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This was known as the San-Itsu Gon-Jitsu Rons (the debate over whether the One-vehicle or Three-vehicles, were the provisional or the real teaching) and it had a great influence on Japanese Buddhism. EzineArticles.com allows expert authors in hundreds of niche fields to get massive levels of exposure in exchange for the submission of their quality original articles. Hebrew is one of the two official languages of Israel, the other being Arabic. The region served as the intellectual and economic center of the Roman Empire and played an exceptionally important role due to its periphery on the Sassanid Empire. [3], In Chinese and Japanese, its name is identical to Tiantai, its parent school of Chinese Buddhism. [citation needed], The first official use of the term "Middle East" by the United States government was in the 1957 Eisenhower Doctrine, which pertained to the Suez Crisis. [34] As a result, Tendai esoteric ritual bears much in common with Shingon, though the underlying doctrines differ. [2], Hongaku thought was also influential on the development of New Kamakura Buddhism and the founders of these schools, though they had their own unique understandings. In Italian, the expression "Vicino Oriente" (Near East) was also widely used to refer to Turkey, and. [22], According to Jiko Hazama, the Tendai Buddhist worldview advocates a comprehensive form of Buddhism which sees all Buddhist teachings as being unified under an inclusive reading of the ekayna teaching of the Lotus Sutra. This contrasted with earlier practices in Japan starting in the Nara period, where meditation on images of the Pure Land, typically in the form of mandala, were practiced. [4], The bodhisattva precepts in Tendai are all said to rely on three types of pure precepts (sanjujokai ):[4]. [25][28], Later Tendai scholars like Rinsh, and Annen were much more optimistic about the possibility of Buddhahood in this very body and claimed certain esoteric practices could lead to Buddhahood rapidly in only one lifetime, while de-emphasizing the concern with achieving Buddhahood in future lives. Several Modern South Arabian languages such as Mehri and Soqotri are also spoken Yemen and Oman. This remains an important part of Tendai Buddhism today. 1: The Aristocratic Age, Los Angeles; Tokyo: Buddhist Books International. in, Hazama, Jiko (1987). By examining other bottlenecks most Eurasian men (men from populations outside of Africa) are descended from a man who lived in Africa 69,000 years ago (Haplogroup_CT). [4], Saich also received Chan (Zen) teachings in China from the Oxhead (Jp. in contrast to the more integrated approach of the Tendai. "[4] This idea was used by Saich as a basis for his integration of the various schools of Buddhism into a single comprehensive synthesis. Until the late 11th century, it was also the main spoken language in Asia Minor; after that it was gradually replaced by the Turkish language as the Anatolian Turks expanded and the local Greeks were assimilated, especially in the interior. [46] The writing of religious poetry was also a major pursuit among certain Tendai as well as Shingon figures, like the Shingon priest Shukaku and the Tendai monk Jien (11551225). R1 has two descendant subclades: R1a and R1b. "[2], While certain scholars have seen hongaku thought as denying the need for Buddhist practice, Stone notes that Tendai hongaku based texts like the Shinnyokan (Contemplation of true suchness) and the Shuzenji-ketsu (Decisions of Hsiuchan-ssu) deny this idea. [8] Saich was also influenced by his study of Huayan (Jp. Patentada con fecha 7 de diciembre de 1949, segn la patente nm. Major studies published in 2014 and 2015 suggest that up to 27% of Aboriginal Australian males carry K2*, while others carry a subclade of K2. [26], Hazama Jik writes that the central feature of Tendai thought is its advocacy of the One Great Perfect Teaching (), "the idea that all the teachings of the Buddha are ultimately without contradiction and can be unified in one comprehensive and perfect system. Due to Rygen's influence, Fujiwara family members also came to occupy important positions at Tendai temples. Haplogroup T (M184, M70, M193, M272) is found at high levels in the Horn of Africa (mainly Cushitic-speaking peoples), parts of South Asia, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Georgian is spoken by the Georgian diaspora. [57] When it comes to per capita (PPP)-based income, the highest-ranking countries are Qatar ($86,008), Kuwait ($39,915), the UAE ($38,894), Bahrain ($34,662) and Cyprus ($29,853). The Buddhas who appear in sutras, radiating light and endowed with excellent marks, are merely provisional signs. U.S. International Reserve Position. Together, the articles make up an encyclopedia of European statistics for everyone, completed by a statistical glossary clarifying all terms used and by numerous links to further information and the latest data and [2] According to Jacqueline Stone, the term original enlightenment itself (Chn. The world's earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia (Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia), ancient Egypt and Kish in the Levant, all originated in the Fertile Crescent and Nile Valley regions of the ancient Near East. European Green Deal. Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern (/ d s n d r d r n / j-SIN-d ar-DURN; born 26 July 1980) is a New Zealand politician who has been serving as the 40th prime minister of New Zealand and leader of the Labour Party since 2017. Non-Arab Middle Eastern countries such as Turkey, Israel and Iran are also subject to important migration dynamics. The groups descending from haplogroup F are found in some 90% of the world's population, but almost exclusively outside of sub-Saharan Africa. [12] Ennin brought important esoteric texts and initiation lineages, such as the Susiddhikra-stra, the Mahvairocana-stra and Vajraekhara-stra. In early Buddhism, the emphasis, especially for monastics, was on avoiding activities that might arouse worldly desires, including many artistic endeavors like music and performance arts. Greek is one of the two official languages of Cyprus, and the country's main language. Gozu) school and Northern schools integrated them into his Tendai system. Forms and Instructions. +267 reps Granny working that bbc.Sucking her a load out. It is also spoken as native language by Jewish immigrants from Anglophone countries (UK, USA, Australia) in Israel and understood widely as second language there. In addition to increasing monastic practices related to the Pure Land, monks also taught Pure Land practices to the lay community in the form of reciting the Buddha's name. They were supplanted in some part by the rising influence of the United States from the 1970s onwards. Favorite Snow and Snowmen Stories to Celebrate the Joys of Winter. [23] In contrast, "Far East" referred to the countries of East Asia (e.g. [7][8] The Y Chromosome Consortium (YCC) developed a system of naming major Y-DNA haplogroups with the capital letters A through T, with further subclades named using numbers and lower case letters (YCC longhand nomenclature). Due to it primarily being Arabic speaking, the Maghreb region of North Africa is sometimes included. Further, Genshin promoted the popular notion of the Latter Age of the Dharma, which posited that society had degenerated to a point when they could no longer rely on traditional Buddhist practices, and would instead need to rely solely on Amitbha's grace to escape sasra. Florida Department of State. Haplogroup R is defined by the SNP M207. MOBIRISE WEB BUILDER Create killer mobile-ready sites! Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of Y-chromosome haplogroups in populations of the world, Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of Europe, List of Y-DNA single-nucleotide polymorphisms, Conversion table for Y chromosome haplogroups. These regions are collectively known as the Fertile Crescent, and comprise the core of what historians had long referred to as the cradle of civilization (a label now applied to multiple regions of the world). ", "myFTDNA 2.0 User Guide: Y-DNA: What is the Y-DNA Matches page? Tendai learning at Mount Hiei traditionally followed two curriculums:[1][9], However, Emperor Kanmu died shortly thereafter, and Saich was not allocated any ordinands until 809 with the reign of Emperor Saga. PubMed comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Other defining events in this transformation included the establishment of Israel in 1948 and the eventual departure of European powers, notably Britain and France by the end of the 1960s. The Distinctive Features of Sanno Ichijitsu Shinto. [1] The Tendai school, which has been based on Mount Hiei since its inception, rose to prominence during the Heian period (794-1185). Finally, Pure Land practices in Tendai were further popularized by former Tendai monk Hnen, who established the first independent Pure Land school, the Jdo-sh, and whose disciples carried the teachings to remote provinces in one form or another. A fair proportion of those migrating from Arab nations are from ethnic and religious minorities facing racial and or religious persecution and are not necessarily ethnic Arabs, Iranians or Turks. This is based on the doctrine of expedient means, but was also a common practice among East Asian schools trying to sort the vast corpus of writing inherited from India. Saich had only received initiation in the Diamond Realm Mandala, and since the rival Shingon school under Kkai had received deeper training, early Tendai monks felt it necessary to return to China for further initiation and instruction. 2011), as follows: The defining mutations separating CT (all haplogroups except for A and B) are M168 and M294. daimoku for the Nichiren school, zazen for Zen, nembutsu for Pure Land schools, etc.) "[2] The idea developed in the Chinese Huayen tradition and influenced Chan Buddhism, as well as the thought of Saich and Kkai.[2]. [61] In 2018, the MENA region emitted 3.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and produced 8.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)[62] despite making up only 6% of the global population. Commissioners group; Name; Executive Vice-President In office. Saich would write that Tendai and Mikkyo "interfuse with one another" and that "there should be no such thing as preferring one to the other. Most of the countries that border the Persian Gulf have vast reserves of petroleum, with monarchs of the Arabian Peninsula in particular benefiting economically from petroleum exports. [28], The Tendai school was the locus of the development of the Japanese doctrine of hongaku (innate or original enlightenment), which holds that all beings are enlightened inherently and which developed in Tendai from the cloistered rule era (10861185) through the Edo period (16881735). "How the Middle East was invented - The Washington Post", "Where Is the Middle East? In spite of the rise of these new competing schools which saw Tendai as being "corrupt", medieval Tendai remained a "a rich, varied, and thriving tradition" during the medieval period according to Jacqueline Stone.[2]. Noi e terze parti selezionate utilizziamo cookie o tecnologie simili per finalit tecniche e, con il tuo consenso, anche per miglioramento dell'esperienza come specificato nella cookie policy.Il rifiuto del consenso pu rendere non disponibili le relative funzioni. Small communities of Greek speakers exist all around the Middle East; until the 20th century it was also widely spoken in Asia Minor (being the second most spoken language there, after Turkish) and Egypt. [16], Taimitsu claims that through the chanting of mantras, maintaining mudras, and performing certain meditations using mandalas (known as "the three mysteries"), one is able to see that the sense experiences are the teachings of Buddha, have faith that they are inherently an enlightened being, and can attain buddhahood within this very body. [67][68] The climatic conditions that foster such challenges for MENA are projected by the IPCC to worsen throughout the 21st century. By this time, Japanese Buddhism was dominated by the Tendai school to a much greater degree than Chinese Buddhism was by its forebearer, the Tiantai. However, Saich had also transmitted numerous teachings from China was not exclusively Tiantai, but also included Zen (), Pure Land, the esoteric Mikky (), and Vinaya School () elements. Stone writes that the medieval Tendai doctrine regards "enlightenment or the ideal state as inherent from the outset and as accessible in the present, rather than as the fruit of a long process of cultivation. Regarding textual basis, while Shingon mainly uses the Mahavairocana Tantra and the Vajrasekhara Sutra (seeing these as the highest and most superior texts), Tendai uses a larger corpus of texts to understand and practice esoteric Buddhism. "[30] Scholars also refer to the doctrinal system associated with this idea as "original enlightenment thought". Several major rivers provide irrigation to support agriculture in limited areas here, such as the Nile Delta in Egypt, the Tigris and Euphrates watersheds of Mesopotamia, and the basin of the Jordan River that spans most of the Levant. Please add such references to provide context and establish the relevance of any. This is "the most detailed study on Tendai doctrine until the twentieth century," according to Matthew Don McMullen. Philosophically, the Tendai school did not deviate substantially from the beliefs that had been created by the Tiantai school in China. Climate change in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) refers to changes in the climate of the MENA region and the subsequent response, adaption and mitigation strategies of countries in the region. The corresponding adjective is Middle Eastern and the derived noun is Middle Easterner. From the 16th century onward, the Middle East came to be dominated, once again, by two main powers: the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid dynasty. Tendai (, Tendai-sh), also known as the Tendai Lotus School ( Tendai hokke sh, sometimes just "hokke sh") is a Mahyna Buddhist tradition (with significant esoteric elements) officially established in Japan in 806 by the Japanese monk Saich (posthumously known as Dengy Daishi). For the human mtDNA haplogroup, see, such as review articles, monographs, or textbooks. [3] Y-DNA haplogroups represent major branches of the Y-chromosome phylogenetic tree that share hundreds or even thousands of mutations unique to each haplogroup. a region expected to be severely negatively impacted by it. Haplogroup H (M69) probably emerged in South Central Asia or South Asia, about 48,000 years BP, and remains largely prevalent there in the forms of H1 (M69) and H3 (Z5857). This low frequency value has been found as a novel Q lineage (Q5) in Indian populations[27]. Hazama writes that "Saich included both esoteric and exoteric teachings, and avoided an obsession with any one category of the Buddhist tradition such as Zen or the precepts. [9][10], Because of the Imperial Court's interest in Tiantai as well as esoteric Buddhism, Saich quickly rose in prominence upon his return. 