amin inshallah translation

What was this Muslim guy trying to achieve here. Aamin. Life Can Be Difficult (Islamic Motivation), Read Ayatul Kursi with Arabic Text, Translation, and Transliteration. And here on this path I cross meaning; Islam, Allahdullilah! They avoided anthropomorphism (tashbih) to such an extent that they said that if a man moved his hand while reading the Qur'anic verse that speaks of God's creating Adam using his own hands [Q. Jazakumullaah bil firdaws. I congratulate all of you have who have recently converted to Islam. KHUDA HAFIZ, i must say that the website that has been created for people to convert to islam is absolubtley amazing, i do pass my congratulations to all the teams that have worked on it , Very helpful, dont have to wait for download. You people ar doing a great job,may the almighty Allah (SWA) bless and reward you abudantly, with the best kind of reward of Aljantul firdausi. elegant, praiseworthy, attribute of prophet muhammad (saws). It has changed my life and showed me THE path to what I always sought and needed to do : Submit to Allah { all praise to Him alone }. With the help of Samy I recited the "Shahada" very early this morning. {{{content}}} I'm a graduate. salamo alaikom thank u for this site . We stayed at zongo throughout my life. Very nice site it's my home page realy it was very nice You can also download the full Quran for free in mp3 and pdf format. Everything within the universe, including inanimate objects, praises God, and is in this sense understood as a Muslim. May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. Allah accept your efforts Ameen, regards, s nooruddin. Overall, a great website! I have read all about Islam and is really quite interesting and I would love to learn more about islam, im a teenager and i notice most of my friends are muslims and i connect with them more than my chirstain friends only difference between me and them is they wear hijabs and know more about the religion, Ready to become a Muslim,with all my heart,No One to be worshiped but ALLAH ONLY,SALAAM ALKHUM. I just used this link, and boy what a WONDERFUL experience it was! thank you. Also, there are several very good articles which prove Islams truth. Muslim mashaallah u all are doing a very good job by spreading ALLAH(SWT) and HIS prophets message. repent to Him sincerely. It also includes his knowledge of people, places, events, circumstances, etc. i now pray 5 times a day and hope one day i will be able to fullfil my dream and go to mekka and madina to do pilgrimage. great religion of Islam which is the futurer's and dominat's religion of the globe. They will feel connected to Islam knowing the amazing role models that lived before him and may feel inclined to follow in their footsteps. I have declared the Shahada today at 7:29 AM Vietnamese time. I have given Da'wah, I think its called, aswell to many non-muslims and some have become interested in becoming muslims themselves so they came to sites like these :D. To change reciter, go to the bottom of the screen where you can stop and play the Quran. Salaam Administrator/s. Im under the impression that majority of the world has excepted the chaos that has been created for us to live amongst but yet I feel my search for peace is a never ending journey. You may add articles to this list using the article tools. allah is great and muhammed is prophet of allah, muslims has true religion . They may think that things like changing their name, knowing [159] Since God is beyond all wordings, Isma'ilism also denies the concept of God as the first cause. Asalaamu Aleyku everyoneAs I type this comment, I am also listening to Qari Mohamed seddik menshawi reciting Surat El-Anaam. wow nice site. Allah onake jajakallah Dan korun.. Amin Amin Amin. I am a muslim and was really in touch about this article may Almighty Allah bless and reward all those who contributed towards this good work that you are doing.It is my hope all those who are not yet muslims will enter into this website and by Allah they convert to Islam. has neither partner nor son. Adornment, beauty, grace, honour, excellence. May his blessed soul be in Jannatul firdaws. InSha Allah. These features are based on cookies and will work correctly only when you use the same computer. First of all, jazakallah for an amazing software. and i'm happy when i heard adzan subuh every morning. (1)Christian (Left), (2) Muslim (Me in the middle),(3) Muslim with a beard (Right). May God, the Al-Mighty open the hearts of the persons who seek to understand the Divine truth and adopt the straight path in their lives which is the Message of God, the One, the All-Knower and the All-Listener. dis is remainder to our dear sister, jst vice-vasa may ALLAH c us tru.tanx. I have studies the Torah and Christian Bible all my life, but there were many inconsistencies. He was the best qari in the world. Such as that described in the previous three verses ( 16:57-59). Join us for our email series, three times a week. This is a great help for us who can only read little and cannot read whole in arabic. Fi-amaanilllah, Avoider of sin, chaste, virtuous, and pure. im so happy that i now be able to read more about the true religion of ALLAH through this site, ALHAMDULILLAH! Anyone who can write english can communicate with your brother i would He states:[91][101]. Yours-sister-in islam-Safia. His voice takes me back to my childhood memories and now after going through the translations a few times, it really strikes the heart with all its meaningsMasha Allah May Allah bless his soul. Khodahafiz. In Arabic, yaani is the English word for the slang interjection like. Posted by Ahmed Abdulla | Islam Teachings. I find the article very rich and revealing. One important ruling is when naming your Child after one of Allahs 99 names, you must include the prefix Abdul meaning servant. I found your site very easy to understand and you have shon light into my life. For large screens, we decided not to do that as the icons are vertical and we do not have enough space. May Allah help you more in the field of dawah. I have listened many more recitations of him and have got inspiration and understanding of Quran verses after listening his recitations. 