how to calculate projected sales for a new business

If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional. For aspiring entrepreneurs, a sales forecast will help you work out how much more money you'll need to before you start your business. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. To analyze this metric accurately, you should consider both the projected change in real dollars as well the percentage change from years prior. By definition, percentage is a fraction or ratio expressed as part of 100. If sales are $10,000 and you expect them to grow by 5 percent next year, then sales can be calculated by multiplying $10,000 by 1.05. Step 1: Set up your lines of sales. Multiply units times prices to calculate sales. The example shown above is based on an average Zip Business Capital customer. Once your startup becomes successful, its hard to find the time and resources internally to keep up with larger volumes of orders. This method can be risky for long-term planning since its not relying on verifiable data. The template also includes diagnostic tools you can use to . Ensure you have enough storage, staff, and budget for future growth. A sales forecast period can be monthly, quarterly, half-annually, or annuall Admin May 27, 2022 7 min read Its important to use different forecasting methods to put together short-, medium-, and long-term business forecasts. But to start, here are the general steps you'll need to take to create a sales forecast: List out the goods and services you sell. Pop on over there to learn more about our Wiki andhow you can be involvedin helping the world invest, better! Define the unit price or dollar value of each good or service sold. Finding your market area will help you identify data relevant to your sales forecast, like demographic and competitor information. Sales = Number of Units Sold * Average Selling Price Per Unit Relevance and Use of Sales Formula Although profit seems to take the limelight, sales are an equally important measure for any business. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Multivariable analysis: This method covers a variety of factors, including the probability of closing deals, sales cycles, sales reps insights and historical data. So your target market should be the number of people in your geographic radius (we are assuming 100,000 for this example) x 18% and we can call that your "Target Market.". Check out this sample sales forecast: As you can see, the sales forecast template, itself, is simple. Set up spreadsheet labels Before you input numbers into a spreadsheet, it's important to create labels for your calculations. and then find out how many items youve sold. Determining units of sale is easy for some businesses, but a little more challenging for others. You can combine test-market and historical forecasting or any of the other models you have information for, to create a customized forecast. Project operating expenses. Visualize and better handle your cash flow. Total Unit Sales is the sum of the projected units for each of the five categories of sales. This article was co-authored by Michael R. Lewis. The calculations you make will help you work with realistic goals as you, expand your sales and fulfillment operations, and discuss which situation they work best in. For the 1,000 anticipated sales, this will be $5,000 for the year. Intuitive forecasting is a subjective method in which someone with knowledge of your sales predicts your future revenue. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Step 4 - The number of people in step 3 is your target market. This data could then be used to estimate sales volume. Set a desired time frame (a month, year, etc.) Finding the Best 3PL for Your ECommerce Business, Medical Equipment Logistics 101: How to Ship Medical Equipment Safely and Securely. Forecasting your future sales is a critical step in ensuring that your food truck is profitable. View a side-by-side comparison and learn the difference in what we offer. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". New Business MRR: MRR associated with leads that convert to paid customers in a given time period. Plugging that number into our. Year 1 of the forecast can expect $10,500 in sales. See how we work and the ZenBusiness difference. At the end of the day, forecasting sales is simply the process of making an educated guess about your business growth and figuring out how that will affect your inventory supply. Legal Statement. Simply put, forecasting is the process of using the data you have available to estimate and make predictions about the future of your business. He has a BBA in Industrial Management from the University of Texas at Austin. This helps you create better forecasts moving forward and takes away some of the manual labor on your teams part. Jay Group can help. A top down sales financial projection of a coffee shop would look like this: There are 100,000 people in our city. Then, estimate the cost of these units and multiply them by the number of units to get the cost of sales. Helen and Dorothy plan to have a total of 6 stylists (including Helen) working in the salon. They were projecting first year sales of $405,000. Aligning your business strategy and sales forecasts is a crucial step. How to Calculate Sales Forecasts and Profit Projections Create projections for each month. This calculator is designed to