zombie pig nyt science

(02/09/14) Interview with John Conway, pioneer in surreal numbers, Game of Life, etc. (09/18/13) Imagine the joy of titling your next novel: "Horopter." (07/21/13) Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop, (07/20/13) The famous Isaac Asimov talks about religion and reasoning, (07/19/13) Behind Every Stack Of Books, There Is A Flood Of Knowledge (Awesome painting), (07/18/13) Tonight, as you drift off to sleep, imagine strolling with someone you love on the romantic Islands of Calleja. This sunset. Instead of reading James Joyce's Ulysses, watch it for free on Youtube Can you really knock over the Empire State building with 1-inch domino? Cat. (11/24/14) Less than 50% people surveyed can correctly locate the heart YouTube (02/23/13) Adonna Khare and her Pencil i^3, (06/10/21) The Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (04/08/14) I coined the phrase "Juggler Sequence" and love 24906114455136. Where do you go? Encourage them to understand 50% of the math gems 40-yard dash: Average Joe vs. Astoria, Queens. (09/09/12) If you've not heard about Benford's Law before, you're in for a real treat with this post 92.6% of Americans get this question wrong (01/07/14) Sometimes, even fractals can light up and sing (click to mag) (02/03/12) If you are exposed to the color red when you take IQ test, your IQ is lower (06/18/12) Sam Harris - Death and the Present Moment (11/06/14) I love 998999. (12/08/13) Unusual. Boy following "shepherd" bird, which guides him through life It makes us smile and shiver in fear. (03/10/14) Blue bar. Eye organ of fruit fly larvae, by Michael John Bridge (08/02/12) The tiger walks slowly, to the burning bush of an apocalypse (12/09/14) 10 reasons our universe might actually be virtual reality (12/21/12) Maria Popova's "10 Best History Books of 2012" (08/11/12) Celebrate! (02/18/14) Check out my Twitter stream right now. Malware looks for mouse movement as a sign that human actively uses the computer. (07/20/16) Self-describing pie chart Theres no doubt about it. (06/26/12) Escher, Einstein, Atomic (02/26/13) Israel has world's highest number of scientists per capita at 135 scientists for every 100,000 workers. Cross section of flower ovary, by Ray Nelson Recycling air, nutrients, water (YouTube), MATH problems designed to exclude smart JEWS from MOSCOW State University (PDF). (01/20/14) What Would Happen if Oxygen Disappeared from Earth for Five Seconds? (01/02/14) Sometimes, Zincite reminds me of candy of the gods This Clever Bug Spray Billboard is Actually a Horrifying Giant Insect Trap, (12/07/13) Sometimes, fractals excite the imagination, making us wonder about reality and transcendence, (12/06/13) Imagine the joy of finding this periodic function that may, or may not, intersect finitely many times, (12/05/13) Man steps on the edge of a ledge named infinity, (12/04/13) Most math posters only show approximations of these important numbers. How to calculate Pi with a pump-action shotgun, John Conway's name appears on a math paper, showing "that it's possible to divide by three" (pdf), Max Tegmark: "Consciousness is a state of matter called perceptronium, Saturn tattoo with Titan, Iapetus, and Enceladus in orbit, Map of colossal supercluster of galaxies called Laniakea. (11/25/17) Shortest scientific paper ever published in serious journal. (05/03/12) Wow, ancient Sumerian proverbs (pdf) (07/09/12) 5 people playing a single guitar, together (10/08/12) It would be interesting to explore this landscape (photo) The Chocolate Hands of Belgium (03/06/13) Dung beetles dream of galaxies in their ephemeral quest for transcendence and salvation (05/17/12) Where do Muslims exist on Earth today? (07/17/13) Can cats experience visual movement illusions on paper, just like humans can? (12/21/15) When you need a 20-digit prime in a hurry (12/20/15) Imagine the joy of programming one of the world's first general-purpose computers (photo), (12/19/15) Less than 30% of people surveyed can correctly locate the kidneys, (12/18/15) In the hall of the Fractal King, (12/17/15) The insertion of two vertical lines gives us the impression of 3D, (12/15/15) Long exposure shot of an airplane taking off, (12/14/15) Video documentary on Fermat's Last Theorem, (12/12/15) This is an unusual poster for a "Found Dog", (12/11/15) Mysterious ad where time seems to stop, (12/09/15) Unusual recent serious paper title: "On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit", (12/08/15) Nice photo. (06/09/13) The colorful beetles with whom we share this planet (09/09/15) This gif by Frdric Vayssouze-Faure attempts to illustrate the concept of "6 degrees of separation" (12/22/15) "Life within Life." (01/06/17) Intriguing video. Is this your afterlife? An atlas that marks place names using their English meanings, Sometimes, a time-lapse video of the Milky Way is like a prayer. (08/17/15) World's Strangest Mother's Day Image (03/01/12) Amazing discovery involving photos, Klein bottles, randomness, math, and beyond (12/07/12) New Scientist: holiday gift books recommendations. Topics: near-death experiences, leech therapy, self-experimentation, test-tube babies, face transplants, biological weapons, circumcision, and more. (10/22/14) Excuse me. (02/12/12) Mystical time-lapse video of the Milky Way traversing the sky above South Dakota. Macon Airship. (12/10/12) Did the U.S. once have super-secret plans to nuke the moon? Worlds without End. (05/09/14) The joy of logic. (04/13/14) "Sine Wave in Action." Watch our perceptions evolve Click to magnify Time to remove Jews from all government positions before they kill us all. (08/05/13) Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking: wedding photo 49% die of something else (05/17/13) Woman merges with calciform life. New York City at 7,500 feet, (02/08/15) Aliens among us. Pyrite cubic crystals on marlstone, Computers and algorithms are now breeding humans. (03/01/12) Amazing discovery involving photos, Klein bottles, randomness, math, and beyond (01/16/15) The evolution in our thoughts and models: Heliocentrism and Geocentrism (06/18/13) Imagine reading a book, with someone you love, on a Sofa Cloud, made with magnets Lovecraft answers your relationship questions, "A thetan weighs about 1.5 ounces [45 grams]," says doctor who weighed people after their deaths, Poll asked voters which US presidential candidate better at repelling space alien attack, 5 people playing a single guitar, together, More than a third of divorce filings last year contained the word "Facebook", Bizarre Israeli and American Vortex Beams transmit 2.5 terabits per second. (04/29/12) Most Highlighted Passages of All Time on Amazon Kindle! (01/25/13) New world of book publishing. (03/16/13) Bon Iver - Holocene (mystic music). (01/09/12) For you mathematical nerds. (05/25/13) The way computers used to be. There are 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in your body Pre-order today to lock-in a great price for a 528-page hardcover color book. (05/07/15) Mysterious multi-tentacular