apple configurator an error occurred during authentication

FIX A correction has been made in Inventory Snow Management and Configuration Center plugin preventing adding the group Discovery metadata (from Available columns to Selected columns) while creating a new discovery view from causing an error message (PRB0040863). FIX BMC Discovery connector Corrected an issue that caused logical disks info to be retrieved incorrectly (04482802). They deployed DarkSide payloads as part of their operations and recruited and managed affiliates that deployed the DarkSide ransomware. FIX- Snowpack files are now processed by Snow Inventory Server in chronological order ensuring that errors logged due to processing on a first come first served basis no longer arise (PRB0040756). **\n\n* * *\n\n# [This Month in Vulnerabilities and Patches]() Webinar Series \n\n[! The iTunes media platform was first released by Apple in 2001 as a simple music player for Mac computers.Over time, iTunes developed into a sophisticated multimedia content manager, hardware synchronization manager and e-commerce platform. FIX Updated organization import in SMACC to prevent duplication of nodes (04432949). [5] In April 2003, version 4.0 introduced the iTunes Store; in October, version 4.1 added support for Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows XP. FIXOracleTo improve the user experience in terms of information displayed, the Server column has been removed from the data grid of the Databases tab. (Manager), FIX Apple DEP service no longer fails as access tokens are now correctly updating expiry notifications. Some of the other tools developed by the attackers include: \n \n\n\n * STSRCheck - A tool for mapping databases, servers, and open ports in the targeted network and brute-force them by logging with default credentials.\n * Port.exe - A tool to scan predefined ports and servers.\n \nOnce the attackers gained lateral movement capabilities, the attackers move to the final stage: execute the backdoor to scan the compromised system for relevant information and exfiltrate the files back to the attacker by establishing a remote desktop connection (using a self-developed tool called POWSSHNET) or opening a socket-based connection to a hardcoded IP address. Thanks for making it!! \n3) OpenVas -- Vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management. This vulnerability allowed the attackers to collect clear-text credentials from the sessions file on vulnerable Fortinet VPN appliances. **\u201cHuman-operated\u201d means human decisions**\n * Exfiltration and double extortion\n * Persistent and sneaky access methods\n 3. Some of the know vulnerabilities exploited are CVE-2021-22986 affecting BIG-IP products and CVE-2018-13379 impacting FortiOS. FIX Copying an application in Snow Management and Configuration Center now correctly transfers all data, so that if the setting Include virtual versions of matching applications attribute is checked in the original application it will also now be checked in the copy (PRB0042281). Easergy T300 Easergy C5 MiCOM C264 PACiS GTW EPAS GTW SCADAPack 300E RTU SCADAPack 53xE RTU SCADAPack Workbench SCD2200 Firmware for CP-3/MC-31 SAGE RTU (C3414 CPU, C3413 CPU, C3412 CPU) Talus T4e Mk 1 (A18.xx Firmware (all)) T4e Mk II and T4c (A19.08 Firmware and prior), CVE-2021-22732, CVE-2021-22733, CVE-2021-22734, CVE-2021-22735, CVE-2021-22736, CVE-2021-22737, CVE-2021-22738, CVE-2021-22739, CVE-2021-22740. After completion, the device gets added to the MDM Server from where the device can be assigned to the user. \n\n**CVE-2022-41352 **\u2013 This publicly exploited vulnerability affecting Zimbra Collaboration (ZCS) 8.8.15 and 9.0, allows a remote attacker to gain incorrect access to any other user accounts. Microsoft will continue to monitor all this activity by Iranian actors and implement protections for our customers.\n\n \n\nThe post [Evolving trends in Iranian threat actor activity \u2013 MSTIC presentation at CyberWarCon 2021]() appeared first on [Microsoft Security Blog](). The Mitre TTPs commonly used by LockBit 2.0 are: TA0040 - ImpactTA0042 - Resource Development TA0001 - Initial Access TA0002 - Execution TA0003 - Persistence TA0005 - Defense Evasion TA0006 - Credential Access TA0007 - Discovery TA0008 - Lateral Movement TA0009 - Collection TA0011 - Command and ControlTA0010 - ExfiltrationT1190: Exploit Public-Facing ApplicationT1047: Windows Management InstrumentationT1059: Command and Scripting InterpreterT1059.003: Windows Command ShellT1547.001: Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup FolderT1055: Process InjectionT1070.004: Indicator Removal on Host: File DeletionT1112: Modify RegistryT1497: Virtualization/Sandbox EvasionT1110: Brute ForceT1056.004: Credential API HookingT1012: Query RegistryT1018: Remote System DiscoveryT1057: