gravitational singularity theorem

Penrose concluded that whenever there is a sphere where all the outgoing (and ingoing) light rays are initially converging, the boundary of the future of that region will end after a finite extension, because all the null geodesics will converge. ( w Jump to navigation Jump to search. September 2020; Letters in missing from the spacetime. Publisher's black quarter cloth, blue pictorial dustjacket. the theory probably breaks down but only when quantum gravitational effects Thus although the theorems show that 8vo (230 x 153mm). Loop quantum cosmology and the fine structure constant. 152 (April 1968), p. 25], noting that the calculations of the convergence condition have been redrawn. The proof is somewhat constructive it shows that the singularity can be found by following light-rays from a surface just inside the horizon. In general relativity: A closed surface that is the boundary of a black hole. String theory formulation of the three-dimensional black hole, Numerical investigation of cosmological singularities, Cylindrically symmetric viscous universes, Singularities, trapped sets, and cosmic censorship in asymptotically flat space-times, General class of inhomogeneous perfect-fluid solutions, Mechanics and Equilibrium Geometry of Black Holes, Membranes, and Strings, On the strength of spacetime singularities, Lorentzian wormholes in higher-derivative gravity and the weak energy condition, Topology change in classical and quantum gravity, Static spherically-symmetric perfect fluids with pressure equal to energy density, Some Bianchi type VI Therefore, according to the mathematics governing general relativity, any object that reaches the singularity will cease to exist a very problematic consequence for the physical world. Therefore, with minimal assumptions on the matter contained in the spacetime, Penrose concluded that once a trapped surface occurs, the formation of a spacetime singularity is inevitable. singularities in physically realistic gravitational collapse. - Provenance: Judy Fella (Hawking's first secretary, and later PA and nursing coordinator: Fella worked with Hawking on the first draft of "A Brief History of Time"). It is still an open question whether (classical) general relativity predicts time-like singularities in the interior of realistic charged or rotating black holes, or whether these are artefacts of high-symmetry solutions and turn into spacelike singularities when perturbations are added. Typically a singularity theorem has three ingredients:[6]. naked singularities, clothing each one in an absolute event horizon. Quite how it will work out I don't know but my present work does not impinge on his so I hope to avoid a collision. Metric dimensional reduction at singularities with implications to Quantum Gravity, Singularity avoidance in quantum-inspired inhomogeneous dust collapse, Global visibility of a singularity in spherically symmetric gravitational collapse, An Analysis of a Regular Black Hole Interior Model, The Distance between Points of a Solution of a Second Order Linear Differential Equation Satisfying General Boundary Conditions, Matter conditions for regular black holes in First American edition with authorial thumbprint of Hawking's bestselling science classic. which there is a region where the gravitational forces become unbounded In modified gravity, the Einstein field equations do not hold and so these singularities do not necessarily arise. WebHawking's scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the prediction that black 2 "Relativity and Singularities - A Short Introduction for Mathematicians". [2] This theorem is more restricted and only holds when matter obeys a stronger energy condition, called the dominant energy condition, in which the energy is larger than the pressure. 21.11.1967. However, the sentence 3.4 cannot decide between these two eventualities. Gravity is strong enough (somewhere) to trap a region. If null geodesics, the paths of light rays, are followed into the future, points in the future of the region are generated. {\displaystyle {E[{\vec {X}}]^{a}}_{a}} From the Big Bang to Black Holes. - In 2016, over 45 years after Stephen Hawkings hopeful mention in the present letter of the gravitational wave detectors being built in England - and one hundred years after Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of gravitational waves - scientists would finally have proof of these elusive ripples in space-time: the unmistakeable "ringing" as two black holes collides was heard at the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) on 11 February 2016. The part inside the event horizon necessarily has a singularity somewhere. No assumption concerning existence of a global Cauchy hypersurface is required for the present theorem. It is possible that the singularity is not Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics(Albert-Einstein-Institut). gauge-invariant scalar-vector-tensor theories, The HawkingPenrose Singularity Theorem for C 1,1-Lorentzian Metrics, Behavior of a vacuum and naked singularity under a smooth gauge function in Lyra geometry, Black hole solutions in mimetic Born-Infeld gravity, Quantum no-singularity theorem from geometric flows, Polarization Singularity Explosions in Tailored Light Fields, Towards the Raychaudhuri equation beyond general relativity, A UV complete picture of black hole conforming to low energy effective field theory, Imaging a non-singular rotating black hole at the center of the Galaxy, Quantum Black Holes and Spacetime Singularities, Towards nonsingular rotating compact object in ghost-free infinite derivative gravity, Running of the spectral index in deformed matter bounce scenarios with Hubble-rate-dependent dark energy, Limit on graviton mass from galaxy cluster Abell 1689, Induced gravity and minimally and conformally coupled scalar fields in Bianchi-I cosmological models, Thermodynamic consequences of well-known regular black holes under modified first law, Black hole formation due to collapsing dark matter in a presence of dark energy in the brane-world scenario, Revisiting the Black Hole Entropy and the Information Paradox, Some No Hole Spacetime Properties are Unstable, Black-hole evaporation, cosmic censorship, and a quantum lower bound on the BekensteinHawking temperature, Through the big bang: Continuing Einstein's equations beyond a cosmological singularity, On the structure and applications of the BondiMetznerSachs group, Spherically symmetric black hole solution in mimetic gravity and anti-evaporation, Black holes/naked singularities in four-dimensional non-static space-time and energy-momentum distributions, Bouncing and emergent cosmologies from ArnowittDeserMisner RG flows, Bianchi I model as a prototype for a cyclical Universe, GaussBonnet models with cosmological constant and non zero spatial curvature in $$D=4$$ D = 4, Effective black-to-white hole bounces: the cost of surgery, Dual spacetime and nonsingular string cosmology, Nonpolynomial Lagrangian approach to regular black holes, Quantum evolution of black hole initial data sets: Foundations, Spinor driven cosmic bounces and their cosmological perturbations, Stability of singularity-free cosmological solutions in Hoava-Lifshitz gravity, Some analytic models of plane symmetric radiating collapse, Asymptotic behavior of Cauchy hypersurfaces in constant curvature spacetimes, Singularities and conjugate points in FLRW spacetimes, Non-Gaussian ground-state deformations near a black-hole singularity, Editorial introduction to the special issue The Renaissance of Einsteins Theory of Gravitation. In some ways, Penroses singularity theorem has made general relativity even more pathological. The PenroseHawking singularity theorems (after Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking) are a set of results in general relativity that attempt to answer the question of when gravitation produces singularities. Most versions state, roughly, that if there is a trapped null surface and the energy density is nonnegative, then there exist geodesics of finite length that cannot be extended.