fall of the roman empire for middle school

[91] Ever since the reign of Emperor Severus Alexander (222235 AD), lands on the frontiers of the Roman Empire which had been taken from enemies, were granted to Roman soldiers and their heirs on the condition that the duty for military service to the Emperor would also be hereditary and on the condition that the lands would never be sold, but would remain in the family. While the state had solved the monetary problem for its own constituents, it had failed to solve it for the masses. Charlemagne considered his empire (later called the Carolingian Empire) as the true successor to the Roman Empire and called himself "Emperor of the Romans". At his death, the role of the emperor as a patron of Eastern Orthodoxy was claimed by Ivan III, Grand Duke of Muscovy. WebThis history of the Byzantine Empire covers the history of the Eastern Roman Empire from late antiquity until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD. In other words, gold was a hedge against inflation for those who had it, and these were principally the troops and the civil servants. The military camps were therefore built by the most important fords or confluences and road termini. Unlike the deteriorating situation in Sicily, Basil I handled the situation in southern Italy well enough and the province would remain in Byzantine hands for the next 200 years. What is the Austrian School of Economics. "[155], In 1198, Pope Innocent III broached the subject of a new crusade through legates and encyclical letters. In late antiquity, the Pannonian military district was divided into two parts (pars inferior and pars superior). Increasingly, then, a two-tier monetary system emerged in which the government, the soldiers, and the bureaucrats enjoyed the benefits of a gold standard while the nongovernmental portion of the economy continued to struggle with a rapidly inflating fiat currency. [2] The layout was approximately as shown here, according to Cole's installation diagram (adopted to the fireplace). Byzantine-style writing became a standard for the Cyrillic alphabet, Byzantine architecture was dominating in Kiev, and as a main trading partner Byzantine played a critical role in the establishment, rise and fall of Kiev Rus. After the 6th century there were no churches built which in any way competed in scale with these great works of Justinian, and the plans more or less tended to approximate to one type. The lands divided up among the leaders included most of the former Byzantine possessions, though resistance would continue through the Byzantine remnants of the Nicaea, Trebizond, and Epirus.[167]. This fashion was associated with the disposition of the exterior brick and stone work generally into many varieties of pattern, zig-zags, key-patterns etc. The mouth of the river is guarded by two pharoi, and ships with lateen sails go out to the sea beyond. The Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs is a porphyry sculpture group of four Roman emperors dating from around A.D. 300. There were about 26 legitimate emperors in this century and only one of them died a natural death. By this time, nomads were entering Turkey and the Danube provinces, while the Normans had seized the Byzantine Empire's Italian territories. [108] Though the walls of the city were impregnable, the Byzantine administration was in disarray and Simeon was invited into the city, where he was granted the crown of basileus (emperor) of Bulgaria and had the young emperor Constantine VII marry one of his daughters. Monetary reforms were necessary to win the support of the troops and the bureaucrats, who composed the only real constituency of the Roman state, and the two-tier system was designed to this end. [114] After Christianizing Rus Vladimir the Great employed many architects and artists to work on numerous cathedrals and churches around Rus, expanding the Byzantine influence even further. Kiev never went far enough to actually endanger the Empire, those wars were only a tool to force the Byzantine to sign increasingly favorable trade treaties, the texts of which are recorded in the Primary Chronicle, Rus'Byzantine Treaty (907),[115] and other historical documents. Diocletian was an organizer. One of the odd things about inflation is, in the Roman Empire, that while the state survived the Roman state was not destroyed by inflation what was destroyed by inflation was the freedom of the Roman people. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. The limes was served by a well-developed military road. Nevertheless, the crusaders believed their oaths were invalidated when Alexios did not help them during the siege of Antioch (he had in fact set out on the road to Antioch but had been persuaded to turn back by Stephen of Blois, who assured him that all was lost and that the expedition had already failed). [6], No. They couldn't even keep the bags stable, they too were inflated. Leo III the Isaurian (717741 AD) turned back the Muslim assault in 718, and achieved victory with the major help of the Bulgarian khan Tervel, who killed 32,000 Arabs with his army in 740 in Akroinon. The land of Agri Decumates that was guarded by this limes had to be vacated by the Romans in 260-285 AD. Maurice, who meanwhile succeeded Tiberius, intervened in a Persian civil war, placed the legitimate Khosrau II back on the throne and married his daughter to him. World History Project - Origins to the Present, World History Project - 1750 to the Present, Unit: 600 BCE - 600 CE Second-Wave Civilizations, Cyrus the Great and the Achaemenid Empire, Philosophy: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Exchange between Rome, Carthage, and the Phoenicians, Level up on the above skills and collect up to 1120 Mastery points, Confucius and the Hundred Schools of Thought, State building: Rise of Chinese dynasties, Philosophies of the Warring States Period, Level up on the above skills and collect up to 640 Mastery points, Chavin, Nazca, Moche, Huari and Tiwanaku civilizations, Indian cultures: focus on Hinduism and Buddhism. [187] In order to secure his authority Cantacuzenus hired Turkish mercenaries left over from the civil war to use in continuing skirmishes against his opponents. First of all, war. Halloween originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain and is now a worldwide event. The Romans had simply divided and subdivided provinces for the purposes of maintaining internal military control of the regions. Venetian policy under the aging and blind but still ambitious Doge Enrico Dandolo was potentially at variance with that of the Pope and the crusaders, because Venice was closely related commercially with Egypt. A map of the Byzantine Empire at its greatest extent in A.D. 565. The classical Greeks lay the cultural foundation for Western civilization. Brontochion Monastery). Salvian tells us, and I don't think he's exaggerating, that one of the reasons why the Roman state collapsed in the 5th century was that the Roman people, the mass of the population, had but one wish after being captured by the barbarians: to never again fall under the rule of the Roman bureaucracy. Every province more or less had its own system of taxation going back to pre-Roman times. In the provinces Andronikos' reforms produced a speedy and marked improvement. Units of the legions, naval and auxiliary forces were commanded by the respective governors. You had not one emperor, but four emperors, which meant four imperial courts, four Praetorian Guards, four palaces, four staffs, etc. [96] Prior to the Macedonian emperors, the large landholders had made up a controlling force in the society and owned most of the farm land. Vaults appear to have been early applied to the basilican type of plan; for instance, at Hagia Irene, Constantinople (6th century), the long body of the church is covered by two domes. In the late 4th and early 5th centuries, the Rhaetian Limes was reorganized and divided into three sections. A village is growing by the shore, and on the summit of a hill a rude temple has been erected, from which the smoke of sacrifice is now ascending. WebThis period lays the foundation for much of civilization as we know it today. 532 The Nika riots lead to widespread destruction in Constantinople. Youll find out why military generals make bad emperors, and [52] In the 670s the Bulgars were pushed south of the Danube by the arrival of the Khazars, and in 680 Byzantine forces which had been sent to disperse these new settlements were defeated. WebThe Qing dynasty (English: / t / CHING), officially the Great Qing, was a Manchu-led imperial dynasty of China and the last orthodox dynasty in Chinese history. [48] However, the Anatolian raids continued unabated, and accelerated the demise of classical urban culture, with the inhabitants of many cities either refortifying much smaller areas within the old city walls, or relocating entirely to nearby fortresses. Enjoy straightforward pricing and simple licensing. On the right, near a bronze fountain and in the shadow of lofty buildings, is an imperial personage viewing the procession, surrounded by her children, attendants, and guard. In order to completely eradicate paganism, Justinian closed the famous philosophic school in Athens in 529. He won a victory in the war and extended his control over the South Dacia, as remains of camps and fortifications in the region indicate. Under these four prefectures, there were then 12 dioceses, each diocese having its administrative staff and so on. Several events from the 4th to 6th centuries mark the transitional period during which the Roman Empire's east and west divided.In 285, the emperor Diocletian (r. 284305) partitioned the Roman Empire's It was one of Europes largest medieval and early modern states, but its power base was unstable and continually shifting. By the time of Trajan in 117 AD, the denarius was only about 85 percent silver, down from Augustus's 95 percent. Sometimes the embankments are supplemented by dry stone walls on one or both sides; rarely, there are stone walls without a ditch. The MerriamWebster dictionaries take this view, as does J. Vlachs and Romanians are speaking a Romance language and they regard themselves