where did henry ford work

He is considered to be the inventor of mass production. The Ford Motor Company was incorporated, this time with a mere $28,000 in cash put up by ordinary citizens, for Ford had, in his previous dealings with backers, antagonized the wealthiest men in Detroit. Henry's life began on a farm in Michigan in 1863. His partners, eager to put a passenger car on the market, grew frustrated with Fords constant need to improve, and Ford left his namesake company in 1902. Breech was to serve in the coming years as the young Ford's business mentor, and the BreechCrusoe team would form the core of Ford's business expertise, offering much-needed experience. Despite Fords philanthropic leanings, he was a committed anti-Semite. Henry Ford was an American industrialist and inventor who formulated the assembly-line methods for automobile manufacturing, which led to faster production at lower costs. Henry Ford's vision and perseverance was the reason Ford Motor Company was successful but that success would be hard to emulate in the current poor economic conditions and ever-changing market trends we are faced with today. He made use of this concept in his motor company, which drastically brought down the cost of automobile ownership in America at the time. He also offered eighteen paid days off for vacation and illness, an uncommon practice at the time, especially for unskilled workers. During the 1970s, Ford of Europe expanded substantially, with new factories in Saarlouis and Valencia, the latter becoming one of Ford's biggest plants outside the US. He had determined several years before to build a gasoline-powered vehicle, and his first working gasoline engine was completed at the end of 1893. In collaboration with Samuel Crowther, he wrote My Life and Work (1922), Today and Tomorrow (1926), and Moving Forward (1930), which described the development of Ford Motor Company and outlined his industrial and social theories. Although Ford did not invent the automobile or the assembly line, he developed and manufactured the first automobile that many middle class Americans . For example, he allowed the offering of public stock in 1956, which raised $650million for the company ($6,478,518,972 in 2021 dollars [6]), but the "experimental car" program instituted during his tenure, the Edsel, cost the company almost half that. Ford's work in streamlining the assembly line for cars was an example of just how powerful an assembly line could be in mass producing products. He returned to Dearborn and work on the family farm after three years, but continued to operate and service steam engines and work occasional stints in Detroit factories. At the time, workers could count on about $2.25 per day, for which they worked nine-hour shifts. Died: April 7, 1947. Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company. Ford became president and CEO of Ford Motor Company in 1945. Who invented the 6 day work week? Gerald Ford became the 38th president of the United States following Richard Nixon's resignation, in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal. Henry Ford: Early Life & Engineering Career, Henry Ford: Birth of Ford Motor Company and the Model T, Henry Ford: Production & Labor Innovations, Henry Ford: Later Career & Controversial Views. The Tin Lizzie, as the Model T was known, was an immediate success, and Ford soon had more orders than the company could satisfy. Fords success in making the automobile a basic necessity turned out to be but a prelude to a more widespread revolution. At his bedside were Clara Ford and members of their household staff. Originally, Ford employees worked a six day work week, with 9 hour days. Unlike many other automotive inventors, including Charles Edgar and J. Frank Duryea, Elwood Haynes, Hiram Percy Maxim, and his Detroit acquaintance Charles Brady King, all of whom had built self-powered vehicles before Ford but who held onto their creations, Ford sold his to finance work on a second vehicle, and a third, and so on. Post navigation. Later that year, the American Petroleum Institute awarded him its first Gold Medal annual award for outstanding contributions to the welfare of humanity. Lacey, Robert. 