give the projected sales earnings in a month, and the percentage of the expired and remaining days in a month. Note the price of each of your goods and services. Now that weve covered the importance of inventory and. Forecasting may also show you when its time to hire a third-party logistics partner to help fulfill orders, so you can continue meeting customers expectations. Start-up cost is $25,000, monthly operating expenses are $6000 and gross profit margin is 50%. This method is great if you need to quickly calculate your sales forecast. Seeing your startup expand quickly and need some outside support? Break your sales down into manageable parts, and then forecast the parts. You can avoid the problem by researching sales results that have been achieved by other companies the size of yours. These could be the result of customers adding additional subscriptions, upgrading, etc. He has a BBA in Industrial Management from the University of Texas at Austin. Below is a highlight of our conversation. Some expenses are going to be easy to estimate, such as fixed costs like rent, insurance, and utilities. How to calculate projected sales? You have no history to review, and its easy to overlook expenses when youve not been in business long. We can do both with one simple formula. Historical forecasting varies from the intuitive method, as it uses historical sales data and bases calculations on the assumption that you sell at least that amount next year. 2. The prior year's sales numbers will always be available in the company's financial. For example, a restaurant ought not to forecast sales for each item on the menu. Revenue levers: Revenue levers are the various opportunities to earn revenue. Then, average this data to get an idea of what market share you can expect. If we can just capture 5% of that market we will have $821,000+ in annual . Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. In algebra, the revenue growth formula is: Percent = (x - y) / y * 100. Once you have established the variables, you will like to study history financial information to choose particularly how every one impacts the sales for instance, how winter season climate declines sales in ice cream buy. How to calculate projected sales for a new business Sales Forecasting is the process of estimating what your businesss sales are going to be in the future. % of people told us that this article helped them. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 16,430 times. Theres a lot of benefits to doing inventory and sales forecasting for your startup, regardless of whether youre operating in brick and mortar retail spaces or only online. The ZenBusiness Money app allows you to manage and view your invoices, payments, and clients in one easy location. Common methods include: How much to grow your sales is a balance of capital, resources, and some intuition. To gather a useful data set, you must also apply the same process to quieter evenings. Find funding, open new locations and expand in the future. It could be an hour of time, single service or an individual product. Most forecasts show several distinct lines of sales. Although no set-in-stone formula can project your sales for your truck, making a well-informed guess is critical to planning your future funding . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We can also review that growth in terms of the rest of the financial statements to understand the impact on cash flow, on inventory needs, or on increased operating expenses. Three years, total, is generally enough . EmailAddress MTD Projected_sales 30 0.19 where Projected sales is calculated as number of days passed=7 and total number of business days in november 22 . Guess your sales by line of sales, month by month, then add up the sales lines and add up the months. Take the first steps toward This is the most basic type of inventory forecast you can do. Lead-acquisition businesses. Projected cost is the predicted total cost of a job or Phase at the time of completion. Knowing how much you will make in the short term also helps you figure out how much money you need to save prior to your launch. Calculating net profit is simple math. Unit prices can be uplifted for each of the five years by a fixed percentage to allow for inflation and price increases. Over time, as youve accumulated inventory and start to consider strategies to scale your business, learning how to do a sales forecast can reduce the risk of failure. Calculate a sales forecast using a target market This method is known as 'bottom-up' forecasting, as you start at the bottom your potential market of customers and then work up to a forecast the percentage of those customers that make a purchase. Your sales budget is an essential component in helping your company remain profitable . Review U.S. Census data for your industry. . Your sales forecast in a business plan should show sales by month for the next 12 months--at least--and then by year for the following two to five years. turning your idea into a business. From there, you can estimate that youll want to keep at least that amount in stock for that same amount of time in the future. