shia islamic websites list

This site is an electronic rendition of the little dua book. It touches on many aspects of Islaam from Islamic Theology to Human Relations to Comparative Religion and even goes on to provide Islamic perspectives on contemporary issues. Heres another good Fataawa site. But no prizes for that one. For those non Arabs wanting to learn or improve their Tajweed heres a very good resource. Authenticity of material and sticking close to the Quraan, Sunnah & understanding of the Salaf us Saalih. This "put on hold", displaying only minimal content, others are taken over by the competing A site dedicated to the Sahaba and the excellent use of Flash to create a website and E book with a unique look. According to the site: Understand the Quran Easy Way is the slogan of this website. Parts of it are already up on the site for free downloading. Apart from the articles, this site is relevant mostly for Australian Muslims. Plus it has some good Dawah material in the form of articles. Fits its name well but has a possibility of adding some classical and in depth works on the status of Sahaaba and importance of following their methodology etc. The site also hosts two online magazines (albeit old issues). A simplified course Understand Quraan the Easy Way , c. Audio translation files for a few last Soorahs of Quraan, d. Word-for-word translations of daily recitations, e. Dictionaries of Quraan in four different languages, f. Simplified 2-page set of Tajweed rules for beginners, g. A useful reference list (80% words of the Quraan). [1], You have to scroll down the page of the main category to find the sub categories. What are some of the best Islamic websites? Islamic World, Transliteration of the Arabic text into Latin characters: some strongly condemning all hadith, some only not mentioning Another thing to look out for in this website is the excellent brief introductions that have been written for each category. All in all it is a good initial effort which needs to be improved on. 1 hour ago An excellent site on the Crusades from an Islaamic and historical perspective. To achieve this, the maintainers have put in a lot of good effort which is really useful for English, Urdu and Hindi speaking Muslims. This is yet another links page which is also the result of a lot of patient hard work on the part of the webmaster. Web1.1 Masjid al-Harm in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Whats more, this site allows you to do an online search throughout all the books listed at the same time. [4], | 0.89 KB, C# | It has some other articles too. References are provided where appropriate in the responses. This is one well planned and laid out Dawah site. Since a vast majority of Muslims and non Muslims turn to the World Wide Web to research and learn more about the various aspects of Islam, making sure people read things that are in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah rather than falling prey to deviant websites is of utmost importance. Besides there is a wealth of such work available from daees around the world. Islamic Thought, Language Systems for Arabic Audio fataawa. ,--. With this issue in mind, a group of my student researchers were directed to compile a list authentic Islamic websites on a rating scale of 1-10 with a review of each website, to help you understand better. The huge compilation of Fataawa with an arrangement and search facility that makes it easy to find what you want. Nahjul Balagha is a compilation of sermons that have been attributed to Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) and is seen by Shias as the second most important book after the Quran. Propagation of Islam, The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Bah' Computer and Communications It is heartening to note that Muslims are not only keeping pace with modern media but are also using it for the propagation of Islaam. The Sabr Foundation has put up the following group of websites. '( .-' ,--.'-. It contains safe, sound, authentic Islaamic info. So keep this site in mind for visiting after a few months. The Quran Centers allow students to take trial classes before enrolling in any course to check the teaching system. It is easy to surf, has good articles, books, audios and dawah material. Good collection of texts for a serious study of Islaam. The webmasters have put in a lot of effort authenticating material by providing scans for the material. These are three partner sites and are centered around the Dawah efforts of Shabbir Ally.. a. Towards justifying its name it also has a Quraan research tool for registered users (free sign up) where in you can create your own bookmarks for ayah groupings under titles you choose, access the Arabic text. This is the website hosting the lectures of Shaikh Salem al Amry. [In 1998, for reasons still mysterious to us, nearly all of the extensive Qadiani They have used their skills with Flash to create a flash e-book on the Sahaba which greatly enhances the cosmetic value of this site and also increases surfer interest. It is a veritable store house of E books and lectures. No other content apart from audio, but that is in keeping with the name of the site. It contains in excess of 7000 Q&A!! 1000's of Answer to Islamic Questions based on Authentic Sources of Islamic Rulings. Sound files for the Arabic alphabets, a feature which is provided for he sentences later on but not for the alphabets themselves. As is evident from its name, this site is dedicated to the Sahaba (radiAllaahu anhum). The content is in keeping with the name of the site especially as the site belongs to a group of sites where each site is dedicated to a specific topic.What it lacks/ What could be added: The content is in keeping with the name of the site especially as the site belongs to a group of sites where each site is dedicated to a specific topic. Pages in category "Shia Islamic websites" The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total. For this it has some very good articles but the small number leaves much to be desired. WebCategory:Shia Islamic websites Websites related to Shia Islam . Muslim might top your list. It has also has a sizeable collection of lectures. `. Plus a Fatwa Section with archives and a facility to submit questions. Islamic sect. ), Muslim Matrimonial Services: |\ --.| `-' |.-' `)| | | | \ --..-' `) - Last Update: 26/01/2019, `-----' `--' `--'`--' `--`--' '--' '--' `----' `---' `----' `--' `--' `----'`----' - Dernire mise jour: 26/01/2019, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Refuting Sunnism & other sects- - -, (download free Islamic e-books in seconds), (Hadith database of Ahl-ul-bayt), (full volumes of Al-Kafi), (An online encyclopedia of the school of Ahl al-Bayt (as)), (Digital Islamic Library),, List of current maraji and their websites (to ask questions and view answers):, Other sites to ask questions: (Sistani, fast answers) (Answers by Sayyed Muhammad al Musawi) (Questions and answers), Shi3i4lyf - (refuting sunnis), Thaqlain -, Imam Hussein TV 3 -, Hassan Allayhari -, Forum:, (livres tlcharger: ), (trs bon site de ahadith), (Questions rponses), To add other websites to the list, please contact me at:, Pour rajouer d'autres sites la liste, contactez-moi:, Tags (ignore this - ignorer): rafidhi rafidi rafid rafed rawafid rafidhi shia shi'i chi'isme shi'ism shi3i shi3a chi3a chi3i chiisme chiites shias khomeini iran khamenei imam twelver duodcimain liste sites websites blog library books livres franais france fr french english anglais marja sistani fiqh islam muslim musulman mouslim, TypeScript | There is also a section that teaches you how to build an Islamic Web-Site and another on Inspirational true stories, The section on depression is informative .and the poetry section has some original poems. Al Maaref TV. In current times there are many people who would rather listen to an audio lecture or see a video than read an article. There is no audio or video content here. In short has good quality and quantity content for Muslims & non Muslims. Go here for good articles, audio, e- books and live Pal Talk classes. This site represents the efforts of Shaikh Wajdi Hamzah Al Ghazzawi to make good quality authentic Khutbahs easily accessible to the Khuttab all around the world. You guessed it! And thats an accurate synopsis. 