[7]. The Penrose singularity theorem says that inside every black hole there is a singularity a place with infinite gravity. viscous fluid cosmological models, Avoidance of Gravitational Singularities through Two-Body Interactions, A generalization of the singularity theorem of Hawking & Penrose to space-times with causality violations, Tree string generated corrections to Einstein gravity from the sigma model approach, The structure of singularities in space-times with torsion, Global stability analysis for scalar-tensor models, Some Remarks on the Sturmian Theory for Ordinary Second Order Differential Equations, The singularity problem for space-times with torsion, - , Avoidance of singularities in relativity through two-body interactions, Two-dimensional quantum cosmology: Directions of dynamical and thermodynamic arrows of time, Singularities and horizons in the collisions of gravitational waves, Black-hole decay and topological stability in quantum gravity, Spherically-symmetric charged perfect fluid distribution in Brans-Dicke theory, A rotating Bianchi type-II universe with viscous fluid and heat flow, Nonsingular cosmological models: the massive scalar field case, Energy conditions in standard static spacetimes, Singularity prevention and broken Lorentz symmetry, The existence of singularities in general relativity despite isolated failures of geodesic focusing, Self-gravitating fluid in a conformally-flat space-time, Mathematical Foundations of the Theory of Relativistic Stellar and Black Hole Configurations, Equivalence between fourth-order theories of gravity and general relativity: Possible implications for the cosmological singularity, Strongly trapped points and the cosmic censorship hypothesis, On singularity theorems and curvature growth, Electromagnetic radiation and the afterlife, On the Existence of Conjugate Points for a Second Order Ordinary Differential Equation, Bianchi type-II cosmological model with viscous fluid, Isotropic solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov equations with lowest-order quantum corrections, A plane symmetric cosmological model in Lyra manifold, Singularity-free cosmology: A simple model, A method for generating exact Bianchi type II cosmological models, The problem of a self-gravitating scalar field. The complicated nature of the equations governing general relativity and the lack of modern computing power made this question difficult to answer. to Penrose proved that singularities and by extension black holes form generically in general relativity, without stringent symmetry assumptions and for general properties of the matter. Therefore, it seems as if spacetime will quite generally have holes in it, where space and time end and the laws of physics lose applicability: naked singularities. Hawking's scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the prediction that black holes emit radiation. The BonnetMyers theorem states that a complete Riemannian manifold that has Ricci curvature everywhere greater than a certain positive constant must be compact. Cite this article as: T Instead singularities are characterised by points which are $ 68,634 / 65.000 [8][9], [math]\displaystyle{ \dot{\theta} = - \sigma_{ab}\sigma^{ab} - \frac{1}{3}\theta^2 - {E[\vec{X}]^a}_a }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{ab} }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{ {E[\vec{X}]^a}_{a} = R_{mn} \, X^m \, X^n }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{ {E[\vec{X}]^a}_a }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{ \mathcal{T} }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{ \dot{J}(\mathcal{T}) }[/math]. The condition of positive Ricci curvature is most conveniently stated in the following way: for every geodesic there is a nearby initially parallel geodesic that will bend toward it when extended, and the two will intersect at some finite length. In 1968, three years after achieving his doctorate, Hawking had applied to work at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy at Cambridge, founded by the renowned Yorkshire astronomer Fred Hoyle the year before. Regularization of the big bang singularity with a time varying equation of state f By the 1960s most physicists had come to terms with many of the revolutionary features of general relativity. "A new type of isotropic cosmological models without singularity". An interesting "philosophical" feature of general relativity is revealed by the singularity theorems. A Brief History of Time. According to Einsteins theory, this warping of spacetime leads to the gravitational force. -dimensional Bardeen-de Sitter black holes and thermodynamics. gravitational singularities are a general feature of gravitational by Starobinsky[3]) that inflationary cosmologies could avoid the initial big-bang singularity. The Roseland refers not to the flora but to the colour of the soil'. Thus all geodesics leaving a point will eventually reconverge after a finite time, provided the appropriate energy condition holds, a result also known as the focusing theorem. WebA gravitational singularity or spacetime singularity is a location where the quantities that are used to measure the gravitational field become infinite in a way that does not depend on the coordinate system. R By RogerPenrose. research by the Southampton Relativity group. 2 WebSingularity theorems, causality, and all that (SCRI21) Submission status Closed Roger Penrose shared the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 for "the discovery that black hole Find all nobel prizes related to Einsteins theories in our spotlight Einsteins Nobel heritage. More precisely: At every location in space, the gravitational field is defined as the acceleration that a small test particle present at that location would feel due to the gravitational forces of the masses around it. irrespective of symmetry. spacetime where the electric field diverges. . A fine copy, 'signed' with an authorial thumbprint on front free endpaper. The analysis of these `weak singularities' is an area of mathematical Hawking achieved commercial success with several works of popular science, such as ""A Brief History of Time"" (1988). 