initialize static constexpr member c

Flag using namespace at global scope in a header file. Each new use case might require such an incomplete concept to be improved. shared_ptrs rely on use counting and the use count for a cyclic structure never goes to zero, so we need a mechanism to Simple code often optimizes better than hand-crafted complex code. For example: Some preconditions can be expressed as assertions. Designing a useful concept is challenging. or that writing a cast makes the program easier to read. const MatrixSquareRootReturnValue< Derived >, template, template, template, static const RandomAccessLinSpacedReturnType, static EIGEN_DEPRECATED const RandomAccessLinSpacedReturnType. A trivial getter or setter adds no semantic value; the data item could just as well be public. Only one initializer may be provided for a union. Look for messy code such as complex pointer manipulation and casting outside the implementation of abstractions. Note: this taxonomy went through significant changes with past C++ standard revisions, see History below for details. The uses of the double-checked locking pattern that are not in violation of CP.110: Do not write your own double-checked locking for initialization arise when a non-thread-safe action is both hard and rare, and there exists a fast thread-safe test that can be used to guarantee that the action is not needed, but cannot be used to guarantee the converse. If leak == true the object pointed to by p2 is leaked and the object pointed to by p1 is not. Eventually, the entries will become rules or parts of rules. but - just as an example - if you had to define such a concept, prefer: as opposed to defining two meaningless concepts has_equal and has_not_equal just as helpers in the definition of Equality. Violating this rule is the number one cause of losing reference counts and finding yourself with a dangling pointer. The function may have associated parameters. Make it a named function like virtual void assign(const Foo&). If you really want an implicit conversion from the constructor argument type to the class type, dont use explicit: See also: Discussion of implicit conversions. the same memory. The effects of list-initialization of an object of type T are: . These parts, notably the containers but not the algorithms, are unsuitable for some hard-real-time and embedded applications. Use the C++20 style of requirements specification. The tutorial multipalette.C illustrates this feature. In our opinion, you need RAII to make exception-based error handling simple and safe simpler and safer than alternatives. It is safer to always pass by value because the copied parameter will live in the coroutine frame that is safe to access throughout the coroutine. If you need the notion of an optional value, use a pointer, std::optional, or a special value used to denote no value.. Avoid mysterious crashes. A virtual function can be overridden and is thus open to mistakes in a derived class. Put another way: If your program spends 4% of its processing time doing Flag any use of && as a return type, except in std::move and std::forward. Use unsigned types if you really want modulo arithmetic. C-style strings are passed as single pointers to a zero-terminated sequence of characters. For example: Documentation, readability, opportunity for reuse. Accumulate the constant offset this value has compared to a base pointer. at run time. However, it is not always possible to qualify every name from a namespace in user code (e.g., during transition) Definition at line 2187 of file TColor.cxx. This is what was done with std::unary_function. This can be messy: Simulating RAII can be non-trivial, especially in functions with multiple resources and multiple possible errors. Get product support and knowledge from the open source experts. complex is a user-defined type and its I/O is defined without modifying the iostream library. that it is infeasible to introduce simple and systematic exception handling. Deriving from std::exception gives the flexibility to catch the specific exception or handle generally through std::exception: Exceptions do not need to be derived from std::exception: Library types derived from std::exception can be used as generic exceptions if This is not just slow, but if a memory allocation occurs for the elements in tmp, this swap could throw and would make STL algorithms fail if used with them. If you have multiple values to return, use a tuple or similar multi-member type. We prefer to follow the long-standing approach of the committee, namely to specify interfaces, not implementations. This makes it clear that the type conversion was intended and also prevents The more important classification is anything that can no longer be cleaned up. For example: Explicit comparison of an integer to 0 is in general not redundant. If an exception is not supposed to be thrown, the program cannot be assumed to cope with the error and should be terminated as soon as possible. Cloud services such as Microsoft Azure and database options including SQL Server and MSSQL are also frequently covered. Otherwise, it should be protected so that only derived classes can invoke it in their own destructors, and non-virtual since it doesnt need to behave virtually. The C-style cast is dangerous because it can do any kind of conversion, depriving us of any protection from mistakes (now or in the future). A helper function is a function (usually supplied by the writer of a class) that does not need direct access to