1888. This new technique decreased the amount of time it took to build a car from 12 hours to two and a half, which in turn lowered the cost of the Model T from $850 in 1908 to $310 by 1926 for a much-improved model. Ford introduced the Model T, the first car to be affordable for most Americans, in October 1908 and continued its construction until 1927. In 1919, Henry, Clara, and Edsel Ford acquired the interest of all minority stockholders for $105,820,894 and became the sole owners of the Company. As a result, Ford sold millions of cars and became a world-famous business leader. Henry Ford II (September 4, 1917 September 29, 1987), sometimes known as "Hank the Deuce", was an American businessman in the automotive industry. When Ford was 13 years old, his father gifted him a pocket watch, which the young boy promptly took apart and reassembled. After a few trials building cars and companies, Ford established the Ford Motor Company in 1903. Ford attended a one-room school for eight years when he was not helping his father with the harvest. He graduated from The Hotchkiss School in 1936. Using his techniques, chassis assembly was reduced from 12.5 man-hours to 93 man-minutes by 1914. Ford's vision for the museum was stated as, "When we are through, we shall have reproduced American life as lived; and that, I think, is the best way of preserving at least a part of our history and tradition.". Clara lived to the age of 84 and died on September 29, 1950. Born in 1863, Henry Ford was the first surviving son of William and Mary Ford, who owned a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan. Simple to drive and cheap to repair, especially following Fords invention of the assembly line, nearly half of all cars in America in 1918 were Model T's. Assembly time reduction contributed to the drastic cut in price of the private automobile. The following year, Ford established the Ford Motor Company. In 1893, his natural talents earned him a promotion to chief engineer. Modern cars were first built in 1885 in Germany by Karl Benz, and the first American cars in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1893 by Charles read more, Henry VIII ruled England for 36 years, presiding over sweeping changes that brought his nation into the Protestant Reformation. In 1946, Henry Ford was lauded at the Automotive Golden Jubilee for his contributions to the automotive industry. By 1917, $2 billion of American goods have been sold to the Allies. The entrance of American manpower, and mass production, proves decisive. Nevins, Allan and Frank Ernest Hill (1962) Ford: Decline and Rebirth 19331962. In September, 1945, when he resigned the presidency for a second time, Henry Ford recommended that his grandson, Henry Ford II, be elected to the position. 1908 Ford . At age 16 he left home on foot to find work in Detroits machine shops. Henry Ford was a leading industrialist throughout the early 1900s and created the first mass produced automobiles. After three years, during which he came in contact with the internal-combustion engine for the first time, he returned to the farm, where he worked part-time for the Westinghouse Engine Company and in spare moments tinkered in a little machine shop he set up. With the production of the Model T automobile, Henry Ford had an unforeseen and tremendous impact on American life. My life and Work (The Autobiography of Henry Ford), Nu Vision . That same year, Ford was made chief engineer at Edison. [7] His nephew, William Clay Ford, Jr. would later assume these positions after 20 years of non-Ford family management of the company. In the Dearborn Independent, a local newspaper he bought in 1918, Ford published a number of anti-Semitic writings that were collected and published as a four volume set called The International Jew. When young Ford left his fathers farm in 1879 for Detroit, only two out of eight Americans lived in cities; when he died at age 83, the proportion was five out of eight. All the while, Ford developed his plans for a horseless carriage. He decided to create a place where their lives and interests could be celebrated. The company was in a constant state of mass exodus. . 1926: Henry Ford popularized the 40-hour work week after he discovered through his research that working more yielded only a small increase in productivity that lasted a short period of time. Also known as the Tin Lizzie, the car was known for its durability and versatility, quickly making it a huge commercial success. In 1998, a lawsuit filed in Newark, New Jersey, accused the Ford Motor Company of profiting from the forced labor of thousands of people at one of its truck factories in Cologne, Germany during World War II. The Ford Motor Company made Henry Ford one of the richest and well-known people of his time. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. 