form emerges in a cactus garden terrarium (05/28/13) Empathy. This is beauty and complexity (08/28/12) "Not a single one of the cells that compose you knows who you are, or cares." Beauty of simple mathematics, 5 circles centered on 6th circle. (08/11/12) Celebrate! (12/06/13) Imagine the joy of finding this periodic function that may, or may not, intersect finitely many times (11/20/14) Parakeets and 26 dimensions: string theory history Hamutar to Fushigi no Oni no Ehonto (movie), Transformers: Beast Wars II: The Movie (special), Trinity Seven: Eternal Library & Alchemic Girl (movie). Use discount code "REALITY" for $100 off registration (04/22/13) Unusual. (Photo. Longest distance in "straight line" without crossing any major water bodies (04/23/13) Scary. (11/03/13) "Someone told me lately: Everyone deserves the chance to fly! (03/04/13) Art made from bottle bottoms. Worth a look (04/23/13) Scary. (01/18/14) Nice. (05/06/13) If a tiger and lion were placed together for some great battle, the tiger would defeat the lion (03/02/14) You travel back in time to share one piece of scientific knowledge from today. This is a bat embryo (08/01/13) Many of the child actors who played the "Little Rascals" seemed cursed and died young in mysterious ways ", (01/18/13) Imagine the joy of sucking on Saturn, (01/16/13) My favorite 1-minute video on the mystery of Ultrafinitism and Israeli mathematician Doron Zeilberger, (01/15/13) My answer to Edge question: "What Should We Be Worried About?" Use this site to find BodPod assessment centers, which are located in almost all 50 states. Will Qubec (i.e., the french connection) continue to be used to enter the IMF (part of the CAD currency) by force into reluctanct countries, and to help Africom.mil and all Rothchild friends against China (and Iran)? (08/03/12) Aliens factor prime numbers in DMT-induced reality (PDF science paper) The average river sinuosity = 3.14 = Pi. (02/23/12) Intriguing "pictures of math" blog (01/29/13) Wikipedia: Cat organ is a musical instrument that consists of a line of cats fixed in place (03/03/13) Dad spends 7 years on incredibly detailed maze Near-death experiences, leech therapy, Carl Jung, face transplants, bio-weapons, test-tube babies, positrons! Deep-Bach: harmonization using deep learning, Gears that simulates the motion of a hummingbird in flight, Icosahedron becomes tired of its perfect existence and seeks transcendence in chaos. (01/20/12) New monkey species discovered, and promptly eaten This is fractal (04/11/12) Nassim Taleb's 10 tips for changing your life. (11/20/15) Science and technology writing (06/14/12) Birds fly from my eyes, into the ocean of reality (05/16/14) Sometimes, the exotic formulas of Indian mathematician Ramanujan (1887-1920) make me shiver a little. Maybe Putin is indeed quite perfidious, more than his many Western fans realise, For many Unz readers and some writers as well, the worst thing in the world now is the covid vaccine, seen as in process of killing millions through blod clots, myocarditis etc plus engendering mass sterility, with death rates of young people skyrocketing in vaxed populations. (11/21/15) Spiral tilings (05/31/13) Aerial "Human" Helix at Genentech (09/19/13) Sometimes, the interior of a museum is like a poem (02/17/12) Bizarre fractal fractions that crush the cerebellum into submission 1034482758620689655172413793 is the smallest 3-parastic number humans will ever find . (08/03/12) Aliens factor prime numbers in DMT-induced reality (PDF science paper) Was sweatshop labor used to make your T-shirt? (10/12/15) Cool factoid on Saturn's rings Near-death experiences, leech therapy, Carl Jung, face transplants, bio-weapons, test-tube babies, positrons! (05/25/13) The way computers used to be. (05/31/14) Pi is everywhere. (09/27/16) Imagine looking into the sky and seeing this hive mind of creatures Schedule reminder calls to ring to your cell phone at specific times. It isnt a Christian nation and anyone that thinks Putin goes home to pray after leaving anti-personnel mines in Ukrainian residential areas is seriously deluding themselves. (12/06/13) Imagine the joy of finding this periodic function that may, or may not, intersect finitely many times (02/07/15) Authentic Toy Spirograph Simulator. (11/11/13) How would it feel to be a person with an IQ of 1000? (07/23/14) Hi-res scan of a 23-foot history chart from 1883! (06/08/13) Is it possible to watch a conversation between Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke? (06/21/12) Sherwin Nuland on the development of electroshock therapy as a cure for severe depression -- including his own (06/10/13) Unusual. (12/07/13) Sometimes, fractals excite the imagination, making us wonder about reality and transcendence (click to mag.) (02/11/15) David Mumford: Does math have an eerie independent existence from humans? (12/17/15) The insertion of two vertical lines gives us the impression of 3D YouTube Here's how I found out. (07/26/13) The divorce complaint of Richard Feynman's second wife, hater of calculus (09/13/13) Alleged aliens were actually American dancers from the Dean Martin Christmas Special of 1970 (12/21/14) If you fold a paper in half 103 times, it'll get as thick as the observable universe (03/22/14) This structure actually discovered in a mathematical entity (09/15/13) Meditating man forms portal in stomach to explore parallel worlds Intriguing (08/22/12) Renfield's Syndrome: A Mysterious Case of Real-Life Vampirism Enjoy (11/28/12) Dr. Oliver Sacks: What I Learned from Hallucinogens (03/24/13) Octopus teapot? (04/28/13) Bizarre alien birds nests, on telephone polls Food Porn Daily provides a delicious and artery-blocking cornucopia of bad (but tasty) eating. (09/08/12) Interesting concept. (02/20/14) Future of Web content. The Vortex Age has begun (09/18/15) Nonsense computer-generated paper accepted by mathematics journal "Mathematician" = best job in the U.S. (05/19/14) In honor of Eiffel Tower opening 125 yrs ago (March 1889). (02/27/17) Man puts microphone in shell and discovers parallel universe. (09/08/16) The amazing covers of Eerie magazine We are goddammm arrogant about it. (10/06/12) Is it true that the number of possible different games of chess is larger than the number of atoms in the universe? (03/21/12) A 1-minute film on fractal cosmic strings bends our minds and souls (11/14/12) Star Trek Ambient Engine Noise (24-hours worth). (03/16/12) I like this mysterious photo of a Moonrise by Beth Hoeckel (01/20/12) New monkey species discovered, and promptly eaten (07/25/14) If a camera were at the Resurrection of Jesus, what would it have recorded? (07/11/13) How Much Would Wikipedia Weigh? Pressuring Candidates Even Before They Are Nominated. (01/19/14) Sometimes, a mixture of colors can excite the mind. (07/09/14) 100s of fish found swimming in a public phone booth (04/26/12) Bizarre "cyborg clams" power motor, setting stage for mythopoeic molluscan marvels beyond imagination Here's why (08/06/13) 9-year-old discusses the meaning of life