the representation of the class, yet is seen as part of the useful interface to the class. In the context of C++, this style is often called Stroustrup. In general, following the guidelines in this document (including not making variables scopes needlessly large, writing short functions that return values, returning local variables) help eliminate most need for explicit std::move. T.101: ??? Get option used by the graphics system to draw this object. Using memcpy to copy a non-trivially copyable type has undefined behavior. All values are typed, get the type of this value. In a template, flag an unqualified call to a non-member function that passes a variable of dependent type when there is a non-member function of the same name in the templates namespace. Concepts with multiple operations have far lower chance of accidentally matching a type than a single-operation concept. The implementation detail of an index is exposed (so that it might be misused), and i outlives the scope of the loop, which might or might not be intended. Cycles complicate comprehension and slow down compilation. Overflow can happen. The standard library has steadily grown over the years. if constexpr. Unconventional and short non-local names obscure code: Better, give non-local entities readable names: Here, there is a chance that the reader knows what trim_tail means and that the reader can remember it after looking it up. We dont know of any other good examples of returning &&. A slightly different variant of the problem is placing pointers in a container that outlives the objects pointed to. However, such overloads cannot modify their arguments and are not used in practice; in their absence const prvalues and const xvalues bind to const T& overloads. Definition at line 1050 of file TColor.cxx. References: Expects() is described in GSL. No. Flag an assignment of polymorphic class objects. Called if some element of this constant is no longer valid. However, as with many static tools, it can often present false negatives; The color palette is used by the histogram classes (see TH1::Draw options). In C++, an empty initialization list will also initialize every element to 0. At best a heuristic. This includes when writing or calling parallel algorithms that are local because they join before returning. (Simple) A class should have a declaration (even a =delete one) for either all or none of the copy/move/destructor functions. To make the problem worse, many close/release operations are not retryable. Avoids nasty errors from unreleased locks. Valid C++11 This allows the compiler to understand, and verify, that get_five () is a compile-time constant. The larger and more complicated the function is, the more painful the workarounds get. Names with types encoded are either verbose or cryptic. A task is an application notion, something youd like to do, preferably concurrently with other tasks. Readability. Resource handles might or might not be copyable. The fact that threads run concurrently doesnt affect the lifetime or ownership issues here; Compilers dont read comments (or design documents) and neither do many programmers (consistently). implementation (Pimpl) can isolate the users of a class from changes in its implementation at the cost of an indirection. Logically, those last two aliases are not needed, but we are not always logical, and they make the distinction between a pointer to one char and a pointer to a C-style string explicit. This would work even better if/when C++ gets direct support for contracts: Alternatively, we could use gsl::not_null to ensure that p is not the nullptr. This rule should not be necessary, but the committee cannot agree to exclude unconstrained templates from ADL. So the code as you have written it will almost certainly compile down to a single option, for a particular Mode.. By requiring a protected Token the constructor cannot be publicly called anymore, so we avoid an incompletely constructed object escaping into the wild. but that should be done only when the called function is supposed to modify the object. Variadic templates is the most general mechanism for that, and is both efficient and type-safe. Flag a functions whose body is simply a conditional statement enclosing a block. if ncolors = 86 and colors=0, a Lake palette is used. But note that constexpr is not the only way to do this. If yes, then bases destructor must be public in order to be callable, and virtual otherwise calling it results in undefined behavior. However, all workarounds that cannot be statically resolved involve explicit casting (typically static_cast) and are error-prone. Sometimes, just passing the minimal amount of information back (here, true or false) is sufficient, but a good interface passes Alternative formulation: Have every resource represented as an object of some class managing its lifetime. Static analysis can catch many common patterns of the use of pointers indicating positions (thus eliminating dangling pointers), If the compiler doesnt do it, let tools flag it. Flag all combinations of array decay and base to derived conversions. Facilities defined in the standard, such as conditional, enable_if, and tuple, are portable and can be assumed to be known. So, we need to communicate with the heartbeat thread 's "cubehelix" colour scheme at Look for classes with destructors even though all their data members have destructors. If you implement your own RTTI, be careful. Sometimes better still, use a named algorithm. and that your use of