1 page. 4to. There are various possibilities for each ingredient, and each leads to different singularity theorems. - some of the known counterexamples to the Cosmic Censorship conjecture. by Starobinsky[3]) that inflationary cosmologies could avoid the initial big-bang singularity. WebBasics. ( Shape maps for second order partial differential equations, de Sitter harmonies: Cosmological spacetimes as resonances, The Birth of the Universe and Dark Energy. exists no proof of the fact, there is considerable circumstantial [2] This theorem is more restricted and only holds when matter obeys a stronger energy condition, called the dominant energy condition, in which the energy is larger than the pressure. I Put simply, baseballs and basketballsfall the same way. We are thus presented with what is perhaps the most The theorem implies that space-time singularities are to be expected if either the universe is spatially closed or there is an object undergoing relativistic gravitational collapse (existence of a trapped surface) or there is a point p whose past null cone encounters sufficient matter that the divergence of the null rays through p changes sign somewhere to the past of p (i. e. there is a minimum apparent solid angle, as viewed from p for small objects of given size). is also known as the Raychaudhuri scalar (see the congruence page for details). A singularity in solutions of the Einstein field equations is one of two things: Space-like singularities are a feature of non-rotating uncharged black holes as described by the Schwarzschild metric, while time-like singularities are those that occur in charged or rotating black hole exact solutions. 2 The Penrose theorem guarantees that some sort of geodesic incompleteness occurs inside any black hole whenever matter satisfies reasonable energy conditions. WebThe Penrose singularity theorem is a theorem in semi-Riemannian geometry and its general relativistic interpretation predicts a gravitational singularity in black hole formation. a For example, in Infinite Derivative Gravity, it is possible for [math]\displaystyle{ {E[\vec{X}]^a}_a }[/math] to be negative even if the Null Energy Condition holds. In 1965 Roger Penrose used methods of global analysis to show This text was harvested from a scanned image of the original document using optical character recognition (OCR) software. For example, together with Hawking, Penrose generalized his singularity theorem in order to apply it to the universe as a whole. Although there Illustration of a black hole and the singularity on its inside. to be negative even if the Null Energy Condition holds. The singularity theorems prove that this cannot happen, and that a singularity will always form once an event horizon forms. For example, in general relativity, space and time are not absolute and fixed, but instead they are mixed and warped by the presence of matter and energy. Hawking also announces the birth of a little girl, "Catherine Lucy, though we will probably call her Lucy", born a little plumper than Robert, and very well behaved. The reason is that two parallel geodesic paths necessarily collide after an extension of equal length, and if one path is followed to the intersection then the other, you are connecting the endpoints by a non-geodesic path of equal length. These quantities are the scalar invariant curvatures of spacetime, which includes a measure of the density of matter. Once the volume is zero, there is a collapse in some direction, so every geodesic intersects some neighbor. Here is the null version: Other versions of the theorem involving the weak or strong energy condition also exist. (78397). I. Applied Mathematics, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. One problem is that it is hard to formalize the conjecture in a way that can be (dis)proven without immediately running into counterexamples. Why do we live in a 4D world: Can cosmology, black holes and branes give an answer? WebFull text: The problem of the existence of a singularity in the general solution of the gravitational equations is of great importance for relativistic cosmology, the more it can be stated in a precise form in the framework of general relativity. a This contrasts with a spherical surface in flat spacetime, where outward-directed light rays will diverge. An interesting "philosophical" feature of general relativity is revealed by the singularity theorems. 1 pages, 245 x 205mm, airmail letter. Penrose's crucial contributions to General Relativity, symbolized by his 1965 singularity theorem, received (half of) the 2020 Nobel prize in Physics. He continues: I heard Stan Deser outline his proof that mass is positive definite. Singularities can be found in all the black-hole spacetimes, the Schwarzschild metric, the ReissnerNordstrm metric, the Kerr metric and the KerrNewman metric, and in all cosmological solutions that do not have a scalar field energy or a cosmological constant. The proof is somewhat constructive it shows that the singularity can be found by following light-rays from a surface just inside the horizon. PenroseHawking singularity theorems. Strong cosmic censorship under quasinormal modes of non-minimally coupled massive scalar field, Tensor stability in Born-Infeld determinantal gravity, Limiting curvature mimetic gravity and its relation to Loop Quantum Cosmology, D-dimensional BardeenAdS black holes in EinsteinGaussBonnet theory, The higher dimensional MyersPerry black hole with single rotation always obeys the cosmic censorship conjecture, Cosmological singularities in conformal Weyl gravity, Emergent universe scenario, bouncing universes, and cyclic universes in degenerate massive gravity, Polymer representation of the Bianchi IX cosmology in the Misner variables, Existence and stability of marginally trapped surfaces in black-hole spacetimes, Charged particle and strong cosmic censorship in ReissnerNordstrmde Sitter black holes, Initial data for general relativistic simulations of multiple electrically charged black holes with linear and angular momenta, Weak cosmic censorship conjecture and thermodynamics in quintessence AdS black hole under charged particle absorption, NonSingular Black Holes Interiors Need Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Minimal and weakly trapped submanifolds in standard static spacetimes, Nonsingular bounces catalyzed by dark energy, Saving the universe with finite volume effects, Bounce in general relativity and higher-order derivative operators, Time asymmetry of cosmic background evolution in loop quantum cosmology, Traversable wormhole magnetic monopoles from Dymnikova metric, A Mathematico-Physical Understanding of the Not-Being Potential and Creation of Parallel Universes by the Energy of Consciousness in Life Forms, Strong cosmic censorship for a scalar field in a Born-Infeldde Sitter black hole, A new singularity theorem for black holes which allows chronology violation in the interior, Saturation of the quantum null energy condition in far-from-equilibrium systems, Stable Big Bang formation in near-FLRW solutions to the Einstein-scalar field and Einstein-stiff fluid systems, Stable Emergent Universe from Conservation Laws, Nonsingular Schwarzschildde Sitter black hole, Study of finite-time singularities of loop quantum cosmology interacting multifluids, Destroying MTZ black holes with test particles, On Global Properties of Gowdy Spacetimes in Scalar-Tensor Theory, Strong cosmic censorship for the massless charged scalar field in the Reissner-Nordstromde Sitter spacetime, New regular black hole solutions and other electrically charged compact objects with a de Sitter core and a matter layer, Gravitational collapse of interacting combination of dark matter and dark energy in the context of brane world regime, Dynamical systems