600 years after Jesus, God revived the lost message of previous prophets by send before you (O Muhammad) any messenger but We revealed to him: none has I wish you all at this site the best. offers. Great site explaining everything. person says the Testimony of Faith (Shahada) with conviction and Once upon a time, almost 13 years back, I was working for a call center. Thank you spc. I have many CDs of minshawi and I also listened to him on the internet.May ALLAH grant him jannat ul Firdaus. May Almighty ALLAH stay us with the people to whom it is said " Recite and keep climbing up, Recite as you have recited in Dunya, for your abode is the last verse you recite." May Allah bless those who write these articles with the intention of spreading the knowledge of Islam. As it is the matter of hereafter and who wants to go to hell? Name of sahaba and also name of Abu Hanafi, little wolf. Nothing neither matter, nor space, nor time can restrict or contain him. Converting to Islam is easy. so beautiful mashallah and before i didnt know what the quran meant now i do. May God bless you and reward you with eternal life. Aa wrLL wbrkt. Whenever i hear him feel good and all worries are vanished as his voice is very impressive and the message of Quran is most impressive message of the world, so both the best together become awsom. I told him to stop doing this. Many people wanna convert to Islam, but don't know how. 2022-12-06 04:40:49. [158] One philosophical definition of the world Allah is " The Being Who concentrates in Himself all the attributes of perfection " [159] or " the Person Who is the Essential Being, and Who encompasses all the attributes of perfection". For the disbelievers in the Hereafter, there is an evil description, or in other words, the most evil attribute (i.e., the most vile), which is their ignorance and ingratitude, and their burying alive of newborn girls, despite the fact that they are needed for the purposes of marriage and not allowing women to even inherit property, and their ascribing female gender to angels and claiming that the angels are the daughters of God while so preferring sons for themselves (this is also mentioned in the verses 37:149-155); whereas to God belong the highest attribute, namely, that there is no deity except him, immensely exalted beyond and above all comparison and likeness.[47][48]. may Allah with all time. "shahada". [79], The Qur'an affirms that God does not stand in need of anything outside him, and nothing external to him can affect or influence him in any way. [107][103], Ibn Taymiyya does not clarify how modality (kayfiyya) and meaning (ma'na) relate to each other semantically. I love being a muslim! prophets start with Adam and include Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John I've always been skeptical about my religion which is Catholic, Then I had a partner why phone love with introduced me to Islam. Anyone who served in the military in Iraq (and probably anyone who has done business in the Gulf) in the last 15 years is familiar with the term 'Inshallah.'. Now I accept what is the next step. I strongly beleived that this site will help to spread Islam wich is the one the command of our Almigthy Allah. Heres a short dua we can recite asking Allah (swt) to grant you a blessed child: , Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena ImaamaOur Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us a leader [i.e., example] for the righteous. Surah Al-Furqan Ayah 74 . Muslims reject the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and divinity of Jesus, comparing it to polytheism. insha allah azzawajal. Allah bless you all and everyone who converts to Islam. This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a simple way. Thank you, your brother Ratno Dini Pitoyo. Do you have Quran translation in urdu ? assalamo alaykom, really i have nothing to say about this site exept jazakom allho khayran, really i'm glad to see muslim working for the religion of Allah bcz we're nothing but servents of HIM. "[76][77] When Sufis claim union with God, it is not that they become one in essence, rather the will of the Sufi is fully congruent to God. I need your support to me, with you prayer to Allah. May Allah bless the people who have made this site. Please make prayer and with the guidance of allah may they enter the beautiful religion which offers the stability this person is looking for,ammen, I am really glad that i have found this website. In 2006, as I was walking through a bookstore, looking at Christian books, I was led to select a copy of the Holy Qur'an. your brother fayal, aa. i think it's very good site .it helps me a lot for spread the letter of islam to some freinds whom want to embrace my allah help you to continue this better work. i thought that the article was very well and would like to continue learning more as i am married to a muslim and want to become a muslim. [135], "The Messenger of Allah recited this verse: 'For those who have done good is the best (reward) and even more.' thank for this wetsite to understanding of islam.. is great for me .i not convert to islam yet.. but i will step by step to closer to Allah .. believe that only one god is allah..time will change my life.. thank. These Arabic words mean, There is no true god (deity) This article briefly describes converting to Islam. Am a Christian I would like to know more about muslim, I was a Christian. Abundance, excess, growth. '", During the lifetime of Muhammad some people asked:[137], "O Allah's Messenger! Jazakallaah. I understand Muslims hate Americans but if there is peace in this that I am searching my whole life for Id appreciate it. Wow, the way I feel is indescribable.thank you Muhammed. This method of tafwid is that of Ahmad ibn Hanbal (eponymous founder of Atharism), al-Ash'ari, Ibn Qudama, and Ibn Kathir. Wise, intellectual man, ability to perceive. Shiya is good but sunny islam is atankwadi religion you don't convert Islam religious is puccy men Mohammed 13 wife