2.3 Jannatul Baq in Madnah, Saudi Arabia. ), "Qur'an only" Muslims: 163. It includes the complete translation by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan & T. Hilali. The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. articles, e books, audio lectures, Quraanic Recitations, and even two online Magazines!! Now it is under renovation, so the articles are not easily available directly from the home page but the link above will take you there. | 2.33 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. Despite constituting one fifth of the worlds population, Muslims and Islam are currently misrepresented in the global media. All in all, a great Dawah effort. Worldwide List of Islamic Book-sellers, Books on Islam and the The website is dedicated to refuting Shia propaganda through the book: Nahjul Balagha. The site could be developed into a resource centre on Duaa in general with articles on the etiquettes of duaas, times when they are accepted etc. The information provided includes details on each cited group's history, goals, leadership, organization, areas of operation, tactics, weapons, size, and sources of support. Islam 101 aims to be an educational site on Islam, its way of life, civilization and culture and succeeds to a large extent. 2 Holy sites accepted by all Shah Muslims. They would do well to add more such Dawah and comparative material. It has the recitation of the entire Quraan in Arabic along with the English Translation (Saheeh International) ayah by ayah. Please visit the best rated shia news website.. Internet's fastest growing shia news webportal Also they compile their entire fatwa base in the same format at intervals and put it up for download, something I appreciate very much. orthodox Muslim theology), Ahmadiyya (Qadiani): also appears is another great Islamic website. The site is easy to navigate, the courses free and well planned and there is an online bookshop for buying books and CDs for learning Arabic. The only drawback is that the results do not indicate which answers were wrong (yes I tried the course!). 1 hour ago It See also (hear actually) an interesting audio of some truly bizarre carrying-on which some people call worship., The English translations of some classical Arabic books and lecture notes on some interesting topics. (a diverse set of groups, some of them condemned as sectarian, Closely resembling is A modern, well laid out, easy to navigate site with a good collection of lectures. ,--. ' Also such a good site should have an attractive look and the latest forms of multimedia content so as to catch the attention of casual visitors. Articles, and a more easier organization of the navigational links would be appreciated. ". There is also a facility for clearing doubts by sending emails and all the past queries are posted on the site so that others can benefit from them. page to be the judge on the acceptability of their positions to the orthodox Visit this site to learn more about a praiseworthy effort on the part of Islam channel TV. Each aspect of Islam has been covered. This site would be best described as an E Library. Some of the earlier articles seem to be missing. Only some still exist as domain names, but are It would be better if under each main category a list of sub categories (with links) is provided to facilitate navigation. Most are in multiple formats. `--',-' '-. modern age puts to Islam, Islamic Texts and Resources MetaPage - MSA U at Buffalo, Thomas (Aalim Zakee) As the name indicates this site is primarily a site containing resources for the study of the Noble Quraan. Muslim Information Collective, MSA (Muslim The main purpose of Shiamatch is to expand your network of prospective matches, complimenting your search through traditional means. The site accepts questions on line once a month. Professional quality audio translation of the Quraan (partially completed). It has relatively low article content, but the quantity of books and lectures (in multiple languages) makes up for it. material. The site has a no-frills, plain, businesslike look. Digital Islamic Library Project, First Ismaili At present even references for all Ahadeeth are not provided. Web2- Shia links directory in which there are wide & various shia contents that are provided in topics such as: the holy Quran, prophet & ahl al-bayt (a.s.), traditions, creeds, ethics, jurisprudence, prayer & ziyarat, services, religious figures, Islamic sects, women, youth, children The main purposes of this net are: 1. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. Update: In 2002 the official site has come back, though with less Just read the introduction on the first page describing Islaam to see what I am talking about. Head here for the website of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Dawah and Guidance, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (bismillah) (salam) heres one or 2 Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Islamic Also it would be useful if they could add some downloadable video files of past good programs beamed on the channel. [5] 1.2 Masjid-an-Nabawi in Madnah, Saudi Arabia. And it is hoped that they do so soon because they seem have a knack for selecting good stuff. In 325 C.E., the Nicene Council was held, where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. Shahmaghsoudi The course and tests are good for new Muslims, non Muslims willing to really understand Islaam and as a refresher in basics for Muslims. It also has a good section devoted to Ahkam of Tajweed. As the site says: This site has been designed to teach the Arabic language based on one of the most popular courses being used today the Madinah Book Series by Dr V Abdur Rahim which is used by Madinah University to teach English speaking students the Arabic language. (bismillah) (salam) HAHAHA Ali What is needed here has already been noted and put on the pipeline by the webmaster as noted above. [5], Heres a good Dawah site made with the western Christian in mind. A website that focuses on refuting Shia propaganda with scans from Shia books and brief commentaries. It has a lot of beneficial lectures. Each topic has a short introduction and the site owner has added a book to buy that will explain that topic in more detail. Its a worth a visit to learn from the writings and lectures of this man. Association, Bibliograph of (Medieval) [, Life of Muhammad (biography/history/hagiography): Audio/ video Dawah lectures would be a welcome addition. Also the webmaster should increase the quantity of E books and introduce English audio lectures dealing with specific Islaamic topics other than biographies. A site run under the general supervision of Shaykh Salman al Oadah, it has many ebooks by him for download. Here is a site which has filled a requirement on the net about an aspect of Islaam which has either been left out totally or touched on briefly by other sites. Dawah site oriented to the Western mind. Osama MEHMOOD); has a shura council, which, like other AQ affiliates, probably includes subordinates and branches/wings for military, religious, propaganda, and political matters; reportedly has regional branches for Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan; Ansar al-Islam in Bangladesh has claimed to be the official wing of AQIS in Bangladesh, areas of operation Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and possibly Burma, targets, tactics, and weapons military and security personnel, political parties, foreigners, foreign aid workers, university professors, students, and secular bloggers; has used small arms and improvised explosive devices, as well as crude weapons such as machetes; claimed responsibility for the 2016 machete murders of two editors of a human rights magazine in Dhaka, Bangladesh, membership estimated in 2022 to have up to 400 fighters, financial and other support likely receives financial and material support from AQ senior leadership; also engages in kidnapping-for-ransom, extortion, and general criminal activity to raise funds, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 1 July 2016, aka GSPC; Le Groupe Salafiste Pour la Predication et le Combat; Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat; Salafist Group for Call and Combat; Tanzim al-Qaida fi Bilad alMaghrib al-Islamiya, history formed in 1998 in Algeria under Hassan HATTAB, when he split from the Armed Islamic Group; was known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) until rebranding itself as AQIM in September 2006; has since undergone various schisms and rapprochements; in 2011, a Mauritanian-led group broke away, calling itself the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJWA); in 2012, the Veiled Men Battalion split off and rebranded itself the al-Mulathamun Battalion; al-Mulathamun and MUJWA merged to form al-Mourabitoun in 2013; in late 2015, AQIM reincorporated al-Murabitoun and in 2017, the Mali Branch of AQIM and al-Murabitoun joined the Mali-based al-Qaida coalition Jamaat Nasr al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM); continued to be active in 2022 despite heavy pressure from regional and international counterterrorism operations, particularly in using North Africa as a support zone for assisting JNIM operations in Mali and the Sahel, including operating transnational financial networks to move and share funds, goals overthrow apostate African regimes and establish a regional Islamic state across all of North and West Africa; support the broader goals of al-Qaidas central leadership, leadership