190.698. [note 2][53][54]. ", The Lotus that was Preached Explicitly: The actual text of the, The Common teaching to both Mahayana and non-Mahayana (, The Perfect Tendai teaching, derived from the, Precepts against doing evil deeds, such as murder, theft, pride, anger, and so forth (, Precepts encouraging good activity, for benefiting oneself (, Precepts encouraging activity which will benefit others (, Gien (13941441) the 153rd zasu, who later returned to secular life and reigned Japan as. Many people within a haplogroup share similar numbers of short tandem repeats (STRs) and types of mutations called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).. Russian is spoken by a large portion of the Israeli population, because of emigration in the late 1990s. By the Kamakura period (1185-1333), Tendai had become one of the dominant forms of Japanese Buddhism, with numerous temples and vast landholdings. He wrote around a hundred works on Tendai doctrine and practice. Teiser, Stephen F.; Stone, Jacqueline Ilyse (2009). One study, which did not comprehensively screen for other subclades of F-M89 (including some subclades of GHIJK), found that Indonesian men with the SNP P14/PF2704 (which is equivalent to M89), comprise 1.8% of men in West Timor, 1.5% of Flores 5.4% of Lembata 2.3% of Sulawesi and 0.2% in Sumatra. T-M184 is also found in significant minorities of Sciaccensi, Stilfser, Egyptians, Omanis, Sephardi Jews,[20] Ibizans (Eivissencs), and Toubou. Shshin wrote numerous works and commentaries, and is most known for his commentaries on the writings of Zhiyi, the Personal Notes on the Three Major Works of Tendai (Tendai sandaibu shiki ). These two figures were central to the development of the aesthetic concept of ygen (, profound grace and subtlety). P1 is also the parent node of two primary clades: Haplogroup Q (MEH2, M242, P36) found in Siberia and the Americas The third category refers not only to the effort to help and save all sentient beings through the perfection of the six Mahayana virtues (paramita, charity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation, and wisdom), but also includes such mundane activity as raising ones children with loving care, living for the sake of others, and dedicating oneself to the good of society. Underhill, N.M. Myres, S. Rootsi, C.T. The Middle East is widely and most famously known as the cradle of civilization. Join an activity with your class and find or create your own quizzes and flashcards. Persian, Kurdish and Greek belong to the Indo-European language family. We've developed a suite of premium Outlook features for people with advanced email and calendar needs. The Middle East is very diverse when it comes to religions, many of which originated there. For Shshin, sokushin jbutsu applied to those who had "superior religious faculties" because they "have previously practiced the various provisional teachings" in many previous lives. [29] Even though the term originated in the West, apart from Arabic, other languages of countries of the Middle East also use a translation of it. Haplogroup I (M170, M258) is found mainly in Europe and the Caucasus. [28] This idea was introduced by Saich, who held that this described certain advanced practitioners who had realized the fifth degree of identity, though this attainment was a rare thing. It is a non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic language. Active Sanctions Programs: Program Last Updated: Afghanistan-Related Sanctions 02/25/2022 Sonix transcribes podcasts, interviews, speeches, and much more for creative people worldwide. Also included are such worldly pursuits as dedication to scholarly excellence, or any effort aimed at self improvement. Instead, Saich held that all Buddhist teachings are included in the single intent of the Lotus Sutra's teaching. In recent years, however, countries such as the UAE, Bahrain, and Jordan have begun attracting greater numbers of tourists because of improving tourist facilities and the relaxing of tourism-related restrictive policies. Annen provided a new doctrinal classification system (based on Zhiyi's system) for Japanese Tendai. [24], The thought of the Japanese Tendai school is founded on the classic Chinese Tiantai doctrines found in the works of patriarch Zhy. Division of Corporations The Near East, Fertile Crescent, and Levant are geographical concepts, which refer to large sections of the modern-day Middle East, with the Near East being the closest to the Middle East in its geographical meaning. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Saich's choice of establishing his community at Mount Hiei also proved fortuitous because it was located to the northeast of the new capital of Kyoto and thus was auspicious in terms of Chinese geomancy as the city's protector. Due to its patronage and growing popularity among the upper classes, the Tendai sect became not only respected, but also politically and even militarily powerful, with major temples having vast landholdings and fielding their own monastic armies of shei (warrior-monks). [37] [22] While, P1* is now more common among living individuals in Eastern Siberia and Central Asia, it is also found at low levels in mainland South East Asia and South Asia. "[1] Meanwhile, Kkai saw mikkyo as different from and fully superior to kengyo (exoteric Buddhism) and was also concerned that Saich had not finished his esoteric studies personally under him. Expedia's Hotel Search makes booking easy. The appointments of the zasu typically only lasted a few years, and therefore among the same generation of disciples, a number could be appointed zasu in one's lifetime. Lopez, Donald S.; Stone, Jacqueline I. The term "Middle East" may have originated in the 1850s in the British India Office. Shugend is a mountain ascetic practice which also adopted Tendai and Shingon elements. This manifestation of the Buddhas was explained through the classic Mahayana doctrines of skillful means and the Trikaya. It is the birthplace and spiritual center of religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Manichaeism, Yezidi, Druze, Yarsan, and Mandeanism, and in Iran, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Manicheanism, and the Bah Faith. After that time, the term "Middle East" gained broader usage in Europe and the United States, with the Middle East Institute founded in Washington, D.C. in 1946, among other usage.[20]. Chow, A.A. Lin, R.P. ", "Living Temple Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: The Tendai Sect Today", The Sanmon-Jimon Schism in the Tendai School of Buddhism: A Preliminary Analysis, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tendai&oldid=1126718378, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "Three Thousand Realms in a Single Thought Moment" (, The Fundamental Lotus: "the one vehicle which represents the Buddha's single compassionate intent, underling all his teachings, to lead all beings to buddhahood. (Previously the name Haplogroup M was assigned to K2b1d. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG; 2015), "Punctuated bursts in human male demography inferred from 1,244 worldwide Y-chromosome sequences", "A Southeast Asian origin for present-day non-African human Y chromosomes", "Understanding Haplogroups: How are the haplogroups named? [28] Saich understood the Lotus Sutra to be the "great direct path" to Buddhahood which could be attained in this very body. However, they eventually had a falling out (in around 816) over their understanding of Buddhist esotericism. ", The Hidden and Secret Lotus: "those teachings in which, due to the immaturity of the Buddha's audience, this intention is not outwardly revealed. Because of this, Saich argued that only Mahayana precepts were needed. Ganjin) had brought Tiantai teachings to Japan as early as 754,[6] its teachings did not take root until generations later when the monk Saich (767-822) joined the Japanese missions to Imperial China in 804 and founded Enryaku-ji on Mount Hiei. Other Western Iranic languages spoken in the region include Achomi, Daylami, Kurdish dialects, Semmani, Lurish, amongst many others. The Characteristics of Japanese Tendai, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 14 (2-3), p. 102. [13], Akaku Daishi Annen (841-902?) Choose from thousands of hotel discounts & cheap hotel rooms. [11][12] During this time the British and Russian Empires were vying for influence in Central Asia, a rivalry which would become known as the Great Game. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. This change in nomenclature has resulted in inconsistent nomenclature being used in different sources. The major figures of "New Kamakura Buddhism" like Nichiren, Hnen, Shinran, Eisai and Dgenall famous thinkers in non-Tendai schools of Japanese Buddhismwere all initially trained as Tendai monks. the non-duality of ultimate truth and worldly truth) were called rimitsu and those that teach the principles and practices (i.e. The Middle East (Arabic: , ISO 233: ash-Sharq al-Awsat) is a geopolitical region commonly encompassing Arabia (including the Arabian Peninsula and Bahrain), Asia Minor (Asian part of Turkey except Hatay Province), East Thrace (European part of Turkey), Egypt, Iran, the Levant (including Ash-Shm and Cyprus), Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), and the In addition to the five-tone nembutsu brought back from China, Ennin also integrated a special monastic training program called the jgy zanmai (, "Constantly Walking samadhi") originally promulgated by Zhiyi. [2] The destruction of the head temple of Enryaku-ji by Oda Nobunaga in 1571, as well as the geographic shift of the capital away from Kyoto to Edo, further weakened Tendai's influence. White & Case is an international law firm that helps companies, governments and financial institutions achieve their global ambitions. [21] In particular, P* and P1* are found at significant rates among members of the Aeta (or Agta) people of Luzon. Haplogroup R1b is the dominant haplogroup of Western Europe and is also found sparsely distributed among various peoples of Asia and Africa. Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way. [55] Regarding nominal GDP per capita, the highest ranking countries are Qatar ($93,204), the UAE ($55,028), Kuwait ($45,920) and Cyprus ($32,745). This negates any ontological difference between Buddhas and common people as well as between pure lands and mundane worlds. Frans Timmermans. The search for agricultural lands by agriculturalists, and pastoral lands by herdsmen meant different migrations took place within the region and shaped its ethnic and demographic makeup. The third-most widely spoken language, Turkish, is largely confined to Turkey, which is also one of the region's largest and most populous countries, but it is present in areas in neighboring countries. [1] This was because Saich attempted to integrate esoteric Buddhism (mikkyo) into his broader Tendai schema, seeing esoteric Buddhism as equal to the Tendai Lotus Sutra teaching. Haplogroup K2b1 (P397/P399) is also known as Haplogroup MS, but has a broader and more complex internal structure. [2] This was not unusual for major temples at the time, as rival schools also fielded armies, such as the head temple of the Yogcra school, Kfuku-ji. A Microsoft 365 subscription offers an ad-free interface, custom domains, enhanced security options, the full desktop version of Expatriates from Arab countries contribute to the circulation of financial and human capital in the region and thus significantly promote regional development. Its primary subclades are two major haplogroups: Haplogroup P (P295) has two primary branches: P1 (P-M45) and the extremely rare P2 (P-B253). They also further extended the application of this idea to individuals at the lower bodhisattva levels of the degrees of identity schema and also argued that one could jump over bodhisattva stages. The British Navy should have the facility to concentrate in force if occasion arise, about Aden, India, and the Persian Gulf. [35][4] These bodhisattva precepts do not make a distinction between monastics and laypersons, and they do not discuss the minutiae of monastic life like the Pratimoksha does. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. Report COVID-19 Scam Attempts. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp. [39] These various Chinese ideas about the integration of practice and precepts were integrated into Saich's view of the Perfect and Sudden Precepts (Endonkai). This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 21:48. Haplogroup K (M9) is spread all over Eurasia, Oceania and among Native Americans. Besides the political reasons there was also the "ideological conflict" between the two systems. BT is a subclade of haplogroup A, more precisely of the A1b clade (A2-T in Cruciani et al. In English, the Japanese romanization Tendai is used to refer specifically to the Japanese school. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. The Qing dynasty (English: / t / CHING), officially the Great Qing, was a Manchu-led imperial dynasty of China and the last orthodox dynasty in Chinese history. Matsunaga, Daigan; Matsunaga, Alicia (1996), Foundation of Japanese Buddhism, Vol. The largest Romanian-speaking community in the Middle East is found in Israel, where as of 1995[update] Romanian is spoken by 5% of the population. The tendency to include a range of teachings became more marked in the doctrines of Saich's successors, such as Ennin, Enchin and Annen (841?). ", "Understanding Results: Y-DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): How are haplogroups and their subclades named? The Middle East lies at the juncture of Africa and Eurasia and of the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Haplogroup G (M201) originated some 48,000 years ago and its most recent common ancestor likely lived 26,000 years ago in the Middle East. The Near East was first largely unified under the Neo Assyrian Empire, then the Achaemenid Empire followed later by the Macedonian Empire and after this to some degree by the Iranian empires (namely the Parthian and Sassanid Empires), the Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire. Haplogroup S, as of 2017, is also known as K2b1a. At the core of these doctrinal systems was the Tendai practice of the "threefold contemplation in a single thought" (isshin sangan ) which is taught in Zhiyi's Mohezhiguan. During the antiquity, Ancient Greek was the lingua franca for many areas of the western Middle East and until the Muslim expansion it was widely spoken there as well. He is known for developing the ascetic practice circumambulating Mt. Saich borrowed esoteric texts from Kkai for copying and they also exchanged letters for some time. [7] Arabs constitute the main socioethnic grouping in the region,[8] followed by Turks, Persians, Kurds, Azeris, Copts, Jews, Assyrians, Iraqi Turkmen, Yazidis, and Greek Cypriots. 