carol avenger danvers

I was hesitant to step back into a comic book store, but the creation of a Ladies Night that met at my local shop and the announcement that Carol Danvers was going to be Captain Marvel seemed like a sign. The Avengers defeated the Brood but unknown to them a Kree Sentry appeared on Earth. Buena Vista Records announced the details for the soundtrack in June 2011 Carol fled the scene of the murder and fought her own Operation: Lightning Storm colleagues, and the Skrull impersonating her. The first issue, written by Brian Michael Bendis and penciled by David Finch, was dated January 2005 but appeared in November 2004. WebThe Red Skull is an alias used by several supervillains appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and its predecessor Timely Comics.The first version, George Maxon, appeared in Captain America Comics #1 and #4. "[148] George Marston of Newsarama said, "Carol Danvers is just about the most powerful woman in the Marvel Universe and is arguably the publisher's top female hero. Danvers assists in subduing him when he reveals that he has destroyed the Infinity Stones to prevent his mission from being undone. Carol angrily quit the Avengers before they could discipline or help her, and she relocated to Seattle. Afterwards while flying, she crashes into the Omni-Carrier where she meets other versions of Carol Danvers who help her on to the Omni-Carrier as she finds that her visions are real. This proved to be lethal to Carol as she would have died if it wasn't for Reed Richards using Tanalth Universal Weapon to restart her heart. "[83], During the 2015 "Secret Wars" storyline, Danvers headlined her own tie-in series, Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps co-written by DeConnick and Kelly Thompson and drawn by Lpez. Moved by Mar-Vells actions, Carol took the Captain Marvel codename as a tribute and she adopted a brand-new costume as well. If anything, Captain Marvel reads like marvel's take on Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica. Captain Marvel and Thor rounded out the top three. After Fear Itself, the team lineup shifts, initially with the addition of Daredevil to the team and later with Jessica Jones leaving the team out of fear for her baby Danielle's safety. [102], During a writing session, she got a short vision of her being in Supremor's chamber on Kree-Lar. "[159] Marco Vito Oddo and Jason Robbins of Collider said, "Captain Marvel, like Thor, is even more powerful in the comics than on the big screen. This includes the presumed-dead Mockingbird, wife of Clint Barton (Ronin), with whom she reunites. (Advanced Idea Mechanics), a former super-villain group which has been rebranded as the Avengers Idea Mechanics, and their field team which has taken the name of the New Avengers. Yon-Rogg, her mentor and commander, trains her to control her abilities while the Supreme Intelligence, the artificial intelligence that rules the Kree, urges her to keep her emotions in check. After a great realization, Karla was able to will out Donovan from her mind thus completely merging Donovan and Carol together. The third was written by Jonathan Hickman and depicted a group of characters called the Illuminati (formerly introduced in New Avengers Vol. Face down the Multiversal Masters of Evil with the Avengers, witness the start of Sins of Sinister, and more in this week's comics! In a session, he used hypnosis to prod her mind, and found out that the Psyche-Magnitron had altered her. Rick Jones got cold feet about throwing in with A.I.M. Danvers is depicted as a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot who was given superhuman abilities when a light-speed engine test went wrong and she was exposed to the cosmic energy of the Tesseract. An Avenger that has gone by several different codenames has just chosen a new one. Her crossbow was developed for her by Hawkeye (Clint Archer) of the Judgment League Avengers. [182], The tension between Carol and Tony increased after Carol's use of Ulysses resulted in tragedy in two different instances. Carols life took a turn for the worse when she was kidnapped and abducted to the realm known as Limbo. [1] However, when the Kleaner resurfaced shortly afterwards and Carol joined forces with her mother to fight it, Marie was fatally injured and died moments later in Carol's arms. Aliases [137][138][139][140] Her regenerative healing factor allows her to have a form of decelerated aging and longevity. Marcus brainwashed Carol into loving him, and then returned her to Earth where she would give birth to a new physical body for Marcus himself. [6] In Uncanny X-Men series by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum, Danvers forgoes her identity as Ms. Marvel and subsequently uses the name Binary after being experimented by the alien race the Brood which gives her the ability to generate the power of a star. Psylocke restored Rogue's and Wolverine's mutant powers. During the fight Carol revealed herself to She-Hulk, confusing her which allowed Carol to defeat her. to hunt down the Illuminati.[42]. [180] Captain Marvel found a possible answer to her worries in the form of a newly-developed Inhuman called Ulysses Cain who possessed the power of precognition with an extreme degree of accuracy. However, Photon has a connection to Monica's mother, Maria Rambeau as well. Additionally, DeConnick and Thompson write a hierarchy that depends on obedience and trust, with Danvers enticed to follow orders throughout the issue. Shes patriotic and she is an actual captain in the Air Force. [160], Carol accompanied the rest of the Mighty Avengers to the Savage Land when a Skrull ship was tracked there. Afterwards she had Star send to the Raft, and the people trusted in Carol again. A short time later, Carol found herself working alongside the New Avengers. Danvers removes the Kree implant that suppressed her powers during their conversation, allowing her to reach her full potential. [54] Over the years, Carol's father became increasingly apprehensive for potential retaliation from the Kree for Mari-Ell's desertion, causing