european political community agenda

1. The brainchild of French President Emmanuel Macron, the European Political Community was first proposed in May, following his re-election in April. Proposals and initiatives to build upon the Schengen acquis shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the Treaties. They shall take an oath before the Court to perform their duties impartially and conscientiously and to preserve the secrecy of the deliberations of the Court.Article 14The Judges, the Advocates-General and the Registrar shall be required to reside at the place where the Court of Justice has its seat.Article 15The Court of Justice shall remain permanently in session. If the draft legislative act originates from the Court of Justice, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, the President of the Council shall forward the reasoned opinion or opinions to the institution or body concerned. Discover CSDP structures, agencies and instruments. Any vacancy arising as a result of death, voluntary resignation, compulsory retirement or collective resignation shall be filled in accordance with paragraph 2. The members of the Council shall lend him or her their assistance.Section 3Entry into forceArticle 7This Decision shall enter into force on the date of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon.8. RECOGNISING that the strengthening of the security and defence policy will require efforts by Member States in the area of capabilities. It may itself give final judgment in the matter, where the state of the proceedings so permits, or refer the case back to the General Court for judgment.Where a case is referred back to the General Court, that Court shall be bound by the decision of the Court of Justice on points of law.When an appeal brought by a Member State or an institution of the Union, which did not intervene in the proceedings before the General Court, is well founded, the Court of Justice may, if it considers this necessary, state which of the effects of the decision of the General Court which has been quashed shall be considered as definitive in respect of the parties to the litigation.Article 62In the cases provided for in Article 256(2) and (3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, where the First Advocate-General considers that there is a serious risk of the unity or consistency of Union law being affected, he may propose that the Court of Justice review the decision of the General Court.The proposal must be made within one month of delivery of the decision by the General Court. This provision shall also apply to a spouse, to the extent that the latter is not separately engaged in a gainful occupation, and to children dependent on and in the care of the persons referred to in this Article. Every national of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. 19.1. References to the United Kingdom in this Article shall include territories for whose external relations the United Kingdom is responsible.Article 2The United Kingdom and Ireland may continue to make arrangements between themselves relating to the movement of persons between their territories ("the Common Travel Area"), while fully respecting the rights of persons referred to in Article 1, first paragraph, point (a) of this Protocol. This Treaty, drawn up in a single original in the Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish languages, the texts in each of these languages being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Italian Republic, which will transmit a certified copy to each of the governments of the other signatory States.2. The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Save where Article 6 applies, a Judge shall continue to hold office until his successor takes up his duties. The political groups of the European Parliament are the officially recognised political groups consisting of legislators of aligned ideologies in the European Parliament.. Without prejudice to Articles 278 and 279 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union or Article 157 of the EAEC Treaty, an appeal before the General Court shall not have suspensory effect.2. Our Mission The Foreign Press Centers support the Department's mission by deepening global understanding of U.S. policy, society, culture, and values through engagement with foreign media. They shall contain the names of the Judges who took part in the deliberations. The Council shall adopt decisions relating to the tasks referred to in paragraph 1, defining their objectives and scope and the general conditions for their implementation. 45.5. - paragraph 6 replaces, in substance, paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of Article 217 TEC. Declaration on Article 329 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union41. The capital of the ECB shall be euro 5000 million. It was composed of the following political groups. 1. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not apply to decisions having military or defence implications. 30.2. Political parties at European level contribute to forming European political awareness and to expressing the will of citizens of the Union.Article 111. Problems of this scale can be overwhelming, but the Global Goals(also known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs) are the solution to tackling them. The General Affairs Council shall ensure consistency and continuity in the work of the different Council configurations in the framework of multiannual programmes in cooperation with the Commission. The Council may, on a proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, appoint a special representative with a mandate in relation to particular policy issues. European integration is the process of industrial, economic, political, legal, social, and cultural integration of states wholly or partially in Europe or nearby. If the ECB considers that a national central bank has failed to fulfil an obligation under the Treaties and this Statute, it shall deliver a reasoned opinion on the matter after giving the national central bank concerned the opportunity to submit its observations. (j) The European Police Office (Europol) shall have its seat in The Hague. 