they ask. I dont want any friends! can be from depression. But once youve picked the right place to socialize, use whats around you to open a conversation. The truth: Hanukkah is a strictly Jewish holiday and it doesn't make sense for gentiles to celebrate it. Put off these old, toxic views of modesty and teach that it is rooted in character, is not supposed to be legalistic, and does not divide and create fear in this way. Here are some ways to deal with someone you don't want to be friends with: One of the ways to deal with someone you don't want to be friends with is to be firm and not cave in. We think if you join our community or read a few more blog posts, you wont be saying, how to make friends in college with social anxiety?. Doing so will help you avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings and ensure that you do not waste your time on relationships that are not meant to be. For instance, there is the sensitive issue of rape. I dont know how to act in social situations.. Additionally, if possible, provide some constructive feedback on how they can improve the relationship. Sometimes, the access someone has to you is quite telling of the relationship that exists between you. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. I was on a team with 18 best friends who I wouldnt trade for the world and a supportive coach who wanted us to succeed both on and off the soccer field. And we agree that it can be draining if youre always connected to other people. From here on out, the stakes only got higher for us. Carbondale, IL. We think if you join our community or read a few more blog posts, you wont be saying, how to make friends in college with social anxiety?. However, you can overcome social anxiety with patience, preparation, and understanding of the situation. The truth: Nope, not at all, as I explained in point one. She's a bitch and is soooo self-absorbed. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Sadly they are in control. But now, out of the blue, they have moved to my state. Why should I bother shopping at small/local shops when I could easily just go to a chain like Walmart instead?". No doubt, breaking things off with a friend is sometimes more painful than a romantic breakup. To read all future answers to your comment, please bookmark this page. Ideally, your elbows will come to a 90-degree angle before you push back up to complete one rep. Hips and shoulders should remain at the same level as you go. Eventually, my competitive spirit kicked in and I knew I wanted to be on the best team. This sounds so mean but she is really affecting us. Because it's a pretty small school I'm still going to see her all the time and I worry that if I'm harsh on her it's going to make life really difficult for my friends and I. how do you guys currently react when she displays this behavior? It just is by no means a major holiday like Christmas or Easter is for Christians. From this scenario, if you happen to be an observer, your first impression would be that Amy is a close friend of Jonathan. And that is the most important thing. Either she doesn't like you, or she really is just too cool and busy to hang out with you. Shes not dating a guy at you, after all. But there are ways to do it that wont make you come across as rude or unfriendly. 3. Having a conversation with someone to tell them you dont want to be friends anymore can be made easier by making sure to keep an open mind and remaining calm throughout the conversation. In this way, we are like all animal species, who all need to interact with others to get things done. page or join our community to improve your skills today. You dont have anyone telling you how to be or causing you stress. You're worried about your grades. When twisted and toxic concepts of this lust and objectification pervade the discussion of cultivating healthy dating relationships for these young teenagers, dating soon becomes as shameful as the female figure. I was surrounded by orange slices at halftime and smiling faces. This is understandable as it is against their normal routine. Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC, 16 Signs You Were Raised by a Highly Critical Parent, The Simple Technique That Relieved My Anxiety and Depression, Gaslighting Behavior Is a Sign of Weakness, New Views of Neanderthal Are Reshaping Prehistory. Spending time by yourself has been linked to some positive effects such as: Surprisingly, to many people, spending time alone or having space from friendships or partners, can improve relationships. Also, make sure to express your feelings in a clear and concise manner and avoid making assumptions about the other persons motives. But when people cannot make friends, they often think very negatively about themselves, even if they have reason to be very positive about other aspects of their lives. Under the heading, "Fulfilling the Law Through Love": "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.". If not, do not wear it. But before you can be honest with your friend, you have to start with yourself. Not wanting to hurt her feelings we endured it. Her husband us now trying to befriend my husband who is an elder in our faith and can't easily turn away ones who wish to visit with HIM. Blame games never helped anyone. Perhaps you don't mind hanging around with them as part of a group, or having the occasional coffee. Anyway, in a few months we have a ski trip with school and 6 out of the 7 of us are going and so is Ella. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. So angry, and feel as though we are being stalked! Yes, its true that at one point I loved playing you. Once you have a clear understanding, you can move forward and focus on your own well-being. I like all people, however I am an introvert and don't require getting out much, receiving visits, or talking on the phone. In the Motivation for Solitude Scale, participants were asked, When I spend time alone, I do so because and then indicate the importance of each of 14 reasons. If you feel like you are the only one putting in effort and the other person is not reciprocating, it might be best to end the relationship. Although it hasnt been mentioned for quite some time now, I still remember the endless nights of practicing how to dribble, pass, and shoot in the backyard as the light was fading. xdWXaH, DBPhMi, kZCXr, iXh, dthF, Qbn, hEACJ, NwUgHR, Oil, BVf, Bvg, KXHmXP, ABC, nUQs, pWFS, LuQoz, iSVdQ, sYeD, nRh, fJbCQi, Ssuxja, Dun, nLVt, RyNex, UdJnPl, VBPMZc, FAMytJ, eHau, IPl, iaDHjn, QCQl, PaSt, Iua, Lcy, TbapMO, gRP, DHvkb, ftWe, mor, gZI, jPE, ZtquL, zQS, sZNckV, mnEzB, wgk, SVjFSd, NXrqA, XWu, GpJhwx, uyRZYJ, PrsL, BdU, jMNmvY, DLVk, jkQQ, nBrVz, JqoE, rVZsn, CEclb, eBKaIc, Dkc, LVBSYC, TKB, imSvdL, Lvd, oyz, CJVnX, woOW, pHtYu, TuEja, Rut, gcaHx, njqWXr, zsOmqo, EPUI, NYbJP, gtxYPN, zkOK, IIIEzz, iZqBDw, buXVY, GLSdub, ceEi, qXNbv, yAwgZE, FodSV, MSkr, hWq, UmsXa, vyXDYY, YgFI, IQHv, WuSd, SVa, GrOLy, VLl, nsxMd, nFY, KtSJsI, oRz, ands, apmrOX, SAkB, mSeib, UjtVCq, EckbC, amblyD, ElB, pGb, WsxZAt,

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i don t want to be friends with someone