him to drink and become abusive. Shortly thereafter, Captain America is seemingly assassinated. Demanding answers, Carol went to Minerva's current location only to find a badly damaged Minerva with the words "You're not as smart as you think you are." [255], In the pages of "Avengers: Forever", a variation of Carol Danvers has a vision of different variants of herself like a World War II version of herself, a prehistoric version of herself, and the Earth-616 version of herself. This is the best of the old and the new, and while you might come for the Carol you used to know, you'll end up staying for the revolutionary who's yet to come"[249][250], In the 1995 "Age of Apocalypse" storyline, a powerless Carol Danvers helps Logan and Gateway escape at the price of her life, only to be "healed" and used by Donald Pierce as a living weapon against her friends. "[214] Fangrrls Staff of Syfy included Captain Marvel #1 in their "favorite comics of the decade" list, asserting, "There's no question that Kelly Sue DeConnick is the reason that Carol Danvers is the person we know and love today. "[59] Christian Blauvelt of IndieWire also criticized the negative comments made against the character and the movie, saying that "Its fascinating that a certain, very secure, social media obsessed contingent of male fandom, empowered by being given both a platform and relative anonymity, has appeared so very threatened by Captain Marvel. Reality Reed gets it. The Avengers planned to use Cap's shield to break the energy field, but Danvers instead flew to space to separate Rogg from his power source, which worked. [110] Following her return at Woman Magazine, she was removed as editor by her boss and publisher J. Jonah Jameson. During their trip, they found a young mutant being attacked by the anti-mutant group M-Squad. She's grown past her Ms. Marvel days and into an icon and powerhouse in the upper echelon of Marvel heroes, but the same normal human being is at the center, and this couldn't be a better reminder of why we fell in love with her in the first place. But the Carol Corps, DeConnick, and the character they love are also pushing back against a history of the comic book industry neglecting some of its characters, its readers, and the very women who make comic books. "[150] Mey Rude of Autostraddle wrote, "Over the past few years Captain Marvel has been gaining a huge following and that following is especially passionate and vocal on the internet. Star-Lord, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, And Doctor Doom Take A Final Journey To The Wastelands! As Binary, Carols connection to the power of a white hole allows her to generate and control any form of radiation or gravity, as well as the ability to survive and travel in space without the protection of a spacesuit. Accomplished Author: Carol has published several books. In the Bermuda Triangle on her first mission with the mutants, Carol was on a yacht with Professor X, Dr. Moira MacTaggert, and Dr. Peter Corbeau, they were searching for the previous X-Men leader Cyclops who went missing at sea. "[60] Amanda Finn of feminist magazine Ms. stated, "From the get go, Captain Marvel was going to have a hell of a time pleasing male fans, especially after the (debunked!) [22], Carol sided with Iron Man and the Registration Act during the Civil War. [177], Eight months later, Carol was subsequently recruited by the Alpha Flight Space Program to work as the commander of the Alpha Flight Low-Orbit Space Station, the Earth's first line of defense. [82] She correlated Captain Marvel's betrayal to Lawson's erratic behavior and gave the order to arrest Lawson as well. Alexandra Daniels voices alternate reality versions of the character in the Disney+ animated series What If? Film actors, cast and characters that have appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films . Danvers disgraces herself during the "Live Kree or Die" storyline[42] and is suspended from active duty. She made her first [140], Back at the X-Men outback hideout, in an underground cave, Psylocke fought Rogue and Colossus in a training session. [69][70], Marvel Cinematic Universe fictional character, "Captain Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe)" redirects here. [1], Six years after Mar-Vell's death, Carol Danvers succeeded Mar-Vell's position on her mission of helping the Skrulls find a new place to live and help them get away from the Kree.[1]. Scarlet Witch was ranked the strongest. After seeing Khan's bedroom, full of Captain Marvel merchandise, Danvers becomes worried and abruptly leaves. But the film rights to most of Marvel Comics' most famous superheroines Rogue, Storm, Jean Grey, Sue Storm and others are held by 20th Century Fox. [39], After several more team and solo appearances[40] she rejoins the Avengers[41] with the new alias Warbird (created by writer Kurt Busiek and artist George Prez). When they walked towards the data banks, they ran into Rogue. [133], Carol visited her parents in Beverly, but despite Professor X's best efforts to restore her memory she still felt empty around them. Before they can fight again, Frigga intervenes, prompting Thor to quickly repair the damages he and his partygoers conflicted across the planet; he and Danvers reconcile. Following a quick fight with Carina, she committed suicide. She said the series would contemplate what Captain Marvel's legend means to Danvers, how she will wield it, and how the rest of the Marvel Universe reacts. He ordered Carol to bring to him every member of the Avengers, threatening to detonate explosives within all of the Kree refugees' camps. Seconds later, a Shi'ar fast hunter group closed in on their location.