how strong is silver surfer

Then the world devourer, Galactus, showed up. Imbued with the Power Cosmic by Galactus himself, he has near limitless energy absorption and manipulation abilities that manifest in a variety of ways. Silver Surfer began his life as Norrin Radd. That strength means that any energy that he encounters becomes his plaything. Also, If Galactus is around, he could be near invincible as Big G can increase the share of the power cosmic that Surfer has. Throughthe Power Cosmic, he can manipulate the other forces of nature. Much like General Zod's 2D imprisonment in the original Superman movie, the Silver Surfer can temporarily absorb and imprison beings within his board, retrieving them at a later time. Mid Pool 3 Miracle with a few tips (Clone) BillyForce. Created by the massive cosmic energies sustaining him, this skin is nearly indestructible. Spends his free time watching movies, TV shows and gaming, a lot. These are called Heralds, who are characters that are in a class of their own in terms of how powerful they are. It should be noted that while he can literally create worlds on a whim, hecannot create life beyond his own. Silver Surfer. He can shoot impossibly powerful energy beams, with no apparent limit to their duration. Silver Surfer will add three power to all of your 3-cost cards, but you don't want to grab just any card that costs three energy. Silver Surfer can manipulate electromagnetism on a subatomic and cosmic scale. 1) The Surfer himself has indicated Mjolnir as mightier than his power cosmic. The power cosmic gave Norrin Radd (Silver Surfer) many abilities making him very powerful, so we ranked 10 of his top powers here! So much, in fact, that there is a good argument to be had that this cosmic surfer is the most powerful character in the Marvel universe. Galactus vs. Celestials: Who Would Win in a Fight & Why? He was also able to survive the full power of a supernova without showing any signs of damage. Now imbued with Galactus' power cosmic, Norrin became the Silver Surfer. Silver Surfer has handily defeated the Hulk multiple times. And the most powerful of his Heralds is the Silver Surfer, who is also the most popular among all of the characters associated with Galactus. He wields the Power Cosmic. It is 6 thousand trillion trillion trillion times stronger than the force of gravity, and no, thats not a typo. The Power Cosmic makes him immortal. But to answer your questions. Only time I've seen him expel that kind of energy while engaged in H2H combat was with Morg in Silver Surfer Annual 6, when they blew up the planet they were on and split a nearby moon in two. In that regard, his strength is so vast that he could basically throw incredibly heavy objects and allow them to travel several light years. There are even accounts wherein it was suggested that he could destroy an entire solar system without overloading his powers. So when someone says Silver Surfer can increase his strength limitlessly, it sounds impressive, but whats more impressive is he is very strong and has examples of showing great strength The Silver Surfer has the power cosmic, which lets him alter the fabric and energy of the universe. I'd say as far as power goes, he's about on par with Thor. Bestowed upon him by the world eater Galactus, the Power Cosmic is the source of all the abilities of Silver Surfer. He also never needs food or water to survive and has no need to ever eat. Not just in the main universe, but in every universe, every timeline, every dimension. So I'm not a huge SS fan ( I don't hate him, I'm just not a really big fan) I haven't read any more than five issues of his comics.but I was having a debate recently and the topic came up about his strength levelsince I wasn't sure I naturally looked at the wikiaccording to the wiki Surfer can boost his physical strength infinitelyis there any truth to this? As a matter of fact, in Silver Surfer Vol. With his signature silver skin and cosmic surfboard, he is a force to be reckoned with. Hmm decent He's not got much combat feats I know of (trust me, below are not even close to scratching the surface) (I'm just using what I have) . A While the Hulk is incredibly strong and one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, it's how the Silver Surfer was able to take him down that shows just how strong the herald of Galactus is. In a sense, the fact that he is a Herald of Galactus means that the Silver Surfer has the same abilities that Big G has but on a smaller scale because his command over the Power Cosmic is limited. With his signature silver skin and cosmic surfboard, he is a force to be reckoned with. RELATED:Silver Surfer Comes Face-to-Face With An Ancient, Villainous Marvel God. He can even see the previous universe that Galactus came from before it was destroyed. Is Silver Surfer durable? He could turn sand into