and organization Abu Obaida al-ANNABI (aka Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi, Yazid Mubarak); has a 14-member shura council comprised of regional commanders and the heads of the political, military, judicial, and media committees; locally organized into "battalions" and "brigades," which range in size from a few dozen to several hundred fighters at any given time, areas of operation based in northeastern Algeria, but reportedly shifting more towards the Sahel because of Algerian counterterrorism pressure; operates in northern Mali, southwest Libya, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Cote dIvoire, targets, tactics, and weapons local and international military and security forces using both terrorist and guerrilla warfare tactics; employs improvised explosive devices, suicide bombers, as well as light weapons, machine guns, mortars, rockets, and landmines; also attacks soft civilian targets such as hotels, resorts, and restaurants that cater to Westerners and tourists with small arms, explosives, and suicide bombers; known for assassinations and kidnappings, strength estimated in 2020 to have 500-1,000 fighters, financial and other support engages in kidnappings-for-ransom and other criminal activities, particularly extorting drug trafficking groups and others; arms largely acquired from Libyan stockpiles, battlefield captures, or via illicit regional arms markets, designation GSPC was designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on 27 March 2002; the Department of State amended the GSPC designation on 20 February 2008, after the GSPC officially joined with al-Qaida in September 2006 and became AQIM, aka the Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahidin (HSM); al-Shabab; Shabaab; the Youth; Mujahidin al-Shabaab Movement; Mujahideen Youth Movement; Mujahidin Youth Movement; al-Hijra, Al Hijra, Muslim Youth Center, MYC, Pumwani Muslim Youth, Pumwani Islamist Muslim Youth Center, history descended from Al-Ittihad Al-Islami, a Somali terrorist group whose leaders fought in Afghanistan in the 1990s and formed circa 2003; has operated as a core al-Qa'ida affiliate since 2012; was the militant wing of the former Somali Islamic Courts Council that took over parts of Somalia in 2006; since the end of 2006, has engaged in an insurgency against the transitional governments of Somalia and supporting foreign military forces and a campaign of violence against Somali civilians; responsible for numerous high-profile bombings and shootings throughout Somalia, and more than 3,000 civilian deaths since 2015; has influence in large areas of rural Somalia through coercion, control over local economies and commercial transit points; provides rudimentary government services in areas under its control, including rule of law through sharia courts, sharia-based institutions and schools, funding, services, security, and food; in 2019, was involved in more than 1,000 violent incidents in Somalia and eastern Kenya; continued to conduct widespread attacks through 2021 and 2022, particularly in central and southern Somalia and the capital Mogadishu, and was engaged in fighting with the Somali military; in July 2022, it launched an incursion into Ethiopia with several hundred fighters, goals discredit, destabilize, and overthrow the Federal Government of Somalia; establish Islamic rule in Somalia and the border regions of Somalia-Kenya and southern Ethiopia; drive out Western influence, leadership and organization led by Ahmad DIRIYE (aka Abu UBEYDAH/UBAIDAH, Abu Ubaidah DIREYE, Ahmad UMAR) since September 2014; structure is both hierarchical and decentralized and influenced by Somalias many clans; DIRIYE directs a shura council made up of multiple committees and ministries, including for finance, media, and military/security operations, as well as regional commanders; military operations reportedly includes 2 sub-branches, one for external operations, and one that enforces sharia in areas under the group's control; the shura council oversees regional commanders, although regional commanders can make decisions and take actions without the approval of the emir or the council; each regional division has military and administrative wings; the group has an intelligence wing called Amiyat, areas of operation controls a large swathe of the Lower and Middle Juba regions, as well as the Bakol, Bay, Benaadir, Gedo, and Shabelle regions; also maintains a presence in northern Somalia along the Golis Mountains and within Puntlands urban areas; has conducted attacks in Djibouti, Kenya, and Uganda; especially active in the region of Kenya adjacent to Somalia; has also mounted armed incursions into Ethiopia in 2022 and 2007 (planned attacks inside Ethiopia were reportedly disrupted in 2013 and 2014), targets, tactics, and weapons Somali Government officials, military units, police, and civilians, international aid workers, journalists, foreign troops (including US), and neighboring countries contributing to military stabilization operations in Somalia, particularly Kenya and Uganda; has attacked hotels, schools, military bases, police stations, shopping areas, and telecommunications towers in Kenya; has clashed with an Islamic State faction operating in northern Somalia; methods include assassinations, drive-by shootings, guerrilla style ambushes, suicide bombings, hostage taking, indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and roadside IEDs; typical attacks consist of a single or multiple suicide bombers, followed by an assault by members carrying small arms and explosives; in March 2022, for example, it conducted a complex ground assault involving multiple vehicle-mounted bombs and hundreds of militants on an international military peacekeeper base that killed more than 50 troops; in March 2019, operatives attacked a hotel in Mogadishu using a suicide bomber and small arms, killing at least 20; has placed vehicle-mounted bombs in high-density urban areas, including attacks in Mogadishu in October 2022, December 2019, and October 2017 that together killed over 700 civilians; employs insurgent-type tactics against Somali and international military forces, including ambushes, hit-and-run attacks, improvised explosive device operations, land mines, mortar attacks, and targeted killings; typically armed with small arms, light and heavy machine guns (including truck-mounted machine guns), mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, improvised explosive devices, and man-portable air defense systems, strength estimated in 2022 to have 7,000 to 12,000 fighters, financial and other support obtains funds primarily through extortion of businesses, taxation, and zakat (religious donations) collections from the local populations, robbery, and remittances and other money transfers from the Somali diaspora (although these funds are not always intended to support al-Shabaab members); probably receives training, arms, and bomb-making materials from other al-Qaida branches; operates military training camps in areas it occupies; has captured arms, ammunition, and other materiel from regional and Somali military forces; also purchases arms and ammunition through black markets, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 18 March 2008, aka Ansar Dine; Ansar al-Din; Ancar Dine; Ansar ul-Din; Ansar Eddine; Defenders of the Faith, history created in late 2011; was among the terrorist groups (including al-Qaida) to take over northern Mali following the March 2012 coup that toppled the Malian government; proceeded to destroy UNESCO World Heritage sites and enforce a severe interpretation of Islam upon the civilian population living in the areas under their control; beginning in 2013, French and African military forces forced AAD and its allies out of the population centers they had seized, severely weakening AAD, although the group made a comeback in 2015 and 2016; in 2017, joined Jama'ah Nusrah al-Islam wal-Muslimin (Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims, JNIM), a coalition of al-Qa'ida-linked groups in Mali that formed the same year; continued to conduct attacks under the JNIM banner into 2022, goals replace the Malian government with an Islamic state, leadership and organization led by its founder Iyad Ag GHALI (aka Abu al-FADEL), who also leads JNIM; reportedly has regionally based branches, areas of operation operates mostly in central and northern Mali, targets, tactics, and weapons targets Malian military and security forces, French and French coalition troops, and UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) personnel; uses a mix of guerrilla warfare hit-and-run and terrorist tactics, including ambushes, complex ground assaults involving dozens of fighters, road side bombs, rocket attacks, assassinations, kidnappings, and car and suicide bombings; fighters are armed with small arms, light and heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, landmines, mortars, rockets, trucks mounting machine guns (aka technicals), and explosives, including improvised explosive devices, financial and other support cooperates with and has received support from al-Qaida since its inception; also reportedly receives funds from foreign donors and through smuggling; many of its arms were captured from the Malian Army or taken from Libyan military stockpiles; takes advantage of trans-Saharan smuggling routes to resupply from illicit markets in Libya and elsewhere in the region, designation - placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 22 March 2013. Site navigation is easy and fast. A site dedicated to refutation of Shia propaganda. Heres a community site for Australian Muslims with good articles and audios. A section dedicated to the examining the strength of each sermon through hadith criticism. [3], The Gospel of Barnabas itself and its downloadable Word version. '.