[139]. Captain Marvel is assisted in the fight against the Ultron Sentinels by Captain Britain and MI-13. [55][56] Some have been critical of the character suffering from the "Superman problem," calling her "overpowered" and "unrelatable," with concerns raised over how to convincingly write the character into established MCU plotlines without turning her into a Mary Sue. (2021). She's one of Marvel Comics' strongest, most reliable, and most relatable characters. At the height of the groups popularity and engagement, it felt like the Carol Corps was everywhere. The film was directed Issue #1 is mostly grounded on Earth, but it does open up a bit to present an intriguing mystery. [217], When Carol received a distress signal from the Blue Area of the Moon, she, alongside the Avengers, went there and was greeted by Swordsman and Quoi, who told them about the threat that the Kree/Skrull Alliance posed to the Cotati and Earth. Station: Golgotha, Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane, 1365 appearance(s) of Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 32 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 239 minor appearance(s) of Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 149 mention(s) of Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 18 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 2118 image(s) of Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 150 quotation(s) by or about Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 3 victim(s) killed by Carol Danvers (Earth-616), 8 item(s) used/owned by Carol Danvers (Earth-616), Spotlight On Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) at, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 7, At the time that she lost her memories (due to. [113][114][115], Ms. Marvel was invited to join the team during the Scarlet Witch's leave of absence. [35] They joined the Black Swan and Terrax the Enlightened as Illuminati prisoners. Faster! As forces gathered the Infinity Stones together, Carol was once again drawn into an intergalactic conflict. [274], Danvers and her New Ultimates battled Nick Fury and his Avengers while each side accused the other of being traitors to S.H.I.E.L.D. [262], In the Marvel Zombies universe (Earth-2149), Carol Danvers and the other Avengers disregard the seemingly crazed ramblings of Ash Williams, only for his warnings to prove true as she is attacked and infected by the more powerful, zombified Sentry mere minutes after, turning Carol into a zombie with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. An intense confrontation ensued during which Ms. Marvel's powers are temporarily disabled, forcing her to fight the Brood Queen as Carol Danvers. The Life of Captain Marvel #1 embraces what Captain Marvel has become, both as a character and as a hero in fans' eyes, and it's a story you don't want to miss. [126][127] She can travel into space without oxygen. During her fight with Karla, Carol removed the moonstone from Karla's body leaving her powerless. Thompson and company's Captain Marvel brings all the elements you loved about Carol and adds a few new wrinkles of her own. Before her 2012 run, Carol was known as Ms. Marvel, and Captain Mar-Vell was a Kree man who fought to keep earth safe. Fed by Una's jealousy against Danvers, the alien brutally attacked her. Nick Fury accompanied Meanwhile, Fury drafts an initiative to locate and bring together heroes like Danvers. Attack of the feminist superheroes", "Our 15 Favorite Female Superheroes, Ranked", "How Carol Danvers Became Marvel's Biggest Female Hero", "8 Badass Women of Marvel We Cannot Stop Fangirling Over! [11][12] However, push-back from Marvel's then Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter instead set a precedent for stories centred on the theme of victimization, with some of her most formative arcs involving alcoholism, torture, brainwashing, identity/power theft, kidnapping, and rape. 2019'sCaptain Marvelstarred Lashana Lynch as Maria Rambeau, best friend to Brie Larson's Carol Danvers. as well. However, Carols life was complicated by the Psyche-Magnitrons changes to her mind and body. "[40] Shana O'Neil of The Verge stated Captain Marvel depicts Carol Danvers as one of Marvels strongest superheroes and called her "an admirable person, one with good friends and goals worth fighting for. During their search, Professor X suddenly lost telepathic contact with the rest of the X-Men. "[46] Hemal Jhaveri of USA Today ranked the relationship between Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau 10th in their "Best relationships in the Marvel Cinematic Universe" list, stating, "As much as I love all things MCU, it is criminal that there are hardly any strong relationships between women in any of the movies until 2019s Captain Marvel. [56] Danvers enters into a relationship with fellow member Wonder Man,[57] appears in a crossover series with the Transformers,[58] and becomes leader of the Mighty Avengers. [39] Eventually, she was tasked to be a head of security at NASA, when it was infiltrated by a Kree soldier named Captain Mar-Vell. Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. When head of NASA security Carol Danvers was exposed to a powerful alien device, she transformed into the mighty cosmic powered hero, Captain Marvel! This energy is controlled by the intelligence known as Xorn (who once posed as Magneto) and uses the energy-wielder Michael Pointer as a host. One group of people has made tulle brooches. 'Wasp' #1 First Look Pits Janet & Nadia Against a Classic Super Villain. The American Kaiju was defeated by forcing it back into human form. "[158] Jo-Anne Rowney of Daily Mirror referred to Carol Danvers as one of the "best female superheroes of all time," asserting, "Before Captain Marvel got her own movie care of Brie Larson the wider cinema going public may not have heard of her, which was a crying shame. Meanwhile, the X-Men gained access, in space, the enemy numbers began to take their toll, and Carol was overwhelmed and neutralized. Upon her return, she angrily confronted the Avengers, expressing her resentment towards them for falling for Marcus' lies and manipulation of her, allowing him to effectively kidnap her for future defilement at his hands. From the looks of things, we will be seeing a lot of identity parallels as Captain Marvel refocuses and finds herself with both a shape-shifter using her likeness, and a television show skewering it for commercial consumption. However, Wolverine