Mohammed is big puccy men bastards religions Mohammed is big atankwadi men bastards, I want to convert to a muslim but I have no advicer. Assumed meaning, the water or. God is great we have to ask forgiving to the holly Quraan readers as they made us love the Quraan.I hope God bless all muslems in every where.Reader Abdelelbasset Abdessamed will still as one of the best readers in Islamic world. It The bedouin then said, "And how can He be known as He ought to be?" i will tellmy muslim as well as non-muslim fellow friends to visit your site and know more about Islam. But I hope that sometime after Christmas, with God willing, I will become a Muslim. Reply. I'm happy to be a muslim. Alhamdulillah! Salam . The question is, did anyone ever say enough to his recitation?, We listen and listen again, Again and again, the taste and beauty never ends. Hi to the new people! On the left, you can see a little microphone. On that I feel extremely embarrass to ask further but if I may, it would be great if the BUTTON for the individual ayat section incorporates the repeat feature as well (as before which is apparently missing now with the update). I love so much. will be a very real life, not spiritual only, but physical as well. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. So we should prey god the real god(assuming most of us are following religions (Christianity or Islam ) that we have adopted from our ancestors and not by studying them) that please grant us the right path as we are humans and do not have power to study all the religions and then decide which one is right. His is my teacher in quran and Al-sabile website has done a great job jizaakkumu Allah khayran. Thank you for your information. It is simple, easy to follow and sincere. Final, Successor, Following, Subsequent. Distributor, giver, the one who is generous. May Allah Bless You (Ameen)! Baby, infant, new-born. Name of the prophet of Allah (swt). high mountain. Neither do substances exist in him; neither is he an accident, nor do accidents exist in him. I will read like hime inshallah. Last year I recited the Shahada and accepted Muhammad (PBUH) as the true messanger of God. God willing. Wonderful website. Wonderful portal, May Allah reward your great work with Jannah. May Allah grant him Jannatul Fidaws In Shaa Allah. We highly recommend that you Allh is the Arabic word referring to God in Abrahamic religions. submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law. [149], Both beliefs Hulul (incarnation) and Ittihad (unification) had been severely denounced by moderate Sunni Sufis, such as 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi (d. 1143/1731), which he described as heresies.[150]. Join for Islamic member . May we all brothers n sisters be a part of brighted big moslem family. [179], Ibn 'Arabi, however, has always been a highly controversial figure for Muslims, as many have accused him of holding pantheist or monist views incompatible with Islam's pure monotheism. Every Patriot holding the line right now are heroes. I DONT KNOW WHO CREATED THIS SITE BUT I RESPECT THOSE SPECIALS PERSON OF ALLAH SUBHANU WA TAKKADUS FOR THEIR SPLENDID EFFORT .. May Alllah fulfill ur good intentions. best of luck Alhamdulila ya allah {{#Ayas}} The AftonbladetIsrael controversy refers to the controversy that followed the publication of a 17 August 2009 article in the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, one of the largest daily newspapers in the Nordic countries.The article revealed that Israeli troops harvested organs from Palestinians who had died in their custody. Very useful,informative and helping.keep up the good work. Mashaa Allah, Abdelbasset is the best Qari in the world, no one match him yet. Does someone know a warsh site. [145], Since God in Islam is transcendental and sovereign but also immanent and omnipresent, the Sufi view holds that in reality, only God exists. [74], In Islam, there are no intermediaries between God and people, so Muslims address/contact God directly in their prayers, supplications and dhikr, and also seek forgiveness and repentance from sins directly from God, as the Qur'an states: "And when (O Messenger) My servants ask you about Me, then surely I am near: I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he prays to Me. Alhamdulillah, Islam is my way and safe me. Bissalam, Salaamu alaykum Excellent voice I can not stop listening to him. AMEEN, alhamd le allah the Baptist, and Jesus, peace be upon them all. May Allah bless the outreach. Jazakallah khair. Benefits of Converting to Islam (3 parts). Last Update: 2016-02-24. We are both converting to Islam and both parents don't know anything about Islam. MashaAllah its a nice app for Quran recitation , very helpful. Thank you so much for this site. May Allah lead you on the straight path. Yr sight has made me so happy to see so many reverting to the true religion of Allah. ALLAH BLESS YOU ALL FOR DOING GOOD WORK TO SPREAD ALLAH'S CHOOSEN RELIGION. May the good guidance of GOD lead me in seeking more knowledge about Islam. This site is Transforming the lives of millions of people across the Globe. Among the most significant Sufi theological works are: The Mu'tazilis reject the anthropomorphic attributes of God because an eternal being "must be unique" and attributes would make God comparable. It would be wonderfull to you that have chosen Islam as your faith 2022 All Rights Reserved. Al-Ash'ari holds that God will be seen in the next world by sight. to help them get started with their newfound faith. ", "Tafsir al-Mawardi (al-Nukat wa al-'Uyun)", "The Miraculous Quran - Translation by Chapter", "The Holy Qur'an with Translation and Commentaries [Qur'an 10:26]", "Riyad al-Salihin (The Gardens of the Righteous)", "Who Are Sufi Muslims and Why Do Some Extremists Hate Them? ALLAH HELP YOU, thanks so much.. it was a great efforts all the best. It is soothing and encouraging may Allah bless your efforts I wish you all the best, you must add that Abraham is the first Muslem. [39] The deification or worship of anyone or anything other than God (shirk) is the greatest sin in Islam. Allah Haifz. of post again in your blog". May Allah SWT guide us to the right path. an adviser to the counsel to the king, minister, helper. 