catwoman first appearance

Catwoman applies a kick in Batman and escapes the museum to go after Ventriloquist. In her spare time, Selina took gym lessons not just as an extra curricular, but to sometimes avoid the domestic violence at home. Selina quickly kills Black Mask by shooting him in the head. [39][40] Kravitz had previously voiced the role in The Lego Batman Movie. Bicondova was cast to portray the teenaged Selina, assuming she was auditioning for a random role named "Lucy" and not finding out what the real role was until after she was selected. Selina Kyle often hangs out with her teammate Harley and Ivy from Gotham City Sirens. In one episode, the Catwoman visits a museum and after seeing some felines on display, she starts remembering her days as Catwoman and how she misses the excitement. Selina Kyle's first time with her new mask!If you like masked women in movies, tv-series, cosplay and comics, you should check my While Ivy and Harley distract him, Selina ends Boneblaster's threat by shorting out his gauntlets with a live electrical conduit, deducing that the villain had yet to get used to the technology, and had failed to properly insulate his gloves. After the DC Universe's history was rewritten by the Flash and Doctor Manhattan, Catwoman's past was changed. This happened when Darkseid took control over the Earth. Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is a jewel thief from Gotham City, Batman's girlfriends, and a cyclical foe. The first series establishes Catwoman as a socialite and animal rights activist in addition to a costumed thief in the early appearances. Catwoman is watch, but she decides to help Batman. Catwoman is seen locked in a rehabilitation program prison. This is a dark and tragic period which culminates with Selina's former pimp Stan abducting and violently abusing her sister Maggie. She also could be both Selina Kyle and Catwoman."[22]. It was decided that Earth-Two will be where the Golden Age heroes reside and continued. Batman is patrolling the streets of Gotham City and Catwoman appears inside the Batmobile. Based on the credits for the role of Catwoman. Meanwhile, Harley goes shopping. Her game ending features her returning to her Gotham City and discovering that due to the magical essence of the worlds merging, she now has the ability to transform into a black panther at will, enhancing her speed and strength. They could not survive on their own and always had a shortage of money. Catwoman appears as a playable character in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. Little did she know that her date for the evening was the Batman himself. Catwoman had already gone through several changes since her first appearance in Batman #1 (Spring 1940), but Brubaker's was one of the more dramatic. In the end, Bruce stated that Selina was qualified to help him continue his war on crime in the near future. It featured dramatizations one of which included Julia Rose portraying a young Julie Newmar on set in character as Catwoman. Selina eventually ran away, accompanied by her friend Sylvia. [31] On June 16, 1995, Waters turned in his Catwoman script to Warner Bros., the same day that Batman Forever was released. Catwoman appears in the 2004 animated series The Batman, voiced by Gina Gershon. During this time, Catwoman was given her trademark cat-o-nine tails whip by a client, which Selina kept as a trophy of her time posing as a hooker. Catwoman's response to this revelation is unequivocal: she pitched Zatanna out a window (Zatanna survives the fall). 07:39PM She is first shown (in story) as working with Lex Luthor. Catwoman can visit Mr. There have been many versions of Catwoman's origin over the years but details of her possible storyline suggested that Selina Kyle was born to Brian and Maria Kyle in the slums of Gotham City. The game then rewinds to before Catwoman decided, and Catwoman goes left, leaving her loot behind. Catwoman appears in the award winning animated series as a thief and philanthropist of animals. Filmation returned to the character in 1977 for the animated series The New Adventures of Batman, where Melendy Britt was cast to voice the character in four episodes. They can shred a bullet-proof vest and be used to climb with. At the end, he breaks off their relationship when he suspects that it has been manipulated by the villain Hush. She then asks Selina to reveal the identity of the original Batman. Selina called the police but as soon she hung up the phone, she packed her bag and ran away from home. After work, she got a cab home, when Annika called her, scared, since pictures of her and the mayor were all over television. During the events of Final Crisis, Batman is seemingly killed. She returns home to find Slam at her place. The Cat Burglar refuses and decides to steal the ancient treasure for herself. At the climax of the film, Catwoman tries to kill Shreck. Selina then offered the idea that all three of them stay together to better survive in the new Gotham City. Batman deals with the thugs and Catwoman destroys Scarface. As they fight together, Batman finds that Selina's selfless love for him allows him to control his thirst for blood that had begun to consume him, but she sacrifices herself to save him from the Joker, who had become the leader of the remaining vampires after Dracula's death, taking a crossbow bolt to the heart that the Joker had fired at Batman. In this 1999 side-scroller by Kemco, Catwoman is hired by Talia al Ghul to steal an ancient crystal skull from the Gotham City Museum. Having freed from Arkham, Bruce and Selina finally caved into their long-standing mutual attraction and became romantically involved. But beneath a calculating exterior she has a few soft spots in her heart most notably for Batman. The newest issue of Catwoman will come with a hefty price tag on a certain online marketplace. Portrayed by Zo Kravitz, Selina is a costumed vigilante/anti-hero. Then, she interrupts Batman and the GCPD's mission when she tries to steal from Penguin/Falcone. Batman meets Selina (Selina is happy to see Batman). She ends up pushing the man off the roof to use it as a distraction so when Batman saves him, she can leave to go kill Falcone. Catwoman has a good affinity for cats. Catwoman wanted to go back to stealing and also wanted to return to the Catwoman. "Daniel Waters on Writing", Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt, Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Superheroes Unite, Scooby-Doo! Alluring yet devious, Tweeterhead's Super Powers Catwoman Maquette is a must-have for any fans of sultry supervillain Catwoman and DC Comics. TYGER has taken one of Ivy's prized plants to the vault, and Catwoman will retrieve it for her. A researcher named Ophelia Powers (Frances Conroy) tells Patience that Egyptian Mau cats