6. In certain cases governed by the Rules of Procedure, the General Court may sit as a full court or be constituted by a single Judge.The Rules of Procedure may also provide that the General Court may sit in a Grand Chamber in cases and under the conditions specified therein.Article 51By way of derogation from the rule laid down in Article 256(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, jurisdiction shall be reserved to the Court of Justice in the actions referred to in Articles 263 and 265 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union when they are brought by a Member State against:(a) an act of or failure to act by the European Parliament or the Council, or by those institutions acting jointly, except for:- decisions taken by the Council under the third subparagraph of Article 108(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;- acts of the Council adopted pursuant to a Council regulation concerning measures to protect trade within the meaning of Article 207 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;- acts of the Council by which the Council exercises implementing powers in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;(b) against an act of or failure to act by the Commission under the first paragraph of Article 331 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.Jurisdiction shall also be reserved to the Court of Justice in the actions referred to in the same Articles when they are brought by an institution of the Union against an act of or failure to act by the European Parliament, the Council, both those institutions acting jointly, or the Commission, or brought by an institution of the Union against an act of or failure to act by the European Central Bank.Article 52The President of the Court of Justice and the President of the General Court shall determine, by common accord, the conditions under which officials and other servants attached to the Court of Justice shall render their services to the General Court to enable it to function. In accordance with Article 128(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the Governing Council shall have the exclusive right to authorise the issue of euro banknotes within the Union. The EEAS is headed by the EUs High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (HR/VP)Josep Borrell. The committee shall give an opinion on candidates' suitability to perform the duties of judge at the Civil Service Tribunal. A measure adopted under this paragraph shall be binding upon all Member States which took part in its adoption. [54] In March 2018, former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz opposed Turkey's EU accession talks and urged it to halt membership talks. The Committee referred to in paragraph 1 shall annually ascertain that the operations of the Bank have been conducted and its books kept in a proper manner. Any undertaking or public or private entity may apply directly to the Bank for financing. These assets shall be earmarked by national central banks in accordance with guidelines to be established by the Governing Council. The High Representative shall report to the Council on the implementation of this remit.SECTION 2PROVISIONS ON THE COMMON SECURITY AND DEFENCE POLICYArticle 42(ex Article 17 TEU)1. Commitments and cooperation in this area shall be consistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which, for those States which are members of it, remains the foundation of their collective defence and the forum for its implementation. Germany even tried to mobilise support to turn the due diligence process, designed to prevent human rights violations, into a shield to protect companies from being taken to court. The provisions of this Protocol apply for Denmark also to measures proposed or adopted pursuant to Title V of Part Three of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union amending an existing measure by which it is bound. [11] - Paragraph 1 replaces, in substance, the first and second indents of Article 202 TEC;- paragraphs 2 and 9 replace, in substance, Article 203 TEC;- paragraphs 4 and 5 replace, in substance, paragraphs 2 and 4 of Article 205 TEC. CRUK funds some of the worlds leading experts in tobacco research and is a key player in international tobacco control. [104][105], The opening of talks regarding the Economic and Monetary Policy acquis chapter of Turkey's accession bid was expected to begin in June 2007, but were stalled by France. Applications to the Bank may also be made either through the Commission or through the Member State on whose territory the investment will be carried out. Where an application or other procedural document addressed to the Civil Service Tribunal is lodged by mistake with the Registrar of the Court of Justice or General Court, it shall be transmitted immediately by that Registrar to the Registrar of the Civil Service Tribunal. The United Kingdom or Ireland may notify the President of the Council in writing, within three months after a proposal or initiative has been presented to the Council pursuant to Title V of Part Three of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, that it wishes to take part in the adoption and application of any such proposed measure, whereupon that State shall be entitled to do so.The unanimity of the members of the Council, with the exception of a member which has not made such a notification, shall be necessary for decisions of the Council which must be adopted unanimously. PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE CONFIGURATIONS OF THE COUNCIL. REAFFIRM their conviction that the European Investment Bank should continue to devote the majority of its resources to the promotion of economic, social and territorial cohesion, and declare their willingness to review the capital needs of the European Investment Bank as soon as this is necessary for that purpose. The President of the Commission shall: (a) lay down guidelines within which the Commission is to work; (b) decide on the internal organisation of the Commission, ensuring that it acts consistently, efficiently and as a collegiate body; (c) appoint Vice-Presidents, other than the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, from