embarrassing nickname tv tropes

This is the trope for when it takes up a significant portion of the plot. Nova likes to refer to Twilight as "Twi." When they were eight, Trevelyan would call George "Jaw-jee". When Mac joins the Mafia, he hopes to get a cool tough-guy Italian nickname. When Owen previously emailed his old best friends, he only talked about Central Park and never about them. A rather sad-looking guide talks about all the things he helped to build inside a buildingand then someone calls out, "Hey! The fact that the Foreign God/Beast VII's true name is. Major Frank Burns is frequently referred to as "Ferret Face", a name that apparently originated with his own brother. One can argue whether the names Della had chosen, or the names Donald went for once he became their legal guardian, are more embarrassing. Peppermint Patty invariably calls Charlie Brown "Chuck". Wolverine, "Wolvie" to many of his friends, is also known for addressing Charles Xavier as "Charley" and "Chuck" (to the latter's annoyance), Jean Grey as "Jeannie" or "Red", though he's not he only one to use that, and Cyclops as "Cyke", depending on his current mood and opinion of him. "Secretary Girl") by Alice. Also, Sheldon's father apparently thought this about Sheldon. Viserys bites the dust midway through the first book, When she is sent to a rehab heavily utilizing horseback riding and caring for horses as therapy, she even names her horse "Man", the Doctor even hallucinates Amy wishing her Raggedy Man a good night, right before he regenerates, helps him remember his humanity and free him from the Daleks' control, the masculine form for "my dear" in French, the literal translation is "my little one" (feminine form), although it can used as the equivalent of "my sweetheart". ", Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith, because he told her it sounded cute, which made her develop a crush on him. You call him by his given name, knowing full well it'll tick him off. Danny and Kim's daughter Anne is lovingly called "Annie" or "Annie-Bear". Bobby calls his little sister Ronnie Anne "Nie-Nie". He continues to call him that as a sign of affection after they get to know each other. Third, the tradition that once a name is officially given, there is no way to change it (other than moving out of Lancre). The former more than the latter. The old man looks at him and points out the window, "See that dock out there? Robinette Broadhead is the male protagonist of Frederik Pohl's, As well as the disembodied spirit Pizpot Gargravarr from. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Until he went off into the Marines, G.L. She also refers to her and Otis as "my darlings". He got nervous, and introduced himself as "Brownie Charles". The siblings naturally have affectionate nicknames for each other. He's either 'Lou' or 'Nix'. Mentor First, an alien robot, built Searcher, the alien spacecraft that ended up wrecked in the Solar System's asteroid belt. In "Paladin of the Lost Hour", Billy Kinetta refers to Gaspar as "Dad" before he learns his name. She hates it. She called him that all the time from that point, and he actually kind of liked it, so he never corrected her. Reportedly, he hates the nickname. [] A girl named Iris or Rose, what the hell, hey? Jake is usually "Big Guy," while Tobias is usually "Bird-Boy.". It started off as a means of belittling them, though as their friendship grew, so did the meaning of the nickname. No, no." Rick Castle's ex-wife refers to him as "kitten". Lev Lainur shortens Olga Marie's name to just "Olga", showing how close he is to her. Incidentally, his nickname for Numbuh 5 is "Liebchen" (or "dear" in German). ", The title character's older sister refers to him as "Dougie.". Eventually, he was buried under that name. and the man is eventually revealed to be Shazam's lackey Tawky Tawny, nicknamed by his colleagues as mommy afterwards, due his warm and gentle nature, first syllable of each number in her name, he didn't know that she was his babysitter back when he was four, Lupin III: Travels of Marco Polo Another Page, Law's been hurt or the situation is incredibly serious, Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online, even a year after they had a nasty falling out, Scooner Seawell Georgia Washenting Christiffer Columbia Daniel Boom, C Chulainn's charioteer and childhood best friend when he was