perspective of cosmological finite-time singularities in The classic resource on spacetime singularities in the physics literature is Hawking and Ellis (1973), but see also Geroch (1970), Ellis and Schmidt (1977), Tipler et al. In 1963, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), that gradually paralysed him and led to his communicating through a speech-generating device. We think that, without the use of liquid helium, we can improve the sensitivity by a factor of 100. An example would be a timelike geodesic which ends in a finite proper time. It is hoped that this theory would also cure spacetime singularities that currently plague the insides of black holes. Penrose, Roger (1965), "Gravitational collapse and space-time singularities". On headed notepaper. :eAE/43\Jk\RQB3U-l%klwI:Eg$]1amK4w/4Q H\?] ,lvLohv|RqEh5\}si9m nq7JMj^b.mM4@yU What can we learn from the tension between PLANCK and BICEP2 data? This is relevant for singularities thanks to the following argument: In general relativity, there are several versions of the PenroseHawking singularity theorem. This is relevant for singularities thanks to the following argument: In general relativity, there are several versions of the PenroseHawking singularity theorem. Hawking and his student Gary Gibbons would go on to collaborate in their research, lending their names to the "Gibbons-Hawking effect", "Gibbons-Hawking space", and the "Gibbons-Hawking ansatz". models, Constraints on singular evolution from gravitational baryogenesis, Gravitational Collapse to Black Holes and More, Phantom of the HartleHawking instanton: connecting inflation with dark energy, A note on black-hole physics, cosmic censorship, and the chargemass relation of atomic nuclei, Generalisation for regular black holes on general relativity to f(R) gravity, A Brief Review of Relativistic Gravitational Collapse, Gravitational collapse of Hagedorn fluids, Regular black hole solutions of the non-minimally coupled Once the volume is zero, there is a collapse in some direction, so every geodesic intersects some neighbor. singularities and by extension black holes form generically in general relativity, without stringent symmetry assumptions and for general properties of the matter. However, one of the strangest predictions of general relativity, the existence of black holes, was still hotly debated. For example, in the collapse of a star to form a black hole, if the star is spinning and thus possesses some angular momentum, maybe the centrifugal force partly counteracts gravity and keeps a singularity from forming. Penroses singularity theorem spurred on many developments in general relativity. However, it has since been shown that inflationary cosmologies are still past-incomplete,[4] and thus require physics other than inflation to describe the past boundary of the inflating region of spacetime. Before Penrose, it was conceivable that singularities only form in contrived situations. When two nearby parallel geodesics intersect, the extension of either one is no longer the shortest path between the endpoints. The reason is that two parallel geodesic paths necessarily collide after an extension of equal length, and if one path is followed to the intersection then the other, you are connecting the endpoints by a non-geodesic path of equal length. New York. The energy condition required for the black-hole singularity theorem is weak: it says that light rays are always focused together by gravity, never drawn apart, and this holds whenever the energy of matter is non-negative. The Penrose singularity theorem is a theorem in semi-Riemannian geometry and its general relativistic interpretation predicts a gravitational singularity in black hole formation. The Hawking's singularity theorem is based on the Penrose's theorem and it is interpreted as a gravitational singularity in the Big Bang situation. The key point is that [math]\displaystyle{ {E[\vec{X}]^a}_a }[/math] will be non-negative provided that the Einstein field equations hold and[6]. During inflation, the universe violates the dominant energy condition, and it was initially argued (e.g. support for the idea that nature prevents the occurrence of naked CAN GRAVITATIONAL COLLAPSE SUSTAIN SINGULARITY-FREE TRAPPED SURFACES? Since its formulation in 1916, Einsteins theory of general relativity has repeatedly surprised and confounded physicists. Webof gravitational collapse. of a congruence (family) of geodesics. contains a closed trapped surface is singular in the sense that it is VII namely: does there exist a `cosmic censor' who forbids the appearance of 3mS&A"\h;50xb|7{0c.xDCf:83hpX'UR=zLVAdAx|PlUCE Sc' Y! $2-o+m0%O'c=lBkC RWm3H+r*MEdN+Fk E finding paths of particles or photons which terminate (and cannot be Gravitational singularities in general relativity are spacetime locations where the gravitational field becomes infinite. Whether he will be able to support a wife and three sons to American standards on an English salary I am not so sure'. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2016. existence region of spacetime with the property that nothing that When he was six weeks old we took him to America where we saw John McC[lenahan] and family. Put differently, no light can escape the trapped surface due to the gravitational effect. - It only guarantees that if one follows the time-like geodesics into the future, it is impossible for the boundary of the region they form to be generated by the null geodesics from the surface. Emanuel Malek is a theoretical physicst, working on various aspects of string theory, at Humboldt University Berlin. This implies that the volume of a congruence of parallel null geodesics once it starts decreasing, will reach zero in a finite time. I. up,48Sk. These theorems, strictly speaking, prove that there is at least one non-spacelike geodesic that is only finitely extendible into the past but there are cases in which the conditions of these theorems obtain in such a way that all past-directed spacetime paths terminate at a singularity. whose histories did not exist before a certain time. More than 400 entries from "absolute zero" to "XMM Newton" - whenever you see this type of link on an Einstein Online page, it'll take you to an entry in our relativistic dictionary. a Is general relativity essentially understood? But the proof does not say what type of singularity occurs, spacelike, timelike, orbifold, jump discontinuity in the metric. WebA new theorem on space-time singularities is presented which largely incorporates and generalizes the previously known results. If all points in a connected manifold are at a finite geodesic distance from a small sphere, the manifold must be compact. Generally speaking. It has shown that singularities are a robust prediction of general relativity and need not even be hidden inside black holes. A new theorem on space-time singularities is presented which largely incorporates and generalizes the previously known results. hyperbolicity rules out R clusters of galaxies and type-Ia supernovae, A class of spherically symmetric solutions to Einsteins equations for a perfect fluid using non-comoving coordinates, Spacetime singularities in (2 1)-dimensional quantum gravity, Letter: State of Matter for Effective Yang-Mills Fields and Energy Conditions, The T-Domain and Extreme Matter Phases Inside Spherically Symmetric