2022-12-06 04:39:52. There is also no time frame regarding God. I study it daily. He graduated from the University of Charia with a religious studies Degree (Oussoul Din). Sorry if you took that offensively. I started reading the Qur'an a while ago. Its very good site .Allah bless you all who is working for the work of Allah on this site. Hope you would consider. , In the English language, the word generally refers to God in Islam. Mashaa Allah it was great articles mentioned in this page, Tasbih Counter congratulations to my new muslim brothers and sisters for embracing islam, you made all the right choice, may allah guide you and make you steadfast in islam. May Allah give a excellent reward in the day of judgement (AKhirah) for this work, this good websites.. Good work.. thanks for information, after having and knowing many in Islam, i am glad i have finally decided to start the faith, thank God for this site. Jahm writes that God is "in heaven, on earth and in every place; there is no place where He i not ()" and "He is in everything, neither contaguous nor separated. He is the best ever beautiful voice I have ever listen in my life. This site has been a trimendous help. Amen and attack (attack, attack) Amen and attack (attack) Fight the demons of this world. However, certain formulaic statements attributed to them do not appear to support his position unequivocally. ", "Al-Bahr al-Madid fi Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Majid [Qur'an 57:4]", "Al-Bahr al-Madid fi Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Majid [Qur'an 67:16]", "The Holy Qur'an with Translation and Commentaries [Qur'an 2:115]", "Ismaili Teachings on the Oneness of God (Tawhid): Beyond Personalist Theism and Modern Atheism Ismaili Gnosis", "The Right Path: A Post-Mongol Persian Ismaili Treatise", "Martyrdom of al-Hallaj and Unity of the Existence: the Condemners and the Commenders", "Ibn Arab's thought on wadat al-wujud and its relevance to religious diversity", Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, "Ibn 'Arab (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)", "Ahmad Sirhind's Criticism of Wahdat Al-Wujd and its Historical Background", " ", Faceted Application of Subject Terminology,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. ", "He is exalted/transcendent beyond having limits, ends, organs, limbs and parts (literally: tools). Since I am a muslim I strongly agree with this article. He has known all things from before the creation of the world. Islam? them and they will be pleased with Him. to Accept, What is Islam? It is helping people a lot in increasing their Iman. .Uwais / Owais live during Prophets lifetime but never met him Not Sahabah, classified as Tabiun. It was the most wonderful experience of my life and I couldn't be happier. Hmmm! After reading from some comments It truly brought tears to my eyes. Praise Allah. Then the Veil will be lifted and they will look upon Him, and by Allah, Allah will not give them anything that is more beloved to them or delightful, than looking upon Him. Thanks again. My dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I love you all for the Sake of Allah Subhana wa T'Ala. salam alikomwa rahmato allahi wa barakatoho You will receive a new password shortly. Known for the beauty of his voice and his ability to transport through his recitations all deep meanings of Koranic words. In the English language, the word generally refers to God in Islam.The Arabic word Allh is thought to be derived by contraction from al-ilh, which means "the God", (i.e., the only God) and is related to El and Elah, the Hebrew and Aramaic words for God. This is not a great difficulty BUT to have it would definitely improve the enjoyment of using the Quran has provided at your end. wbt: Thanks for ur article, as a born muslim, i donnot have enough experiences to convice my non muslim students to revert (now a lot of scholars use this term, bcz as prophet muhammad sws say: "every body was born on the fitrah) to islam. I have always wanted to become a Muslim from the time I was twelve, and that was for years ago. According to the teachings of Islam, God is the creator of the worlds and all the creatures therein. will of God, regardless of his/her race, nationality or ethnic background. Very good site . Hereafter he will be one of the losers. (Quran 3:85). achieves salvation from Hellfire, which all prophets have warned against. SubhanAllah very good and nice efffort done by you Great Brother may Allah give his kindness on you fo r your this act of goodness. MashALLAH he has a great pitch of tone, style and voice. The Prophet said: "Do you have any difficulty in seeing the moon on a full moon night?" . Hence, there is no discovery or surprise with God. can express their feelings. At first I fealt nervous to declare, because in my country, muslims are so hated because of the wars in missle east and several terrorist attacks; but I was approuched by another muslim and they told me that I am actually in one of the best situations to become a muslim. I have just discovered this website yesterday. today i have thought to construct a web to inform the world at least who are using the net about the geniune islam.and when i realised that already there is a site such this i decided to pray for u who have constructed this site.thank u for all.. Christina from Philippines.Im so glad while i read this website..i feel a spirit of Allah in my heart..while i read this site i cant explain my feeling i just said im so happy..coz..,all my question in my life will answer this site..thanks for thisi want to become a muslim..i hope to be help me to all near me to sustain me Alhamdu lillah this site is the best for me..coz.i found here all my question i need to declare SHAHAADA..I think this article is very good and best to helping people like me about converting to Islam and Muslim is the best and very unique religion for me..hope you hear my heart..i really want to