serve as messengers of the goddess Bast, suggesting that Patience has been granted supernatural powers. Catwoman has been a part of "Batman" stories since the beginning. Following a massive battle with Black Mask and his henchmen (which ends with neither woman being able to claim the bounty), Selina agrees to take on Kitrina as her new sidekick, Catgirl. The character has also appeared in numerous animated television series and movies, most notably Batman: The Animated Series (1992-95) and The Lego Batman Movie (2017), as well as video games such as the Batman: Arkham series. Selina would be taken in by an old thief gang leader named Mama Fortuna. After her story is finished, Catwoman can be switched out from Batman and look around the city. In this timeline, Selina Kyle is the head of a whorehouse. Catwoman tries to rob a museum to steal a statue in the form of cat, but Penguin comes first. She also discovered that Ivy had similarly taken Harley Quinn into her new sanctuary. Selina dons the Catwoman costume and breaks into the museum but in the process gets tricked by the Ventriloquist who triggered an explosive and sends Catwoman trapped in a rubble. Zatanna suggested that the weakness was likely psychological in nature. While Catwoman was digging for answers, she got herself in trouble with the mafia in thinking that she had killed their boss when she did not. In Batman Beyond, Catwoman does not appear as her ultimate fate after her last appearance in "Chase Me" remains completely unknown. ", This figure is by the amazing XM studio. Catwoman reveals that she lied about her amnesia, as she saw no other way out from her life of crime. However, she was mentioned by Bruce at the end of the episode "Dead Man's Hand". She then jumps onto her enemy and claws their face, and flips off. Nightwing discovers a new ship is coming. Ivy and Harley move in, but before Ivy makes a final acceptance of Selina's offer, she surprises Selina and drugs her with truth serum-like spores. It is based on the popular Batman 1960 tv show. Knowing that the real Bruce is dead, and that the man with Harley is really Thomas Elliot (Hush), Selina takes Ivy to the restaurant where the picture was taken. Batman escapes carrying with him the antidote to Catwoman. The Catwoman has touched many people's heart over the years, but Batman was the first person that she ever fell in love with. The police think that Catwoman and Batman work as a team. Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is a supervillain turned superhero in the DC Universe of comics. Catwoman manages to escape from Batman, but Batman is sad, because he liked the Catwoman did not return to life of thieves and against justice. [21] Other actresses including Nicole Kidman, Madonna, Jennifer Beals, Lorraine Bracco and Demi Moore were all linked to the role, and actress Sean Young campaigned heavily to get it (even turning up to Warner Bros. Studios in a homemade Catwoman suit). Catwoman is definitely not a fun-for-the-whole-family script. Catwoman is set to appear in the upcoming handheld game spinning off from Batman: Arkham Origins. It is revealed through Selina's inner monologue that she and Batman have had sexual encounters with one another before, and the premiere issue ends with yet another of these encounters. She appears in the episode, Mo' Money Mo' Problem. But Nightwing appears and decides to work with Catwoman. Catwoman was using Nightwing to get the jewel. ", This statue is base off the new 52. it cost $139.35. This thieving gal was stealing gems (and hearts) sporting a classic mischievous look with curled raven-colored hair and a flowing emerald-colored dress that accentuated her 'gams.'. An platformer game made by Konami in 1994. Sonya defeats her in battle however, and locks her away in a cell. Sideshow and Prime 1 Studio are proud to present the 1:3 scale Selina Kyle (Catwoman) from The Dark Knight Rises (Film). She fought with the Teen Titans then got defeated by Alfred using a cup of tea. Starring Halle Berry, this film's Catwoman bears little resemblance to the comic book version. She didn't believe it was appropriate to use them as inspiration, since she was playing a pre-Catwoman Selina. Selina is next to Lex Luthor against superheroes (the purpose of Lex Luthor is to create a coalition against Superman, for the liberation of Humanity). Instead, emphasis is made upon her profession as a "cat" burglar in headlines shown in the film; also, her safecracking goggles resemble cat ears when not in use. Batman tells her to be careful as he leaves to find the snipers origin. Catwoman was also adapted for the series as she is an integral component of the back story for Huntress. Back at the penthouse, Batman visits, concerned about Selina's well being. The first feature film to include an adaptation of Catwoman was Batman, produced immediately after production of the first season of the 1966 television series of the same name. Over time the character became defined by the unrequited romance between them and she took on a less villainous role. Batman: Dark Victory, the sequel to The Long Halloween, implies that Catwoman suspects she is the long-lost illegitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone, although she finds no definitive proof of this. Jane Webb was cast to provide the voice for the character. A month after Helena is placed with a new family, Catwoman asks Zatanna to erase her memories of Helena and change her mind back to a criminal mentality. Catwoman tries to escape with the statue in the form of cat, but Batman retrieves the objects and puts the handcuffs on Catwoman and Penguin. She also became a government operative for a brief time. By Staff - March 8, 2022 01:30 pm EST. Eventually Selina was caught and sent to an orphanage. They decided to become prostitutes and Sylvia would be able to attract men, but Selina would not attract anyone. Batman got her heart back, and Zatanna gave her a cream that would help her heal faster. She has a minor role and worked under the Amazonian fury Wonder Woman. However, when she found someone who knew something about Annika's disappearance, she abandoned the mission and eventually went home. With their help, she assists Batman and his allies in the battle against Dark Khan. Batman tries to persuade Catwoman in giving up the life of crime but she refuses until he handcuffs her one night and sends her to the police. The yellow and orange costume design used was unique to the series. She goes to Ivy's base (concealed from the city by plants) to ask Ivy's help. He despised Selina (who was nicknamed "Nehko-Chan" in the academy) and would deliberately hurt her during training. Catwoman and Batman go to the lighthouse to stop Penguin. Once Helena is adopted Selina asks Zatanna to erase her memories of being a mother, but she