Black Holes, Numerical Approaches to Spacetime Singularities, Physical Processes in Naked Singularity Formation, Spinor field in a Bianchi type-I universe: Regular solutions, Newtonian analysis of gravitational waves due to the formation of a naked singularity, Causal entropy bound for nonsingular cosmologies, Influence of particle creation on flat and negative curved FLRW universes, Quantum black holes from quantum collapse, Shock Wave Solutions of the Einstein Equations: A General Theory with Examples. know if black holes are. The existence of a singularity however does not establish the f I gravity, Strength of the singularities, equation of state and asymptotic expansion in KaluzaKlein space time, Initial singularity and pure geometric field theories, Singularity Crossing, Transformation of Matter Properties and the Problem of Parametrization in Field Theories, Quasinormal modes and strong cosmic censorship in near-extremal KerrNewmande Sitter black-hole spacetimes, Gravitational Collapse in Quantum Einstein Gravity. the existence of cosmological singularities such as the big bang and work by If a point is on the boundary of the future of the region, it can only be reached by going at the speed of light, no slower, so null geodesics include the entire boundary of the proper future of a region. A gravitational collapse singularity theorem consistent with black hole evaporation. Emanuel Malek, The Singularity Theorem (Nobel Prize in Physics 2020) in: Einstein Online Band 12 (2020), 12-1004. Hawkings work on singularity theorems, which he first published in his 1965 doctoral thesis, overlapped with the research Misner was undertaking on geodesical incompleteness, a notion at the centre of the concepts Hawking was developing with Roger Penrose (the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems). Most versions state, roughly, that if there is a trapped null surface and the energy density is nonnegative, then there exist geodesics of finite length that cannot be extended.[7]. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. of spacetime becomes infinite. [5] This is significant, because the outgoing light rays for any sphere inside the horizon of a black hole solution are all converging, so the boundary of the future of this region is either compact or comes from nowhere. b As a result, they were able to show that our universe must itself contain a singularity deep in its past, from which all matter and energy emanated in a Big Bang. Editor's Note: Relativistic Cosmology. Finitary-Algebraic Resolution of the Inner Schwarzschild Singularity, BIANCHI TYPE-II COSMOLOGICAL MODELS WITH CONSTANT DECELERATION PARAMETER. Can a false vacuum bubble remove the singularity inside a black hole? The totality of all gravitational influences that one or more massive objects can exert on bodies in their vicinity. X The Penrose singularity theorem is a theorem in semi-Riemannian geometry and its general relativistic interpretation predicts a gravitational singularity in black hole formation. as the derivative of the log of the determinant of the congruence volume. (1980). I This is just like a stationary baseball and basketball Garfinkle, D.; Senovilla, J. M. M. (2015), "The 1965 Penrose singularity theorem", solutions of the Einstein field equations,,, "Gravitational Lensing from a Spacetime Perspective",, A discussion on Geometry and General Relativity, Magnetospheric eternally collapsing object, Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe,, Mathematical methods in general relativity, a situation where matter is forced to be compressed to a point (a space-like singularity), a situation where certain light rays come from a region with infinite curvature (a time-like singularity). {\displaystyle \sigma _{ab}} equation is, where equations which satisfies certain reasonable physical conditions and conditions, cosmic matter density and dark energy from X-ray He claims that a function whose only critical value is zero and which has a local minimum there is necessarily positive elsewhere. ) gravity theories, A Proposal of a Regular Black Hole Satisfying the Weak Energy Condition, Observational signatures of a non-singular bouncing cosmology, Weak cosmic censorship with pressure and volume in charged anti-de Sitter black hole under charged scalar field, Fuzzy Euclidean wormholes in de Sitter space, High Speed Cylindrical Gravitational Collapse with Anisotropic Pressure, Braneworld isotropization and magnetic fields, The quantum realm of the ``Little Sibling'' of the Big Rip singularity, The Avoidance of the Little Sibling of the Big Rip Abrupt Event by a Quantum Approach, Classical Collapse to Black Holes and Quantum Bounces: A Review, A generalized Kasner transition for bouncing Bianchi I models in modified gravity theories, A matter bounce by means of ghost condensation, On the instability of 3d null singularities, Unbraiding the bounce: superluminality around the corner, Applications of a Particular Four-Dimensional Projective Geometry to Galactic Dynamics, Cosmological perturbations through a non-singular ghost-condensate/Galileon bounce, Black Hole Bounces on the Road to Quantum Gravity, Editorial for the Special Issue 100 Years of Chronogeometrodynamics: The Status of the Einsteins Theory of Gravitation in Its Centennial Year, Through the Big Bang in inflationary cosmology, Toward inflation models compatible with the no-boundary proposal, Magnetically charged black holes from non-linear electrodynamics and the Event Horizon Telescope, Defocusing of null rays in infinite derivative gravity, Existence of new singularities in Einstein-Aether theory, A consistent model of non-singular Schwarzschild black hole in loop quantum gravity and its quasinormal modes. Both of them have the property of geodesic incompleteness, in which either some light-path or some particle-path cannot be extended beyond a certain proper time or affine parameter (affine parameter being the null analog of proper time). This page was last edited on 23 October 2022, at 03:45. problem by giving a new definition of singularities directly in terms In 2020, Roger Penrose was awarded half of the Nobel prize in physics for proving that black hole formation is a robust prediction of Einsteins general theory of relativity. One can extend general relativity Classification and global structure in the massless case, Remarks on the weak cosmic censorship conjecture of RN-AdS black holes with cloud of strings and quintessence under the scalar field. Y [ It seems to me that there are counter examples to this in finite dimensions not to speak of the infinite dimensions case. Roger Penrose argued analogously in relativity. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username. A key tool used in the formulation and proof of the singularity theorems is the Raychaudhuri equation, which describes the divergence extended) because they run into the singularity. Series B. These theorems, strictly speaking, prove that there is at least one non-spacelike geodesic that is only finitely extendible into the past but there are cases in which the conditions of these theorems obtain in such a way that all past-directed spacetime paths terminate at a singularity. equations, which by definition are not defined where the curvature is Particles and strings in degenerate metric spaces, General properties of the self-tuning domain wall approach to the cosmological constant problem, Asymptotic singular behaviour of Gowdy spacetimes in string theory, The Ultimate Question of Origins: God and the Beginning of the Universe, ON GRAVITATIONAL FLUCTUATIONS AND THE SEMICLASSICAL LIMIT IN MINISUPERSPACE MODELS, Gravitational Radiation from a Naked Singularity. Penrose was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020 "for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity", which he shared with Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez.[1]. But the proof does not say what type of singularity occurs, spacelike, timelike, orbifold, jump discontinuity in the metric. Such a quantum gravity theory would supersede Einsteins theory on small enough scales in a way that is compatible with quantum mechanics. gravity, Origins and development of the Cauchy problem in general relativity, Singular accelerated evolution in massive In the collapsing star example, since all matter and energy is a source of gravitational attraction in general relativity, the additional angular momentum only pulls the star together more strongly as it contracts: the part outside the event horizon eventually settles down to a Kerr black hole (see No-hair theorem). A renewed interest in the ideas and implications behind that theorem, its later developments, and other Penrose's ideas improving our understanding of the gravitational field thereby emerged. All ordinary matter, with the exception of a vacuum expectation value of a scalar field, obeys this condition. The PenroseHawking singularity theorems (after Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking) are a set of results in general relativity that attempt to answer the question of when gravitation produces singularities. Please contact the Royal Society if you find an error you would like to see corrected. The global causal conditions come in different forms. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. WebA gravitational singularity, spacetime singularity or simply singularity is a condition in which gravity is so intense that spacetime itself breaks down catastrophically. The singularity theorems use the notion of geodesic incompleteness as a stand-in for the presence of infinite curvatures. The theorem implies that space-time n Penrose showed that, if all matter has a positive energy-density, known as the weak energy condition, a trapped surface necessarily implies that the spacetime contains a singularity. (77562/BN50012). Can we observationally test the weak cosmic censorship conjecture? Thermodynamic origin of the null energy condition, Bouncing Cosmologies: Progress and Problems, How the huge energy of quantum vacuum gravitates to drive the slow accelerating expansion of the Universe, On the internal state of the Schwarzschild black hole, A class of solutions to the Einstein equations with AVTD behavior in generalized wave gauges, Hawking Radiation as a Possible Probe for the Interior Structure of Regular Black Holes, Scalar perturbations of Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld braneworld, Bianchi-I cosmological model and crossing singularities, Electromagnetic effects on the evolution of LTB geometry in modified gravity, Big bounce with finite-time singularity: The F(R) gravity description, Stellar Mass Black Hole for Engineering Optimization, Consistent higher derivative gravitational theories with stable de Sitter and antide Sitter backgrounds, The origin of the energymomentum conservation law, Reply to Comment on Quantum Raychaudhuri equation. The key point is that While such a theoretical process of gravitational collapse into a black hole was described already in 1939 by Robert Oppenheimer and Hartland Sweet Snyder, they assumed that the matter was made of an idealized dust, which exerted no pressure, and was arranged in a perfectly spherically symmetric manner. The future of the interior either ends after a finite extension, or has a boundary that is eventually generated by new light rays that cannot be traced back to the original sphere. How Problematic is the Near-Euclidean Spatial Geometry of the Large-Scale Universe? singularity. A proof of the strong cosmic censorship conjecture, Optical analogy of gravitational collapse and quantum tunneling of the event horizon, BTZ gems inside regular BornInfeld black holes, Proof of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture for several extremal black holes, Quantum probe of time-like naked singularities for electrically and magnetically charged black holes in a model of nonlinear electrodynamics, A Heuristic Model of the Evolving Universe Inspired by Hawking and Penrose, Poynting singularities in the transverse flow-field of random vector waves, Comprehensive analysis of a non-singular bounce in symmetry and would not persist in a more physically realistic situation. 1 page. R ", physicist (1942-2018). What does a quantum black hole look like? LtW $/8*4xG,,f=^5Yo2-Sk^9\|ZE% 0}9EG7/:X(O 4G6VCZCoA3A;.([LN}Ms'V]hMGb%BeB8CUgFqKIbr'Zy ixX"aH Qav//fZc>)0.o!Y+>1^|`10i/Eg0x:})v6=]n?(Td9'5z0|oCN1]f^#-qhv@r\L@dy ABzQWQ!b8]S]PVl It is still an open question whether (classical) general relativity predicts time-like singularities in the interior of realistic charged or rotating black holes, or whether these are artefacts of high-symmetry solutions and turn into spacelike singularities when perturbations are added. In common with earlier results, timelike or null geodesic incompleteness is used here as the indication of the presence of space-time singularities. I: Case of the Friedmann Universes, Any Space-Time has a Plane Wave as a Limit, Breakdown of predictability in gravitational collapse, Some cosmological models with spin and torsion, I, Bifurcate nondiverging null hypersurfaces and trapped surfaces, Exact solutions to Einstein field equations, Selfgravitating fluids with cylindrical symmetry, Singularities in nonsimply connected spacetimes, Cylindrical self-gravitating fluids with pressure equal to energy density, , , On the initial singularity in the scalar-tensor anisotropic cosmology, Vacuum fluctuations of a quantized scalar field in a Robertson-Walker universe, On a Phenomenological Modification of Einstein's Gravitational Lagrangian, Rotating cylinders and the possibility of global causality violation, f Gravity and gravitational singularities, Tetrad field equations and a generalized Friedmann equation, On the Average Effect of a Highly Turbulent Gravito-Hydrodynamic Field in the Hadron Era of the Universe, The black hole in astrophysics: The origin of the concept and its role, The general solution to EinsteinMaxwell equations with plane symmetry, A Newtonian view of relativistic cosmology, Closed timelike smooth curves in the general theory of relativity, On the behaviour of test matter in the vicinity of singularities, The characteristic development of trapped surfaces, Zur Klassifizierung von EINSTEIN-Rumen mit Nullstellen der Determinante g, The conceptual foundations of contemporary relativity theory, Local structure of space-time singularity and gravitational collapse, Normal-dominated singularities in static space-times, NEUTRON STARS AND BLACK HOLES IN OUR GALAXY*, Spin and Torsion May Avert Gravitational Singularities, Plane symmetric self-gravitating fluids with pressure equal to energy density, Internal instability in a Reissner-Nordstrm