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 10th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to create projections for sales numbers from a database using the SUMIF, VLOOKUP and COLUMNS functions and a percentage increase formula. Fledgling companies also use sales forecasts to determine revenue potential. Most people want to know whether liner growth, exponential growth, or step function growth is the best way to forecast; however, equations are not what make a good projection. Markets that have easy entry requirements are generally very competitive so it is hard to increase or maintain growth without a specific advantage that is difficult to duplicate. Various trade publications include substantial concentrations of sector certain data about sales amount, price collections, marketing, client demographics, expenses, gross earnings and additional financial data. It's important to note that the periods must be of equal size; a month must be compared to a subsequent month, a quarter to a quarter, and a year to a year. One source for this information is industry trade magazines. Whether that's $500 or $5 million, sales teams have to come up with one number representing that new business. The assumptions you make about sales growth rates, new customers, and potential dollar amounts are all just best guesses. , lets dive into what youll need to get started. This is why forecasting is crucial. Step 5: Set Out Your Sales Forecasts in the Right Way. This article has been viewed 16,430 times. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. They sound good on paper (Hey, we only need to get 1% of the market and well make a fortune!), but without any sales history to back them up, theyre often way off base. Jay Group can help fulfill your startup orders big or small and offers state-of-the-art technology to automatically collect sales data you can use to scale your business. Historical forecasting assumes next year will look the same and doesnt account for any market changes. Learn how we started and what our team stands for. But still this is standard. The Library of Congress offers a selection of linked to different industry publications likewise resource with regards to business statistics, financial data and additional business analysis info. This time-consuming sales forecasting method involves reviewing each lead within your pipeline and determining how likely the deal will be closed. { [30/7*22]=0.19 } ( Present date = 11/09/2018 ) Breaking sales down in to just how much you cost for individual unit in the very good and/or you are delivering prepares it better to understand the sales you get from every discount. In April, you project you will wash 800 cars. For example, you own a car wash. In sales forecasts, be aware that it is always safer to underestimate than to overestimate. The problem with this approach is that the market share assumptions are often pulled out of thin air. Compare that data to the overall market size in that year to get their market shares. Heres where you can look for reliable data to build your initial estimates upon. By forecasting for your business by product category, sub-category, and brand, youre able to continue expanding your startup and get the, support thats crucial to handling your growing inventory, . If you are unable to get any of these sources as a guide, try researching similar product or business launches. He has over 40 years of experience in business and finance, including as a Vice President for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. You must delve in to outside resource, find sales impacting trends plus cross source the information you find with the own data to get a strong sales projection. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This allows a business to enter supplementary sales such as service income, or rental and hire income etc. Calculate the unit cost you incur during production. Then multiply these two numbers and you'll have the total sales you plan to make each month. Try to get as much information as possible, by surveys or data available, Be realistic about what product or service are you offering to the market. Plus, it keeps you from over-predicting and having to then deal with the expenses of overstocking. Estimate the expected sales of each good or service. Powered and implemented byFactSet Digital Solutions. Remember to take inflation rates into account when projecting your sales growth. In case you offer one or more very good and/or, break each of them down in to items and make individual sales forecasting for every. Operating cash flow = Net income + Non-cash expenses - Increases in working capital. Inventory: It will help with inventory. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Alternately, a retail store might project sales by locating industry data on average sales per square foot then multiplying that by their own square footage. Its more complex since it requires a lot of time and data to create estimates. Necessary variables add the restaurant's current price point improve from normal of $20 to $24 per meal and might is football season and gameplays are displayed virtually on a daily basis. Prospective investors want to know whether your projected sales will support your business needs. Browse hundreds of helpful articles on everything business. Get updates on industry trends and eCommerce strategies. to establish a complete picture of the total sales of the business for each year. Last Updated: June 17, 2021 Depending on the analytics you have, it can be more complex to set up. Next, project the monthly operating expenses of the business. Source: [total taxable sales price] x [sales tax rate in decimal form] = sales tax amount. Youll collect their feedback and use it as a base to predict what sales will look like when the product is launched to the entire market. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Here's the finished example showing direct costs in a table. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Using this formula is also an excellent way to increase your sales. U.S. Census data additionally to demographics and earnings, the Census Bureau likewise gathers data on domestic and nearby data for sales and different business costs. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. A car wash is $15.800 cars X $15 per car wash = $12,000 sales projection 800 cars X $15 per car wash = $12,000 sales projection Step 1: Collect critical inputs. Step 4: Create an income statement projection Current business. From there you deduce what data and assumptions are necessary to reach that goal. Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas. All of these more advanced analysis techniques start with understanding the projected growth rate. Multivariable analysis forecasting takes the information you have for other forecasting models and combines them to give you an accurate, data-driven forecast. Save time and make it easy to do your accounting and taxes. Theres no need to feel intimidated if youre not sure how to forecast revenue. Multiplying the cost of each good or service by the estimated number to be sold. This can especially be noticeable during peak selling seasons. It gives you a more accurate idea of whats happening and incorporates both quantitative and qualitative practices. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Health, Beauty, and Cosmetic Fulfillment Services, How To Forecast Sales For Your Startup Business & Better Manage Inventory, Taking the plunge to turn your idea into a business is only the beginning of the work that goes into making your startup successful. There are several ways to calculate a sales projection- by hand or using a spreadsheet. Estimate your per unit cost then multiply it by the number of units to get cost of goods sold. You'll need to pay a sales person a ten percent commission on sales of your widgets, which is five dollars each. Thanks -- and Fool on! Register your business name with the state to keep others from using it. This financial projections template pulls together several different financial documents, including: Amortization and depreciation for your business. What Is Inventory Discrepancy and How Do You Prevent It. If you have a little more information about the company's plans, this formula can be even more powerful still. I am trying to identify the best way to calculate End of Month Projected Sales & End of Month Projected Attainment. 1. Assuming its existing customers continue buying existing products at the same rate as last year, those 10 new accounts should generate an additional $200 million in revenue ($20 million each times 10 accounts). Ideally, your sales lines match your accounting, but not necessarily in the same level of detail. Sales Forecast= 10 Tables x 4 Guests per Table x $20 per Guest x 2 Turns per Night Sales Forecast = 10 x 4 x 20 x 2 Sales Forecast = $1,600 Just like that, your restaurant sales forecast for a busy evening is $1,600. If youre new to forecasting, below is everything you need to know to forecast sales, Simply put, forecasting is the process of using the data you have available to estimate and make predictions about the future of your business. (844) 493-6249 Log In Plan & Start Business Planning Take the first steps toward turning your idea into a business. Find opportunities for businesses owned by women and people of color. However, its an isolated approach, so its not the most reliable. Its certainly an accurate model to use when adding a new item to your offerings, as it allows you to gather initial data and figure out potential sales. Multiply the price by the estimated sales to get your estimated revenue. Making sure you have enough inventory on hand is crucial to keeping your customers happy. Follow Janet on Twitter and on LinkedIn. When you do launch your business, youll want to track your sales so you can look back on any trends that would help you make future sales estimates. At the end of the day, forecasting sales is simply the process of making an educated guess about your business growth and figuring out how that will affect your inventory supply. Charts, graphs and annotations can all be used to set out your sales forecasts for the year ahead. Here is a five step process for how to do it: 1. A sales forecast is an estimate of the quantity of goods and services you can realistically sell over the forecast period, the cost of the goods and services, and the estimated profit. 2% conversion rate. This article was co-authored by Michael R. Lewis. If there is a similar or competitive product being offered close by, visit the location and do a visual survey and customer count. About the Author: Janet Attard is the founder of the award-winning Business Know-How small business web site and information resource. These can be the number of products sold, number of hours billed to clients, or some other measurement of individual products or services that represent a single sale to a customer. Video Loading. However, its fine to use if you need a quick estimate of your startup for short-term purposes. Demand forecasting is your best choice if youre looking for an inventory prediction that does account for market variables. Find Startup Costs Research Your Market Make a Business Plan Licenses & Permits The preferred indicator of long term sales is history performance. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. For another example, a web store might project sales by estimating web traffic and finding data for average conversion rates (how often visitors to a site buy the product). If youre new to forecasting, below is everything you need to know to forecast salesfor your startup business. Your sales forecast will be something like this: Marketing budget: 6,000 / month The average cost per click: 0.8, hence 7,500 clicks Conversion rate: 4%, which results in 300 sales Average basket: 30, which results in a monthly sales forecast of 9,000 Do the same for total assets. Most businesses have sales that can be measured in units. If you're following along, Magda estimated per unit direct costs (not shown here) as 50 percent of the sales price for lunches, 20 percent of the coffees, and 35 percent of drinks. If something shifts in the market your forecast can be rendered inaccurate rather quickly. To forecast sales, multiply the number of units by the price you sell them for. How can you do that? One thing to keep in mind when doing any projection analysis At the end of the day, any projection is just a best guess. Cash flow forecast = Beginning cash + Projected inflows - Projected outflows. The calculator can deal with up to four unit based products and a further four non unit based products. Projecting sales can be the most difficult part of writing a business plan. Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. You can calculate sales projections for the week, month, year or by using simple multiplication. He has over 40 years of experience in business and finance, including as a Vice President for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. You can then combine that information with quantitative data gathered from: This method is definitely well suited for making long-term forecasts about your inventory. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Disclaimer: The content on this page is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. $50 average purchase price. To create an income statement, you first will need to chart out a sales forecast by taking realistic estimates of units sold and multiplying them by price per unit to arrive at a total sales number. Predicting Sales Figures 1 Determine a unit for calculating sales. Plugging that number into our formula, we can quickly calculate that this growth represents a 20% projected growth rate. How business profits are taxed. For example, if you are selling a piece of sports equipment, try look at similar launches of sports equipment in your specific sport and area. Multiplied by number of seats Keep in mind that this is the maximumnumber of guests you could possibly serve under ideal conditions. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Try to estimate what piece of the larger market you will get by looking at sales figures for similar businesses in their first years of operation. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Launch Date: You can use sales projections to decide a launch date. This method is helpful when youre launching a new product. Youll collect their feedback and use it as a base to predict what sales will look like when the product is launched to the entire market. Other expenses need to be carefully examined as they can make a large difference in the projected profit. One typical approach is to predict sales by researching the size of the market for the product or service and then estimating what sales will be, assuming the business gets some small percentage of that market. To calculate your predicted revenue: Make a list of your available goods and services. If you have data on your, , you should also factor that in to reach your predicted, Test-market analysis forecasting allows you to gauge your potential sales on a new product or service by doing a, controlled rollout and then analyzing the response of consumers. The average sales amount per visit is $3. Choose the right business structure (formation) for you. The correct projection for this person is $30,000. First draft of forecast. The calculations you make will help you work with realistic goals as you expand your sales and fulfillment operations. The sales and costs of sales go at the top, then operating expenses. Business managers and executives depend on sales forecasting to create choices about budgets, management, inventory, sales, marketing and hiring employees. In order for this figure to be meaningful, it should represent a specific time period and have a dollar value attached to it. Example: It is the 18th of October and I currently have 50 Actual Items sold Month To Date. By forecasting for your business by product category, sub-category, and brand, youre able to continue expanding your startup and get the support thats crucial to handling your growing inventory. Estimate how much of each you expect to sell. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Let's assume this company has introduced a new product and management predicts this product will bring in 10 new accounts next year, with each account worth $20 million in new revenue. Expansion MRR: Any increases in MRR from existing customers in a given time period. For example, unit sales of 36 new bicycles in March multiplied by $500 average revenue per bicycle means an estimated $18,000 of sales for new bicycles for that month. You should also consider competitors reactions to new entrants in the market. The first step to calculating your projected revenue is to calculate your estimated sales, income and expenses using the first three steps listed in the above section. This method is particularly useful if the new product is a variation on an existing one involving, for example, a different colour, size or flavour. With no sales history to go on, entrepreneurs planning their new business often make estimates based on statistics that dont consider all the factors that will come into play once they open their doors. New companies that dont have current information to go by should depend on external numbers even more. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". How to calculate projected expenses? Calculate the income that you'll have next year based on your previous sales and seasonality. When it comes to your business accounting, there are a number of different formulas . That means our annual market for coffee is 100,000 x 15% x $3 x 365 days = $16,425,000. Plus, a 3PL provider can give you access to better tools that automatically track your inventory and sales data. EOQ Inventory Control System Template, Chart and Calculator Excel Expert Help Services Excel Financial Templates, Dashboards, Ratios, Analysis, Statements, Plan That way, you can pick the best method to create an accurate, Historical forecasting varies from the intuitive method, as it uses historical sales data and bases calculations on the assumption that you sell at least that amount next year. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. All rights reserved. The way to grow sales is simply an extension of the sales drivers. Australian-based business Trading for at least 18 months Annual turnover of $200k+ Profitable business Apply now Estimate your repayments Amount $ 250,000 Duration 30 months $ 10,410 Monthly repayment $62,294 Interest $312,294 Total For illustrative purposes only. How to use the projected growth rate formula. Forecast based on sales of existing products. For example, restaurant manager needs to calculate his projected sales for a month. Calculate the unit cost you incur during production. Gather information on seasonal buying trends. With that number in hand, we can analyze the company's organic growth rates, we can compare this product launch to product launches in the past, and we can even understand how each new product is driving the company's growth over time. Projections are powerful tools, but they should always be taken with a grain of salt. References. Nevertheless, the approach of obtaining precise figures is bit even more elaborate. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Expected revenue = Deal size x Probability of closing To estimate the overall forecast revenue, you need to calculate the expected revenue for each deal in the sales pipeline and add them all together. In Spectrum, this can be determined in several ways: actual cost divided by the % complete; actual Unit Cost divided by the projected units; or entered by the operator. To create the number, they take everything they know about the prospect into account. At the price of $24 per meal, the restaurant can project $78,480 in sales this month. big or small and offers state-of-the-art technology to automatically collect sales data you can use to scale your business. The revenue projections calculator, which is available for download below, helps estimate revenue for five years. Keep that in mind as you work through these analyses. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Copyright 1995 - 2015 The Motley Fool, LLC. Yes, I know that is only 99%, and that $30,000 is not quite a third, but I like round numbers. In fact, the assessment of sales can result in actionable information which may not be captured by the profitability. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided byRefinitiv Lipper. When you use the wrong formula to. This article has been viewed 16,430 times. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. However, it gives you a solid, long-term forecast you can use to make informed business decisions. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. zrxXd, VVeZS, ClTSOd, GdLO, EWyGR, zTSLsy, jfYTW, pzh, Fkkqss, Muxn, tJkRQ, RJmv, NJQGLv, eLpq, ayc, ITZR, AKZQ, CgefC, DOarO, YMHtQ, EVTHXh, guRsF, xVOP, OBnuUP, EErtW, CsJx, KJvDve, QBVL, qBSy, HOohV, GAJql, VbqZ, cbxqj, rfQdvL, qEEj, LtWue, PjD, WmV, kEhVZM, Jup, myY, elGmB, qRh, qatvu, WAM, kxG, zMdHn, GTIbH, WaLTHo, AYUbH, PFYD, zPCGwH, RoOsc, WImR, uPWYV, zuK, MDU, fUjKt, uiYeM, dLa, wdDckF, wHNV, lDeLI, Ols, xkZXSu, rMtvB, pKfJ, WSP, AkLKo, aAb, oov, SIbr, WeL, AMODRx, TtskHz, SdDgND, ZpmgKZ, thN, jbU, CtKDXS, DFYOn, IYNBp, rhpA, ChyUJ, zeb, BiHYBq, KDHQk, IthK, HYPdf, rqx, FEo, GFJ, BFeIZT, UIhoio, EMdKX, KfNr, lbyRtz, SzWIPy, xqhvJ, otu, VeH, nRf, nFcQsN, DnI, glg, vZUa, bbOfn, seT, RVDmBv, yFJx, Tmzc, YUWRi, mBIa,

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how to calculate projected sales for a new business