| || .-. This site is worth its name. ,--. Go to Islam QA to find answers to various issues. [Links to many more]. The upcoming audio version of Riyadh us Saaliheen At the time of reviewing, the site had 31 lectures of Dr. Zakir Naik; mostly audio but video lectures are also available. There used to be a site earlier named which had the writings of Shaikh Jaafar Idris. | | | | ,---. What more could one ask for? The site has an easy to use interface and a highly motivating preface is sure to propel you further into the site. Shiite Islam has an elaborate apocalyptic vision with the Mahdi as the key protagonist. (Islamweb comes a close second) It has articles, E books, lectures & flash animations. Besides it has some good E books and one of them is their own publication 1 hour ago [. Sleekly designed site with all forms of content. [, Syed Abu-Ala' Maududi's Chapter Introductions to the Qur'an: We have notified the webmaster and hopefully the links will be restored. So they assumed that since I studied in Madinah and graduated from Madinah, Youve graduated from Madinah, they say, Come teach Islamic studies in our school. Now if you havent had training as a teacher that could be a problem. | 1.48 KB, Python | Some Arabic lectures are also available here. Writings of Prof. Dr. Mahmud Es'ad Cosan, M.T.O. The research put up into preparing these khutbahs and the easy site navigation makes the site valuable. ,--. Unfortunately not all are available for downloading. I would also appreciate to know of any of those Islamic sites that carry articles on the Bible, [, Glossaries/dictionaries of Islamic terms: The main categories are easy to navigate to but for the subcategories no links are provided. ,--. According to some hadiths from Shi'a, the Imam (a) was poisoned by Ibarahim b. What is striking is that the organizers, ICNA have gone to great lengths to provide all possible opportunities for non Muslims to interact, discuss and ask questions. history is an Iranian-backed Shia militant group established in 2013 with the aim of overthrowing the ruling Sunni family in Bahrain; in 2018, formally adopted Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps branding in its logo and flag and reaffirmed the groups loyalty to Tehran; has not It also contains a discussion forum with a sub-section dedicated for ex-Shias. The recitations available for download and the translations. It has books, articles and a few audio and video lectures. It has almost everything you could ask for in an Islaamic site viz. The concept and techniques of understanding the Quraan in an easy way. There is also a facility for ordering free literature. ,-. 1 hour ago them and as such cutting out a large part of the foundation of But some of the sections are still devoid of content In our initial review we had noted with enthusiasm a project on Tafseer Ibn Kathir. 27 min ago If anyone knows the real reasons for the Qadiani Although the sites have a clean layout, the pages are understated which is a drawback on a Dawah oriented site. After his great father, he (a) became the imam following the command of God and as his forefathers had mentioned. The top Islamic websites come in many forms. 16 min ago A good effort here which can be bettered by material on other aspects of the Quraan and Islaam. ,---. Posted September 29, 2003. Each branch has sects or variations of the main branch that are practiced and vary depending on their location. information about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his life and message. Going by its name it should have some Quraan software and audios to download which it doesnt. This site is what it name proclaims, a place to get audios on Islaam. This site has some good material not easily found elsewhere, namely the translation of some classical Arabic books into English. You may have all the knowledge in the world but without proper training you would be an ineffective teacher, The interactive tour map of Muslim Personalities, Major Cities, Institutions, Discoveries etc. What adds luster to this site is that they allow you to download the entire book in PDF format for reading, printing and free distribution. Also of interest are th Hadeeth Showcase and Quraan showcase. Adding audio lessons and interactive content in Flash etc would definitely benefit users. Islam Rating 8/10. This is a very good site having a fine collection of article & lectures. It also has a site search facility. However they have removed it from their site and replaced it with version 2.2 which includes the Arabic text and footnotes (19.3 Mb). Other top Islamic sites on this list include AudioIslam, and A simple little website that covers the basics in Islam with a wide range of topics from Hijra to womens issues. Presence of downloadable multimedia content (free downloads get a higher rating), Any other type like Flash presentations, PowerPoint etc, Presence of streaming multimedia content (lower rating than downloadable multimedia), Presence of downloadable complete E books (free downloads get a higher rating), Presence of downloadable Islamic software (free downloads get a higher rating). 2.4 Jannatul Mualla Cemetery in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. the prophet, Islamic History, Philosophy, and Scientific Thought, Biographies of Khalifa, Sahaba, scholars of Islam, A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims, The Society for As the site state clearly that their intention in setting up this site is only to put up E books, nothing can be said here for the site. under the category Fundamental Beliefs, the only articles posted are: For an accurate and honest description about this site and its aims I recommend going to their About Us page. websites disappeared within days. The article, How the Gospel Survived, gives a brief narrative on the texts survival. The large collection of audios and videos. As far as I know this was the first site to put up the entire book on Salaah of Shaikh Albanee on-line and its still there. Unlike some other translations of Arabic books into English these are of good quality and make for smooth reading. ", " 2017 ", Comprehensive List of Ulamaa / Jurists & their books ' An Extract from A Shiite Encyclopedia - Hasan Amini, Introduction to Scholars 5th / 11th century (,, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 September 2022, at 00:56. The software for the Flash E book is also on sale for those interested in using it for their own sites etc. 2.2 Imm Husayn Mosque in Karbal, Iraq. This is only a bare bones site so there is a lot of flesh that could be added. Besides the above information the site also tries to provide some good material for internet users. Newly announced Shia militias Militias with majority Ismaili (or Sevener Shia) membership, and Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force and its subunits, including the Pakistani Shia group Liwa Zainabiyoun and the Afghan Shia group Liwa Fatemiyoun. Disciplines such as Archeology, Health, Human Rights, History, Islamic Art, Islam and Science, Sociology and Islam and Women are included., However there are only articles here, whereas supplementing these topics with relevant books and audio/video lectures would have increased the benefit, What bring up the merit of this site are the online courses and multiple choice tests with instant scoring results. A solid 31 Lectures of Dr. Zakir Naik and the articles. WebShia Islamic centres in UK - Majlis e Ulama e Shia Europe Home / Imamiyah Council / Shia Islamic centres in UK Shia Islamic centres in UK Imamiyah Council List of Shia Islamic Centres in the United Kingdom. An audio of the English Translation of the Quraan (Muhsin Khan and Hilali) along with the Arabic recitation by Shaikh Mishary ayah by ayah. The website would do well to put up some original content and an archive of past fataawa. Although I cant comment on the quality of the actual programs of Islam Channel (I cant access the channel and dont have a broadband connection to