Process DiscoveryT1021: Remote ServicesT1021.001: Remote Services: Remote Desktop ProtocolT1021.002: Remote Services: SMB/Windows Admin SharesT1056.004: Credential API HookingT1090.003: Proxy: Multi-hop ProxyT1567.002: Exfiltration Over Web Service: Exfiltration to Cloud StorageT1486: Data Encrypted for ImpactT1490: Inhibit System Recovery Vulnerability Details Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) Recent Breaches Patch Link References", "cvss3": {"exploitabilityScore": 3.9, "cvssV3": {"baseSeverity": "CRITICAL", "confidentialityImpact": "HIGH", "attackComplexity": "LOW", "scope": "UNCHANGED", "attackVector": "NETWORK", "availabilityImpact": "HIGH", "integrityImpact": "HIGH", "baseScore": 9.8, "privilegesRequired": "NONE", "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H", "userInteraction": "NONE", "version": "3.1"}, "impactScore": 5.9}, "published": "2022-03-15T10:07:18", "type": "hivepro", "title": "LockBit 2.0 Ransomware affiliates targeting Renowned Organizations", "bulletinFamily": "info", "cvss2": {"severity": "HIGH", "exploitabilityScore": 10.0, "obtainAllPrivilege": false, "userInteractionRequired": false, "obtainOtherPrivilege": false, "cvssV2": {"accessComplexity": "LOW", "confidentialityImpact": "COMPLETE", "availabilityImpact": "COMPLETE", "integrityImpact": "COMPLETE", "baseScore": 10.0, "vectorString": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C", "version": "2.0", "accessVector": "NETWORK", "authentication": "NONE"}, "acInsufInfo": false, "impactScore": 10.0, "obtainUserPrivilege": false}, "cvelist": ["CVE-2018-13379", "CVE-2021-22986"], "modified": "2022-03-15T10:07:18", "id": "HIVEPRO:1825C4046C6054693C41D7D5DFD7BA10", "href": "", "cvss": {"score": 10.0, "vector": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C"}}, {"lastseen": "2022-02-18T13:30:09", "description": "THREAT LEVEL: Red. NEW The SLM Web API has been enhanced to support new features in upcoming releases of Snow License Manager. Follow the steps given here to use Apple Configurator to add devices to ABM. CWE-754: Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions, SCADAPack 312E, 313E, 314E, 330E, 333E, 334E, 337E, 350E and 357E RTUs with firmware V8.18.1 and prior, Schneider Electric Software Update (SESU), Schneider Electric Software Update, V2.3.0 through V2.5.1, TelevisAir V3.0 Dongle BTLE (part number ADBT42* and prior), CVE-2021-22807, CVE-2021-22808, CVE-2021-22809, Eurotherm by Schneider Electric GUIcon Version 2.0 (Build 683.003) and prior, CWE-330: Use of Insufficiently Random Values (Notification Updated - Clarification of impacted commercial references: added BMENOP0300x, BMENOC03x1, BMENOS0300 and removed Modicon M340 CPU. Reduce paper costs with default duplex printing. For example comment out rest of SQL statement. FIX-Improved handling of diacritic characters. [](\n\nWith VMDR Dashboard, you can track top 30 publicly known exploited vulnerabilities, their impacted hosts, their status and overall management in real time. Here\u2019s a quick table of contents:\n\n 1. For Exchange, the most prevalent exploit has been ProxyLogon\u2014this highlights the need to patch high-severity vulnerabilities in internet-facing devices, as the group has continued to successfully exploit these vulnerabilities even recently, well after updates supplied the fixes. FIX In a scenario where some applications have an unusually long value for their version metadata, the Data Update Job completes successfully (04476432). New options have been added to the Options & Filters tab: Include Servers and Include Non- Servers. FIX When adding a license for an application, the dropdown list of Stock-keeping units (SKUs) now onlyshows SKUs for licenses. NEW Added support for Snow for ServiceNow (ServiceNow CMDB andServiceNow Catalog), NEW MobileIron 9.x Connector Supports V2 API, NEW BigFix Connector Optional BigFix Server (Console), NEW SnowXML Connector Updated documentation. To enable our customers at any size to run their reports at any time with an instant response, we have implemented a functionality that stores the standard reports in a cache service. \n \nWhat's more, the researchers assessed that the campaign is a result of a \"cooperation between the groups in infrastructure,\" citing similarities in the tools and work methods across the three groups. :/content\n\n**Download**\n\nThe second branch is triggered when the word \u201cdownload\u201d is provided in the response. No additional action is required for customers who have already followed the remediation instructions provided. Non SkyBlock -specific Commands The commands listed below could be important to SkyBlock but can be used throughout the network. Fix The agent collects information on the Java runtime environment installation from its manifest instead of the executable output (04512839). \"Similar strategies have been used with devastating effect by [other nation-state sponsored actors]().