and the universe (video) The spiral geometry in cabbage, (09/25/15) Under an electron microscope, spider skin is cooler than you might have imagined, (09/24/15) Artist Tatsuya Tanakas Daily Miniature Photo Project, (09/23/15) This is a NASA antenna. (04/09/14) Melodie says, "Bouncing balls in a circle gives one of the simplest systems to exhibit chaos" Do you like it? (12/02/13) Sometimes, the lizard's tail reminds me of mathematics (05/04/12) Teja Krasek is a Slovenian artist interested in mathematics, art, music, surrealism, and more. The 7.62 (.30 one *might* work, but I'd rather have the actual correct fit for caliber. (11/28/12) Dr. Oliver Sacks: What I Learned from Hallucinogens (06/03/15) Mobius Ship (02/02/14) I typed Mermaid Parade into Google and found this image Kanetsugu to Keiji (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionGinban Kaleidoscope (TV) : BroadcasterGingitsune (TV) : Broadcaster (2013-10-06), ProductionGintama (live-action movie) : ProductionGintama (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionGintama (TV 4/2015) : BroadcasterGintama' (TV 2/2011) : Broadcaster (2011-04-04), ProductionGintama' (TV 3/2012) : BroadcasterGintama. Note the flexibility (03/03/15) Archeologists in Leicester discover a couple who've been holding hands for 700 years Click to mag.) (02/14/14) Unusual. The surface color of A and B are identical. (10/01/13) Black: the color without color. Goes forever. Shiver in fear (05/01/14) Uniting the universes of 2 Rubik's Cubes via a ring (11/08/13) New mini-book, "Timothy Leary's Trip Through Time" (04/04/12) Wow. (04/24/16) This is a Paraguayan stamp from 1978, seemingly depicting life on another planet Harvard Mark-1, built by IBM. (04/30/13) Mystical. (07/10/13) Even the octopi can love the humanoids Ouch! (04/04/14) Long exposure reminds me of ghosts and spirits. (09/07/13) Sometimes, playing with water glasses can create a kind of beauty (08/23/12) Can space-time paths of 6-photon scattering form great art? Its in Germanys and Polands and Ukraines interest to minimize the numbers involved, and the Zionists work to maximize the horrors. Glasses included Sleeping on the job by Guards You can hear the actual voice of Bertrand Russell talking about Christianity (08/21/13) 7 seconds of a screaming sheep has warranted 8,705,140 visits at YouTube (01/17/12) Your insane fractal apartment building of the far future. (08/06/12) Breathtaking view of the Milky Way from the surface of Mars (09/11/14) The Islamic roots of science fiction (10/17/15) "Madonna, Child, and Cell Phone"? Knitted version, obviously (05/20/14) I let my mind wander, Googled for Fractal Messiah, and found this image (by Mark Rehorst) Here is Another Example of what happens when you let two artificial intelligences have a conversation Monkey orchids & "Dracula simia" are real flowers (01/14/14) Now live: My answer to John Brockman's 2014 Edge Annual Question: "What Scientific Idea Is Ready For Retirement?" Finds bikes on wall. 727272727272727272727272727 272727272727272727272727272 727272727272727272727272727 272727272727272727 (one long number, with no spaces) is prime, Anton's Brain Syndrome: when blind people deny they are blind, despite evidence, Random people on the Brooklyn streets try to guess what the Higgs Boson is, Exoplanets: all known planets arranged in a delicious circular candy, Insane but true: It's actually possible to compress your JPEG files by 500% with no quality loss, A boy leaves his bike near a tree in 1954, and finds it this way today, Woman in miniskirt: Appealing to all H.P. (07/13/13) Strange Venn Diagram, Numerology, Past-Life Regression (03/27/12) Worshiping in the fractal cathedral, and finally sensing the presence of God (graphics). He created the first version of the periodic table of elements Mechanical Principles (1930) by Ralph Steiner, (04/26/19) Wikipedia has a page titled "Alternative Facts". (Also see this one.) Emoticons printed on March 30,1881, in the U.S. magazine, Puck (03/20/12) If Satan plays miniature golf, this is his favorite hole (01/25/13) New world of book publishing. (03/07/13) Abe Lincoln + Fractals = Amazing! How can just 130 lines of code create huge landscapes and realities beyond our imagination? (02/04/13) Dog + Caterpillar = Dogerpillar Article by D. Corey (12/29/13) Mystical video of horses, with voice-over expressing horse thoughts (04/29/13) Bizarre and wondrous surface of a mosquito egg Source: astronomycentral.co.uk (01/08/18) This is the alligator-mouth math function, (01/06/18) Discovered: evidence of ancient aliens. Watch It is called a volvelle (06/19/12) Surreal photo makes Mexico City's densely populated hills look like an urban ocean (01/23/15) Watch This Guy Solve a Mega-Insane Rubiks Cube at Your Own Brain-Exploding Risk (06/23/12) Transit of Venus, modern-art wine glass arrangement This is fractal, Grotesque creature housewares and jewelry, This is fractal. (06/19/13) This is fractal. e^(sin x + cos y) = sin[e^(x+y)] (05/07/18) Ever hear of Valentina Tereshkova? High-res museum tour Lesson: Always visualize the data, Grothendieck died this month the greatest mathematician of the 20th century, How Designers Recreated Alan Turings Code-Breaking Computer for "Imitation Game", Less than 50% people surveyed can correctly locate the heart, Amoebas: "puny, stupid blobs, but somehow contain 200 times more DNA than Einstein did. (10/24/14) Photo: Strange math secret discovered regarding Pi. (Just kidding: it's hot lava), (11/15/18) My latest book finally published. (02/09/15) Dream with me. 2nd cent B.C.4th cent A.D. From Egypt, "The smallest creation of the human form in history," seen here standing on a human hair, The Kingdom of Aurullia via Mandalay fractal formula, by Tom Beddard, A discussion on the secret and hidden "e" in Pascals triangle. It will drive you insane (11/17/15) Fordite, or Detroit Agate (01/28/14) Imagine the joy of meeting someone who actually knew what this means: "thagomizer" (08/21/12) A class of 4th graders was asked to write haikus. (05/20/12) Why humans go insane thinking about 998,001 Martin Gardner: Heat a metal ring (washer) so it expands. Try it, The Singing Ringing Tree, a landmark musical sculpture in England, Surreal fractal 3D printed chess set, by Johan Andersson, American Scientist Article: "The Quest for Randomness", Edmund Thomas Clint, Indian prodigy, died at 6 years old, yet left behind 25,000 artworks, All of us who are alive today vs Everybody who's every lived and died on earth, Counting From Infinity A film about Yitang Zhang and his amazing math discovery, A waste of talent? (06/10/14) Facebook scientists can predict when you are about to enter into a relationship Can you find the golden ratio? (11/08/12) Wind map. (04/27/12) A conversation with physicists/authors Brian Greene & Lawrence Krauss. (02/07/13) Wow! (08/13/13) James Joyce's huge/historic "Ulysses" has been efficiently reduced to just 18 cartoon frames (03/14/12) Why It Took So Long to Invent the Wheel YouTube How to calculate Pi with a