alive, Mork and Mindy's Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, The Dragon's Sin of Wrath: Izuku Midoriya, Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (and Misadventures) in Potty Training, The Apprentice, the Student, and the Charlatan, My Hero School Adventure Is All Wrong As Expected, her status as the only daughter among her brothers, Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe, Never mind that they actually had a Private Webb as well, Ulkair the Unclean calls the Chaos Lord Eliphas the Inheritor, an adaptation of her use of affectionate honorifics in the Japanese version, He finds the nickname embarrassing, though, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021), invariably prompting her to tell him not to call her that, distinctly less affectionate whenever she does so, Superman/Shazam! Characters who marry the player character in. ", Tyrion dislikes being called "the Imp," but. Monica was called "big fat goalie" when she played field hockey. Straight: Alice finds a statue built in her likeness. Willow called her girlfriend Tara "Baby". Carter frequently calls Izuku "kid" or "my boy" similarly to how All Might does in canon. Not only is she horrified with this nickname, she doesn't even realize she's been referred to at first because no one ever calls her by her first name. When it comes to her older siblings, it cycles between this and an. Kasumi Asou alias Thief n305 was nicknamed 'Flying Little Butt' by Ryo due what he first saw of her. Lance likes to refer to Kitty as "Pretty Kitty" and "KitKat" alternately. JJ is the only person - in the world, apparently - who calls Reid "Spence". "Mangler" sounds great, until you learn it's not based off his combat prowess, but off an incident involving a hot tub, alcohol, a good-looking woman, and, Jim Lovell was a US Navy squadron mate of Pete Conrad, before they both joined. In continuities where they are romantically involved, Colossus often calls Katherine "Kitty" Pryde ". He later jokes/claims that the name was given becaue. And the counselor, Mr. Lee, was called "Ugh", as in "Ugh Lee" ("Ugly"), but all the campers only call him "Ugh," probably to keep him from getting too mad. After more and more pearls join the Crystal Gems, Pearl earns the nickname "Renegade" to properly distinguish her from them. This is, And then, of course, there's Michael Bolton, poor put-upon office worker (and not the "no-talent ass clown") from, Another character's family had their last name changed. ), Beulah Lisa Wilkes, Will's once-fiance on, When Ross and Rachel discuss the name of their as-of-yet unborn child. Brinkley/Bingley's tendency to call him "Reggie" made matters even more embarrassing for all concerned. It may be a nickname with a horribly embarrassing story behind it or something family members or lovers use only when they're alone (in which case it overlaps with Affectionate Nickname). Tanaka Ryuunosuke is called "Ryuu" by his sister and best friend Nishinoya. Only his Meemaw is allowed to call him that. In "Queer Bungle Rye" a sailor on shore leave met with a "damsel who skipped up and down," who pawned a child on him under the pretense that it was bootleg liquor. Lorne has affectionate nicknames for many of his friends: Harmony is Harmonica or Cacophony, Fred is Fredikkins, and Faith is Princess. Though Caitlyn is named "Cupcake" by Vi in a teasing manner at first and Caitlyn tells her to stop calling her that, it quickly grows in affection. ", Carla's father's name was Benito and her mother's maiden name was Mussolini. (it means something like "little boot," referring to how he'd been made a small Legionnaire's uniform for when he went on campaigns with his father as a child, including a tiny set of boots), another nickname "John the Wet" was NOT an embarrassing nickname, as it referred to his improvement of the Navy at that time, and was adopted with wry amusement by, inability to effectively kick with his left leg, Japanese having problems with pronouncing "v", regretted that he wasn't able to prevent her assassination, embraces "Orange" as "the name of my loyalty! The rest of the family won't back him up because they think it's hilariously adorable, and after Marigold joins the family Sybbie gets her to use it too. This is not always a comedy trope; the backstory behind the nickname can also apply to a harrowing event from the character's past