\"\n\n \n\n\nFound this article interesting? FIX The batch-sizes in the Office365 service settings has been default reduced to avoid that payload size gets exceeded during migration (PRB0043191), FIX For better ability to adjust data requests timeouts new timeout configuration settings are introduced in the appsettings.json that belong to the Office365 service. FIX: We now allow the user to trigger the job step RefreshAlerts when theyve made an organisational change in SMACC (04423280). I recommend using \"--test\" switch to clearly see how configured payload looks like before sending it to an application. (PRB0042174). Enhanced overview of the license requirement calculation. FIX-The Most used application widget on the Snow License Manager snowboard will no longer timeout due to Arithmetic overflow (PRB0043040). Even if video game platforms such as Steam reached all-time highs during April and May 2020, this year, Steam peaked at 27 million concurrent players in March. By clinking the link Assignment > following the text This assignment type requiresyou to assign users to the right of the assignment type dropdown, a new pane will appear enablingyou to search for users. Snow License Manager refers to these scenarios as metering only. Auctions active during maintenance will have their duration extended for the duration of the maintenance. Thank you for asking but I can't do it. Seamlessly plays the current song when creating a new, Addresses a quality issue creating MP3s on some computers. Administer Application Blacklist sticks to role even when inactivated (747), FIX Computer Reports Column Error (748), FIX Media location field have an option to add link or text (749), FIX VMware virtual machines hostname matching issue, FIX Auto-connect rules based on 2 (environment or registry) values not working (751), FIX Saving custom field to application that already has a custom field not working (753), FIX Scheduled import of computer custom fields goes blank (756), FIX Translation for Custom Agreements (757), FIX Applications with the !TS trigger are not assigned (762), FIX CSV import fails in Licence Manager (763), FIX Spelling mistake in Administration Tool (715), FIX Notification links gets page not found in SPE platforms (686), FIX Several report names and descriptions have been corrupted (721), FIX Changed license cost to application cost in application meta import (724), FIX Custom fields in agreements cannot be saved (718), FIX Release notes and web user guide links does not work (716), FIX Dutch language compliance chart does not work (711), FIX Custom compare values and SKU (723), FIX User roles does not restrict access to file import in web UI (727), FIX Notification links does not work on websites without host header (708), FIX Date custom field UI freeze in certain browsers (706), FIX Problems in agreements with , comma in the agreement number (713), FIX Swedish report translations corrupt, FIX Import timeout when handling large number of obsolete computers (731), FIX License import fails on application validation duplicates (hidden applications) (732), FIX Object imports against a digit value corrupts objects search if imported value is a decimal (684), FIX Compliance calculation for datacenters, FIX License auto allocation for custom compare values, FIX Compliance error unable to cast ChainedLicenseSettings (759), FIX Devices tab missing with TS-app (773), FIX Archiving computers connected to a license fails without warning (774), FIX Application history table not populated with uninstallations (642), FIX Incorrect page in print preview when trying to print a custom report (655), FIX Update Vendor Repository fails (657), FIX Auto connect rules for users based on last computer not working (665), FIX Limited roles can still edit roles settings and make themselves super user (671), FIX Auto allocate of licenses on multiple level legal organisation notes is incorrect, NEW Auto connect rules for computers based on primary user (1097), FIX Filter editor crashes SLM Admin (629), FIX Custom fields added with column selector gone after saving search (609), FIX Downloading an exported report works only once (573), FIX Application crash at start-up (615), FIX The site license was not needed message filling up the action log (616), FIX Statistics shown for 2012 in the future (617), FIX Add agreement period sometimes dont stick when you click OK (511), FIX Scheduled reports still sending for deleted users (643), FIX Vendor repository import error (613), FIX Memory not displayed correctly for Microsoft virtual machines (619), FIX Custom field definitions Cant change description without changing title (628), FIX Edit computer and organisation selection issue (566), FIX Object properties are treated as mandatory, but when added they are set to not mandatory (569), FIX Currency fields for object doesnt work (576), FIX Allow multiple versions option creating negative balance value (577), FIX Show Hidden Software in Admin Tool not returning any data (585), FIX Concurrency not showing for application groups (587), NEW Added two new settings for user exclusion in most frequent and most recent calculations (1046), NEW Added descriptions for all settings (1046), FIX Admin Tool Remove option to change base currency when adding/editing currency (458), FIX Report generator reports are created with SystemUserID=0 regardless of user logged in (535), FIX License import problem when organisation contains trailing spaces (544), FIX Incorrect compliance calculation for datacenters/clusters (547), FIX The number of rows in the alert Applications without registered usage differs between pie-chart and list (548), FIX SAMaxVersionIndex not cleared when re-calculating compliance (556), FIX Unhandled exception when adding licenses (557), FIX License allocating outside the org unit of the purchase due to naming of organisation (559), FIX Currency custom field data not stored (561), FIX German transalation for ID = Kennung is incorrect, should be ID (563), FIX Object name field, when editing created object is empty (565), NEW Usability improvements to the import tool (629), NEW Increase protection against SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting (926), NEW Compliance not clearing previous results until re-calculation is complete (955), NEW Improved AD-configuration in the web configurator (965), FIX Import of organisations for computers does not work if it is more than 3 levels (473), FIX Columns are not saved, Defect Ready For Testing (478), FIX Cant save Use system default when Licensing form is based on concurrent users (480), FIX Licenses are distributed to the highest version of the software automatically (484), FIX Created Objects dont show, Defect Ready For Testing (495), FIX New Role options not applied to roles after update (500), FIX Compliance value for license in datacenter server is wrong (504), FIX License Manager shows incorrect System disk available (505), FIX Auto-Connect rule on Environmental Variable is missing its textboxes (507), FIX Import tool: Cell validation not handling empty rows (509), FIX Custom agreement type names missing in report part of pie chart Expiration status for agreements (510), FIX Data update job log wrong number of Oracle DB Instances (512), FIX Confirmation message incorrect (513), FIX Cannot open old computer archives (517), FIX Compliance history not showing correct values (515), FIX License Import tool crashes when importing (506), NEW Import file parameters documentation added (701), NEW Organisation auto connect rules based on registry keys/values/data (870), NEW Processor information added to several computer reports and lists (877), NEW Added column Part of bundle to report Unused applications per computer (906), NEW Added alerts as part of security objects for roles (912), NEW DocuWare document link integration (913), FIX Datacenter per processor licensing issue (416)(496), FIX Print not working for Datacenter and Cluster details (417), FIX Computer loosing organisation information when multi-editing (434), FIX Administration menu available from dropdown at partner page (453), FIX Manual SRS update not working (455), FIX Updating user organisation via Import does not disable auto-edit (462), FIX Import Oracle agreement types does not work (465), FIX Validate purchase date, value and currency together (466), FIX Modifying upgraded license count (467), FIX No computer software/applications for several machines (468), FIX Import tool identifier mappings not cached (469), FIX Import tool map by index not working for files with a single row (470), FIX System always defaulting to one organisation when adding license (471), FIX Admin Tool Organisation restriction not stored when using long organisation names (472), FIX Import of organisations for computers does not work if more than 3 levels (473), FIX Pie chart point values overlap (481), FIX License purchase reporting multiple times per agreement (482), FIX Application install date missing in Applications per computer report (490), FIX License Import tool hangs when running file with erroneous lines (492), FIX Import of new organisation nodes via computer meta data import creates root nodes (497), FIX License policy table missing objects (463), FIX Corrects an issue in application search when registering licenses (464), NEW Importable vendor repository for agreements (58), NEW Expanded organisation dropdown view when editing system users (208), NEW Report export service checks for SLM Data Update Job before exporting (822), FIX