refuses telling her it isn't fair to her or Helena and she can't change Selina's mindset because she became a hero on her own. She had a crush on Batman, but tried to keep her distance between her and Bruce Wayne, even though they dated. Catwoman makes a cameo, with no speaking lines, in the movie. Based on the credits of the episodes featuring Catwoman's appearances since they specifically list Adrienne Barbeau as the actor providing the character's voice. After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Selinas history was finally revised in Frank Millers Batman: Year One story arc. Catwoman has a cat named Isis who is trained to pass through security lights without setting off an alarm and she often brings her cat along when its specialty is needed. One night, she stole a valuable totem from a museum when suddenly a hooded ninja interrupted her escape and took the valued item for himself. Later DC comics would object to Frank Millers idea to make post-crisis Selina a prostitute. With Selina's help, Batman rescues Lucius Fox. She attempts to flee Gotham, fearing that Bane's terrorist group will eventually kill her. She tells Selina that she could never reverse Selina's mindset, since she was on the path to becoming a hero on her own. Catwoman appears in the DC Universe animated series Harley Quinn, voiced by Sanaa Lathan. Film Freak and Angle Man would team up to try and beat Catwoman. Concerned at how weak Catwoman had become, Ivy takes Selina to where she'd been staying, the home of the Riddler. Her Sister's Keeper explores Selina's early life as a prostitute and the start of her career as Catwoman. Here is the description they wrote, "XM Studios presents Catwoman. She eventually runs into Batman and they would tangle a bit. This femme fatale had no costume and no background. After he tells her that he plans on getting an emotional response before killing her, Selina steals a car and heads to the mental institution where Maggie Kyle is held, believing Black Mask is coming for her. He inspired her to become Catwoman. When it was suggested to Tim Burton that Michelle Pfeiffer was interested, something clicked to the producers thinking "She's perfect. However, characters associated with Catwoman's past as a prostitute have remained a part of her supporting cast. Selina Kyle is featured in the TV series Gotham, with her younger version portrayed by Camren Bicondova,[5] while the adult version of the character is portrayed by Lili Simmons. A door on her left will take her back to Arkham City to save Batman, while the door on her right will allow her to take her loot back to Gotham and leave Batman to die. As an adversary of Batman, she was a whip-carrying burglar with a taste for high stake thefts. However, her husband had kept her jewelry in his private vault, and she had to break into it to retrieve the jewelry. A timid secretary who undergoes a traumatic experience, she emerges as a sexy, self confident but psychotic criminal in a patchwork latex catsuit seeking revenge against her boss, Max Shreck. During the events of Blackest Night, Selina is attacked by Black Mask after he has been reborn as a member of the Black Lantern Corps. "[32] In an August 1995 interview, Pfeiffer re-iterated her interest in the spin-off, but explained her priorities would be challenged as a mother and commitments to other projects. Catwoman is one of the DC Universe's longest-printed villains. After defeating Two-Face, Catwoman looks around Arkham City for Two-Face goons that have taken her loot. One of these costumes tailored for Newmar is part of the collection of the Smithsonian Institution.[3]. Visit my blog: In a departure from the comics, she was portrayed as a Chinese thief active in Shanghai during the 1930s. Both decide to investigate the ship. After returning to her role as Catwoman, Selina was arrested and sent to death row at Arkham Asylum for the murders of two hundred terrorist soldiers. Catwoman is first shown robbing a safe in Arkham City, only to be caught by Two-Face goons. Catwoman made her first Silver Age appearance in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #70-71 (November-December 1966); afterward, she continued to make appearances across the various Batman comics. send you an email once approved. Catwoman throughout the story would have nightmares of Batman and other people turns out that it was because the Riddler has been using a mixture of Joker and Scarecrow gas to create fear into Catwoman. Catwoman debuted in Season 1, Episode 7 "Galactic Wonder. She steals from Bruce Wayne, and later betrays Batman to Bane. When Selina discovers the truth, she duct-tapes Zatanna mouth shut and throws her out of a window. Batman asks about her obsession with cats, and she explains that her father owned a pet store. crossover. Having understandably gained a few pounds, Selina finds that her costume is now a tighter fit. They reveal Two-Face has taken all of Catwoman's loot and has hold up in the Museum. She also had a brother called Aiden Mason, who she lost contact with after they were place into care. The 1989 Catwoman limited series (collected in trade paperback form as Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper) by writer Mindy Newell and artist J.J. Birch expanded on Miller's Year One origin. Finally defeating Film Freak, Selina returns home to find that Slam Bradley has deduced that Helena is the daughter of his son Sam Bradley Jr., and therefore his granddaughter. She uses these new found powers to ensure she will never again be caged. She is never referred to as "Catwoman" in the film, but she does call herself the "Cat" in one scene and she wears a mask with cat-like ears. They decided to reveal that Selina was not really a prostitute, but instead pretended to be a prostitute and steal mens money. Judy Sloane (August 1995). During this event, Catwoman and Batman grew really close together. There are some alterations, but nothing really major. After the release of Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, a second movie with an elderly Catwoman as a main character was planned by Bruce Timm, but was finally scrapped. Catwoman is drastically re-imagined like every other character in this short. Catwoman goes to an old abandoned factory (Ventriloquist is trying to sell the animals camouflaged). Her apartment then explodes, and she is attacked by Two-Face soldiers. Catwoman is a fictional character appearing in Batman #1. But before Ivy and Selina can discuss the matter any further, Boneblaster returns and tries to once more make a name for himself by attacking Ivy, Harley and Selina. Selina eventually reformed and admitted that the amnesia story was a lie to run away from her life of crimes. After the Joker finds new partners, she, with another rogues, allies with Batman to save the city. In