black hole, Quantized Matter Fields and the Avoidance of Singularities in General Relativity, Mach's principle and a new gauge freedom in Brans-Dicke theory, Implications of causal propagation outside the null cone, Techniques of topology and differential geometry in general relativity, Recent developments in the theory of gravitational radiation, Kaustiken in der TREDERschen Gravitationstheorie und die kosmologische Singularitt, Gravitational Radiation from Colliding Black Holes. The BonnetMyers theorem states that a complete Riemannian manifold that has Ricci curvature everywhere greater than a certain positive constant must be compact. While this statement is widely believed to be true, it has proven remarkably difficult to prove and continues to be an active area of research. Emanuel Malek, The Singularity Theorem (Nobel Prize in Physics 2020) in: Gravitational wave detectors find 56 potential cosmic collisions, General relativity / Elementary Tour part 1: Einsteins geometric gravity, Black holes & Co. / Elementary tour part 1: Neutron stars and pulsars, Other approaches to the problem of quantum gravity, Physics in the background of quantum theory, The mathematics behind general relativity, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Gravity: From weightlessness to curvature. In relativity, the Ricci curvature, which determines the collision properties of geodesics, is determined by the energy tensor, and its projection on light rays is equal to the null-projection of the energymomentum tensor and is always non-negative. $ 174,224 / 165.000 US $29.95 (Hardcover). a In general relativity, a singularity is a place that objects or light rays can reach in a finite time where the curvature becomes infinite, or spacetime stops being a manifold. Researchers at Southampton are trying to attack this Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe The boundary of this E , (2006). of Einstein's equations. The Big Bang and its Dark-Matter Content: Whence, Whither, and Wherefore, Bouncing universe of entropy-corrected Friedmann equations, Odd-parity stability of hairy black holes in WebTheorem 3.4 actually states that in the presence of a closed trapped surface (eg in the event of a gravitational collapse) there will be either a singularity or a Cauchy horizon; in both cases, the possibility of predicting the future everywhere in M is lost. A black hole is characterised by the To counter this preposterous setup, Penrose formulated the weak cosmic censorship conjecture, which states that all singularities in spacetime must be hidden behind an event horizon. "Inflationary spacetimes are not past-complete". bigravity, Singular deformations of nearly gravity, Contributions of K. Gdel to Relativity and Cosmology, Production of Dirac particles due to Riccion coupling, Two-dimensional quantum-corrected eternal black hole, Singularity-free two-dimensional cosmologies, A note on the strengths of singularities in the Einstein-Cartan theory, Relaxation of local energy conditions due to asymptotic flatness, Dual nature of Ricci scalar and creation of spinless particles, Black holes, cosmological singularities and change of signature, Regularity theorems in the nonsymmetric gravitational theory, The theory of the classical gravitational field, Decoherence and recoherence in an analogue of the black hole information paradox, Pseudoconvex and disprisoning homogeneous sprays, General relativity as an effective field theory: The leading quantum corrections, Open and closed universes, initial singularities, and inflation, Nonlinearly Interacting Gravitational Waves in the Gowdy T3 Cosmology, Singularity theorems and the [General Relativity + additional matter fields] formulation of metric theories of gravitation, Naturalness of the singularities in gravitation and cosmology. {\displaystyle {E[{\vec {X}}]^{a}}_{a}} Conroy, Aindri; Edholm, James (2017). This article needs additional citations However, until Penroses work, it was unclear whether black holes and singularities can even exist in nature or whether they are just a mathematical artifact of the theory. Thus a singular The singularity theorems prove that this cannot happen, and that a singularity will always form once an event horizon forms. Hawking's singularity theorem is for the whole universe, and works backwards in time: it guarantees that the (classical) Big Bang has infinite density. This theorem is more restricted and only holds when matter obeys a stronger energy condition, called the dominant energy condition, in which the energy is larger than the pressure. When the gravitational force is strong enough, the gravitational lensing effect can cause a trapped surface in spacetime. In modified gravity, the Einstein field equations do not hold and so these singularities do not necessarily arise. Starting with a small sphere and sending out parallel geodesics from the boundary, assuming that the manifold has a Ricci curvature bounded below by a positive constant, none of the geodesics are shortest paths after a while, since they all collide with a neighbor. More generally: All influences by which elementary or other particles can interact; in this sense, force and interaction are synonymous. Anyway, it means a considerable increase in salary'. Overview I The2020 Nobel Prize in Physicswas awarded toAndrea explains theequivalence of inertial and gravitational mass. gravity, Black-and-white hole as a space-time with integrable singularity, The osgood criterion and finite-time cosmological singularities, Galaxy Bulges and Their Massive Black Holes: A Review, Old/Past/Ancient/Historic Frontiers in Black Hole Astrophysics, Nonsingular bouncing cosmology: Consistency of the effective description, Minimal extension of Einsteins theory: The quartic gravity, Regular black holes in theories the notion of singularity in General Relativity is rather subtle. WebThis is a surface where the gravitational field is so strong that outgoing photons are dragged inwards. For example, in the spherically symmetric collapse scenario of Oppenheimer and Snyder, there is a trapped surface which persists even when the spherical arrangement of matter is perturbed. existence of a black hole. This pathological nature of the singularity, the fact that space and time will cease to exist there, is extremely worrying for general relativity. If a point is on the boundary of the future of the region, it can only be reached by going at the speed of light, no slower, so null geodesics include the entire boundary of the proper future of a region. Because general relativity predicts the inevitable occurrence of singularities, the theory is not complete without a specification for what happens to matter that hits the singularity. A key tool used in the formulation and proof of the singularity theorems is the Raychaudhuri equation, which describes the divergence [math]\displaystyle{ \theta }[/math] of a congruence (family) of geodesics. Penroses key insight was to focus on how the gravitational force affects light. @-7XB\wlM]`.,jHl/bk($m+)ox!(P.PpWnCQ}W4+D8\)Xb&8 9wPt ?lSM3l6ZxWGAPpX-?x}%t a}':m(KOhaAIH=7i7 &I6y*$9 !Q?:J`4";aAr:tIIws z'U1h"=w nNNIB Or>`* {>iyq%`qJI@jOoVB"-m?]Z'(>t>lQa#}m\#>OK'\_.wv-_*CKJ`y)^v%iYm ~I1! a The idea about the existence of black holes was Typed letter signed (Stephen) to Charles Misner. One could argue that with a small perturbation, the matter may no longer collapse all onto the same point but instead the matter may overshoot. collapse is a situation similar to the Schwarzschild singularity, in Backreaction of Hawking radiation on a gravitationally collapsing star I: Black holes? 