among the members of the Commission. Follow Us. The oral procedure shall consist of the reading of the report presented by a Judge acting as Rapporteur, the hearing by the Court of agents, advisers and lawyers and of the submissions of the Advocate-General, as well as the hearing, if any, of witnesses and experts. In accordance with Article 129(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Articles 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 17, 18, 19.1, 22, 23, 24, 26, 32.2, 32.3, 32.4, 32.6, 33.1(a) and 36 of this Statute may be amended by the European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure either on a recommendation from the ECB and after consulting the Commission, or on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the ECB.40.2. The EU should not be dragged into an intensifying subsidy race least of all with a country with such deep pockets and the world's reserve currency. 1. [40] Replaces the current Article 32 TEU. [34] Also replaces the current Article 29 TEU. Turkey is set to receive EUR 9.2bn from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, a funding mechanism for EU candidate countries. The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, in which the free movement of persons is ensured in conjunction with appropriate measures with respect to external border controls, asylum, immigration and the prevention and combating of crime. If the decision concerns a member of the General Court or of a specialised court, the Court shall decide after consulting the court concerned.Where immunity has been waived and criminal proceedings are instituted against a Judge, he shall be tried, in any of the Member States, only by the court competent to judge the members of the highest national judiciary.Articles 11 to 14 and Article 17 of the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Union shall apply to the Judges, Advocates-General, Registrar and Assistant Rapporteurs of the Court of Justice of the European Union, without prejudice to the provisions relating to immunity from legal proceedings of Judges which are set out in the preceding paragraphs.Article 4The Judges may not hold any political or administrative office.They may not engage in any occupation, whether gainful or not, unless exemption is exceptionally granted by the Council, acting by a simple majority.When taking up their duties, they shall give a solemn undertaking that, both during and after their term of office, they will respect the obligations arising therefrom, in particular the duty to behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance, after they have ceased to hold office, of certain appointments or benefits.Any doubt on this point shall be settled by decision of the Court of Justice. 35.2. Further calls of foreign reserve assets beyond the limit set in Article 30.1 may be effected by the ECB, in accordance with Article 30.2, within the limits and under the conditions set by the Council in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 41. The activities of the Bank and of its organs carried on in accordance with the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank shall not be subject to any turnover tax. 10.5. I am currently in Evrin prison, without the slightest regret. A mid-2006 Eurobarometer survey revealed that 43% of Turkish citizens view the EU positively; just 35% trust the EU, 45% support enlargement and just 29% support an EU constitution. The "Positive Agenda" kick-off meeting was held on 17 May 2012 in Ankara with the participation of Stefan Fle, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. Every day, events are organised worldwide by the European Union Delegations and its partners. Declaration on Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union, 11. Nothing in Articles 26 and 77 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union or in any other provision of that Treaty or of the Treaty on European Union or in any measure adopted under them shall prejudice the right of the other Member States to adopt or exercise any such controls. The Judges, the Advocates-General and the Registrar shall be required to reside at the place where the Court of Justice has its seat. 4. The European Parliament shall be composed of representatives of the Union's citizens. Only a lawyer authorised to practise before a court of a Member State or of another State which is a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area may represent or assist a party before the Court. The frequency of voting rights of the governors allocated to the first group shall not be lower than the frequency of voting rights of those of the second group. The terms and conditions of employment of the members of the Executive Board, in particular their salaries, pensions and other social security benefits shall be the subject of contracts with the ECB and shall be fixed by the Governing Council on a proposal from a Committee comprising three members appointed by the Governing Council and three members appointed by the Council. So the concept of a "political party at European level" was born. As regards such advisers and lawyers who appear before it, the Court shall have the powers normally accorded to courts of law, under conditions laid down in the Rules of Procedure. The accounts shall be approved by the Governing Council and shall thereafter be published. When, every three years, the Judges are partially replaced, 14 and 13 Judges shall be replaced alternately. Those Member States, in association with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, shall agree among themselves on the management of the task.2. The Charter does not affect in any way the right of Member States to legislate in the sphere of public morality, family law, as well as the protection of human dignity and respect for human physical and moral integrity. The EU Commission has watered-down a broad political initiative but now governments of member states hold the key to what the EU should do. The Union's commitments in regard to equivalent preferences as mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article may, if necessary, be broken down country by country taking into account the tonnage indicated in the Annex to this Protocol. 