the film, Selina Kyle is hired by corrupt businessman John Daggett to steal Bruce Wayne's fingerprints; Daggett in exchange promises to expunge her criminal record with a "Clean Slate" computer program, during which she meets and falls in love with Bruce. The series was primarily pencil drawn by Jim Balent and written by Chuck Dixon. In the Pre-Crisis version, Catwoman was supported by different henchmen. She was uncredited and her appearances were limited to a flashback of her death which was edited into the series title sequence and the rare in-episode flashback. Her, Batman, and a few other characters were teleported to feudal Japan. Ghost-Maker would later leave . She told him she didn't and when they returned to her apartment to question Annika about her relationship with the mayor, they found that she had been abducted. However, she has learned her reformation was the result of a mindwipe by Zatanna, a procedure known to deeply affect and, in at least one case, physically incapacitate its victims. While on the run, Maggie angrily tells Selina that she ruined both of their lives the day she decided to become Catwoman. [19][20], Catwoman is portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer in the 1992 feature film Batman Returns. After comforting Annika, Selina changed into her Catwoman costume and mask and went to the mayor's apartment. Selina's and Ivy's cover was blown and Vicki Vale bolted out of the room very quickly. 94 where it showcased a cliffhanging ending of Catwoman being attacked and presumably dying. When Selina finally becomes a successful thief, she continued to steal. Nightwing and Robin capture Hush, and lock him up. Ivy agrees, and uses a giant plant to break the wall underground. In this series, Catwoman dons a new costume which was a skintight purple color catsuit, finished with a curly long hair and her signature whip. In this sub-storyline, it follows a private detective named Slam Bradley who is determined to find out what happened to Selina. In the last episode of Gotham (ever), we see a 10 years time jump in the future. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. They fought, but Batman was able to gain the upper hand. Catwoman appears in the 2008 animated series Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by Nika Futterman. This short takes place in a place one would assume to be ancient China. When Batman questions her about her thievery, she tells him that Falcone owes her the money because he's her father. Introduced in the season two episode, "Trapped", she is recruited by the titular character and Poison Ivy to help them steal Firefly's flamethrower from Doctor Trap's booby-trapped museum. Bruce and her work together to stop Jack the Ripper. Before Boneblaster can cause her permanent harm, she is rescued by the sudden appearance of Poison Ivy. She has red hair in Batman #35 (1946, but starting with Detective Comics #122 (April 1947, Catwoman has brunette/black hair. In Batman #15 (February - March 1943, Catwoman goes by the name Elva Barr. The concluding story featured a closing panel in which she refers to Batman as "Bruce." [34][35], In 2000, Warner Bros. commissioned Darren Aronofsky for an adaptation of Batman: Year One to reboot the Batman franchise. Angle Man turned himself over to the police but Film Freak goes on a murder rampage. During Amazons Attack Batman had Selina pose as a criminal so she could gain the trust of the Bana Amazons and she was able to stop an attack on Gotham City. In the movie, "Batman: Gotham by Gaslight" Selina Kyle works as an entertainer and a female suffragist. The Batman - "The Laughing Cats". After a fight against Selina, Black Mask, decided to meet the sister of Selina (Maggie Kyle). In The Brave and the Bold #197, the Golden Age origin of Catwoman given in Batman #62 is elaborated on, after Selina revealed that she never actually had amnesia. [1] Later she was given a "cat" mask, solidifying her role as a super-villain. Devastated by her sister's statement, Selina fails to realize they have both been heading for a trap. Burton had no interest in returning to direct a sequel of Batman Returns, but was credited as producer. This version of the character is much more in line with her classic Golden and Silver Age appearances, and is much more villainous. Catwoman appeared in the first episode of the series. Cyber Cat); and a stint as a reluctant government operative. Her super-move includes her hitting her opponent into the air, then pulling down with her whip onto his/her neck. She is depicted as a femme fatale antiheroine whose actions often blur ethical lines, similar to her portrayal in the comics. Later Wildcat reveals to Selina that Holly was arrested for the murder of Black Mask. Selina Kyle, also known by her alias Catwoman, was an orphan who learned to survive on Gotham City's streets. When she sees that he's found out about the voicemail being linked on the news, she fights him. #momlife #triplets #explore. Her first solo series had ended after 94 . She was appeared to be killed by an assassin when her comics got canceled again. It was poorly received by critics and audiences, and is commonly listed as one of the worst films ever made. Catwoman and Penguin come to another museum and Catwoman steals the object. Selina Kyle and the other super villains are defeated by Bruce Wayne (Bruce Wayne tricked Lex Luthor, Selina Kyle and the other villains) (Kingdom Come #3). It was later revealed that it's Flamingo who's doing all of the victims. In Injustice 2. The original and most widely known Catwoman, Selina Kyle, first appeared in Batman #1 (Spring 1940) in which she was known as The Cat. When Batman returns to Gotham and offers her the "Clean Slate", she aids the Dark Knight in liberating Gotham City from Bane's chaos. Though her costume features oversized . Though more circumstantial evidence is added to the theory of Selina's Falcone heritage, no definitive proof is provided. Later that year during the Officer Down storyline in the Batman titles, Catwoman is initially the chief suspect. Main article: Catwoman (Batman: The Animated Series), Main article: Catwoman (The Brave and the Bold). Catwoman was sent to a women's prison center and went catatonic upon arriving. Julie Newmar (born Julia Chalene Newmeyer, August 16, 1933) is an American actress, dancer, and singer, known for a variety of stage, screen, and television roles.She is also a writer, lingerie designer, and real-estate mogul.She won the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play for her role as Katrin Sveg in the 1958 Broadway production of The Marriage-Go-Round and reprised the role in . Batman also knew that getting Catwoman off the death row would buy him time to investigate her case as well. The 2002 television series Birds of Prey included an adaptation of the Silver Age Huntress as one of its main characters. Here, Selina Kyle is the biological daughter of Carmine Falcone, born from an affair he had with her mother Maria, and works for him as a waitress at the Iceberg Lounge alongside her roommate Annika Koslov while moonlighting as a cat burglar. Selina lied about her amnesia so she could stop being Catwoman and love and have children.