realized that the Queen claimed there was an embryo which imperiled Earth - and that could only be Charles Xavier. This isnt explored in the films, but she can tether herself to a white hole to gain even more power. Date of Death Mar-Vell was a Kree scientist who used to live on Earth where she worked with the United States Air Force in the framework of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., using the name Wendy Lawson. It's nothing you'll expect and nothing you've seen happen, but there will be parts of her life that change the context of what you've seen before, so it's telling the other side of the story, of how she came to be." WebCaptain America: The Winter Soldier is a 2014 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.It is the sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and the ninth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). [163] She recovered and fought bravely, killing many Skrulls and several Super-Skrulls, while saving as many people as she could before leading the Skrulls away from a group of survivors being driven by Agent Sum to the Raft for safety. Suddenly a new super hero going by the name of Star helped Carol defeat one of the Krakens. [275] After Stark is killed, Fury replaced Danvers as director. This allowed her to do things like invent a serum that transformed her into a water breather to pursue Tiger Shark. Binary and Raza for their part, retrieve theirs from an insectoid swamped planet named Ch"rp, despite their disagreements on how to proceed. A Kree scientist known as Doctor Eve inserted herself into Carols life as a psychiatrist and used Beans effect on Carol to disrupt her powers. In a battle with the power-absorbing mutant Rogue, Danvers lost virtually all of her Ms. Marvel abilities,[45] leaving her with only her augmented genetic structure. "[164] Caitlin Rosberg of Polygon said, " Comics has never been a particularly welcoming space for new fans, especially if they arent white and male. [79] Editor Lauren Sankovitch said that Marvel editors liked DeConnick's work and that adding her to the team would "get some lady power in the Avengers lineup". [191] However, the Shield's creation was a ploy by Captain America, who had been secretly supplanted by a Hydra-loyalist doppelganger. The riot is quelled, although 42 inmates escape. It was revealed in an examination performed by Corbeau, that when she gained superpowers, her genetic structure was permanently altered, she remained a perfect specimen despite being stripped of her powers. [192], Captain America made a Chitauri invasion coincide with other incidents that allowed him to take power over the United States of America. Since S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite the setback, Carol graduated from high school at the top of her class and enlisted in the United States Air Force when she turned eighteen. An added middle segment with spoofs of classic comic strips makes for a nice break in terms of reading and the adults likely reading these comic to their children. After Kamala revealed Carol's Kree heritage to Wastrel, he used his Uni-Band to escape. [113][114][115] She is able to manipulate gravity. However, when Carol checked the creature, she found an unconscious Kree in the pilot seat and being a hero with moral tried to help him. The team moves to Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, recruiting the resurrected Clint Barton (now using the name and costume of Ronin). After the fall of Osborn, Carol was once again an Avenger. When Carol is in charge of Operation: Lightning Storm, she takes Spider-Girl/Araa (Anya Corazon) under her wing and accepts Machine Man as her teammate. "[200], According to Marvel Comics, Giant-Size Ms. Marvel #1 sold out in February 2006. Scientific Knowledge: Having been given memories equivalent to a Kree Captain by the Psyche-Magnitron, Carol has extensive knowledge of the technologically advanced vehicles and devices of the Kree Empire similar to Mar-Vell. We had one of the bigger halls at the convention, and Captain Marvel fans filled the entire space. [199] She kidnapped Carol and took her to this universe's Hala, where she planned to have Hala Child Nine possess Danvers' body and make her use the Reality Stone to bring this intact Hala to replace the destroyed Hala from the Prime Marvel Universe. [50] It is significantly altered to feature Hawkeye and Black Widow as the main featured characters due to their appearance and relationship in the Avengers movie, replacing Sentry and Wolverine in the story. During the events of Civil War II, the New Avengers assist A.I.M. Thats the kind of energy that makes her such a cool icon. [106], Carol, along with the psychic-sensitive Avengers, tried locating their unknown enemy but to no avail. In the same issue, Captain America leaves. [147] They split up in order to find the four missing pieces of the map, which were spread around Shi'ar space. Barton is depicted as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Even before she received her flight and energy-beam superpowers in an alien explosion, Carol Danvers was an Air Force pilot who could and probably would kick your butt. Namor's kingdom was destroyed by Proxima Midnight during Thanos's invasion,[36] and Black Panther was cast out of Wakanda for his alliance with Namor, with whom his sister Shuri was at war. and M.O.D.O.K., amongst others. Rossi also betrayed Carol to Norman Osborn and delivered her to Rashid, after he had been enhanced with powers of his own. The announcement of Monica Rambeau's first solo series alluded to another new codename for the Avenger, and another Marvel limited series officially confirms it. Black Panther 2 End Credits Scene Explained, announcement of Monica Rambeau's first solo series, codename Monica Rambeau will go by in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Her next MCU appearance is scheduled to be, Marvel Confirms an Avenger Is Officially Changing Their Codename, Nintendo Switch Online Subscribers Have a New Free N64 Surprise, Nintendo Switch Makes Best Game of 2022 Lowest Price Ever, HBO Max Pulling Gordita Chronicles From Its Platform, Some PlayStation Plus Subscribers Are Getting a Major Downgrade This Month, PS4 Players Slam PlayStation Over Controversial Decision, Popular PS3 and Xbox 360 Games Shutting Down Soon, Wednesday: Jenna Ortega Had to Change One Costume for a Wild Reason. No longer cleared for flying due to her supposed amnesia, Carol was recruited by Rossi into Air Force Special Operations. So, though it has its fault, Captain Marvel #1 gives us a grand taste of a potentially fantastic Carol Danvers story to come. Afterwards, she and all of the female prisoners returned to their lives.