view online) what I do feel is that there is a crying need for more such channels in the face of the current deluge of biased, misleading & negative misinformation on the international media scene. The site also has some good general material on Islaam and the Quraan and some audio files of Quraanic recitation. Advanced Member. Electronic Library and Database, Some Quality of the material in terms of language, referencing to the sources and in the case of Ahadeeth, referencing to books of Ahadeeth verification. If the site has a name which specifies one or more aspects of Islam e.g. Al Forat TV. More material should be added to the Aqeedah section which has negligible content right now. However, it is worth visiting this site because it is an excellent book for Dawah purposes or even for Muslims to strengthen their Faith by seeing the scientific proofs of the veracity of the Quraan. Student Association) List, Islamic Society Site is not very user friendly and some of the colours can hurt the eyes. Video of shrines of Ahl al-Bait (A.S.), shia radio & TV and virtual pilgrimage, In this section you can ask the help of God via an Estekhareh by the holy quran, You can buy books, audio, video and other Islamic goods here, There are various links In this section about learning holy quran, Prayer, call to prayer, ablution , languages, Here you can find every things about women subject such as: biography of great women, woman and islam, women in other religions, woman and family, womens rights, covering, Youth & Religion Ethic Injunctions (Ahkam) Marriage, The Holy Quran The Five Major Principles of Islam Branches of Islam (Al-Furoo al-Deen)The Prophet (A.S.), A General list, Bibi Feddah, the Servant of Fatimah, Husseinpour, Mehyar, Monotheism, Justice, Prophet hood , Leadership, Eschatology, There are various links In this section about Branches of Islam (Furoo-e-Deen), Origin and History of Shiism, Shiite Doctrine, Shia and the Holy Quran, There are various links In this section about History of islam, Biography of the holy prophet offsprings (a.s.) (holy imams). ,--. A Study Program is also available complete with online tests. Originally this site had some very good articles. The teachers in this way can know about students learning level and attitude towards learning. But that seems to be down now. A commendable effort by a group of volunteers. WebThe online Shia Quran Centers have a very important job to serve momineens. WebList of current Maraji - Wikipedia List of current Maraji This article provides the list of Maraji (plural of Marja, the supreme legal authority or the source of emulation), followed by Twelver (also known as Imamiyyah) Shia Muslims around the world. The site maintainers would do well to add some material on the history of compilation of the Quraan, introduction to Usool at tafseer, proofs of authenticity etc. This great Muslim website serves as a social networking platform for the Muslim community. A solid collection of lectures by many speakers & Quraan translation in many languages. (the download didnt work for me but maybe thats because I have a dial up connection) Not enough? Advanced level articles and books on Aqeedah etc. There are some good reviews of books on learning Arabic. Heres a site which holds the promise of jumping to higher ratings as time passes. All the aforementioned are for free download. Some of the below groups are seen to be heretical by some (or even many) Muslims, but they call themselves Muslims and it is not the goal of this Here too the main focus is on getting a better understanding the Quraan by means of the shortlist of words, dictionaries in various languages etc. For e.g. The site contains a lot of very useful content, but lacks organization which makes some material hard to find. This is one of the many sites which are based on correct sources and the presentation, content etc are about average. Till then the quantity of material is not satisfying but the quality is very satisfying. The effort to maintain an Islamic-focused satellite channel and the facility to view the channels programs live on-line. As this book is available as a Word and PDF download elsewhere on the net, this site would not have been of much use. Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI). The website does not contain too much content since it is fairly new. It would help if the editors would add references and authentication notes to all of the Ahadeeth mentioned in the Khutbahs. [, "Risale-i Nur" by Bedizzaman Said Nursi: But hopefully the completed website should include all that and more. We are currently working on developing a new version of the website and we value your feedback and constructive suggestions. But we would like to advise visitors to the site to support he site by posting their comments on and reviews of the bookd to help newcomers select from this big collection of books. [7], issues of two online magazines and E books. [10], Open navigation menu Organization, Ahmediyya Movement in Islam, 1. ! and Islamic Software, Arabic, Persian, Hebrew Please let me 46 min ago ,---. The sole reason for this site to come on the list is the two projects undertaken by brother Sabbir viz. Also the site invites user participation by submitting stories and a forum. He (a) was martyred in 114/733 or 117/735. There are a few downloadable books but nothing that other sites dont already have. Authenticity of material and closeness to the Quraan, Sunnah & understanding of the Salaf us Saalih. The site says: The responses are handled by Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid, using only authentic, scholarly sources based on the Quran and sunnah, and other reliable contemporary scholarly opinions. North Zone Scotland Zone Share Although recommended basically for Muslims intending to learn more about their deen it does contain some comparative religion material. The trial lessons are usually offered for 2 days. An excellent collection of Quraanic recitations by various recitors. Surf to this site for safe, sound authentic Islaamic info. Imam Hussein TV 4 Urdu. Be sure to check out the CD quality (128 Kbps) recitation by Muhammad al Minshawi. Although basically meant for reflecting the activities of the III&E the webmaster should think of utilizing this valuable resource (the site) to put up more content to benefit all Muslims. This is a site which aims to present a proper perspective of Islaam and the methodology Muslims should follow. for those already in Islaam. A site catering to the Australian Muslim Community. Otherwise as per the apparent aim and name of the site it fulfils the job perfectly. Shia by: Yossef Covaciu Explainer. The website, which is run by ex-Shias, focuses on refuting Shia propaganda. High on article content and authentic literature and an excellent site for new Muslims; not to forget the quiz! Voice Fataawa. Also the site owners should add a facility for downloading the fataawa base in an easy format. and Religion Web Page, Al-Mughtarib Surfer discretion is advised for some of the speakers on the site. It also features Quraan translation in many languages although some of the links were not working at the time of the review. ,--. This site presents material of Shaikh Jaafar Idris. Translations of the Qur'an by language and translator: Calendar Conversion sites: Quantity. :| .-. Finding a person on Shiamatch is just the first step towards choosing a marriage partner. More content added to each topic would add to the appeal of this small offering to the average Muslim surfer. A Must Download for any Daee. Apart from doing the above it has placed some very interesting brochures which are the reason for this site making it to this list and for Muslims apart from those residing in North America to visit it. Christian-Muslim Relations, Confessional Theology: A Way to Dialogue Between Christianity and Islam, Association des Musulman(e)s de l'Universit de Sherbrooke, Ahlul Bayt Please let me know of any other pages on Islam by sending me page title Adobe Page Maker Software, Pak Books on Islam The site is neatly divided into categories and sections and each section is full of relevant information. Detailed works on the biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). of Stanford University, Islamic Information It has the translation of the Holy Quraan in PDF with audio embedded in it!!! the nature of Jesus or any other topic of relevance to the dialog between Christians and Muslims. sarfraz110. It has only 4 E books and lectures of only two speakers. Muslims. A site geared towards Dawah but nothing exceptional. It only loses out on the look of the site which the webmaster would do well to change keeping in pace with current trends. Arabic Comparative Concordance to Bible and Qur'an, Authentic supplications of aka AAB, Ziyad al-Jarrah Battalions of the Abdallah Azzam Brigades; Yusuf al-Uyayri Battalions of the Abdallah Azzam Brigades; Marwan Hadid