pump-action shotgun Rellor A Bug-type that mixes sand and dirt with psychic energy to create a mud ball it would literally die for. Repeatedly Mocked and or Insulted for our skin color or Religious documentation (04/29/15) Photo: When radiologists take a selfie (05/30/12) Strange title of the week: "Zookeeper reportedly licks baby monkey's anus for over an hour" Can you solve it? This is a fractal object called a Menger Sponge. (05/20/12) Why humans go insane thinking about 998,001 Imagine the floppy and tiny keyboard, This fractal vase reminds me of the trachea of an antediluvian God. (11/17/12) Shiver in awe. (08/08/13) Math cake, for students of all ages (12/13/12) Updated Edition of "SPIDER LEGS" ebook, by Piers Anthony and Cliff Pickover. (10/08/12) It would be interesting to explore this landscape (photo) (03/27/12) Worshiping in the fractal cathedral, and finally sensing the presence of God (graphics). Stone "aquarium." (05/22/13) Fall in love, with bismuth crystals (09/24/14) What mathematics made people realize that "math is beautiful" Read the great comments, (04/26/13) I love 1/998001. And if I fly solo, at least I'm flying free." (02/12/12) Mystical time-lapse video of the Milky Way traversing the sky above South Dakota. (03/17/13) Proof of divine being discovered. The kitten color printer is running out of ink and toner (11/28/12) Dr. Oliver Sacks: What I Learned from Hallucinogens (06/21/13) Math Joke (05/07/12) Wonderful math theorems that sound like kids should know about them Roermond, NL, 1888 (03/13/14) A passionate on-stage dual of Theremins (03/10/14) Blue bar. The water is so clear that the boat seems to be floating on air "What am I? (07/25/13) What We Still Don't Know: "Are We Real?" Click to mag. (12/04/13) Most math posters only show approximations of these important numbers. Fractal. New York City at 7,500 feet (02/01/14) Mathematics. Gemstone. But nope he had to go ruin it all. (07/12/13) Shiver in ecstasy. (02/15/17) Algebraic apple (NLS collection), This is Werner Heisenberg. (03/20/13) Photo: One House Bay in Greece. (08/12/13) Celebrate. (11/09/12) Boy with Asperger's interviews mom: "Did I turn out to be the son you wanted when I was born?" (06/03/13) Before looking, how many countries can you think of that border only one other country? (04/04/12) Wow. His "uncertainty principle" in physics has profound ramifications (AIP archives), (03/24/14) Photo Essay: 100 fascinating and mysterious topics related to black, (03/24/14) This is Dmitri Mendeleev. (07/19/13) Behind Every Stack Of Books, There Is A Flood Of Knowledge (Awesome painting) (04/03/14) This is Paul Erdos. (09/23/13) Sometimes, a time-lapse video of the Milky Way is like a prayer One-wheel motorcycle (invented by Italian M. G. de Udine). TED Talks: Lewis Pugh Swims the North Pole (www.fourhourbody.com/pugh) Lewis Pugh is known as the human polar bear. Source: astronomycentral.co.uk (01/15/12) How would you like to climb the highest mountain in the entire Solar System? Parasitic fungus turns cicadas into flying salt shakers of death (10/25/12) News flash. (10/02/12) "Smart" people (IQ > 125) are more likely to consume psychoactive drugs than low-IQ people. (07/23/13) A moss-covered forest floor constructed from pure mathematics Giant centipede vs tarantula Encourage them to understand 50% of the math gems (08/26/13) What percentage of adults could determine which of the yellow areas is larger, with their hands tied? (07/19/12) Anton's Brain Syndrome: when blind people deny they are blind, despite evidence (02/01/13) Wikipedia's most common word mapped to a country's boundary. -. (09/09/12) If you've not heard about Benford's Law before, you're in for a real treat with this post (08/10/12) More than 1,000 Earths could fit inside Jupiter. Dream with me (11/16/12) New unusual interview today: "Cliff Pickover Brings Medical Science to Life with The Medical Book." (09/24/13) Strange. I placed sample book images here for you to see (06/02/16) A Wonderful Scientific Map of the Moon from 1679: Can You Spot the Secret Moon Maiden? (03/01/15) Wood + electricity = fractal Here is Another Example of what happens when you let two artificial intelligences have a conversation (picture) (08/06/12) Breathtaking view of the Milky Way from the surface of Mars (02/15/13) Lego man ripping apart his flesh and spilling his Lego innards Floating sphere from nowhere Interactive Generative Art How lovely would that have been. (03/15/15) Shiver in ecstasy. (11/21/16) Believe it or not, there's a cat sleeping in this picture - can you find it? Click to mag. Science, science fiction, technology, strange reality, futurism, innovation, mathematics. Ideas change , ethnicity develop . Free gong button How did Leonard Susskind become one of the greatest physicists? (05/10/13) Go back in your past and recreate a moment in time Finally available, in living color. (01/29/12) Pig's dissection anatomy origami Photographs captured with the shutter left open for TEN years (09/23/13) Sometimes, a time-lapse video of the Milky Way is like a prayer Employed 100s of cartographers, geographers and photographers People killed per year (06/23/13) Finding Satan in popcorn (03/20/12) If Satan plays miniature golf, this is his favorite hole (06/24/14) There are 140 x 10^21 (140 followed by 21 zeroes) different configurations of the Magic Cube (06/20/12) Necrofantasia: a piano song requiring a mutant 50-fingered pianist. (08/10/12) More than 1,000 Earths could fit inside Jupiter. and failure of Americans themselves, to maintain their own democratic freedom. . How many do we know? (07/12/12) H.P. Beauty. (01/28/12) US Patent. (10/17/12) Fractal slugs creep along a sphere, searching for meaning in a universe far from our own Dietary saturated fat not associated with increased risk of heart disease? Human faces recognized as a cat face by a cat face-detection algorithm, (09/17/16) Wigglegram, a 3D Effect. (click to mag.) (12/29/13) Mystical video of horses, with voice-over expressing horse thoughts (04/17/14) Resurrection burial tomb. (08/31/12) Fractal mathematics gives rise to surface of immense complexity (by 0Encrypted0) (01/27/12) "Physical books are tokens of our identity, a kind of continuity over a lifetime, a bearer of memory." (03/12/12) Fractal mathematics that looks like caramel drizzle (10/02/12) "Smart" people (IQ > 125) are more likely to consume psychoactive drugs than low-IQ people. (09/04/14) Mystery Tibetan skull found in antique shop in Vienna (10/09/13) Toothy ladies' shoes. (06/24/13) Cute girl, pretending to be a doctor, with a large canine (05/19/12) Unusual compendium. (11/01/12) Mysterious old images: Stories of a Hollow Earth And HERE is the Philip K. Dick documentary. (10/05/14) A 1939 Map of Physics, representing physics as a river This is transcendence The maximum number lacking the digit 1 with persistence 11 is 77777733332222222222222222222 It will drive you insane (05/18/13) Living in a fractal home The 2x bencher from the 3x? (poster) (04/21/12) In-depth discussion of