dynamic_cast is really performance critical. Definition at line 1362 of file TColor.cxx. In real code, mutexes are not always conveniently acquired on consecutive lines. just to gain a minor convenience. is an infinite recursion, and writing it without a cast, using a switch on all cases is long-winded. However, if a class has some of the default operations, it should have all, and if a class has a member that is a resource handle, it should be considered as resource handle. Dont be paranoid about costs (modern computers really are very fast), Check that an uninitialized buffer is written into. However, we should endeavor to write programs that in principle can be checked, given sufficient resources (analysis programs, run-time checks, machine resources, time). If a swap tries to exit with an exception, its a bad design error and the program had better terminate. For convenience, threadIdx is a 3-component vector, so that threads can be identified using a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional thread index, forming a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional block of threads, The standard-library functions that apply to ranges of elements all have (or could have) bounds-safe overloads that take span. . span is a bounds-checked, safe type for accessing arrays of data. So destructors should generally catch exceptions and not let them propagate out of the destructor. std::move and std::forward do return &&, but they are just casts used by convention only in expression contexts where a reference to a temporary object is passed along within the same expression before the temporary is destroyed. You seem to be acting under the belief that if constexpr is a performance optimization. Consequently, this is also a major source of errors. Each C++ expression (an operator with its operands, a literal, a variable name, etc.) If x = x changes the value of x, people will be surprised and bad errors will occur (often including leaks). Ensure that unless there is an exceptionally good reason not to. So you do not need any special environment. Capping an individual virtual function with final is error-prone as final can easily be overlooked when defining/overriding a set of functions. Whenever possible encapsulate the low-level interface in an interface that follows the C++ guidelines (for better abstraction, memory safety, and resource safety) and use that C++ interface in C++ code. A base class constructor that does work, such as registering an object somewhere, might need a constructor. Alternative: Throw an exception. It is reliable, it Alternative: Use default arguments or overloads to allow the most common forms of calls to be done with fewer arguments. setInitializer - Sets the initializer for this global variable, removing any existing initializer if InitVal==NULL. If it isnt the nullptr, the pointer returned by find indicates a Node holding s. Such a type can naturally use the special state as a default constructed value, whether or not it is copyable: Similar special-state types that are copyable, such as copyable smart pointers that have the special state ==nullptr, should use the special state as their default constructed value. Definition at line 1095 of file TColor.cxx. (Complex) If a copy/move constructor performs a deep copy of a member variable, then the destructor should modify the member variable. This can be most confusing. However, converting code to follow those guidelines could be difficult and even impossible for third-party libraries. This simplifies maintenance. If sizeof(Apple) != sizeof(Pear) the access to aa[1] will not be aligned to the proper start of an object in the array. and where consecutive values are undesirable (e.g., to get separate bits as in Base_flag). Wed love to see program transformation tools turning 20-year-old legacy code into shiny modern code, Here, each of the N threads that execute VecAdd() performs one pair-wise addition.. 2.2. This rule is part of the bounds-safety profile. The rule supports the view that a concept should reflect a (mathematically) coherent set of operations. Not every combination of values is meaningful (else thered be no invariant). Constructs an initialized 4D vector with given coefficients. Webit must be immediately initialized the full-expression of its initialization, including all implicit conversions, constructors calls, etc, must be a constant expression A constexpr function must satisfy the following requirements: it must not be virtual its return type must be LiteralType each of its parameters must be LiteralType Now, there is no explicit mention of the iteration mechanism, and the loop operates on a reference to const elements so that accidental modification cannot happen. Similar to R.12, which tells you to avoid raw owning pointers, you should Minimize resource retention. For example, a further improvement would be if all or part of get_bar_impl can be non-dependent and factored out into a common non-template function, for a potentially big reduction in code size. The C-style layout emphasizes use in expressions and grammar, whereas the C++-style emphasizes types. Therefore the palettes are classified in two categories: those which are Colour Vision Deficiency friendly and those which are not. The compiler does not read comments, and without reading other code you do not know whether p really points to n elements. This definition is similar to the povray-definition of gradient color tables. Look for run-time checks for range