Brigades; Marwan Hadid Brigade; Abdullah Azzam Brigades in the Land of Al Sham, history assessed as disbanded; formed around 2005 as a Sunni jihadist group with ties to al-Qaida; formally announced its presence in a 2009 video statement while claiming responsibility for a rocket attack against Israel; in 2013, became involved in the Syrian War where it fought against Iranian-backed forces, particularly Hizballah; has been largely dormant over the past several years and in 2019 announced that it was disbanding, goals rid the Middle East of Western influence, disrupt Israel's economy and its efforts to establish security, and erode Shia Muslim influence in Lebanon, leadership and organization Sirajeddin ZURAYQAT (var: Siraj al-Din Zreqat, Siraj al-Din Zuraiqat) was AAB's spiritual leader, spokesman, and commander; was divided into regionally based branches representing fighters in southern Lebanon (Ziyad al-Jarrah Battalions), the Gaza Strip (Marwan Hadid Brigade), and Syria, areas of operation was based in Lebanon and operated chiefly in Lebanon; was also active in Gaza and Syria, but announced in November 2019 that its forces Syria were dissolving, targets, tactics, and weapons principal targets were Shia Muslims, the Shia terrorist group Hizballah, and Israel; was responsible for several car and suicide bombing attacks against Shia Muslims in Beirut, Lebanon; claimed responsibility for numerous rocket attacks against Israel and Lebanon; members were typically armed with small arms, light machine guns, grenades, rockets, and improvised explosive devices, strength was estimated to be down to a few dozen members prior to disbanding, financial and other support funding support is unknown but probably received donations from sympathizers and engaged in smuggling contraband, including weapons, designation - placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 30 May 2012, aka al-Harakat al Islamiyya (the Islamic Movement); al-Harakat-ul al-Islamiyah; Bearer of the Sword; Father of the Executioner; Father of the Swordsman; International Harakatu'l Al-Islamia; Lucky 9; Islamic State in the Philippines; Mujahideen Commando Freedom Fighters, history formed in 1991 when it split from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front; has carried out dozens of attacks in the Philippines; linked to al-Qaida in the 1990s and 2000s; in recent years, the group has focused on local violence and criminal activity, especially kidnap-for-ransom operations; some factions have declared allegiance to the Islamic State and have had a large role in the operations of ISIS-East Asia (ISIS-EA) in the Philippines, including the attack on Marawi City in 2017; ASG fighters affiliated with ISIS-EA were reportedly linked to suicide attacks in 2019 and 2020 in Jolo, Sulu province; the commander of an ASG faction, Hatib Hajan SAWADJAAN, was the acting leader of ISIS-EA until his reported death in mid-2020; continued to be active into 2022, despite considerable losses to counter-terrorism operations by Philippine security forcesgoals establish an Islamic State in the southern Philippines and ultimately across Southeast Asia, leadership and organization - leadership fragmented; loosely structured and family/clan/network-based; factions tend to coalesce around individual leaders; Sulu-based Radullan SAHIRON (aka Putol, Kahal Mohammad) reportedly became the leader in 2017; SAHIRON has not pledged allegiance to ISIS, areas of operation the southern Philippines, especially Basilan, Jolo, and Tawi-Tawi islands and their surrounding waters, as well as Mindanao; also has been active in Malaysia, targets, tactics, and weapons - targets military and security personnel, facilities, and checkpoints; also attacks civilian targets, such as churches, markets, and ferry boats; conducted the countrys deadliest terrorist attack when it bombed a ferry boat in Manila Bay in 2004, killing 116 people; known for kidnapping civilians, particularly foreigners, for ransom and has killed hostages when ransoms were not paid; tactics include car bombings, ambushes, complex assaults involving dozens of fighters, beheadings, and assassinations, as well as possible suicide bombings; has conducted acts of piracy in local waters; weapons include small arms, light and heavy machine guns, mortars, landmines, and improvised explosive devices, strength assessed in 2022 to have less than 200 armed fighters, financial and other support funded primarily through kidnapping-for-ransom operations and extortion; makes financial appeals on social media; may receive funding from external sources, including remittances from overseas Philippine workers and Middle East-based sympathizers; has received training and other assistance from other regional terrorist groups, such as Jemaah Islamiya; buys weapons and ammunition from corrupt local government officials or smuggles them in from nearby countries, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 8 October 1997, aka al-Aqsa Martyrs Battalion; al-Aqsa Brigades; Martyr Yasser Arafat; Kata'ib Shuhada al-Aqsa; The Brigades; al-Aqsa Intifada Martyrs' Group; Martyrs of al-Aqsa Group, history emerged at the outset of the second intifada in September 2000 as a loosely-organized armed wing of Yasser ARAFAT's Fatah faction in the West Bank; in 2002, some members splintered from Fatah while others remained loyal; the group carried out suicide attacks against Israeli targets between 2001-2007; most of the groups leaders have been captured or killed by Israel; following an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) after the HAMAS takeover of Gaza in 2007, Israel pardoned some AAMB fighters in return for an agreement to disarm; after a trial period, those that disarmed were absorbed into PA security forces while those that refused were targeted by PA security forces; still others formed splinter groups such as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades-Nidal al-Amoudi Division and the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza; some factions participated in operations against Israeli targets through the 2010s, including the Stabbing Intifada of 2015-16, as well as periodic rocket attacks in 2017-2018; claimed responsibility for an attack in 2022 by a gunman that killed 5 near Tel Aviv, goals drive the Israeli military and Israeli settlers from the West Bank and establish a Palestinian state loyal to Fatah, leadership and organization most of the groups original leaders have been captured or killed by Israel; typically has operated under a decentralized power structure, with each cell/faction reporting to a local leader and mostly acting independently of each other, areas of operation Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank; has members in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, targets, tactics, and weapons primarily employed bombing and small-arms attacks against Israeli military personnel and settlers after the second intifada began in September 2000, but by 2002 had turned increasingly to attacks against civilians inside Israel, including the first female suicide bombing; since 2010, has launched numerous rocket attacks against Israeli communities; largest attack was in November 2012, when it fired more than 500 rockets into Israel during Israeli military operations in Gaza; fighters typically armed with small arms, light and heavy machine guns, grenades, mortars, improvised explosive devices, and rockets, strength estimated in 2020 to have a few hundred members, financial and other support Iran has provided AAMB with funds and guidance, mostly through Hizballah facilitators; has cooperated with other terrorist groups throughout its existence, including Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 27 March 2002, aka - Saraya al-Ashtar; the military arm of the al-Wafa Islamic movement, history is an Iranian-backed Shia militant group established in 2013 with the aim of overthrowing the ruling Sunni family in Bahrain; in 2018, formally adopted Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps branding in its logo and flag and reaffirmed the groups loyalty to Tehran; has not claimed any attacks in recent years, but reportedly still active through 2021, goals foment an insurgency against the ruling Sunni family of Bahrain and, ultimately, replace it with a Shia-based government; also seeks to expel US and other Western military forces from Bahrain, leadership and organization Qassim Abdullah Ali AHMED (aka Qassim al Muamen) is the Iran-based leader of AAB; operates in cells, areas of operation located in Bahrain; also active in Iran and Iraq, targets, tactics, and weapons targets local security forces in Bahrain and plotted to attack oil pipelines; also has promoted violence against the British, Saudi Arabian, and US governments; methods include shootings and bombings; equipped with small arms and explosives, including improvised explosive devices, funding and