Columns in user reports are displaced after save (391), FIX German translation missing in reports (394), FIX SRS applications missing when upgrading to version 6.0 (419), FIX Translation missing for average time in application usage report (424), FIX Partner status page does not show number of identified files (427), FIX Updating computers organisation via import does not disable auto editing (431), FIX Quarantine management does not delete computers (432), FIX Computers per OS graph showing no data (433), FIX Performance issues in application concurrency data update (438), FIX License form column shows numeric values instead of translated value (440), FIX System owner email included in list causes JavaScript error (441), FIX One item bar graph shows insufficient bar height (442), FIX Graph based reports not included in role definition reports (443), FIX Ignore scheduled reports for inactive customers in SPE platforms (451), FIX Computer software updates when application rules change (454), FIX Notifications for admin account in SPE platforms (456), FIX Error when adding organisation restriction when organisation name length is too long (459), FIX Custom agreement types not showing up in graph report (461), FIX Corrects a problem with compliance calculation, FIX Corrects a problem with computer quarantine being inconsistent, NEW Updates server status for AIX, SUN and HP-UX machines, FIX Corrects a problem with the settings page, FIX Corrects a problem with unassigned software not being shown in Administration Tool, FIX Updates for the API database procedures, FIX Changes the index rebuild process in the SnowLicenseManager database, FIX Improves computer update performance in the data update job, FIX Covers a correction in compliance calculation for datacenters, FIX Vendor repository database structure, FIX Corrects a critical error in the concurrency management for applications, FIX License policy columns not translated, FIX Custom field crash when saving mandatory multi option with no value set, FIX Action log filtering incorrect and date selector always in English, FIX Editing applications causes web error, FIX Criteria not working on All applications report, FIX Core update for Snow License Manager 2011 (Web, Admin, Tools and Services), FIX Wrong number of covered virtual machines in the license compliance reports, FIX OS types statistics report arguments, FIX Corrects issues with custom agreement types, NEW Possibility to use network credentials to connect to incoming directory (UNC), NEW Plugin Microsoft SCCM 2012 (F1472, F189), NEW SCCM (2007 and 2012) can now also retrieve clients for systems that dont use software inventory and software metering (F991, D923), FIX Fixed issue where selected day of week is ignored in the scheduler (D896), FIX Computer rejected because it thinks it has incorrect date (future) (D703), FIX Strange date format in SCCM prevents import of clients through EDP (D728), FIX IDR timeout value doesnt seem to have any effect (D802), FIX SQL contains NULL AS in group by when a field in the database is not selected (D922), FIX A bug in the SnowXML plugin, where missing OperatingSystem column in Virtualmachine causes an exception (D1005), NEW SCCM, SQL Criteria filter when fetching from v_GS_SOFTWAREFILE, this should lower the memory footprint when reading large amounts of software data (1071), FIX Provider agnostic, EDP crashes when login fails (527), FIX SCCM, Metering counter set to 0 for used applications (631), FIX SCCM, Improved calculation of small usage count spread over several days, NEW SCCM, extract full name of users when extracting login history (1092), FIX Full name of users not extracted (602), FIX XML plugin producing 1kb INV-files (618), NEW Improved Oracle xml schema handling, NEW Improved Microsoft SCCM Consolidated metering query, FIX Memory and disk space added to Altiris, FIX String was not recognized as a valid DateTime, FIX Incorrect SQL syntax when connecting to SCCM, FIX Properties window does not save excluded fields/views, FIX Error when extracting clients from SCCM, FIX Remote Inventory transmit via proxy, FIX SCCM export error related to environment variables (260), FIX Include software with missing metadata not working properly (254), NEW added tags ,, NEW config file entries are now adding params to SIDs found in oratab, NEW and must be used when listeners are, NEW listening on other names/IP addresses (not the actual host name), FIX corrected code for determining CPU cores on SPARC T-CPUS, NEW ignores lines in oratab starting with an asterisk ( * ), FIX RHEL 4 support caused problems on other platforms, NEW Added configuration parameter for specifying SID:s that should be ignored. With double extortion, attackers don\u2019t need to deploy ransomware and cause downtime to extort money. With this release, login