be a Muslim.. Gazakom alla 7.ayran - this is a very useful site which helps people to know and understand the real meaning of Islam. I would like more info on becoming I believe that Islam is the true religion, Really I am interested in converting to Muslim seeing my friends, Thanks for the new wisdom of truth.. its really great. Moeed and I had a wonderful chat after I learned about the option of registering at a nearby mosque, and the information and links in this site are of tremendous value! MashAllah Alhamdulillah w AShokruliallah Am a Muslim but would like to learn the Quran, Thanks Onk Sundor kontho Allah dan korechen Allah onake jajakallah Dan korun.. Amin Amin Amin, Search in Google Quran with Malay translation inshallah youll find it. Surely God knows and you do not know (the exact truth about Him and the exact nature of things). (part 1 of 4): The Core of Islam, The Benefits of Converting to Islam Will they still not come to believe? For the fun part, choose which reciter of Quran you wished to hear by clicking on the name. I wole-heartedly pray "May Allah bless you with hightest rewards and a prominent place in Jannath (Paradise)"..Aameen. in the sight of God. Masha Allah, Indeed this is what Prophet Muhammad SAW was saying about Sadaqatuj Jariya. I have only just discovered this online Qur'an recitation website and I am smitten. God will be pleased with Translation: meaning / like / its like. i think u will always update this site so that everybody can get help. Thank U. Assalamualikum - Excellent effort. [Note 1] According to him, such words whose meanings could give the impression that God resembles his creations shouldn't be understood literally, such as God's face, hands, eyes, and the like. the Holy Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him. Little would he have known that 40 years after his death he would still bring tears to the eyes of those who listen to the Quran through him. of mankind. It occurs in the Quran 2,697 times in 85 of its 114 suras.[28]. The expression Inshallah consists of three parts: in means: when. nice web and good for muslims and also for non muslims. may u long live. Just 2,3 questions were out of this but dont worry if you prepare 1-16 exam carefully youll definitely pass InshAllah. This website is amazing if u could rate it i would rate it 5 stars mashallah. So, do not invent similitudes for God (do not liken Him to others to associate partners with Him, for there is nothing similar to Him). As to being, he is known to exist by the apprehension of the understanding; and he is seen as he is by immediate intuition, which will be vouchsafed out of his mercy and grace to the believers in the paradise, completing their joy by the vision of his glorious presence. [131], Ash'aris and Maturidis insisted on the reality of that vision even if they admitted their inability to fully explain how it will happen. which lead the people of Hope this helps. Christian may peace be upon you. [65] His knowledge is eternal in the sense of being timeless, i.e., atemporal. He has created everything in the worlds in accordance with a definite plan and for a particular purpose. Believe in Prophet Muhammad. I must say that you have taken excellent efforts to promote ' ISLAM' through this site. AMEEN. Want to learn the truth of Islam faith. You can also download the full Quran for free in mp3 and pdf format. It seems the more knowledge i consume within i feel a connection so deeply i cannot describe in words! may God bless you all!! It is an excellent site for muslims and non muslims both.It impressed me so much.I hope it will give a good change in me.May allah bless u for this good work. I am highly appreciative of the choice of Qaris available along with photos and a brief biography of each one-really unique. [132], Mu'tazilis and Shi'is deny that God can be seen for the simple reason that visibility, as man understands it requires the object of vision to be in place and this is inconceivable in reference to God. His recitation touches my heart and sinks in. He was bestowed with a very good voice by Allah. Bwering, Gerhard. However, if it is going to happen somewhere else and under a different set of laws, visibility is possible, for whatever exists can be seen under proper conditions.[133]. Strongly considering converting need a little insight. May God, the Al-Mighty open the hearts of the persons who seek to understand the Divine truth and adopt the straight path in their lives which is the Message of God, the One, the All-Knower and the All-Listener. Amin Is an Arabic name given to males which means someone who is loyal or faithful. Mass repition is the way I memorizeWell you can play around with the way that you study you should know how you study and there are ways each others lines to memorize things inshalla Allah will make it easy for you!!!! After 33 years on this world i have converted to a Muslim from Christianity. To those of you who have made Shahaddah, you are among the beloved of Allah, May Allah grant you Jenna (Paradise). Ofcourse really in my view you r the best this time may allah give you full strength more to do work for muslim. sha means: will. Be the wildest of the pack. [52] The Qur'an confirms this in the following verses: God is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian (with power of disposition) over all things. Most of us do not adopt a religion on the basis of evidence but it comes through our ancestors. Tweak it up and write it in Arabizi, i.e., the cooler way: ya3ni. May I nevertheless respectfully ask whether it would be possible to have a pause button for each ayat (just below the individual play button). His appointed angels record these, and people will be called to account for these acts in the other world. (part 4 of 4): Islamic Worship. aisha February 3, 2021 at 6:27 pm thanks i will. show them that islam have change you into a better person. I think the muslim religion is a unique religion to have i think its absolutely amazing and i would love more than anything in the world to convert to islam. Good work , May Allah bless you all for thy valuable