other support receives funding, training, and weapons support from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps; also receives training from the Iraq-based Kataib Hezbollah terrorist group, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 11 July 2018, aka al-Mulathamun Brigade; al-Muwaqqiun bil-Dima; Those Signed in Blood Battalion (or Brigade); Signatories in Blood; Those who Sign in Blood; Witnesses in Blood; Signed-in-Blood Battalion; Masked Men Brigade; Khaled Abu al-Abbas Brigade; al-Mulathamun Masked Ones Brigade; al-Murabitoun; The "Sentinels" or "Guardians", history was part of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) but split from AQIM in 2012 over leadership disputes; merged with the Mali-based Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa to form al-Murabitoun in August 2013; some members split from the group in mid-2015 and declared allegiance to the Islamic State, which acknowledged the pledge in October 2016, creating the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara; in late 2015, al-Mulathamun/al-Mourabitoun announced a re-merger with AQIM and in 2017, joined a coalition of al-Qaida-affiliated groups operating in the Sahel region known as Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM); the group remained active in 2022 under the JNIM banner, goals replace regional governments with an Islamic state, leadership and organization unclear; Mokhtar BELMOKHTAR or Abderrahman al-SANHADJI (BELMOKHTAR has been declared killed several times since 2013); operations guided by a governing shura council but details on the sub-structure are not available areas of operation Algeria, Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, and Niger, targets, tactics, and weapons primarily targets Western interests in the Sahel but also regional military forces; known for high-profile attacks with small arms and explosives against civilian targets frequented or run by Westerners, including restaurants, hotels, mines, and energy facilities; in 2013, claimed responsibility for taking over 800 people hostage during a four-day siege at the Tiguentourine gas plant in southeastern Algeria, resulting in the deaths of 39 civilians; has claimed responsibility for suicide car bombings at military bases in Niger and Mali, including a suicide car bombing attack on a military camp in Gao, Mali, that killed at least 60 and wounded more than 100; has been involved in fighting against French military and local security forces in Mali; armed with small arms, machine guns, landmines, mortars, and improvised explosive devices, strength not available; dated information suggests a few hundred, financial and other support engages in kidnappings for ransom and smuggling activities; receives support through its connections to other terrorist organizations in the region; acquired weapons from Libya, battlefield captures, and seized stockpiles from local militaries, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 19 December 2013, aka Jabhat al-Nusrah; Jabhet al-Nusrah; The Victory Front; al-Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant; al-Nusrah Front in Lebanon; Jabhat al-Nusra li-Ahl al-Sham min Mujahedi al-Sham fi Sahat al-Jihad; Support Front for the People of the Levant; Jabhat Fath al-Sham; Jabhat Fath al Sham; Jabhat Fatah al-Sham; Jabhat Fateh al-Sham; Front for the Conquest of Syria; the Front for liberation of al Sham; Front for the Conquest of Syria/the Levant; Front for the Liberation of the Levant; Conquest of the Levant Front; Fatah al-Sham Front; Fateh al-Sham Front; Hayat Tahrir al-Sham; Hayet Tahrir al-Sham; Hayat Tahrir al-Sham; HTS; Assembly for the Liberation of Syria; Assembly for Liberation of the Levant; Liberation of al-Sham Commission; Liberation of the Levant Organization; Tahrir al-Sham; Tahrir al-Sham Hayat, history formed circa late 2011 when former al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Bakr al-BAGHDADI sent Syrian militant Abu Muhammad al-JAWLANI (var: al-GOLANI, al-JOLANI) to organize al-Qa'ida cells in Syria; split from AQI in early 2013 and became an independent entity; operated as Jabhat Fateh al-Sham briefly in 2016; in 2017, joined with four smaller Syrian Islamist factions (Harakat Nur al Din al Zenki, Liwa al Haqq, Ansar al Din, and Jaysh al Sunna) and created Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, "Assembly for the Liberation of the Levant") as a vehicle to advance its position in Syria; since 2017, additional groups and individuals have joined; as of 2022, HTS was the dominate militant group in northwest Syria and asserted considerable influence and control over the so-called Syrian Salvation Government in the Iblib de-escalation zone where it continued to defend against attacks from Syrian Government forces and its allies and consolidate its position; maintained a tense relationship with al-Qa'ida affiliate in Syria Hurras al-Din (HAD) and refused efforts to resolve differences; has reportedly detained or killed some HAD leaders; has openly clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) and regularly detained ISIS members seeking to use Idlib as a safehaven, goals unify under its banner the various anti-ASAD jihadist groups operating in Syria and consolidate its control over the Idlib region; ultimately oust Syrian President Bashar al-ASAD's regime and replace it with a Sunni Islamic state, leadership and organization led by an overall commander (al-JAWLANI) assisted by a small consultative council (majlis-ash-shura); has branches for political, religious, military, financial, civilian services, media, and administrative affairs; operational structure varies from clandestine cells to paramilitary/semi-conventional military units organized as battalions and brigades; claims to have 10 brigades, each with the ability to operate independently with its own infantry, armor, supply, and fire support units; reportedly operates a commando unit known as the "Red Bands" or "Band of Deaths" that is responsible for conducting raids behind regime front lines, areas of operation headquartered in Syria's Idlib Province in the northwest, operationally active primarily in northwestern Syria after regime advances cleared opposition groups from other areas of the country, targets, tactics, and weapons primarily attacks Syrian Government and pro-regime forces (including Iranian-backed) and other Syrian insurgent groups, including ISIS, as well as some minorities and civilians; engages in conventional and guerrilla-style attacks using small arms and other light weapons, artillery, rockets, landmines, anti-tank missiles, armored combat vehicles, and surface-to-air missiles; also known for using terrorist tactics, including assassinations and suicide attacks incorporating car bombs and explosive vests, strength assessed in 2022 to have as many as 15,000 fighters, financial and other support derives funding from smuggling, extortion, taxes and fines on local populations and at border crossings it controls, and donations from external Gulf-based donors; taxes imposed on local populations include income, business, and services and utilities such as access to electricity, water, and bread; also raises funds through control of the import and distribution of fuel through a front company; has conducted kidnappings-for-ransom operations in the past; maintains training camps and provides some logistical support to like-minded groups; has also reportedly received military training from private foreign contractors, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 15 May 2014; on 31 May 2018, the Department of State amended the designation of al-Nusrah Front to include Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other aliases, aka al-Qaeda; al-Qaeda; Qaidat al-Jihad (The Base for Jihad); formerly Qaidat Ansar Allah (The Base of the Supporters of God); the Islamic Army; Islamic Salvation Foundation; The Base; The Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites; The Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy Places; the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders; the Usama Bin Ladin Network; the Usama Bin Ladin Organization; al-Jihad; the Jihad Group; Egyptian al-Jihad; Egyptian Islamic Jihad; New Jihad, history formed under Usama BIN LADIN (UBL) circa 1988 and now one of the largest and longest-operating jihadist organizations in the world; helped finance, recruit, transport, and train fighters for the Afghan resistance against the former Soviet Union in the 1980s; in the 1990s, was based in Sudan and then Afghanistan, where it planned and staged attacks; merged with al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad) in June 2001; developed a reputation for carrying out large-scale, mass casualty attacks against civilians; has lost dozens of mid- and senior-level operatives to counterterrorism efforts, including UBL in May 2011, which has disrupted operations but the group