gold, water into oxygen or simply atomize entire structures, turning them into dust. After capturing Silver Surfer's former lover from his home planet, Mephisto lures the cosmic hero to his realm. He can see the past, present, and future all at once. For example there were two hero's the Phoenix and Odin that I said could take the Silver Surfer down and he refused to accept this as fact? I don't know that a cap has ever been put on his strength as has been mentioned, but I think someone above mentioned him fighting Hulk when the power cosmic was being inhibited to him and he was able to punk Hulk (planet Hulk) and the warbound. It fills him with energy and the information from that energy. It depends of what version of The Phoenix but Odin stomps all over Silver Surfer. according to my friend they would. All Rights Reserved. The Power Cosmic is the passive energy that exists throughout all of the Marvel Universe. He was deemed to be an Alpha Plus character by Ikon, who can determine how powerful characters are. Grabbing Durok, Silver Surfer used his cosmic abilities to travel far into the future. He can fly faster than the speed of light, and he can even think faster than the speed of light. But what exactly does that mean? Silver Surfer then stood up, unfazed, and blasted Cable with a cosmic optical blast. He is said to be someone who is at a level between a Herald and the more powerful Skyfathers, and that means that he should be more powerful than the Silver Surfer. And yet this barely cracks the surface of the Surfer's many powers. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Who can Silver Surfer beat? Hedoesnt need a body to live, and even if he dies, he has the ability to come back through regenerative factors. So, I'd say his ceiling in strength is somewhere in the ballpark of Thor or Hulk in terms of max capacity. Quite powerful. Silver Surfer can do everyfuckingthing, period. Marvel has gotten Ridiculous with its obsession with pre-crisis Superman. Look at a Accordingly, he can create or destroy anything. Is Silver Surfer more powerful than Galactus? He can also use this speed in short bursts, allowing him to dodge all kinds of attacks. This allows him to absorb and manipulate tremendous amounts of energy and do whatever he wants to do with the energy that he can absorb and manipulate. 2022 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. His wisdom grants him great strength and earns him great respect across the Universe. Strange. With that said, lets take a good look at what we know about the Silver Surfers power. Did you know about all of the Silver Surfers powers? A mental link exists between the board and himself, allowing the Surfer to recall/ send the board at will. Silver Surfer didn't just beat the Hulk down, one time he used the power cosmic to drain Hulk of all the Gamma Radiation in his body. By far his most useful ability, the Silver Surfer has only used his power to travel through time sparingly. Here's another Power Cosmic wielder and Galactus' herald destroying a star and another Power Cosmic wielder going much faster than light . He was deemed to be an Alpha Plus We got you. Running out of time? And Silver surfer has the power cosmic which came from galactus. Electromagnetism is what moves and controls electrons in an atom. Best New Super Strong Silver Surfer Tpu Case Cover For Ipad Mini 2 3536161J26167563 : Electronics So, yeah, if he chooses to be, he is terrifically strong. Silver Surfer is a high-level telepath on par with others such as Professor X and Jean Grey. Who is more powerful Silver Surfer vs Hulk? Still, that would mean that he is incredibly powerful and should be a lot more powerful than most other mainstream Marvel superheroes, but not powerful enough to be at the level of a cosmic entity. On a few occasions, when he came into contact with the Hulk, Silver Surfer was able to dispatch of the big green monster with little effort. Again, that may be different these days. Factoring in the Power Cosmic, he can ignite or snuff out a constellation given enough time. Using the power cosmic, not only can Silver Surfer overpower the Hulk, but he can also send him into unconsciousness or simply drain all of his gamma radiation, turning the green giant back into Bruce Banner. A zen-like skill that grants its user vast knowledge, the Surfer's cosmic awareness grants him an understanding of the universe that few beings could even comprehend. The Silver Surfer is widely regarded as one of the most powerful superheroes to ever exist. Without the help of his board, Silver Surfer managed to defeat the Red Shift within the Black Hole, proving not only is he a powerful being in his own right, but also that he is one of the most powerful heralds of Galactus. Norrin Radd's ability to manipulate matter may be the most powerful in his repertoire. i saw that movie and silver sufer