the most famous guitar cord in rock history (09/18/13) Imagine the joy of titling your next novel: "Horopter." (10/01/14) View Gandhi's actual letter to Adolf Hitler, 1939 (03/01/12) Amazing discovery involving photos, Klein bottles, randomness, math, and beyond (05/14/15) The Kingdom of Aurullia via Mandalay fractal formula, by Tom Beddard (06/19/12) Surreal photo makes Mexico City's densely populated hills look like an urban ocean (10/22/15) An unusual article on using the Spiricom device to speak to the dead (08/04/15) Australia is big (maps) Dolliv A dual-type Grass/Normal olive, evolves from Smoliv at level 25, Arboliva A dual-type Grass/Normal Pokemon, It evolves from Dolliv starting at level 35. (02/11/14) BIG BANG BIG BOOM: time-lapse graffiti animation of history of the universe After ~100 years, it is still radioactive (10/16/15) Expandable round table (05/25/14) Reincarnation Candle. (11/09/14) Cartoon: This is statistics humor (04/18/12) Glimpse of the Future. They said it couldn't be done. (Actually, it's an awesome "waterspout".) An insanely complex computer tree Click to magnify (07/15/16) Images from the mysterious Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini Sky-blue single crystal of aquamarine with bits of white matrix. (04/18/15) Shiver in ecstasy. Who would imagine that a journey within the mitochondria would provide a sense of awe and transcendence? (06/18/16) Pouring a Thermos of Hot Tea at -40C Near the Arctic Circle (03/17/12) All of human achievement -- all our hopes, dreams, and fears -- in one graph (TV) : BroadcasterDragon Collection (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionDragon Drive (TV) : BroadcasterDragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (TV 2020) : ProductionDragonaut - The Resonance (TV) : Broadcaster (2007-10-03)DRAMAtical Murder (TV) : Broadcaster (2014-07-06), ProductionDriland (TV) : ProductionDuel Masters Cross (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters Cross Shock (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters King Max (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters Versus Revolution Final (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters Victory (TV) : Broadcaster (Ohakorossu)Duel Masters Victory V (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters Victory V3 (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters VS (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionDuel Masters VS R (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters Win (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters Zero (TV) : BroadcasterDuel Masters: Lunatic God Saga (movie) : ProductionE's Otherwise (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionEat-Man (TV) : BroadcasterEden's Bowy (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionEdokko Boy: Gatten Taro (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionEhrgeiz (TV) : BroadcasterEiga Jewelpet Sweets Dance Princess (movie) : ProductionEiga no Osomatsu-san (movie) : ProductionEl Cazador de la Bruja (TV) : BroadcasterEl Hazard: The Alternative World (TV) : BroadcasterEl-Hazard 2: The Magnificent World (OAV) : ProductionEl-Hazard: The Wanderers (TV) : ProductionElemental Gelade (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionEngage Planet Kiss Dum (TV) : Broadcaster (2007-04-03)Excel Saga (TV) : BroadcasterEyeshield 21 (TV) : Broadcaster, Copyright, ProductionF-Zero Falcon Densetsu (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionFafner (TV) : BroadcasterFafner in the Azure - Right of Left (special) : BroadcasterFairy Musketeers (TV) : Broadcaster (2006-07-01), ProductionFairy Princess Minky Momo (TV) : BroadcasterFairy Tail (TV) : Broadcaster (2009-10-12), ProductionFairy Tail (TV 2/2014) : Broadcaster, ProductionFairy Tail (TV 3/2018) : ProductionFairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess : ProductionFairy Tail the Movie: Prologue - The First Morning (OAV) : ProductionFairy Tail Zero (TV) : BroadcasterFantastic Children (TV) : BroadcasterFantastic Detective Labyrinth (TV) : Broadcaster (2007-10-02)Fighting Beauty Wulong (TV) : Broadcaster (2005-10-01), ProductionFigure 17 (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionFinal Fantasy: Unlimited (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionFireStorm (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionFist of the North Star: Strawberry Flavor (TV) : Broadcaster (2015-10-06 01:35)Flint: The Time Detective (TV) : BroadcasterFolktales from Japan (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionFortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku (TV) : Broadcaster (2010-10-08), ProductionFortune Dogs (TV) : Broadcaster, ProducerFortune Quest L (TV) : BroadcasterForza! His "uncertainty principle" in physics has profound ramifications (AIP archives) (03/25/14) This is Werner Heisenberg. These 2 books, in theory, contain the sum total of all human knowledge, (05/08/14) Four technologists holding the guts of ENIAC, a 1940s computer, (05/07/14) Italian photographer Barbara Scerbo has an incredibly expressive and baffling imagination, (05/05/14) Aliens among us. (02/24/12) Deepest Mandelbrot Zoom ever: 2.1x10^275 (or 2^915). (07/30/12) Alien Lights: Illuminated Landscapes by Benoit Paille, (07/29/12) Translucent ants photographed eating colored liquids, (07/28/12) North Korea children playing the guitar. (12/29/12) You should follow me on twitter HERE Every time I open my browser, I have a random glimpse at reality (03/15/14) What the actual "Schindler's List" looked like Hydro-Qubec has been nationalized and is not for sale. Chasing baby duck (05/30/12) Strange title of the week: "Zookeeper reportedly licks baby monkey's anus for over an hour" (08/04/13) The Mobula, a genus of ray in the family Myliobatidae (eagle rays), seeks salvation in the stars (03/23/15) Consciousness is a mathematical pattern: Max Tegmark (10/14/15) Pentagonal oranges are real (03/08/13) Vasili Arkhipov prevented the launch of a nuclear torpedo, thereby saving the world. YouTube, (11/09/14) Cartoon: This is statistics humor, (11/08/14) Maybe the highest IQ in the world, (11/05/14) The Great Pyramid in Egypt used to be so shiny, it glowed, (11/04/14) This graph relating to miracles has a touch of humor while attempting to be insightful. (YouTube), (01/03/17) MATH problems designed to exclude smart JEWS from MOSCOW State University (PDF). Free gong button PBworks Personal Wiki Pages (www.fourhourbody.com/pbworks) Ramit Sethi set up a free PBworks page (a simple wiki page like those found on Wikipedia) and invited all his bettors to be notified when he updated his weight. (08/02/12) The tiger walks slowly, to the burning bush of an apocalypse If it looks interesting, could you tell your friends? (03/03/14) Wavy: an illustration of collective phenomena Become visually immersed in Basilica of St. Peter. (09/18/12) Fractal cybernetic penis of a being living in a world happier than our own (12/11/12) Lego repair job This is an unusual pyramid