[4]. Catwoman first meets Batman during a burglary attempt and immediately falls in love with him. Catwoman appears in Gail Simone's "Sensei and Student" story-arc in Birds of Prey. Years later, she was caught whilst attempting to burgle someone's residence. Catwoman enlists the help of Batman. She meets with Falcone but he is pulled away before she can do what she wanted to. Later, the Riddler calls Batman and sent him on a mission to retrieve the keys. The character design for Batman: The Animated Series is a long-haired blonde look (based on Michelle Pfeiffer's appearance) when Selina is not wearing her costume, and the costume itself is a predominately gray catsuit based on the costume used in Batman Returns as well, with long black gloves and high-heeled boots. The series begins with Selina frantically escaping her apartment as unknown masked men invade her apartment. She is ready to kill the man, but Batman stops her. Portions of Her Sister's Keeper and the Year One origin conceived by Frank Miller remain canonical to Catwomans origin, while other portions have been dropped over the years. Selina appears portrayed as a woman sad and shaken. Catwoman explained that she knew if she took the fall for the crime Batman wouldn't let her die on death row, therefore saving Holly's life. Batman Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. This page is about the original comic book character. Part 1". She is shocked to see a Harlequin doll at the table, its head stabbed through with a knife. Selina would tangle with Film Freak again and would defeat him for the final time. Batwoman's First Appearance - Final Thoughts. Her first appearance was in "Batman" #1, shortly after the bat's own debut in "Detective Comics" a year earlier. When Insider arrived at the meeting location, Bruce talked about the "two-beating hearts" from the "Heart of Hush" story line. Newmar and Meriwether also appeared in the film. When she learns that Falcone murdered Annika due to her learning that he ratted out Sal Maroni to get him arrested, she attempts to kill him, but is stopped by Batman. After defeated Bane, Catwoman stole the money that was meant to negotiate with Bane. The script featured an African-American Selina Kyle/Catwoman in a prominent role.[36]. She was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, partially inspired by Kane's second cousin by marriage, Ruth Steel. Eventually, her search leads her to Hedare, who murders her husband and frames her for it. In the movie, "Batman: Year One," Selina Kyle works as a dominatrix in the slum of Gotham. However, Catwoman would make several appearances in Batmans comics and a sub-story would be written to explain what happened to Selina. CATWOMAN LOT OF 6 ISSUES (2012) from DC 52 COMICS! Batman followed her there and they ended up fighting when he revealed his pretense, as he thought that she had killed the mayor. Although nothing is definite the headstone of Selina Kyle is seen in Teen Titans #18 making it possible that she is Batman's future wife. Catwoman is played by three different actresses Julie Madison, Eartha Kitt and Lee Meriwether in its 1966 spinoff movie. Penguin is in the Lighthouse (he is using the objects to destroy Gotham). When Catwoman showed up, he kidnapped her and put an explosive collar on her neck. Several stories in the 1970s featured Catwoman committing murder, something that neither the Earth-One nor Earth-Two versions of her would ever do. Ted Grant informs Selina that Holly has been arrested for the murder of Black Mask; Selina infiltrates the police station and frees Holly. Catwoman's Revenge: Rocksteady Studio released a 15 minutes story game play for Catwoman. Anne Hathaway portrayed the character in the third installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. While a cool concept, it just is not Catwoman. Selina followed the ninja into a warehouse, which turned out to be a secret martial arts academy. Therefore Golden Age Selina continued her life on Earth-Two where it would be revealed that she reformed in the 1950s and marries Bruce Wayne. Catwoman is a fictional character appearing in Batman #1. Catwoman was adapted for Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures, set in the same continuity from the DC Animated Universe, voiced by Adrienne Barbeau. After defeating Bane, she assists Batman in dismantling Talia Al Ghul's vehicle convoy that protects a nuclear bomb. YouTube Short - Catwoman first appearance (batman arkham city) Undefeated skull Subscribe 80 Dislike 2 Share Grew my family in my 20s, now enjoying them in my 30s! However, due Filmation's The New Adventures of Batman development at that time, Catwoman was restricted to appear in the show. However Batman appears and saves Catwoman. I've done my homework. Since 2002's Hush storyline, Catwoman has often been depicted as an anti-hero and one of Batman's closest allies. Black Mask was reanimated as a member of the Black Lantern Corps (Black Mask wants revenge on Catwoman). During the course of history, Selina has is repeatedly assaulted and abused by the Joker. Following a disastrous burglary, however, she accepted an offer to "lay low" by posing as a dominatrix in the employ of a pimp named Stan. Catwoman is part of the roster of the game, DC Unchained. She was voiced by Adrienne Barbeau. Selina was able to escape (Catwoman v.1 #0) and return to the orphanage where she stole documents exposing the administrator's corruption and sent them to the authorities. For other uses, see Catwoman (Disambiguation). Holly Robinson is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with the superhero Batman.Holly Robinson is a frequent ally and sidekick of Catwoman.She was trained by Wildcat and her friend Selina Kyle, and temporarily became the new Catwoman following the birth of Selina's daughter.. "One Year Later" Selina Kyle is no longer Catwoman, has left the East End, and has given birth to a daughter named Helena (whose father is initially unknown). This femme fatale had no costume and no background. Batman and Catwoman are back to the museum, and they discover that Ventriloquist, deceived Catwoman (she served only as bait - for Ventriloquist steals animal camouflage). Penguin uses handcuffs (with explosives) to arrest Batman and Catwoman (both can not be separated) and Penguin has the key. In another episode, the Joker and Harley Quinn host a fictional TV show with Batman as their hostage