isn't superman strength, not even The Weak Force accounts for the decay of elements over a period of time. Still, that might be the only thing he truly cant accomplish with his growing share of the Power Cosmic. Accordingly, he can create or destroy anything. Character r/respectthreads look his up man it's crazy. Silver Surfer has been Galactus herald for at least a millennium, but in that period, he was able to travel back in time and live from the beginning of the universe, becoming nearly 14 billion years old. The Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe and contains enough power that could threaten the entire universe. Galactus for a reference can also augment his strength and power as well, on a scale much greater than Silver Surfer, but he too is in turn surpassed but other fictional characters to do the same. By flying at speeds so fast they are immeasurable, the Surfer breaks the time barrier and can then travel to whatever time he chooses. Here are the top 10 contenders who can beat the world eater, Galactus, single-handedly! Galactus was the one who gave Silver Surfer his power.,, Then, he left the beast there and traveled back, stranding Durok in a time where humanity no longer existed. There are a few reasons to believe that Silver Surfer is really that strong. As strong as the Abomination is, the Surfer easily defeated him with little to no effort. And now at my command once again I bid you RISE!! His ability to heal others can get a little out of control. He can use it to blast his enemies with beams of energy or create powerful force fields to protect himself from harm. Although it took all of the energy he had, Silver Surfer was able to resist the telepath's attacks and then defeated her in combat. Almost every being in the galaxy would die in such an environment, but the Silver Surfer thrives just as he would anywhere else. In that moment, Silver Surfer became one of the most powerful beings in all of Marvel Comics. They have fought before, and the Silver Surfer has usually won. A sufficiently enraged Hulk is stronger than the Silver Surfer, and has displayed greater raw physical strength than Thor, who has beaten the Surfer in hand to hand combat. However, the Surfers powers render the Hulks strength moot. Morg, another herald of Galactus, sought to kill the Surfer. Then, with the cosmic behemoth at his weakest, the Surfer defeated him with a powerful concentrated blast of cosmic power. Although his telepathic resistance to Moondragon was incredibly impressive, there are a few other beings in the universe with more powerful minds. Thor has actually beaten the Silver Surfer repeatedly by striking him with Mjolnir, revealing the enchanted Uru metal is one of the few things capable of hurting the Surfer even through his normally indestructible silver skin. 5d ago. He instead called upon the aid of the Silver Surfer. As it stands, the Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful beings in the universe of Marvel and is incredibly strong in the physical sense. My genderbent Winter Soldier cosplay is complete!! The Surfer's ability to create energy can be used in a variety of ways. He actually does not need a physical form and can survive without one. RELATED:All Of Silver Surfers Powers, Ranked. He wields the Power Cosmic and works as a Galactus' herald. Odin has the Odin force which came from his dead brothers. That planet went through a billion years of evolutionary cycles within mere moments just because Silver Surfer letreleased alittle too much power. At the time, the Red Shift was the herald Galactus, imbued with the same Power Cosmic that Silver Surfer has. The Silver Surfer is in complete 3.0. Silver Surfer can untether himself from gravity. Who can Silver Surfer beat? In order to save his people, Norrin agreed to become the cosmic entities' new herald. [1] If it is somehow damage or destroyed, the Surfer can restore it at will. Thing is, he prefers to come in low and fast and hit you with energy strikes. This energy was so powerful that, once it reached a nearby planet, it starting accelerating that planet's evolutionary processes. On the astral plane, the place telepaths battle with their minds, Silver Surfer has even defeated theincredibly formidableMephisto. If the latter would ever have any chance of defeating his master, he would have to use much cunning in addition to the full extent of his cosmic abilities. Having been an Avenger and also knowing many Asgardian warriors, the thunder god had many powerful allies to call for help. He broke the Surfer's board and sent him flying with a powerful telekinetic blast. In that regard, Thor can defeat almost any other Herald but struggles against the Silver Surfer, who is stronger than any of Galactuss other Heralds. Another one among characters who defeated Galactus is Silver Surfer. NEXT: Marvel's Feige Addresses