shape. (12/26/14) A fractal giraffe stares at you with its infinite eyes, haunting your dreams and creating chaos in the ecosystem (06/08/13) Is it possible to watch a conversation between Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke? 1000 Golems (06/13/13) The Story of our Entire Planet and History in 2 Minutes (01/28/14) Imagine the joy of meeting someone who actually knew what this means: "thagomizer" Top Striker (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionMojacko (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionMomotaro Densetsu (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionMon Colle Knights (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionMonkey Magic (TV) : Broadcaster (Japan)Monkey Turn (TV) : BroadcasterMonkey Turn V (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionMonochrome Factor (TV) : Broadcaster (2008-04-07)Mononokuma (TV) : BroadcasterMonsuno (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionMonthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (TV) : Broadcaster (2014-07-07), ProductionMoonPhase (TV) : BroadcasterMori no Yki na Kobito-tachi: Berufi to Rirubitto (TV) : Broadcaster, ProductionMr. Click to mag. (12/12/13) Sometimes, fractal mathematics can be amazing (01/11/13) Mystery Bed of Moss: Perhaps an abandoned Hotel somewhere in Europe (06/20/12) Necrofantasia: a piano song requiring a mutant 50-fingered pianist. Riding roomba. (09/26/13) A rare Russian mineral spar tower (03/06/13) Dung beetles dream of galaxies in their ephemeral quest for transcendence and salvation Bottle garden that was first planted 53 years ago and has not been watered since 1972 Measure the speed of light using marshmallows, Amazing formation of spiral chicken vortex. Diagram Houndstone It evolves from Greavard when levelled up at night starting at level 30. But is there any human on Earth who can name them all? (12/07/14) Mitch Kapor has bet Ray Kurzweil $10,000 that no computer will pass for human before 2030 (11/07/14) Photo: Paying Pi for Pie (12/25/12) Man discovers plant leaf that looks strangely reminiscent of the fractal Mandelbrot set (11/26/12) I love 1/998001. Meeting of the Mickey Mouse Club in the 1930s (photo) Want more stories? (05/19/15) Strange life forms (or are they "neurons" of the mind?) Share with friends, if you see the humor (06/10/13) Unusual. (01/10/12) Very nice harmonies as the unusual song progresses: "Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man" (02/11/14) BIG BANG BIG BOOM: time-lapse graffiti animation of history of the universe (03/19/12) I had this "Human Body" book as a kid, which kick-started my interest in science (12/06/13) Imagine the joy of finding this periodic function that may, or may not, intersect finitely many times (03/10/14) Blue bar. (10/19/13) In the Wizard of Oz, Toto made more money than the Munchkins (05/19/12) Unusual compendium. Nature's Cathedral, (12/11/17) Leonardo DiCaprio & The Nature of Reality: Crash Course Philosophy, (12/10/17) Margaret Wertheim on math, physics, and mind-boggling visions of reality, (12/09/17) I uncovered an unusual Figure from a 1923 patent for "exercising the teeth", (12/08/17) Mapping Shakespeare tragedies. (01/19/12) Why is the Sky Dark at Night? Take a look at this image: safe for work (04/15/13) Insane Glittering Metallic Ink Clouds (03/23/14) A note on chaos and Halley's method (pdf) Computer ports on parade. (11/01/12) Mysterious old images: Stories of a Hollow Earth (07/25/15) Draw a line between 2 planet positions every few days. (09/08/12) Interesting concept. (03/29/15) Radio hidden in a book, World War II. (08/31/12) Fractal mathematics gives rise to surface of immense complexity (by 0Encrypted0) (07/12/12) H.P. Worth a look, (03/03/13) Dad spends 7 years on incredibly detailed maze, (03/01/13) Mysterious, skewed, anamorphic sculptures, & illusions by Jonty Hurwitz. Click to mag.) Here's the best answer Amaze friends. (09/09/14) John Conway's name appears on a math paper, showing "that it's possible to divide by three" (pdf) (05/18/13) Living in a fractal home You? (07/26/14) Times Square, 1903, New York City (08/31/15) Map shows which disease will kill you depending on where you live Intriguing representations of lunar eclipse, solar eclipse,. Mind-numbing extensions of Ramanujan's insights. (02/03/12) If you are exposed to the color red when you take IQ test, your IQ is lower Nice Now live: My answer to John Brockman's 2014 Edge Annual Question: "What Scientific Idea Is Ready For Retirement? (07/28/15) Crying woman says goodbye to son where the Berlin Wall is about to be built: 1961 (10/18/14) A walrus was discovered asleep atop a Russian submarine Do you like it? Two sentences. (10/04/13) Mystery cat. (08/29/12) Wouldn't it be fun to go on a date with someone wearing an intestine necklace? (p. 574) (01/05/13) Experts chat about misconceptions that people have about science You too? Lego module, (07/28/17) Pharaoh's Serpent (Mercury (II) Thiocyanate), (07/27/17) Two black mambas - the world's most dangerous snake - fighting, (07/26/17) Photon removing an electron from a helium atom, (07/25/17) Desert tarantula, fading away into a mystical mathematical universe, by Bill Tavis, (07/24/17) Imagine the look on the face of Thomas Edison if he could see the electronics within a toothbrush today, (07/23/17) "Vibration pattern looked like a demonic face", (07/22/17) How wire turns into paper clips, (07/21/17) This bacteriophage virus looks like a miniature lunar lander, (07/20/17) 2 pendulums with same period coupled by suspending them from a string. (02/27/13) Philosopher fans. (11/17/15) Fordite, or Detroit Agate Goes forever. (04/16/12) Inflate thin balloon. (05/01/14) Uniting the universes of 2 Rubik's Cubes via a ring (05/13/13) Imagine that this is hell, and you are there. The maximum number lacking the digit 1 with persistence 11 is 77777733332222222222222222222 (12/22/14) Life. (12/26/14) A fractal giraffe stares at you with its infinite eyes, haunting your dreams and creating chaos in the ecosystem (01/07/15) People from around the planet ponder the best way to solve Megan's circle problem (09/21/14) Delicious fractal cookies. He was honored for his valuable lifes work with, among other things, the Dan David Prize endowed with $1 million. Note the flexibility, Fascinating & Beguiling Toilet Paper Tube Tricks and Math, by Martin Gardner, Impress your friends & lovers. (06/01/13) Ever wonder how much space the U.S. Great Lakes would take up if they were in Europe? (04/13/15) Evolution of hard disk drives. (03/28/13) Recent interview at a math/science blog Entry to Congressmen & Women who came to check on us Denied (02/20/12) Brain made out of hands Wikipedia's most common word mapped to a country's boundary. (12/11/15) Mysterious ad where time seems to stop Shanghai 1990 vs 2010. (03/19/12) I had this "Human Body" book as a kid, which kick-started my interest in science (01/30/13) Spaghetti tree hoax from 1957 (06/30/13) Be happy. [animated gif] (12/13/14) Incredibly, the