and guest. Carmen admitted in an interview at the 2014 San Diego Comic Con that while she has seen some of the previous interpretations of Catwoman in films. In the end, Batman and Catwoman defeat Thomas Blake. She is a background character in the film. During Heart of Hush, Catwoman was attacked by Hush. Back in reality, Talia reveals to the Sirens that just a few hours prior, an unknown benefactor had offered up a massive reward to whoever could kidnap and deliver Catwoman to him, with the hopes that he could penetrate her mind and learn Batman's secret identity. She is part of a group sent to rescue a U.S. senator from the Eurasian assassin Cheshire; during the mission, she saves Lady Shiva, who was bound and gagged in the trunk of a car wired with explosives by Chesire. But to Hush's surprise, the new Catwoman has an ability to duplicate herself into eight copies. Their plan was to trick men into divulging information that might be used in future crimes. The character design and aspects adapted were similar to those used in the previous live-action television series: a focus on the character in costume, lack of a backstory, and use of the then-current green catsuit. Her mother was never close to Selina or her sister Maggie and would often rather spend time with her cats then her children. Catwoman's first Silver Age appearance was in Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #70 (November 1966); afterwards, she continued to make appearances across the various Batman comics. She can be played in her new 52 costume, her pre-new 52 costume, 1966 costume, and The Dark Knight Rises costume. As a young child, her mother would take her to her place of work, the Iceberg Lounge. According to this storyline, Selina trained under the Armless Master of Gotham, receiving education in martial arts and culture. Catwoman wakes up in chains, but Thomas Blake loose Catwoman (Thomas is interested in Catwoman, because Thomas is leader of a cult of Cats). Selina was taken in by "Mama Fortuna", the elderly leader of a gang of young thieves, and was taught how to steal. Together Selina and Ivy manage to rescue Harley from Elliot, but not before having to deal with an old associate of the Joker's who is posing as Joker trying to kill Harley for taking his place. Batman #62 revealed that Catwoman (after a blow to the head jogged her memory) is an amnesiac flight attendant who had turned to crime after suffering a prior blow to the head during a plane crash she survived (although in the final issue of The Brave and the Bold, she admits that she made up the amnesia story because she wanted a way out of the past life of crime). Sylvia attracted at least one client; Selina apparently never did. That's right! Batman wants to stop criminals, but Catwoman wants to commit crimes. Catwoman took revenge by stealing all of Hush's money, leaving him a video telling him that he was now penniless, and that she had survived, he having thought she was deceased. Catwoman, voiced by Zo Kravitz, is one of the the many villains assembled by the Joker to take over Gotham. In the film's climactic fight scene between Hedare and Catwoman, Hedare falls to her death. Selina then notices Ivy's plant, and smashes it into the ground. Below is the definitive list of appearances of Catwoman in chronological order. Catwoman is #51 on Wizard magazine's "100 Greatest Villains of All Time" list, #11 on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time" list, and #20 on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes". Inspired by the ninja or shinobi, master of stealth, agility, infiltration and espionage. The mission was a success and, after looking into the murders, Batman discovered Selina had taken the punishment for her good friend Holly Robinson, who had really committed the murders. In fact, it was the Dark Knight himself who inspired her to become the infamous cat burglar. Selina escapes and returns to the orphanage. The series does play somewhat on the relation between Batman and Catwoman. An arcade style video game created by Konami in 1993 based on the movie of the same name. Catwoman Believing that Carmine Falcone, the crime boss is her father, she enlisted the help of the Riddler to go to Rome with her. Ivy and Harley accept this answer for the moment, and Ivy tries to make amends by growing all manner of exotic fruits for Selina. Silver Age (1966). Catwoman has been played by several actresses; in the campy 1960s Batman TV series, Julie Newmar spent the most time filling out the curvaceous catsuit, with Eartha Kitt purring her way through several episodes. They excuse themselves go on their ways. Catwoman is a recurring character in the Batman: Arkham games, voiced by Grey DeLisle. With the majority of her remaining appearances focusing on her activities only as Catwoman, an origin for the character is never provided. Later, Selina goes to the mayor's funeral with Falcone. Dick and Selina share a toast to their family who were not with them that year (Bruce, Tim, Holly, Helena, Ivy and Harley). Selina Kyle is currently an unofficial member of the new Justice League of America led by Steve Trevor and Amanda Waller. 1/10 Catwoman First Appearance: Batman #1 (1940) By Bill Finger, Bob Kane & Jerry Robinson. Bane subsequently uses Bruce's prints to attack Gotham City's stock exchange and bankrupt Bruce with bogus stock trades. In this movie, Catwoman is seen working with Penguin, The Joker, and Riddler. Batman tries to remove the handcuffs. Her current costume has a more high tech look, with domino-shaped infra-red goggles on her cowl. Bruce and Dick have had . Catwoman would later consider this their first true meeting, as Bruce had fully realized himself as Batman. Catwoman is one of many Batman's allies to return to the second game. Holly, from Batman: Year One, and her sister Maggie (from Her Sister's Keeper) have appeared regularly in the Catwoman series. FANTASTIC SET OF COMICS AT A GREAT PRICE! His replacement were penciller Staz Johnson and inker Wayne Faucher, who changed the whole tone of the Catwoman series into a more darker and dramatic approach than the previous issues. Selina Kyle also known as Catwoman is a world-class cat burglar and mistress of disguise in search of a fresh start. After a series of clashes, Catwoman steals the utility belt of Batman and uses it to steal the jewel of the property owner (a Japanese mafia member). She remains as a street-smart pickpocket and donning a black outfit with goggles, but one of the largest changes for the series is that she's the sole eye witness, other than Bruce, to the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. As Catwoman, she assists Batman against Lex Luthor in the reconstruction of the city. She was trained by the Armless Master in martial arts, by Wildcat in boxing and