Adam McKay's Desire to Make Silver Surfer Movie. Ysmael is a self-professed geek that loves anything related to fantasy, sci-fi, video gaming, and anime. I'm pretty sure he's using the fact that i know very little about the marvel hero's that aren't human. silver surfer would most definitely not beat odin, You, who ever you are, have mad skills! The Silver Surfer has come quite a way since his time spent as the herald of Galactus. He is arguably the most powerful wielder of the Power Cosmic after Galactus. He has received blows from some of the strongest beings in the universe, such as the Hulk and Thor, with no problem. I enjoyed Moon Knight a lot! The Silver Surfer wields the Power Cosmic, granting him superhuman strength, endurance, senses and the ability to absorb and manipulate the universe's ambient energy. The Surfer can navigate through interstellar space and hyperspace, which he can enter to exceed the speed of light when flying on his board. Historically, the Silver Surfer has been, perhaps, the most powerful superhero in Marvel Comics. Indeed, in his first series, in the late 1960s, He can augment his strength true, but the thing is thats a very watery statement. The Silver Surfer is in complete control of the very things that form and make every molecule of matter in the universe. most powerful characters ever created in fiction, do whatever he wants to do with the energy. Silver Surfer has handily defeated the Hulk multiple times. Hit a Like And Subscribe To Help Out Wanna Donate/Support? And Silver surfer has the power cosmic which came from galactus. Not as impressive. Say if Galactus transforms us. %3E At the command of Galactus you have fallen!! And now at my command once again I bid you RISE!! %3E Behold the SILVER SURFER. Herald to Gal On another occasion, Silver Surfer was able to use mental projection/illusion to fool his master Galactus. Filled with the Power Cosmic, he never runs out of energy. Visit our Help Desk or call 1.855.SIDESHOWIntl: 1.805.214.2157. At one point, he easily redirected the path of a starship and launched it into outer space, where it would continue to go on a straight-line path for hundreds of years. Norrin Radd was an astronomer living in a peaceful utopia on an alien planet. As such, it is quite understandable why he has said multiple times that he could destroy or shatter planet-sized structures with ease, as he can simply use the energy of the universe to create effects that are powerful enough to cause planetary destruction events. Negative Silver Surfer Deck. Couldn't find a star for our Christmas Tree, so we [Artwork] "Pull the Lever, Loki." Thanos is still one of the strongest beings in the entire universe and has enough strength and durability to defeat almost any other character. RELATED:Silver Surfer: Black Trailer Teases Marvels Trippy New Cosmic Series. On one occasion, Silver Surfer knocked the Hulk off balance by launching his board at the green beast. Of course, one of the most interesting characters that weve seen in the world of Marvel Comics is the Silver Surfer, whose source of power is cosmic in terms of how powerful it is. noticed I said if hulk was really pissed surfer wouldn't wait around for that know what I mean. What is something you really You cant possibly be this stupid. (Deadpool #10). Out of all of the different characters we have on this list, Thor is probably the one thats closest to the Silver Surfers power level. While the Hulk is incredibly strong and one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, it's how the Silver Surfer was able to take him down that shows just how strong the herald of Galactus is. He definitely couldn't take the Phoenix but maybe Odin. You never know when the Marvel Universe is going to need a hero to undue a world-ending event. Need help? On top of the fact that he is so powerful, the Silver Surfer also possesses godlike superhuman strength that has levels that are nearly unlimited. Comic Vine users. In terms of self-healing, Norrin can heal from being cut in half, or even reform from being totally disintegrated. Although the Surfer was not strong enough to overpower Durok, he used his cosmic abilities and cunning wit to defeat the monster nonetheless. And with that, he can do nearly anything. In Planet Hulk, when he was only at 2% power, he was able to toss Hulk, solo the rest of his Warbound, and later take hits from Hulk - keep in mind that this was Planet Hulk, not just normal Hulk. Silver Surfer lost the Power Cosmic (Earth-8327) Worldwide superhuman registration (Earth-8441) Victor von Doom became an armored hero (Earth-8610) Impossible Man Constant battle (Earth-8910) Silver Burper (Norrin) Home to Cookies & Milk (Earth-9047) Forever Yesterday (Earth-9105) Iron Man: The End (Earth-9119) Set Conquered the Universe He can contend with Hulk in fights. The massive explosion incapacitates