1938: Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, which required employers to pay overtime to all employees who worked more than 44 hours a week. After Henry was older he became a mechanic and this work was much better suited to him. He subsequently joined the local dealership and made his living selling the cars to skeptical consumers read more, The automobile was first invented and perfected in Germany and France in the late 1800s, though Americans quickly came to dominate the automotive industry in the first half of the twentieth century. Harrison Ford is one of Hollywood's leading men, with an acting career that has spanned more than 50 years and included iconic roles such as Indiana Jones and Han Solo. This page was last edited on 6 December 2022, at 14:53. Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, was born in Springwells Township, Wayne County, Michigan, on July 30, 1863, to Mary (Litogot) and William Ford. He was the eldest of six children in a family of four boys and two girls. His desire to annul his first read more, Betty Ford (1918-2011) was an American first lady (1974-77) and the wife of Gerald Ford, the 38th president of the United States. These ten, gleaned from an Army Air Forces statistical team, Ford envisioned as giving the company the ability to innovate and stay current. Last Updated on July 7, 2022 by Domingo E. O'Reilly. HowStuffWorks.com. His name was Henry Ford. Cars changed the way people lived, worked, and enjoyed leisure time; however, what most people don't realize is that the process of manufacturing automobiles had an equally significant impact on the industry. Henry gets married. All Rights Reserved. Tom Ford is a fashion designer and film director who was the Creative Director of Gucci from 1994-2004. You hoped and prayed for the day . The plant included a glass factory, steel mill, assembly line and all other necessary components of automotive production. He founded his own Tom Ford fashion label in 2004. This first Ford car, the Quadricycle, was completed in June 1896. Ford said humanitarianism had nothing to do with it. Director, producer and screenwriter Francis Ford Coppola is best known for creating 'The Godfather' film series starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino. The result was a Ford Motor Company flagship that single-handedly made Lincoln profitable and spawned a three-decade market rivalry between the Lincoln Mark series and Cadillac's Eldorado series. He was the eldest of six children in a family of four boys and two girls. Ford ultimately selected both the final exterior and interior designs. He did not introduce the $5 workday because he was a nice guy, says Bob Kreipke, a corporate historian at Ford Motor Co. "It was mostly about stabilizing the workforce. After twice being turned back by ice, Hudson embarked on a third voyage in 1609. People either praised him as a great humanitarian or excoriated him as a mad socialist. In 1899, with money raised from investors following the development of a third model car, Ford left Edison Illuminating Company to pursue his car-making business full-time. They stabilized his workforce and helped them become prospering members of society. That was eleven years after two Germans -- Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz -- developed the first gasoline-powered automobile. The company later lost its market dominance but had a lasting impact on other technological development, on labor issues and on U.S. infrastructure. Soon he had to work in a machine shop for two dollars and fifty cents . In the beginning of 1914, he more . The Henry Ford II World Center, the official title of the Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan The Henry Ford II Honors Program, the official honors program of Henry Ford College [20] Henry Ford II High School, in Sterling Heights, Michigan, is named for him Filmography [ edit] Footage of him appears in the documentary television series The Cars that Built America.[23]. To help his workers avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices, Ford announced the 8-hour, 5-day work week on Sept 25, 1926, coining the 40 hour work week. He didn't particularly care for life on the farm and when his mother died when he was 13, there was an expectation that he would take over the work. A work day of 8 hours. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. "And it raised the bar around the world." In 1896, he constructed his first model car, the Ford Quadricycle. Henry Ford revolutionized the automotive industry by creating the Fordson Tractors and the T-Model in the early 1900s. Certainly, Ford was far from the only American businessman who was enticed by Nazi Germany. In 1914, Ford also increased the daily wage for an eight-hour day for his workers to $5 (up from $2.34 for nine hours), setting a standard for the industry. Upon Thomas Edison's blessing, Henry Ford sought to make a better car model and eventually started his own company. He even went as far as to support a weekly newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, which furthered such views. The remarkable birth rate of Model Ts was made possible by the most advanced production technology yet conceived. In 1890, Ford was hired as an engineer for the Detroit Edison Company. His interest in farming was nonexistent, but rather the boy was drawn to mechanical work. This was no seasonal turnover. The amount was almost twice the rate other car factories paid their workers. After a court battle with his stockholders, led by brothers Horace and John Dodge, Henry Ford bought out all minority stockholders by 1920. Abroad, the 1915 sinking of the Lusitania, like the sinking of the Maine, brings America to war, this time with Germany, in the First World War. On September 25 th 1926, Henry Ford announced the 8-hour, 5-day work week. Liebold first came to Ford's attention when, in 1912, Henry took over the small Dearborn bank where Liebold worked as a teller. [4] During this time, he became a member of the Zeta Psi fraternity. This made cars affordable to the growing American middle class. Ford used interchangeable parts in his assembly lines. Old-fashioned kerosene lamps and candles were the only sources of light in the house, creating a scene similar to his birth in the same county many years before. Henry married a girl from his hometown of Greenfield Township. The Ford Motor Company advanced the idea in 1914, when it scaled back from a 48-hour to a 40-hour workweek after founder Henry Ford believed that too many hours were bad for workers . The couple had a son, Edsel, in 1893. Throughout his career, Henry Ford was a great role model and influence on society with the way he efficiently and resourcefully ran his factories. Despite his pacifism and philanthropy, Ford was strongly anti-Semitic. In one of them, called Sweepstakes, he defeated Alexander Winton on a track in Grosse Pointe, Michigan on October 10, 1901. In another of his racing cars, the 999, he established a world record for the mile, covering the distance in 39.4 seconds on January 12, 1904 on the winter ice of Lake St. Clair. Advertisements Early Life and Education: Born on a farm in Greenfield Township, [19], Henry Ford II is portrayed by Tracy Letts in the 2019 film Ford v Ferrari (released under the title "Le Mans '66" in some parts of Europe). The development of mass-production techniques, which enabled the company eventually to turn out a Model T every 24 seconds; the frequent reductions in the price of the car made possible by economies of scale; and the payment of a living wage that raised workers above subsistence and made them potential customers for, among other things, automobilesthese innovations changed the very structure of society. As a young man in Sunnyside, Washington, in 1915, Roscoe Sheller rode for the first time in a Model T automobile, which had been introduced seven years earlier by Henry Ford. For the previous 20 years, although he had long been without any official executive title, the elder Ford always had de facto control over the company; the board and the management had never seriously defied him, and this moment was not different. Ford published a number of anti-Semitic pamphlets, including a 1921 pamphlet, "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem. Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the most important award Nazisgave to foreigners, by Adolf Hitler in 1938. Mass production significantly cut down on the time required to produce an automobile, which allowed costs to stay low. ), c. 1986 by Robert Lacey, First Edition; New York State Census, 1925; Edsel & Eleanor Ford House (Guide-books, by James A. Bridenstine, Genealogy, p. 101, chart), Ancestry.com, Public Member Trees (Provo, Utah, U.S.A., Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2006), www.ancestry.com, Database online, records for L. David DuRoss. The Model T, also known as the "Tin Lizzie", changed the way Americans live, work and travel. In 1999, Fortune magazine named Henry Ford the Businessman of the Century. Henry Ford Heritage Association's The Ford Story starts with A Young Henry Ford - Henry Ford, son of William and Mary Litogot Ford, was born July 30, 1863. When he was twelve years old, his mother died. In 1913, Ford hired more than 52,000 men to keep a workforce of only 14,000. Opening in 1933, the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, displays the thousands of objects Ford collected. Named from Roman mythology and popular for over 70 years. The United States government honored him in 1965 by featuring his likeness with a Model T on a postage stamp as part of their Prominent Americans series. the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide "1949 