2. Draft legislative acts originating from a group of Member States, the Court of Justice, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank shall be forwarded to national Parliaments by the Council. I want to say that Europe must give itself borders, that not all countries have a vocation to become members of Europe, beginning with Turkey which has no place inside the European Union. The Bank may freely dispose of that part of its capital which is paid up and of any currency borrowed on markets outside the Union. This Protocol is applicable to petroleum products coming under the Brussels Nomenclature numbers 27.10, 27.11, 27.12, ex 27.13 (paraffin wax, petroleum or shale wax and paraffin residues) and 27.14, imported for use in Member States. All other operations in foreign reserve assets remaining with the national central banks after the transfers referred to in Article 30, and Member States' transactions with their foreign exchange working balances shall, above a certain limit to be established within the framework of Article 31.3, be subject to approval by the ECB in order to ensure consistency with the exchange rate and monetary policies of the Union.31.3. 3. Declaration on Article 15(5) and (6), Article 17(6) and (7) and Article 18 of the Treaty on European Union7. It may, in certain cases determined by its rules of procedure, sit in full court or in a chamber of five judges or of a single judge.3. Denmark shall decide within a period of six months after the Council has decided on a proposal or initiative to build upon the Schengen acquis covered by this Part, whether it will implement this measure in its national law. Regulation (EC) No 2004/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003[18] defined what a "political party at European level" actually was and specified that funding should not go to national parties, either directly or indirectly. It has previously been home to parties such as the minor French Gaullist party Union for the New Republic and the Social Democratic Party of Portugal, which were not explicitly liberal parties, but who were not aligned with either the Socialist or the Christian Democratic Groups. The Council shall consist of a representative of each Member State at ministerial level, who may commit the government of the Member State in question and cast its vote. Decisions relating to the common security and defence policy, including those initiating a mission as referred to in this Article, shall be adopted by the Council acting unanimously on a proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy or an initiative from a Member State. Cash payments shall be made exclusively in euro.3. Members of the team may decide alternative arrangements among themselves.Article 2The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States shall be chaired by a representative of the Member State chairing the General Affairs Council.The Chair of the Political and Security Committee shall be held by a representative of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.The chair of the preparatory bodies of the various Council configurations, with the exception of the Foreign Affairs configuration, shall fall to the member of the group chairing the relevant configuration, unless decided otherwise in accordance with Article 4.Article 3The General Affairs Council shall ensure consistency and continuity in the work of the different Council configurations in the framework of multiannual programmes in cooperation with the Commission. The Conference recalls that the respect for fundamental rights and freedoms implies, in particular, that proper attention is given to the protection and observance of the due process rights of the individuals or entities concerned. In accordance with Article 129(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Articles 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 17, 18, 19.1, 22, 23, 24, 26, 32.2, 32.3, 32.4, 32.6, 33.1(a) and 36 of this Statute may be amended by the European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure either on a recommendation from the ECB and after consulting the Commission, or on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the ECB. The EU proposed a plan to use the proceeds from the 300bn Russian Central Bank assets to help reconstruct Ukraine, but suggested the funds should be returned if a peace agreement were to be signed. 4. A Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States shall be responsible for preparing the work of the Council. The Union shall have an institutional framework which shall aim to promote its values, advance its objectives, serve its interests, those of its citizens and those of the Member States, and ensure the consistency, effectiveness and continuity of its policies and actions.The Union's institutions shall be:- the European Parliament,- the European Council,- the Council,- the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission"),- the Court of Justice of the European Union,- the European Central Bank,- the Court of Auditors.2. (b) In addition to the tasks referred to in Article 46, the ECB shall also give advice in relation to and contribute to the preparation of any decision of the Council with regard to the United Kingdom taken in accordance with paragraphs 9(a) and 9(c). Where a reduction in the interest rate appears desirable in view of the nature of the investment to be financed, the Member State concerned or some other agency may grant aid towards the payment of interest to the extent that this is compatible with Article 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The groups are coalitions of MEPs and the European parties and national parties that those MEPs belong to. 5. (b) The Council shall have its seat in Brussels. These proposals shall be submitted to the European Council by the Council and the national Parliaments shall be notified. If he does not succeed, the Council may, acting by a qualified majority, request that the matter be referred to the European Council for a decision by unanimity.3. The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, stated that it must be a precondition for Turkey to recognise the systematic massacres of Armenians in 1915 as genocide.