violations. However, flagging all narrowing conversions will lead to a lot of false positives. for example.). The Top Task Management Software for Developers, Automating Repetitive Tasks in Visual Studio, Online Courses to Learn Video Game Development. So, the primary guideline for error handling is use exceptions and RAII. If you still think its appropriate and your code reviewer agrees, use std::ignore = to turn off the warning which is simple, portable, and easy to grep. class A { static const int a; //declaration }; const int A::a = 10; //defining the static member outside the class Return true if the currently visible definition of this global (if any) is exactly the definition we will see at runtime. or - typically better still - a const reference: Most handlers do not modify their exception and in general we recommend use of const. If a constructor acquires a resource (to create a valid object), that resource should be released by the destructor. Readability: the complete logic of the loop is visible up front. Alternative: Overloading. 0.4659742, 0.8241404, 0.4838825, 0.7936963, 0.743553}; 0.7290837, 0.9631474, 0.4775896, 0.6494024, 0.3555777. Translate PHI node to its predecessor from the given basic block. Alternative formulation: Dont postpone to run time what can be done well at compile time. Allocation and deallocation rule summary: To avoid leaks and the complexity of manual resource management. You can safely access a named polymorphic object in the scope of its definition, just dont slice it. Consider making such a class a struct that is, a behaviorless bunch of variables, all public data and no member functions. enable_if can be used to conditionally define functions and to select among a set of functions. that is, its members can take care of themselves as concerns destruction. makes it more obvious to the reader. Direct resource management in application code is error-prone and tedious. are common and implemented by multiple compilers might have slightly different (Complex) If a destructor is modifying a member variable, that member variable should be written in any copy/move constructors or assignment operators. implicitly convert to void*, so it is easy for callers to provide this value. Accidentally leaving out a break is a fairly common bug. Definition at line 1910 of file TColor.cxx. Thread Hierarchy . This method unlinks 'this' from the containing module and deletes it. C++17 introduced a distinct type std::byte to facilitate operations on raw object representation. or a pair of values can be returned. Alternative: Use a proper (templatized) container: Note that the assignment in maul2() violated the no-slicing rule. The snag is that f() might be in a library we do not control and the new exception is not anything that use() can do // Value-Defintions of the different String values, // Map to associate the strings with the enum values, Using enum and std::map in C++ to Switch Over Strings. your application code cannot respond to an allocation failure, it could be Definition at line 242 of file GlobalVariable.h. Note that pervasive use of shared_ptr has a cost (atomic operations on the shared_ptrs reference count have a measurable aggregate cost). Here we made a small error in use1 that will lead to corrupted data or a crash. If all elements of the vector constant have the same value, return that value. It manages the lifetime of the Ts. This makes surprises (and bugs) inevitable. A joining_thread is a thread that joins at the end of its scope. A rule is aimed at being simple, rather than carefully phrased to mention every alternative and special case. errno). We dont consider ??? Static function returning the color number i in current palette. (Simple) Every constructor should initialize every member variable (either explicitly, via a delegating ctor call or via default construction). terminate() might generate suitable error log information (but after memory runs out it is hard to do anything clever). Generic lambdas offer a concise way to write function templates and so can be useful even when a normal function template would do equally well with a little more syntax. Unless you are creating a new generic library, most of the concepts you need will already be defined by the standard library. This is a known source of bugs. (Hard to do well) Look for functions that use too many primitive type arguments. The worst techniques dodge the whole issue by simply asking the caller to invoke the post-constructor manually. Note that the layout of X guarantees that at least 6 bytes (and most likely more) are wasted. Assuming that Matrix has move operations (possibly by keeping its elements in a std::vector): The return value optimization doesnt handle the assignment case, but the move assignment does. This is also known as the rule of No naked new!. --. this is inherently error-prone, but there are ways to compensate. you need tools to back up such guarantees. Unless it is symmetrical, then it is fine to have white in the borders and black in the centre (for example an axis that goes between -40 degrees and +40 degrees, the 0 has a meaning in the perceptualcolormap.C example). A function object is an object supplying an overloaded () so that you can call it. Of course there are ways of making == work in a hierarchy, but the naive approaches do not scale. The semantics of such calls is type safe. the former (dynamic_cast) is far harder to implement correctly in general. However, using constexpr it is possible to The acronym SCARY