street-fighting, and by Sensei in all major martial arts disciplines and the Sensei's special blend of martial arts form (see Catwoman Annual #2 - Catwoman Year One for more details). She met Bruce, and later fell in love with him. Catwoman attends Supergirl's welcome. With seconds to spare, Batman turns the power off just as Catwoman's head almost made it to the grinder. Catwoman said he could not change and that it should return what it was. Catwoman appears as a fighter in the 2009 crossover fighting game Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, and is classified as a villain in the game. Catwoman begins flirting with Batman, only to be saved from a sniper shot by Harley Quinn. It features Catwoman going against a bunch of thugs to save her friend, Holly Robinson. She steals documentary proof that they were embezzling money and also stole money to live on her own, she sent the documents to the police to expose them. That adaptation was limited to the alter ego, a costume design similar to the one used in the 1992 film Batman Returns, and adding the aspect of the character being a "metahuman". Zatanna gives no reason for her actions, but in a flashback it is shown that she had acted with the consent and aid of five of the seven JLA members who had helped her mindwipe Dr. Light and Batman. Selina broke into Vicki's apartment and started to take pictures of the Bat-wall; which had the information Insider (Bruce Wayne) and Oracle needed. She steals objects with feline names or motifs. Batman learns that Catwoman was bitten by Isis. [7] She forms a tenuous alliance with GCPD Detective Jim Gordon after he saves her from kidnappers working for the Dollmaker. To survive, Selina turned to . After stealing the contents of a safe belonging to the Falcone crime family, Selina returns home to find Kitrina Falcone, a teenaged escape artist and Carmine Falcone's long lost daughter, breaking into her room. In this series, Selina Kyle, joined by new supporting cast members Holly and Slam Bradley (a character from the early Golden Age DC Comics), becomes protector of the residents of Gothams East End, while still carrying out an ambitious career as a cat burglar. She is often considered his main love-interest. Despite this, she and Ivy appear to remain on good terms, as Catwoman later attended her bachelorette party in the episode "Bachelorette". Selina kills Stan to save her sister, and is able to do so with impunity. 11. The Batman (2004) sported some great redesigns of many classic Batman characters, but its Catwoman remains unparalleled. However, she ends up breaking up with him due to unresolved issues stemming from his parents murder. Selina returns home from her adventure to find that the mysterious movie aficionado Film Freak has deduced her alias, joined with Angle Man, and grabbed Helena. This incarnation of Catwoman is of African American descent and is said to be the "best burglar in all of Gotham." She is subsequently "released" when Bane takes control of Gotham. For this job, Selina infiltrates a Russian club by posing as the bartender. Selina arrives in time to help her sister flee into the sewers. She also steals the pearl necklace belonging to Bruce's deceased mother and takes a congressman hostage. Catwoman's first appearance is traced back to 1940, in Batman #1. Although the situation is defused through Holly's opportune arrival, the sight of two Catwomen active simultaneously in the city is caught on video. Selina is the older of two sisters (Maggie being the younger) born to Brian and Maria Kyle. In 2004, the feature film Catwoman was released. Also, she has been taught stealth, athletics, hot-wiring, lock-picking, thieving, acrobatics and the martial arts. In a backup storyline Trail of the Catwoman, by writer Ed Brubaker and artist Darwyn Cooke, private detective Slam Bradley attempts to find out what really happened to Selina Kyle. Annette Bening was originally cast in the role but dropped out due to pregnancy. 1ST APPEARANCE OF JOKER'S DAUGHTER! She was a very popular character but from September 1954 to November 1966 she took an extended hiatus due to newly developing Comic Code Authority in 1954. In the 1960s, Catwoman's bodysuit was green in color. [8] She promises to help him solve the Wayne murders if he helps her get out of trouble with the law. Batman asks Catwoman to infiltrate the violent tribe of Bana Amazons during The Amazons Attack! She defeats them and begins to crack the safe when she is knocked out by Two-Face. Selina Kyle appears in the mini series Kingdom Come. The Riddler, wanting to get at Batman tricked Catwoman into thinking that he had a job for her. Selina would easily rescue her daughter and would contact Zatanna to mind-wipe the two criminals so she's able to maintain her life unfettered. Still thinking that Selina adheres to a strict no-kill rule, Black Mask is caught by surprise when Selina shoots him in the head. In the self-titled 1989 series, Her Sisters Keeper, Catwoman has a dark gray body suit with a tail on her bottom and whiskers on her mask. Catwoman was being minded control by poison ivy who at the time was working with Hush. The initial episode featuring Catwoman establishes her as working as a charity fund raiser in her identity of Selina Kyle. Talia tries to kill Selina before vanishing, but she survives and ultimately reunites with Bruce, who had recently returned to the present. During the Road Home story arc, Catwoman was seen with her partners Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, keeping an eye on Vicki Vale. Two-Face is a supervillain appearing in comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as an adversary of the superhero Batman.The character was created by Bob Kane and first appeared in Detective Comics #66 (August 1942). The two form an alliance, approaching both Deathstroke and The Joker and recruiting them for the battle against the invading warriors. Catwoman was given a new on-going series after the success of the Batman Returns movie. Realizing that she could use the map to capture Black Mask and claim the 50 million dollar bounty on his head, Selina leaves Kitrina bound in a locked room so that she can keep the map for herself. As the Bat-signal later shines in the night sky, a figure wearing Catwoman's outfit watches it from afar, suggesting that she has survived. Credits begin to roll while Oracle sends out a distress call. nanaNightwing13 1st Appearance of Catwoman. Although Catwoman doesn't play a major role, allot of her gear can be found through out the asylum, with her bolas found in a basement level, and her night-vision goggles and whip held in a trophy room near the Wardens office. Before accepting Selina's idea, Ivy secretly paid a visit to Zatanna through her plants, to find out if she had anything to do with Selina's