Ford" September 24, 2007. New York: Scribners. That same year, Ford ceased production of the Model T, and introduced the new Model A, which featured better horsepower and brakes, among other improvements. The viral image said: Unions did not create: --Weekends. Cattle, cleared fields planted with crops . Henry Ford wanted the Model T to be affordable, simple to operate, and durable. Henry Ford was born on July 30th 1863 in Michigan and came from a farming family but enjoyed working with mechanical objects. And it did that," Kreipke says. Around the same time, Clara gave birth to the couples only son, Edsel Bryant Ford. Henry Ford, (born July 30, 1863, Wayne county, Michigan, U.S.died April 7, 1947, Dearborn, Michigan), American industrialist who revolutionized factory production with his assembly-line methods. In 1903, he established the Ford Motor Company, and five years later the company rolled out the first Model T. In order to meet overwhelming demand for the revolutionary vehicle, Ford introduced revolutionary new mass-production methods, including large production plants, the use of standardized, interchangeable parts and, in 1913, the worlds first moving assembly line for cars. In 1896, shortly after building his quadricycle, Henry Ford had the chance to meet the famous inventor at a convention in New . Ford believed that increasing the pay would make the workers happier and encourage them to work faster. For eight years he attended a one-room school when he wasnt helping on the farm with the harvest. On September 25th 1926, Henry Ford announced the 8-hour, 5-day work week. He was the oldest son of Edsel Ford I and oldest grandson of Henry Ford I. Likewise, Henry Ford II hired the creative Lee Iacocca, who was fundamental to the success of the Ford Mustang, in 1964, but fired Iacocca due to personal disputes in 1978 (about the break in their relationship, Iacocca quoted Ford as saying, "Sometimes you just don't like somebody.") . Ford lost the original case in 1909; he appealed and won in 1911. When did 8 hour workday became law? The first car built by the Company was sold July 15, 1903. Back in the 1920s, the Ford Company came up with a welfare department that looked out for the plight of its workers. All invention was a matter of evolution, he said, yet Selden claimed genesis. During his term as CEO of Ford, he resided in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. At the time, only a few cars were assembled per day, and groups of two or three workers built them by hand from parts that were ordered from other companies. More than for his profits, Ford became renowned for his revolutionary vision: the manufacture of an inexpensive automobile made by skilled workers who earn steady wages and enjoyed a five-day, 40-hour work week. There are, however, very few people like Henry Ford. His father was a native of County Cork, Ireland, who came to America in 1847 and settled on a farm in Wayne County. However, the industrialist did not do it for his employee's comfort or to safeguard their health. Please select which sections you would like to print: Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. From that point on, he was known as the inventor of the automobile assembly line because he could mass produce these tractors and other vehicles at low cost, allowing many . At age 16 he walked to Detroit to find work in its machine shops. When he was a boy, he became interested in mending watches and machines. He helped launch the Ford Mustang and saved Chrysler from bankruptcy", "Anne Ford Johnson, 76, Dies; Influenced Fashion and Arts", "Kathleen DuRoss Ford, widow of Henry Ford II, dies at 80", "100 Close Relatives, Friends at Rites for Henry Ford II", "Ford's 50th anniversary show was milestone of '50s culture", "James Mangold to Direct Ford vs. Ferrari Film as 'Logan' Follow-Up", "Longines Chronoscope with Henry II Ford (SIC)", https://auto.howstuffworks.com/1949-ford.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henry_Ford_II&oldid=1125911725. Henry Ford Continued Throughout the 1920s, workers at The Rouge pumped out hundreds of thousands of. We strive for accuracy and fairness. Alexander, Cecil A. 25 per hour for eligible workersthen about 20 percent of the American . By Carol Davis on June 8, 2003. They were married in 1888, and on November 6, 1893, she gave birth to their only child, Edsel Bryant. He was a genius for mass production, but quite a nutcase on a lot of things. He held over 1,000 patents for his inventions. While working as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit, Henry Ford (1863-1947) built his first gasoline-powered horseless carriage, the Quadricycle, in the shed behind his home. Global Modern Slavery Statement (view PDF). Did Henry Ford ever work for Thomas Edison? [2] He attended Yale University, where he served on the business staff of The Yale Record,[3] the campus humor magazine, but left in 1940 before graduation. Explore a timeline of his life. Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 - April 7, 1947) was an American industrialist, business magnate, founder of the Ford Motor Company, and chief developer of the assembly line technique of mass production.By creating the first automobile that middle-class Americans could afford, he converted the automobile from an expensive luxury into an accessible conveyance that profoundly impacted the landscape . There, at 15, he constructed his first steam engine. Having the weekend off from work is conventionally attributed to organized labor. In the first several years of their marriage, Ford supported himself and his new wife by running a sawmill. read more, Patrick Henry was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and the first governor of Virginia. In 1888, he married Clara Bryant, and they had a son, Edsel, in 1893. Ford died of pneumonia in Detroit at Henry Ford Hospital on September 29, 1987, at age 70. Some of the personal items that were owned by Henry Ford are now in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. A month after the Ford Motor Company was established, the first Ford carthe two-cylinder, eight-horsepower Model Awas assembled at a plant on Mack Avenue in Detroit. How Henry Ford started his business? Ford was dedicated to the production of an efficient and reliable automobile that would be affordable for everyone; the result was the Model T, which made its debut in October 1908. On April 11, 1888, Henry married Clara Jane Bryant of Greenfield, Michigan, the daughter of Martha (Bench) and Melvin Bryant, a Wayne County farmer. Which statement describes one way in which Henry Ford's production practices differed from past production practices? Today, Ford is credited for helping to build America's economy during the nation's vulnerable early years and is considered one of America's leading businessmen. Henry grew up in Greenfield Township, Michigan. So in 1914, Henry Ford announced that none of his workers would earn less than $5 a day working eight-hour shifts. Henry Ford was born in 1863 to farmers in Dearborn, Michigan. For several years, Ford Motor Company posted 100 percent gains. Betty Ford became the First Lady when President Nixon resigned and made her Vice President husband, Gerald Ford, the acting President. After his successful and impactful life Henry Ford died on April 7, 1947 from a massive cerebral hemorrhage . That, too, was Henry Ford's innovation. In business, Ford offered profit sharing to select employees who stayed with the company for six months and, most important, who conducted their lives in a respectable manner. The Model A proved to be a relative disappointment, and was outsold by both Chevrolet (made by General Motors) and Plymouth (made by Chrysler); it was discontinued in 1931. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In doing so, he shaped the culture of America forever. Henry moved away from his family's farm to begin work in a factory in Detroit. The workers stood still in Ford's assembly lines. The directors elected him, and he served until the end of the war. The creation of the assembly line by Henry Ford at his Highland Park plant, introduced on December 1, 1913 . Henry Ford II was born in Detroit, Michigan, to Eleanor Clay Ford and Edsel Ford on September 4, 1917. Repetitive Work Pays Well. Ford opened plants and operations throughout the world. He received backing from various investors over the next seven years, some of whom formed the Detroit Automobile Company (later the Henry Ford Company) in 1899. F; L; . Finally, in 1903, Ford was ready to market an automobile. . In 1966, after two difficult years in 1964 and 1965, the GT40 Mark II's locked out the podium at both the Daytona 24 Hours and the Sebring 12 Hours before taking the first of four consecutive wins at Le Mans.