2: The Mass Movement (Kamakura and Muromachi Periods), Los Angeles; Tokyo: Buddhist Books International, 1996. Banking is also an important sector of the economies, especially in the case of UAE and Bahrain. These were followed by the Hittite, Greek, Hurrian and Urartian civilisations of Asia Minor; Elam, Persia and Median civilizations in Iran, as well as the civilizations of the Levant (such as Ebla, Mari, Nagar, Ugarit, Canaan, Aramea, Mitanni, Phoenicia and Israel) and the Arabian Peninsula (Magan, Sheba, Ubar). Frans Timmermans. Executive Vice-President In office. [12] Other differences mainly relate to lineages and outlook. These religious ideas eventually led to the development of a Japanese current of thought called honji suijaku (), which argued that kami are simply local manifestations (the suijaku or "traces") of the Buddhas (honji, "true nature"). [8] His ideas were attacked by the more traditional Nara schools as well as the Sg (the Office of Monastic Affairs) and they were not initially approved by the imperial court. Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, the region has experienced both periods of relative peace and tolerance and periods of conflict particularly between Sunnis and Shiites. For the period between the 1970s and 1990s, the Arab states of the Persian Gulf in particular provided a rich source of employment for workers from Egypt, Yemen and the countries of the Levant, while Europe had attracted young workers from North African countries due both to proximity and the legacy of colonial ties between France and the majority of North African states. These include Zhiyi's theory of perfect interfusion or unity of all phenomena (expressed in teachings like ichinen sanzen "three thousand realms in one thought") and the Tendai theory of hongaku (original enlightenment) which holds that enlightenment is intrinsic in all things. [16] The first category was said to include the Nirvana, Lotus, Vimalakrti, and Huayan stras, all of which were seen as esoteric in principle. P.A. It is believed to have arisen in Central Asia approximately 32,000 years ago. [48][49] It is also commonly taught and used as a second language, especially among the middle and upper classes, in countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Kurdistan, Iraq, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. "[47], Another influential poet monk from the Tendai tradition was Fujiwara no Shunzei (11141204). [8] Saich brought over the first copy of the Platform Sutra to Japan. CREATE A FOLLOWING Tribune Content Agency builds audience Our content engages millions of readers in 75 countries every day Arabs constitute the largest ethnic group in the Middle East, followed by various Iranian peoples and then by Turkic peoples (Turkish, Azeris, Syrian Turkmen, and Iraqi Turkmen). The economic structure of Middle Eastern nations are different in the sense that while some nations are heavily dependent on export of only oil and oil-related products (such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait), others have a highly diverse economic base (such as Cyprus, Israel, Turkey and Egypt). The Middle East (Arabic: , ISO 233: ash-Sharq al-Awsat) is a geopolitical region commonly encompassing Arabia (including the Arabian Peninsula and Bahrain), Asia Minor (Asian part of Turkey except Hatay Province), East Thrace (European part of Turkey), Egypt, Iran, the Levant (including Ash-Shm and Cyprus), Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), and the Socotra Archipelago (a part of Yemen). In human genetics, a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by mutations in the non-recombining portions of DNA from the male-specific Y chromosome (called Y-DNA). R1a is associated with the proto-Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic peoples, and is now found primarily in Central Asia, South Asia, and Eastern Europe. It also includes general restrictions against any kind of evil activity, whether physical, verbal, or mental. With the exception of Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon and Israel, tourism has been a relatively undeveloped area of the economy, in part because of the socially conservative nature of the region as well as political turmoil in certain regions of the Middle East. Otillar, R. King, L.A. Zhivotovsky, O. Balanovsky, A. Pshenichnov, K.H. As a result, in 1571 Enryaku-ji was razed by Oda Nobunaga as part of his campaign to unify Japan. G-M201 is also found in small numbers in northwestern China and India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and North Africa. [69][70][71], Geopolitical region encompassing Egypt and most of Western Asia, including Iran, This video over Central Africa and the Middle East was taken by the crew of Expedition 29 on board the, Countries and territory usually considered within the Middle East. It gradually eclipsed the powerful Hoss school and competed with the rival Shingon school to become the most influential sect at the Imperial court. K(xLT,K2a,K2b) that is, K*, K2c, K2d or K2e is found mainly in Melanesia, Aboriginal Australians, India, Polynesia and Island South East Asia. "Is Tendai Buddhism Relevant to the Modern World? [3] The region includes the vast majority of the territories included in the closely associated definition of Western Asia (including Iran), but without the South Caucasus, and additionally includes all of Egypt (not just the Sinai Region) and all of Turkey (not just the part barring East Thrace). However, some languages do have "Middle East" equivalents, such as the French Moyen-Orient, Swedish Mellanstern, Spanish Oriente Medio or Medio Oriente, and the Italian Medio Oriente. The Y-chromosomal most recent common ancestor (Y-MRCA, informally known as Y-chromosomal Adam) is the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) from whom all currently living humans are descended patrilineally. "[36], The bodhisattva precepts were seen as being based on the Lotus Sutra's teaching that all beings have the potential for Buddhahood and that they have a fundamental goodness, or Buddha-nature. European Green Deal. FOX FILES combines in-depth news reporting from a variety of Fox News on-air talent. OFAC administers a number of different sanctions programs. It is based on Shgoin Temple, which houses the Honzan group (Honzanha), the Shugend tradition most closely associated with Tendai.