[142]. Then, we will regain the Turkish public opinion support in one day."[177]. Subscribe to our newsletter, engage on social media, or contact us. Declaration on Article 352 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, 43. Declaration concerning the common foreign and security policy, 15. The institutions shall maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society. The members of the Executive Board shall not have the right to vote on matters referred to in this paragraph. Declaration by the Republic of Poland concerning the Protocol on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in relation to Poland and the United Kingdom63. The European Council, acting by a qualified majority, with the agreement of the President of the Commission, shall appoint the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. It shall prepare the decisions of the Board of Directors, in particular decisions on the raising of loans and the granting of finance, in particular in the form of loans and guarantees; it shall ensure that these decisions are implemented. They shall contain the names of the Judges who took part in the deliberations.Article 37Judgments shall be signed by the President and the Registrar. In such a case the other Member States shall abstain from formally placing the matter before the Council.Article 5If the Union decides to apply quantitative restrictions to petroleum products, no matter whence they are imported, these restrictions may also be applied to imports of such products from the Netherlands Antilles. A member of the European Council or the Council may request that, where an act is adopted by the European Council or the Council by a qualified majority, a check is made to ensure that the Member States comprising the qualified majority represent at least 62 % of the total population of the Union. A European political party, known formally as a political party at European level and informally as a Europarty, is a type of political party organisation operating transnationally in Europe and within the institutions of the European Union.They are regulated and funded by the EU Regulation No 1141/2014 on European Political Parties and European Political Foundations and their [11][12][13], .mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{}totally incompatible The idea was introduced by French president Emmanuel Macron in a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on May 9. The Council shall, acting unanimously on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, the ECB and the Economic and Financial Committee, adopt appropriate provisions to lay down the details of the convergence criteria referred to in Article 140(1) of the said Treaty, which shall then replace this Protocol. In the case of a bicameral Parliamentary system, each of the two chambers shall have one vote.2. The Commission, as a body, shall be responsible to the European Parliament. FPI act as first responder to foreign policy needs and opportunities in the following areas: The EU Special Representatives (EUSRs)promote the EU's policies and interests in specific regions and countries and play an active role in efforts to consolidate peace, stability and the rule of law. Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. The decisions and recommendations of the Council within the framework of permanent structured cooperation, other than those provided for in paragraphs 2 to 5, shall be adopted by unanimity. Declaration on Article 5 of the Protocol on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union45. A qualified majority of the Council shall be defined in accordance with Article 238(3)(a) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.3. The Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Union shall apply to the bodies referred to in paragraph 1 in so far as they are incorporated under the law of the Union, to the members of their organs in the performance of their duties as such and to their staff, under the same terms and conditions as those applicable to the Bank.Those dividends, capital gains or other forms of revenue stemming from such bodies to which the members, other than the European Union and the Bank, are entitled, shall however remain subject to the fiscal provisions of the applicable legislation.5. This will lead to a common defence, when the European Council, acting unanimously, so decides. If the person concerned is a member of the General Court or of a specialised court, the Court shall decide after consulting the court concerned.The Registrar of the Court shall communicate the decision of the Court to the President of the European Parliament and to the President of the Commission and shall notify it to the President of the Council.In the case of a decision depriving a Judge of his office, a vacancy shall arise on the bench upon this latter notification.Article 7A Judge who is to replace a member of the Court whose term of office has not expired shall be appointed for the remainder of his predecessors term.Article 8The provisions of Articles 2 to 7 shall apply to the Advocates-General.TITLE IIORGANISATION OF THE COURT OF JUSTICEArticle 9When, every three years, the Judges are partially replaced, 14 and 13 Judges shall be replaced alternately.When, every three years, the Advocates-General are partially replaced, four Advocates-General shall be replaced on each occasion.Article 10The Registrar shall take an oath before the Court of Justice to perform his duties impartially and conscientiously and to preserve the secrecy of the deliberations of the Court of Justice.Article 11The Court of Justice shall arrange for replacement of the Registrar on occasions when he is prevented from attending the Court of Justice.Article 12Officials and other servants shall be attached to the Court of Justice to enable it to function. Indemnification shall be in a form deemed appropriate in the judgment of the Governing Council; these amounts may be offset against the national central banks' monetary income.32.5. (b) have the capacity to supply by 2010 at the latest, either