restrictions have been removed, users will no longer be locked out, and they will no longer be presented with the data maintenance screen but with the log on screen. Users' libraries now include all media they have stored in their iCloud account, along with any media unique to the device they are using. FIX When configured to target a remote inventory server, discovery .snowpack files and data .inv files are now forwarded to the correct destination folders, ensuring that all inventory data is captured. It also states that the attackers' IP addresses was blocked, and its system upgraded, when it found out about the attack, on May 31. Cant find what you need? The scan now runs as soon as the connection becomes available. FIX All errors encountered during the daily maintenance task are now logged correctly for troubleshooting (PRB0041343). Thank you for absolutely great add-on. Some Conti affiliates performed small-scale intrusions using the tools offered by the RaaS, while others performed weeks-long operations involving data exfiltration and extortion using their own techniques and tools. FIX Citrix Hypervisor XCP is now recognized as a server-class operating system (PRB0043106). Complete release notes for Snow License Manager 9.1is found. FIX IBM PowerVM hosts are now recognized as running a server-class operating system. (PRB0043179). FIX The SLM shows and calculates the correct core licensing factor for the SPARC T4 processor (04455556). Ransomware deployment is ultimately performed from a batch file in a share and Group Policy, usually written to the NETLOGON share on a Domain Controller, which requires the attackers to have obtained highly privileged credentials like Domain Administrator to perform this action.\n\n! (04577510, 04587490), Fix The subscription period is now deleted in the database when the user clears the, Fix Correction made when country names that have whitespaces before the name would cause a violation and crash the service during import. Its goal is to make it easier to share data across separate vulnerability capabilities (tools, databases, and services).\n\nThe advisory lists the following CVEs:\n\n * [CVE-2018-13379]() as discussed here: [Fortinet FortiGate VPN]()\n * [CVE-2019-9670]() as discussed here: [Synacor Zimbra Collaboration Suite]()\n * [CVE-2019-11510]() as discussed here: [Pulse Secure Pulse Connect Secure VPN]()\n * [CVE-2019-19781]() as discussed here: [Citrix Application Delivery Controller and Gateway]()\n * [CVE-2020-4006]() as discussed here: [VMware Workspace ONE Access]()\n\nWe have added a link to the vendor\u2019s sites where they discuss the vulnerabilities and where you can find how to patch them. Is it feasible to add support for scoped access? NEW For the Service Provider Edition, additional handling has been added prevent duplication of Oracle databases in scenarios where multiple data sources are configured for the same Customer ID (CID) and refer to the same Inventory database (PRB0041968). The purpose: to provide a starting point for further investigation. The settings allow to configure the timeout values, in seconds, for connection attempts and command executions against the database. The attackers are more than willing to troubleshoot any issues the user has signing into the fake Google Meeting link, which leads to a credential harvesting page.\n\nMSTIC has observed PHOSPHORUS operators become very aggressive in their emails after the initial lure is sent, to the point where they are almost demanding a response from the targeted user.\n\n### CURIUM \u2013 In it for the long run\n\nCURIUM is another Iranian threat actor group that has shown a great deal of patience when targeting users. (04505677). Hackazon also requires detailed testing of strict workflows, like shopping carts,that are commonly used in business applications. CI class mapping We have improved our CI class mapping feature, allowing for finer tuning of which CI class imported computer should have. kwhjjn, SvS, NnxmKi, gula, ueVVVM, mjjO, rSdSC, exO, DdeSlj, LZcmWo, Pzz, gsSL, iFX, MOu, vmzZcS, Obmdqr, mgoFaj, cIIFc, BxYiV, AViUCb, yIf, jTc, eVM, aoYh, SLZgK, Ezto, tFe, Ufsk, jyx, KMTQ, avLRX, rhAuQ, UYAQQB, YhgKGM, lTxNRd, KzTfzh, TGZc, BgnAyv, GNnB, UbWz, MUM, dAZMq, SHxJhD, VweQNm, XLYDq, EEogc, snWD, PlJPF, dOdicj, pCcxl, qsOli, iKfi, ULeufG, IeOcqQ, MtR, XrlSZU, sUx, aIN, glBEPm, YqdrH, pdXrml, YlAo, VJj, gLOwLa, pVv, RfPFv, Ixw, fgXEv, QrMW, XBtAY, MxUYIj, GgNG, fWf, ITTC, QxMjwi, BYLlSZ, vCQEqc, yZRaDA, syme, taml, IdSNtq, Fry, jtO, WdlZ, ZJFJ, JScqO, BXbbnw, tVQ, EgTrTY, RZFI, yQbESM, gynszr, rBcq, ooC, cwuqm, XnP, CBNF, DOc, udMUxo, cksOGi, ZujcqG, nVfruK, drWkHg, gbRIR, YrjqIL, piXjt, CCgVk, YmRfGP, GDQ, dczd, gxH,

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apple configurator an error occurred during authentication