as the descendants of the ancient Romans who conquered the South East parts of Europe. Pledges and securities for crops and for loans were always in gold, silver, or indeed in crops themselves. WebThe Second Bulgarian Empire (Middle Bulgarian: () (); Modern Bulgarian: , romanized: Vtor Balgarsk Tsarstvo) was a medieval Bulgarian state that existed between 1185 and 1396. [76] When the gates were rebuilt again by Justinian I (527565 AD) and his wife Theodora, a large golden statue of Christ was positioned over the doors. [142] In an effort to restore Byzantine control over the ports of southern Italy, he sent an expedition to Italy in 1155, but disputes within the coalition led to the eventual failure of the campaign. The Seljuq Turks made their first explorations across the Byzantine frontier into Armenia in 1065 and in 1067. The war was inconclusive and ended with Andronikos III being made co-emperor with his grandfather. The soldier-emperors Nikephoros II Phokas (reigned 963969 AD) and John I Tzimiskes (969976 AD) expanded the empire well into Syria, defeating the emirs of north-west Iraq and reconquering Crete and Cyprus. The peasantry, known as the coloni, were leaseholders on both imperial and private estates. Upon the death of Leo IV in 780 AD, his 10-year-old son, Constantine VI (780797 AD) succeeded to the Byzantine throne under the regency of his mother Irene. The result is that we hear of massive petitions from whole regions asking the emperor to forgive them their taxes, to remit five years of past dues, or to reduce the number of units of productivity to reflect the loss of population or materials. The barbarians were so barbarous that they would only accept gold in payment for their services. Joseph Peden taught history at Baruch College of the City University of New York. WebThe western part of the empire had received from Rome its first taste of a common culture and language overlaid on a society which was largely Celtic in origin. The visual references are those of Native American life. [68][72] From Chinese records it is known that Michael VII Doukas (Mie li sha ling kai sa ) of Fu lin dispatched a diplomatic mission to China's Song dynasty that arrived in 1081, during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of Song.[68][73]. In 559, the Empire faced a great invasion of Kutrigurs and Sclaveni. The vanquisher of the Varangians/Russians was the famous general John Kourkouas, who continued the offensive with other noteworthy victories in Mesopotamia (943). One of them was Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations and the other was Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.Gibbon's multivolume work is the tale of a state that survived for twelve centuries in the West and WebPersecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire began during the reign of Constantine the Great (r. 306337) in the military colony of Aelia Capitolina (), when he destroyed a pagan temple for the purpose of constructing a Christian church. Around 370 AD, the line of fortifications was considerably strengthened under the Emperor Valentinian I to counter the Alemanni, who were steadily advancing southwards. Another important factor is that people from the west were massacred in Constantinople in 1182, Giebfried and Lincoln wrote. Each Augustus was then to adopt a young colleague, or Caesar, to share in the rule and eventually to succeed the senior partner. [123], The Empire under the Komnenoi played a key role in the history of the Crusades in the Holy Land, which Alexios I had helped bring about, while also exerting enormous cultural and political influence in Europe, the Near East, and the lands around the Mediterranean Sea under John and Manuel. In order to maintain his campaigns against the Latins, Michael pulled troops from Asia Minor, and levied crippling taxes on the peasantry, causing much resentment. [177] The weakening of the Sultanate of Rum following the Mongol Invasion in 124243 allowed many Beyliks and ghazis to set up their own principalities in Anatolia, weakening the Byzantine hold on Asia Minor. As a matter of fact in the 3rd century this was a constant problem in Rome: all sorts of people were trying to escape the increased taxes that the military needed. WebWelcome to books on Oxford Academic. [59], The 7th century was a period of radical transformation. The Antonine Romans Novellas by Andrew Boyce is set in AD144, with The Antonine Wall location, Caledonia, modern day Scotland. It was the people in Rome, of course, who found the maximum price lower than the market price. WebAlexander III of Macedon (Ancient Greek: , romanized: Alexandros; 20/21 July 356 BC 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. This is supposed to be his final words to his heirs. By AD369 the Empire was beginning to crumble for the following reasons: The Government was running out of money. The iconodule policy drove these farmers out of the army and thus off their farms. It probably originally formed part of the decorations of the Philadelphion in Constantinople. There was, obviously, flight from the land, massive evasion of taxes, people left their jobs, they left their homes, they left their social status. 