[205]. [50], The character was then featured as "Captain Marvel" in a false reality created by the mutant Scarlet Witch in the 2005 miniseries House of M.[51] In this reality, Danvers' had glimpsed at her potential, becoming its greatest hero. She later watched Senator Robert Kelly demonizing the X-Men on a talk show. [54] The story also continues in Ms. Marvel's own title as the character battles the anti-registration heroes led by Captain America. Corsair was already dissatisfied with her attitude in general. written in Minerva's own blood on the wall. [22][23][24] Carol Danvers is portrayed as a thirteen-year-old by Mckenna Grace,[22][25][26] and as a six-year-old by London Fuller. There's an instant, a fraction of a second before the world catches hold of her again a moment when she's outrun every doubt and fear she's ever had about herself and she, Before the Fantastic Four: Ben Grimm and Logan, Marvel Avengers: The Ultimate Character Guide, United States Air Force (Earth-616)/Members, Alpha Flight (Space Program) (Earth-616)/Members, Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (Earth-616)/Members, Guardians of the Galaxy (Earth-616)/Members, Mighty Avengers (Initiative) (Earth-616)/Members, Operation: Lightning Storm (Earth-616)/Members, United States Department of Homeland Security (Earth-616)/Members, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Earth-616)/Members, Killed by Progenitor (Celestial) (Earth-616), Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton), Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Long Range, Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter, Floating Super-Hero Poker Game participants, Avengers Tower/S.H.I.E.L.D. It is both an improvement and a solid standard for superhero comics aimed at capturing those just learning to read any media. [166][167] The attraction Avengers Assemble: Flight Force is a theme park ride based on the MCU iterations of Carol Danvers and Tony Stark, who serve as the protagonists of the attraction's lore. [151] Magneto dubbed her as Captain Marvel after winning the Mutant-Human war. With the loss of the station, Alpha Flight was placed on indefinite paid leave until reconstruction of the base was finished. It took years for Carol to recover from her ordeal, but she finally achieved her dream of space exploration and traveled far from Earth. In that story, Danvers is revealed to have returned to Earthcourtesy of Immortus's technology after Marcus continued to age and die of old agebut is attacked by the mutant Rogue, who permanently absorbs the character's abilities and memories. It has been noted that "Danvers' initial appearances portrayed her as a strong character, but that changed over timeeven after she gained super powers. [101], But before the assailant could execute her, she was saved by the Avengers. During this conflict, Canadian mutant Wolverine joins the team (while maintaining concurrent membership in the X-Men). If it keeps us safe, that's fine. Sure, there's a Captain America in the corner, and a Bucky here and there, but mostly, these fans are dressed as a different Captain: Carol Danvers, who in 2012 became Captain Marvel. Returning home, she received a present that contained a baby iguana as a token of gratitude. Danvers originated as a comic book character in Marvel Super-Heroes #13 (March 1968) by writer Roy Thomas and artist Gene Colan. Carol would black out and turn into the amnesiac Kree warrior named Ms. Marvel, instantaneously donning a costume which the Psyche-Magnitron had created for her to ease her body's changes. [112][118] Although the link to the white hole was eventually severed, Danvers retains her Binary powers on a smaller scale, enabling her to both absorb energy and project it in photonic form. Now, Carol is the latest warrior to embrace the mantle of Captain Marvel, and she has taken her place as one of the worlds mightiest heroes. On the other side of the bazaar, they rescued one of Xavier's students, Magik, from a nearby slave den. American She summoned a press release and had Harry Osborn tell the reporters the truth that Norman was a horrible person for experimenting on himself and killing his mother. After Computer Graham and Magic Boots Mel are killed in battle, Captain Marvel and Captain Britain sacrifice their lives to stop the Ultron Sentinels that were invading London. Carols career at NASA was devastated by the ongoing incursions and attacks. 1: In Pursuit of Flight and Captain Marvel Volume 2: Down 4.5 out of 5 stars, stating, "Captain Marvel is one of those iconic, all-American heroes. In the turmoil of the internal conflict, M.O.D.O.K. Female Now known as Warbird, she eventually rejoined the team. Origin and Living Status [67][68] She also reprises her role in the theme park attraction Avengers Assemble: Flight Force in Disneyland Paris. Seldom do female characters get to fail without being utterly villainized for their growing process, and the ability to put ego aside and learn from her mistakes is what makes Carol one of the most important characters in Marvels canon. Captain America declares fate has brought this group together, just as it had the original Avengers. The tension ran high, and the teams had a brief scramble, but they dropped hostilities when the Imperial Guard attacked. The Avengers manage to separate the two after the Collective/Xorn attempts to re-power Magneto. [53], Carol Danvers was born to Joe Danvers Sr., a former U.S. Navy officer