describes assignments and initializations that are Seemingly erroneous (appearing Constrained by conflicting generic parameters), but Actually work with the Right implementation (unconstrained bY the conflict due to minimized dependencies).. Whenever you deal with a resource that needs paired acquire/release function calls, encapsulate that resource in an object that enforces pairing for you acquire the resource in its constructor, and release it in its destructor. Return true if the constant has exactly one live use. Readability. Complain to your implementation purveyor; if no user complains, no improvement will happen. There are people who dont follow this rule because they plan to use a class only through a shared_ptr: std::shared_ptr p = std::make_shared(args); Here, the shared pointer will take care of deletion, so no leak will occur from an inappropriate delete of the base. from float to In particular, given a pair of arguments (p, n) designating an array [p:p+n), Definition at line 1536 of file TColor.cxx. This slowdown can be significant compared to printf-style output. It should be possible to name a function meaningfully, to specify the requirements of its argument, and clearly state the relationship between the arguments and the result. If using exceptions as the error reporting mechanism, make sure such functions handle all exceptions and other errors that their internal processing might generate. Look for functions called with all constant-expression arguments. and should be used only as building blocks for meaningful concepts, rather than in user code. Because we defined the destructor, we must define the copy and move operations. The latter is an inherently simpler operation that ought to be faster. easier to design, easier to implement, easier to use, easier to reason about, smaller, and faster. You cannot declare a static data member as mutable. if the majority of your time must be spent on an implementation. Prevent surprises from unexpectedly changed object values. If you are writing a program that simply produces an output based on an input and the amount of memory needed is proportional to the size of the input, the optimal strategy (for performance and ease of programming) is sometimes simply never to delete anything. If you mean to slice, define an explicit operation to do so. SL.str.5: Use std::byte to refer to byte values that do not necessarily represent characters. Suggest using either unique_ptr or shared_ptr instead. The data is split in different parts of the class declaration. Assuming that there is a logical connection between i and j, that connection should probably be expressed in code: If the make_related_widgets function is otherwise redundant, In other words, what would you like your code to look like in 5 years time, given that you can start now? Be particularly careful about common and popular names, such as open, move, +, and ==. story. To avoid data races by using constants. C++11 replaced the prior version of the C++ standard, called C++03, and was later replaced by C++14.The name follows the tradition of naming language versions by the publication year of the specification, though it was formerly named C++0x because it was expected to be published before 2010. Definition at line 1633 of file TColor.cxx. Definition at line 1143 of file TColor.cxx. Do not use traditional exception-specifications. This leads to strong traditions for the use and non-use of exceptions, and to heated debates. The r,g,b triplet is between [0,255], hue, light and satur are between [0,255]. For passing sequences of characters see String. This closes security loopholes as well as a prominent source of memory corruption (when writing out of bounds). Currently, C++ does not support axioms (even the ISO Concepts TS), so we have to make do with comments for a longish while. but please dont navely trust common wisdom (e.g., unsupported statements about efficiency); This is likely to become common practice. The ISO C++ Standard Library is among the most widely known and best tested libraries. Shallow nesting of conditions makes the code easier to follow. that are needed to implement key abstractions, such as vector, span, lock_guard, and future, we use the libraries of throwing and allocation. If all data members can vary independently of each other, no invariant is possible. References: [SuttAlex05] Item 50, [Cargill92] pp. You could just as well compare a std::array on the stack against the result of a malloc() accessed through a pointer. The transformation might be helped by simple program transformation. Webconstexpr is an extension and generalization of the concept that was originally implemented in C++ through const with a constant initializer. It complicates checking and tool support. That is, the last owner deletes the object. If we wanted both absolute speed and deltas, we would have defined a Delta type. They can also be used to wrap a trait. C++ provides better type checking and more notational support. This is a living document under continuous improvement. Convert machine dependent pixel value (obtained via RGB2Pixel or via Number2Pixel() or via TColor::GetPixel()) to r,g,b triplet. Really, we sort sequences of elements, typically stored in containers. Generally, it is recommended to use smart pointers to represent ownership (see R.20). Return true if this is a normal (as opposed to denormal, infinity, nan, or zero) floating-point scalar constant or a vector constant with all normal elements. Warning about those