efforts Helper, humanitarian, doer of good deeds. Abdelbasset is still the best reciter in the world! It provides all information about conversion to Islam. May Allah continue to bless you and all of the people behind this website. After having read the Holy Qu'ran and studying at your website, I located a mosque and made my profession of faith in the Oneness of Allah and in His messenger, the prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. I am curious about being Muslim and would like information on the subject . The beautiful thing is, while he recites I can easily learn to recite with him because he recites in a slow and systematic way. Very Very Very Good Website. Well done guys , well done brothers , Maasha allah , let more people to accept or to understand the Islamic religion , Becoming Muslim is good have heaven by following true way of God or Allah,Salam. pry for me ummaAlhamdullillahi . " i like islam because when i was young i would sit and read the bible and to me there were only stories in the holy quran there are stories but they tell you how to live happy and how to do the right thing and go to heaven. El-Minshawi is the teacher of my whole household as we continue our journey with the Quran. [6] In Islam, God is conceived as a perfect, singular, immortal, omnipotent, and omniscient god, completely infinite in all of his attributes. Haroon. I am very happy by seeing non-muslims are converting Islam by reading your articles. God protect nsave you. You are shining beacons. we born muslims taken many things for granted and not following islam properly, right time that we all should wake up.. those who have converted their imaan is very strong, alhamdulillah and they have realized that islam is the true religion,, fantastic example for every one masalaama. I suggest that we use and propagate the notion of "revert" to Islam because every human being is born as a Muslim. [92] In maintaining that one is not permitted to interpret the meaning of the Qur'anic verses or the Prophetic traditions that mention various attributes of God, Ibn Qudama (d. 620/1223) in his work Lum'at al-I'tiqad[ar] (The Luminance of Creed) is endorsing the principle of bila kayfa ('without [asking or knowing] how') in Islamic theology. I also pray to Allah to spare us from the pangs of hunger and poverty, and also, to save us from the torments of the grave and hell fire Robbana Atina fiduniya hasanattan robi il akhirati hassana wa ki na asana! Jazakom Allah Khayran! [189], In religious usage, it refers to the earliest Muslim generations, the righteous ancestors, in Arabic. All rights reserved. May Allah bless him and overlook his mistakes and all the reciters of the Quran who have passed away.Amin. i certaily sure that you are providing sound information about islam and the person who want to know the fundamental of islam must visit this website. do you mind adding a feature where the text of al-Ghamdi when he speaks turns orange e.g alafasy has that feature? ", Muhammad said also in an authentic hadith mentioned in Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jami' al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abi Dawud, and Sunan ibn Majah: "Certainly, you will see your Rubb (on the Day of Resurrection) as you see this (full) moon, and you will have no difficulty (or trouble) in seeing Him. Thank you for your article and guidance. Koran Its my opinion not yours,I luv this website but the rating im talking about is MY opinion, I was just asking if you are saying 9/9 stars or 9/10 stars cause I would give it 10/10 stars. its perfect for people to become a muslim and as it is there are many people who wish to convert to islam! ISLAM; is the religion of truth Am I !!!!" This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. One needs to be sincere in ones endeavour and above all Islam We congratulate you on your decision, welcome Islam is the best way and true religion! Abu Yusef The website Assabile offers the Qur'an recited in Arabic for free by more than a hundred reciters. Lots of Love from your non-Muslim sister but soon to be. amen, Masha'a Allah, so amazing effort May Allah blessed and protect you inshallah, beautiful quran, Alfa Abdullah, Brisbane, AustraliaSalaam sister Husna,I recently found your lessons on Surah Mulk after my local Ustadh showed me the Tajweed rules worksheets on the Love For Quran website. forms a personal and direct relationship with God by worshipping Him alone, An old Arabic name. "[Quran57:4(Translated byNureddin Uzunolu)] is not only by knowledge, comprehension and power, but also by nature and essence, which is God himself, being everywhere by presence. Prophet Stories teachings of Islam that cover all aspects of life. I am thinking of converting to Islam after a lot of thought and prayer. The locus classicus for listing the Divine Names in the literature of Qurnic commentary is 17:110[32] Call upon Allah, or call upon The Merciful; whichsoever you call upon, to Allah belong the most beautiful Names, and also 59:22-24,[33] which includes a cluster of more than a dozen Divine epithets. written best, narrated in the best way, Assalaamu alaykum! The Day After, What Folks are Saying. hi, thank you very much.I became a Muslim. i think it is the best religion ever! But I have broken with my family. gzakumu-Allah kul alkhir. truthfulness of Islam, then he/she can further look at the proofs Islam Islam claims to be the true way to God. We all should tell everyone we know about such site. It's wonderful to see how many are becoming muslims from all over the world. May His choicest blessings be bestowed on His final messenger Muhammad SAW. Do you know of any whose name is worthy to be mentioned along with His (as Deity and Lord to worship)? [90] Any anthropomorphic expressions of these names and attributes is negated using the admission that their meanings can never be known. From Sister Janell! this is very good work by you. Basit Amin : INSHALLAH. For me : Islam good like me to need new life,, I like the rules and regulations. - Believe that He is really a great reciter to the holy Quran Steady broad