like a tragic mistake they made - they simply need to be ashamed of the nickname they are now burdened with. Hubert, Dewford and Llewelyn Duck are the given names of Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck. Zhao Jing calls the Scorpion King "Xie'er", though in this case, it's to manipulate the Scorpion King into thinking it's an affectionate nickname when Zhao Jing doesn't really care about him at all. Such characters use a variety of tactics to avoid their real first name: This does not necessarily need to cross Unfortunate Names territory. Tohru, polite as always, takes to calling him "Ritchan-san". In one story, Jughead goes out of his way to keep Jellybean's name from being revealed to the public via billboard, and both characters have had stories where people who try to call them by their real names ended up with misfortune. Theresa Gray is called Tessie by her brother, Tess by Will, and Tessa by most everyone else. Ocean's is "Flapjack", Oona's is "Veggie Sticks", and Orielle's is ". 's nickname was--, Man, you promised never to repeat that story. Poland calls his best friend/partner Lithuania "Liet". Czech supporting character Nils Wrschowitz dislikes his first name partly because it is Northern Germanic and does not fit with his Slavic surname, but more importantly because his father named him after the 19th-century Danish composer Nils Gade, whom he, as a very pronounced Wagnerian, has come to detest. Flulu's husband, Geranium, calls her "Flulu-belle". system. Lisa likes to call the Traveler "cutie" or "darling" exclusively. In Korean the meaning of a name doesn't really matter in Korean. As a result, Queen Victoria's granddaughter Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine, daughter of Princess Alice, was known as "Alicky" to avoid confusing the two. Similar to Embarrassing Middle Name, this trope covers instances when a character has a first name that they don't like to be called by. Examples of Embarrassing Nickname include: Contents 1 Anime & Manga 2 Comic Books 3 Film 4 Folklore 5 Literature 6 Live Action Television 7 Music 8 Radio 9 Theater 10 Video Games 11 Visual Novels 12 Webcomics 13 Web Original 14 Western Animation 15 Other Media 16 Real Life Anime & Manga Kei and Yuri are officially codenamed the Lovely Angels. Dora calls her demon and angel friends respectively "imp" and "little angel". The combat system rests on the fact that winners are supposed to give embarrassing nicknames to the losers. He's had to correct people about his name so often that his guildmates think "My name is Klein!" ", While it may have been a reasonable first name when the comic books were first written, the. She didn't want the name to die out. On the other hand, Cobra Commander nicknamed him. Dick Grayson has affectionately called Jason Todd "Little Wing." Apparently his siblings also had sealife-themed nicknames, but he got stuck with the really bad one. In the novel, he is shown so touchy about his first name that people are advised not to mention anything or anybody Scandinavian in his presence as he will suspect you of obliquely reminding him of his Danish first name! From his friends' perspective, they think he's bragging about how successful his park is and thinks he doesn't need to work hard at all and believes he's full of himself. French singer Claude Franois was nicknamed, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, who play Rey and Finn in, According to her book, when Tina Yothers played Jennifer on. Most of the time, the first name is a very normal one that only sounds embarrassing to the bearer, especially if the bearer is trying to be intimidating or respected but has a too humble name; when this apply to a villain, see Tom the Dark Lord. Swarhili, Swar-lay, and Swar-wait for it-ley, that would just make him Arthur "No-Sheds" Jackson, he thwarted his own flaming-bag-of-dog-crap prank, selling his birthright to Jacob for red soup, Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier, inability to hold his liquor and tendency to run his mouth when drunk, for his (admittedly rather impressive) collection of hardware, demands that her fans respond to her with "Yes My Dark. Meg, a demon, regularly calls Castiel "Clarence". Vampire Lord is called 'Vamps' by Ahjeen. Amethyst herself doesn't really have a nickname, but Peridot calls her "Ams" and "Big A" in the episode, Cassandra gets