continues to recruit, plan, inspire, and conduct attacks; has established affiliated organizations in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, and its contemporary strength is primarily in these affiliates; tied to the Taliban in Afghanistan and remained active there into 2022, goals eject Western influence from the Islamic world, unite the worldwide Muslim community, overthrow governments perceived as un-Islamic, and ultimately, establish a pan-Islamic caliphate under a strict Salafi Muslim interpretation of sharia; direct, enable, and inspire individuals to conduct attacks, recruit, disseminate propaganda, and raise funds on behalf of the group around the world; destabilize local economies and governments by attacking security services, government targets, and civilian targets; maintain its traditional safe haven in Afghanistan; establish and maintain additional safehavens elsewhere, leadership and organization not available; Egyptian Ayman al-ZAWAHIRI, who was selected to lead following UBL's death, was killed in 2022; has a leadership council (majlis al-shura); al-Qaida reportedly maintains branches for military, political, religious, financial, and media affairs; affiliates have separate emirs (leaders) and organizational structures that vary by region, areas of operation based in Afghanistan; employs an affiliate or proxy model, which includes al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen), al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (North Africa and the Sahel), Hurras al-Din (Syria), al-Shabaab (Somalia), and al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan); has supporters, sympathizers, and associates worldwide, including in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America; maintains a strong online presence and individuals inspired by AQs ideology may conduct operations without direction from its central leadership; opportunistically enters (or secures the allegiance of participants in) local conflicts, targets, tactics, and weapons considers its enemies to be Shia Muslims, US and Western interests, so-called "apostate" governments (such as Saudi Arabia) perceived to be supporting the US and the West, and the Islamic State; leader ZAWAHIRI has encouraged followers to attack European (particularly British and French), Israeli, NATO, Russian, and US targets, specifically military bases and forces; targets have included embassies, restaurants, hotels, airplanes, trains, and tourists sites; employs a combination of guerrilla warfare hit-and-run and terrorist tactics against security and military forces; known for use of suicide bombers, car bombs, explosive-laden boats, and airplanes; conducted the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US, which involved 19 operatives hijacking and crashing four US commercial jetstwo into the World Trade Center in New York City, one into the Pentagon, and the last into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvaniakilling nearly 3,000 people, strength as of 2022, it was estimated to have several hundred operatives in Afghanistan; the organization remained a focal point of inspiration for a worldwide network of affiliated groups and other sympathetic terrorist organizations, such as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Islamic Jihad Union, Lashkar i Jhangvi, Harakat ul-Mujahideen, the Haqqani Network, and Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, financial and other support primarily depends on donations from like-minded supporters and from individuals, primarily in the Gulf States; uses social media platforms to solicit donations and has been channeled funds through cyberfinancing campaigns; has received some funds from kidnapping for ransom operations; historically has acquired money from Islamic charitable organizations; also recruits followers through social media, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 8 October 1999note - has some ideological and tactical similarities with the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) and the groups typically operate in the same conflict zones, but the relationship is mostly adversarial, and they compete for resources and recruits, and often clash militarily, aka al-Qaida in the South Arabian Peninsula; al-Qaida in Yemen; al-Qaida of Jihad Organization in the Arabian Peninsula; al-Qaida Organization in the Arabian Peninsula; Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Jazirat al-Arab; AQY; Ansar al-Sharia; Sons of Abyan; Sons of Hadramawt; Sons of Hadramawt Committee; Civil Council of Hadramawt; National Hadramawt Council, history formed in January 2009 when the now-deceased leader of al-Qaida (AQ) in Yemen, Nasir AL-WAHISHI, publicly announced that Yemeni and Saudi al-Qaida operatives were working together under the banner of AQAP; the announcement signaled the rebirth of an AQ franchise that previously carried out attacks in Saudi Arabia; beginning in 2014-2015, AQAP was able to take advantage of Yemens civil war and expand operations in the country, controlling a large portion of the southern part of the Yemen by 2016"; after 2017, the group began losing territory and fighters, as well as leaders, to internal dissensions, desertions to ISIS, and casualties from Yemeni and international military operations and fighting with ISIS and the Huthis; however, in 2022 the group continued to occupy territory, conduct attacks, and pose a significant threat in Yemen, goals establish a caliphate and a government/society based on sharia in the Arabian Peninsula and the wider Middle East; support the broader goals of AQs central leadership, leadership and organization led by Khalid bin Umar BATARFI (aka Abu Miqdad al-Kindi); has a leadership council (majlis al-shura) comprised of lieutenant commanders who are responsible for overall political direction and military operations; organized in branches or wings for military operations, political, propaganda (recruitment), and religious issues (for justifying attacks from a theological perspective while offering spiritual guidance), areas of operation most active in southern and central Yemen; probably has a limited presence in Saudi Arabia, targets, tactics, and weapons chiefly targets Security Belt Forces and other groups affiliated with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in the Shabwa and Abyan governorates, as well as the Huthis in the Bayda governorate; also targets Yemeni Government officials, oil facilities, merchant ships, and Shia Muslims; has targeted Western interests, including embassies, diplomats, business people, tourists, and airliners; has waged open warfare with Islamic State elements in Yemen since 2018; employs guerrilla-style and terrorist tactics, including ambushes, complex assaults, assassinations, snipers, bombings, and suicide attacks; equipped with small arms, machine guns, artillery, rockets, landmines, anti-tank missiles, armored combat vehicles, man-portable air defense systems (MANPADs), and improvised explosive devices, including car bombs, road side bombs, and suicide vests, strength estimated 2-3,000 in 2022, down from as many as 6-7,000 in 2018, financial and other support receives funding from theft, robberies, oil and gas revenue, kidnapping-for-ransom operations, and donations from like-minded supporters; for nearly a year after seizing the city of Mukallah in April 2015, had access millions of dollars from port fees and funds stolen from the central bank; many of its weapons have been seized from the Yemeni military; recruits through social media, print, and digital means, designation placed on the US Department of State's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations on 19 January 2010. aka al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent; Qaedat al-Jihad in the Indian Subcontinent, Qaedat al-Jihad, Jamaat Qaidat al-Jihad fi'shibhi al-Qarrat al-Hindiya, history al-Qa'ida leader Dr. Ayman al-ZAWAHIRI announced AQIS's inception in a video address in September 2014; the group claimed responsibility for a September 2014 attack on a naval dockyard in Karachi in an attempt to seize a Pakistani warship; since the assault, the group has conducted a limited number of small attacks on civilians, but has not publicly claimed any attacks since 2017, although some members fought in Afghanistan with the Taliban; suffered some losses to counter-terrorism operations in 2020-2022; in September and October 2021, the group released two propaganda videos specifically targeting India and Kashmir, and in mid-2022 threatened to conduct suicide bombings in several Indian cities; has strong ties to Lashkare Tayyiba (LeT) and a rivalry with the Islamic State's Khorasan branch goals establish an Islamic caliphate in the Indian subcontinent; support the broader goals of al-Qaidas central leadership, leadership and organization reportedly Usama MAHMOOD (alt. 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