weakness. The only loss he understood was material, so she broke in and stole all of his possessions. The costume created for the series was similar to the green catsuit appearing in the comics at the time, though it was constructed by Newmar from black Lurex fabric. She noticed that Batman was bleeding when she saw a trail of blood and it immediately triggered something in her mind: if someone can don a costume and have everyone either be happy or terrified to see him, she can do the same too. While there, she meets with a paid for hired assassin named "Blondie" to show her around Rome. She is then shown hanging over a vat of acid by her feet in the Gotham courthouse. Harley's phone is next to it. The movie alludes to other women who have been granted such cat-like abilities, particularly in a scene in which Patience is introduced to a series of photos of prior Catwomen, including Pfeiffer's Batman Returns version of Selina Kyle. While Batman may have been born in 1939, the next two decades would start to shape him into the hero we know and love today, introducing key members of the Bat-Family like Robin, Alfred and the on-again-off-again love of Bruce Wayne's life, In the Catwoman: Year One story (Catwoman Annual #2, 1988), Selina (now an adult) achieved some success as a thief. The bandies appear, but Catwoman escapes. In the Golden Age of Comics, Selina Kyle was a flight attendant who had been struck in the head after her plane had crashed; she survived but unfortunately became amnesiac. & Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Batman: The Brave and the Bold The Videogame, "Catching up with the original Catwoman, Julie Newmar", "Julie Newmar: The Very Last How to Book - Biography", "What We Learned from the Script for Gotham's First Episode", "Gotham: Why Camren Bicondova Won't Appear in the Series Finale", "Camren Bicondova Talks GOTHAM, the Audition Process, Becoming Part of the DC Universe, Delving into the Origins of Catwoman, and More", "Super '70s and '80s: "Super Friends" Darrell McNeil, animator", "The World's Finest - The DC Animation Resource", "Holy reunion! She has no lines in the movie. When Selina finally returns home, she discovers Film Freak and Angle Man in her home and have abducted Helena. for playing the role.For this video I included all the Catwoman scenes and 2 scenes with Selina Kyle.-Wanna know more about that scene? see more masked women in action? ", This is an upcoming maquette by sideshow and it costs $259.99. Catwoman appears a playable character (as DLC), with her own story line while Batman continues through the story line. The plot involves Talia al Ghul hiring Catwoman to help steal an ancient crystal skull from the Gotham City Museum. But to catch him Catwoman seeks the help of Detective Alvarez who is willing to help her but in the end he gets kidnapped by Dollhouse and Catwoman has to save him. Knowing that the real Bruce is dead, and that the man with Harley is really Thomas Elliot (Hush), Selina takes Ivy to the restaurant where the picture was taken. Batman followed Joker to her house, but Joker had already left. He approaches her, and they talk before being interrupted by Bane. He believes that Catwoman knew who Batman was under the mask and she would tell him if she was under the influence of the gases. Slam reveals that he has figured out who the father was, and it was actually Slams son, Sam Bradley. Batman learns that Catwoman and Penguin work together. Using the Batpod, Selina destroys the blockade at the tunnel leading out of Gotham. Much later in the story, it resumes to Catwoman's story. Apparently, Maria had committed suicide by cutting her wrists with a razor blade. Selina then obtains an abandoned animal shelter as their new home from a man calling himself The Broker. She considers her options, maybe enlisting Penguin to bribe the guards to give her a code, or Killer Croc to simply smash the door down, when she remembers where Poison Ivy's base is in Arkham City. She appears as a villain of Batman, who works with the Joker. Soon afterwards she disappears and is believed to have been killed by the assassin Deathstroke, ending her series at #94. When Catwoman made her first Silver Age appearance in the pages of Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #70 she was sporting a costume similar to the last one she wore in the Golden Age, trading in the purple dress portion for a sleek black catsuit.. 10. [3] This was retconned in 1983. A change in editorial team at that point, however, brought a swift end to that story line and, apparently, all that transpired during the arc. Catwoman gets cornered by guards in the vault, and Hugo Strange begins taunting her. When Selina saw a passed artifact that she stole a long time back, it gave her a good feeling to remember what it was like to be chased by Batman. to Batwoman to honor her new allegiance. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place!, Wizard magazine's 100 Greatest Villains of All Time list: Catwoman ranked, IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time list: Catwoman ranked, IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time list: Catwoman ranked. During the Hush storyline, Catwoman works with Batman together and they began a romantic relationship. Catwoman decides to go to Paris (she is in a room surrounded by valuable jewelry). West, Ward in 'Batman' film", "Michelle Pfeiffer on Her Hollywood Hiatus and Return to Superhero Films", "Michelle Pfeiffer Would Play Catwoman Again", "Michelle Pfeiffer Would Play Catwoman In The Flash Movie If Asked", "Seagal on the pulpit may be too much for WB", "Anne Hathaway to Play Selina Kyle in The Dark Knight Rises", "Adam West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar return for animated Batman movie", "DC's 'Injustice' Sets Cast for Animated Movie (Exclusive)", "LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - Catwoman (1966, Pre-52, Standard) Gameplay and Unlock Locations", "New Lego game lets you team up with Joker, Harley Quinn and other DC bad guys", "Get A Load Of Catwoman Clawing It Up In Injustice: Gods Among Us",, "E3 2016: Batman: The Telltale Series' First Screens, Cast Revealed", "Mortal Kombat 11's New DC Comics Skins: Where Each of Them is from", "Infinite Crisis - Behind the Voice - Grey DeLisle-Griffin as Catwoman", "DC Legends: Catwoman - The Princess of Plunder Hero Spotlight", "Traveling superhero-themed exhibit comes to Lynchburg College", "Men of Steel, Women of Wonder Debuts at San Antonio Museum of Art", "#MigrantHeroes honoured in Dulce Pinzon photos", "New exhibit at LSU Museum of Art reflects the struggles of Latin American people", "Lenny Campello | Washington Glass Studio", "Results from the Miami Art Fairs a few Months Ago", Bat-Manga! 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