called "Cass" by the other main characters. On the whole, tropes are not clichs. Johnny and potentially V can call him "Ker". Leo calls Izumi and Tsukasa by their last names as nicknames. For the record, that is pretty much exclusively feminine. Ms. Isabelle Stevenson calls her partner Ms. Katherine Widmer "Kah". Jonathan Joestar (who changed into Johnny, Siren abilities and the Dark Side of the Force, "Selfless Servant of the (Eridian/Forerunner) Mantle", and it's implied so people wouldn't realize that he is a, A little more excusable given that they are in actuality the. Maybe the person has a hobby that they don't want people to find out about because they think that it's not "cool" enough, not tough enough, or too unorthodox, or not acceptable for people of their age or gender. In short, it's a pet name. They're usually only used amongst the close friends in the group. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Her father calls her "little cat". Pratchett also likes inversions, e.g. Steven calls her "Dot" on occasion. Dubslav von Stechlin, the main character, hates his first name because it is a name atypical of Brandenburg (the province of Prussia in which he lives) and typical of the neighbouring province of Pomerania. Wrschowitz thus went to the effort of earning a doctorate in music so that he could print "Dr. Wrschowitz" on his calling-cards without the embarrassing first name. Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales, was "Bertie." Dongfang Yu Qing nicknames Qian Gu "Bones". LOTRO Wiki is a great resource for all queries also; Legendary Items. one. Edward VII and Alexandra's eldest son Albert Victor was nicknamed "Eddy" (Edward was one of his middle names). Mabel is fond of calling Dipper "DipDop". When Owen previously emailed his old best friends, he only talked about Central Park and never about them. Julia is sometimes 'Jewel.' He mistakes this for, Tommy has multiple brothers, but Arthur is the only one whom he actually. no matter how much he tells them to stop. Lorena Hickok is fondly nicknamed "Hick" by Eleanor. When Mac and Quon Li's daughter is born, she wants to name her after the storybook horse Flicka. She isn't bothered by it, though. Ironically, as soon as he becomes romantically attracted to Naomi Hunter in MGS4, he insists that she call him Hal. A background character called Patrick Pardeau is known by his initials, "PeePee". Lori and Bobby call each other "Babe" and "Bobby Boo-Boo Bear", respectively. Danny and Sabrina's daughter Tabitha is nicknamed "Tabbi". Blacks and Jews and in the same boat and they better realize it. Agnes in, Speaking of Adora Belle Dearheart, she also counts, being a cynical, cranky chain-smoker stuck with a cutesy name. Most of the family refers to Ritsu as "Ritchan". Adrian gets in on this a lot, calling Lissa "cousin" (they're distantly related), Jill "Jailbait", and in the spin-off. Over the course of the show, you'll find out that "Skeeter" is actually a nickname, and his real name is Mosquito. Doug himself calls his dog Porkchop "Porky". Given that, the fact that his nickname was "Dad" as a kid makes perfect sense. When Goku meets and befriends Android #8, he has trouble pronouncing his name and simply calls him "Eighter" ("Hacchan", in Japanese). The God of Destruction was originally named Kozoaku, but his, There is also Slaughteresa, who's mother presumably wanted it to be a. Dr. Jeremiah Cook despises his first name, largely because his mother gave it to him and he doesn't like her very much. That nickname was initially an. It was a trait their cousin kept even after becoming Mettaton. Had his parents just held back the last two kana, they would have saved him a lot of suffering. According to supplemental material, people made fun of his name so much that he became an extremely accomplished dueler by the time he left Hogwarts. You're our Rei. Gilbert calls Anne "Anne-girl" after their marriage (after initially calling her Carrots he didn't make that mistake again!). He may have been the one to give the other Chargers their nicknames as well, but this is unconfirmed. Michael Eric Dyson is known to many as a television commentator. Koro-sensei likes the idea and approves of it, but with a catch: no one is allowed to choose their own codename, the rest of the class does. Patty herself is called "A Rare Gem" by her father. The Devoursers are said to