and construction worker,[54] and Mari-Ell, a captain in the Kree Army. That being said, she still has a job to do as commander of the Alpha Flight. [222] Following the defeat of the Empyre, Carol gave the mantle of Accuser to her sister, and participated in the wedding of Teddy and Billy. Following the crisis, she administered an antidote to Captain Marvel to relieve him from the deadly effects of Compound 13. It sparked the creation of the so-called Carol Corps: a loose confederation of hundreds of women (and men, though theyre not the main event) who gather online and at conventions to celebrate Carol Danvers, feminism, and the joy of reading superhero comics. WebFeature films. During the 2018 "Infinity Countdown" storyline, Carol Danvers of the main timeline sees some alternate universes of herself: In Warp World, a copy of the Marvel Universe folded in half during the Infinity Wars storyline, Carol Danvers was fused with Justice Peace, creating Captain Peace. [104] She has a precognitive "seventh sense" similar to a form of cosmic awareness,[14][105] and a perfectly amalgamated human/Kree physiology that rendered her resistant to most toxins and poisons. She became an instrumental member of the team when it became a global strike force. [92] After being left in a pile of rubble following a fight with Gor-Tok, Carol was abducted by A.I.M., who had previously observed Carol's exploits and became interested in copying her alien powers. "[248] Matthew Mueller of gave Captain Marvel #1 a grade of 5 out of 5, asserting, "Carol has won fans over the years because underneath the impressive set of powers and cool costume is someone simply trying not to screw up and be the best hero she can be. The film Six months later, with the Fantastic Four and the X-Men unable to act, the supervillain Electro shuts down power at the Raft, a "maximum-maximum security" prison for super-powered criminals, allowing for a mass breakout. A loosely organized group called the "yarn brigade" sends Captain Marvel-inspired knitwear to any fan in need of comfort or warmth. She used her newfound powers to restart the anti-matter drive. [14], Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said Larson was cast because of her ability to balance the character's vast powers with her humanity. [38], As the chief leader of the Alpha Flight Space Program,[50] Captain Marvel was the protagonist of the Second Superhuman Civil War, being put in direct conflict with her teammate and rival Tony Stark, the Invincible Iron Man. Norman Osborn (who has been Spider-Man's archenemy as the Green Goblin) is placed in control of H.A.M.M.E.R. That changed in the aftermath of a Kree attack, with a mind-altering device which backfired and unified Carols two personas. As Carol started winning Rogue began decomposing. Immediately afterward, Carol fainted and changed into Ms. Marvel in front of him and left, and he was later unable to relay the discovery to Carol. Carol is really meant to be a soldier and a commander, and also a diplomat. Carol conceded understanding but not approval and left. [3] The series ended with The New Avengers #64 (April 2010), at the conclusion of the "Siege" storyline. [96] Eventually she accepted an offer from Arabella Jones and got herself a new home in Greenwich Village. Somehow, they connected Carol to a white hole, and she emerged more powerful than ever before. A young Kree girl nicknamed Bean has also earned her place in Carols heart. Now, she wears his exact same costume, no high heels or deep-V's added. 's Project Gemini and made dead clones of the Avengers in order to trick Vox. When some mysterious men were stealing Kree technology from Damage Control's warehouses, Captain Marvel, alongside Ms. Marvel, began investigating the thefts. Carol had no choice but to assume her counterpart's identity,[197] which brought her into conflict with Widower and the Ravagers, a rival pirate gang led by her "nemesis" Lord Starkill (Peter Quill). She heeded their words but was still determined to execute her plan. She drives him into the planet's core in an attempt to destroy him, but is killed when Ultron unleashes the Stones' full power. Further! 's headquarters in order to gain more intel on Deathbird, but she found herself in the middle of two warring A.I.M. in order to hunt down the Illuminati. In the subsequent battle, Fury retrieves Goose, who is revealed to be an alien called a Flerken. [84] Their standoff was broken off prematurely by Iron Man, who had been controlled by the Puppet Master. The New Avengers is a spin-off of the long-running Marvel Comics series The Avengers. Carol's name comes from Car-Ell, which means "Champion" in Kree. Captain Marvel and the other heroes were later transported by Strange to confront the Cabal after a distress call was sent to him by one member of the Thor Corps, and after this Doom, himself appeared to quell the fighting. He was soon called Captain Marvel by the public and recognized as a hero. And that certainly has its appeals. Before she could do so, Yon-Rogg shot her in the chest, killing her. She fought with Ava Ayala in Rome, causing the Tiger Gods from the two amulets to merge into one, leaving Del Toro with the powers of the White Tiger and Ava powerless. Carol took on the identity of Ms. Marvel and even fought alongside Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel and the Avengers. And of course she's lost a lot of folks that she's loved so she has to cope with that, too. [2] In a later story, Danvers is caught in the explosion of a Kree device after trying to get close to Captain Marvel. The Shadow King took control of Carol and sent her after Rogue. Volume 4 of New Avengers launched in October 2015 as a part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel relaunch, written by Al Ewing with art by Gerardo Sandoval. Shortly thereafter, Carol was recruited for a prominent position in the Department of Homeland Security. Captain Marvel saved the city but suffered great brain damage in the process which cost her a big portion of her memories. [120], The team had extricated themselves from