410: The Visigoths sack Rome This was the first time in 800 years that the city of Rome has fallen to an enemy. From the 3rd century the ripenses (river guards), comitatenses, and liburnaria were under the command of the Dux Belgicae secundae. He was the nephew and adopted son of Justin I, who had been a palace guard before usurping the throne in 518. [7], In the second painting, The Arcadian or Pastoral State, the sky has cleared and we are in the fresh morning of a day in spring or summer. Several events from the 4th to 6th centuries mark the transitional period during which the Roman Empire's east and west divided.In 285, the emperor Diocletian (r. 284305) partitioned the Roman Empire's More than that, they had to stay on the land and work it. The result was that in Egypt, the Edict probably had no effect, because the maximum price fixed in the Edict was very rarely reached in Egypt. [101], A great imperial expedition under Leo Phocas and Romanos I Lekapenos ended with another crushing Byzantine defeat at the Battle of Achelous in 917, and the following year the Bulgarians were free to ravage northern Greece. Leo III's son, Constantine V (741775 AD), won noteworthy victories in northern Syria, and also thoroughly undermined Bulgar strength during his reign. Others appear in Sant'Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna(549). There are similar, but shorter, fossatae in other parts of North Africa. The viewpoint has shifted further down the river, as the crag with the boulder is now on the left-hand side of the painting; a forked peak can be seen in the distance beyond it. [127] Byzantine art and literature held a pre-eminent place in Europe, and the cultural impact of Byzantine art on the west during this period was enormous and of long lasting significance. Gibbon's multivolume work is the tale of a state that survived for twelve centuries in the West and for another thousand years in the East, at Constantinople. WebByzantine architecture is the architecture of the Byzantine Empire, or Eastern Roman Empire.. They were literally given food, clothing, shelter, and other commodities in lieu of pay. In this picture, we have the first rudiments of society. The Achaemenid Persians under Cyrus unify much of the Middle East and Egypt. [145], In the east, however, Manuel suffered a major defeat at the Battle of Myriokephalon, in 1176, against the Turks. Archaeological evidence from both Europe and Asia Minor shows a considerable increase in the size of urban settlements, together with a notable upsurge in new towns. The two smaller compartments and apses at the sides of the bema were sacristies, the diaconicon and prothesis. As early as the building of Constantine's churches in Palestine there were two chief types of plan in use: the basilican, or axial, type, represented by the basilica at the Holy Sepulchre, and the circular, or central, type, represented by the great octagonal church once at Antioch. Magazine; 2022: The Pictures of the Year We sent our photographers around the globe to document our world and our times. Hinduism: core ideas of Brahman, Atman, Samsara and Moksha. [76] Leo's order for the removal of the golden Christ over the Chalke Gates and its replacement with a simple cross was motivated by the need to mollify the rising tide of popular objection to all religious icons. The sunrise of the first painting is mirrored here by a moonrise, a pale light reflecting in the ruin-choked river while the standing pillar reflects the last rays of sunset. Bury asserts that "the foundation of Constantinople [] inaugurated a permanent division between the Eastern and Western, the Greek and the Latin, halves of the Empirea division to which events had already pointedand affected decisively the whole subsequent history of Europe. Throughout their history, the Byzantines rarely controlled Rome and spoke mainly Greek. The rest either died in battle or were assassinated, which was totally unprecedented in Roman history with two exceptions: Nero, a suicide, and Caligula, assassinated earlier. Often when a given Roman is described as becoming "emperor" in English it reflects his taking of the title augustus (and later basileus). [laughter]. [7], Diocletian was responsible for creating a new administrative system (the tetrarchy). In effect there is a shift in the distribution of wealth in Palestine; and obviously, from other evidence, similar things were happening in other places. The news that Justinian was reinforcing his Danube fleet made the Kutrigurs anxious, and they agreed to a treaty which gave them a subsidy and safe passage back across the river. [19], Having achieved stability in the West, Alexios could turn his attention to the severe economic difficulties and the disintegration of the Empire's traditional defences. Anti-Roman sentiment lasted throughout the Middle Ages. Gregory noted that Constantine was baptized shortly before his death in A.D. 337. Nikephoros II, John Tzimiskes and Basil II changed the military divisions (, tagmata) from a rapid response, primarily defensive, citizen army into a professional, campaigning army increasingly manned by mercenaries. 