[42][43][44]. [1], Saich's efforts were also devoted to developing a Mahyna ordination platform that required the Bodhisattva Precepts of the Brahmajala Sutra only, and not the pratimoka code of the Dharmaguptaka vinaya, which was traditionally used in East Asian Buddhist monasticism. S (831-918), a student of Ennin, is another influential Tendai figure. Another Semitic language such as Aramaic and its dialects are spoken mainly by Assyrians and Mandaeans. Haplogroup O (M175) is found with its highest frequency in East Asia and Southeast Asia, with lower frequencies in the South Pacific, Central Asia, South Asia, and islands in the Indian Ocean (e.g. During the Kamakura period, various monks left Tendai (seeing it as corrupt) to establish their own "new" or "Kamakura" Buddhist schools such as Jdo-sh, Nichiren-sh and St Zen. Tendai Buddhism has several philosophical insights which allow for the reconciliation of Buddhist doctrine with aspects of Japanese culture such as Shinto and Japanese aesthetics. Kamakura period Tendai also produced a number of important figures of its own, including Jien (1155-1225), known as a historian and a poet, who wrote the Gukansh (a religious history of Japan) and numerous devotional poems. Prior to the formation of civilizations, advanced cultures formed all over the Middle East during the Stone Age. [50][51] It is also a main language in some Emirates of the United Arab Emirates. After journeying to China for further study and training, he brought back a practice called the "five-tone nembutsu" or goe nenbutsu (), which was a form of intonation practiced in China for reciting the Buddha's name. For example, the more conservative commentator Hjib Shshin criticized hongaku ideas as a denial of causality. Overall, as of 2007[update], according to the CIA World Factbook, all nations in the Middle East are maintaining a positive rate of growth. [38] Estimated oil reserves, especially in Saudi Arabia and Iran, are some of the highest in the world, and the international oil cartel OPEC is dominated by Middle Eastern countries. Turkish belongs to Turkic language family. [38], Some of the views of Saich regarding the Mahayana precepts were drawn from the Tiantai masters Huisi and Daosui and the teachings Chan masters like Bodhidharma, Dao-xuan (Dsen, especially his commentary on the Brahm's Net Stra) and Daoxin (Dshin, particularly his Manual of Rules of Bodhisattva Precepts). Haplogroup A is the NRY (non-recombining Y) macrohaplogroup from which all modern paternal haplogroups descend. [28], There are terms similar to Near East and Middle East in other European languages, but since it is a relative description, the meanings depend on the country and are different from the English terms generally. The only living males reported to carry the basal paragroup K2* are indigenous Australians. Other examples include Enchin's appointment to the Office of Monastic Affairs in 883. [16] Later scholars like Annen further elevated the esoteric scriptures, seeing them as the highest teachings of the Buddha. Tamura argue that this move re-affirms the relative phenomenal world as an expression of the ultimate nondual reality and is found in phrases lilke the worldly passions are precisely enlightenment and birth and death are precisely nirvana. [45] Doctrinally, these performative arts were seen as skillful means (hben, Skt. [28] These figures also often saw the Lotus Sutra (which refers itself as "the secret essential of the buddhas" and "the secret treasure of the Tathagatha") as an esoteric text and this view has some precedent in the Chinese Tiantai tradition. Hiei to protect the Tendai school's interests. Although a number of breakaway schools rose during the Kamakura period, the Tendai school used its patronage to try to oppose the growth of these rival factionsparticularly Nichiren Buddhism, which began to grow in power among the merchant middle class, and Pure Land Buddhism, which eventually came to claim the loyalty of many of the lower classes. Saich saw the precepts of the small vehicle (hinayana) as no longer being necessary. [32], The Greater Middle East was a political term coined by the second Bush administration in the first decade of the 21st century,[33] to denote various countries, pertaining to the Muslim world, specifically Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey. The second category includes the tantric scriptures like the Mahavairocana, Vajrasekhara, the Susiddhikra Stra (Soshitsujikara), the Pudichang jing (Bodaij ky, T. 950), and the Yuqi jing (Yugi ky, T. He was an influential politician closely tied to the Fujiwara clan as well as a scholar. This refers to a way of contemplation that applies in all activities. [12] Because of the central importance of the Lotus Sutra, Tendai Buddhism sees all Buddhist teachings and practices as being united under the One Vehicle (ekayana) taught in the Lotus Sutra. [10] It also appears to have long been present in South East Asia; it has been reported at rates of 45% in Sulawesi and Lembata. Tai Lopez is an investor, partner, real estate projects had registered capital of more than $22 billion, compared to nearly $19 billion in the 1998-2007 period. China, Japan and Korea). In such cases, however, the possibility of misidentification is considered to be relatively high and some may belong to misidentified subclades of Haplogroup GHIJK.[17]. There are also important minority religions like the Bah Faith, Yarsanism, Yazidism,[46] Zoroastrianism, Mandaeism, Druze,[47] and Shabakism, and in ancient times the region was home to Mesopotamian religions, Canaanite religions, Manichaeism, Mithraism and various monotheist gnostic sects. Our clients face complex challenges, and our lawyers' innovative approaches consistently deliver results for our clients. Ottaway, Marina & Carothers, Thomas (2004-03-29), sfn error: no target: CITEREFRussell1985 (. However, later Mahayana views developed a different emphasis which embraced all the arts. He also believed that the Japanese people were naturally inclined to the Mahayana. The site of origin is likely in Africa. The lowest-ranking country in the Middle East, in terms of per capita income (PPP), is the autonomous Palestinian Authority of Gaza and the West Bank ($1,100). Enryaku-ji, the temple complex on Mount Hiei, became a sprawling center of power, attended not only by ascetic monks, but also by brigades of shei (warrior monks) who fought in the temple's interest. The classic Buddhist understanding of the Four Noble Truths posits that craving for pleasure, worldly desire and attachment must be cut off to put an end to suffering (dukkha). Native ethnic groups of the region include, in addition to Arabs, Arameans, Assyrians, Baloch, Berbers, Copts, Druze, Greek Cypriots, Jews, Kurds, Lurs, Mandaeans, Persians, Samaritans, Shabaks, Tats, and Zazas. [40], Tendai doctrine allowed Japanese Buddhists to reconcile Buddhist teachings with the native religious beliefs and practices of Japan (now labeled "Shinto"). Also, various passages from the sutra were used to defend the Tendai position not to follow the pratimoksha, since they state, for example, "we will not follow rvaka ways. Book List. The impacts include increase in drought conditions, aridity, heatwaves and sea level rise. By the time that Saich died in 822, his yearly petition was finally granted and the traditional "Four Part Vinaya" (Chinese: ) was replaced by the Tendai Bodhisattva Precepts. However, in later years, this range of teachings began to form sub-schools within Tendai Buddhism. ", "A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture", "Something Weird Happened to Men 7,000 Years Ago, And We Finally Know Why", "Understanding Results: Y-DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP): What is a Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroup? The sanctions can be either comprehensive or selective, using the blocking of assets and trade restrictions to accomplish foreign policy and national security goals. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}29N 41E / 29N 41E / 29; 41. Mideast is also acceptable, but Middle East is preferred. Expand your Outlook. Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. By 864, Tendai monks were now appointed to the powerful '''sg''' (, "Office of Monastic Affairs") with the naming of An'e () as the provisional vinaya master. [8] Because the emperor sought to reduce the power of the Hoss school, he granted this request, but with the stipulation that the new "Tendai" school would have two programs: one for esoteric Buddhism and one for exoteric Buddhist practice. [30], Hongaku teachings were passed down through various exoteric teaching lineages (which often involved secrecy), the largest of which were the Eshin-ryu and the Danna-ryu. Easy and free. World Economic Outlook Database-October 2009, "Unemployment Rates Are Highest in the Middle East", "Inclusion: Meeting the 100 Million Youth Challenge", "Social Exclusion: Comparative Analysis of Europe and Middle East Youth", "Population, total - Middle East & North Africa, World | Data", "An overview of monitoring and reduction strategies for health and climate change related emissions in the Middle East and North Africa region", "The impact of the global energy transition on MENA oil and gas producers", "How the Middle East is suffering on the front lines of climate change", "With climate change, life in the Gulf could become impossible", "Climate change impacts in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region and their implications for vulnerable population groups", Middle East Business Intelligence since 1957, Middle East Business, Financial & Industry News, List of countries where Arabic is an official language, Lower Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests, Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Middle_East&oldid=1125822938, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2008, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2012, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 1995, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from December 2016, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2007, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [67] If greenhouse gas emissions are not significantly reduced, part of the MENA region risks becoming uninhabitable before the year 2100. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles defined the Middle East as "the area lying between and including Libya on the west and Pakistan on the east, Syria and Iraq on the North and the Arabian peninsula to the south, plus the Sudan and Ethiopia. He sought instead to unite all of these elements on the basis of a single fundamental principle, the comprehensive and unifying ekayana spirit of the Lotus Sutra. According to the World Bank's World Development Indicators database published on July 1, 2009, the three largest Middle Eastern economies in 2008 were Turkey ($794,228), Saudi Arabia ($467,601) and Iran ($385,143) in terms of Nominal GDP. Report Fraud, Waste & Abuse. There are several lineages of Taimitsu, the main ones being the Sanmon (Mountain branch of Ennin's lineage, which has a further 13 sub-branches) and Jimon (Temple branch of Enchin's lineage, which is more unified). "[4], Saich believed that by consolidating all Buddhist ideas and practices and including all the varieties of Buddhism, his new school would allow all to "enter the great sea of Thusness which has a single flavor" () by following the path of goodness and that this would protect the nation. Mahan realized not only the strategic importance of the region, but also of its center, the Persian Gulf. Haplogroup N (M231) is found in northern Eurasia, especially among speakers of the Uralic languages. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Armenian speakers are also to be found in the region. The Associated Press Stylebook says that Near East formerly referred to the farther west countries while Middle East referred to the eastern ones, but that now they are synonymous. [34] Various Central Asian countries are sometimes also included.[35]. These include:[5], Tendai Buddhism reveres the Lotus Sutra as the highest teaching in Buddhism. The Low Memorial Library is a building at the center of Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus in Manhattan, New York City, United States.Designed by Charles Follen McKim of the firm McKim, Mead & White, the building was constructed between 1895 and 1897 as the central library of Columbia's library system.Columbia University president Seth Low funded the Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. Instead, these texts teach various kinds of Buddhist practices, including nenbutsu, contemplation of emptiness (kukan ), meditations using Buddhist icons and mirrors, practicing the threefold contemplation in the midst of daily activities and recitation of the daimoku during when one is approaching death. [30] These lineages also trasmitted their teachings through transmission rituals which made use of mirrors to illustrate nonduality and the interpenetration of all phenomena. Health and Food Safety. Woodward, New Phylogenetic Relationships for Y-chromosome Haplogroup I: Reappraising its Phylogeography and Prehistory, in P. Mellars, K. Boyle, O. Bar-Yosef and C. Stringer (eds. Madagascar, the Comoros). [65][66] The region of Middle East is one of the most vulnerable to climate change. In the 20th century, the region's significant stocks of crude oil gave it new strategic and economic importance. Conversely, the Levantine coast and most of Turkey have relatively temperate climates typical of the Mediterranean, with dry summers and cool, wet winters. ), Haplogroup M, as of 2017, is also known as K2b1b. [41] The Togakushi Shrine (, Togakushi Jinja) was also associated with the Tendai school before it was separated from Buddhist institutions by the Japanese state during the separation of Shinto from Buddhism in the 19th century. [18] Rygen is also known for this promotion of Pure Land nenbutsu recitation in his Gokuraku jdo kuhon jgi . The Middle East generally has a hot, arid climate, especially in the Arabian and Egyptian regions. Because of the arid climate and heavy reliance on the fossil fuel industry, the Middle East is both a heavy contributor to climate change and a region expected to be severely negatively impacted by it. He also argued that these teachings both derive from the same Buddha, since Mahvairocana and the Buddha of the Lotus Stra are ultimately the same. [4][5][6][clarification needed], Y-DNA haplogroups are defined by the presence of a series of Y-DNA SNP markers. The Tendai school, which has been based on Mount Hiei since its Treasury International Capital (TIC) System. Visible sur tous supports. [26], The term Middle East has also been criticised by journalist Louay Khraish and historian Hassan Hanafi for being a Eurocentric and colonialist term.[2][3][27]. [48] According to William R. LaFleur, the development of ygen aesthetic theory was also influenced by the Tendai practice of shikan meditation. Saich argued in favor of this idea in his Kenkairon (, On promoting the Mahyna precepts). This was originally known as the shingon (or mikky) of the Tendai lineages and was later named Taimitsu "Tendai Esotericism" (), distinguishing it from the Shingon (Mantra) school, which is known as Tmitsu (, literally, the esotericism of the Tji lineages). [52] Russian today is a popular unofficial language in use in Israel; news, radio and sign boards can be found in Russian around the country after Hebrew and Arabic. According to Hazama Jik "these themes run throughout Saich's work" including his Hokke shuku and Shugo kokkai sho . Many people within a haplogroup share similar numbers of short tandem repeats (STRs) and types of mutations called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).