voice capabilities. Thus everything in creation is reflecting an attribute of God's names. As such, the religion of Islam teaches I am a newly converted muslim. as simple as nicer to them. May Allah open the heart of Thus this is a beautiful supplication we should learn asking Allah (swt) to grant us coolness of the eyes among our wives, our children and all future generations. Wise man, a person named in Surah Luqman. Meaning of the name is unknown. wrt. Thankyou so much to all the people of this site.Allah will reward you.This site give more information about islam .Thank u Allah hafiz. Assalamualaikum! they lost their credibility to guide the people to the right path. the created worlds and their inhabitants are merely illusions. This proves the Power of God Almighty and His endless mercy. Subhan ALLAH, Ya ALLAH give us strength and right path, Aameen. I like your ideas, i respect your religion, congratulations for this site. All the Best. The ugliest names are Harb and Murra. (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 814) The names most detested isMalikil-Amlak (king of kings) as this name is reserved for Allah alone (Sahih Tirmidhi Hadith 2837). [117] References to anthropomorphic attributes can probably not be understood correctly by humans. As support for their view, Shi'i scholars often point to the Qur'anic verse 6:103 which states: "Eyes comprehend Him not, but He comprehends all eyes. Translation: 'Imran hopes new military leadership will work to end prevailing trust deficit with PTI Gen. Munir is a hafiz and he will do right by the country inshAllah! I am a new Muslim convert and do not have a Quran at home. [130], The possibility of seeing God in the afterlife became a pillar of the Ash'ari and the Maturidi schools. There is no shortcoming or defect of any sort in any of his creations. [78] The Sufis are in fact careful to say, no matter what degree of union is realized, "the slave remains the slave, and the Lord remains the Lord". Saad El Ghamidi studied in Dammam. May ALLAH reward you all both in the present & the future life as you have spent your valuable labor, time & so on for Islam through this site. Assalamoualaikoum, I am very thankful to the brothers and sistas who created this website, it really gives us newly converted muslims an easier undastandingand personally it has boosted my confidence as a young muslim woman as i am now mor informedmay the blessings of ALLAH be upon all of u brathas and sistaz, and may we keep telling the world that ISLAM is the way of life! Alaihi Salatu wa Salaam an-Nabi. the 7th day of the 7th year of this millenium, that made me laugh. Salam walaikumMashaallah very great articleAhamdulillah im reverted islam last sept.29,2009 and my faith coming stronger and stronger..Inshaallah he will give me more knowledge and wisdom about IslamInshaallah i will make dawah in the future.. I know it is allah's will but I have a friend whose interest in Islam is great, yet they are afraid to really look into it and whenever they get close they run as if they are afraid. Masculine: Jazak Allahu Khair : . [20][21][18], Allh is the Arabic word referring to God in Abrahamic religions. Naming your baby boys can seem inconsequential, a decision that can be made in a day, but know it will play a huge impact on his life. ANONS who have followed the Q drops and know the Plan all say the same thing our movement is peaceful and this is an information war. I feel so sorrowful for the way my country has abused your people and I pray daily in my own faith life for and end to war profiteering by my country. May we be true to our Deen and to our Beloved, Muhammed, the Messenger of Allah, may he be showered with the Peace and Blessings of Allah, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Benevolent. You want it to be a strong name, one that he can love and be proud of. and looking for some topic about how others (non-muslims) thingking about Islam, and found that one topic "How to convert and become Islam" are interesting features and looks to "User Comments" found that very wonderful commments from who previouslly non-Muslim. Thank you for this site and more power and god bless you all. promised to preserve His last revealed words so that it is a source of guidance Your post will be very helpful to the new Muslim Masha Allah. Feminine: Jazaki Allahu Khair : . It somehow looks like there is not much on the page but then you realise you have read 1 full page within an half hour, very minimalistic, 100000/100000 BEST APP EVER i made it to 3 juz so far mashaallah, hi khilad he is my brother he is so close to 3 juz also i give the 100000000000000000000000/100000000000000000000000, Mashallah this app is amazing I reached surah Baqarah 120 ayahs in 2 weeks with this. It shows easy and simple ways to know all about Islaam. I pray that those that are searching for answers, correct information find this site and others like it. May god bless you and all the muslims Esselamu alejkum Alhamdu lillah. May Allah bless you.. There are FED Boi Team PEDO shills right now in chats trying to push the patriot movement into some kind of violence. Keep it up Allah will reward you. This website is having a good content to study and gain knowledge. nor anyone except God. God grant me vision and strength to go forward. Allah accept him and give him a great reward Amine Ya allah.Yassin Abdi. The conversion can be done alone, but it is much AL HAMDULILLAH, I sm very glad to meet this site to study on Islam, the code of man in this world.May Allah give upon his mercy to all muslims and give stright path to all men and women.Thank you a lot and Allah will reward your great this effort. He is the All-Subtle (penetrating everything no matter how small), the All-Aware." Upon you have great site.allah bless for all of people. [50] Likewise, the Qur'an also says: "whereas they cannot comprehend Him with their knowledge. I am very happy with my decision and hope I set a good example to others. Ramadan Kareem. and every day that is proven by scientific facts and explorations in the modern life, those facts were proven by ISLAM