1054 The Orthodox Church breaks away from the Roman Catholic Church, creating a religious schism between the Byzantine Empire and western Europe. The penalty for violating this law was death, a very common penalty in Rome for almost anything. Between 1180 and 1204 no fewer than fifty-eight rebellions or uprisings took place across the empire.". We know for example from studies of Palestine, particularly in the Rabbinical writings, that in the course of the 3rd and early 4th century the structure of landholding in Palestine changed very dramatically. It brought about a stable monetary standard for the ruling group, who did not hesitate to secure it at the expense of the mass of the population. Volume I was published in 1776 and went through six printings. Similar styles can be found in countries such as North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Russia and other Slavic lands, as well as in Sicily (Cappella Palatina) and Veneto (St Mark's Basilica, Torcello Cathedral). When a revolt in Constantinople halted his dynastic project, he again invaded Thrace and conquered Adrianople. 1259 A Greek general named Michael VIII retakes Constantinople and establishes himself as emperor. The result was that the government, in order to try to protect its civil servants and its soldiers from the effects of inflation, began to demand payment of taxes in kind and in services rather than in coin. The soldiers' pay rose from 225 denarii during the time of Augustus to 300 denarii in the time of Domitian, about a hundred years later. Caracalla made it 50 to a pound of gold. It was founded in 680681 after part of the Bulgars, led by Asparuh, Its remaining territories were progressively annexed by the Ottomans over the 15th century. By 867, the empire had re-stabilised its position in both the east and the west, and the efficiency of its defensive military structure enabled its emperors to begin planning wars of reconquest in the east. [6], The fifth picture is the scene of Desolation. This gloomy picture suggests how all empires could be after their fall. Through his willingness to extract by compulsion the gold reserves of the taxpayers, forcing them to disgorge their bullion, he placed an ever-increasing supply of gold in the hands of government officials. The Byzantine era is usually dated from 330 AD, when Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital to Byzantium, which became Constantinople, until the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453. Two centuries ago, in 1776, there were two books published in England, both of which are read avidly today. WebIn a now-classic study (1959), social psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven developed a schema of sources of power by which to analyse how power plays work (or fail to work) in a specific relationship. And so he, with his military mind, demanded standardization. The nephew of the last Emperor, Constantine XI, Andreas Palaeologos had inherited the title of Roman Emperor. [184], The civil war led to the exploitation of the Byzantine Empire by the emerging Serbian Empire. It has been argued that Byzantium under the Komnenian rule was more prosperous than at any time since the Persian invasions of the 7th century. The Byzantine era is usually dated from 330 AD, when Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital to Byzantium, which became Constantinople, until the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453. They decided that 12 electors (six Venetians and six crusaders) should choose a Latin emperor[167] of Romania. [140] In 1142 John returned to press his claims to Antioch, but he died in the spring of 1143 following a hunting accident. New Inscribed Properties, Frontiers of the Roman Empire: UNESCO Official Website, Derlimes.at Official website of the Limes group in Austria) (in German, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin), Official website of the Saalburg, the only fully reconstructed Limes fort (in German, English, French), Bauhaus and its Sites in Weimar, Dessau and Bernau, Collegiate Church, Castle, and Old Town of Quedlinburg, Castles of Augustusburg and Falkenlust at Brhl, Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen, Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura, Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps, Wrzburg Residence with the Court Gardens and Residence Square, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Limes_(Roman_Empire)&oldid=1092331836, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from April 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The valleys of the Rhine and the Danube; United Kingdom, This page was last edited on 9 June 2022, at 16:59. The latter in particular favoured culture at the court, and, with a careful financial policy, steadily increased the gold reserves of the Empire. Between the camps, in strategic places or good points of observation, were watchtowers or signal towers and, in the Late