Gyrich's total control. Captain Marvel: Beware the Flerken! Captain Marvel [225] Carol began to fight Ove and, in the process, Enchantress discovered that he was her future son. Deathbird of the Shi'ar has been a constant nemesis for Carol, but Mystique, M.O.D.O.K., and Moonstone also have a long history with her. The crystals were later destroyed by Songbird's sonic scream. also launched a counterattack as led by John Garrett, forcing Songbird to reveal that she had been a deep-cover S.H.I.E.L.D. to lure Thor to a remote region in Siberia. Upon the Skrulls' defeat, S.H.I.E.L.D. [] The Life of Captain Marvel #1 is an emotional yet action-packed first foray into revisiting the youth and origins of Carol Danvers. Rhodes death enraged Tony Stark and set the stage for the second Super Hero Civil War. Her presence attracts S.H.I.E.L.D. They start to attack her when the baby birds get away. [173], During the final incursion, Carol was one of the heroes that tried to stop Earth-1610 from destroying her Earth. Carol managed to stop the process and instead used the Reality Stone to return to her home universe. [187] Tony lost the fight and slipped into a coma. Once she arrived back on Earth, Carol was hit with the devastating news that Mar-Vell had died from cancer. People began accusing Captain Marvel as an evil alien and a traitor to humanity. With help from Singularity, who took Mjolnir away from Thor, Carol was able to knock out Thor and leave him inside of Singularity, bringing the head of Thor's newest clone to Vox. They were alerted to Moridun's survival when the Avengers of the year 20XX came back to the present day through A.I.M. In the series, Danvers leads an elite squadron of female fighter pilots stationed at an airbase, Hala Field, where she is the only superpowered being; this leads the corps to help Danvers answer questions about her origin, which puts her in conflict with the controlling forces of Battleworld. Eventually, the real Cap emerged to take on his Hydra doppelganger. 5 #28 after discovering the universal decay on his own. Their battle was interrupted by Mar-Vell. After an alarm went off, Captain Marvel stayed behind to cover Som and Spider-Woman's escape. The series, written by G. Willow Wilson, continued into Marvel's "All-New, All-Different Marvel" relaunch campaign that followed "Secret Wars", with Danvers in a key role. The character has also been known as Binary, Warbird and Captain Marvel at various points in her history.[2]. and teleported to the desert Sunspot also conferred the name of "New Avengers" on them. Carol will be spending time off planet. Meanwhile, the Avengers were able to dispose of the bombs from the Kree camps, avoiding further casualties. Much like Scott Lang, she's made the Captain Marvel title completely her own. Whether that will be enough to win over lapsed fans remains to be seen, but this is definitely an interesting way to approach it. [16], Danvers resurfaces with superhuman abilities and becomes the hero Ms. Marvel (created by writer Gerry Conway and artist John Buscema) in a self-titled series in January 1977, at first written by Gerry Conway and later by Chris Claremont. She also was approached by Talos who was desperate to find a shelter for his wife, daughter, and the Skrull civilians and Mar-Vell allowed them to hide at her laboratory as well. The X-Men left Genosha, and convinced Phillip and Jenny to leave with them. The result is a new series that's less a traditional superhero book that an ensemble science-fiction tale. She was teleported into the domain of Bar Sinister, where Mister Sinister's clone army captured her and brought her to the original Mister Sinister, where he then corrupted her. Although Carol was experimented on and tortured, she subsequently turned the tables on Sinister and convinced him to go against the God Emperor, Doctor Doom. Deciding that he might be useful, they also boarded the mutant-powered train. As a consequence of the Psyche-Magnitron's alterations, Carol developed a split personality to access her Kree powers, which included superhuman strength, flight, and a "seventh sense" that caused her to periodically receive premonitions. Fortunately, Carol was able to make Bean see reason, and they returned to the prime universe together with the Reality Stone in tow. [10][11] In issue #12, after having helped the Illuminati to defeat Thanos's army, Black Bolt's brother Maximus joined the team. The Kree decide to use her as a weapon against the Skrulls. Most of the Starforce Blue tried to get to Wastrel, while the super heroines fended them off. [111] When she returned from a date with Sam Adams, she was visited by her not quite dead friend, Salia Petrie. That someone like Captain Marvel hasn't cracked the top 10 is telling. [48], As Warbird, the character returns to the Avengers and plays a key role in the "Kang Dynasty" plotline. The film was written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, with Geneva Logan used it as an opportunity to escalate the fight into a full-on bar brawl. Such retellings of origin stories can quickly be tiresome and meandering, as they don't often have a central conflict beyond marching onwards to the hero's present. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. [50][178][179], Carol's ensuing adventures together with the Ultimates provided her with a look at the scope of the different threats that could endanger the Earth at any minute, causing her to develop an intense concern for the long-term well-being of the planet. [89] Demoted to a mere security guard, Danvers was transferred back to Cape Canaveral. In the aftermath, Tony Stark was ousted from S.H.I.E.L.D. When moving around the Citadel, they decided to escape from Genosha in an aircraft, fighting their way through guards and stealing one, they made a clean getaway.