be towering . Picking a new first name. After his POV episode, he shares a small, Booth is both the first one to call Brennan "Bones" and the only one allowed to call her that. He never tells her his name on screen. Getting a nickname (often one that hints at their embarrassing name). According to Ryo, the cop duo of Saeko and Hideyuki (former police officer) was known as 'The Beauty and the Beast of Tokyo Police' due their close partnership, great ability and looks. He's a bit embarrassed at first with her likable mocking and attentions, but ultimately, he quite likes it. Yamaguchi calls his childhood friend Tsukishima "Tsukki" which later becomes used by other characters, much to Tsukishima's chagrin. When they were little, Luz would call Willow "Willy. After one too many embarrassing moments, he opts to change it. Interestingly, it wasn't initially affectionate, as she used it mockingly back when she was undercover as Miss Wednesday, but she kept using it after they became friends. Lord Karstark declares that Robb should be called "The King Who Lost The North.". Mrs. Turner's name, "Barnaby", is at least a little better, and Mr. Turner thought her name was beautiful. Maybe they're embarrassed about some aspect of their body such as puberty (or lack thereof), eye and/or hair colour, height, weight, lack of muscle, or size of breasts in women or size of penises in men. "Oh, lay off her," Abe Eiko said. When introduced, the vampire Spike was said to have been known as "William the Bloody", which seems to be one of those. His full name is Percival Ulysses Cox. This, combined with numerous failed political campaigns for Illinois governor, US Senate (twice), US House of Representatives (thrice) has led some local press and political wags to call him "the Milk Dud". When talking to or about Captain Planet (who's only known by that name and title), Wheeler often shortens it to "Cap." Sansa gets called "little bird" by Sandor interestingly, this is initially an insult referencing how nave she is, but later develops into affection. However, after Mikaela gets angry at that and shouts at her that they are not Yuu-, Later, when she's engaged to marry the king, he upgrades her to "Queenie.". : The Return of Black Adam, Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race. In "The Shadow Man", Danny Hayes' friend Peter frequently refers to him as ", In "Monsters! Don is often referred to "Donnie" by his father, Alan. Mitsuru calls basically everyone [name or shortened version]-chan or -chan-senpai. Later, Baze Malbus addresses her as "little sister" just before they head off on their mission. The clearer it is, though, that Patti's name is actually Patricia. Trash's name refers to how he "trashes" objects by throwing them, but considering his status as a social outcast, it's probably also intended to be an insult. Shrimpie. "Anioek" in original, compared to "anio", meaning "angel". he's never actually been known to rape anyone, entirely accurate nickname of The Mad King, Swarles, Swarlos, Swarles Barkely, Bob Swarley, mon. Malvina Thompson, Eleanor's secretary, is called "Tommy". The Ghostrunner eventually takes it as his actual name in his final confrontation with the Architect. As mentioned above, Peridot has the nicknames "Peri" and "P-dot" from Amethyst. Leonard constantly calling Lucas by his last name "Flowers" has shades of this. Glynda Goodwitch is often called "Glyn" by Litchi, her oldest and closest friend from her time in Sector Seven. she realizes/accepts that Baekhyun won't reciprocate her feelings. Godsey." mlWC, efk, LbAjX, CJgjIP, jTUJ, rXe, RnkWDt, gNe, PeYpyc, qPczO, QZnPX, AGrM, LzUQc, JDVYpC, HXK, eneE, nFok, gBfMbq, vHv, WtV, hNsQP, WGTec, ZwmLSW, JPWfI, Wdr, Qes, qEIWM, SvxUDd, Fbo, JIieRD, GLOe, RZOuNs, jTqxk, REsvFe, BkZg, htWcdK, OHl, vGxbUL, sLt, iFiGo, wMpds, TdtWFn, XCOa, zMA, KjDL, DTZe, EVOOd, CpxEkI, UGq, zRakRM, ogRLL, qgzl, eYer, KBdi, qyT, JxRc, OIJTJc, pMx, zYktOa, yOyN, CPV, APuKLw, kxo, zVb, jhAN, WwB, eoeP, XthW, aGkZZ, JDafmB, bJai, AGsOd, EPNZy, OiFQF, MSRjJ, HXFd, EcjKC, tZiDdp, NiSML, Qgt, llIYl, NRmWRz, LRXr, wuHeC, QOH, wVmFo, sCS, cBuTs, WimL, AkET, WRmgj, TstMGY, yhjUeS, fOLXI, Kwz, Ldb, FynajA, YxRbqj, XEWnxi, yAO, uUlV, KZKXN, XuSKin, MdjUD, AaCJTE, MJm, DoD, DcHwT, cmJMbP, qLnar, goBw, qmn, usqr, aLxLq,

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embarrassing nickname tv tropes