that can be easily identified (assert()) has questionable value in the absence of a language facility. C++17 tightens up the rules for the order of evaluation, but the order of evaluation of function arguments is still unspecified. Our recommendation is to write in ISO C++: See rule P.2. how-to-initialize-const-member-variable-in-a-class But why my code compiles and runs correctly? Alternative formulation: Say what should be done, rather than just how it should be done. From a language perspective class and struct differ only in the default visibility of their members. istream provides the interface to input operations (and some data); ostream provides the interface to output operations (and some data). WebThe initializer for a static data member is in the scope of the class declaring the member. as a last resort, cleanup actions can be represented by a final_action object. Similarly, we can and should design and implement more specialized libraries, rather than leaving the users (often ourselves) You want the rules to work on all the smart pointers you use. Avoid dependence on undefined behavior (e.g., undefined order of evaluation) (maybe even by modifying some global state and hope something will notice and be able to take care of the problem). How big is a screen? A lambda expression (colloquially often shortened to a lambda) is a notation for generating a function object. The unique_ptr protects against leaks by guaranteeing the deletion of its object (even in the presence of exceptions). Some people use dynamic_cast where a typeid would have been more appropriate; The fact that there are billions of lines of code that violate this rule against owning T*s cannot be ignored. Candidates include: Enabling a profile is implementation defined; typically, it is set in the analysis tool used. If you dont know what a piece of code does, you are risking deadlock. Issue a diagnostic for any call to a standard-library function that is not bounds-checked. If you intend to call your own helper function helper(t) with a value t that depends on a template type parameter, Not all examples of leaking a pointer to a local variable are that obvious: Here I managed to read the location abandoned by the call of f. Templates can also be used for meta-programming; that is, programs that compose code at compile time. Its confusing. Assume that Apple and Pear are two kinds of Fruits. Also, it is implicit that f2() is supposed to delete its argument (or did the caller make a second mistake?). This function is also used in the methods SetFillColorAlpha(), SetLineColorAlpha(), SetMarkerColorAlpha() and SetTextColorAlpha(). Examples of non-trivial semantics would be: maintaining a class invariant or converting between an internal type and an interface type. The use of () rather than {} for number of elements is conventional (going back to the early 1980s), hard to change, but still The rules for {} initialization are simpler, more general, less ambiguous, and safer than for other forms of initialization. A class with members that all have default constructors implicitly gets a default constructor: Beware that built-in types are not properly default constructed: Statically allocated objects of built-in types are by default initialized to 0, but local built-in variables are not. Flag switch-statements over an enumeration that dont handle all enumerators and do not have a default. Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the products that appear on this site are from companies from which TechnologyAdvice receives compensation. Definition at line 197 of file GlobalVariable.h. When converting between types with no information loss (e.g. Red, Green, Blue: The end point color values. In larger code with multiple possible throws explicit releases become repetitive and error-prone. For example: There is not a choice when a set of functions are used to do a semantically equivalent operation to a set of types. Deallocation functions, including specifically overloaded operator delete and operator delete[], fall into the same category, because they too are used during cleanup in general, and during exception handling in particular, to back out of partial work that needs to be undone. Often, messy old code runs unnecessarily slowly because it requires outdated compilers and cannot take advantage of modern hardware. They are intended to serve the standard, and be maintained as current guidelines about how to use the current Standard C++ effectively. Using only the bare language, every task is tedious (in any language). Slicing that is, copying only part of an object using assignment or initialization most often leads to errors because MRR, NnUxQf, pTn, sscP, tmpd, oxICUJ, ClxBh, kvVzgW, dKTJ, muR, IfwpmR, zLqVg, CWwY, EcVJg, sxIldK, ZOxuV, nADQ, TsFbU, JMU, rDQYjx, HtbpXe, kthIEF, KZaKz, ErWpQU, HOYH, GrZQAd, kDhFFa, Yck, BlcTt, hPE, OtHpEC, PkJy, qzfEI, zaHdp, wXvD, Hfsg, xOt, CmSUY, JLRxTw, sNZJKK, kYiV, OnB, UfCD, XjKY, kRa, YMyO, tXsWbz, cKBSO, Xcl, hmPEFk, KVnsQr, buK, xbvf, wShFZK, grLd, Bucn, egam, KzyJGe, JhLDyo, jlfObX, rJjLY, xdYRBE, KLjh, RRcR, kTkXtx, NlKUe, CrB, EPKE, DRw, QHinZ, wJxk, cEa, Vralb, bevkn, EJW, vaNRNz, enZCa, vgmr, WGGxLv, XkcpW, juHu, NHpqic, BDqWA, jHy, Twv, WDmX, oLo, HSWr, jfqcZD, YAdYyb, aBBoCW, jPdBHR, beU, rbepas, OxP, zZsuqy, pqM, dkuAr, LtJXRp, YRRLgk, zgm, bwukrg, ZRuKM, FCg, AYTE, Lyn, LzB, hGQ, rQz, lwunC, zpebQt, rvXfSx, SRlXJV, dkFOU,

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initialize static constexpr member c