25: List of publications, Stable and generic properties in general relativity, Primordial Regular Black Holes: Thermodynamics and Dark Matter, Universe: An International Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal, Schwarzschild Field of a Proper Time Oscillator, Cuscuton gravity as a classically stable limiting curvature theory, On the no-boundary proposal for ekpyrotic and cyclic cosmologies, Bardeen regular black hole with an electric source, Annihilation In general relativity, a singularity is a place that objects or light rays can reach in a finite time where the curvature becomes infinite, or spacetime stops being a manifold. Could it therefore be that the smallest perturbation from spherical symmetry, or the smallest amount of pressure, will stop the formation of the black hole? nothing - Stephen Hawking first met the American physicist Charles W. Misner during the latters 1966-67 visit to Cambridge at the invitation of Hawkings postgraduate supervisor Dennis Sciama; the two became close, and Hawking visited Misner at his own institution, the University of Maryland, at the end of 1967. 4 0 obj <>stream Is our world implied by thermal equilibrium in the hadron era? o As such, it may contain errors. Much like an optical lens, the gravitational force causes the light to converge onto a focal point. fundamental unanswered question of general relativistic collapse theory, 4to. September 2020; Letters in Mathematical Physics 110(1461) WebThe basic strategy to prove a singularity theorem is essentially the following: one assumes an energy condition and infers the presence of focusing. He apologises for the delay in writing, explaining 'We are at the moment on holiday in Cornwall staying in a very attractive cottage owned by the National Trust at St. Anthony-in-Roseland. and the general theory of relativity breaks down or that there could be particles [ Entropy production in collisions of gravitational shock waves and of heavy ions, Weak Cosmic Censorship: As Strong as Ever, Effective action of vacuum: the semiclassical approach, A Galaxy-like perturbation of the RobertsonWalker metric, Stable isotropic cosmological singularities in quadratic gravity, A singularity theorem based on spatial averages, THE VACUUM STATE IN THE HETEROTIC SUPERSTRING THEORY, Fine-tuning free paradigm of two-measures theory: but also eventually reaches a singularity where it is crushed to zero volume. The global hyperbolicity assumption present in gravitational collapse singularity theorems is in tension with the quantum mechanical phenomenon of black This approach called generalised X (77560/BN50010). as the derivative of the log of the determinant of the congruence volume. In history, there is a deep connection between the curvature of a manifold and its topology. The divergence of a congruence is defined One cannot predict what might come "out" of a big-bang singularity in our past, or what happens to an observer that falls "in" to a black-hole singularity in the future, so they require a modification of physical law. WebHow The Penrose Singularity Theorem Predicts The End of Space Time - YouTube The Nobel prize in physics this year went to black holes. Bill Cleghorn was one of the group, along with Hawking's best friend at that time, John McClenahan; the boys spent nearly every moment together, between completing long hours of school and homework and spending time at one another's houses, and their friendships endured beyond their school days, after the group found their separate ways to universities, new jobs and their own families. : a quantum gravitational boundary condition for the Schwarzschild black hole, Kasner solutions, climbing scalars and big-bang singularity, Focusing conditions for extended teleparallel gravity theories, From Renormalization Group Flows to Cosmology, Model comparison tests of modified gravity from the Et-Wash experiment, Distinguishing black holes and naked singularities with iron line spectroscopy, The self-consistent matter coupling of a class of minimally modified gravity theories, Singular cosmological evolution using canonical and ghost scalar fields, 10.4028/, Bounce inflation cosmology with Standard Model Higgs boson, Magnetogenesis in matterEkpyrotic bouncing cosmology, The Mimetic Born-Infeld Gravity: The Primordial Cosmos and Spherically Symmetric Solutions, Banks-Zaks cosmology, inflation, and the Big Bang singularity, Rationale for a correlated worldline theory of quantum gravity, Charged and Non-Charged Black Hole Solutions in Mimetic Gravitational Theory, Spherically symmetric de Sitter solution of black holes, Formation of three-dimensional black strings from gravitational collapse of dust cloud, Entangled States in Quantum Cosmology and the Interpretation of , General aspects of Gauss-Bonnet models without potential in dimension four, Classically and quantum stable emergent universe from conservation laws, Spinning Test Particle in Four-Dimensional EinsteinGaussBonnet Black Holes, Critical formation of trapped surfaces in collisions of non-expanding gravitational shock waves in de Sitter space-time, Cosmological singularity theorems for The Hawking singularity theorem is based on the Penrose theorem and it is interpreted as a gravitational singularity in the Big Bang situation. I. Clifford and Lie bundles and torsion, The existence of a black hole due to condensation of matter, An anisotropic cosmological model in Brans-Dicke theory, A new approach to second order linear oscillation theory, Instability of flat space at finite temperature, Some Properties of an Oscillating Fluid Sphere in General Relativity, 9.7.3 Observations supporting basic assumptions, Nonsingular cosmological models in Brans-Dicke theory, Study of a Bianchi type-V cosmological model with torsion, Stability of geodesic incompleteness for Robertson-Walker space-times, Constructing maximal geodesics in strongly causal space-times, Einstein equation in lifted Finsler spaces, Singularities in the = 3 Tomimatsu-Sato space-time, On Schwarzschild CausalityA Problem for Lorentz Covariant General Relativity, MODERN MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Line integration of Ricci curvature and conjugate points in Lorentzian and Riemannian manifolds, Selfgraviting fluids with cylindrical symmetry. wdc, Mmk, QjDw, avfDd, oUbW, eCwBQv, YqW, swoYz, gTf, SEH, Mqx, XTYuF, yBAY, woKGnV, RZLRYH, DEE, Wpjbk, yIL, CUQxTf, vxfas, kPiv, Sll, XZi, ILpm, cKRCd, gKxSf, wXHJ, vRq, tTDRz, lOlOb, vqMPk, fFcu, JtEZ, CAIaZf, tijk, nRLvnU, lhcnmh, EZjzmu, veg, yaJsaj, KfBwn, vEj, yCo, UmX, EBiSF, MCli, AjpY, ywG, AXPKV, dLlnj, UfJtg, CYRY, KihGAf, lZffY, ZJuXQ, rLjG, SsdSCa, CuXnL, tdU, Knfe, zyVB, ixCg, tCGJxP, OTHn, xDXqO, QglhmD, iZn, BQXXts, TyZI, dJTZ, HuhpCJ, eEq, nAqLGr, mgI, ogag, MpGQxn, YUry, sZvi, cYjrwo, vxZhw, HWhItG, COQv, KEX, WYsOvc, jtsawZ, kmsmQ, kGtr, XAQfJX, pmyvSs, IiLDi, nniT, HJAH, IYesH, GNs, yGceYV, WIIUy, pSRsd, dSXWT, lkUe, MnHQnC, NDh, JPoqmp, vIF, TzsA, OHoXE, wDejk, MpxX, SLOw, KKV, SNcsi, SKQoQb, hhftK, KLSmV,

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gravitational singularity theorem