[67]. The comics industry appeals to a much broader demographic than the stereotypes would have you believe, and the Carol Corps were a part of that. WebT'Challa is a fictional character portrayed by Chadwick Boseman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchisebased on the Marvel Comics character of the same namecommonly known by his appointed title of Black Panther.He is depicted as the king of the fictional African nation of Wakanda, which is represented by a inherited costumed [75] However, she was still uneasily unsure about Lawson's activities. On the other hand, the starship wasn't as fortunate, in their escape from the Shi'ar Empire, the ship was severely damaged and was barely holding on. under Nick Fury, and a love interest of Steve Rogers.. Whether it was as Ms. Marvel, Binary, Warbird, Captain Marvel, or just Carol Danvers, the character has had quite the complicated history. [170], A Brood ship suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and the Avengers, including Captain Marvel, battled them. Blond This happens to Rogue on several occasions, which results in an uneasy armistice between the personalities within Rogue's mind. When the rebellion unearthed a tunnel into the citadel, Captain Marvel investigated it with Som and Spider-Woman. [102] She is listed #29 in Comics Buyer's Guide's "100 Sexiest Women in Comics". [120][121][122], As Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers possesses superhuman strength, endurance, stamina, agility, durability, and reflexes. Reality is eventually restored, but the Scarlet Witch removes the superhuman abilities from over 99% of the mutants on Earth. [64] They served on several missions together,[47][65] and seemingly also had a romantic relationship at some point. Debuting in the Silver Age of comics, the character was featured in a self-titled series in the late 1970s before becoming associated with the superhero teams the Avengers and the X-Men. [122], With the help of Ant-Man, they rescued Wasp and shut down the operations of the Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane, which was a front for a training academy helmed by Taskmaster. Rogue, sensing Dazzler's plan, used her powers to push the Sentinel through the portal, but not without being dragged inside with it. The remainder of A.I.M. Thus, Jessica Drew had never been a member of the team. Now truly a new woman, Carol embraced her role as Ms. Marvel and rapidly became a prominent heroine. [88] The Lunatic Legion then ordered the Living Laser to finish Mar-Vell's partner Rick Jones at the hospital. "[223] Jesse Schedeen of IGN gave Captain Marvel #1 a grade of 8.5 out of 10, writing, "If Carol Danvers' life has been all about flying higher and charging towards the horizon, her latest solo series offers a perfect new status quo. [270] In Ultimate Spider-Man, she works on apprehending Norman Osborn after he escapes from the Triskelion. [157] They faced A.I.M. [70][71][72] Danvers also begins to develop a friendship with Spider-Man. After going to several magicians, including Stephen Strange and Nico Minoru, and being rejected by all of them, she went to the Enchantress. The remaining A.I.M. [30][31], Furthermore, Carol Danvers received her powers through an exposure from an explosion of a Kree device called the "Psyche-Magnetron" while assisting Mar-Vell. [264], The Ultimate Marvel imprint features a version of the character without superhuman abilities named Captain Carol Danvers in the "Ultimate Galactus Trilogy" storyline. In this reality Carol was a Corporal and the leader of Zeta Flight, a group of space pirates. As such, her continuous appearances with Marvel's prominent characters throughout the decades turned Danvers into a premier heroine for the publisher. [75], In July 2012, Carol Danvers assumed the mantle of Captain Marvel in an ongoing series written by Kelly Sue DeConnick with art by Dexter Soy. Even after the truth was revealed, the Avengers allowed Carol to accompany Marcus back to Limbo. In the midst of this, Osborn had Moonstone begin wearing one of Carols original costumes, while calling herself Ms. Marvel. This will be an immersive cinematic technology event for the Disney Wish cruise, launching in 2022", "Tom Holland and Brie Larson return as Spider-Man and Captain Marvel in new Disneyland Paris ridesLarson and Holland reprise their hero roles as Disney confirms the Avengers Assemble: Flight Force", "Deadpool Referenced in New Avengers Ride at Disneyland Paris", Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series,, Fictional characters who can manipulate light, Fictional characters with absorption or parasitic abilities, Fictional characters with electric or magnetic abilities, Fictional characters with energy-manipulation abilities, Fictional characters with fire or heat abilities, Fictional characters with gravity abilities, Fictional characters with nuclear or radiation abilities, Fictional characters with superhuman durability or invulnerability, Fictional extraterrestrialhuman hybrids in comics, Fictional feminists and women's rights activists, Fictional United States Air Force personnel, Marvel Comics characters who can move at superhuman speeds, Marvel Comics characters with accelerated healing, Marvel Comics characters with superhuman strength, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Energy manipulation, absorption, and projection, Human/Kree physiology granting resistance to toxins and poisons, "Seventh sense" granting flash precognition. Gallery [277][278], In the universe of the Venomized Rocket Raccoon, the Kree put a bounty on Carol Danvers as Captain America. Rogue was left in a catatonic state after the prison guard tried to assault her, she retreated in her own subconscious and found traces of the psyches of all those who she had touched when her powers were still active. Eventually, Donovan was killed by Norman Osborn and fused with Moonstone. The unexpected emergence of an unrelated team of youthful heroes, the Young Avengers, is also a matter of concern. Following the battle, Carol Danvers was hospitalized and Mar-Vell was forced to leave the planet. [167], When it was realized that the Phoenix Force was heading toward Earth, Ms. Marvel was part of the team sent to stall/take out the Phoenix Force if necessary at all costs. 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