Antiquity, burgi. [90] Iconoclasm played its part in the further alienation of East from West, which worsened during the so-called Photian Schism, when Pope Nicholas I challenged Photios' elevation to the patriarchate. They now, too, came under government pressure because the government could not obtain enough material for the war machine through regular channels people didn't want all that token coinage. [156] Handsome and eloquent, Andronikos was at the same time known for his licentious exploits. However, the threat against the Empire from the Arabs would never again be as great as it was during this first attack of Leo's reign. It was one of Europes largest medieval and early modern states, but its power base was unstable and continually shifting. [118] Basil II left a burgeoning treasury upon his death, but neglected to plan for his succession. WebThe Byzantine Empire, also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium, was the continuation of the Roman Empire in its eastern provinces during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantinople.It survived the fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD and continued to exist for an Fountains were originally purely functional, connected to springs or aqueducts and used to provide drinking water and water for bathing and The Achaemenid Persians under Cyrus unify much of the Middle East and Egypt. Charlemagne considered his empire (later called the Carolingian Empire) as the true successor to the Roman Empire and called himself "Emperor of the Romans". [172], When in late November 1203 Alexios IV announced that his promises were hard to keep as the empire was short on funds (he had managed to pay roughly half of the promised amount of 200,000 silver marks, and could not fulfil his promise that he would cover the Venetians' rent of the fleet for the crusaders. It fell in 476 AD. This resulted in a schism breaking out between the church at Constantinople and the church in Rome. When they managed to speak with one voice, Certain elements of the frontier have been excavated, some reconstructed, and a few destroyed. Robert Guiscard's death in 1085 temporarily eased the Norman problem. After this the split between the western and eastern half of the Roman Empires becomes permanent, with Constantinople the capital of the eastern half. The fifth century would mark the end of the western half of the Roman Empire. WebWelcome to books on Oxford Academic. The central area covered by the dome was included in a considerably larger square, of which the four divisions, to the east, west, north and south, were carried up higher in the vaulting and roof system than the four corners, forming in this way a sort of nave and transepts. It emerged from the Later Jin dynasty founded by the Jianzhou Jurchens, a Tungusic-speaking ethnic group who unified other Jurchen tribes to form a new "Manchu" ethnic identity. [6], In the foreground a statue of some venerable hero (posed like the Borghese Gladiator) stands headless, still striding forward into the uncertain future. But ten years later, he finally abandoned the silvered coinage, which by this time was simply a bronze coin dipped in silver rather quickly. The ceremonies were held outside, in front of the temple. [102] The situation on the border with the Arab territories remained fluid, with the Byzantines alternatively on the offensive or defensive. (Image credit: Richard T. Nowitz via Getty Images). [158], Andronikos began his reign well; in particular, the measures he took to reform the government of the empire have been praised by historians. WebThe First Bulgarian Empire (Church Slavonic: , romanized: blagarysko tsesarystviye; Bulgarian: ) was a medieval Bulgar-Slavic and later Bulgarian state that existed in Southeastern Europe between the 7th and 11th centuries AD. The tile work, geometric patterns, multiple arches, domes, and polychrome brick and stone work that characterize Muslim and Moorish architecture were influenced heavily by Byzantine architecture. Byzantine Ionic column from National Museum of Medieval Art (Kor, Albania), Illustration of a Byzantine Corinthian column, Byzantine composite column from Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo (Ravenna, Italy), Byzantine basket column from Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey), Early Byzantine architecture drew upon earlier elements of Greco-Roman architecture. The following year, the Seljuq sultan died, and the sultanate was split by internal rivalries. What we find is that the donatives had been given on the accession of a new emperor from the time of Augustus on. However, the increasing military success of the Empire greatly enriched and empowered the provincial nobility with respect to the peasantry, who were essentially reduced to a state of serfdom. Today, although the Byzantine Empire is long gone, the city of Constantinople (now called Istanbul) flourishes and is still regarded as a crossroads, both literally and metaphorically, between Europe and Asia.

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fall of the roman empire for middle school