Morg. He has been able to use his power to even trick Galactus, who undoubtedly has one of the most powerful minds in all of the cosmos. While there, Mephisto's power grows exponentially stronger. He went atomic on ole' Ben Grimm in Fantastic Four 55 and looked terribly powerful. I know wikis generally aren't reliable, they're usually edited by over zealous fanboys and often have untrue statements and flat-out lies in these wikis (I've seen them before) so I'm asking Surfer fans, can he augment his strength limitlessly? During one of his many cosmic adventures, Silver Surfer was forced to release massive amounts of cosmic energy. He's probably around class 100. He can casually take punches from She-Hulk and can survive extreme conditions that would normally kill any other Marvel character. hulk has never fought surfer with means to kill or even harm him surf and hulk have always been friends id say if hulk was really pissed at surf the surfer would definetly be in for a beating. On a few separate occasions, Silver Surfer has shown the ability to survive within the impossible harsh conditions of a black hole. He is at a power level that can equal the Heralds but is not exactly close to Skyfather yet. The Top 10 Most Powerful Marvel Superheroes (Ranked). As such, those who are given the ability to command the Power Cosmic can manipulate the energy of the entire universe. It is 6 thousand trillion trillion trillion times stronger than the force of gravity, and no, This power was gifted by Galactus, who the Silver Surfer has fallen to in the past, suggesting that at full charge, Galactus could likely defeat Knull. How Powerful Is The Silver Surfer Compared To Other Marvel Characters? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Here are all of Silver Surfers powers, ranked. He can alsocreate black holes, and portals within those black holes, manipulating gravity to such a degree that space itself bends to his will. Although the vast majority of Silver Surfer's powers can be used to destroy, a few can be used for much more benevolent purposes. Not only did he defeat another herald of Galactus, but he also destroyed an entire planet without causing himself any harm. Especially one endowed with cosmic abilities. In that regard, while the Silver Surfer has enough power to repel Galactus, he is likely going to lose to his master more often than not. Silver Surfer, on the other hand, is left standing, seemingly unaffected. In issue #25 of Guardians of the Galaxy, Silver Surfer waited for Galactus to be on the brink of hunger. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Norrin is able to control the power of his cosmic blasts. Hes been able to manipulate the gamma ray radiation energy within the Hulk, briefly nullifying his powers. Here are the top ten reasons Silver Surfer is the most powerful Marvel character. He's traveled the universe, defeated powerful cosmic beings, and defended Earth as best he could. He can boost his strength to indeterminate levels. Its his cosmic awareness that allows him to perceive most of the universe from lightyears away, hearing, seeing, and sensing all things. Later on, in the same story, the Surfer simply rendered Hulk unconscious with a wave of his hand. He has used his raw power to dispatch some of the most powerful enemies in the multiverse. It is 6 thousand trillion trillion trillion times stronger than the force of gravity, and no, thats not a typo. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Silver Surfer Comes Face-to-Face With An Ancient, Villainous Marvel God, Silver Surfer: Black Trailer Teases Marvels Trippy New Cosmic Series, Silver Surfer Returns in New Comic by Donny Cates, Tradd Moore, Marvel's Feige Addresses Adam McKay's Desire to Make Silver Surfer Movie, REVIEW: Whatnot Publishing's Liquid Kill #1, Marvel Confirmed the Fastest Superhero in the Multiverse - and It's Not Who You Think. 8 Silver Surfer The Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful beings in the universe, and the most powerful of the Heralds of Galactus. Is Silver Surfer stronger than Thanos? Only using this ability on very rare occasions, it's nice to know he has this tool at his disposal. Daily Deals Up to 50% OFF. We require much external tampering (unless our biology is radically altered somehow to transform how we function and expend and intake energy. Much like himself, this board is nearly indestructible. He can sense individuals from several million miles away and determine a person's genetic makeup and powers just by looking at them. And because of this power, he has faced numerous godlike characters like Thor and Thanos numerous times and was able to prove just how powerful he is. The Silver Surfer is widely regarded as one of the most powerful superheroes to ever exist. 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how strong is silver surfer