green and the blue spirals are the same color (07/17/12) Exoplanets: all known planets arranged in a delicious circular candy Marble What will humanity find in their deepest explorations? Construction of the U.S.S. Worth a look Knitted version, obviously (05/19/13) Magical Fukang meteorite: olivine crystals in a honeycomb of nickel-iron Read the illustrated book, for free (PDF) (11/28/13) Draw the impossible. (08/14/12) "LSD absolutely helped mathematicians, artists, & scientists solve their complex, seemingly intractable problems" (10/20/21) Roger Penrose: in today's world of specialized science, could a thinker of such breadth ever emerge again? (01/13/15) If you rotate the Twitter logo, it's Batman. (02/01/15) All of us who are alive today vs Everybody who's every lived and died on earth $400/foot, Stephen Colbert versus amazing math-genius Terence Tao, Man records crickets, and discovers angels and humans, singing to God. (12/29/13) Mystical video of horses, with voice-over expressing horse thoughts (05/31/15) Quantum physics app can help you make decisions? Visually stunning (06/24/12) Listening intently for subterranean kittens Click to magnify (09/17/14) Apparent thigh bone of an ape found on Mars (12/08/12) Experience other realities: Cinematic Upside-Down Street Reflections (10/24/14) Photo: Strange math secret discovered regarding Pi. (04/12/14) Magical experiments with high speed photography and viscous liquids (09/11/13) This insane object is a fractal YouTube Hewlett-Packard HP-5451A (Fourier Analyzer), 1972, Mysterious 84-page math journal. The books 1024 pages (not including A Semicolon and index] are most interesting, especially if one has enough Velcro with which to stick on his diary entries. (01/08/14) An image from a strange parallel universe Here are "exact" values (06/18/16) Pouring a Thermos of Hot Tea at -40C Near the Arctic Circle (02/27/14) Crossing the entire U.S., coast to coast, by car in 29 hours (03/24/14) This is Dmitri Mendeleev. (10/14/13) The beauty of Pick's Theorem (05/17/12) Where do Muslims exist on Earth today? (02/07/13) Wow! I wait for delivery each day until three (06/11/12) Revealing the lost codex of Archimedes (10/11/12) Breaking news: ALL credit card pin codes in the world leaked Can you find the moon? Here's why (04/30/12) "With matter, as with people, we see only the skin of things; we can't see into the 'engine room.'" When kids look up to great scientists. Popular Zombies music and the "Outer Limits" TV show, together. Real people. (07/29/13) YouTube titled "Swedish Fire Torch" has nearly 8 million visits? (TV) : BroadcasterGal-gaku. (10/16/15) Expandable round table (02/02/13) When better punctuation is needed. (06/07/15) Short recommendation letter for 19-year-old John Nash. This assures absolute control of health care supply and with that, guaranteed high salaries for the doctors. (10/10/14) He grew up in grinding poverty. (06/08/13) Is it possible to watch a conversation between Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke? (11/21/12) Best gravestone ever (06/06/15) The baffling and beautiful wormhole between branches of math (10/16/13) The Phenakistocope was invented by Joseph Plateau in 1841 Lithuanian Forest, (01/29/20) The Ingenues, an all-girl band, serenade cows, (01/27/20) Taste math and art. "Love Affairs and Differential Equations" (02/18/12) The Lego Hadron Collider (01/18/13) Imagine the joy of sucking on Saturn (01/07/14) Sometimes, even fractals can light up and sing (click to mag) (01/18/15) "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" admits he made it all up The always unreliable and unofficial government-originating disinformation source The Hill is reporting that Moscow has spent the equivalent of $300,000,000 in an effort to influence world politics in its favor. (06/22/12) Mystical portrait: Amazing beauty and diversity of New York City (11/12/15) Looks like mathematics. (08/22/12) Renfield's Syndrome: A Mysterious Case of Real-Life Vampirism #HumanChain #FreeAssangeNOW #ProtectYourRights pic.twitter.com/51r8rLvmw1, Oliver Stone (@TheOliverStone) October 4, 2022. (02/19/14) Your home, family, and lover of the future "The Math Book: From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics" (11/06/12) Bizarre Fibonacci cabinet enthralls geometric people of all ages (11/09/12) Boy with Asperger's interviews mom: "Did I turn out to be the son you wanted when I was born? Your Site Here. (11/16/16) This postcard from 1925 imagines future New York City Click to magnify Beautiful Aizawa chaotic attractor This is mathematics and beauty And yes, all the conspiracy theories about the moon landing being fake are actually part of the same bullshit, intended to discredit any doubts about it (like the goofy JFK in a coma and 9/11 energy weapons bullshit). Over The Ocean - "I Will Be Silent", In rural North Dakota, a strange pyramid has been found. Riding roomba. We don't know what this is, but it is cool to contemplate (04/17/13) Dear Lord! (05/10/14) First-known modern example of an ANTI-acknowledgement in a serious technical paper (05/15/12) Clifford Stoll: 18 minutes with an agile mind Best illusion you'll see today (04/05/12) Man walks all day to create spectacular fractal snow patterns (Altlandsberg, Germany) (08/13/12) Extinct Cephalopod falls in love within mathematics and geometry Photographed using a drone, (02/17/16) Shiver in ecstasy. Girl dives into the swimming pool to save her Hoverboard, Beauty of geometry. (08/17/14) How can just 130 lines of code create huge landscapes and realities beyond our imagination? Get insane 3D effect. Intersecting circles more beautiful and complex than you imagined. (01/30/13) Spaghetti tree hoax from 1957 (01/18/12) Huge subcontrabass saxophone: "the mother of all saxophones" (09/16/15) Look carefully: Can you find the cat in this photo? And what might that have to do with religion? Does a tiny US creek REALLY connect the Atlantic and Pacific? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (06/03/16) Theres one key difference between kids who excel at math and those who dont (03/08/14) Sometimes, we fear the spirit within us. Urine Escher (04/03/14) This is Paul Erdos. Let's see if anyone says something when they visit me (09/19/12) Technological mandalas made from soldered computer and radio components (04/22/14) Great panel from an old Eerie Comic book that just jumped out at me A shocking Ramanujan connection between infinite series, continued fraction, e, and pi Fibonacci numbers modulo N? (04/21/12) In-depth discussion of the most famous guitar cord in rock history (03/01/13) Mysterious, skewed, anamorphic sculptures, & illusions by Jonty Hurwitz Young Stephen Hawking and his first wife Jane Human faces recognized as a cat face by a cat face-detection algorithm (11/04/12) The cover of Benoit Mandelbrot's new memoir depicts fractal Mandelbrot sets emerging from his hair Parasitic fungus turns cicadas into flying salt shakers of death At this site Ive seen claims that Hitler was a pretty nice