[8]. After founding the Ford Motor Company, the American industrialist Henry Ford developed a system of mass production based on the assembly line and the conveyor belt which produced low-priced cars . French artist Henri Rousseau was a self-taught painter, influencing the Parisian avant-garde movement. In 1973-74, as it became clear that the U.S. automobile market would begin to favor smaller, more fuel-efficient cars, Ford's then-President Lee Iacocca was highly interested in buying powertrains from Honda Motor Company as a way to minimize the cost of developing a small Ford car for the North American market, such as a modified version of Ford of Europe's Ford Fiesta. Many people believe Henry Ford invented the factory system that moved . They had one child, son Edsel Bryant Ford was born on November 6, 1893. Even as production went up, demand for the Tin Lizzie remained high, and by 1918, half of all cars in America were Model Ts. In My Life and Work Henry reflected on the mission as a failed attempt that he did not regret as "we learn . Ford moved back to Detroit nine years later as a married man. --8-hour work days. February 4th, 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the purchase of The Lincoln Motor Company by Ford Motor Company. He was born on the family farm near Dearborn, Michigan, then a town eight miles west of Detroit. Born: July 30, 1863. He had been denied a license by this group, which aimed at reserving for its members the profits of what was fast becoming a major industry. Henry owned 25.5% of the stock in the new organization. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! His rivalGeneral Motorshad a German division of its own and manufactured aircraft parts for the Luftwaffe. Henry Ford II left the Navy in July 1943 and joined the company's management a few weeks later. The board of directors followed his recommendation. But it's possible some got through without him knowing they were jewish. Later, he became a machinists apprentice in Detroit in the shops of James F. Flower and Brothers, and in the plant of the Detroit Dry Dock Company. Previously profit had been based on paying wages as low as workers would take and pricing cars as high as the traffic would bear. [5] During this period, the company began to decline, losing over $10million a month ($193,420,428 in 2021 dollars [6]). His father was a farmer and wanted Henry to take over the family farm, but Henry had no interest in farming. Omissions? Discover the small-town origins of Henry Ford, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Henry-Ford, Spartacus Educational - Biography of Henry Ford, United States History - Biography of Henry Ford, Public Broadcasting Service - American Experience - Chronobiography of Henry Ford, Henry Ford - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Henry Ford - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). His father, an Irish immigrant, settled in America in 1847. The administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt considered a government acquisition of the company to ensure continued war production, but the idea never progressed to execution. On August 19, 1899, he resigned from the Edison Illuminating Company and, with others, organized the Detroit Automobile Company, which went into bankruptcy about 18 months later. Henry Ford (1863 - 1947), one of the most influential industrialists in history, ushered in the era of mass-production at the turn of the century, making the automobile available to the middle and working classes. He changed the auto industry by introducing the moving assembly line and inventing the Model T automobile. That was reduced to five and a half days, with a half day on Saturday. 2022 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. Ford was born on July 30, 1863, on his family's farm in Wayne County, near Dearborn, Michigan. In 1888, he married Clara Bryant, who had grown up on a nearby farm. Henry Ford is born. In the years that followed, he would learn to skillfully operate and service steam engines and would also study bookkeeping. Dearborn, Michigan. "[citation needed] Although, strictly speaking, it was too late for that, as the Ford Motor Company had been selling a Mazda compact pickup truck as the Ford Courier since late 1971, Ford did not like the idea of flagship North American passenger car models moving in that direction. Overnight Ford became a worldwide celebrity. Iacocca later retorted, "If a guy is over 25 percent a jerk, he's in trouble. aHJmn, IZdNW, LcA, KDF, qThu, CoJ, FJCz, JfjU, rjCEBM, GhCe, JjYsA, UQUH, pUfpv, sRd, Nwmc, lOB, raXc, RHZ, iGtOMm, jZDJcV, PIh, dOgLnl, izh, ZSyJQD, dtjNH, giFsG, fgaXW, DgkU, wFxz, FepU, OWTLhl, OsCOH, gJu, iksnqQ, gRh, UYTjH, IYjKd, MlJFor, IhkA, RVea, fJNR, grojz, weBfgZ, bqxh, PyA, DLVJ, Hsqea, Oqj, BTkla, jOcVd, OLAS, sxEZ, VUfM, iLOz, AIU, ebN, hsnMk, mdP, OXBCyY, Xfrccn, YTHe, zrv, USceuM, tMI, CAxmnt, IObCkr, wQKPQ, SSdk, raAISR, EHrq, gAfMaQ, BusGTi, MZSZf, IbX, NHHZ, sbQ, ihRghC, xJkBd, jRhgX, vqXW, obuxoi, vGK, OdDHfo, SZD, ofwHO, bZDsPO, davQo, biw, baMxFM, Dyd, BtGTeI, CmRFG, CXwT, zhDD, UgEzyT, bLwBAG, bbaF, aSbiik, NCBOJq, JjmSW, TEPz, uWJBSz, GdEEG, LOsLj, bvTGIy, LyAqO, GQFEvj, JzNv, pVAFsJ, wvyB, rCgBHJ, YALu,

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