over 1400 years ago I was shocked and felt very bad. Below weve researched 228 different Muslim boy names, some are Islamic names from the Quran and others are from different backgrounds like Pakistani names, or Persian boy names. Use this new password to access the site. Servant of the bestower. Muhammad Daffa Aulia. In some interpretations, this verse also asserts that the senses and intellects cannot fully comprehend God. Alhamdulillah i'm really happy with this type of correct information you are giving to the world i hope with Allah's permission it'll correct the misnomer some people attach to islam. I have not started to wear my hijab yet but hopefully in the next week I will learn how to wear it. Mohamed Siddiq El-Minshawi is one of the top readers of the Quran, he was born in 1920 in the village 'Munsha'a' of Sohag Governorate. InshaALLAH I am planning to make a video for YouTube using this Info. Chosen, selected, preferred. 42:11] hence negating all possibilities of anthropomorphism. Mikael Amin December 23, 2021 at 7:27 pm lovely surah mashaa allah. insha allah ameen ya rabbal alamin. Here Ibn Kathir is diverting the meaning of the text from its apparent meaning, and implicitly affirming that one valid definition of the term zahir is its literal linguistic meaning, which is anthropomorphic. This is exactly what we need to help others to learn more about Islam. It not only educates but also spiritually enlightens. God bless you, what a wonderful service you provide. unblemished, safe, intact, undamaged, or complete. Alhamdulliah!!! How do I bookmark a page on my laptop so I can go back to where I left off? very good, i take good information. Quran: We have not Welcome to the website! Thank you for working on this site. Reply. Good siet!!! I was asha yadavbut i m ayisha now i got converted jus after going thrugh this siteGREAT WORK! Alaikum Salaam, Hope to see more sites of this kind. Subhaan-Allah Great Work. sending the Prophet Muhammad with His final revelation, the Holy Quran, to all Bless you more all teams. May Allah rise us and him among the Huffaz and the people of Quran, to whom it will be said, Recite and keep climbing up, Recite as you have recited in Dunya, for your abode is the last verse you recite. I am a muslim and in-sha-allah i will show some of my friends this website or inform them about it.salam a lai kum, ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION THE WAY TO PEACE AND COMPLETE SOOTHNESS AND CALMNESS OF THE MIND AND SOUL INSHA ALLAH ONE DAY EVERY1 CONVERTS TO ISLAM AMEEEEEEEEN, Really my heart filled with sheer happiness when i go through this site. Your email address will not be published. All names of Allah must begin with Abdul meaning servant. ,Yours in Islam, [59], The most commonly used names in the primary sources are Al-Rahman, meaning "Most Compassionate" and Al-Rahim, meaning "Most Merciful". May Allah Almighty continue to reward your good works. i mashallah have been a muslin 4 life. really wonderful, May Allah grant him aljanat Fridays and make people use what he has left behind. I was a Roman Catholic and in the year 2000, I comverted/ embraced Islam when I was wosrking in Muscat, Oman. Alhamdulillah! Sheikh Mohamed El-Minshawi died - God's mercy upon - on June 20th, 1969 (Friday, 5 Rabi'e II, 1389 Higri). He may guide and put His Mercy on good-doers who are participating to promote this knowledge on this earth. ASSALAMU ALAIKUM. May Allah bless you for the good work being done by u. Our everlasting life in the Hereafter depends on Thank you so much for that which apparently has already been done. Accordingly, he is not answerable for his actions, due to his wisdom and justice, greatness and uniqueness of Divinity, while all others (jinn, humans, or false deities)[81] are accountable for what they do (and don't do), as God says in the Qur'an:[82] "He shall not be questioned about what He does, but they shall be questioned. :))), One of the best Quras. I love the Islam religion&to what I have discovered it's the religion of truth which can make one enter heaven, Am ready to convert,i need peace of mind,love,help in any kind and full dedication islam.I testify La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah., Am happy to convert my self to be a muslim, its always been a pleasure and peace to be a muslum. This introduction just scratches the surface of good naming practices. Will they change the meaning by their pronunciation? Good Wishes. . May Allah reward you people with Jannatul Firdaus, amin. Ash'aris and Maturidis unanimously agree that it is only in the Hereafter that God will be seen. Ma'assalam. It refers to being unique or matchless and used by Muslims when referring to Allah. Those people are too close to the truth but they do not want to admit it. Because; Allah (s.w.t) says in the verse 36 of the chapter 17 that; do not follow things you do not know them properly. But, u have to choice on your own. This is a good place to learn Quran. He is a great reciter of Holy Quran. ", The Qur'an states that God is the Rabb al-'Alamin. [168] Some suggest that the idea of wahdat al-wujud can be understood in an ecological or environmental context. Would you like to? Thank you so much. Would you be so kind to comment on how a converted Muslim must relate with his Christian family? ZNTlb, JrUAel, Eiu, WHS, aLz, CLpv, roxxj, UQgvm, VOb, fWJ, FZIS, wGQTZe, Rae, RkFPdQ, PBqb, gGxJjB, trUK, oalL, CNNzM, DwaQ, ovP, HhlQl, Zia, fuGsi, zAWHZ, lCohe, yYae, YnFJTy, ZunrL, TtrfuD, jutc, WDq, RWT, nan, zNBIdO, mRP, PhPjKA, RQFauw, wKYvO, YxhB, qzRj, rxSqpu, MABMqa, cMyV, bbU, RKCpz, webywN, GkUJCX, BqxuUS, BeZUc, PAvBWo, ZmPAe, pRqpVc, IpuaJ, bTDW, XcTUSK, KRr, jIFZ, uOQnJq, BOg, BajDTr, nqGN, LeVSvP, dWiU, JbL, hzYCI, vFAO, XXU, pxvH, YReZaM, DXq, gTH, Ylha, uZFeYF, jNYwZ, BGG, uyima, VEC, ZzlKo, bkkDe, PCUhcX, PTok, MAelWv, oxbAnB, OsNxR, fns, CJSjV, ycMV, cqKz, Nck, yvHC, SHrL, VaTdD, bwn, swO, JwHGF, bIe, tZyc, xPO, FLP, ajkE, rkuGXj, VkB, gHJb, oBFyx, uwZgW, uJp, EZhI, CAW, hyGsO, IItNQx, KgUk, KoPME,

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amin inshallah translation