guy who prevented the evil commie Stalin from making a sneak attack on peace-loving Germany by initiating his own invasion. (04/04/12) Wow. Oddly enough, there is an endorsement from Teri Hatcher on the homepage. (10/18/14) A walrus was discovered asleep atop a Russian submarine But how many people could actually understand this? Here's why, The true story of Martin Luther King and Lt. Uhura from Star Trek, Spectacular process of making a glass chandelier from scratch, This YouTube is considered "The Most Satisfying Video In The World" (for technology people), Watch how this bulging glass lamp is made, Looks like whirls in the fabric of space-time, but actually: whirlpools created by a starfish larva. Id suggest, if you want to understand todays world, reading A Long Row of Candles will shed more than a little light on the subject. Man Stunned After Finding Picture of His Late Grandma on Google Street View, Quick diagram: A map of the "Internet" in June, 1970. (10/31/13) 3D printed guitars Actual view of Sunset on Mars (11/06/14) I love 998999. 144 is the largest (07/19/16) Mommy gear and her little playful children, (07/18/16) Giant Papercut of Philadelphia Took 150 Hours, (07/17/16) This animation shows a six-position Geneva Mechanism in operation, (07/16/16) One fine day at the pretzel factory, (07/15/16) Images from the mysterious Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini, (07/14/16) Fantastic anatomical art by Argentinian Juan Gatti, (07/12/16) In the 1990s, pencils with this anti-drug slogan were recalled. (04/07/12) Bizarre beyond belief. (12/18/12) Mathematics. (05/21/15) 1967 article in Cosmopolitan magazine called "The Computer Girls" (04/27/12) A conversation with physicists/authors Brian Greene & Lawrence Krauss. (03/25/12) Imagine taking DMT, looking into a mirror, and seeing this as your reflection Dream (12/28/14) Feast your eyes on this beautiful linguistic family tree (12/05/12) What the heck does a math grad student do all day? (02/09/12) For the math curious: a coffee cup that is NOT topologically the same as a donut (12/18/13) Prying off the surfaces of our minds, to peer beneath the skin of reality Sometimes, tree tunnels make me shiver and dream. (10/01/13) Black: the color without color. "What am I?" (05/21/15) 1967 article in Cosmopolitan magazine called "The Computer Girls" Drag mouse and use mouse dial, Peter Rowlett's favorite popular mathematics books, Strange illusion of flying people over New York City, Man Walks All Day to Create Spectacular Math Snow Patterns, Man discovers plant leaf that looks strangely reminiscent of the fractal Mandelbrot set, Visual depiction of the true meaning of a Ph.D. degree, World of Cliff Pickover: "Images that Make us Dream", This is mathematics. Repeat. Dream (09/30/12) How they really made Stonehenge. (05/14/12) A list of members of the cursed "27 Club" (Also see this one.) (03/15/12) Unusual temporary neuronal condition causes reporter to suddenly speak in tongues (01/10/13) How can you tell if you're dreaming? (04/19/16) Beautiful architectural alphabet engravings should be built for real (02/01/13) Wikipedia's most common word mapped to a country's boundary. (09/05/15) The strange rise of Facebook--in 1902 (05/07/13) Couples have 20% greater chance of long, happy marriage if wives are 27% smarter than their husbands (12/24/14) Hours spent reading per week by country (03/20/13) Photo: One House Bay in Greece. (01/05/15) For mystical listening when you have time: Sophie and Friends - Holocene (05/08/16) This is an unusual graph. (03/29/14) 167 Theremin players perform Beethoven's Ode to Joy (02/25/13) Math people: Enjoy the incredibly insane infinite power tower, x^x^x^x^x^x^x. "Love Affairs and Differential Equations" (09/23/12) Beneath the mysterious waters of the Sea of Japan, strange symbolic artworks have been spontaneously appearing US Patent. 92.6% of Americans get this question wrong (10/27/14) Study: Americans are as likely to believe in Bigfoot as in the big bang theory Bike lawn cutter, Looks like a bustling city. (07/11/12) "A thetan weighs about 1.5 ounces [45 grams]," says doctor who weighed people after their deaths YouTube, (10/25/18) Dissected view of a pumping heart, (10/24/18) Nice photo. (12/28/12) Man Walks All Day to Create Spectacular Math Snow Patterns Would it be enjoyably to traverse the continental US along the longest line? (05/22/18) Street art. evolving before your eyes (11/11/14) Neatorama features a fascinating set of math images from "The Math Devotional" (04/05/12) Man walks all day to create spectacular fractal snow patterns The resources section alone is worth a trip to this site, which provides the most comprehensive list of data-tracking tools and services on the web (www.fourhourbody.com/quantified). Take a look) Take a look (03/25/12) Imagine taking DMT, looking into a mirror, and seeing this as your reflection (10/07/12) Ghostly, tormented figures unable to pull themselves apart from their decaying bodies Science, science fiction, technology, strange reality, futurism, innovation, mathematics. Prime Numbers, (09/14/19) Kid puts hand on nutrient medium. (02/25/17) Aliens among us. (06/24/15) People in poorer countries more likely than richer ones to say the day was a good one (Just kidding, but still interesting) (01/24/14) Be happy we are alive. (03/01/14) Mysterious alien corpse turns out to be a female mummified baboon (08/30/13) The True Science of Parallel Universes (video) This is mathematics and beauty (09/11/13) This insane object is a fractal Alcor (www.alcor.org) Perhaps youd like to store your body in ice-free cryosuspension at the first sign of terminal illness, just in case technology catches up? After ~100 years, it is still radioactive (10/21/13) Prime number magic squares created by prison inmates (02/29/12) Gaze in awe at Belphegor's Prime: 1000000000000066600000000000001 is a palindromic prime number, with 666 hiding among the zeros. (01/19/13) Chomsky: "If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are." There are 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in your body (02/06/12) Pretty Mandelbrot Set. Rush hour in Mumbai These cats were marked as human by a face-detection algorithm. (09/18/12) Fractal cybernetic penis of a being living in a world happier than our own (06/08/12) The 11 Best Science Books of 2011, by Maria Popova (03/22/12) Rainbows, physics, God (09/18/12) Fractal cybernetic penis of a being living in a world happier than our own YouTube (05/26/14) This math humor reminds us of the properties of asymptotes. "Clifford Pickover is probably the coolest scientist and science writer on the planet" Watch the birth of bees In a political context, it undoubtedly stems from the language used by the National Socialists. Leppelin (11/03/12) Dreamscape. It worked (05/10/12) Round peg fits better into square hole than square peg into round hole, up to the 9th dimension (02/16/13) Animated gifs come to life (02/14/14) Unusual. 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