at national level or as a component of multinational force groups, targeted combat units for the missions planned, structured at a tactical level as a battle group, with support elements including transport and logistics, capable of carrying out the tasks referred to in Article 43 of the Treaty on European Union, within a period of five to 30 days, in particular in response to requests from the United Nations Organisation, and which can be sustained for an initial period of 30 days and be extended up to at least 120 days. It may, on the basis of a decision taken by a qualified majority, delegate some of its functions to the Management Committee. [43] Replaced, in substance, by the second sentence of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 of Article 208 TFEU. It shall adopt the necessary decisions. Thursday, September 29, 2022. Each political group is The Council shall, in the course of these discussions, do all in its power to reach, within a reasonable time and without prejudicing obligatory time limits laid down by Union law, a satisfactory solution to address concerns raised by the members of the Council referred to in Article 4. This page gathers together latest and upcoming meetings organised by the European Council, the Council of the EU and their working parties and committees. WHEREAS pursuant to Article 6(3) of the Treaty on European Union, fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, constitute part of the Union's law as general principles. The Civil Service Tribunal shall appoint its Registrar and lay down the rules governing his service. If, by the end of the period of four months, the Council has not adopted a decision, a Member State may, without delay, request that the matter be referred to the European Council. 1. MEPs vote overwhelmingly to suspend negotiations with Turkey over human rights and rule of law concerns. Declaration concerning the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union2. Declaration by the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Malta on the spelling of the name of the single currency in the TreatiesWithout prejudice to the unified spelling of the name of the single currency of the European Union referred to in the Treaties as displayed on the banknotes and on the coins, Latvia, Hungary and Malta declare that the spelling of the name of the single currency, including its derivatives as applied throughout the Latvian, Hungarian and Maltese text of the Treaties, has no effect on the existing rules of the Latvian, Hungarian or Maltese languages.59. The rates of the customs duties thus introduced, increased or re-introduced may not exceed the customs duties applicable to third countries for these same products. They are the faces of the EUs security and defence policy. The contributions of each national central bank shall be fixed in proportion to its share in the subscribed capital of the ECB. Each institution shall act within the limits of the powers conferred on it in the Treaties, and in conformity with the procedures, conditions and objectives set out in them. Sappi accepts offer to sell three European graphic paper mills. [67] Replaced, in substance by Article 52 TEU. The President of the Commission shall:(a) lay down guidelines within which the Commission is to work;(b) decide on the internal organisation of the Commission, ensuring that it acts consistently, efficiently and as a collegiate body;(c) appoint Vice-Presidents, other than the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, from among the members of the Commission.A member of the Commission shall resign if the President so requests. Such Agreement shall include provisions on the contribution of Iceland and Norway to any financial consequences resulting from the implementation of this Protocol.A separate Agreement shall be concluded with Iceland and Norway by the Council, acting unanimously, for the establishment of rights and obligations between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the one hand, and Iceland and Norway on the other, in domains of the Schengen acquis which apply to these States.Article 7For the purposes of the negotiations for the admission of new Member States into the European Union, the Schengen acquis and further measures taken by the institutions within its scope shall be regarded as an acquis which must be accepted in full by all States candidates for admission.PROTOCOL (No 20)ON THE APPLICATION OF CERTAIN ASPECTS OF ARTICLE 26 OF THE TREATY ON THE FUNCTIONING OF THE EUROPEAN UNION TO THE UNITED KINGDOM AND TO IRELANDTHE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES,DESIRING to settle certain questions relating to the United Kingdom and Ireland,HAVING REGARD to the existence for many years of special travel arrangements between the United Kingdom and Ireland,HAVE AGREED UPON the following provisions, which shall be annexed to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union:Article 1The United Kingdom shall be entitled, notwithstanding Articles 26 and 77 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, any other provision of that Treaty or of the Treaty on European Union, any measure adopted under those Treaties, or any international agreement concluded by the Union or by the Union and its Member States with one or more third States, to exercise at its frontiers with other Member States such controls on persons seeking to enter the United Kingdom as it may consider necessary for the purpose:(a) of verifying the right to enter the United Kingdom of citizens of Member States and of their dependants exercising rights conferred by Union law, as well as citizens of other States on whom such rights have been conferred by an agreement by which the United Kingdom is bound; and(b) of determining whether or not to grant other persons permission to enter the United Kingdom.Nothing in Articles 26 and 77 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union or in any other provision of that Treaty or of the Treaty on European Union or in any measure adopted under them shall prejudice the right of the United Kingdom to adopt or exercise any such controls. 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