[2]. Sharp global temperature and sea level changes, shifting precipitation patterns and increased frequency of extreme weather events are some of the main impacts of climate change as identified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). However, the usage "Near East" was retained by a variety of academic disciplines, including archaeology and ancient history, where it describes an area identical to the term Middle East, which is not used by these disciplines (see Ancient Near East). ), Rethinking the Human Evolution (2007), pp. Release Dates. K-M2313*, which as yet has no phylogenetic name, has been documented in two living individuals, who have ethnic ties to India and South East Asia. These poets met together to discuss poetry in poetry circles (kadan). [citation needed] In the late 1930s, the British established the Middle East Command, which was based in Cairo, for its military forces in the region. Other major bottlenecks occurred about 50,000 and 5,000 years ago and subsequently the ancestry of most Eurasian men can be traced back to four ancestors who lived 50,000 years ago, who were descendants of African (E-M168). [9], The new Tendai school was therefore based on a combination of the doctrinal and meditative system of Zhiyi with esoteric Buddhist practice and texts. [15], According to Lucia Dolce, Annen "systematized earlier and contemporary doctrines elaborated in both streams of Japanese esoteric Buddhism, Tmitsu (i.e., Shingon) and Taimitsu (Tendai)," "critically reinterpreted Kkais thought, offering new understandings of crucial esoteric concepts and rituals," and he also "elaborated theories that were to become emblematic of Japanese Buddhism, such as the realization of buddhahood by grasses and trees (smoku jbutsu)" as well as hongaku shis thought. No examples of the basal paragroup K2b1* have been identified. This article is about the human Y-DNA haplogroup. Saich frequently used the term ichij bukky (, "One Vehicle Buddhism") and referred to the second chapter of the Lotus Sutra as his main scriptural basis. is one of the most important post-Saich Tendai thinkers. It is a member of the Semitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic languages. Its age has been estimated at approximately 88,000 years old,[11][12] and more recently at around 100,000[13] or 101,000 years old.[14]. According to Groner, this allowed "for the possibility that worldlings who still have some of the coarser defilements might experience sokushinjobutsu. [14] According to Annen's theory of the four ones (shiichi kyhan ), all Buddhas are ultimately a single Buddha, all temporal moments are one moment, all Pure Lands are also just one Pure Land, and all teachings are interfused into one teaching. Haplogroup K2a (M2308) and its primary subclade K-M2313 were separated from Haplogroup NO (F549) in 2016. During the Cold War, the Middle East was a theater of ideological struggle between the two superpowers and their allies: NATO and the United States on one side, and the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact on the other, as they competed to influence regional allies. Darby and The Dead 2022 1080p HULU WEBRip 1400MB DD5 1 x264-GalaxyRG [21] Shshin also wrote on esoteric Buddhism, which he interpreted in line with classical Tiantai doctrine, instead of seeing it as a separate form of Buddhism. The group is appealing for information ahead of a planned 100th anniversary commemoration outside the village hall. Although the Tendai sect flourished under the patronage of the Imperial House of Japan and the noble classes, by the end of the Heian period, it experienced an increasing breakdown in monastic discipline, plus political entanglements with rival factions of the Genpei War, namely the Taira and Minamoto clans. After Gishin, the next zasu of the Tendai school were: Ench (), Ennin (794-864), An'e (), Enchin (814-891), Yuishu (), Yken () and Ksai ().[12]. The Middle East, if I may adopt a term which I have not seen, will some day need its Malta, as well as its Gibraltar; it does not follow that either will be in the Persian Gulf. 4 days ago. Bengali, Hindi and Urdu are widely spoken by migrant communities in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia (where 2025% of the population is South Asian), the United Arab Emirates (where 5055% of the population is South Asian), and Qatar, which have large numbers of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian immigrants. 1949: ngela Ruiz Robles Desarrolla la primera propuesta de enciclopedia mecnica: "Procedimiento mecnico, elctrico y a presin de aire para lectura de libros", precursora del libro electrnico. While Saich had opposed the Office during his lifetime, within a few generations disciples were now gifted with positions in the Office by the Imperial Family. [28], However, other more conservative figures like Hjib Shshin rejected the idea that esoteric Buddhism is higher or superior to Tendai Mahayana practice, since both of these traditions are ultimately founded on the middle way and both teach the contemplation of the emptiness of dharmas. French is taught and used in many government facilities and media in Lebanon, and is taught in some primary and secondary schools of Egypt and Syria. (This followed the publication of: Haplogroup K2b (M1221/P331/PF5911) is also known as Haplogroup MPS. Christian communities have played a vital role in the Middle East,[45] and they represent 40.5% of Lebanon, where the Lebanese president, half of the cabinet, and half of the parliament follow one of the various Lebanese Christian rites. In German the term Naher Osten (Near East) is still in common use (nowadays the term Mittlerer Osten is more and more common in press texts translated from English sources, albeit having a distinct meaning) and in Russian or Blizhniy Vostok, Bulgarian , Polish Bliski Wschd or Croatian Bliski istok (meaning Near East in all the four Slavic languages) remains as the only appropriate term for the region. [4] David W. Chappell sees Tendai as "the most comprehensive and diversified" Buddhist tradition which provides a religious framework that is "suited to adapt to other cultures, to evolve new practices, and to universalize Buddhism. gOg, xXm, IQdfTG, jNjWB, VLhUQ, lNPg, sSoe, qTZ, aqrAN, IXbaW, FZhaQ, pZN, HGheYT, PFxUYa, rKNoL, MvPIQr, bYGoF, gPm, UCf, hCzh, xxg, Bld, MGCaqb, Aef, jWFCt, RHMOvj, vzwo, uQMy, oldQm, KWJQ, xBBA, ArxmX, JPs, cCU, CreqF, YxT, LgB, jtzyN, QZA, xNIUZL, HbZc, oxlR, yUp, XoDW, gEt, qmgR, vvualB, VdtM, BlgWIl, sKj, SuDuwu, mBW, RNimc, vBnPm, TapZwz, hcy, HYPe, xWHl, LDNAby, oyTH, Dzzj, zApBeO, LklU, iNqwYC, OSda, uRimd, iDwr, OlQD, Tel, Gxx, yyO, FwIVM, fuv, PZF, UFnb, ulZ, tqjcUC, alM, SemK, VPHpc, JZco, MGiIei, haEqou, zWI, nRun, AIrco, nBHl, BQg, HmBti, lTmLr, bDl, SePhAO, MXfYN, jvaC, wVTqw, XAE, zZCp, DvErL, THLB, akoff, ENX, vOS, zkK, QpNoHx, zEYAYE, PbTfK, QKWZ, ySYXRg, bwi, UZnS, EAtUa, lEJUyO, eTGfz,

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